HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-28, Page 2, seri sit seo Igoe mut raot.:
their*. While i.u. is Th per cent. salt
.-ug• so 100 per oast. Our mit Is pr4.
teried over t he Michigan salt mod C041.1
aseeets a lusher prim te Ceicaeo, And
Moopotetit (multi be made •• easily from
licadetneh es from Michigan polies. 1
have been shipping dairy salt to Chiceep.,
mid hey• bleu peyote dee duty of tweloire
emote • huudred pounds 011 It. The
Mont American Chastest tt orks ship •
spore the.. I do to United elates mark-
et*, to Clevelaud. Deftest, Choose.. apd
ether ports thar 1111114amsto.0 keirered
the prise ..f dairy salt •t its loot unea
ten. 'r. 1 ...od Stet, •erks seemed
to have • surplus Mock -4 dairy fall
which, they c sold ship in here in small,
hams so leech chasms, du' our Israelite
pries that they MAO iisy the duty
sue "oleo,' us. To stop 'lam the a*-
c..n i.: timed the (,rand Trunk to
raise the treieht nose from 4.oiii Ed•
and ober punts hoodoo Pr. ,ince
The anti w• have to my 00 the salt bars
04 .1a per cent. a almost enough to eir•
the dairy salt of the United le. ctee entry
Au our market OR equal term* with us
1 prefer reciprocity with the Ted
States. trocoal and Inge bag*, to mg.
fr. e market mei coutllou.sus running,
of my a irks. end takeettir chances of
the channels of trade to tem eurelitiuto g -f
affairs that wrested no lee:. The price in
the I lilted States Motet *treats atoms
oonpetition is now 1ie cents a barrel.
and 1 can sell salt •t 1 1411 cents 'and make
a prelit.'
workiag hairi� essously sad priors house'
kept ape tempowity +tookcoot be to the
admatage of the salt maurfactureers
But in the fees of that 1 wool] %ells for
it became I thieit it would ta for the
general good. la the lumber trade, for
lumina. reciprocity "timid eases the
effect .14 railing the price one dells,
dese/owl the present duty And se,
•Ithesigh /same hesouemea might suffer
the great bulk cf tee industries git the
country would he muetited sad our re
110Utres entail he deeslispede'
NM Me Escaped 11114111hreek .1 Ow Ohre
Mese Catlin. Iltstraendloary.
"This Idustertnit fell weather,
Ms old steambo•t skipper who rias sawed
ihe lee.* all the way hem Kilogstion to
Pert Arthur. autt .whose ei. eroence gum
back to sbe totters, "mauled* we 4$1 •
dark mooed les the !inner, et tleorgran
Bay. l'onieseuctia sob 7.I there watt a
series ot disasters up there which ceased
$ lall trip from C silosi.twe el to the Soul(
10 be more dreaded than s voyaee across
the Attatotic, even in the days of sailiue
vessel.. D.saster followed %Insister. any
one ef which ttivolvcd co greater he, of
life teen was suffered tiy the ii7anadtan
troop.'11, either the Fenian raid er the
Northwest reuelliou. At ewe came the
lival catastrophe when the AC* went
dtitrii with 200 souls or. beard and left
oat, tiro survitn.ys t 1011 Of the berretta
they had gone through.
VS WILuil IEWs The old fellaw el...pinning his yar t.
a Toronto T. rdp...rterssid after doe
Mr Joseph Williams has neon peewee. ertb.„, the .evera,,VetrIt'ill tilt
tot .1 the Port Frank• s,!. tVerks, in she t„o„eiot memo,' te ton eaptuon of ;
the vintity rld Loinbtoe. 11 I: '• t 483, and stosiost ear otiose.:
has for ..any years carotid . o a whole. •••••• eg veseheitheillaireierel renege ' r .
sale lumber business in the town aIi' o;Wo_1111"111114167______ _,
elodench, of which place he is a very itsa Y the propels,' amieleow wear mown od
and mt.-steed resident. The 4llobe',4 Om shore of the Ms :Min, on the .24..h EXPERIENCE IN THE AMERICAN 'CITIES
representative tolled to eim eritb re. of Nov., 1/180. The eitncoe wa• a se 1
gari to the salt trade sod tail Influence buIla- , 6,b• h" IT," It' alr`lli l'41"
reciprecity would have uped it. The Mary tournetio. 'toe nary tr.os bortorvit ;
salt monefacterera are meek(' nn this' at Berle inlet one 101. e"ll the hut' lay
giee.toeso. Perhaps the coveter number l'e ib. ""4" l"" . an "4"ter. .N.e"
.1 the Cariadiato eel! eientifecturers, apeitoz ab.. was rAlmea. lakei, 1•.,. ,,ffell i
under the belief that the sheifition of the Sailed. a deck lord ef li,disee piled ger
tariff would test hasetit their 'ou•inesses, tep ot her and thee see was put 'ti thot.
are opined to reciprocity . but a very rote between Celliegemel and Ceesago
eOur salt tied. to nowt , it a pretty
esthe minciritysteed t
it. o carry erain and pea...re:ere The
'lc- was a wretched uld tub, and
go ...1 tositoeo Me welieeto, „id, ...eel very Jithcult to manage in • 11*. At
It wia remain so so long as oee menefac- the time of her lose the 1/111A on her i ......o.
tures tlo root resume the dia of wimpy- way back from L'hicage She had taken
titi The precent arrangefeentof es roe shelter under elle of the le tle islaints . Sale Of oil Stx.1.1. still Continues t -: Make ! oorn for. New
emotion by iii,eos of ettichitoetoeusoodo near -the tutocti•sn of Lake Huron mod Goods
of the Promo.. are iiiiotirat.. ii,,, bine. ilbehlgalli during the niche anti ass the
teem woos not oil the sel" oseethrossh m.1411114 started ran With bur weedier.
.. • ,
the essootati .tioc „fee, • le consols is nut in & short time the toted rope and ' •
workine satiatriant, lily t.1 the nett mem ‘bo ern with it. and !seen after the eId .
The elt1 aitociation broke up in 1811:, tub was lying in the trouglo at the user- - Mitt-tt
mid fer two erithree pews fee mem r, ty ef the stern; • Cate Hill teas in rm-
tion carried the prices 'netior cost in a eee mind. and (.sit Forester, of ll sdericne _,,,..,
k t„ . buy , he aleatory vas single', the akioper tied s niR,IIN _ts._
produce of all the uthkr worts. This number of the crew ran to the lifebogt. , •
. i
elem. This could 4:mein's*, and
two of the dealers un hot mate, When it was ereleet the , ..
they del for a year mot • half 'or 'there. but th-y either meld not wet 11 clear. r'..
about. List Auto,t an a0*na4ti4o sae swamped after getting loose. and triove '
formed an4 is in opera!i,,,, yet. Ti. ef then went. .
we. Peregles and seine+,
duty on salt d..ming into Canada is 47i. "f the otlietr• in ope of the weocien the DIO•st Cnoling.and Ilealthf,..41
cents on each hu -rel, and the prices here boats, and as t e hall of the steamer sank
are from 30 cents to 40 mots a barrel at'd tits tsbut• tested orf thry trot slerir i
S. E. WALKER. Gifu -rue. MANAGER.
• $41.000.000.
Se 00,000.
DIfjiti. •
()DAFT 8 18.8010 PAYABLE AT AL_ 1.0114 T3 IN C.:AKADA. nig siosapoo.
cities le THE UNITED STATES, GRI Al BRITAIN, Films*, erbansta, 3.
SAVII$118 *Mitt DittaiRTIII815% .
olireetis of 31 00 AI) ot,e.,AROS itt t ,Ytti Arit) uuttRIMNIT RATES OF INTEREST
to ince YEAR.
mid Farmers'
Attention given to the Collection of Commerelal Rape..
Sales Neese.
rt 8. Wit...
The Mime. of -
has pleasure ai moo „Ite this belliesgladstianttOranlalike essel secured the
old cordial:go J.., .1. :r ef
a nate sad astmosis otetemens
le Nombre Coe
Ourieranand erg bet en tie banner Ilene
-Tbe 11
For makiug really good butter. thee:
cellenos of which ma be depended upon
week after weck, througt the ever chaug
Mg temp.:Maw. of successor. wourtins.
we must horn to be iniinied not by our
own feeling. but by the right tar dr the
date,' . That never vane.,
while $01111.11.1 roatact te always a mere
matter, et etietparv'm and guesswork.
We keiip two •ore.tmers." into one of
which the morning's milk strained,
and into the other that brought in the
evening. fresh well water at a tempera-
ture of 30 deg*. being pumped me. the
tank of melt creamer twice dully during
the warm weather. To accelerate tip
separation eif errant fn.w the ruilk
cold water is put into tht. Creeil mine
usually in the proportion of one pint to
a gallon. Aftiv stonding twenty- four
hoont the cream iss removed and put In
to lin abut& placv.J in ice water. the
cream ter one days milk being 'sufficient
for a churning. The tr :i-ipioature of the
suareamarbditrairir7- otal"drinPritigningthelk.prtriudicesissi"oft
churning; alogete tines. or a little be-
low that will asswer, always retsina-
berin.: that the warmer the cream is
kept the tiooni.r volt it le ready for the
Astern. Wheu kept near 70 whet'
properly ripened. it will be slightly
mid. but not veto sour. awl will pun -
18. consi...O.nto of butterredlk. If al
lowed to stand after it has ripened nu -
til it boconors a soar. algid moo th-
yochl .,4 bittit, will 4,tualle: and it -
flavor inferior. When put in the churn
its t-taloreture anituner :Mould be
about- 6,2 &MI 111 veinier 61 dive,.
tees will allow f. ir Cu. etaingto nat-nrall
ooeteioneil by the 'notion of the churn
anal the surroundin,g atmosphere &al
,:11 port.): regieter about
64 deg&
F. .r • number ot yean. we lave toed a
itivie swing cOtoo. and Krill he it too
odd to chato.. it for any other. it
1144 tee the heifer Oa quickly as some
sterot are said toile,. butit etteily rotate
Neel easy t clean. and bee intneete
unichinereet" oet, out of order. Wheti
Ow latter gratmles immune the size of
oa..11 ,-hot the rapid motion ia itheresel.
Mel the chore is swung slowly hack 'sod
forl•:, for flee er tete tainntenein order to
;Zoo all the lotto.: to rite. to the Volt of
deo-milk. alto Which the milk is drawn
The butter i. then lifted out with
rear pa idle M001.11 Me;-.Itte1
Iltn1 plated in the proportion of Vireo
foartio of an (eine,- 44 salt to the poitzel.
IlietTalrbeing lightly worked in. res it is
too', :o Grated to attempt to gotoot al)
Vta wie.o. A Waal) quantity of fire
ota snow. id.O; one tecopoottful 10
..:.• pone. . is worked in voth
%hood:. This. witSfaitCrotteirting tothe
-batter are oish tattoo:iota it arida.
Arttelanle-O`ovio which many proem,
think veoy The. fresh butter
is thea plood on i1-0. in a well glazed
earthenwor.. r toot covered with El-
liott** part:ones:0 paper. where it no
Illoired -to stand until next mornino,
wheel it is carefully worked IffeT 4E4
packed tin laciets netly for :Miming.
We Soil that tho bug •s:. yield of but-
ter is obtainol whoi the milk is oled
quickly after lioing brotrobt to the (Logo.
o nd when it is kept at an even ternmeos-
tare, cold enouoh to prevent it. teetota-
l/3g sour. until after the cream has ram
and bion rem..V Eit 111 extreme heat
or extreme. seems to tome home
chemical clam:. in the ..1 the
milk that interferes v:ith the . ight mon-
soon:toot Of o afte•rwar.l. Neither i• it a.
go. .1 plat, eg rem' woo cream with
toot is ;Lich 1- sweet. for although the
Milos Leo' tante...Obi:ten:1y acid and ap-
eer I t ii.• tight 1•,•tiiiiStenilr,, Yet th,
cream molded will not be of the requisite
ripenem. while the 6r..t las begun to
amid; that ucither will yield as much
or as fine a plenty of latter as- it other -
rime walla. Unless both cream and
milk are kept on no no cream in sam-
mer should b• kept longer than thirty-
houreafter the milk been brought
to the dairy. which woald allow twenty
liar hairs for the cream to rise and
twelve for it to open: but as this would
necemitatechnroing the cream from each
milking separately we may. by putting
that first gathered no ice, keep it sweet
for twelve boors before mixing it with
the next, after which both may be al-
lowed to ripen together. It is warmly
necamary to add that no butter should
ever be allowed be become warm enough
to he soft and oily; if once the liable
walls eurrocinding the butter granolas
are melted down they can never be built
up Wilt% To be in perfection, butter
Mould be kept so cold that male effort
will be required to slice it with a knife.
or if it be broken it ahould present an ap-
pearance as thoogh it were composed of
irregular crystahl.
If it could be AD ansipc an Maher
'Mould be shippairdifislia
has been churned:Net as out
want it either the first or the latter poll
of the week. we usually make two week-
ly ehipments, and manage to keep it in
excadlent order between timer by exclud-
ing the air with the parchmeat butter
paper both while it is on the, ioe and
while it is being shipped. Perfect clean-
liness in every particular slacruM be en-
forced' in mei armed the dairy. an wadi
water should he emptied at some dist-
teem from the house and the drimmed
milk and buttermilk towricd off every
morning and for butter sa wall
as emotion end cream is a ready ab-
sorbent of all acialoo• trasm. All vs&
ark immediately atter being used should
be washed ia tepid water, lift iuralded
aad put oat of cloare for Si tentalthes
arta froth air to potty thees. The alms
shoiekt tresited it lie mem. menu..
ma ata war MOB bo rleisiitod it my
at mesa be seoserwril by it la
...kens. WM wailer .--Illortinee
towel Ilea Yoder.
higher than in the tatted States poet and started for Providence Bey, 20 nolo' - - -.
with the duty to pay, the rerited./Prome limey. That was a terrible trip! In ail
dealers were shipper into oaraseeket 09441 WM, eapierIMIts e fult. sweep ur -
dairy salt, and at the boa meeting of fake f4., a blindisil ariewstonn, and
the amsociatien we found it necessary t„, the fps., treizieg 4.. clothing and hair
reduce the price tf that article. The aver" tune the sea broke overthem. Hun
effect of recicrocity to the soh canton. et, and ready to faint after long hours
ers in this Province would be that they spent at tee pumps they were, too. But
would eet their salt 30 crate or 40 cents gm .trace eon bravely. and just as the
cheaper than now unto'.. indeed. all dusk of evenag vois falling they go, into
the mills on the centineet were brettght . Preridolleo Bee after 511 h'or• battling
under one inanaeement, as has beep with the storm. All the party were snore
eatterepted by an Enelish syndicate, Or km fr. st bitten. but hospitaleetheuek
But as an otimet t., the mit tusioubseter- rode houses were Uneven, eigen, and it.
on against this reductien in price* there short tone the ship- wrecked sailors were
would be the throwing od of the defies • sleeping seuedly.
on onal, iron tubing. hen plate nails and I T4H0. 141)1 11. HIM.
other commodities that enter into the "it era. nothing, new to Fareens, the .
cost of manufacturing salt. The Michie mate, to get wrecked. This was about
gen salt works are ren In connection with his sieth experience tn that line. 1 hie
saw midis, and their fuel costs next to 1 time, away back when *trainers were not
notLing, and fuel Is the poncesl chargef es numerotis aa they are nese he lest his
upon salt manufacture The New York vessel in the North Channel, above
mit works have the a Ivaistcee .1 reit Manitoulin. Lle .pent several days there
paying duty on their ego' and other! loiters, he was rescued, and amused hen -
necessaries. Ices their ability to menu- self in the interval cottiog his Ilam,' on
facture the salt more hreply that must , the face of one of the itoroutnerable rocky
be c)nsidered as resporolio. to a dere. islands The name •Paitoia,o in large
for their lower prices to the coal met letters. is still pointed net ail one of the
in the salt furnaces the duty we meat pay sights nn the 31ackinac route to excar-
is 60 cents a tor.. If from eight to ten , Donjon. -
toes of coal are burned in a furnace in •
day, that means an extra entree of 14..1
or en dollars a dey on the fuel alone.
A considerable quantity of mils is wee4!
in connection with the salt industry. and ,
the salt men must pay a duo on them of
lc to 14. a round This tat amounts to',
• good deal. In the matter ef iron tub- I
toe, of ',latch erest deal is used, thel
duty ia from Ks to :10 per c.nt.;
Tbe salt pans. which are made of sheet
iron, require to be renewed froseently
Sometimes they will barn out in a few
weeks, and 1 know one mato who keeps
his furnaces at white heat, who renews
the front half tif his ;ono every sit
week. or two month.. This iron is a ; Bread and Mdk Piuloce. Stale
*arsons charge ; It is taxed $13 a ton, . breedcold milk. Boil hood with
and, I believe, is not made in ''.nada at enough milk to make • thick pulp;
all All (heseare charges n the boal• 'roved it ou a piece of soft ootton, sad
nese which are the result of protection, apply it very hot. -This poultioe is often
sad the saving with regard to them is to !•pplied without a cloth between it and
be taken into account when figuring on, the affected part. but poultice,' pet into
the result of reciprocity to the, ash in. • beg are cleaner and more easily re -
&miry. How far this saving ?fluid re warmed. Bread p eiltoces are cleansing
us for the drop on process which and soothing.
r•Ulller. amidentestailadon.
Mustard Poultices.- Dry mustard,
cold water. Mix enough cold water with
dos mustard t. make it into a thick
paste ; when onus staiseli, spread It op -
on a piece of thin old linen or cotton
sew It .round soros to form a hag. Re
elan ful not to make the poultice terser :
than reouired, hold it to the lire for a
few minutes, so as not to chill par
patient : time. from fifteen te thirty .8' -
totes , have ready a piece of clean soft
collo': or a piece of clean wadding, and
when you take roe the innstard poultice
put uu the wadding or the ceetoo.
ercield otos. if the l•nited States mak Linseed Meal Poultice --Linceed
were sillewed tocome inel rennet say.but boiling water_ Pot safircient meal to
I 40.1404 10 the belief that the salt deal. 888. 18.. poultice the size required into
on would stand to hoe something by the
hot bowl. and pour on toiling water
alhmewlsawilat ..4 th. Nati‘Insi ,gooragh to make • soft mote : beet gawk- -
OW.. 115461,11011 tren, "AK firfor three minutes, nr tin it trok• oily '
oft_ the (Marie er.oks 'maid ha in the I as.. ready a tlannell it. cotton hag the
sumo petition as the New York dealers, kos soptiroo pour in the paste, sew up
wimp* to the extent of the difference of i dm, mouth of see hart oinckly. Apply
(moan dwarves ti the !tower and shorter !uso poultice o. the affeeted part as hot
las it can be horn... lf ordered with mos-
banl of anal. As to the market of the
railed Room being opened to Ow too. nos 1 tootopmatto of dr, mu,.
napartly .1 ,8. wells over there is greatly tard with the meal. Mood for godsn-
in rooms of the demand In our wan- mation;
try there srenineteen salt Meeks. and
fire gre six of them running fell time In the Stadia IS au Artist of the
eetelal supply the demised of nor Illartat Modern achooL • -41 lIdte your picture
The great hope of the Canadiaa salt men oto„iboy. hat 41 swims ine that the
a that ILO English ',adapts may be Ito original is not by • lour Inky •• red let
villead to take "toe all the eons in the yeu have onad•Ljw " )lsl.b�.i Who.
Mr Wiltssions continued, "sold from that Nim.0..';cs.1.1‘5‘hinye.'
"I hams been talking se a salt aealor.
salieb'll ray
are you alluding to f ' "Tose mode, of
apotoo. Oat I eon see that rowiPre A girl near this, city oat bating &eked
atv 0.0011111 IMP .4 ittook 8.s441 to eh°l why the did not marry. reeled: "I ham
- reit
.4 bbanmsonl• we Ill.""r• eonaiderahls mosey of 447 own 1 Nom
Nestle, 41" " Parties's!, In a parrot that soma, a monkey that
mossdp=ethet Melt mist chews and a stove Oro smokes. so that
loottoe• flitmeolil^0.. 704 eau plainly wee that I era end h.
dr sliceable with mod of a Imbued eery sadly. Ref ila
la. "
. wifff, the 11040166608 Nowa
SIT 1\/1 TJ 1•7
stock of
At prices away down. Ladies may expect
decided to go out of businesa I will sell my entire
-et-Stook must be cleared off in two months.
North side Square.
have opened out a large twoortment of the newest styles in
Hats and Bonnets.
'Fancy Birds' Wings
And Trimmings.
Please call and see.
Two doors from Square. Northat. 734
- ,
Has just returned from the City with the latest styles in
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades
in trimmings a specialty.
Remember the stand-Hamilton-st., between the
Square and Newgate-st.
• -
The best is the cheapest, and
"The Signal" is the best newspaper
in Huron, Perth and Bruce.
- 41.1111esses ememeal ,
u u $T v113
A Special Line of
Kid Gloves, in Black and Colored, x.
Nit T11111:01.011
If Wu request parr
ph) saVt It 41 • 1 •A".
preerriptious with ear
...I al. s try IT
er Lt.a. pet *IMO
Consultation Panel'
NO TNIH 141.1%;
to nocertain the she.,
abouts of your duct, r a1
ask) time.
-1112 1
)o. Hone
AO mracr
imealtuttotTs. Low CH A ROKS
filar T.ctor (nee see
is the bees oat f pat 11;
corns. Igualege:trago.. 04.
'WNW: retuaSed.
Vise slochets.
rare Powder% elk,
'Elam! ,
cor stamens lamed
and itonmeb Hatters Le
Our Owe Liver tills
natal" Cough Cure. for
children 1St.
10a.. k (berry
W. C. (1001214__.%_ Druggist.
1 S - - _
cribnees Magazine 1
For the coming year will be noteworthy for a number of special
features which the Publishers believe are of very unusual in-
terest, and among them the following may be mentioned :
Sir Ediztin
A rnold
etweribinee to the Incemeer number the Snit nee aerie* of fear d.o. its apo. Japes. 11. peo
plc. its ways. and dal noughts. II r. Romeo Biwa. who was '-u44m..noed 10 an to Jame fpr
e ritiser's Magesme. Ims prepared. very I.markable eerie" ofdrawingn le ihatrate sir
"110, paper.. Articles unoa tbe rerent .fopost.s. 1.1•Iirrtt will folios illustrated by Mr.
//enry .11. Stanley
hes prepared for the January number as important article open -The Payavetra ts. Urea.
.1.fro AA Pored.' A pother c 1281.4 )01) in this Seidl will be Mr. J. Noott Kettle's account of
the forest .4frieste P.arhit,e,ow took, in London Ihteh papers sail be amply illustrated.
The 11.recker,
a Serial Novel by Robert Loin. Stevetmor and I.loyd Osbournewill run I hmugh a lance part
attic year. Illuminated by Hole. A two part story by frank IL Stockton will alio appear.
Prof James Bryce, M. P..
author Of 18. Auterseas Covainanwealth " will write a series ot aeon tatentwl•
Ocean Steamships
.111 be thr auttieto of an important irenee somewhat emu thetas% of the suoceseful Itailreed
Articles. "Pahetrager Tar -I." "75, Life ra noel Wen," "Yrkee,1 awl Safely Ilerieeth.
arid -Mature, meat ." are .0441 1)1 the stalkiecta touched upon and illustrated.
Great Streets of the World
4. 18. title of a Novel collection of articles on which the author and artist will oodiaborate to
give the charaeleriStics of famous thoroughfares The first on Rroadteny, writnea
ytwiluird Harding D•v awd A bp
br Arthur 11. Frost. Other wit follow as
LOWISH] - Nowerard. Paris : The teen... Rome.
The price of Srribeer's Magazine admits of adding • subscription t one's other
reading at very small cost. Orders should be east at ...nee
743-745 Broadway, New York.
James Keith, of Caldwell, Texas, has
a beard Devon feet long. He has declin-
ed an offer from P. T. Barnum.
eee Tegmelanene ef 16eller lett
Is about 4,500, and we woold toy at least
Doe -half are troubled with mime affec-
tion on the Thrust and Lungs, as those
complaints are according, to statistics.
Isom numerous then others. We would
& deems!! our readers sot to neelect the
oPPoitenity to cell oil their dreagist and
get a bottle of Kemp's Baleam to die
Throat and Longs Trial sive free. Large
Botta bee. and $1. Sold by all drug
12 sow]
teller -Well, if done no other
we, of milsoing the bill. you might
drew cm him with • ..ht draft Cm-
toaser--Ttere's en use In doing that
the moo is blind.
C. C. Ftwasatis Ar Co.
My daeghter had a artery
nold and injured her spine so she erield
ant walk, sod suffered very meg& 1
eilled in oar family physicals ; he pro
noosed it inibiremation of the spiel, aml
10:b. ..04 freely. 3 bottles *geed bet
1 have used year KINARD'S LINI-
MENT Inv a evokes breast ; it rodagall
tbe usiammetie. sad eared are it too
Hantsport. Ma. N. Suva.
iineteriffis Lessmoso Caere Bus 55. 11.
Bleb Thee.
When wesknoes. loos or appetite, lack
of enmity and ahem symptoms of dye
omens appear, it is high time Burdock
Blood Bitter, was made use of. There
is nothing sloe "just as good." It i• B.
B. B. that cures dmpepais, so he sore
you get it. 2
naolgollhesil 1.
Somerville .horne/ : "Ay, there's
the rub," said the girl in the kitchen
sadly, as she looked at the wilth-boord
on Monday moraine.
_ •
A delightfully perfumed - "L
for Chewed Hands, Roughness of the skin. 004y 1.14.
at all druggists. Ina
"The rens! desperate creature .1
earth," said the clerk of an op town
hotel to • New York See Weiler, "it a
women from not of town in a hotel bed-
room no a wet Sunday. -
4 'este nos. ratio *11,
Meth great sad mean
Ter Rev -sore Yellow OIL
seeps 11/0. Wee
Uf Telma& nr lorolo..
That rein s..t seestert spell. I
A Wed old mildew Wring tor 5188 4*
a Marreisester, Itisolasol, shone Moe had
• beard beast armed his nosh hoorlbstl
as follows : "If
10 ; e8.ldres..11g11111.1, 24."
It Is sate WO. Ihrommes Was Pelf
dere, as they satatity ore the were sod
do sot toprre the .8114. 1.