HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-14, Page 61 1 •-,a _. • v b ••‘,„tt ii . lien:,,. 4 .I:Anil. t. 1::111 SNS ilk.Call and See these Goods. COLBORNE BROS. THE SIGNAL, FRID&,Y, NOV. 14, 1890, 1 COLBORNE BROS. 1111 - New Fatal (3-Dodis I -IN— DRESS GOODS, MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, Ne arly *di of Ls : hell ..re direct from the European Mut tsetse \ civet Ri!,1+, t: nil Black Silk Velvets CHEAP I •ti 111 CASE'S MAKING SQUARE HOLES. FARM, FIELD, LIARJE4. • ■.telae These as a. weyae as 11 M ve aa••a. A feet in meohseics, the Leedom Tires eats, has just been accomplished by tlfil prudect►om of • maeheie by mwam et w hich meant hula can he drilled is metal. Hitherto it has bees peesib$s to drill wily round boles ; het now samara boles, mod, in feet, holm of somplez aeutastrtoal uothM, oats lie drilled s. sagely as circular holes. There ars two erchin.s fur effecting this objuet. one of which will drill only either mead sir square Mane, but the other will drill holes of any shape. The beet of thew is the Ansley -Oakes driliiog =imbibe, which its sppearance ambles an ordinary drditui machete. It has, however, • spiudle of three ouucw- tn, pert., upon one of whoeh is a set of came w arrauged that each cage, when brought into combtnatein with the part its which it works, pro- duces at the cutter s hole ..i• given size each caw producing a different shied TOPICS OF IMPORTANCE TO SUS - URBAN AND COUNTRY READERS. Me sit the tieeeeea Why rte Mama Or- eiade Tameaeiwt the C.uarq Fall 5. Italie Rera.esatkee Returns 1. Tatar owners. The fruit tamp of this r•ucafry the present year ie a turret uneatidactery tine, with almost cump'ete failures is smooch the principal apple gruwriug dis- tricts mal with sock diminished yields in ethers that the ktate•s winch can real- ize on half, third or quit. ter crops are deemed fortune:se. The "(ten recurring viei,sdtudw of ties apple crop ::re having a 1is•uuraging effect on tetany fatwerw, leading thetu to the beleif that the crop is not ns protteldc ou the average as grain emps or a more diversified charac- ter of fanning. It is r:ad thee with uc- hule. In other words, ma setting a cows caeional ;wove oto large as to glut the: bole the toe of the cutter describes a markets, followed by off yearn or per- sleere. It is mut pustulate without draw- haps an almost appal, famine year like uirs to make the arrarlgemaot clear. but the prinen . a better nee can be mode of it tally be stated generally that the me- the land than to it with apple - cbanical details, while very ingenious. are trees. At the least it i-; ttenvelit hr the very simple, and the newts very sats- disetkie4 ones that t::eorehe.r.i area - • factory. of the country should not be increased The seeded machine is the Tyler Ellis to add to unprofitable over production drill, which is an outcome of the pre- on the one luted and unprofitable ene•u- etoua apparatus. In the Tyler•EIIis laLi1" of fruitless gene on the other. machine spindle moves about the canter While it ii tree that we have oft years allimilallolos of a ball joint and, by an improved ter- with their insectvbttten, knotty apples Corn Cure Renee es an kinds of Ha: sail Soft ('urns. Waits. etc.. without pain or snow roc, It Is a irte..neeesnd etfoctual reeved:. and there is no cot n existing it wit! not cure. destroying eterl root .0d hraty t:. U•ce mold meter will be regretted. Refine all substitutes. Full dirccttons with each bottle. Pere 3c. emit:. %aim est r sit H. SPENCER CASE, chemist and 1tneegtsd Vo. etWest iiin,.st.. Ilageitea. Ontario. gold by F. Jordan. Haase all Substitutes The Great Remedy CATARRH. BRUGNIANSIA Warranted A SURE CURET SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. It. J. K. GoRE. Seae Pa: en:re an! )! + + .:ter• GOl.eelen OXT. THE BRIGHTEST, NEATEST AND BEST, 1" "TEL SIGNAL" C. SEAGER, - inmI ,., *Ir.n, .— NEW BLOCK Money to Lend a Cheap Ram. 111 tf the working parts, holes of an.l altrrrice Years of Plenty with • 'fried, it n nevertheless can Le drilled. Another point L4 adieu- w•.• tt:v of care:al a -i•i'•rntiou vrh-ther --' rage to the Tyler -Ellis lire! is that at improved tnethode of cultivation. more cuts clean stones in the :Niers hole, whereas she Aiule tease drat leaves • cl HOUSEHOLD HINTS- intro in the eectinn of varieties Dad _ . ketal M1aa. Te freshen leather chair seats, valises, bags, etc., rub than with the wed -beaten white of an egg. Pet bits of camphor gum in trunks Or - arswers to prevent the mice from dt ling any injury. To brighten carpets, wive them with warm water in which has beta poured a few drops of ammonia. tmre- any conceivable mathematical outlier,muucraa t I 'es, slight Wheelif metal in the angles more att. �ittou to the p -. ervatioa aid Keep the hack, especially between the shoulder blades, well covered ; also the chest well protected In sleeping in • cold rue w. estacl.sli the helot of treetb- ing through the nose, and newer with the mouth open. Do not ian a sick person unless rou are requested to do w or there is a good reason why you should. A nervous person is often made very uncomfortable by it. Butter cr cans of milt may be kept perfectly cold by Icing wrapped .n • cloth and set in • deep duh c•'r.- tsining • little water, where air is c:r culatiog.. It is cot a...orally known that tin cleaned with wdl shine better than when cleaned with flannel. A clothe• wringer can be easily cleansed from the lint that collects on the rollers by •aturating • cloth iu kero- seno and rubbing it over. To make a conveuleut t fur drying collars su_e cuffs use a piece of muslin, un which you sew buttress in t.umbers and positions to •u., and fasten that strivigly on to the clothes Inc.,and the boeu article' will net get torn and lost. To stop hiccough, take • lamp of sugar saturated with vii agar. To mike good mucilage without using gum arabic, take two parts of dextrine. five parrs of water at.d one part of acetic acid. Duke by heating, sod add one part of alcohol. Sever wear heavy shoes in • sick room. List or felt slippers or cher' should be worn, as they are nit only confinable tc the wearer, but • doa':ly distilled blessing .n the sick one m.)evr+ re •• Ree At the Baptist Convention in Wood- stock the Rev. Alexander (;rant made • few vigorous remarks. "We've gut,'• aid he, " to guard against clericalism, as we would against the wont form of heresy. I ahnminste being called a clergymen. I would almost as soon hes called • priest. 1 don't ever want the word •' Rev." before my name. I sm • Baptist from away back --further back than Winnipeg Mr Tittle, Zurich. who broke his lee stout two months ago. ww nut on the street the other day for the first time since the accident. He had to use crotches. Mr John Koloaky and wife, of Indiana, have been visiting relatives and friends at Zurich. 1 SLY •clr°tt IlLArkk• raw sal 1•a tom.. it .r, Aw. Wolff'sACMEBlacking A ORSAT LABOR SAVE.. A SHIMS LASTS • wait. RAM AND SNOW OOM't AF/ECT IT. MO SRYBMIMC RIQuieso. MAKE. A 5110E Wk ge•woo,. USW ST UMW. w011101 .eD cilium/IX I Kalit N ili naEa- IKalitON ww►M,• eu • see e„e w,.. w►..- 0,.aaS c....ww ►Amar tat... wore v.ew•.s e. (Ise Ian. eve.. vows eta Smite.• „de,a Saba Orem r sMid .— amt. p larwuo • axe . trea..•1 Ae-etr Oar ormiA usIreeat. w,amass. ora isitioitts al Si do •ter • which bare to be clewed cut after the merketin;; cf the crop may not � hole has been drilled It is curious to mu• -'1 tosvarl !rennin; the grounds fur watch the machine forming a tour -sided anr•11 c"1Jluaut-". hole to a plate of metal, but it does le the fires place, in fruittnl yearn a it in a very practi: 1 and effectual man- lar" ° • of the cropi.iuwctlable. net. because o: its martin-, .1. inseam toady The value of these machie.es wilt he nnd,•.i.-able varieties It Otey alis" her 1.0 f ;used in sud f::r from market as to leeku it nup nifit- ship-building yards. where groat t,ucie uvle, Ra:Aly, indeed. is there a year ben 4.1 .guars boles are constantly re when apples of first elites quality will ,tuired w be made in various parts , 1 not payiumdxomely for their rai:•iag. if , and would be much more weiiin reach of good •. i --a f:r frequer.tly made sere the amanita hind ciliti,•s- There ore mmne varlet:es r. fur forming them. It is stated that the excellent that when l rutinit-.1 in their c.st of dritlit:g equart• hales is see gres'ar Text condition they are never in esi.•:- thau that of round ones, although up to sive supply. Of teach treats the markets the preemie -Pune the colt has been as 1 tale, f l:iir•,pe and our own cities are al - :lot -that is to say, a square hole has Way's ready t receive lance• gaantitiri. hitherto coat to make ZG times as mush Vis. in hal: crop pews the advents in price often more thea , impensates for the smaller yield, Asps Tally ii care bee been taker to combs: inaect fres at the proper titres. As a rale orchards re - II Few MINT Rein., ceive so little atteoti.'a that it is a won - as • round one. HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. eider mazy of them are net ever more un - German Puffs. -One pint sweet milk, profitable. Instance, are kntwe of five to , !lour, one tablsapum- orchards of fine ranee-. where the trees ful melted butter, six eggs, 1eaviug stared tic clniiely n:• eee,l togetl:e= that whites of three. Bake tri battered cues, the Ann cannot atrik- the gru :red at all half -fined, hal-au-hour sir twenty win- during the knit). coa. In e;ume sit rtes, 111 a hot oven. these there Lax not It en even a yearter Sauce for Uerwan Puffs --tellies of cze.p of go si apples in any year of the fire eggs, beaten ee a stiff froth ; tree Left four, except it iiiieht be ;dole; the coffee -cup puri dere; sugar, sed the deice ...Toga or on branches so high as to of two oranges Tune the middeog from quake the crx;: of g,•atherinm them equal the cups ince a platter and cover with to their value, A:1 °reliar,l grim ing sauce hefure sending to the table. Ez- rampant for watt of jndiciotu pinning ceptioually coed. or clumps of apple tries closely huddled A (;-'ud Fatin• Pudding. -Half e, together on rich toil a::zst ..1 ueeemity pint sweet int k. a little salt, oae tea- be ttnprufitah1e. ap..nful . f butter When, bulking add Mane of the unprofitable orch:,rde are three tablesp ienfu:s ,•f Jamie. Let it so ninvisely i,xate-1 that an .. , l cook until stiff, and then add -sugar Ind vanilla flavoring to taste, stir to the beaten yolks of fur eggs. and lastly, the whites beaten to a and froth. Pour in a would preinvusly buttered, and spread with cracker or bread-cruwba. Stases three gnarten of an hour. Serie cold sir hot. If cold, with cream and sugar; if hut, with the bellowing sutce : A Farina Puddene Sauce. - Half -a - pint of sweet milk. one ege, sugar and vutilla to tae Heat the nstlk, add the beaten yolk egg. a small teaspoonful of caro -stare already diss.;hed in a little said Wilk, the beater white ct nig and the flavoring. Stir constantly after adding the pole. • Tapioca Cream Pudding.. -Four large tat of tapioca soakei over night to a little over 1 pint of milk. Put the tapioca and milk into • tin, and put the tin ui • put of boiling water : let it cook untti tapioca is clear. Stir in the beaten yolks of three egg., one-half cup of demicated coc.auu', end Kuhns and sugar to taste. Cook Lau or three min- ute• longer. Pour ice, a pudding -duh arid spread with the beaten whites of the ergs and a little cocoanut. Brown slight- ly in the oven. A Delicious Cream l'ie -Cover plate with crust, and bake, watching carefully to press down the blisters. Cream - One cop of milk heated to wielding, add half teaspoonful of corn -starch mixed with • little cold milk, half • teaspoon- ful of vanilla, one and • halt teaspoon- fuls of sugar, yolks of two eggs Whoa evoked to • proper consistency pour on the crust. heat the whites with a little star. spread over the top and brows slightly in the oven. • tate HONEY slEL Al HOME. AU £bene the lase•wat ASASe..1 . Pias Mie.--weekees. Demme Arra Qwaaf An as a egmlnias W. hi- babttatste, om bas, eeversl lgg mise dtttwMarettt telasetal workers of aRBaedaMd/pilg. Om small fe the colony. the shave slildM� ) ow - fact female, amass to have tter se see duty the depuntlag culeqa brood cell% prepared by the worms From one husithed to nearly if not quite two thoweaad are deposited daily, ac- cording to the season and weather. She tan readily be distinguished !rum the others by her dee, which is mach lat'ger. She pommels a sting, but never uses it except in combat with a rival queen: never goes abroad after her bridal tour. except with a colony swanning. aad re- tains her vigor about thew years. The drones, or males, aro herb of leisure, and differ much in appearance from the queen. They are tree active, have no sting. rte probating for gathering honey, no basket for pollen, no seeks for the secretion of wax which the workers have. In the latter part of eumuter they are usually looped upon as unnecessary and bwtle:ie.rue mumbere of hockey and are put h' ,:eatIL The v: urkers are the sole laborere bringiug tutu the hive four substances. out of which are produced all things neeeaar• fur the construction of the hive. raising the young. etc. First -- Honey nectar el Dowers extracted by a kinder proboscis, mon-sl in honey seeks and carnc,l to hive. This honey bas to be prepared by mixing with it formic acid secreted in tha bees' jaws and mixed with honey by rigorous stirring. Sec- eud-Pollelkianst is used to feed young lens and cup.gner their cells, as it is pur- e•:•t awl very mach cheaper. Third - f rOpolis or bee gine obtained from the willow. poplar and other trees, used to cement cracks and crevices and as stays to strengthen cells. Fourth -Water to give drink to their babes and mix with their food. Wax or bee tallow is not gathered liko the other material, but se- creted ander litticacake nudetneath the abdomen. When aaxmaking they eat hooey and hang together in cluster• while tho operation proceeds, causing their owner' often to judge them wrong- fully thinking them idle. The queen begins W lay at soon as p.:llen can lea secured from blossoms. Which is mixed with honey and water partly d+;; aatetl by the bee and laid in the cells with the mei to feed the larvae as soon as hatched. In about three day' the larva, hatch n tine worts withort tegm. They are fed until about nine or ten dais. when they nearly fill the cell and refuse to eat and aro Sealed over. Around themselves they spin a salken meek changed from larva int. a perfect bee, coming forth in about twenty days from batcbin;;. and four .lays later gt: - forth as roaster workmen. wearing out - tbeir live, dnrin. the busy serious in about : is weeks. Qn'•en cells can resat- - 1y he s; f from, other cella, much reteetublin;; an acorn cup, and a:e Placed in the comb vertically instead of horizontally in the outer edge. Young _ totem lees are fed with royal food and entree to perfection a few days sooner : than the others -Wisconsin Farmers' - [melt rete. I T.arrimeet. • 110 YOU WAX? A GOOD OVERCOAT AT A LOW PRICE THIS r al.l. AND W INTSR t It a0, 11 can be eitalaal at the Mut of A. E. PRIDHAM'S, (Cor. of Montreal -St. and Oourt Houe Square ) These 0011411 ,are not old truck that has lain on my shelves until whiskers have begun to sprout but are real good articles of wearing apparel, of latest style, beet mater- ial, and finish that cannot be surpassed. Wear a Goat ---a good Ooat---this winter, and save your !Fiends nom buying you a coin. REMEMBER THE STAND, it may .A_ E_ PRM171_ LE 7 Coe. Montreal SL and Sonare. P.S.-LrRs.t stock of Wt eade:mese end genre turalag la neuron and • especial nee Is ledtes' tare at your ors mime. BOOTS, SHOES, R11ANDMUNEB68R5 Au interesting nasal, A World correspondent writes as fol- lows: This season I have had some of YOV WZLL �'IN1) JOHNSTON CAREY'S Wholesale tens Retail Boot and Shoo pstabUahmeat BsadQnartsre to: the lebove floods. ORDERED WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. THE SQUARE, IC:1:-ly Goeerich, Oat. ?No or bar.Iist might coufide•ntly predict the l.•tr„•ret and finest potatoes that I - �D their fct.:re le fore they c -a uelnto bear- ever saw grown is New Jeraeyeand the ing. Lew lying. rich alluvial Ir.nla can strange part of it is that I dial not plant without doubt lie pat to better use than them. Last winter the weather was s, raisin; epithet wiz re good kereisg gnali- mill that the potatoes wcattered In the - �\ tie'sare to deterltiu' their value. Ca- ground from last yearn planting -arch Ir... a fanner hes sp..ts of high or rolling as were too small to pick up when the lana it cnly medinte fertility for grain crop was gathered -came up Lett tt spring cn lip ll ..rcharli:ig bond enough for his and appeared so thrifty that I determined own er i:ntneliele neighborhood wants, to try an experiment. I , nt wood°she+ w is net advised. F. -.. . .. thou is on them and plowed and hoed them, and the scums neerasitr for rotation in sir- was well paid for my trenble. The vines • charting am with ;,•rain crops. Only in continued to grow as tato as Aug. 16, thein' wises where the nature of the to a- while the vines and potatoes planted in tion makes it no -., - lly favoral le the regular way were dead and the pots- ome should an olid orchard be succeeded toes not nearly so large. by a new one on the aline ground. gays the agricultural editor or The New York lees la Misname. World. *inherit,. for the foregoing. Deesslaa sad Sbiplax roultrr. Following are the directions given by ane of the leading commienon titins of New York to their patrons: - To insure the hightail swtloet preys for 'wintery the birds mart he well fat- tened; crops empty when killed: nicely and well picked and akin not broken or torn: thoroughly cooled, but not freemen. Park in boxes with a lacer of clean .traw irye straw is the beet) between the Idyls of pwlilitry in the same poetnee in which the birds roost. Mark the box. ,•pe4iyial what it oosttwins. Send invoice by taat flair to r.a4 delineation about the teildwar tis w" ems -lime• to active slats o• la ?few Veit dIy there is •t■ anti - that apeciSse that aviator chick - One nor tarbym dill be nested 1111r axle entree the are free from foal. It is now quite generally admitted that the beet way of oaring nmanttre and pteventing its waste is to haul it out as r soon as remvenient and spread it on the tg. ground where it is more wanted. When ; left for rngpths in the been yard there is ; . smi always loses front leeching and soaking into the grotmd. where it does no goose. It hauled out and spread the axil absorbs and holds all that is leached out by the rains. In this way the loss is reduced to a minimum, except that it Hely be on gsnala MO sandy or gravelly that there ft nothing to retain fertility near its sur- face. or so steep that anrfrtee writhing carries it off. GET mlaklag VI.ager. Vinegar making is easy eno.ngtt if ypei have good eider and patience. Keep the barrel in a warm plan, filled np to the being, and refilling as needed. Wheel done working draw off into an oil vine- gar barrel. filling it not over two-thirds Another and most delicious way of While= for New Yuri: and some full. Keep tbo hong bole covered with making c cram pie it to beat, nub • fr#iw r teatb4 is seldom it e'er drawn. a piece of ecrtcn to exclude vinegar Ales. tock ear Dover sti f Ire, r, one Asp s 1 cle ligand for Breton and other New If kept in a warm place it may rnabs sweet cram to a.rltf troth. adp bat' a teaspoonful of vanilla or other leveeing',1an•1 Markets is relieved .1 the en- gond sarong vinegar in less than rets ►eeping tablespoonful of pow troalswhen wed. It L important. mouths' time. In an ordinary Cellar it seise Pour over the cold, baked wok ��p_ should learnlearnwill take longer. and dot the top with smallpieees of sp. i�wtheirelere• pl requires. 17d_ a -.- -- tion wast Otb.rs Sag. e umpki or e ---P jelly. Frain time to time, says The Rural >w b.wbtai.ed her wlifaltgdlErot to sew.. Pumpkin pie --Fars and cut the pomp- eutesiilise merchsrt for inetnactions- New Yorker, we have noted the fact pkin iota pieces about one met Amar% treat thn male aspaeagtapilsatiathrittier pet thecae into • porealain lined seaN * piturte d trs.enr s con• than tate telltale pleat, giving -larger pan with oat enough water to direc*iexis, which ate rent oaten _ t t>�� is and larger and nib slate. snore►hog. Stew .lowly rental tends, enllMmgKllcatiuR "'sir err saeedti- In ants. This is »atnral eureka . 1.. , tarkeye err:.. in the rualea are not dwarfed b octad boas .dud Tak int end • ba 1 ata e's iv BstotrtA a none line. Mr. W. J. Orem, d the O. .Itaa- hdtday,.caesTor to have none 1 ' ;:hes roachibeir .l atin5HAn three tine, hi invatl shall the eubjesn 0. or four clays in advance. Ilenr in mind Ands that the sterile }cants aro laot.04y that the trig demand felt Ane. large tar- tpM mire vtd'°r'°as but 81" the tlttl`r keys enema at Thanksgiving, and that p• O. Y. Doolittle says in American Sunt Home: "If I wish to keep crumb hceey so late In the fell that the I. parrd the room falls below t•att� s oil stows la it, and by rsgelst- iag the Iiiabe io snit thedemon a Job P r i n t i n g MwmpMMers d 9e to IK Jew. it sash Mimi. 1a that way the hong its in per- vote sis , IbD ealtlltion whao rent to meekM. la vYehems it win dome am& abuse neatly executed Obi"hwit will Magas to noes eat d flan Steam Printing about a half hear, then press th h s er. e • p this prised pumpkin, add s tablespoonful of butler, and a quarter • teeepoor fel of silt, Mix and slam aside until soli. e► hen cold std s pia! sod • hall ef new milk, a tall tempesse fel of gr owd mule, the same at 1110611154 prime grew etch Um fancy prices at cinnamon, one teaspoomfel of gnawed Christmas. Soon after January prices Risser• nae eau el sugar, sad six well- go rep again. Capons mere a good mar- ten eggs- M.r and halm M Hoop •• bet from the tet a Fwhruery on until dish.., Beed with light row Theo about Easter. quantity will make three Ione Om --- The wholesale grocers to bathe atl (sates to [i•waw the lsrtrRanee to Artist Venteruse what am you palatine.gee t I t e� k7 weigbL 'hank farrows d (aims t ) ___y -Uee't yen .l. t I mall haft dealers mad groom f#�RI- ( stay) - Yee, I eon it le a J teww. as„ yon dsetde' what 10 t om ( maw aping Os ma t aresit ak T. 0 7 2 0a a AA ayye 0 e1 eeel lei t= e a 9 0 9r a o+ A If; • 17- 50 iso e tg0 b•q 0 U O 0 m 0 O es w g it A 3 5 3 t 8 YOUR PRINTING DONE AT "THE SIGNAL. GOOD WORK IS OONE AT SIGNAL CHANGE OF BUSINESS I DR. FOWLERS !EXT: OF • ;•WILBEMffD' W CURES OIlERA lora Morbus Lr i C'ac�' AMPS IARRH(FA YSEHTERY MW ALL SUMMER C OM PIAMITI MW i LUXES OF THE BOWELS IT 1S SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN f`H ADULTS. THE OLD AND ERT.TART R SAST-BT. FLOUR 1N11) HID STORK HAS CHANGED HANDS. till are hereby .allied that the tlwr beclaage sen,el w trsA.s. FessWseQ�raaaesi W THOS. IIoot ea la all tlt� will teaseling at the nisi et. sear the t.f Zba re�s.as$ n te Mwshes Ims•ti•mase tN as xa�w .zk taaall ge 'FM beIa tmaw •r 1Illtkawstsgtlts et the Mieset Mr .�.d(eel sltw/s ear dens needs tR mmsa. TlllOe 3. VIIISall. 1 of every description at "The Signal" House.