HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-14, Page 2THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 14, 110. THE,. KING OR KNAVE! CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE it .tau. • eta, tel b. Wm. eft.,,.. YAW L HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. fliAMTAL (PAID UP) I KE MILLION DOLLARS - 00. �BO000. B. E WALKER, CGEJSEOAL MANAGER. GODERICH BRANCH. dl GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT AL POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITE:.:.. Ai Ca GMAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA. ta4 SATINS* SANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS or SI.00 AND UPWARO8 RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES Of INTEREST ALLOWED INT[aS$T ADDED TO Telt PRINT.+PAL AT THE ENO Or MAY AMY MOYEMr:1..N KACM YEAR. Special Attention siren to the Oe11eeflon et Commercial Paper. and FarnrorS' Salon Motet. P. S. WIL.LAAMS, M*'i*ofn. MILLINERY! fhe \Tanager of THE c LASCOW rj. rs.ura: AtibL S,ttstY 'EW'e n IvZiss HOUSE :Ada•: of Goderich and vie;n{ty that .he haul secured tiS- sees toes of 41. `• n 4 " has had several Tears, Jot ERI ENCE IN THE AMERICAN CITIES 1-•u'e•1 iially invites their inspection of Thl.E LATEST STYLES FALL DISPLAY. The Sale of ol•lj.tad•k still C_ . , . t ma:t.o room forj New Gonda MRS. R. B. SMITH. _NA -a DRI N MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE! • lo (-I t'ootingjand Hesithful'1 SUMMER DRINK. A Thrilling and Dram- atic Novel B Y R. E. FRAVCILLON. ASK FOR MONTSERRAT'. F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL SELLING OFF! CHAPTER VII. Rr.o><ai ou an sutprier it aslant Jobn Heron in his hearty way. Guy 1lerweut was 10 tak+u abeck at wing the Marchgrave banker M ▪ ' the tap -room of the Green Cheese, Klink lana-. that be failed to perceive bow John Heron had seemed t..r a moment the more startled of tbe t wo: how be had indeed. given a gamin for breath, and bad glanced hurriedly and anxiously round the room bef.,re becoming himself ag.titt "Well, you're the last man 1 dreamed of meeting here," maid "You re another U It comes t.. tint." raid John Hera. ''1 should fay.• thought there was nobody l wangle likely to inert in a plane like this than you." "Don't you rennemlwr--this was the place where Ah-]er1n--•' Waal' '('here was certainly .an.thing old to John Ilene' • Una.; tight and con- strained. Even Guy, 1'r•oe upiedas he was, noticed it now. lie woul4 have .aspected any other man of haring .omet:aaug inure than dine.), anti of keeping Muse(. .((toe - thing wee than sober by force of will •'Tbe - have been here. . . "Anel have gime. But, by good luck. I met 'him gvutleinai, n he tea me that a letter is waiting for in., at--" •'Hous! Ah! Then of entree you will fly on the wings of the wind I've got a little account to mettle here at this counter -11i join you fetal& in halt a minute. if you can wait so long. and 111 walk or cab with you as far as our ways 1m. together." Guy was ue.t sorry to find hintaeit again in such fresh air fie Blink Ione was able to af- ford. Ridding a cordial good -night to 1)r. *tell, who 1 ad rrhirn..i to his flirtation, he refitted, in 'be .Norway, on the as yet unex- plained oldie** of such a meeting. an.' on the fertility of life in e doclde.xw ever since he Lad met with Marion -that mart uutrvelkxm coincidence of all in a fusers eye.. -until the Ianker rejoined him. -Thou ails well that ends well," said the latter. '•Have a cigar. Yat seem wool- gathering, tiny." ••Yea -all roust be well now --,r ter. wen." "1 ni going to lay you a wager. t., bran,, v.0 down Ir.•m the (•:o,uda" There w:a, nu trace , f about John Heron Having decided to go out of business, I will sell my entire stock of . _JI L L INF_ R Y' & FANCY GOODS At prices away down. Ladies may expect GREAT RARGA. NS_ -.t-Stock must be cleared off in two months - MRS. SAILKELD. North side .Square. ltf. -Th.- MISSES Thu- I!JS have opened out a large assortment of the newest styles in Hats and Bonnets. Fancy Birds' Wings And Trimmings. -SlmO- CHILDREN'S PINAFORES AND APRONS. Please can and wee. Two dome from Square, North-atti 73-11 Ilige COMM, w1.dY.. elm bad ata g Me the plrada- .aka biked mohneetleal Inas end habibio seiseom.w eganiewtr, sad noty bomb Nmaber Blieteea wee la tis ease alism, .4111 followiag the directory, d a lir. Wesel _a quiet bae•belur, occupied la 11401111y, with sem une of those asaltilartose pssrsutte width. being in the City, Mande.Lk• the leading of millions and the borrowing of thaw to .ria ma man baltsrowne- W hie are .8 emiasatl)' res- es ba to....bio lsp d sashed a bog pipe portable and profitable •'tie, or he would out , with at • p .,l wl, might hate ems* it teal had N *boss downrpoint ight t 7, WORM Mill here had its charm. 1110Y MOM rasa told hom es m0I7, and .cattily .volt who la bar pmeamict, whether wbf dal/ as dal or fair, or pink r pals y remembr- bas•smallembed. face sparkltriening onlall over with • bu • .mall odea d huub at nal+- 4 has 4uadred moods and to bear it ratheret, speaking that neve seemed -x- red heard, he M Upper Vane Strews Be woe ale, 014 thcxag►t Meas a nneatlag between lite •nal RE CE I VE D - AT-- OHN ACHESnN'S alerstoud by this ..{ghbeurbej butlers 0141* ,bath a tIe girl with sunlight y,.rkliog out r ' tear suburtinata r br „t ee4 nti&c turn' ( her turned to the corps Uke a reature with for be had u mus r room u14er peelre! the blazing eyes. locket the house which be kept dtrMean- . �r N i+ted' ' Won't t .t .1, ! Gloriously," • ncet the icy sm 1 .did allhwettm tag, like a Prudent roan The servie" 01 ib. You alt quite etre two houses was ratter k.pikksi, the Yet y, lltN+bsq L,u know It wui woo,Writing keeling the regulation butler. thus a trlbw for doubtiuy you sew! Now. add - maldr, • ooa,Ypellr seal a boy M livery Mr t heard these unver .hxubis anything or Ward, only an ehlety , .•+k and a 1''d: sunylxmly-hs couldn't if he steel Perhaps _ aged housemaid slaw places were taarly yw,,U ambit that ural,' matt Jr,, tir.owi"4 sinecure.. herself up on tiptoe, dr.•pping him a kis be- - Hasrver, flare ems. both ray day and by teem the eyes, sad Oleo darting far enough tight, something about Number Seventeen back for bb great purblind eyes to rare uutt'• to catch the eyed ria) commonly y obis.rug of br but brnaua. want atrauger-alar seer Irma(", • 5» Juhn :• And p..r•hsps 1 do," sid•• as, .til a nim 01 Heron. Between ea tis,• ties, door twig, .Lha boars it l,.kwl both deaf and blind. Then s •:Labia -ash bad eal:.cl her-'aogbaL sem a ga. asap right in (nett, as if to draw ••Vo you don't,- sai.1 ohm parueular on't ".a,.1.he- paruc;:lar attention to ,:- peeulutrttls. And Then I do . . . Just that one thing. the rays tell upon bplield- m and curtainler ('ymthla, are you „lute, quote sun• that dam windows, t.00klag like black wickets with- di.-ttoe atp_woi ,le: - out eyes, and yet Marin; Jahn Hera was ..why this, more than key Liber, owl thrill certainly not • man 4.tri--motive t•( fancifulyou rarer "u4""")" any danttg ihtAatl" somewhere "Bemuse it'swy last --there. And bscaues have a good share of itna.;iaatiat somewhere 1 want my let piece t be u at..ut bun, and be cot. .I last help a curious mice wby..• Lance et Nweber St, .*ter n. betaM la. your lsrt, Fit•piteu. • \n:uhrr Sixteen --Lr. knocked and rang at „yea I'17 male rap my num- Ward's. 1 o04b1y. 1*-" ever, hu was ••nly "Indeed, you've dome no such thing. Your thinking wheehaw the leirrhara of • base in mew, in,l,ud: 11ui s my ►ruitter. Von for • geea a naeihbouz. 'vl ass tapper \'arae sot that when people's minds want making Street might nut be s good investment e4 they've'(„t to e-oW tons." =erre hU'l.. He 1/11.1•E''t beeume the great ••p b*ve rade up my mind, queer us that :Lan he was without keep:..,: his eye...peu Po may swim 1 Qtly worn 1'd Leal, i up, long clan..+, 1.4b great :a . .+Hall, here, there. ago. I didn't rebel again ttx.d tyranny to and became • .ave. Now. 1•-•'k here, Cynthia, and look you trio, Peter Peterson. What's There 11 as real, tae , hie reason, oohs the the gaol .J all this slaving out •.f one's teams glance of John Herm. ••a. of any et tier p..,.: r- to ties aexl you t.v. should .seek for a ::: •,meat t.• petietrutn ••I know.- said Rest Beard. • means a ;be 1.1..c-4meas of thn-• blank..t Ir.ng errs ;treat pelt so.rtuue-uta• upon a (lane." without ball,. For tber•wa.lif.•behind them, •'Fu.lge" cried Cynthia, with sparkling dead though they seemed. eye It means -Full ' 1. 1 nes asked what lite Had army glance pian•• i far enough, it sou .1 /Arks re, Cd say , se I've go,t V •5. Jura have entered a latae war.: ro,:n at the Leek think you 1u41, grwady Eyed Board; and you, of the hoes., without any window, an : ren Stephen. Why. it is ilk + Ewing a ;clay: not Plated, not lighted. fret ahoy,. so the going home andtakut: •off one's ttgats and wither daylight could paw luta. 't from nide spangles when the e'lrt.in .)tura .Lown, acid out, and no lamplight out of it from with- then wait nJ Lill trime-row art the Tat Vin. There were two .1. •..:•..-emcees more 4, he thing -!veal police, real sillsans, real precise. Lir cause -one opp:ct4ite t , where a passages, real money- -el, and real haling tack window demi(' have bete the other lady, and alt..l.n.1 if you'd only 6541 au °tuire apparently do the party mall on the ,.,uth mote pluet, Htepheu, there'd be a nal hen, side. The flu,- was t.:.trily carp?te•i wash as w, li. Yes -it is just tau to be making our several thick..sees of lrugget, anal the same own money iW4'ead of n.x•kan4 mad starving stuff was bung from t:.• cornu.-, !listen(' .;f for it, likesuer"u. use'tt. a., nodv44ise paper, over the wall.. - , - to etTer:taily tea- rade leas, ghosts pri.u° even more tlau .,rdmary soiled:. The haunted bathe that greesi everybody the furniture was "till n, re peculiar than the ,Steeps taper's by. Do you know, I .tressed hangings. 1 stove ria• brought out into the •oyselt mp M •.bet are other alght, aid 51Lu.d r.,utrout the cortin .call, furnace fashiou, at the drawIu I"*m window* t did tor supl.:led with large fix..! bellows and a pili ol.ssl the (gaol..., which, 1be of pawing through What !' cried Iced P.ca-d, with $ am4Hd u the root, [ravened the c -ifing. and disapr it a w ole we' a swot'aruy;dr •p 'town- -You , .ami in tit' wall above t1e „:„cause dour are iIs erasily toad-tiott in heaven, t: yuu There was a dull tire in aha store, and on a a,:ts seen!' loch lar 1 ly was a r.•w of crucibles 0„ "Stupid! As 1f being seen wasn't tali the other 1*mehw.rani;.'( along the wall were fun: mud tilt the ria:et:, t..,. The tress ..uguarlath( mem " composed o(..erewsand .n•anughtnight we'd stat.l a: the window cr.in.le.-., wf'b taxas of pusebes, 14,114, ani ad three; we shalt make a lorety tri .-nM other untrumekts not usual in -any rvcrgmz- '!. • ghost, you tie ogre, and Stephan the - ..1•11-411".; And we'd grin. I t ender when A Special Line of M.,A. TT=hdE CI.4OT1 S_ ALSO A LINK RV Kid Gloves, in Black and Colored, Lr JOHN ACHESON. r e ,. BSI A CLAM -BSS ORIGIN &L. D eat bMM1!Ailn- xr your politic al leaders Mt* all the dirt they would Wed you into. be they G tan Tse bit avert ) ou:self. the/ fur youreelt and DO2'a'T BB .A. itLAM BE ORIGINAL. Mat quit reading this as seta ar you think it is an advt. p40t because everybody else wao.ld. but go um read it through. it may do you good. f hcrerure DON'T BB A OI .M--I.'jsh ORIGINAL. Don't go nod patronize •.oadr. the Inangist. Juat because so many ethers china it the primer thea,, to tt0, but look for yourself and LIR his stu•k u not right, las wor: slivers arm. class. els dealingsshw.4r !wearable at+* his ehartfea w low s•• parable. and thea yeti .all know that he v the lean to supplyn . medicines for yeas.'''. your Meed owes roar ,nam. nab, your • Ivor hones Mai tett le: in short, t•, aunt up the whole unifier. a, _. ,- BE A. CLANC-BE 0I110.1r . kL. I to our )fetal Polo)" .say gcantityl for stove nick. 1.. any longer "i'm r tag to Ly vow ten t , eel trade. A large bra table. stained and there', the nett Gtf moon." one that You're wondar1ig bow I mow to be t,:. -,sl, nearing a shaded lamp, occupied th.• ••e,.rtune-Fun:" .ail tt 'p:len. Mashing at the Blue St,ltoti, or w-hateT.': its call. -1. middle. The go. -rat asps -t of the room was ...r... "Much b o[ theca C.,nna t.. HIV. I:'. nl- you'r.• shy of seeming to ley into the d•'ings ,,npeel : but a rare cur.,ry glance was 4,.,,w Immo. ,lay -some dwy. And as for fun •- of an c..l fri'-od. Von • )1h! to be ashan: m.1 on. -ugh t,,slnw any no Iy mho knew anything -1sd indeed be looked like one who had nsv- of yourell, Guy Derwent. 41 by, 1.1 ask you (knout the ,. litvams ••i w.srk that the seems- er known any such thuwg. even to a dream. what yon were up to if I me: you after mid- oumnfu. nm w es sysrhuaur, and areae from Tb•rc's my wadi,: and_.. night in my striae r A.m. L:vin; everything ready t, btw1. (_vuthi• drew herself un t0 tier full height- -it did .cent .14 that booth von and I Neverthehws half smithy, half laboratory. nota fr••cti ler tiro fret one -and re - should be at the h.s..4 h!tely plae• f'.r either as the room appear,.!, it was not Number .ankvlhim y. of las whereat tar very same hour." Sixteen weeMr. Ward studies" chemistry. •-ytet,h•m," t -+'t. "where art y,u go - "Ab -when you're a dozen year' older Ind Numb.•r 4-.reutoen, with whirl) be had In, what are you goi4T to act' you11 fine( it e, uno .:nmunl) in - 1 world.' I no more concern than the )lis'' Burl0tr n •Anywhere-ar.ythin:." 51 1 4 wonder at I've been lo- the other side. '-Ah, I understand No -yon .enno4, you, tr rvi••wiag a contractor -s stun who once liter• wilentv of anew for the three ,.- carried s bre,. and now throws about mil-�" a great, the artist.masa t> de - carried ut the hLuer , which 1'. ked tee Wawa- Bert your art. That is imporible. Naw can lions. But his heart u a 6,dnwn w still : and .by '11irnts lastest' of .eking me to dine at the 'deform w .' fn: thirrnlyd empty. Two ..f the three yaii a y'ur rev --Berlet, IN ging to W Club, he. in the fullness of hu l ercpltality, were rae•n: third ween Lirl, who cnt don a boo tasks to y,ur .aur=Jae Aon -what la IV - thought he couldn't give mea greater hrep, treat stool in front o4 the thereat, warming her Nihiiati.mof Law. 1 understand 1'ou w than by takingme too 'a sten little rb. toes and staring at the ens waswrs. a man: an.t yots *rel iitE to deers rime:. R 4. 114 the two men. one was doting, with Very welt, then. Alt right-g"odbyw•' sir, sheer they lootl you the best steak thio 'angling .0 the o.ntre table -a short, t. side Temple liar, and wash it down with the R q I xn't be a born odi•.t. Cynthia! Of coarse finest pet wine at d s brewed.' And, on my ,hack -Art figure with js 1 hair and th word, be wasn't far wrong." w dark reelhbeard, coveringws and thrust. with mustac.'heeof the name color, through -All the same." persisted Guy. "it it which the mouth was er*rraly to be seen. strange. The hair bristled down in a peak over a low v I( roarer( it is. .41w1 sun is eysrything but broad forehead. well developed over the The Only really strange things new those that eyebrows: and under theme, deeply est and are not strange at all. . do you're on singularly rly close together, wea (air d eyes home by the I:ext train"as bide and as cold as steel. A thick, de. "4 if course I amu." preened nor, narrow at the I.ridg. and broad •'Arad ever at the nostril., sarehy projecting beyond "Meaniner Fete may call nie " the high ,•beak bones. pin breadth of amid Meaning the fair Markin!" and abouiier, and his leggth ai( arm, pRomiis- •111" mean the sam. t0 me, Heron. . . ed unarms' strength: wblle an alumni say No don't tell n.' that nothing iv arrange. age gravity abort the pale, bitted, bearded 1t is atrfn*e that here, an England, with the tare, and the cold blas eye, argued i:1 for poatoRkeand the telegraph at our servin, him against whom that strength might be and with all Ht. will in the world to meet, nws1. two sane people statute' have beim paying s The second, 10fning over one of the king maddening game of hide-and-seek for all benches, and examining some small object this while. One would think the very devil beirlk1 to . face that he nearly was in Itsanewbere And there's snebcdy else 1 want to and, as well as Marion." "Her sealer f Weil -when • man is hunt- ing high anti low for his mother-in-law suppose one mutt own that there is something - strange, after a11, in the world." "No -boor father. The nauprekfbie *co on - drool -to has hoarding a poor lady about he lo this way. I'm bolting forward to a s.tl{tarj beterv{ew with Mr. Furness one d these fins dmya Next to Marlon and her neither, he Y the creature I'm ,[tae's anxious to meet that anybody dee M the world" you kiws dote If ydid Newt him - what dinuyou Guy shrugged his shoulders. "I don't d mender there's muneed to udder that,• said ma "Anything that will give this poor rbs tidy mere, wtevmr it may be." home „paR . .. A t journey e I wbh I meld ora town with you, instead d when the Dods will let m., I'm gat are tanning• other appointment before tanning le- n I mast irks hands now. Hare our ways d/• vide." shall you be back at Marehgraset• m'w "To-errc, I mops. d (1o�dgbt" d• "fion0ight, Hraa" Jobe Hama, bavbg 'babes halide medi- a fresh cigar, and The two mad left w el o, by ay of d athe hanker MISS CAMERON Has just returned from the City with the latest styles in FALL XILLINERY. Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latestjshadee I is trimming.: a specialty. Remember the stand -Hamilton et., between the Square and Newgate-st. :1 41 The best "The Signal " erth and Bruce• fR1.eMfgl..di0 dam Mtn lmd...d cheapest, ally with Gay, Mopped more ase me the city behind them titre* W Plum t11..the now street from p IW M s Pathe nertkewest. .lways w*Rfeig, lentil he had reebed Upper West wan OM ah .hely Mem taa for a oactor, r t.rSs p any ast, et r la a great, eel* sad rsapserhle en w,1 4r sesem, le he fls�i M ohm ( UI lm he Ras Meet • V. rem meet• and see* Nevium Bq.sJe. bobcat' the .ort mid: •d et _ M the beow td Wm wes etch- three are is the and - WNW "••rims dr a teedel ••aracy--mea lleglwrd Hews, a al -dee l s with rim •a' re te. lab P.sewesd Amara Of tide lamb te - w 4 wmh 17.'"m""`"'"""nb is the best newspaper� .a. •m' >Ar uah0 lug r ee the seats of Huron GCODE'B "BLACK CHERRY," for Coughs, 25c. HONEY COUGH CURE for Children, 15c. Use Our LIVER PILLS. you're .,,Jung, tow." •• What -to anywhere! Not I. WVhatdexe fw it matter to d YOU II be all right I've no doubt there'll ba sow,. of girl.. ever so much taller than me, •vhu'tl he only too n happy to sew " your buttoas and keep your pencils pointed and your ',Wive', wad needles ground, and spot flaws in rim wont. and run your errands, wad -and make al! sorts of fog), of themselves. I'm only 0t use to you here. where err you'd Ivtve nob.1dy at all.' "A 1 an artist, Cynthia' Yea or Mo!' .'Von know you are There. Hood -bye.' w M here -slaving "And yet you ask ustay be-sving. for a convict, and -" "'A convict, an'1-- ` t io ou. Stephen Ray," mid Adana Furneee, entering from the eidedoor wad clueing it behind blot. "Oa srcood thoughts, though, don't goo.. Taore'f n (goody . no call to play pot and kettle. it's always swept it with his eyelubea. was the very se wrte d thole. I'm an ex -forger. .tad Tow 1910 podte of the other, beyond teat both Wert - b ata -thief; aid I nap4nse our principle, d«!} droned in • sort 44 bore blouse, sanded and fin, was petty much the same. Ah -then 411. 1 Amami He was probably the ,10 1*4 r oa 1!rs1.ere, Cynthia: ea-_ ynw h*fbright gltaand lte.. 1°1141 No - figure two; but the peculiarities a hle fon a.d_ figure made ala age bard to til(. A Meryl_ thbaR'.1" head, q[ white the r *-.b-ad aswwd to tai ap = lung wrong, _Vdam Feraeut, but that the way to the crown, with cadaverous fee- Ede girl is a toot, to break *t ghosts; and tuns and runty, silken, colorless hair, hong _ gist l•Repheo Ref. No ,Sita of 1 know not forward as if ton heavy for err derider melt - slat aDeatd- that was prevented from balancing it pro "Alward or not aboard," wall Stephen psrly by .dw1le esv that came surly up to Rqy, "r'. drx"e my est steres rat work the proja•Ung ears, between winch • .arrow b•ra " cheat lank absent into a hollow 3-450051, , "Indeed!" asked Adam Ferner, lifting bit giving sere ty room far the wort Booms,: brows. "Cynthia -what the devil des the ming thus deformed, the man was pitiably, 14slbw mime. though not repubhely ugly, with he wog. "H. lays the pare d'veat alt him," said weak news, his rhinle.e.esa, bis baster*oho .rely "aid 04 sur ve bees Wing d. cheeks, his sallow omple1i.s and ling dila n"'""7'.' bps. bps. .d wnd te ea lower ss.msed to bar Is "Well ---It's • frus country, and If you dant matched mmenar force to beep It from fall- keep him ('reties. I'm .0m ft's not for tae Ing. Neverthseme, then was a wart d re• te try. H. wnw't peach bombe'. h dar.n't' Rtw.enent ahcut the face, Mangle perhaps des Mlakl with fa Owent.igh. Wall. Ray -if we only to physical_ t0abdaw.r, let there wsr mtlet part we mast: 0o deelst a fellow of your talents hes only got forint hand 5anagh them off mato. "Yes; it is biggish sat. gut the office that a million have got to be pato add Ayh., o f course, wbicll gives Hs time Le rot the ran. the good -to the Khan of Mtulkbend, weer At but, atter .bat u.enwl ha. a satlawn .1 The count has roubles in specie next New Year's Day- "tTell .' Woad it S mew I" "1 mud 'lo Pot Wean die le ere." Then it was ()Math tete almost dgd. ib.bae had e.agaered-bat tt was the *ruins, senethlag rare �. to Rad sw.meb.d anft 4.5404 enough to t waft. .rhea mesio. „lth sspp4 joist. and - y Our Kneeler Why ear's natio he trestrl with a long, tapering, mimed lagers, d which Sas faith fe tear Sas And whit" fiagw., Anew media habitat medMapben-arm's dt tare. of Iw Rmidl's AdeN.e might he pint Ana'-da0tder.-t'm going In "non from lu+i naming1Median hewsb YL • tachy. You're whoa the IL ea -rade, tabtad, middy ssearow bon. ton" the only ams• -.sr riled i- micas do it, laid dem ewhat be sea e-smiaiag, a - -you, Adam Verne': r exclaimed Red yne /ball." --- .ser fiat nay 1 in Tartare, 1 reel, the rxpxem reset..' Marsbgrave. suppose. tH aurae It's rt ret reel tv; 0r 3uy, Tat.• an it wan, let biutaelt tutu ►u o44o. Mee there'd be nothings iu my ilex .tow, with his latchkey: mei there, sun .5ougb, what u toprevent 0444 r.reivi0g the nfi1b U wam'a letter from 1..44400 1t wan la s roubles. and payMS 44.r Khan of Moalk- trigs land -un duet from Maritsa )e ieai!" ore it ..pest, hu heart beating. And hi Red Beard shook his head. Everyth{ng i+ to prevent," said be- 'Bfr, pt. rrky-1 know that esu risky Kiat "IT you want to use Rim M. P., emit( (h{. mast h. 111.' last 44.4x•. UJsana to ry o Eupbros.n. Terrace, Belvedere Bead. p.lao. ,►1! that has to 4r• aku. is to ewe '.Ego('. Town, I.o54on• N. 1k. Wyndham trine so *4.1 the khan "f Mo"Rhend'. agent ioell . 1 th ,Icor. for receiving *me fear's little pre•nmt shall Your obedient servant, De ems "l oai-04vem:'w rather not one of our- selves, ur- ••.y,rrlieDnT IktrfY Know.' selve , but reen,b.sfy who will serve us ire notently. Very sea I hear fr,m time Count thst toe mow)• is to be pnid to M.*b.I kraff, who keep• a lank at 4111*, ao *04.11 .11484* khan \esu. 1 know, 'ot my own ktx,whedg•. this 14.b•1 Ouse ;. owlet obh,;- ations to an Eighth filuacief-:ever mind Haase -wen L•a. tee stnugwt puadble 4104 sac.45r 04444+34( ase. 11'1»els within w1e.h, yet know : and 1 haven't laid my pian wain dao potting • magnifying glass to every cog mod every screw, like 4'yuthia there tote* point of • mettles Very well. I go to Sly English fried -a most r opect•ble Man. by the way -tied 1 ray, "isen•t me a clerk t, d. Mae • little c ,nfidenti•I business Itut wiU h.- the. mend" "He wiLL .411d .bat's moor•, Hard will be instructed to employ this particular clerk in this very affair. Yon may, km.:e all flat to nw. .41041 the clerkelf! carry ort Lau specie, in sahled pork.t', 4or .delivery to the khan..5d h*v. rest to4.r43 m hoxuw whet b. nm.••iy.•s from Dm We have only to make the test evhan,(.• w5 tau of the good rouble. into English gold-- Sud t• yare " •Alt.hen11ou b a beautiIul idea. .1 beautiful idea. All but when the Kun* finds himself r;: •'iso elm. .4 Tartar k:un isn't an expert; and tento 4me our rouble. will be scattered . beat all over T•rtary lefnre some Jew or daah�er.geta hold '.f • wmoie. It0t seen if he o."ee and oat the trick, what then : Ehret bell try to sell a aselawby cls with there, or race ..Lepton tt tlr. Rwd.n liovrruwnt. Tee Ruorlan UOYernllWOt woo* 4.re tuske a firs -they'll .osne dose *eistely no Mos - bid limbo' .111 either pay up, with inter- est, or peas esu inquiries to my English friend. My- English frier 1 will at'xmce paw these on in the British Foreign Wass And then Russia will bow politely, and say. 'Never mind. All right_ We grade • little mistake, thank you -that's all.' - "Ab' '1{o! 1 "Aura th differeure between the cod d making our rouble and the vane of the real awe, allowing ter hneidental ex -penmen and probable ken on exchange, w111 Ise, at the vary bast, @sweaty thou/tad starling. Outy we ant get an extra gond die. int me me --weal put on the Knacker. i dont twos se`s. 5r tried his hand at rouble; bet he mast make a trial likes or two. And we must kook ,harp- -a million mine .es't to le turned cut In • day." Cynthia *wring brr elf round, stool mad . 11. Thea that you A m'trobe rind. "The turned towards the lamp, flee head nu: of Semi 'Nn, Son do an sorb tame • • N"," add .Adam leurmeati sharply sad that blgnell sad hake tam two greet bleat "Yam. 1: and yon. Neer Petersen : Sad ('net and J•INtt- ter an aaupgee end th Ewan; amid 1'd have said Mambos Oh, "1 wish i were a aces ! slaphse-•dnt't ociaiathim," mhd be. ea a more harem", flay, K h Wel oaks. Prima *0*. And ea hear 4 They aWk the Zemke, a better *de from *esteem, "leak ria t4Y Winn' PR tat yea why. Ween tint d..w M0y; wake then yo5." dor Dat were gong to make in big a 0S toff '.rhea star curled Rephn, Muni nom04i The gdo msmed la pore bar sun Y. a time that H wi don't retire an sur whole. "Man ear raw .bsrp"et. Pmc=i• (y*th1� dre•ai g weld eat the mood d a widgets, we shr11 kw • Peek et rook" rid . weep of Wmel.g.paper. 'j1.re trued heti M.er/a, and ata ume rte team "1 waft," tem Red Met fma�is0 W :est taw watlsr d the Raedmi. ,.4&1 tet that her gra-qhs wing. Si" 'Yo how th heti.ream." br amiable It he ems And it oar Mrmw-test d Number M• _ "WS told la admen w.wi And N mesa Adam /lar seek *5 d.SsmiM'y !...slid saas0 r Upper Tem West, the demure rid m• DMT Mange, sed head 1t r Sad iMsnt, who sealed 44011,. •este a pley-•e great pa►.' mil Adm:. "1 AM hasp (Naval •ramie•.. tbse gb the Earne- d emelt NM te ween tram •anther men's eft myseder 544 Napalm -seely. Mean' btr.M1 li.t .weed r bevy balm merle pslhr limed; and the , reedy. "This timet a gats. at play." w esamitw.l were straw he that .eve oral way., she wee air sore straw le hen She poo 4mn at ones the imtpreia of • ashy-ea.11 ami/ .leads, alright se a MM. rid milt as lighaderg. hAq. *4. wee set be maid raw bitea a gnagf • Mr tmpgde et `mtpead hew IesmYd Illeventy therd. 'Mos 1heameemdRedm Sum, add Red bed sides dtbri her eyelids Moot mad per r OWN the pantel ea Waft needle arse she hammd a plea Slopesas .4a4t memdbn.ael anal• the SIM lass dam d as les Immo tai MON Yuv ,IO 51 •) Have you a Coach ? Take Wilson Wild Cherry. Have you . Cold ' Take W.45on's Wil. Cherry. Have Too I:roachitia 1 Tak• W I ld Cb.rry. Have you last your Vain* i take Wi', son's Wild Chem e Tun Asthma 1 Take Wile m Wald Cbeny. Hera Tate a Cola in the heed I Tab tV il..•u'. Wild Cherry. Th. (Ila Reliable Care for all dl.es.s of the Throat, Crest and Lungs. Sot by all druggists. !m The ranee er enreensin. Shooting • candle throuith a two -Eno solid plank without (Interning it in th less: a being outdone by dynanit which sew quirk In It• a^'ion that • ter der green leaf an be compressed int the hardest steel before it has time 1 Batten. 4)ee of the ezprrimenla of to United noted it•tes Torpedo Wurks Was 4 place some leaven between tw., hese, flat pieces of ince, set them os • fin Inundation end nee what pin -Witco would do in forcing the iron piro•s t gather. The reaction was eo great irol just Ming .ipluded in the open air t4i ww rat she iron pieties wsa driven dos upon the otter quick 1110000 to estop a enact end complete tmpr.sfion of t) leaves before they meld reap, It also a ..nrular tact that ch. `an-ootte steal! should .leak deep Into the in when it explode., abowtag the points the lettere stamped into the meridiem This neral method of enersotne by gat powder is one of the wonders of th century. -Cleveland Plain -Dealer. aawat t1e5/r. All have equal rights in life and lib' ly Sad the permit .f happiness, b many am headisapp ed ie the rem I dyspepsia, biliousness. leek of .mm warrens debility, weakness, emeltip tine, eta Btmumoleteiy rmmrvisa the oomplsiwte Sardonic Blood Bitters m fees 4wtuld b.m.its on all affeems. mime 1e se • 0.50144... la silty parol viewing* pani•hme is remitted, a big boy tahk•E 1 whipping of • .mall boy. The other • a ed wee te he ps.i.Md and dee Mask mired if thee was a sehetit.te. TM wen het be expressed bib .ill441M stay esu es .di t4. last the Webs ".welts" w..dd take It .1..E with fib The butte tittered over the W'• ble sapee l w. B 'wi k5 ba tae.N Mewl lel mere moped lob . the tesewr sod who were .ever mind emits M 1 den lodown.-1Cf.aAa. Why. >wat.m News. ,dada$ sniper:e mels that Owlets gat draha the bowls et the hook 1 � ie plr.eal bed N Inestra1 herr *ewius'. Zmtreet et Wad I dhrlAts�e, ebb. It M•tlsh• IMO gore. II