HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-28, Page 3a. WINTER SHOES KING OR KNIYE! W - ENDLESS VARIETY et Style tied Frio*. at the H etentabliaba - Shoe Store 01 E. DOWNING. sari net eimened to nae \tyke or ettyle,!but onitallesiyou your choice of the Best Productions Is fuottss►gillae all tie Leading Ianufacturer • s the Dominion. I'riom lower than at any other store le the Dominion for the same claw of Goode. Ordered Work • meal to Ova beet i• Canada. NO SLOP WORE PAiR Gt .%I*.U1Tk.ZD. Repairing done Promptly .ed Right. E GOWNING, Car. emit at. and &suure. Goderlch. Ir. ¶, t k.a. 1w1 r.• Pa: • •s -a Is a rete, fns-, and etee tad del t e: er oe teems .a s_. -•. e + •w lskda WHY EVERY FARMER should ire: one of Armstrong's Improved I' IT'o. DRAIN & SEED CLEANERS? BE0AU3E K -it allow. no foul seals to he Moen into the chaff wbi: b is of great Impurtwe" to every termer who wtat.rs to keep his farm clean. ad. 1t mien and rlmsa all Timothy seed frost any kind of grain while cleaning the grain. led. Per Market cleaning it removes Cockle. ('heel and rhruatrn grain. and glees eke farmer the moat ooseih1 weight for hle g rain with no llaneresary doss. Oh, It will sample grain for sbow aid seed Purposes equal to hand picktott. • tb. ('leanings seed Wheat it remove* all Cocke. Mustard seed. Wild Peas Wild n es and other foul and shrunken sod broken grain. air' gives Ow farmer pan. clean. seed grain: alb. it win clean tats. Harley. &c . tl,or- ov ghty without waste et grouts tab. -('leaning Prase : 1t will separate the sand. gnarterrd. halves Mata and whole Pees from each other. carrying each to a different tb. 1t Is• perfect ('lover seed Machine. re- moving all dun, broke° and dao seeds and other .tela Larger 'or smaller than the ('lover seed. tb. -It Ma first elms Gram seed Machlor. blows no meds away. tltth.- h lea good Flax seed Machine. gib.- 1t is °Oast clam chafer. MO !teen be tined into the oldest fuhioSed Yamaha, Mill that to led aside a useless sad snake it do the work of . new ell. c•. -It can be aft°ebed to a new 14*11 with- out Nearing it. •ad caa be removed at an tines as smelly asa three combined. It smelly �eutW nInterfere with the use of the re- deem of the Min. tan,-- Its sieves are nearly all perforated ade- tI_ ao ft hes a ewp'My of slyly beab*Ietlt gala lir boor. Mb. it M as cheap 5e the ordinary Iraingellt ?hull sterna Mb. -'Crary Maehtre in Goa WINTAIM. Mend yoer ord.r at race H 7011 want it this ea°en. If ynu have sot seen a Machine oak to love one semi for Imtgoeet sen. and that you take it no condition it snits. I° dderinee by malt OM/ inside width of Moe of Canniest Mill. ARMSTRONG BROS., G-oderioh, Ont. 7141 t ..►.,Sd. 4* e 444444-4 ..4» 55.4,.«. aeT�I� .se e.srsas ww a_. s...r►, web., so me of tr.e s. •.•. owe n,1 .Y...r e••+ . O M. Wt. _w 6.14 N. aromo4 reel= =sr.. ., wm - .*__..4 ie..'�'.*. e..s ..Are. -- men iter Mame, es. Alms M nv..•.r. N e 1444.44.• OSA r aal.A reef d nor b a, w w . pea. M.•t. w.. ew A Thrilling and Dram - attic Novel BY R• E. FRANCILLOtt CHAPTER IX Twee. Ih TSE !WAXING. • alting in sileaoe, while the Do.tor, with an "Kees*, tan, my dearer --a mut diffi- cult ewer, M high 114, - retailed W Lis vol tune. et any rate 4. h4 ream -bona flu could not make Mines out at all. He, war roues ed teat tete !haler WAS for rune. i +-ti aeon Ot ..the: d r'if- sx hien; and yet buw could he remain really dowered abut sr sea • pit • fact as the, pawn ee, now or recently ill this hats of •pFtrl who :aunt be known t.. weigbmore tat *Mine me or --a fart Mot he sight Ieeru by tb.- amplest hupdries; Con- cealment smwoed so inert, f. 1a. and yet bs could feel aim, bobt that Marlon w as bei",; emended. Angry impatledce was rising up in bice, even a Idle aware that be vim miter - lag into an'unklames oow•try, where be niu•t aa.ur.stly l.. • tb•• track exams be eras -Used patba a end 1es1 I eel II .ntly be • sold have sewn what was pa.., ill the mind .4 Wyndham Spell: Vessel he was in the exe.1 walling among eggs. Do -tor, *title sltrlsg at b1a open volunt seeetwd U. we tiso whole IueuKfol gnashing Hund him. For b. had set down Marion Me teed:. of Land as • (contain of sham for many year- t' coma, end, on the rtrt'ngt of her. had deott with hie original retaining (.w in ways tett %mmid baro mads his w11 heti she knows of these et kir IlMlan Wbat with the .nflu,sce that a tntan 0t b termination wont!, ne a matter of e• exert over 1 yo4I14 woman. and when with hat ksotriodes/ or belt father. ants,s'- deny be dual rs.0 his way to mak ng an ex avail -41y One mama id goatee sunshine whieli promised t.. cantina a lenn.nts e V more delightful than gold. For he was .. mouth a greedy as • needy Iran: a roto i deed overflowing with all sorts of humpoo which turn gold could not mppcase. A now, Just when be Hemel: everybody w FAN and txrtaui. lust wbsea Ion bast s. triune pliantly overwhelmed hari.sa wath arose power that we W.raAD .11 earth could cors tiune to withstand. Mira earner this M t) mead Ws ,not. dytne Karp.. Vise. Knave., and all. Lnetlly, ne hard IN 4. c.,mmitted timsolt, toll an irrevocable lie: and he had gains. sate interval for taougtst by sending 1. Jelin. And tem -hoe' would it d,. to std.' to his old ground. and call his wife wither that there was *,1, and [rove bed been, any creature Lving W botsie beetles their two .'It' ' :to Theme was • servant; and there was prince of Wake. hurl by. How would it an serer to admit the presence of a gust, but the character of a lunette who could mot i SOM. and whs. wither an face, nor in age, hi name, cess Marw•a! That might do leiter if be could ntaneg. to give Cs wife his cue Rut nn-- it would t.a too detests. as well t„odangen,a a game. lie would have to rent Marken eleewh-t r for.' while, and to provii:e himself with mid minim answering to his deer-rlpti.m view of a second visit --and how Nos that les done' And the lunacy laws. though ems. vemeat instruments, are apt to turn tale remissly in elm hands of teems wh.. try to play with !bens in an amateur way. Kut-- "I beer 1* he exclaimed at tan seised w,th a real inspiration. "I've grit st. by all that's Klee. . . . I• -I realty beg your pardon. Kr. Iserwest," he *41.,51 bier sly: for. like ninny smother phnloiopbrr engaged on • problem, he had forgotten for the moment that he was alone "1 mean i've ,potted her ladyships s symptoms, that have hen purling the faculty for years. A little ebullition is exeuealsl- Suddenly tete door wee thrown open; and. standing within it. like • picture 1a its frame, liuv beheld a grim woman with ice in her bearinse and thunder in her eyes. "LIr. Snr11•. rhe brake out, ••what bareyas dose with that girl •r -'loaf- Jola ' cried the doctor,•"what are you talking about • Are you ••Ye& Wyndham, 1 am: You've, no call to randad me theme's viaitlrx; 1 r•e that : and 1 se • great deal more. Aod 1 dost care vele bare -m, nedtbur who they are, nor whet they are; If they were ala groan What have you dose with that girl r Wyndbatat Snell tried the effect of that mighty frown tan whirl, he plumed himwlf as being i16perial in its peer t.. mere,, •r: awn. Rue, though backed by • per'ollsr mo =Of the the -s masonic sign well wider ani by certain initiated wives -ft tailed. sed the proctor was left looking lits a bal- led Jove. - "l eek you.' ssidtb. lady, "what have you done with Miss Marion Furness, and where's inks gva., Ab -you may pretend to stare. lits well 1 kaow what's been 'Mug ou under my very eyes --bet my noes- eloase. A. ff I didn't r tirougb that -- that baggage. the very minute she came: isaV >[ 1 wan took in by tricks that wouldn't le a bytry' ,1s if 1 didn't know what a girl's up 4o that daces her her like that, and what's op whoa • nae (bat ought to be ad:anted of himself, if the isn't, gets. pblland'are up ase down the stairs. Y. philandering. Dr time??. Rat to• a, the THE 81tJAL, FRIDAY, NOV 2$, 1890 w nit 11111 1t e.*1 to Ilia "w■ mean Mitt nut even his anger antis h►s wiM ap- nF ,r0k.+d the letterman ..Q Iib raw against �rtua 10.1 the: rage Was her. on art><rt*t d her La. ung brougbt Irt,a tat•, tins insane of trouble than ow behalf of vault,, whit*, 1n lM teaderest pleat, hal received a. eel Muer. llevetrhad n dammed upon bus that he was sot lrr.dstebae, eves when she had rnpalewl bis ad,eh•es la • way that a nines leen rraHy thickskimmed person w.wM lake been able to understand Ile bad regarded he. Leber. foul of t eetm.lry ea bit • trlfilug nkirntr6 that gives mei to vice ry, and .enable, a wo- man t„ yield without ("dotting the formal buuuun u/ war. And -Me bat 1 really goer. nay, trail outwitted as well a. 'epulsr.I hum. Marmon Farmer, had trade W yudltai' Sued (eel W. r feet- that r to say, she. bad dons what Ll. metre experience ..t himself, (despite • life of ugbrokeu failure. had hitherto fail- ed 10.l . Aad what Ulan ever 1..rg,tve • woman who ne•k*m Lim IOU hke s fool! Ile amid •1111.-trr turgtvr Li. owe wife atter , shaking Icer for his owe limit, or a benefit., ; for t whom her has beau lutg.ateful. . had the worst of It ism that he .,.aid nut even Voss se bas in;t really earned ..fr auJ "- Wilma away •young and pretty girl Thor.• was nu salve left Ice poor Vaulty - tem-. Me, after • whole minute's dent 'MORON Le soddatdy turned to Guy wi'b the calmest ami outset of satalhe. "i'm a. ry," he mil, "that it comparative stranger should have tanto penes at ill p little dunes.tit• scene. Rut we seen -•n44• oleo -aver ttu•rates haA bI. I;ray Mare; alai 11 h you arra • married luau you'd time: n•.th lag of it, yell w.,uldu't i1tJt-Illi. Yrs W) -..i hank Knelt watt be sorry i.r flee --when wo. rn• mew,' he :.ld.J is a gentler vole, still. "1 an wanting,- sail 4.157. tae rum "(pert,• tai every mem would ave AIWA! eway.se. rule. Od what dowsers. was gibe the "kepis? What would hy.!.m to her it tar rr.wlgedI Wee she really oro eeted to pew be • mad antler's patient had the really Mown symptoms of hav labertted blee our„• that heti beau Mid masa uwib•r' It was •horrible idea. and yet it udgbt 1. true dad melee dont perceive their ,.t' y mind. Nut Man, imps away mat. mewled)Wf ' baro papa . u.,4rsmg .(iL7J s E TAII ORIl� he le ver and I base tt'p*ge Ute tin u outhtttA 1..0- Br Jing., ,t womiki tae rather fan, and Uc ; it Would he . heap.owl l wtThemll� 1890. 1890. ••Wbwe ars. we suttee tot' nine flat -mei "Nevose you nuaduew. Ike would, Ino .tonbt, 5,•,u to Imr• , triply t Ind and _r There that' - telf t • father awl her physirme. tabu t• lel t , users? o • ,r but again' No -I'm hanged it 1 say .tt m.oues. of aaduct ,m hr: port that ran!" wlgbt hake nstde her suspaet loon, heti the • I'Irom felt rather thea brew liar 4. lath s.+uth. m In "there. halbug to Ilnd thew, 11.1 glut of tie tethers. through adark pseaag.s' jjai kale, shy- war the vs,•tim .4 .dr1u.nons, sirwtgly .tpelltug u(etahrse, and with only a 1'• Asap \I1 . Sued ova, really an ante•1 Of lenge. lamp to keep a1yl4*ty from stumbling a.' awl .'tardy. Y.: asap. the hoe., in o. er a broken petit of nosh .touee It was Rupi.rueysse Terrace Is the eyelet .4 a r.- .herr Iaitln.s uwnally h,t ..e.nrae••, that final and w,U-etrdectu,l Mime I'er:ap. 1)r. keel. last :roan being aired tit, ttebin net to (,.clan' was she that rhe alight have hewn Ind hie • 1ano, ..,to .1 .ten of weave& Ilei g el. 1s..wevw hennas I s, it t , cheer her in tee meat t...autt-llk• wry til/ ells reached • .null door in a brick well, which set•' uwa' ed with n knt that must have 1.,•u rxqu•tli.•- Iy•,s d. The two were new a asmall apt :1,• rut, within hi.b ..xl1s and paved with reeve& ou the ot!e.: rk1.''of which rose one of .t row of tall, blackutsed homes. Into this the girl air) 4.d her, by 'means .1 mother uuiwlew key. ,'owing th,.lacidor, tebxetrutitistuafbfnnhud, darkae..s, a.. 1, 'prt. taking Mark,:. by 1'.e 1:&.41, WLiowe,l a dose wag gloomy stoma ini.sage die Not of ionto steep atsw.. . ica,11 W 1I1ter Fine Display of New Goods. Fine Worsteds. Fine English and Scotch Tweeds. Fine Canadian Tweeds. Fine Overcoatings. Fine . Workmanship and Trimmings. 1" CHEAPE •1r1 SPI r este, wbfle ;,LViuualy turd to Iter boiler. LeaA'ba,ed, And non 'mere all ttt:ell was gt'utirutatt ,.od perhaps had taken for en newt. trims a bag' tipsy •oss.nl wan easily the r r, n.of r I.bt..ietan turd [usher✓) never .. tet irul lam wens - .•r of intellect had 1.11 n.r rebel. Kat "N,,. 1 am mar mad yet C' she .•rigid u; in her 'sea ••Ih015.I pod know. bete ,^u l may Lo if I shay i,en; without ,ts•tn- ma. without tatty. . What (51D any atberknc,w of stet 1\ uta right Ina. Ice to Mal Ina if :e skate w,tl+ t twtee, and sae nue her a: adorns by - zt�tgttg *WRY ideas.?., to hes. Theo lrT io iiiyd. i., ,. 1 I:I Ise mad in her ova) . l..4ler he said In .•r way than nue In t i ..r.. Ali, we wt re happy euoatgb, :ilia* w , were Arte te Ir' mad err pleased . . if 1 . 1" sty tight ?mond. my father u ill ry : am ri*Lt ill Imo, suet a plats as this. If 1 eat mad-. well, 1 mutt, do ,is *nut:. 'r oral soma:. used "1 amamsnlg to flat lir. Ptau= L to du, tear -t:weak (1 .e 1wrote that :atter has" m)' guest. `46e wu. placed melee + t (step, Were by her f.ulier--orb, sftsrwauds neeme t tongs thiu:itmg, tilt the bar, and whom abe has now 1.418 t }un felt so Ott erjs• and heli , eelyeeal•.ne that she Mrs. W eminent Sewdi, mated of .'.tering ,:, valid bear it n. long till the• uo1T thing to.ronpetiti(ri '-ith Mts.:tattoos, hod a'..d that a maid rrrlly ms.,. would be to ac^rp.l Rae about dila. l'unn• : queitiv', you W ..aid whatever sight happen awl remain dates bavlteu•u sl.anrlwh.t su,.t bar,• 41.'3', 1 t .11 still. I'aforuted I,.or whirled about ill her .ydr, and ieavr :L.: ,reing nes jest my astather-abeiond. r r.'ntrwha. painful .nue. Yrs. knell threw tars; Ler level, end escape d her teeth t..r, th"r, t. on au eud.hje click, but ail nos a word. "Fier tat'brer.' ex •tainted t;tic, Lia :, earl 'J.hine '.) ud-u •r n..thtr' .nowt reu told use they were abroad. "H.r•mother,"sail Dr. Snell, wit*, he, eyel upon his ,wife. "le nor doubt sirshy where every w:!: might to be An 1 wi*t a Jnr. Farriem moot jar lei, daughter, .4 war V. '"• take ber abroad -where, 1 have not Us. b.a..t h doubt, they are now.' •• • Abroad' means owl:Lg. '.Ther+' "My dear .Jr, 11.a youax Italy, aniaaad t. heehaw' dawn t kn.iw. now du toe world 111 dealt! 1t F lag you will not e:1,uwL'r- rs'• said m) p eetlon, !!r. Derwent. 1 um sim- ply a physician: and p •.sue G, ms iv, easee.- nothing more. As a rule. 1 atri't ee •n re- member their oamss. _lir. A,,_aw_jl Retreat ro not ixt an • o f arploin Vise.: or • k es r the the a esu a► d It to • I'm not going to put up with meb grfwp sea any owes What would you my if 1 went oar with! a Man r" "Ray. Why I'd my Heay.ln help He poor fool" ' mid the Meter, clutching at ids von- feing wota te sheer impair. "Weems alive -wild you came to jute err of your oven settee, and say .oaset►ag that It doesn't what the 1>.vil klsemlf to understand r ••1 *111 art, is., thee. are Purves le game, sad 1 how why, and you know where." "Dere! 1 will know west yes mesa'" ''Asst 10," rid (lay. scary quietly, -oral 1." Verily the Paha welt lighting whoa Wysdbas tt1oe1* that day. He bad jea struck nut the most mapllleamt of phase -au Idea .e arnpMWy splendid that ba seigbe have erten all Ms embus ane kept tame Mrs - awed ice the very arm.ent air Iwwpiratloa It wee paralysed by a lyssa .1 ki14ae }alnes.,; eale*Mne. an doubt, but , 111 -tier d. Mo emapietely paralysed err It that, wield flower agate he •vaUable. he would be sa1o4 r.gnetsts net tereeaire wan trustee -ivy inmate Mie, A., wbr.se hewlil Le :beaks requires a:- mution, while be i. a on bu.,in,•.o 1 re mist her I sturdy her; I 1 leer wind froze head to heel; bar father teener back for her I deliver her to her Latural gharlian. 1 giv a r.iealy& fee my tee: rad there'. an ea• What becomes of them a1'rrwards--wheth es. they are eaten by L• aro is F.•ee o- tnnnilrls in Meek.), 1 neither know uot• cx . 1:s the way, you come Isomat )1:• . a pl caned rcbgi$'*ave, t you: dao you happen to know any(biq,; of • gnatee.rsa hawed Heron- John Herne!' The banker there! What of bis! 'ern »ot:litig-taoak you. !Catkins to do poling vont. yng lady, if that's what y x: Means. -That Le ev"rytia n; the! I mean.- .tie Guy. I've pot cote hero to be ;stayed with. Dr. &:sell Perhaps trio -t I ten you that more 1 kaon mabout bins than you fancy Ida- hoan he Lea 1* -u a convict. and d. Mill s c•ruuitsal--.• ••Wkow hat Von nall about John IU'rou beam: wily nue thing site ouul1 grasp elearly -the etyl to escape at *mop from tnk►'own terrors, even though the world that lay nee taro her n- Mre, 4ueli used to go 0. bed early , and, !*44, a n•t.lrlug atteals4 to the safety o: the home at all lignite with the ercpt:om of the street .t.e.r. whish wail under the ..de lout. - et., is u:atdestpet th0000p. Marken belied the latter s1. 4'. and knew, frau elps rientr, that, with him, gavot out in abs tooting meant tot returning till ; .is. roomier. Then, wtt letealfy at tat o'clock, eson•, die heard the at ereaking under the al:•w ascent of Mex Knell, and teem the do.: 'f the bedr..en.juat ',Inv her ..em open 'sal close. i1.•re ern, her opportunity for escape -the very oppor- tunity t,.r winch, alma. mneoaxmu ieiy, she had bops watching sod .. titin¢. Nee o tame j her door timidly-everrthiug wee.. i:erhe l)•. still Mtn coml.-duse 4 Ab stain este by use. At hat Me re.ciael the etIt'an(t• 1:4!1. where a jet of gas,iuued ors Fuer as t:. h, aitucat blue. tab, bad Suiting to c4, bt: t open tato rarest .l *or--- ..Fanny ' Feu ay 1 rat y ! la *int- Jon • BiS.ing ware: -do yeti haat•! deed there's t talent confounded oilliunew a* see[ len its traam mein." n," ) The Deckle rd alepri.bark. sad.watijafb&- r"• ;deer, orwh:ch the door stood eine 'Tinct be el»,5ld ore cone,* batik early -for bins -ext tib .'tie evening of all ! Could be have rte.- o yyuocMt i L'. _aryl eras be playing 1uruke) r- Fsh,,,tiw:,lad face him again; out neither agent ('.45141 she turn beet --for the one she tial tot, little courage, for the other too mueh theme. Fur a moment she turned cold: t to before the Ihrt.r's voles• had die for • Mona alt Mtn • grumble, she hal .'x- tingoi-bed the. blue Dieter of the gat, and war bolding ber.elt set .till is tae dart,. -v: that she team, the Doctor *Dull hear her i sats:eg tweet. An . she :eared that abs must have be'ray-- • id ber.elf .1111 woe.* wheu be. throwing a bread stream of light *erode the Wow hy opening leo p rloar-duor, cams outsell took - ed rower!. P . lanai:CVO* 11 - be joael bee where one crouch ail tsar•: into the dxrke t shrMw ou his way to the heal of ' the;;itetwel-slur-, doom wbiev bedlsapptisr- ed stuntbliug, do .cart•', of materials for lb? til .`.tarehgrave"" asked the doctor, .tarifa hard. -Jew Herm! W 'sat has he to do with i I'm talking of Adam Fern sin. .1ml you ani be good eu..ugh to spear: of Adam rendes, too ' ',Oh! . . Adam Yuma*, Tr; 1• 1., ear old patieut, has , Leen a convict! K. eepimktlty reats'.cul,b s man. IVe1I, eel no never trust appeartn»a again. Ah Oh.i•awicked world. Mr. Adam Fut net • convict' By Jove, thou ;t, when ,mte romp. to think of it, that may ao-'ount for his helix„ n such a hurry to go abroad. Thee con- victs .often are. Int m.' sr -1 Ieney the Mae ly grn o to the United latter, or Sweden, . ih.desperation •n righteous anger runt auger t., tnukne and conlldene2 from these to u. st ingeniun.plicity-swcb bar en be1)r. Snell'. path a mastery oo! th situation. He hal trusted to Luck: and ,peek bort favoured bust. Marling lamely and. ,hopelessly, hie st airy r it pe..eseeled s. gathered race, 4eroace, and likallbuJ o till ,.e left his unwe!C.tit, viettor without $ m wand to say. If be oil only venture once so IitW slap farther. d hint -that Marion had been coned away because her physician hal proved too perilously tascloating-"loot Wes. though the temptation was strong, he dud not dare. 1So then' was nothing to be dote; and Dr. Kew, story hang ei well together that Buy Denotes's rets .n had 4o yldd b 14, though his Instinct M111 rebelled. And m both mother awl daugbter had fallen, in mule unimaginable way, into the mysterious sceoa.dr.l's power. Hs began to unden.tandte batter now wby Yrs. Furuess had made him the gyres trustee of her whole fortune, new happily sate in the bawls of John Heron. And he began nowt gems, only too well, bow-- Tuat was her one irrevocable. acre mt. 1 su&he °taued the ,t>'now-.et-door, (•:.wed 1t b•h ud her witicut over uch now-. and ! took to neneehevht At the farther end of Kelvedere Peal. all I mooed asleep, tae lights of the railway line , rause snit* sight, tritium.. and 1 greets, a-, l Not heard the we/Ali d • paiedn` cr starting bail. Her owe &relate la wns to make ter leaodat The Ifghts in tro..t guided her through the darkness, 1111 she reached the '1 t station. Max' it was located and dark ; and 1 s► • overt by the ,slimmer of • solitary glu tad. • e Ljnpthat she had beard, only fire minntea ap.), the wbidle m( the Very last train. So Msrs.:•. ha 1 to make the beet of it and trudge to 1. fusion. She wanted on and on, right into the 1 heart eT',fle e:ty abs thought, when exhaust .4tbnruugaty by her exertions she mdden- ly Amstrad down 11 • faint. . -You're better once, sail a Voles. ••,11n it &..ted Mania faintly. she b.)xn 1 round all up, enrl shivered with the bitter cold of the night. Mae was lying deem, with her he;ut mi the kit -es of a girl. seated on the .1 .trstdp, whom fare teat over hers, and *acne 144'04151 etirre 1 her pair. "01 oohne you are," ,11:1 aha girl. -What made you fagot away! Lucky 1 wasn't • h.bby=ylm'd have Leen drunk and inotesbhs beton you could reme to again. I )o you thick you can sit on the .t -p a bit ! Led, horn veil you a -s.' Take any cloak. The girl was alai st as young as Mario*, very weal* and slight, not pretty, but with lively pipe and bright eye+, and a raise that was *want though rather qui -e and shrill "I'm in sorry," sigh,1 Merlon, fee 'mg the kiadnss•vs and thinking no harm. "1 never felt like that before. I we,n't been sully age ■ but con you till err the way to Siam betel° with the !tacky excspttm of that all -import - act had d miscarried. The man meet be • 'very devil of force and fraud. “Julia" red.*, Darter. hieing sharply rd ne Iib for ma ran a. they trete awi !olot1 h7, Ii•inwe,'el) - %goal two masa she set kir alga hall: bus tele Bute test-RHmk Lane' What the . blames de twitchingalledoo �O yes west with Boot ?.nee•r boort•sr theeta , amaze as ,vtile/it ly rruuger. I . Mime bear her ••1 gouty ase tbls is your debt•-eb1 Teen. tot, jet berme, you isms amuse • gMt tat "1 wait to get au ia" 'Idled the 4uela oily city in the United gimes you ronld ravnr'hay. laid • caedlb to in your C be a inn' Tb (!r. seen Cheese!" e • hots •, 1 wholly beat days• mut news bully ber amt d tb.' "I'1/4' inn ii."ii."fres fwhdhtioi MtM W stns+ , art bring • hornet's east ab tit your ier ••t In no- est at ah' Rat do your ,tt) lirelnerI Nt'he 1 A n an who had spent man, weeks in !',lir wee nuked bow km Kut through the Fre•nchceritel a.• readily without a know, the ,,ant re lan.(1 4s.. •'1), i could sok for what 1 wanted Ill a 5(51•11- ran, I turf as:d to the g•Neun, 'dun kaup.hy tesleer, 'tmmstwy de ferry' end beet.teek chat ()linen; 11.1. d.11 .duh altuned after ala' grret Irish agitator, 1 rla:r. I ti 11 J•..0 a man of teams can yet along •ist. here. Waster sport.. The gay winter et'ae.•n ezpn.cs nt51.y .as to attacks of colds,ughs, hosrwnest, 1:h teem of the chest, asthm■,hr"ucl,iti.. • h.oh puire a reliable remedy like M*pgsrd • e•tl.r.l Balsam for their re- lief and cure. Kneen as reliable lur '.Ver thirty years. The best ....ughCote. - *laard', teatimes' tan. Deadr.f. Or r Aire Yssens. Cousin Nell, I/Wiriest Irkgecerosity- Supp.ensu your chicken shuald lay a ince ee, , Totems ; would yeu {sive It to nee 7 Tommy- :Co : I d sod it to Barium. That obick e a rooter. -Rochester Her- -51d. •i'be lasdesonest lady 1n *.demes Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp; s Balsam for the Throat ata Lungs was r superior reuse- •• it stugped her cough instantly w hen uth..r cough remedies had nu effect whatever. Su to prove this and convince you of Ina 'neat any druuaut XIII 511(1 you s Sample Bottle Lusts, Inge 50,:. and $1. 12 Int. p r R' THAN THE CHEAPEST. _ MacCORMAC- PUBLIC NOTICE Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. e,EES P �,IC.t 8 SON. n» Kay's Block, next Bank of Co. erre, Square. Orders by Telephone, promptly attended to. 4 G03eiiioh- - -onnb y said Machina A Merle sr Jay, Dgett Sea.., -Aly young sister§ were attacked hy croup: so basil that •e at- tain( (impaired and had little hope of curing them. At last we applied ltag- Yaw'. Yellow 1151 and to our ,treat joy at culled them perfectly, amu they rww enjoy the blerssw* tit perfect health. 2 ANNIE JouNsToN, Dalhun.te, N.8. rhe Palled else l arp*r's Cc:nr ;-"I imam so gait died, Ulm Jusea," said the young playwright,' "tee see that my work towed you to tears lard night. e'Yee, Mr lhunaul/,. Mid the "unit woman, with • meth ; "I was ors sorry ler you " Sick Headache caused by ezcesa of bice or a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by usir.;t Net m/t,at fills. lei tattooer Ldsewue.. Sopho snore - u How did yoget away ' frum the poltceusan f Jun.;,.r-Oil, I just spoke L. bum and he Int me go. Sophomore -Hew was that Junior -Speech u silos., y' know, t -- • erg lateness. I The biggest interest on any meta - meet meet is that obtained by "GIVEN a bottle of B. B. B. The dividends of strength, health and vigor are .Tways realized, and *herr are no assessment& Burdock Blood Buten, the greet blood purifier, costa one dollar a bottle about one Dent • dons, 2 ■mare'. 1J.bhrne lee sale everywhere. re fn • Hay. you a C•.egh i Take Wileon'e f Wild Cherry. i Have you a Cold 7 Take Wilson's Wad Cherry.. Have you Bronchitis 7 Take Wilrsa'a Wind Cherry. Hare you I1et your Voice 1 Take Wil - 1 eon's Wald Cherry weld Have you Asthma ? Take Wiluiee Cherry. Ban ' you • Cold in the Head i Pc,04..* Wawa's Wild Cherry fd . The oReliable eke all thanes e dents. Chet ..i Laws. Itojleltl ftlSOl'8_ *8UI&I . RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM WE HAVEHAVEON HAND WIC BALE: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, tic. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. Give th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Moufdbp�ti¢lows, 1004 Engines and Boilers for satll., ,\ - REPAIRB AND CABTIINT C+t3 OF �L .- .tW S. PURE :. STRENGTH THE CEL*BItA'!'F.ls Ram Lal's ?BE TEA PATENT.S CAVEATS. TIM MANES ANA COP7III $TS Obtained, and all business in the U.S.S. P•teet Mier lcr attended to at M')ORRATP. PPM. fll O.,r °ce 4 oppte tie the C. S. Patent Of• Oce, and we ear obtain latent* la Lees ee time Ruin theremote trent ft'Asl11NQTOA:AMMO:O Penn A: OR ORA 11'(A0. We ad- - (the as to patentability7 free of charge ; •a& . we make OCliAROOP. V:1'LR8t1 W 74 I.' PATRivr. FOJ!- We refer, here, to the Postnmeter,the Supt le Money Order Div.. and to °Metals of the 1'. H. latent (')'fnce. For circular, *dykegerms and references to actual cleats la yes, e owe State or Connty, write to C A. SNOW t 4'O.. tnD5.ite Patent (Minor. Wa•hingtenD.C. Unequalled for quality rod 6ichllss of huiaiot Atlanta, O&, i• believe) to be the which has of paper own hushawl's cant Wla.:s to pay the piper ,IOW. *heft our test hundred's g ten! Who's L. bred on for another m.mM--sad Judi wh..a I was nn a trick that would have turuedl Adapt Furness Otte a gold rise without • hehtnre . Who* Tette teat, yet damned, in- ' farm; Hag, Viper. and- Fruit r' Down '-•one ',ahead, swinging with .11 it* fore*, nlott, her ear; and down she went with a w'elan1 Marton had gime tp osere std taken nff her bonnet. as she had lima biddee, and tam seated psi her bed and roganiing her trusk,, her fellow pri.onen, trial to oevreome her anger with hermit ter having ler herlf he eo.g ,red by m mature Iib Dr R..U. And he was all the harder, lat•sae5 es., OW timsep Idle Ss as MatWis teens, be was sot atNemtw*Mk Intl all W yds twlpr- oc fay, sled nit a 4.1.4*ib Tmeta, jro w about ban, laced.l a• ft stgbt be to Cast n war Fiala that ha of Me owe tette wider his thumb: mid time we eartaioN cent "1 ions omen there !apart-" •• teey. how bot, you are; you were just herr like ice, and now you're bk. fire. . The tenon (betty- -yen! sled 1 t. ourbt Was ea yore frivol?" "Noleelr Unless ire yon " 1Seedet looked her up an 1 down sad thro.'gband ohroch, eye. to eyes -end with wee .tterpvisie. Mat Msr.•.,i s.wneed to feel actual pain. "There aren't many things 1 fots't we through." rat 1 she. "hut the. d.w beet me. If ever there.. as .mo. Who do yew taste at the (.rent. a ?pesos ••Nob.ly " "And what ate you pang tires for" "b.se,o-beim" I ih't Meow when else to go.._ _ "Sloss, bewtver yes plods Ice IseMw d la" a Moa•, yea meat got 110 IMast You've' ser away from hens, eat Here-whaa'.l the goad of ashl.e gar (lane who. pea half starwad, aid deal home whet rou'l taylstel "1 dithil4 Nb an Mos kine sew I Carer llsa nsket. aid Square. FLAVOR. FRAGRANCE. THE KIN TO HEALTH. - ' Ddeab all the clogged *relines of the aowdt. Xidneyu and Liver, party beta gradually without weakening ibm system, all the impurities and fowl ht:nnors off�,!�th.�e sen��alwttolaij_at the manna ( creos nt g Moaners*nifty of abs =tam tycoDialn. 'y'nata v� Wine Dropsy, , Dinneen of Vision, ift,s. Matt *bourn. 1•, M1ut:eting of tt Vematnaers�, . and Oen- oral en- Debility; all Mune ane many other •imtflr Complaints -1011 to the gamf $QBDp� SI MOM d CO. Pl s10tene Tame% WANTED Any quantity of pea*. barley and oak, for which the highest market price will he paid at BURROWS', The Seeelevaan W!U 1'•u8IT*YELY EllICS, Pilin !N T![ STIVC" Btw J Cm/Ilk 11ts, B1r' es WV AUL DEALERS. s•• . •eliAA 1,,..a.. ,..4"4"..4 .. ee.,»...s 1ee1s ( limb • itre .:..Ile a.,...•.w- •..r .w • ,s.w, • as 1. a..s .�� ,,,�1• a .t,w.. ,trN+rvern.seaaN weer ..n es...:tl;44:11:111. .1.70.- ,.sm s- ........-..- .1,...", a -*....,.es..•• "e-.r.1- ..t..•r.. 4.l-.,'.. •'• ". ..a.a,w,k - ewe+..-•.« perry - �..:-.w . tie tri �. wr.e� r►}w., y useweaa.� II it!lr-s'ad.1t ns ►' '`* c5 1 1