HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-14, Page 8TERTIUERS.
Changes must be left
Office not Tater than
y noon. The copy for
must be left not later
•dnesday noon. Cas -
Ad vertislmlents accepted
Dp to noon Thursday of each
Lead geta.ea•
4.1i mime•uuf:crs is dee local edemas
err Tits Sweat of styrtinys :•r eatier-
tainroenfs at softie* ea tube saiou J11
is charged, er _frust 1rAielt :, perweti-
tarp bet.rM:a okrivd. 04144 he paid
far .t the rate f 00, eedi per
mord each ieserrti.ti, 410 caarm kis
tAoa fireoty-fire emits. 11'I.rre ad-
rerta,euie, 1* of t*tert.u'o,te.J. are
a..reeted bract( last tell be in era
Ta. mak. ler ele‘tricch. en Wedaeliday,
No\. I>!Ih, 11M, 1[n KUa•beth Tromso.
axed S: yeas.
The funeral will leave her late rteeldeat1.
Parket. on Friday. No.. 1114. at 3 o'clock
p.m.. to Maitland Caeeter) .
Mawiti.00a•-At his residence. I.tutail. on
Nor. 3rd. John Maetprtant. age t 84 )oafs
and 10 mouth,
bait • And titters -Joan:00n ('a-.-' .l'g. 6
Overcoat• A. K. Prt iItu, - 'l
Pentacle J. Wilson
Hort for Service -Thos. Hide; . ... . • - - II
Colt fur Bale -Thos. Todd..
='..A Remarkable Cure J. M. At Leel 3
r1 Magazine harrier It-.illit -rr .... 3
rdM`trIwr. Weekly- !tamer a Ian,:;.rr. ,.....
l Pr's
-Yrame & Porter
e .e:•4 a totJttled-osier. I. Mrltrr. . ... •
'w6 ••je for Sale -Jaw A. Iicleto+L .• p
u'. Su."... Wanted 0. H. Brett - .
o' :..red.1. i for Sale- %Vatter Shaman .. .. .. g
Sale S. M. C. Lloyd g
.seem tete* Sandford $tekr.s. $
.tide .tab's Young Peoplellari.e• S Brothers 5
•t iJhe''• Ilbrevt'1.Family Haaazine . 5
net ion dale 0. M. Dee • • S
Yee Trip -Bell's• Maim, inr . • ft
tory Goods Jas. A. Reid d Bre t
"A 0A01'd ane an./g pr. l qtt; s' notes.
A• fuif6 Se 11 sera, C.'
Mr Il. Bstcbisus was repented rrmo-
ebat better yeeteeday.
GOO. S41- WW1 hid his stud •, to sera
the eons, and *an •at.e r . 1 [.•.•ember
photo a. it pinaentso.:.
A (:Oise T. -Thr noseua•(ul stn ,
you can is to site a tt'i:1 Pen. Ap-
t ly to U, cOlUicuddy. anent, Goderich.
I'AnrrEL*.- The ico4 tig :.e..•ivar-et Wil
.ou's•oty. tide hair jtut meri%r.t an elegant i
lire of Sae 5 acid lUc. cls. ►- al: err.n goods.
N'1Itm%'s Prewriotion iMug Store.
The Woman.('nristesn Temperance Cubes
meets in the Temperance Hall. North street.
even Tuesday tttrrao.0. Preece imeeting
at 2:3p; bootees, tocrtlaleat ttoclocl..
The MVKlnir;' Ittl;.will be tory it:conveo•
feat to the termite communist. but wiil in
oo why peel ens them from Mutiny: tar cheap-
heapest and beet fitting -:rl' o otct.w; in the
county from 5tac('orus,.
Tbr .iI.eenon of tariff doesn't .mer ::,to tau'
ming am: et, Mg of good,. a: ttie-e.ttblish•
mem of F. J. Premie. Thr pvrppk{r,, termer.
Ile rets Just SW dell now u he di,: tr :ole the
cyclone •clone strtu/: Mee inky o..
fey is
Then :a nodorW fust yes ran obtain as
big Mur in the ,.hope of lecture trimmer
trent N. it. .allows as from any hens• is the
.S i
trade. 1n aside un to his
hylar, he ramie.* a
lime line of artist) p... 'u ub1e err eothlay pre
Th.- tine weather o' the ta.'Cee d.lT+ has
pi\en states a resp.:r. but it's rooting. pre
Parc for St. b) • m ::ng on .i..uunder4 e: don and
getting one of :he Uarzains tate) are offering
isatose-s. Titer have a lora. stock to ohoo*e•
tioin am! them ptia s sell '6,•e:. They n•-
perr geed sates dune* the est • w .• e t eks.
Miss C tmpbell has return -1 from a
wiser te Terme'.
Mr (.e• B. Mortis, cf (to. • L. wits in
town on Thenkagivin;t Uas.
Mr and Mre,D. A. Cruce, '•f ;,iltford,
visited mitt Etes in town this morel'.
Rev. B. L. Hutton will ,"cupy R -v.
Dr .tivfeswotth'a t pipit in S'rathn'y nett,
11[0 .►.uses Mcinh.h, , f i'••r.6rthr,e
has returLed to town, and will probably
rem,w here dutitig the winter.
eetevt 1.11• 1)1 T. -A- -lenge 1,7 retr,rt
of the town coward ar.•t a quantity ..f
other interesting matter is unavoidably
cr..wded not.
Mr I'azalee has pnrchase'i the resi-
fleece of \[r Wiln er Smith. Waterloo -at.
We ur,dcntar, 1 the latter gentleman will
go N-r.t shortly.
Dr 111. Nichnls,n, the 11esr-,t. dentist,
males the preeervattee el the natural
teeth a specialty. cess adu.intsterrd from
9 a.m. fee the painless et:rac(toa of
Dr \tab ,Isom has hit new furnace Olde
own tnsenhnn iii furl •:eeratiun in hie
dental office, and intoes everyone who
:moires a good heater to dr'p in and ate
how it works.
Mr Jos 1lihtaas reprrsenred the
trustee hoard of (.oderiel: Higt School at
the 'teethe meeting of the Provincial
As.••ciation of Public and High hchool
Trusters at Toronto this wee!,
The absence of the electric light on
bead, night wee caused by • brush in
the sue.. t.ut not being of a reryserinoa
nature It was remedied on Monday. The
churches had t•• reture to their *MSC
Dr Campbell of `eaferth, has return-
ed home arid resumed practice after a
Eve weeks ruts to the hospitals of New
York city. whither he had roes to steely
domes and it. treatment, and to (chase•
the most improved medical method•.
Drt:mb., 1:. •. '-Mire.I,.nnN ior.
niers. of Goderich, who had bees Irbil.
Me her Dieter. lira i)atio Case•dy, left
fnr !sortie last week. Min Borrows
firmed teeny acquaintances while is this
vicinity and her nosey friends hope to
snow have her call on three again.
Mr Jame. Mullin, p.stmaster se $eI-
iaN, has disposed of bus farm tee
to Mr V1 . .1 iron bar the
e we of /6 0(10. Mr Mullin intoMdie 111
ee0Iag the posttthee onto ake useth
haw retained the UWasanosh fem.
on which be will erect a fit. private
(Miff•• ren. - Messrs Pretty, S.sss.
•.d onyx returned can Fridayet)e•isg
Item • heating expedition at (th.ebnell
iIl<dher. Beeides shorting •
4 desks and partridge, dm -
1s petting three deer. [SIM i1
+ter brought home. O. thole
Mlp flied• • rem of Mwosf;�-
YII wMd e.��o..ob. Vd1
'tee of tboir p t,
Mr J. Babel, id Nebraska, is •estate;
his .tier, Mee Wm Cantel••, West -at.
Thanksgiving Day poised o4 quietly
in town. Quite a somber of the sports
tools advantage of the tieedsy and waist
huutiug, but very few secured toy game.
A private Nle t►t furniture, carpets,
epssk.ry and other huuasbtold gouda is
telng held at the residence of Mr S. M.
V. Lloyd Th. sale will cuatlaw tar •
few days.
Mr John 1)ickauo has bought Mr Juba
Robot ton's property a' the oorwr of
Elgin and N'uerlo., stn It is reported
that Mr Rubinson intends to remove to
Torun to.
O a't foreeethe address to the Cadets
by Rev B. L. Rotten to [fie Temperance
Hall thiels Friday 'nuttier. A viol pro-
gram will also he rendered. C.flecttee
at the door.
Mr.VONI tL :4x4*\1. 6. - ,l memorial
estmou on the death of the tete Mrs
Treatment will bo preached is North N.
Methodist chetah os.: Sunday overtime
next by the pastor, Rev Georg*
(tea'. Dr Mi4tatt, of Toronto, was in
welt N'edoesday last and delivered au
intermetr•g lecture w behalf of the Up-
per Canada Religious Tract S •csty.
There was • stood attet.dauce.
Mr J. A IL L,.revee, of Hanitl1r:n,
has token a petition itt Rhyme.. drug
store. He is • brother of nor towns•
mat, Mr F. Ltwreoce. Mr Cameron,
who hat+ held e p.wttwu to the .bur•
steer.. for ruse time, left ea Thursday
for Pans.
Route or Tit see - • A utcuting of the
1A•trd of Trade ansa held en Monday
eveteni., at which a cunimunicau.t frown
the Fire Underwriters was discussed.
The erectten of a summer hotel and the
est.bll•bin)r of • muutl.y cattle fair
were nisi. taken up,
The Eby Medicine C'.,mpauy with •
nutnher of tiro -clam specialty artiste
ail: hold the bards of the (hand ( open
House s'1 nest week. As the admiseloo
fee is nominal all can go and enjoy the
music. The Clinton pe.'p!e *peak welt
of theta; they are playing In that town
this seek.
Nissen -Stem Blkritt/AY.-A number
of the friends in (iudertch .4 Mrs A.
Green attended the celebrauon of her
ninety-sixth bt:tliday on Wednesday at
Iter residence near Nile Four getters -
1 lona wire teprraented at the gathering,
w hich c. tnprtard friends and relatives
from ali . ser the county. Co:a nd;nng
her advanced age, the old lady is still
vet active.
TKor2R.s.. t: CA SPAT••. - Mr sod Mrs
it. O. Donee, whir have born secured by
the Royal '1'e&upisrs • f (Ltd etich ler a
week a revival campaign hue, will bold
their lint meeting on Thureoay evening
lice', Nu.remb?r 20th. in the femper.tac
Heil. The press of T•.ronto and Hund
ten and of other places throughout the
Province where ".he Excelsior Duet.'
have coo:ducted meetings speak highly of
their musical abilities, and the success
that has attended thelu in their ch••eeu
work has heen very marked. The
i:i.-:ph il',a!J eats : ")Ire Leeman has
stat the harts of the Guelph pe pie by
her beautiful anteing, her clear 5. prams
c„icer (ming req sleet anti her euunc'r-
11•et: showing a veru rare degree of col.
tote.' Me and 'Mrs Britian wiil I,e as-
sisted at the meetings by first -else*
local talent. The pr••gram each e.eoing
wi'l cn,nmence at 8 o'clock : doors open
.t :IU.
H*Itvrwr Howe --For nearly • decade
the Harvest Hume entertainment given
each Thanksgiving Dry by the lad:ea of
North -et., Methodist church has been
ore of the meat successful yethertters of
the year. This series of successes wsa
continued by the er:tertan,ment ..f haat
Thursday *venins. The attendance was
large •rad these who had charge of the
effete put forth their hest efforts to mike
the evet.iug tee/lel-4e. Suq:per was
first ie •,oder tin tee program The
tables were laden with the products of
gods. Aleth•,dist c.w.kery, and the g.r•d
things provided were speedily disposed
tet. Teedecorate,ns of the church, .1-
tituugh Lo•. iso so large a scale as on pre-
\'n.lU (.ecasiorar, were, saverthelea.,
tastefully arranged. A large bell fah•
curd of leaves and flowers hang in the
centre of the chorch : sin trout of the
organ wsa a sliver star ; over the plat -
fern) was suspended a cradle of grain ;
the Th•nlsgrving Day pumpkin and oth-
er products of this aeaa in of .he year
were not wafting, and bunting and ever-
green. were artistically displayed. A
novel feature was introduced in the
shape of half a dozen oat:arses en cages,
one of which created corsiderable diver-
sion by his aehement ringing. The
Astor et the church, Rev Geo. Richard-
son. took the chair, and Rev J. A. An -
detects was called upon to teed in prayer.
The following program was given :-
Chorus, "Cantate Dsmino," choir and
orchestra ; chorus, "Greeting Glee,"
choir and orchestra ; duet, "Beautiful
Moonlight, Misses Cooke aad Martio ;
solo, "The Better Lind," Mise Graham ;
chorus, "Song itt the Forest.- choir and
orchestra : dir.et, "Mother, nen this the
(ilory be l Mier Graham and Mr A. B.
Headers n, of Sarna iestrameotal,
"Marche de tiettesttoo," orchestra ; solo,
"The Sas,.• Mr Henderson ; quartette,
"'Twill be ~unmet Time By -and -By. -
Misses Grahata and Wilkinson, Massa
Comer Al and Halls ; chorus "l3sautifel
Rao," ehotr ; Delo, "The Song for Me,"
Men Graham : instrumental, `Overture
TLnclustmeot," orchestra ; duet, "Lito-
tes, 'tis the Wnod bird '• l oug;" Mise
Graham and Mr Henderson . charas,
"Moak All Around 1-s,' choir sod
..robesfra : q.srt•tte, "Me,.set • Masses
(inhale and Washington, Meme Came-
ron and Henderson ; solo, •'i in King
o'er Lane and [tea," Mr Henderson -
ehorts, "GhnHome (:os,d
Night," •heiratandeoreoghesrn. Mr- Hso-
deuwel was enthusiastically reeeiwed at
eager appearaticit, and in response to
eraser •• after each ••( bis solea •see "vitt.
hlfae.n.w, eest' wsaandmostYhheartwtu%.Allly rendT1s
Travenol performed the def-
ies, �.1 accompanist very satisfactorily
Gad air Halle a ted as messiest dovecot
Vida SS seal ability. The behavi'.-
eps dsthert altNbsbatiot rel •los•., bo,s
old /he tats( of abs chorch sGa the sol
les• .f epusNet.Me amoebae.. The pro.
..•d.. we estesret.od. ••nested to neer
erellgelle.,i e, :: , ,r - e . r.. a w,
ya ,.
Tae Cued of efis b enema
Meme towtasbip r bowtisetiw of Ms M'
Isultte,. tresesrer, Newerrmbe, is tete at'
the suet.
Pa,.nau 'Faroe ExaM, -Mr Deilq
Holmes succeeded this week is passim.
h is Anal euesenetiuu for 'onsite,, and
Mr P. Maloomeuo has been equally sue -
easeful to bis •.cuad intermediate sums -
anon at law. having lakes a req credit-
able standing. CcugraWlatioas !
Cuts. at ANMI Missal .-Rev. Dr.
Aylsawurtb, of S'r•tbroy, will press*
anniversary sermooe to A'iotoru-u. 31s-
thodist church neat Sunday. We be-
speak large 000gregatit as for the rev.
gownsman. He ie well and favorably
known to many in this own. The an-
neal bot supper will be on Tuesday neat.
Supper served from 6 t K, followed by
addressee and music. The address of
Dr Ayleswortl will be on the McKinley
H It Cakklau 7.1 DIBATO- -- At the
Paestum ref the Osgood* Literary and
Debating 8r caety Saturday emote( lest,
the debate was .,u the proposition, "Re-
solved, that a crimtual court of .ped
should tee established." The geestot►
was decided its favor of the .thrmative
sud the decision was rendered •reedy on
acwwut cat the argunleuts advau.ed by
the leader en that aide -Mr J. D. Swau-
mi, sou of our tow0srao, Mr (3eu.
Swanson, and formerly of the office of
C..uaerou, Hult A Cameron.
SUF. A.cuff:OW Sv.i'sn•, -Recently
Miss M,inuo Sande, of this town, the
popular elocutionist, gsve an entertaie
moot i., Owen Sound, and from the cent -
meets ,[ the press of that town she
achieved an undoubted success. The
u., of Uct.', 3rd saes : "We have got so
used to, and so disgusted with, third-rate
minstrel shoes, dramatic con.psnies and
the like, which usually catch all excitable
• rd uueducated classes, drawing over•
flowing houses (quantity Sats totality)
that we wetc,.uird • 'an eeeniog enterlaiU-
meutegiven by the talented young elocn-
li•mist of Goderich, Miss Marion Sands,
aseiatcd by local vocalists and monis'•
The audicuce *sari', Wei on Tuesday
evening was mitt select, and • happy
sympathy existed between the st:eetators
and the performers from the beginner to
the end. The eutertainmont was opened
by Mesdames Sterilise and Levine, in an
instrumental selection from Schubert.
The graceful positron maintained dorine
the brilliant and perhaps difficult reeve.
non of the piece was admirable; the time
kept was perfect, and the expre•uott
effective. Miss Sands nae eteeil,ot its
all her setecti'.na, especially in "A Leap
''fisc 1Yu4ing' . re poor Tom Pilger,
who wore his hair like • mop and vela the
laziest and most sloven young fellow on
earth, believing in the truth that there
was nothing great on earth hitt min, and
not hi ng great in man but mind t,aniinau..
raining the parts of S:r Peter and Lady
Tesr:e. In this latter she was, p-rh.ps,
more higl.ly ple•une than In any of her
.elecuona. Mies Sands deserves great
uedtt, for she is we,tnta••r+tand, entirety
self taught." The-.lolerfi.i made the
following reference to the elf :its of the
talented yo•.ug resder (rein (i..3enen :
The brttht young ei.tcuuuniu cat the
1 evening, Miss Mrro•n Sands, hails from
the sitter town of G.•tiench. Mies Sand.
selections were well received. with ,cat
exception. The -oust lady has a mod -
eat tail pleasing nlaoner, very attractive
to her audience, She was perhaps most
n,.tahly successful in the beautiful
Drayer passage to "11 •w Jane Conquest
11,1011 the Belle' whiclt was given with a
power said feeling that brought tears t.,
many •yew The forest dim: true from,
"As Tia Like It," and the ham••,
nus select:on "The Jitters," were ale'
aspect/illy appreciated. 1
Remember that D: Richardson, the
West-st dentist, extracts teeth painless-
ly by the use of electricity. Office ••nen
every evening, except Sunday. fr'.m , to
J o'clock. 82 - ant
]Mfrs to fa1Ct iMale►s,
e One hundred tuns of hey end a large
quantity of straw for vale. Would tie.
to have it fed on the oreniires, A'htield,
Western Dia Minn. west half lot 5, con
14, sit miles west of Luckn':w. Bank
barn to iecctumodate ;a head '.f cattle,
K. nil ►a. 82.21
king et Term All t
The greet popularity of the Lm.lon
.idrrrt;.r, is due to the immense amount
of interesting nese and spicy readrnp
matter furnished its reader., and its
remarkably liberal rates. Although pub-
lished in Western ,int•rt•., and chronic -
line all the Important events in the
"Garden of Canada," it in no way en-
croaches upon the country paper's work.
All the latest *5005 is given, regardless of
locality. Its literary department is ac-
kncwledged to be the molt interesting
and complete published. Included with
each yearly oroer for the Daily •.r the
Weekly Afire etit, rr is a year's subscription
In that splenlid new monthly W...., tree
Dune/der.. You can have the hod,/
Advertise.. Wee. eel /tie AIrr.r, and
Tae SIGNAL for one year, by remitting to
e s the sum of .3.2e. Or the W'e,f.•ru
Aden -firer (weekly , Woe. and laree11,0r,,
e nd Tag 814:1401. from naw to the
dose of 18(11 for -sty 32.00 Register
your letter and Nate exactly what is
All parties wetting
their sale bills printed at
this oOwill get a free notice learned la
MN list up to the time of sale.
important sale ..f farm Mock, ample.
menu and h:,osehold furniture, the
property of (ire M. Doe, at Maitland
Mee, 2 miles from (l;derieb. net the
Huron Road, on Wednesday, Nov. t6tb,
at 12 o'clock noon. John Knox, .we -
Sale of valuable farm stock of Charles
Robinson, at F.ast half of lot A, oars. 6,
Aohfleld, oo Wednesday. November
19;h, at 1 o'clock p.m.. J. M•llotsgh,
Mortgage sale of v.lwsble tees pro-
perty - -lots 1, 2. 3. 36. 37, 3R, 0.1.bl-
eon's aurvey,.,loderieb, -W Jetta Lees,
• setios•tr, at Martina !heal, oak -
risk, no Saturday. November teed, at
13 n'sleek noon.
isspert•at Gain of the household fwr-
sttere of Wilmer Smith, os W
Nev. 19th... the testis. ropes., Bami1-
bout., oeere.wetse at 1 o'clock. Jobs
Kam. asMks.pr,
Do you wish to save Maw in
buying Dry Goode ' 11 so we
think we can help you. We are
showing this week a new line of
Ladies' Cashmere Hare at 25c. per
pair. Men'n all -wool hose at 13e
per pair. In grey flannels we are
alto showing new guodtt bought
leas than manufacturers' prices.
All wool from 17c. per yard up.
Should you want to ascertain
whether a piece of flannel ii all
wool or not, get wipe caustic pot-
ash, dissolve in water and Clip •
iece of the flannel in the mixture,
. . CrutBuciami. o. Mo.. "Mt. lfIlts to
Oasdard 4 N •
Irar, owe.filhOrt~•
..... i . c. ...... M M t. t
Y er
, ........... »te.01 •to••
Geawe I5.a1II
,.,, ,. . 0 Ole 0 0
par .. .. .. •053 too•
Byle, iTieh ,0. to :Wt.
Hal 'tusiellisileillblale
e w%. fresh rtapeeked. Y ilea..... a d t 3.N
t :b..re ...-•... sib • If
WpWaoa1l a set •
Iii._ 4 • lad M
,.,,. • luS O
•oe 73
eaving it there about 12 hours. RbHa.• U owls _,........... :a:: •
The wool will then have been con- Pett......... . _ ........•,.•- 0 0 te0 a
'sinned, leaving only tile cotton. (sitsaespesais.ao.
i Don't let the fluid burn your tin- Nov. 11th a°'
trlesr........... .... s.5 • o S M
Fell K kat, sow and old .... a Met t to
Mpr4ig Wisest...... . .. 0 M to 0 a,
tal.LrrrM . **toe 4..
Jorda•'. lihsck. (laden,' yu hito 0 :t,
Nei. Ilth, ItJe. -•251- ...
i J• A. REID 6s. BRO.
From oar own carnttpe•dea;.
There is no news in tlsumiUer-offs•
Didn't have soy thsoka_iving. Turkeys
are out fa' e•Jeugb, at:d gyre. not Pluck-
ed; and h:.w oats ere Leat, tbauksttrtng
without these. Besides, there *ere toe
tops tied maugolde to be pulleJ,and erre
potatues to ese dug up : and, eh : wasn't
tt cold, mudov work to do it ! The Otte.
Ueueral must (•,rgive us this time N.
wtll try te de better nett year. Per-
haps he will kindly put :.tf the day 0 bets
till we get these things ail done, and if
His Euteue,.ce would study the almanac,
sod let us have a bit '•t m.enuliglit to
cote up with, it sou d 1e tnauklu.ly se-
am -ed.
Aaoko minims. lose .►L
Miser . ........... .. ..
...........,„... .. 413 toe I.
5 N to 7 tin
......... .
rdwood •....... .. ......... 300 to 4 0
Bort ..•_ _............. .. .. .: .... 000 o0 fes
Wsel 0 m toe 11
Peel „ 1 73 to •' 00
0 *Mu*
Ueseree) wsrw Darnel.
Ofepor- or ta. .tloalrea/ liars,- /Caraway,.
Poise tit. Clarks.r
November 10.
The reeelps of hones . N r l.r O. T. R. for
the week tedium' Aevetpber Mh were 1911; left
over tram prevloas seek IS ; total fur weal.
all; shipped during wcvk.136. left for city. 0,
galas treat
these stables for week, 12 ; on
Arrivals of rboronahtnv.l and other in.
paned stock at tl;ear ata oleo for the week and
Mimed tier Oran.' Trunk itsilwrt : K:. s.4.
"take 1uper.ur' -l0 but„aw eus••rtner! to W,
0. Springer. of ltakeloeea. to , 3 horses ct.a
•hand to Thn.. Ulb.an. Tn onto,Ont.; 3 pond.:
osssiftle.t to John Uunn, Turosta Ont. Kc
148. "Xoroegiat."-32 homes cansi,;oed to b.
S. ihnnett a :ton. of Topeka. Kan
1Matreet Meeh D'•tte4.
Uh !yea, then is A. 1:12 mese. Friend The receives or live stack at the Montreal
Crime, the Meal -keeper, andI'nrrd St.rk Tarda, Point Ott. Cherie., for the week
Plr•mmer, the betel and stall ownrr, ar credo; Kot'. SCh. MO. were a+ follows:-
very tuhclioua to male ail the people
t•:: a
down to the Hollow t. -vet their mail, u a ,a
steed of getting it at T G:edlttlt a store, Itra•eipeeet re since st the r ao
which to so :ouch mote e.m;reuten' now Meatiest Stock YardwPt.
it s removed 1 • the piece shaft "thorn j
St. Charkw ter the
made mart, • r ' Left esides, where it now : week ''test Its LIi 13
• orrr from Pm:
it bring* trial In the bsrruom, and It steer work tan tD
would in urn thJ recta; of the ta%ern t,, Tial fisc week. _... t,iM •073..1"% 1.1Y2 13
i ell os k.ael 9q I.iO las.
have at reeneved. t;., ;..e two hero hitch-
ed up their tram, and hate ocrr sewed
to get servers to a t•'tltj011 to let It re-
main in the rear cf the tenon,.
Did I say there was mo newel 1 (In : 1
f-)r1,'dt. Old Mr.C.,usins died last week.
She was in her ninetieth year vette•, the 1t0
tk. (chert
weary wheel. of Itfe of. ail. cal sShe and hutchen'. Fee,[
her late husband were am tree the first Butchers''. medium
settlers in Colborne. Sb• was horn in y p n, can.
Fermanagh, Ireland, sr d leaves a name- Hopi ...... .
Ous family ' f deecend,ints. She died 'en Cates • •
There wetemrdinnt receipts "(expos.; cattle
but little Changingminda. Ynr the bine:ter&
market the tome supply of inferior rattle con
tomes, her whir.b three is list!, demand and
lower enema. Hood cattle sr • alai at 1t can is.
Celtics few boos. with ,nage receipt., cootie oe
to fall. 1s. trate being fair value.
We grtb'tiw toUowiag as beteg fair val-
.•'. l0 to 1,c
. - ... 3}� to tr
Sic in apo
.. - !cto3e
.. . 1- to Ip.t
ate 00 of 11t0O
Novat the n- ._--.`- _----
- -_.� -
3undaresidence o
2,e ro f her
Sunday, -
san. un the sixth con. line •'. Colborne. i MP' )(MANY BALE (IF FARM
I .task. sad bosaehold Ir;ci•
The 1' 1'.S C.E. ser: last nigh: to sleet torr. .lues insrrucriosu
otlit rs,sud t=, hear a report by Mrs Har- frnn, 31r ti••n M. u eeA pwMic asctl e,
rt. of the annual meeting ,•f the Ontario '•n N•ithsad lslsar, 2 from liwfe
rich. Ilnr.w heed, b. -torr Maes. a t4*.' 1(.
branch, which uaet tut mon•h in Ham- Hawk) farm, on%Crdr:e•.lae, the lath da► of
atoll. The 8,'cicty a roc-.reriag after N•tr,. 1[00. owesrnrtn,(at tate hour of 12 rr
the autcmer interruption sed wtl' we clo,'L. n",on. scarp, the follewiwg. ♦ii - 1 r•1
oats, •each as lii.•n f hams.. Warfonl: 1 *pan
have no dal,t, he an etfi_trnt aid to of b'.ack niareaad 7 yeannld, etrdaten; 1
Christian e4.:rt this winter. They are Mt aware. 3 year!" old, retrlel• i try mere,
.ear% o4S 'a hal. r..Wd,rrr-, 1 chesraut mare,
to have a c ,nsecrrtiun meeting err (WO '1 year, old. rcwl.t. r: 1 Mark gridine. •t ' can
week,. old. roadster; I One awed coach tinted mare
and colt. 2 montes old: 1 nee year old kity
The ynar!triy services t f the Method• meet.. bas taken Mt pnx a (loderich.ad
ist o hutch wore held at Ilvlt's church, 1.40444015lfel.*; 1 row.rnppo+.d is calf: 1 eprt.e
Hulett, but In c.•t,.egdence,.t the eery j s'' Iliiarrrnes; 1 tnneeeilr• new, y
wet weather were out eery well attended. horse rake: I owe horse wagon; 1 Demser
The , ffi:it! mee.itig sus held an Bernell'. wagon: 1 set of hothlrirh.. new: I set oferasle
M6.Iet,tL•a new: 1 plow: 1 •torte curter, wash
Iry the nett day. and reported tinu.cw Ian• r oil shaft, Amrrb-An make; 1 ars. a e•'
• hitle improved from last year. ter. 'node by A. Morton. nearly new; t P•rt-
laadcutter: 1 road con. nearlyrew; !Poore,.
- .m
nude by .1. D -s. Toronto: 1 Clsda...
., Vole
tad shaft.. made by J. Dixon. Toreato. I
V ARN A. teener phaeton, with• nimble tale and shaft.:
Foam our own eorreapodent. I Newp.n cart. made le MUM. Toronto;
1 lyrht phaeton; 1 wheelbarrow ; 1 set of oar -
Ls, n'as. - Rev Father Citiniyuy, risotto haruea, brow ntonate& .earl) new ;
who was balled to lecture here ,r+, Friday I set "re:12r11"ge ham.s,""47.111C____."64 of
last in the Tem renis) Hall, uoder the do'rcart tis -new, silver-•dened, saw.* by
i"51. L.tgstlen. Toeosto: 1 get of .eagle harness:
Aysptcee of the Stanley Orange District I set of single harems. rumen 1 set of Wm
ige, was unable to f 4:51 his apq.:ut. harner•.I: 1 light mallihs sad bridle; 1 bedroom
soft* sn.l be,lding:.bot t• verde a Brans•
trent on rccruit of illness. Rev F. G. sells. tape*try and wool carpets• all i. Snot -
Newton, of Bayfield, was, however, els" :undttton; • wnortty d ase "'Sur"
loins! to the energw,c and although and other article. toe iteasrest l mantle.,
1 y• s The above week Nall l arse -•lase es.dt-
he had only a few hours given him to Icon. Parties wishing bargains will .:o well
d the saes.
polect his though's. he delivered a very oestenH, 1)..6e. given se the stock farm and
eloqucmt and instructive address on the is going Into other busiest, the above stock
origin arid history of the Jesuits. Rev *111""0111-
111h•sokl.air Henderson, of Hayfield, and Rev J TKR]/$ OF S.1LF.-All snows of 110 and
1 nder, ea*, over i1.4 amee.t. it months'
Walker, of Vargas, pre short and ap- eredit will cis given es fori5hingnppro red
eroprute addresses. The meeting wee cash n.tes; Mssr'est wW M aBewodoRht
presided over by the District Master,
Mr Joseph Foster. The Varna choir 31Ia1Ciat Sales.
furnished bane ekes.•e music end lbw __.- .__ _ .
enlivened the meating. JUDICIAL SALE
V or 01•111111 *t•
sary of the Gunpowder Plot wsagiebra• SALT MANI'FACTOI"Y, LIBR,AaT. Imre-
ted on W..duesday evening last, at the Pursuant Ieaeider of the d
residence of Mr John Johnston under Justice. liar the a4.I' r
the auspices of the L. U. L. No. 1035, a„.1"1"o.J ��yyss1 Oeowg`eth11.
About eighty members and Invited I ti •rl.tin
�issarr.FsesI s. Loss. Mauler
questa were presei.t Alter all Dad par- • wrens. Nev. tared, OMo, at
:aka;i of termer' aid 15.good tillage o' a the ile.tomTows
u hes .Aloe a.
y era t I* t4*• Twww d Wiorlob
which the ladies of this locality kouw an
well how to q m In the C Cal !Stock
provide, the whole petty of Aegrio•ar►ensiotl te0,. can -
spent a very enjoyable evening in music, I Iit�w of le ttwld Trow. d Oo�er
soiled chat and games. .and mheell•.vwsagw00be •and a
Inspector J. E. Tom 'cropped into net nem Keruelleise chesnM. sasla0. bauble
scbont here nn Monday last. The � Ne
ib. wUl be pot q Ian re 1st,
mile in both dep•rtseems aogaitted I if • sq prim *am odd, /y
thenterlvee in • ref. salistemory manner, ' ke 5.1 M M Ave share baa Vest
tabor omen/ will be guile. (mw est NL
rs4ecting much credit on the principal, ��p 0111 fan ea upload prtna.
Mr J. R. Iltlfo.ur, and the maifa•ot, Twewty-$vsploreewt, span each pwretses
vr1B be
rs�aYwd ea the day M self to M
Mise M. A. Blair. to ih•Y 'tthtwt tad the led'
Oetttsge prayer meatiotn aro being held 4.11`.111.1"
al I bsiiwtitled
at the maiden -.e of Mr H. Cweninehamp�.y..nr mivl•
of this plod'''. .Mels t , e~ftilevwW es rh iarroz ts�a.
�wt�ef the .�Bltct r M ofd Vets
Cstiamw, Heh Rita e
rad Raw% the Vend
seise her wiry m.ob, u the u an estim• k h the Ler) fla.yy .Oat., _
able young lady. R. MAL.COMnON enders tbtkttera
Mr Tho, Ward, oar entetprisins tiff- • a lecal Mater at 0.derlrh.
spa, *hipped • carload of fat cattle to --'
Toronto haat week. Be realised • good
Seers fir them.
Fres Tvao Areass ter word
wrest in a4 is given by 11,•ll',
-ism' for 1be lards* list e1 wards
esastreeted out of the words "Bell'.
Gs elite Serosa. -The 285th ...biter.
Mies Bella '1eKercbie, of Toronto,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs J.
Morrow, took her departwn for her per-
mits! home on Monday teat Ws will
Med. Mos ees
C A M P I O N, sARRfe7'ER.
��110{007 .Prewbltc. • d e.
W +MeeDiss..'"
Mspkue.' Ala. Yltirlts, I105•0•, Par- 1 R. O. BAYS. SOLICITOR, BA
for Sate., Gold %Vi abed', Silver Tea Ala OMse. •setter d Oman tad Wes
Set., Parlor Coal Stoves, ata, ate., all I t l►ta .N to lead •v" 01sMt. �en
positively gives away. E�eryone.t.d- ' ^`
leg sot lees than 'Mitten treed. win get ('1 ARROW a PROUDFOOT, SA -
• pKaent, Beed 12 mete in Nadps, re Ane 1e. ��m.rr��..��r(era ake..
mentiosisg Toe St..wat., Ie• ruler, Mem
T. Oanww vl. RwhdsGat
testes a takig.e tied espy of pap• le 0AME1t�Pf,BOLT � 1& OAMSSON.I �a
'Mw�Mrrs��imMs.s k It
"'a llg1: ismoate
.,'ru, 0.1. IS agM vg C1Dmmraa 14. tt p• wil.".. c• a IT•1
eliOMs, pew et.. YMterW0w be eM Nee
11911A11136011. 'AUL
GOO Ind YYallme Ale
per% antes
�,.1 of Lima.=sato Neale semeass wl r1 es4
Meeting Notices.
"TICE rt) 147111HULD11111.
•.Darrel .testes N Cas .b al 11 imt, 1.
N tinny () meatiy m m bold at tM armee
Comm Treasurer. 11. the
at the w• of flodeeleb, en
day or Nessebtor. NM et
It .'deck a.m., ter we sense, of .4-s. 4
isre s of the said Voiemaay mid Asa f
bylawt adw,tor
rM timasectias of air
lawful eebre
Rated at Uudsrlck this 1114* day of October.
H7 order of the ProvWenal hoard.
r. vARiwW
» 51
She People's t.otumn.
eels koahale goods furniture, au-
ppMM�e. asiea.-wilI.•unulous for s few
4075 at thy ,wide.•• of the uedreslttsed. or
Cambria Egad. S. M. V. Ll.tlYl). in 1t
05t tied wafer color portrait .nu,.
Depart.* Oat. Plsttuw copied add co
lamed. Wasted. dao or two tespeatabie sad
inteWeeat permo•epes moats to thug .eW rice.
Those meaalse sennas address as abase.
fora commie rouse mea.
Amy tont PION. au.
kern the *k,tog busiess., A:.pty Ise
msiistety to D. CAN rxt.ox. (taker, Wena•
et., Do41er•Icb. 78If
11.1 MILLIGK1c. lot 17, nos. N, west Wawa
sash, karma ae tae delver Drove Farm. A
well-bred 40014*. Teems $1. at -it.
r entire eult, brad from imported Clyde►
dohs stock. Apply to THOS. TODD, St Het -
es., Oat.
. THOMSON u prepared to give mimic
lemons oa Ih• pi.au or orzan. For parti-
culate inquire *Woo. W. rhomson's Meese
Store. 30.1 .
11 weti•kaews and alar hotel has hero
retitled tad climax the put meson.
and is POW to none in quality est ac-
commodation for the trot eiliag public. flood
ereomsehletem for tr.u.ie*t guests WM.
('KATY, Prepielor. the :+aware, tlodertcb.
t'111.rhs assts .tart.d in the tuanofacinreof
pumps, wits rmebluer\, material ..r..1 a tMr-
uugh knowhsdele of the bootees. to enable me
to turn oat • ire -clue *rtw•k, all orders ..-
trusted tete at on eaw•etll. a1 the Nile. will
Fre,-tee naw .Nat c.rr-(uI and pruu.pt 1st
Hun. H. MOOD. Nile P. U. t■s!!
• PiANO.
Speeds; •tter.tloo given to rebutting and
action manholes:.
Reduced rates for Sear:y tuninr.
Orders len at Organ Factory, at my resi-
dence. West -et . or at (i. W. Thomson's Pleas
Warerooma ail remit• prompt attention.
All work gtsraaeed.
3 -Iy. Y HO10UKls8,
Strayeb Animals.
► d Belts ,(A she, sl..nn T.trsdey
leenill 1444 PPM turned
e sad few Mi • seams red mow lts dlimes en forehead.
Infornasfas to the raosrsry of the
sefmal will be reworded. SANDFORD
BTOG F E3 at -11.
1_I the premises of the srlt,cri?scr. C. Dui
mage. Pan Mork C. ('m.. 1, Colborne, about
the le of Heptentber. Imo a spring
os11. The owner wiU phew prole eroarr13.
My Pryer** .rd take the ani nal away.
M at CH)t14TOPUItlt DL'eeteen.
premises of subscriber. Falls Reserve,
attest the middle of S$el.tembrr. a .seta(
holler coif insets.. reddish arty. ',pored. The
°wade i. re'inrsted t , peeve property, pay
ehsrars and take it away. M. t i . 4 lit
1-7 of eutwcrlter shout the middle of Sept..
awe year oM*-a steer and heifer -both rearl7
all red. The seer has • white spot an fore-
bsrt, arid both have winched holt r right
ear. Infor,stloa Iead1•g to their reometry
will k .shabby rewarded by JOHN TIPFI \ .
INA ear, it Coltman*. Nile P.O. 7p 1t
Legal Sales.
Under power if We N a •head
Ma) 30th Ind.naelssed to thee. va Was.
o intment da ed December els, 1
be pnl op for sole W Johggi► All
Martin'sHataLe}�erbh. Rev. saga
at twelve.11•10. �aMw�11 sem
fh•sald's Purvey.
Coder tady rinse of tee power elate in
• nOW4 rebrnary V. Lsf. made to
crodne. them will be *Awed fee sale by John
Knox. seetienser. Mantes Hotel. node -
rich. on Novesaier Sed. aext. at 13 o'clock
rry.lots 1 It 3. d. 17. 1. 1. Horchreoe'a
ad It r .ed 3, ooesaio. A. on
tenni• street. ?awn o(Oederie►entere t.o)
wee silent d. Teras seer. 1 reserved
erid4 Belabor fr. 1M0,
7p4t. Tender% gagaiter.
Amusemnen< s.
R(K)M. ear. of Vac street Mail Beware (.p
open from 1 to t loss„ std from 7 toil/p.m.
Lending Doily, WMIp anal Jllweratrd
Pepwa, Mapai.ar, 110. , on .#lir.
g readmYW1 R' ONLY t�aae e.
and ilaadl.w-
p roeelvee to
ltlV /M ttr'wersry.
I. -netting butte.
- (IRANI/ TRUNK Katterae.'.
Tails* arrive ..l depart at eederleb es to
lows ;
amitvs I
ran assesses. ilial
Loans area Jneurance.
- 11. It"BIIRTMON. A000UNT-
sem Asset, bellee-GUe=th Npea'1, �ttla.
nal cram Nertest.
EN. LEWIS, Barrister, Praetor le
. ri11aMtteas Coen_ ' Mosey ose I:t to
. private hada Str•Igbi lose, In.
tercet yearly. Cassa very ,n drrete, roc
particulars. 1 penesaly or writs. rl
• Actinism 1•tarasee AapL nepotism.
tag North YrKlrk t Meeemarhs : wrl Lire
iaet t Globe; Norwich Vidalia:Will
Life : sad Aecldsst Imarasee et
. art► Amen•.. Leanest Rates I,.m..
tial prwmptl)• Messy te LGa. ee !1•rs. Pad
Tows Pr ..rte• Oosvq.sstaw dogs Neo.
>„alr , ate• t)•re►-Cor. Nertkat ts.d
71 -
*600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
RIF Hee. trop Mut kOAlltstwN.OWe.
amused ef Private pees for limestone
st Iwet 100 es arse -his afsrnsa4es A10)
teOAltaow a'. PROCDIOOT
SURANCE, Real Utak. and Messy
I.Malne Ames. Oel7 ane -ohne oemp.s -.
repaeated. 01•01 to Le.d w 1
tellea. al ale rate of lot la
any way o sett s oorrower.ee
sad door tree Yeear.. W." 8t, 1 e..
r lob.•�Wd
For Bale or to Let.
Aacel bedroom*.
diatom room. clew. tad alaker�
.Hand and Gott water. Mpis to WALTER
SH s.
7C -2t.
MlltABLE widows w Wewet. sow or
comae by la. N WUttnam Pesswba gives
at .mow Apply to JAS. A. Mc•1!671/0H 12 It
►J -The erecierty Immo as the Oodertek
1wasaii sadiconleies* em, will M °Mi ed
T(ih. 11'.0, There von bbearraeiread�bid. The
u a saleable property, tied will be offered
cheap. We have been dome a successful
b•einese for nearly set es years tad •
trade a estabnabed. rbould • sale not Os
affected a caries will be open tor a Mis-
part) with aese.y to srcurw • third tater-
cat la the t.sl ,,_ with w For seutioahn
call sr t4 rmosety. KI'Nt'I]IAN BROS. 813
K ' sad 177. Victoria -et., Hedp.
rich. L. ter ere 065 ten: a w elgy amp
•wAverlF M MRS. NOI.AN, Ban
(ktL 73.tr
valuable property Meows .w lot 3, Lake
Ws*tent 1lvish. oaf Aabtkld, cos-
taie nes Ise Serra. ret wbleb 130 a,. Char d p{
II. iii tinder cnod both, TbrreN . H..•
frame botres, tied tnn.e torn .ad *beds elm
the premier*. r4*• fano te situated a talks -
fruit% Uoderit h. and r mtkr from Port Albert,
kt-tl grain market*. There are 15 acres of
fall wheat Goss .nd a quantity of fall plwwdl.
ing d•*,e. For p Aberdare .pply _ p j,
H I W KINL', Puri Albers, or JAri slltt/F!r
KWh. !!R
L`AliM Tt) RENT. -To A 000D
r experienced farmer. fora term eK
the *r*i half tot 1, ten, 4. K. D., Towastioweilla
Ashrleld. Co. 11.irtss. Date hundred
easy acres viewed. **ace is tiatber-
for yutar. . and enckmed. AbsatpsA
good owe.- for .tuck and baasak.M
On the prrmre. area ►na*, tech.
(,c�ael�f�, rr:• tear•. fall wheat. Eelotdsa
rlile� (tars• dwewng toast, �a
t��e 1'Qww..:un for ewltleatkta tbla
11MMYtapt sad from will be Improi-e4 to
Meg t bAddress T. A. J., STINAL urn
-About tee minutes walk from the $q05,,
Two stores Mob. back addnios la this rear
�. 3 Sa ootere 15.
• Ma•d,aV kat J tam's nwrlsa au.
a rase 1170) lame raoO.. Kar.
rasa. Aird
mime. Alois to dila we.ee,g��piet who MR
au e1 , ltewa
aildi' DAN11G.
ONTARIO. 1 _r deter of • wide
Tow s or Uouanice. rest
Tu WIT : I Mar
biztby tie
ake Cer-
pnrate Sat of the Tow.- of path. o me
nieerted. traria. date First dr of 8.51.5.
her, IMO. comeaadlag me to levy tepees sad
sell the lauds eseatios.el 1a the 4Aewl.g
lea of arrears or taxers dam thereon. I berelr
give notke that asks se04* attaro
oetta are soone;Zit 1 o w p,a. ns. o cos the
load* a such rhgsef as stay M wse-
easary for the payment etthe taxes wed mots
thereon at the TO W41 ALL• te Ow mid
rOWN OF GoURR1 w /},d.,� Out
rsrhdayoteN.sv___ ataMherdtaro
o clock 1. tbts/tsw....,
f The following logs err pssiwfed,)
Let Na
0.1=. t
1,...a.,lea• ! 11'
K'. pt, S1f 1.1 a Il 1t ! $4,--•
8-s. 105 Pawk .sd�Mva�p. 1•N 1 tsel ! 0t 5 711
AMasst 14 Ip I tial U Is
�u txNM
6 flmsk 1• 1w tri13K
' RI " 1"..sR 14IIdi114 7n
Trewwntsr i Mau
(tsps be. 1 7113[. {
UiBA ii1(► *El1ERAL ALC - -
1 aae`r M M
b Nat. w r'�"- as
any sa
litstiMIS OP nik.
caw[). e y