HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-14, Page 4R it a (JODSKICII d WINQBAM 1L R. of►ignat It would shwa appear that there • visite* ill certain quarters a desire to n IILIMaU IVETV FRIDAY Mt)RNING LT ars smuts ramrlso orrice: NORTH • dTRg T. OOUFKICH, !k s a wide-awake local .ewapaper, devoted WtWs om an,. news dual the llimpruu.rtea of ue. Est Issue )range. t&Tea ser MtycNtrTtN\ n mouths. alt the tr Millati.p1Ma e.~. Ms. for pr:d ads mead• ubwtipties well he chanted et the rate 01 Vile a year. 1k A1►ttUUTSIMNIS tATOM Legal Ana .•,leve r.elml ad coni'. duel.. lar. per 1.1142 ser newt tusertoe:. cud t crate per 1.11e for each sutswlpuent ln.trtion. Measured by n- 1o.0all eaeta. Letel not tem in .00pericl t r•• :s' per line . Local enders M ordinary reading type Ie Ps roved. Bualoeea cards */ six linea and under IIS per rear. Ad of Leal, Found. Strayed ataatiou, Naomi. $asset. n %Vente.l and ilei nee. Manors Wanted. I.ot t 4ceedlog r Uses taonp.rirl f1 per stealth. Houses ea :tale and firms on ':1:e. not t0 exceed s 11.ee, $1 for Oro mouth, :es: per sub oequeet (month. Larger ads1.:a Protein ton - Any special notice, lb.. °blot 09 is hiclt Is to pron.otr Ore peouaear) brua•ti: of any t.di- vidual or company, to be . un-t,'en•d an ad Trotarmeet and channel aerur,ta.1ly. These terms wiU in .11 carrs b.• strictly Ad- heres! to. special rates to larger ads tee :se tette, er advertisements for extended i. riudt. made loaves at t 1t a u!lhce of pule:eat me. rr -p JellING DEPIRTHENT. at Sena `-+ fully equipped Jobb.ng teller is earrietl ttst. MO evnnteearl)no with t• iirhn.ry new.p1941 n, art.- I `'"'• where fln,l-elmpori turned out t)rotland.a , AIN ...stable rates. EverytMud en the mint- y can be done to I 4.- pe an pe t.,isre o �p sitew. nalyd paster l0 a -. 1.,:: n, mrd. ell- 1:,4abe are arcummunieatitusntutle addressed to dia,estri . '~ . M rr:ILIMi Mil. editors' Tug mems. Telephone Cal.: o. M. 1Sadttels)1ette. OODERI('H. Fi1!I)AY. OV. I&. amei PUBLIdf1E1; sett \-•)TICS. \ll:. .1 totes E. l't.-Ilett, of .%u- lourn, has 1wd•n appeei:,t.11 (emeriti Travelling Agent for 'fur: Se:NAL, and is engw)wertel to .elicit subscrip- tions n1141 rollers for •lnlreork for tIIL1 office, and to sign. nv'e ptx for snow. 1►. )I41iiLLIC1'11D'', Tait 8N.NAL, 1 i,ei••rie•Ie. (Mt. 9, It(90. C1gVIIL XD's p!e,:.Irntia) star is Mini ttltiiie is the at-.d•mltnt. burk the wheedle for , a rail way connectltII between • I; alerieh old %'ingham. Why this shout(' be the cam. tic ate at a loan to lout certain it Is that Mayor K('TLKII is meting at Ulm present time in u manner calculated) to /k) Ilwuuage to the 'win sue both at 11011)1• and minded. ll1•eIIUy 'I'll►: SII. AL dealt with the lUAllnee iu which tow previa' I din cin:s surrendered the charter to Use flimsies syl►dicate, :11111 showeI1 1441411.14i4e'*V that no underlwud methods Ila/l been rtwortedl 14., on the one lewd lir permitted on the other. N'e pre not apologists for the HoIVKn sy1111iente, lout ser know that an op ie)rtunity to build the meed is now within 141(1-11, and w'• know also that loen-toofore 140114 of the 0hjetsiors to the pre -sent sorlwiU1 have *ween able or will? g to futtlwr a proje t having for its object better railway at -commode tion for tow town. Fer these reasons MI* stain.1 by tow pri4ent leatie•s .)f the charter, rend intend to do n4) until 14 better scheme is formulated!. It is all very well for gentlrmme to .1't tel at a even e•)41II) it mw•tilig and air their e1O.t:PINw a1ja11Ult any scheme tient nmy in• prvwnttel, espnw sally i THE SIGNAL, MAY. NOV. 14, 1890. aril the Mack by l)r. Houten to tlw *outwit boa Friday gihta straight es titmice of tlwir honest intentiOla in the natter. Saul lme : " b, Whilst/ up this railway meek ail In Indus -nig others to do w 1 ‘elt perfectly matiseled 1 wise action is the very het iu tercet. of the p upset and of the town ; the pd)5 mould directors thought likewise. sow, hews-%er, pN'etewittl to think amain' dam cowl to Make the people believe that mite town was to Wiese utexplaiuwl under hand lamer despoiled, and that the Mock was'evulwl tar some unworthy object. 1 a,414red the td"ot•ll that, r, far from that l.eu%g true, the ..ivarehohkre were partk-u tarty iostrotis of acting i1. seamed wallet/war W146». anal are %Malt now to 1 raalater the stock t . the tewu ,r to any partieds whisking to tale it up it those parties havr the iipproval of the muswiL In the curse titter the shareholders would hold tie sea k subject to Ow dirueti.tt of the council.' Thiat is nn honied propeition, and er tin' anxious to know how it will lir met by the objectors to the preemie syndicate. /h1 the •24th ins•.,"a per nutrient hooted ,d tliret•tor►: si ill he orgnnizetl, and theft, if tlw IM•I who talk see touch again..[ the pre -swill eon, - lien) .will conic forwnnl tut' forntu let•• a latter so•Iwnie 0r u scheme amino tel of los the town council we are of opinion that lir. Miters and his nes* sates rare 4illing toorelin.utsh the charter at once. If the objectors to the present se•11eIw fail to avail tluemlelvr,lof this o°pgw)rtuoity to eetehlish their dairies in the interest of the town let them 'after (Moll tlwir anti aflkectltMWto hof his fellow -countrymen. It is rad to think it was Jimmied !dui to see with mortal eyes tlw suexras already at head of the merest us t cae for %lucid hr Lebo/NA so long anti well." ONTARIO'S FARM LIVE 8TIICK. The iulp urtancr of the live stock industry of this Pros ince cunt 1a• lett understood when it is 1 that it 1s 5adueel let 1R1(l'i,J:11,'.1+t+. The \nhlr ,)f the horses, cattle, etc., its writ in vities, Lou n. and %illw(<ea+ is not ins:1114 . 1 in the .0 sive. The dif- ference between a flee market roe 1 all ultestricted one for Ilse :dock need net Ise plaided out to an intelligent Ansa of men like our Ontario fanners. Tlw following figures showing the numbers of live .tl. k tit• tlwfnruls of this Pro. ince 1a.dour y .utereet dr r+ad- Wlle11 Ch they are *ware et their inns rverittat . Linn protects them trent the iuln.wliat• ..--_--- c ensure that their a14unl stwtenwnt 4 I'EATi, IIP PROP. (:ALM:_I !TH deserve, but it is an nitoee•tler ditf)•r- (Me of the ;;tastiest figures in the ant thing for them to 4.44)1111' pul)licly (wattle for Houle 'tide hots just paned forwent 14141 *41114.1.1414)1 project where- away 111 the p•r.eem of Professor by the town will get w 1111* It Ilan toren I:.st.IIIIAITlt. of Trinity. College, liuhe vainly striving for for years midway !in. who wits cnllwl to hid nest .'4)n11N'titinu. a couple of weeks ago. NO more As we have stated 1111.1' tW 1a1,4, staunch I'rotestw14t etet• existwL and already in t'0Ilnectinn with this olio- no truer mitt ..f Erin e•4 re 1)ndltheel. cession, no underhand methods w•)•r• United. Ireland, of 1h•tolwr resortetd to ))y the present slaareholl- thus refers to Ow 11enth of this illus- 1.1•. to (414(x1441111• charter. From start tonus patriot -The lamentable ti) tiui..h the overture; were open and strath of the !toe. I'l'frsu)r (1.41- al)(>leleomnl : but 64411 if then- had 1114.41111 leases 14 gap Bide and deep. leen n t•rta)ketl trend to the trau%- :1141 not to Ile *111411 up. in thle ranks action now is not the time for gentle- of the leadler% of the \ationai Party. _ • --- men 10 rise• at tI4' council IN)Nnl, and HO was in ,•arty stelae ammgst the THC Yaaker Jinl(eleds err tip link work late flit° the night in eloquent Usti of Hone Biller*. He was with tLerrlt, and it will nota lye in seder to declamation against the transaetion. Iltrr ehesll the linen.' Rule stan.tar•t INrwtl their (sin* tion imitatesti down Towne was a time when sue', :u•tio14 ens velem'. He never deserted it. *if ng Rau' might have availed, Inst the tine. is Mer, of his class and 4 row! who lista' 1T MILL now lr in 0rilt•r for the not now. The conditions nen-every in tine Nat' al ranks 45 ith him fell RoarfEporliNL editors ill carman to to the transfer of the• ,hartsr from the off on all sides. ,11,1 litany -ought se•r- ,,m whprovil)iutlal IN)and to the resent hold- vice wit). 111.' enelny. He foliois.-II masa ways► neaclYR t1/a1 what tin, tY)Illh • try many vents is Hw ipmcitj with rex have all been /44)uq)liwl with, 181141 tow 01(1 miry( u) the last through nothing[ to fall Iha(k ulw,ll now but the Unit,d States. on the '_'4th inst. the , ,, ;t changmlg fortune awl bitter rontlic•t, the waving of the old )"I11. lewd of the Ilea renniM111y will la' true to thi• •teeth. Nov titan ways ors : Horses l'attic sheep vette Poultry ... . ll • - 6Ie.7111.1 1,at11,M1Y I(3. 4611 (lf the • little 779.171 are mach ;sat s, is!deli have lust).• 1'anil4linn cheese famous .ienoss the 1tia1•tic, 1(1441 the Canadian !ten is a 4411(414' multitude in hereelf. '[lir l'ua,.l `hates is the natnlal l:lwrket fat our su11)lus live Al OCk, Roll' BBALFi.iUR: WAN BAULKED. 4) IBRRIEN and lei -Lox are note in .lulrtica. slut tittle lues improved their position in the eye. of the public. It TUE atomise of The titular under it. 'Lew editor hae alined up Tonedto wurkl, mid it is trpoted that a Uniting tet Thr Mail alai Eilltiirr will lie the result. W. hk 1. Lat lamed a little Rill Of whIeli he loved to 'petit : Rut when they put it to 46Ne It knocked M.'Ki.ut out. Taoist: charges of murder pe•rpN• trato.l .luring the last Stanley exposit- tion xpadl•tloll demand n ten\ rnlnlellt 111% east1 gation. The 'ohm' of it itaftwlees Week uuua Ur wou1t11 in AfriraI; wilds is ft.•pm-ion* in (sops sight that of sit• uIIfortunatr 14.ung Eng Iishnan who ens IurlI to death in :a Camellias) 'fenny in February last. Mss ( mmer%attve fernier. of ti•I. county are strongly 111 favor of fttl!c•. and frd•r trade t-•Lations a itis tj4•• STANLEY'S STORY TRUE. QNNY'S ADDED HORRORS TO THE DISCLOSURE& Major Bartteme. coarse/ !w 1,ate-•iab- Mm uotiee td IM Charge ram Jameas• Maas a earl Yllmed to order That lb Idlsht N haeme 4*. Canotholtesse Orate& Loewe, Nov t0.- The Thum publishes s 1 staksaeut from Yr Buoay. Tb. writer opens by resetting that Bartle - IM's brother W tuned the dteckeure of a �wto[vl dory. Bonny says !Seeley only based ..f the pant Oclg unritro 1nem bum M ibe !tea► cot hast l►cu>D.a' in tea oared. lit a Susv.rsaton ca Bar'ttelut'a boom. Hooey trautlw that whoa Barnette and Jamieson, after .1 uesti.ming Arabs belosgiag to t41auley's pre4toco expand/tit as k• the fate of Pocock and oI*0 a. expressed the op taaton that Stan- ley would whoa anybody. H. adnutW that ry'_1ors t0 that effect were current in Europe. but nothing was ever proved against Stanley Bartt.lot'44 Jamieson agr'ee'd not to partake at his hospitality Bonny confirms the repot that itarttolot asked him for a teste•1rr 'saran a Ith which to remove Tdppx) Tib'e la'p*1"w, Henna, with htie e bad bad bad . quarrel. lousy p tor such a }anew, taut bed all the poems.. Ile then told 11.,rtl.)lot. who was selg ..i* oIntng vountrv. Tlwv :14'.• 4*1*1in_ prew'urtd cy:'ukIe et pltt.adun, but ejected ht .. ura•1tw. our ole pdeoto t u,uu wdvunt of to Uudrl' :a Ik)IlCy whoa•11 !lit. Iw't•ti cal -. ILtr'.%elut dui not wake turt4rr at- 4utpts to pwnsw Belem. clwasitg the harriers to trade Iw'tss.•••u 1 atu thratdol a urwtalny Ow two countries, and. has 'mg tot..' honey coutirle ataterraeut that Bartte- for pelt) fix yeah'. drip told• Inn14i1- hit deliberately tit a woman. The shaper, he ate teeth bathe woman's cheek, facturrl:d, itlf• ZION �tui,1411g 1., vett• ten' sot iu her aho-4.rr, u .tate.. For tits mays, fastened b tlw ferment"!Barttefot woul l ham hem lynched it Bonny had not rescued Mm. Nonny dill bears ou - - - his forehead and other parts of this person the Mom NRctt8PONOQR. ow..eraed Abeaf ell. tarNees Ong thee 1W ixtse.Rsst W:yonaToutl, Nov. 14-111bolhall leppeforin , 4)ysu.daa. Sad appeals to be aaa keta kW the fatal day. Ot Ian his time has t.aS bass wand sad W taw iota eler of the awt.t seated moths which be bee to bear. He i e- +..mtly talks of his desftk and ea7a be rapes the p owabtlity that the doctors will oat Mae epee in their ei.dalai0e He b Wham that Ms remakes be securely entombed la a bricked vault Int Limy be stolen b some gremlin sissies of the ardoal prulwstos. wham he 1laam'Ibes se rubbing their heads hi amineseoAms7 to Ise bold of him after he is dead sed parva him .+p. Re laughs at those who think tit he maid attempt to cheat the Allows of its violin' Sad says that be Is not of the stuff that *isi.hs are bade of. Mrs. Binhall has reeseved a telegram from Dudley, one of Bore aU'a must intimate wee ppwwtuns during his Malt to Woodstock u 1tlNm and 'Si us the role of laud :lonser.et. no telegram to dated from Point Edward ends eonttOlrs • request for de W enable lin to visit to punoter before be des A mulloo fur security for costs in the ac tion of Orem* v. The (ebbe mu to haul been ergo. d peoterdaJ et ( code Hall but was ranit..rrg(sd. Mr. Hilton, wbo appears iu Use ptlaintil[ her secured as affidavit true Bar hall which will be reel to answer to the &pet:elation It is understood that Bina all dealer having rade the Shoed ounftalae tit beriug mentioued Orestes mune to ang person In truuwealua with Ben sell s murder t*Ib Mier. rwr try Has deuce. Witt -AND, Nor. 10. -Say, the R.rbwter wife-murJerer, beard of the refusal u the (lovermx-U4ersh to interfere in tb Birchen matter without apparent .mottos' He ekes not flaw hope of reaping tea gallow on the pardoning power of the crown, yet i ounM.•ut that be will not ba banged. The Court of Queen's Beach, which mast t "Tm tha 17144, will take sp 1b) "3 Me KIN Lry w high tariff' polio.% re aiht with t e uattvts that (dluwtdl the a' I- a.erred" ioronto makeby lir. lherrnea in tis 1 dent. Buue•y tyle it es gwtr tnw that ibe use- cdttlemled woo r ,ars. it tea judge sen E1CNyn114 ib Camelia t'rlolcet, that vs..: tut .,f I wounds received by him In the tvivet! a hlxe•keer from Uncle S-ttt :at jprgrione ge'ari ctously at tt.e laautrstattn at. aider. th. evuka0 wiall, (.ernwa 41 je pruti.tewt Utrm w itb .a seal-Ix,ww.l 'malt. ,teem to 1huuLl nut have haw .dmiri 1.)a; the November elections. \ ml Pyre\'- lkla hes 110t the rligthtesrt ddbta that the t%°Y will beItberatrt. 911 the utb.4' ee4feace u one in Canada %out•' lea\,. g;tYatrt tuai li doll tn•ui t44 etfrtts of n kith reit Jur tallgbt iu the ere/at of etre hue 4.7 Bartteot. The ttaj.r utter called c'alaw to rejoin. were Sir .1o11.'a N. P, 1J11 hoy names and distorted hi, tutee before kine. lou •)u nld•dr1n be hit than hay fart. Want. le New TIial . p h4a f Ot r NovU M 1r A Saeger b O1h gnome ought surely' to he mould's. g.owl for the gander. tort tb^ miriuu buy Jubu Nemry, solo r the 4 K.uagee old who acted a laterpmter, sunder. THE Sunehl\' Se'h,w)! l'uut.•utiuii :rat diodttranettee•trd:1101asben Hs ltd tot WA given i1. quietus at the 141'xt appeal with a ,tick on tow 101-4 , ral.mg • Aws. . or k) tilt. polls. What is v+[ttr for tie,, ilnup ns trig a a door limb. HHartte:ot lyarrrte *lard this Serum 1 ku-Mel the boy tie day before he was killed. from lir. 1 A. C b sett. MI'. for )fool Gangrene (ben 4418 tofu: 1.•e 6411.4 the Y o ulaguy. W oak', ayy 1u48U n t0 14. `iliacs death' Puy tamtlrue the nlrut t overt on %Ve kuewlsy 1,411 Jur ataoaber tau is now wen that their hurried depart to Morin, under reuteaoe of death tc i tl E.ngliah Arabic and Zanzibar err from before 't pia k1t 'wench cof uLl •istrntrs was a clrcrr '1411 tinwly. SHED FROM THE RIGGING• 4 dc'crt a, ,fated, cwt war I.tt tw the road. Knlntfor d reently was the hest at After ll:.rttelot Aoggs' him h. t4a1'rJ to telt def wo*'k, effort In'+, been 4)t' Tse Newly Wedded Heir us as itarbdes *melte in '14ne quarters tit home :411(1 ,threat! to Mak) out tlat these re - aide Ittagistrnt.-s are the mine as English stipeteliarie.. The i.ivegwx►I Poet points out that this is utterly wrong. . i. Engli'.lt stipendiary is not removalole, and he is not n colonel, or a t•apttin lir a nende•wcript. ile is a trainwl anti practised )1.rrnwtrr, (round tended gatlwring of the ..,et return became he bad so rte ■ ,.eN.gee.-His inch[ Praala Vowed - revolver to secure too. The major recap - en i■ Belfast Laugh yet held in Canada. It was noticed ttuuredth aeis. andthreatened protested wbr31 tea BxtrasT, Nov. lo, -Particulars .d ti that must of tliost• elle ran foul ,.f uta jar 11*1 tea boy publicly menu amt to be wreck of the yacht t+..aia, helon.(:ag tlw settee :inti sympathy if the Cott- .1 t. not h:teadtug W carry uut theeeulrtic5. "Cull" l'aateldpe, gilded too mad bar In' The wbJ. camp tbrtsletwd to the it 1ba V*.c Deli ware. show that it foundered vention 4.111*' ministers. Hl/w is it .4 tepee wee carnal out. Bco'itek)t tben ex - c: 48,061, •'Che, by *10.1, 1 will pT. Mm :110 B.41a.t l.uugb. IL. yacht w 0011* *1*0mph that *nU4 ti of flit cloth, g.'t more Irons'"' Four 4Sottta4t'a#. mach ono oyer iii W nda nut tha .toren .t affch i ee. than or !wetly mut y n•11 other- (011 111 letglat, were axle ted W sire :3 laahea dr'at:lird a1bore mod struck g' tenr!1. Hoary breaaae blsansiM', afk•r . ibe .tionViacuuut (:a, in;ss than dq the lav l:tethmtl , iug .1) lashes. The.6ene was tbe nest hornbi dlupe Kwrls bit en board the yacht and d. w 14- ehlcmnv' rYer saw. MurtiBoatton ret am --_ -- ami the ff sea of tha Tktisa full In pie1 a w ' \ *CUllnt eiitlbdi tb. rigp0( Sad cheep r 11 . gn,uu•I. Ht. body was awribdl w twins the nam Iur awhil4, but 41114 .'oke ase fits Hamdt(n SpNd tit01' nn11dsd14ne i1, urdhoar nae, *n(1 be eh)4di u "i bount l Utrr that Iia 1reaaie benun)bd .rad w Penny tell; of the unprovoked stabbing lit swept overboard. The Vtwou rat ('antelope i. the eldest ts of the Karl of t)elawarr and nephew of dao Seeks -ilk. formerly Bd 818.6 Minister at Il1000. He was burn in lien, and his p specie were very brilliant. Had be lived u.mtd have leen eighth Earl of Lel ware anti inherited the eatail.d a Vier•uatelis l'aetelpe was lime Beret.' hfaselnue. eldest daughter of Mr Jol Pestle ilmettine d N slbampten 1'ar i.ymmliugt*u. Amon( the brude.maM, at h marriage were Lady Wenn* eackvahs a Lady I.omue4 Scary M.ckville, esters tat t bridegroom. The wedding, whicb was o of the moat tashiona1M of the isme00, w att.aded by the Marchioness of Lour, t Countess of Derby, the Marchioaaea of Abe gavetin , Countess (lrmroaer, the Doris of Bedford. the Countess of Oa/10M Lent Montagu of Bea.4.0,1'osntaes Ulundi aid, SIr Stafford sod lady Norsk:woe . case the \ tit -oust should have no posthanr heir, the title which would hare beam b will go to his brother. Hoo. Uilb.rt Chard itegrna1 d ►tackrillr, wbo wags bora Mar 1, 1.401, Vtnount ('autelops was Carts of the tbird battalion of uta Queen's Os or Royai West Barry Regiment. by and :Mdquaintwl N'it11 law, rated ,I the otlwr Calu►'linn Host riteionist by the traditions ,of his profession. sheets are snaking [ erry oyer the de - No 0114• caul for a ,,lament fancy that fent of Mt'Kinleyiosl. They ha; eu t Ilrfure any Eneiish sti)WINliery :1 yet rtltlizet *11,11 MIKink•yism 1.441 pn)1w•ution could irive run riot end in that $tat. is the dead straight authority timid 11av4 here snide s4 count,•1•palrt d)f ,Alas.losa!di.w in 1`rtn- ridiculous as has iscetl the case *4t .Mia. linth 111*• Rewtrit•tionistx in Tipjwrnry. The Post further dlraws tnNlr..lingttes in bluster, and here a*tent to the fact that Mr. 1)!LLoi au11 Mr. 1 )flet a have not in :tray Tng Liberals *4444• win the first 4n -tory in the motlt.e.tedl election came. Vt 4L1 11, of Halton. retains his Seat With visite *0 his Ijrpollent4. Hall for Italica. Now is the time for the friends of Reciprocity between CA1141114 Mill the United States to leek le on tlwir armor, awl 1(115:nice ob the line men'''. I''orwanl SFSEKSL of our contemporaries shewrfull• appl't.prreltc 1.ur editorial ileo.s withomt credit. However, we -heerfslly:rive th • ll credit for their excellent testi: in s.•I.d•ting retelab1e paragraphs. H1N/ 11 %1.t. you'll not he truthful torn in his sketches. He Ism *tern pod ' g ott us oriental .ketches copied of picture% fmli th,• •• flashy.' trees of England. They nr• 'good 1d/p1eto 1°f 14,11 original,. Ts►ati.:.n• nu ilie•• als,ut the fled Parlor. Roth pwrtie. the ( 1111 Man Jud the• nuunufattur•rs are doing the spid{lt PI 414 and it 14 n case of grab all around. The cia•titns are chiefly the farull•r.. e leo are tett invited into the Parlor, lout w hu get bully bitten 1111 the Inose. (11 SIld RICO ten 1'%FT44Rican npkntlid fettle just now. speehes ha4•• all tlwir old incisive- 'lerot anal the doughty knight is full of 14gw that the end .4 the reign d the Heti Parlor i. near. `lir RtcHARD has been most heartily received due Rog hi% 4iaits tatle rural seetiotla of the Provimdw,. is in His Tl t: Empire and other H organs went into •• high Strike* " .4 Joy oyer the ,efeat .)f McKinleyitati, tamed" :•ntltulnwl the 11104Mn int until it nsekleenly deemed upon thew* that in condemning Mcfkielkyiass on one side of the cust.00tll% house line they wore also the Reel Par lor p•rincip)e" which prevail in Can - ado, mt present And wow The Empire is trembled. greatly t nuhled, as to what it thrombi say regard- t )h• fate of Ahs Yankee Red Orr party t 44'1ew• rail away : lout they llw%e ,fn114'. orgeniza"l. Uiecteurion in open conn higher in the :dim t. of the people.Withof them' gentlemen has reuelUr441 1'Mna the nature of the contras .•ny cid 011 that 1.111:'6 of the .uloj,, t le :. His genie' hunu)r, his gracious rill- s,) wucb hardship *4111 cruel imprison mew raging lwtwren 1rlxl.ry and the •• 'murk -,*umber, and it is Nla►ut tittle qu4nte, his self-'Iryotjtn : 410)41' 3111, meet in the past, t. the danger a141 flieutis of $ANTTFId)T :Ittl .1 \v)s.)x the orators at that Guard knew it. the single- ' 11.11 silwerity the* shone injury of always feeble 114NIL1,, that A11ulitting, however, fur tow sake through odes• weld! :n''1 amt of his it would be ridiculous t.. suppose that 4)1 ar'gRtnleet that 1111 effort had toren life. )•14dnrn'II 1 - to his 14unele•rless they would rale to •• e%wle jUatLLr_ nlaol, to obtain the charter fry que•s- friends and woe the reluctant albnirn- It N 111 I's• foul,' that after (lofting to tionfilde deans, and that ant injury non of his opponents. His WAS thereby likely to b4 inflicted on Iru4e's 4414 "eking the town. what should have been the yours. lour -melt by Mayer lit'TLKK anti his kicking t•ollrsgues of today Now they pose as faithful guanbans of the town's rigllta %Iwo tllre are no rights to guanl : let town, tell us wily they wen• not w)ualdy ,A'*IOus When tlw charter WA% still controlled) by the provisional dir,eto n.. If they fire honest iu their contrite time now, tiey have been %ally dere- lict in tlwir duty in the peat, a1,41 1 those assertions he tdrrt•M't., they are in the position of the watehr)og winch slept when the house was being ratlmckwl, amp then, to make up for its inaction on the 0ecasio 1, gave vio- lent tongue when the deprecbito r. wen' tilt of reach. Kut Mayor Het. LER klwws perfectly well that tlw ed4114ir pursued by the • I Irrnl was dtraigllt and fair, and we fail to sed' what Ie sewn% by :attPnlpt- ing t.. mer the sleeves% of the under_ taking at the premed jnnetnre. 1'p to the present the existing ey-n- dicate has 111)1)+• Jothing that lava Ilot been in sdrittacw,nlwitlrt11*.tniight eat integrity len far as olewining the charter is concerned, ateI during the entire time involved in tit• Intimate tion. from tlw flay .d Iwlseltio dig for stock taker until the darter ens tran%fsrred x period of severe* weeks Mayor fit Tn.,R or any Other imditillnnl Inul t114 prisi'e'KP rat 1.14)1 pimp in and ohj'*-ting to the traalster howl there leen) anything hrwring the Ilpmhelanceetc ��5 . But he mea opet4e4! net h1% l ; lw gave 1M gigs, although toiky 1110 11111111111 that on iniquity has linen committed. But altlWwgh Ie•gfany en1* 1»ar.11y the Hol.tlq %yn,li4wts• luta an roadies abk right to the charter, It is willing to waive that ileum if a hotter whew for ptlttiry( the building d the need sTl . working hawse Para 1,0 lareteet, fn, heath America /ltd .doing their !modiste.; %Did in m1u1) :111 here with much eclat they' will sur- render to thepolice fuel take thrir t as they always 110,4e done, like 'nen. Tlw fact that tlw two• against MA - MINKS, 110 -co-defendant with t 1'BNIKx and 1)11.ulx, w:4. •liotuiwseal MS frivol' ono in the extreme. goes far to show that the charges ngwinet the two lat- ter wren trumpet' up so that the prem_ rout lousiness trip to Antrim would be frustrate') by tlw jailing of the agitators. In any event theactton /of 1)11.uet and (►'Ksi*x in snapping their lingers at KAj.rot'R'N . • has tunlwl out to he a big boron for the patnote, and the eo*fcrw of the Lend famgu4 will overflow with gno.l AIItPrwan a1)41 Cattediw l tkoltarw be- fore tlwy return hon14. Irish I:*M1t. Thr sacrifices he 1,1,4414 to the gond ;awe are not to he lightly weighed. Hr lrnrkr with the evil traditions 44 his 41as.. AMI crawl *411(1 n d•la1 pelt lull. lie :alienated friends. He wits subjected even within the portals of hiss ('llun•h to that social a141 official ostracism which is the polite mini soden' for boycotting. He liver! in n (lo(4' 1 , of hostili- ty 4411ic11 e% en the light of his unfail- ing good td•nip•r 15,1,1 genius could not clear. He was the target of ninny mean and cowardly nttat•ks. Hut hie .valrnge and his constancy never (a1 - tend' for a moment. In the ,Iwrkeat hour they 'tone the brightest - Wiwi" l orrcion directed itt first furious attack on the National Lrwggue. 44114,, his Trivial, Mr. T. D. 1.1.1‘ AX. M. P.. was ,44mltnittedl k) prison n'1 n fantastic l',* -' •harge, since *Eandontel AIWA repltiieted -by Mr. Ru.rot'R, this was the moment he ,14kcted t0 lw come n nbtulwr of •• (11'41 Korth street leeighlww is angr with The !star far Peter X • little joke Rimini a 4:4Nierich paper and the 1.1rr House, and hr repeat• lie old time fawn or id it a wish ` tha, The Star 1s in need of an.•h an i)1.titution. This is netting rather weerieraue, friend- you've heen at it for years now, and we are dill with you, Uint 1.5114 a I::quimaent .it al Toronto M longue and identify himself still .a1N1l111 indn.d ttr to quit. \\'e are doing dosser arid more emphatically with the matte well. thank y•.p." National IronyPf*Ment. It wen. vain to (H i, ,fear, no : We are not the attempt even the briefest sanitary of his services; to the Nwti(titkllat causer. No gond work has been "?'fl ,mal I or attempted mince the Howe Rule Megan in which hie wee not w large share. Still leas *hall we try here to convey a notion of his eminent , w•holw"tic at or his invalua- ble 4•er4 44 VW to mimeos His treatise's written in ) with Prdes.or H worms. are mare," of cleanness' and nceuntety, and will lir gratefully 1 by many w letretfml seholwr whim, first faltering stets Day the steep path of learning were salla assay alwt Weearrlint it is e's the self devoted patriots the clear haw/left lame Iwiart dl Irishman, faithful to his country O r.wgh gra w! r•••lxwt anti #aril, that his name will live in tlw grateful Pus hest bit angry with The !ger. We toeser are. But we new often rammed. Everybody in town knows tet out its merits The Star wouldn't live three nlnothtl, and that it 1. only he - ramie the i. helped out by owkl joohe natal& ref joarnaliiw► that the institution keeps moving at all. He is staying with The titer be- muse, like the man with the hump on Ma heck, he can't get away from it, And The liar is in existence owily saw (oral verification of the injunction "'The prom- are have with you noway." in quality and ot'•erwir _1s t0 w ( t sit, The Star's edit,w will never gist the refuted of one either at Ottawa or Toronto. Pisa - tines of that kind aawwlly require men of ability. we ore almost hod to believe that it would leive been leetts•r to let the Dark Continent remain a. it 4r:,. quilt Ilam -r indicted such a pestilence of Land pirate; up lI it. 1'p to date Lieut. ST %IRK, tbs. Canalilan ntli,er on the .xpdlititn, is the only one et,w4. ch4nit•ter has not leen INesmin• ted. anti it is quite pn.leil4h• that he wn.11 t a Swint, either. THE British farm delegate, have started 1141 tlwir return I le after n y-isit to Canada. Tiley have dwell well treated _ , lett (intern) seems to have ph•wMwl tlwul most. The farms, orchards and vineyard. of Southwestern Ontario have been a revelation to (114111. The Ilep)ly Minister of Agriculture, Mr. KLt•g, gave mu(•1, time and attention' to these visit nig fanners, and the alrang nig for their " , rn,►kl not have been placed in better hawk THE beet mnt sugar idea is I10W being 1N4)114d! in %swimu% quarters, and serlres of tows, are eager to have a faetory for turning the eacehantw rootinto cryetwllisied sweet- Some o)f U14 towns may think over the Mks of putting in an electric illmminatitm plant to lie run with the other Ilia -pinery sweetness and light, ran it were. Seriou.ly %peaking, we are not hopeful of this *nor Ileet Scheme. If w-4' can ship untaxed) Reef and im- port free eugar it will be better for tut TSR demand for Tile M :NAL, largest and hest in Hymn 4'owlnty, 'still keeps up. lietw.4. Nov. fo w141 Nov. 13 the week last posit 83 new native *ere atk44(l to Mr fiat, Helen.w a number 0f renew - ah by old friends.. During the pet n4enth civet 2110 14•W 01111111444 have teen added. Merit will tell. TM hurt is the cheapest, anti Ti a SNI*AL is the beat_ if yon .len't neo our agent give yoer to your post- master and M rill trier Tan Stoat I. for yoga. the t_'bter 1 u.unga by 1araelot with • pea- ku.f•, an I.:eele0t which Stanley has not mention, t. but which the narrator says 7rutep can confirm. The Qnsierel with the Oahe. lie tinier w In epee. tee of the murder of B rtlrlut, that the tr:t feeing pwevsdd to the village till the major arrived. im- sswo.otcly tape(' his arrival the major uandeal t1.at the t•bief prudmoee tiJalareS within f,•ur days as well as ''eep411es of food, etc. Upeu the chief .Ratiuit that that was in p01. -.We in rush a short (1111e, the twjor be- gat, to ahem him and threats -tied to de- va-tate the village. This began the ill - !n -ling. Un the l4lh the Icy Sondi was kicked by Barttelot a,,-1 I saved the major atter he bad bitten tiie *oaten. Iso tab 13404 night he prol,IWI a Mauiyarna, a mead 14 `eaga's, :m. *44taer, and finished by beating out tb. man's bream ts-f.rte the eres of the whole 4 gr. .Again I was obliged to flebt to wave his life. 1 was only ab a to keep the natives low. to- knocking deem Barttelot myself. pretending to putties him. He believed that 4.. Joan he killed bad find at our home the po .)4ms night, but therm was no proof of it Ito e•4d•wpi*d me *4044.0 I*e.uee nobody would give him one. The llnag continual through- out ole night as an verm uths's of hatred. '4 1134 .only wonder is we were not both killed I1w•ny ennflrmw etaniey's artema1 of the murder of Barttekrt, except that Bartteiot lee, net a cyp.re staff. but had ■ revolver • hw band and pww•b..l and k,•ked, the women. Bunny j tlfhee the sentence M .le nib on the SondetsaMe. soldier, Burson llabomued, but says 1pp tanley is entirely tdrisee in dating that I4.rtteiot projected an expenditure of Ma own by which it was planned to reach ('assak and not go to 17a- y'ire Bonny threatened that be would robot the antistatic. of the Andra to frustrate this plan and therefor* it was dropped H. sever thought Stanley was .lead. nanny Deree414 aasaeeU. With regard to Stanley's .-barge .gaunt bim of a lack of initiative, Bosley says he is g lrul Elarttelot's Wood is not on his bead, oe It would have been had he violently rtsa.te4 and tried to lop Ilanteloi'a doltlgp. Hid be done so the %bole camp sa exe- rrated the major that in a moment, els the meting of Botany's hand, Barnette would bars been torn limb tram limb. Bosley admits that t•omlderl action might have sus -eroded. but the relations of the officers rr" tow) etrabwd .mb a single written pro- test test 4.•uld have melte ibe protestor • mark- ed man, ami it was no i3Ieht nuttier to seer Bartc►iot's Malik.. Humpy declares that be has no doubt of the correetesa d Jamisson's story. The Caminitrl aeon. Jimnw.so.bowel) hint the sketches of this cenr,llal8tie seems old described it in dr tail. Mix sketches adv mow In pnstwafon d Jalni•+aa'. widow. nay remotest the trine up, killing sad carving d t8.'g4 1, the 4irt.'lettere of the iteab to the natives, arvenrblhtg for the 1e►t"ems and the cooking stet feasting 11o1►.y deism that he tole Bertteloes brother of the whole ' enol that bad be published the complete di trim they would hose thrown much light on the affair. H. reed in ,44 nclu.4o n that be own only believe shat llsrttok,t was insane. He wrote to this effect In law to Kir Walter llarttelot In relating his reasons for thisbe- lief, and h e thought it a pity that the, dead se's tellies.... tailed to take the ebaritable view. A from Stanley la th1. nwrnhs41 Timm, ka who. , 1.. gives 1b ,autee .4 the omen* who It,,.STrted him 41 the Jamieson lneldenl, tie says Jamieson ash! that 1f arch a charge tree brought apin.t him be would Jetty If, she that Meru - arse In 1.,rdon br.l w•es a Ewe's head anti ntd'k *44)44) Janirive had mot hose M to muffed. Manley .tide that he maid mot pubs. recess, Leet Her 141. ter a Mole. 1.'15I4).oO, Nur. 10. -Min Markle Jut aied 14 years, was 4017 pretty, but (rive because ler beauty was marred by a mole the r•i¢bt eb.ela Yestesd.y her pnr.ots s eompanled her to the r Ho.pt wbere,�.obbee was put under the inilueooe vblorof,rm and the mole removed by I Charles T Harker. 1Le girl never r.coves from the auaedb (4c, sad was 0strk.d hos i , Pbyeidam worked with all night, bat she died early this morons( Moab Due 1. Dtrh..... B!. RI.1.. Nov. 10. -1i. T gsblatt rem the auseide, by shooting, of as army Oa' refe.rn•d to as '• Colo esi Con P.," wbo s recently compelled to withdraw from Union 41nb owing to his romiscdos *1L scandalous us g•.mbtla( affair. 1Le dirge wee more than be could boar. retail right tetwe.e Strike. amid rum masse BRIAN, Now. 10.-A bloody conflict an at Ott.aaaa, a IUtnir4 at Hamburg, tad hetwesa the striking ghee blowers and Nati blackleg*. Revolvers were fres toed and oma mea was killed sled moor w Injured A large member of arrests eat sada, -- Aas,Na Pelee leave 1ta..' L0*Do9, Now. 10.-Desolte the en Lead by the Russian Oovar.mamt probit Ing the eaelgrstdee cif lemeada and Pd Jews M Brasil, :100,000 have left Russia that emamtry daring the last three moat A.N4.r Psalm Deal. Pens, Nov. 10.-A deal hoe Asan arms between M. Desire da and 11. Ltagmes*l the remit of a row la the lobby 1 Chamber of Deputies. P.wrthisw.ke 1* was... LONDON, Nisar. a -A dight eartbnei was telt 1. Maainsuibialrs f4stnrday. 1 144W1n( rsted also @rood& Truth Odle. honed. 1.010011. Nov. 10.-Ths pwesiar d 1* In lile.awryas wire dealrwy d by 1b. ts1 As A.reasee Deal num, Nov 10.-Oedni, the riled /reach aeeasat, iodated. bare believed the story 4ismmlt W sot i J oint... *promos to rkwy In' the ',mg that 11ta Ess. Os.rva*n RaeaSN= M es. the only whim roam why had ism P6Pesvtl60 RIPMIts ala alba een/111.a11.a the eartkloe a0/Ms to the solids as heat The Time. calls upon the sad Advice' tram EsaW p M Cabe say lis Jammu.. to p.blia k.( 1. *sir tunas barite Vellus bur boa Wog /. -.... u f. order that the whale treedful f ttr.sgs.md w whole bad IM llmslssa may be Amend op. �.1( SK wars Ssft�ImM M w RMiI atwal.y Ihsong.. Ceen.d The Pats T ray. ra]si h. SMOI Y I towel., Nov. N,--Tbe ran Man ()ante i 7 heat ew 11..1 11:811P10011.17:41 y � my. Mta.8.y wall payrarwt• Wall" Marti" e►d ti the tteYsrr Holmes bavkeH..rpd Seed nHsees .,tele have brittle* 40atgn the Me aysprthM� 1tt1R S p►..t its Cr sestMiYs woo the .q1a 4541 oeaf newsy reposes the nor parr of a. milli leis . tight to deet .l, .. "a 1 Mlsf . t4padltbia Ifo,Illealailizsrdilaill =whim* was arisal.sd Tf(0 Irg platy. lows and Mr Charlie lb our bptwmille MIA any Il)♦rt .mea. , - mama - �M1Tt,