HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-14, Page 1CLAS$WIEW ADVERTIS&MENTS• Thu Rth page of Tdlt $n11sAL ia Wake"! upon by all intelligent Mivertinere no tlw beet medium iii Huron County for the publication of twndenaesi *dye such as Lust, Found, d, Wanted, Strayed, For Hent, ( ht ,Sake, k..'. Six limo. mid under, four insertions, $1. FORTY-THIRD nth LIC NUM fM COUNTY CURRENCY. Item= of Interest from over the County. A Weekly Nave .rlbe f.waly hews eery. ed sp m. Isl. Deader. of **Tim nyamL' rem sad Petal. I'Ilrred amid IRs• dowsed real Levey •ee$t... Mr Wm Button. W invham, hes re- ceived an .•rdrs bar .lw:ut $3,000 worth ut maple block or tlmh.r. Sabbath school in S N.. 8, (:rry has cloud for the term. It u kept ups biz s ...the to the year only. Miss Ida McBitil. of Atwood. h• been ing./ed as teacher of the Elm and tl'all.os bwndary aches)! for 1891 W. ani. J. McTaggart, Ethel. bat purchas;d 1500 barrette ud •pole• the season. fts.y are shipping them to th East. Rev 5lr belly ..f CotlingwnoJ, ton ducted the services Inc. &ecrptahly u the Ii.pn.r church, Wickham. on Sunday .4 last week. Mia* Gregory, at present teaching in Wawannsh, has resigned her situation wing to ill heal'h, and her sister ha. been ongagrd as her socaees.or at r*00 per anoum. Mr J. B. Elti.ft, son of Mr Elliott, of Winchan,. •h.. has been ernt- ing hie permits for the last month or taro, left on M..nday t., Laurie bis dot es as telegraph operator at Altoona, Wiscon- sin. Adam Kneeler, Cranbrook, has left for Keokuk*. Mn James G ,old, .r , Exeter, is tow iwrying u1 • slang s very lanae arm, in eonsrgwuoe of a fall down cellar, winch .\e recently received. Mr H. Happel, formerly of the town• ship of Hay, but now of Berlw, had 500 barrels ut apples delivered at Sssfortb station on Tuesday of last week. Mr J. Allardyc., late of Hallett, has left Seafortb for Australaa, and expects to eat his Christmas dinner in M.I. bourne. Ho will go from there to Soot - laud. I. Dr Ewing, son ..f Mr George Ewing, of Sselorth, has been spp.,lnted physician . at Pelee I.land,neer Detrnit,and has left • this week for that poil.t. He will spend the winter there, • Postmaster Fisher, Wingharu, has been s heard from, and the citizens generally e will he glad t.. hear that his health is Improving There lab. healthierchmate in the world than that .1 our Canadian North-West. It is estimated that between 200and 300 barrels of apples ba'e been shipped from the Lesdoury line this season. When ear consider t:•at t orchards are mostly v.•ucg. this is a very t•od show- ing for ibis year. OaWednes6•y,il hrna•..Mr R. S. Lane •hippe.l 1r'm Ester stetson a car which contained 320 tab's of apples. The car is properly dominated the "mammoth," as it was the large., are. ad ever shipped from may elation along the lire. Last We,ttte.rlar wising James Trmtnus, merchant ..f Hiosest° vil- lage, nes united in msrruge to Mies Tillie Grin, of Belgrav, The• took the early train t.. Lond..r and hire gone ran a wedding tour through the States. . A ere had of hoe... sea• moppet; frim Harter 011 Friday, 31st ult., by • buyer from Montreal. They were a tine fooli- ng 1.4 .-f horse., and were p urchased in that nciutty. Huron carer stock always commands the highest possible pricy au foreign n,arketa. Mr Thomas Roe, Leadhury cot severe- ly hurt the other day. A ladder, which he was clembicg in his barn, ca.'. easy at the hale, i.y NSW!) 14 which he fell a dis- tance of ten feet on the hard flair, break- ing a nuroher of hs ribs, and otherwise miur:ng himself. Mr Alp: Gerdirer, of the 14th con- r'eea1..t of McKillop, always goes in for the very hest. H. has • wether Ism h which bring• down the sales as 160 Itis, and he recently sold a rem lamb which weighed 1;3 lh., McKinley can't hurt lambs cf Gnosis* very much. A Jodie . f Lady True Blces, under the gnidance of the True Blue Associatinh of British Aaorrica, will he instituted in n inghase shortly, an application signed toy upwards of twenty ladies haying been sent to the head .ilio. for • diepensaticn to establish such • lodge in Wingh.m. Mr John Dunkin, ..1 the 3rd conceit •inn of Stanley. the well known importer and breeder ofShropshire sheep. recently sold to Mr W. H. Beatty, of Wilton Greve, near L.sdon. three ram higibs, and to Mr Andrew Duncan, sear Varna, • pair .4 sh.erline ewes. Mr Dunkin has sold about 9900 worth o1 Shropshire* this season. Wm Smyth, proprietor of the Wine ham Marble Works. has just reeetved direct limn Scotland a beautiful red Scotch granite monument to ho t erected to the memory of the late Mrs Jas Timmins, in the Bloevale cemetery. It is the finest and most costly piece of work that has been put op in this part of the country. leis. Mary E. Oosenk.ck, who has taught very s000eafoily in School Section No. 1, Hallett, for the past three year", intend* leaving the school •t January. The beet proof of Mia Onveeloek'. efficiency as a teacher and her popularity in the section is to be found in the fent that she has had se iser.•ee of salary every year, and alter she 'totaled the trustees of her istestien not to seek re wegagement for the wast year tbsy west tr. her and urged her to re-ees•ider her decision, offering to sestinas the oma salary, viz , $385, as last year, but she 1 again declined as she was desirous of a h change. Much serprs.. and regret was felt on w its beenmine karma net Friday, 31st alt., of that Mr Jannis; Calder, of the 3rd ena- emmon of M.Killop, had omsmitted • aei.ids. His bodywas found by • li •sighsor'• she en riday noon atsp.oded flus • rater in his barn. The Tart seen H .f him snood the place was on Wednes- day forsn«.n and it was sutlod that there h wee so light is hie Ms.. N.dssi•y nig&.t,fros rebirth it 3. *apposed thatthe m deed was •nsittdin se* time c�l 'Wed- nesday. Mr Calder was nee of the most Drnsp•roso sad respeet.d (arson of the losality, and so reason gen be .m.igeed for the reek see He nus shoot 314 yen of MP. a Liner married, sued for four o Irn leis hod Heed west of the time Meters 8. Meblwaiu and Alla Mc - Murchie, Winebam, were brought before 'Mayor Molndoo and Iteeve Gregory, charged with being drunk and disorderly. Atter hearing the evidrnoe, a tine ot $20 e1:d oasts wan imposed ..0 each, or thirty' day, in jos. On Friday last, there passed away to her eternal root Elizabeth, wife . f Mr John Ingle, of Wingham. in her 77th year. For many yeare the deceased had been an invalid, but burr her sufferings with Christian fortitude and p.tienc",and ess much respected f..r her tsar.• excellent gnahpr• of character and d'spo.iti.•n. She leaves behind her, resides her seed partner, four eons and r... daughter.. Mrs Ferguson and family, of the town• ship . 1 Hay.•od who numbers among the piw.eer settler. in this p,rt (Mr Forge - deceased, having settled on the farm where the family hate since beets living nearly 40 tears aro have rooted their tine farm. situated on the Zurich road, to Mr (1.e,rg., Graham, of Hay, and thus week removed into Clicton, where Mrs Fercuann iutonds residing. at least until her sou Robert has finished his s' adore. On Friday night, Oct. 31st, some evil disposed persons broke into rhe school house en the Bayfield rad, bear Bruce - field, and .envoi things upside-down generally. They tore up the desks, piled theta in the middle ..f the fl.,or and tore and destroyed mope, book• abd other articles. leaving things iia • d.pl.irable •nese. This is arming fun • little too far *ren for Hallowe'en sight and if the per- petrators are discovered they should be tict,nkly punishod, The Christian Endeavor Society in with the Presbyterian church in Sesforth, which war organizett last March with 30 members, now numbar" 104. Forty•Cve o1 the)se are active members and two, Rev A. D. McDonald and D. D. t'a'ds,,,,, honorary member.. The money rowed by the society during the fire, ell mouths •mounted to over $50. What •as left of this fund after defraying • few necessary expenses was given to missonary purposes. H ULLETT. From our o.n t. Mrs Derr., ..f Manitoba, •isited friend• in this section last weer. Quarterly servaoee were held in Ball's Methodist church on Sandy last. Some farmers about here ars afraid that winter has set in in earnest and are hurrying with then' turnips ___ Mr Minno Baer has sold off his farm ' tock and hnuaehol4 furniture. H. b.a ale. sold his farm to Mr Mears, of Gods - rich township. The family intend MOW- int/at onee to Guelph. Mr Geo Ask with, of the 10th onn., has mowed to his new farm, the odd Lawson place, cn the Rase Liao. Mr Jas Cox, who uccopied that bouse,haa removed to he house formerly °wood by Mr Rob Sprung. LEEBU KN. From our own osrrspoedent. Mn M. Dalton, of Kingsbridge, mss he guest of Mn Hugh Chisholm this w eek. Mee Wm Clutton and Mrs John List. later with the lath'. two ohildr.., Roy and forge visited in Stratford last weak, Communion service .i11 be held in the Presbyterian church herr on Sunday at the usual hoer. The preparatory or rice will be held on Saturday aft.rwoos at 230 Rs. P•esowaL --Mr Petrick Qoigl.y, of Hallett township, gave our berg a visit e st week, giving to his Mole o1 friends ere • friendly susm9ns to •n js- portant .vent Boring the coming week Mob deprivals this township ..f one its pyest kntght., and will add his tame oe the roll of an army .hieh is very day reserving reinforese.eta. A tile bird .hiape.,•'Stop now ' Aron.. Foaarslt &Ela. - Asdrew Infer, as old J.seberw ,wry, aft.* as Melees of some twelve yearn, vis.tod ere hot week, as also nestivge iso Grade. nee\. D.neg his "novena he was eater Mimed at • social gathen•g here try Hilary Barton, la which he hod the plere of meeting many old (Oasis of his boyhood day.. Loire. still single blsseedsee.o bet b the seg impressions made sethtsha his seat trip fres Sault Si. Marie will be te slake a vsgew.y amens tis fair .ss .1 the si.sel r sows. "BE SURE YOU ARE RiGHT, THEN GO AHEAD." GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. NOY. 14, k90. SEE OUR CARTOON ! i4OKinley Fires at the Gander and Hits the (loose. The Intenttan Ramie sane She Week* al Larne. hail ibe Yankee Club Worked lb. ember Nay Re Didn't knew It Was Leaded. This week we begin the publication of • ashes of cartoons un the trade .lues- tion, which w• reproduce from Grip, Canada's jastly celebrated comic journal. As *ill be seen, McKinley in his effort to injure outsiders an their pursuits has gtvru • terrific stroke with his protection club nearer home. So Berne was the blow that iia effects were instantly ftlt by Uccle S•Iw in every part of hie being, and since delivering the blow Mchiuley has paid for his temerity with his politica! loft. Not only has Uncle tiara p.,hUcrll) "mopped the flour" with McKinley, but the entire P party has been ST. HELENS. Frau our 1wn Duncan Mclk.uald is spending • few weeks with friends around tieelph. Services were held in the Preebyteruu church in the morning on TI kagiring Dai and in the English church in the evening. There is considerable sickness in this viCI0lty, especially einem/ the little ones, several of than being under the doctor's stn. Mise Jennie Habkirk, of Blyth, and Mr and Mrs Inc Salkeld. of Oodersch, hese been visiting at 11. K. 3.1111er's during the past week. The Sunday school on the Gth ounce•- sioo,after closing for the wlater, present- ed their lent, Mr Peter Clark, wish a b•udsuroo easy chair, aoeompa- need by an address, as a shiht'tukets of their appreciation ot his services. The Ladies' Foreign Mission Society held a special meeting on the afternoon of T1 Day, at which ]Ins Sutherland. tit Ripley, and Mrs McNabb, of Luckuuw, were present. Their tluoks- LUCKINOW LOCALS. What is Going on io the Sepoy Village. .t■ Irlrrr lila •eda.l .f Lite t1rw. ire. Nr'rd mp.r411r roe Readers .r •• 1'be Steam- N..Ih %anlaa fan be /sad Dere. From our own corre.poodeot. Mr White, of Palmerston, has opened out • new barber .hop in one of Mr R. Graham's buildings in the east end of Campbell -at. Our carting club is commencing 50 make prepantiuue fur the seasuu. They have none intention of building au re- turnee* rink. MrsJ.mee Anderson will sibortly upon out * Cue stock of limey i ieda, etc , un time for the Christina& trade, on dour east of W. Corrigan's grocery un Cawp- bell-st. Conductor Drainey, of North Bay, Nipueiug, whose rut is from that thriy- AN INCIDENTAL SMASH. U! WLE SAW RIMER To REALIZE THAT Nick eI i.KY's CLu'n Wong/4 HOTII "AAs. s. muted, hone, foot sad leathery. And as with Yankee Protestiosista so may it be with their Canadian enunterp•rb when election day .ext comas arceed. HA Y. Orem oar own . A very eeee.etel ts-westteg was held in 8ersmith church os the evening of T ank.givior Day. The shun:eh was teetotally decorated with greats booths. Addresses were delivered by Revs J. S. Henderson, of Heee1ll, and Japer Wil. coo, M. A., of Exeter. The addresses were lively and iieapiritiag, joist what might be expected frim these clenremen. On the next evening a social was held at whieb a very pleasant tame .as spot. After it w.. over • meeting was held to talk over organ matters, and it wee 'h- ooded to keep the Thomas organ whish had been placed in the .Marta by Mr tname.l Martin. west for the Thomas Ceps Co., of Woodstock. BELFAST. them tier •.n e.Ir're.eeedeet. Mr Daniel Rutherford, of Racbrnosd, V. S , has both Taitisg Moods in this pleas. Mr W. A. Ha.kstt, who month, - oasma from Manitoba, has pee to Toma- to to eased the Medias! College. He - gives • gocd report of Masitob.. - Mr John Seet\ess sold • ise mare to J. Gentle, fora good prier. Mr J %elite bee hamlet the Mam been, and intends to Man • gre.ery. Mr 1'. H. AUns,wbo is teashisg here, is bevies at Christmas, and Mr T. Elliott, of B.•willer, is..u1 d for next par. Miring offering amounted to a very large Rom. A...ther of the old residents of W •wa- nosh has p..ee.dd away in the person of Hugh McPherson who died ego S•hh•th morning. Deems:ad bad • severe attack of la grippe last winter from which be never folly recovered, having bean noe- fined to the house for • number of months. This maks the tenth death this year within • radius of three miles of St Helens, all being adult•. ScHoot Nor. --Our present efficient teacher, Mr J. B. Wencher►sed, has been re-engaged at • teed salary. Dur- ing the year Mr Weetb.rhsed has had charge of the wk. do *ohm', and has dons his work to the stidaetion of almost every one in the motion Mr Jos Stalker has been re-engaged in U. 8. 8. No 112 Mr Mather is leaving Nu. 3, M. p3... bang taken by Mr Ceesr, of Ashfield. Th. Literary &misty in onnneeti.s with the Moeb•oie•' ln.eituto has been reorganised for the winter, sad .i11 hold u settnwe every two weeks. The first meeting .ill h. he4d .m Thirsday even- ing this week, .hen • gond gasmrel pro- gram will he given. For the next meet- laag• debate has been arranged with aw.sers Clark and Weatberk as cap- flslia the directors of the Institute tleeusMtlerisg the .d visibility of remis- ing Pee* *lasses for the winter Mr Cleo Hensley, •i T\.ss•loi, AI- gos•os of Mr Henry Kineley, of sea.haee. who was visiting in Winston" a few weeks ago, met with an •osedent- ne Thurday, 10th .lt. While wrestling with • fellow employee his foot essght- • meek is the floor and he fel(, hveekiar Ne male. ing town to the "Stn," is visiting Mrs. Thos Little, his nonan, here, also friends in Dungannon and Ktnloegh. Quarterly services were held in the Methodist oh',rch on 8ab"eth. In the norutng Rev Mr Fesr,cf Nile, preached, while Rev Mr Thee Had win (superannu- ated), of London, *inducted service in the evening. Mr and Mrs Soli. of Brussels, parents of Mn Reeve Bryan. of the Yeeti,.rl, have brio in town this week. Mn Bryn, I regret to .sy, has hies .cry un- well for over • .eek, but at this writing I am glad to learn is some better. I hear •n interesting suit is en the ,*pia, en which the township of West Wwano.h is involved. It is in reference to an award sode by that oorporalion regarding • water course between the 12th and 101.11 concessions of that town- ship. Signs of winter are upon ea Leet week • flock •.f wild geese -reboot fifty in number -took pnses..ion of a field of fall wheat bear:nein" t.. Mr P. (hyear, • t o,f fa m o' P e t hoot a nail* east of the village. Al - neigh • wester of oar 'p..rtamen west not non of them •ueoeoded is getting \ow, i wuold s.k wey te*aher i( ,ben wear enough to secure a prise ail vet • 11M fsllaw off u .etead•nes on I It is something wonder's' the numb"' the Friday following Th•nk•guylne Bay ? t• 3. a- eta we Aeer °f hyo thea Towhees in .eb.'nl., were your r'•11 sn- ail enssunit now. K I rowers as many to Friday as Wednesday y A fee. Veen previous to Thanksgiving Day Thersd.y. ago such • thing .. • farmer f.illsg .t so acne, is n nn the$was almost o sehasrd of; Mr John Wraith. 3or some time with . Wb•th- Mr D motherland, W ingham, has hear or abeyance for another year had nut Dr. Tennant and lawyer Traver been cbang lilt their oth.es silo mowing their smise Each of thew went through the side walk, and • good jolt was done in making the repairs is. each .ase. The old settlers are quietly passing w sway. A few eeks acro John Cameron, nue of Huron'a pioneers, passed •way, and on Tuesday last another old resident passed to his lung h 'me in the person of Mr McPherson,uf West Waw•nosb also, better known as "Cluny. ' Next week I shall endeavour to give you an rzteud• ed obituary of the letter. 1 wi:1 also vara you • sketch of some of the buai- 11r'e. *nen of the town. "'- I hear some of our young mer, asking that the , •,ding room in concoction with the Mo.:haulm' Institute he opened he- tween the service in the churches on Sunday. In the cities the reading r.e,m'. 1n connection with the 1 oung Mets Christian Association &reopen, and there is no moral reason why ours should not be also. eabh•th can be as well and as profitably spent there as any place, and when we come to consider the manner 111 *high that day is kept now, as compared with the rigors of ten or nftcen years ago, the day would be far better spent then. We have • town hall in Lockoow, the original cost of which was in the neigh borbood of $3,000 or more. By certain parties at was . 1 as unsafe t, such .0 extent that ret pl. feared to muter its portals when any entertainment was held at which • price of admission was charged, altbcugh I have seen ,t well Clird when any free en was MI the board.. The count': made int. upon ft and at .a, pron.•unc- e4 safe, yet few enterttinmrnts ere held snit; norwill there be until some reform- ation is made in the stage tion. it should be improved, As it is, the town hall is ln.ing an annual revenue sufhciert to pay one or more of our town odic -tale Two Si.tiAL . 1 up at Dungannon 1Ci,dnesday evening .1 last week, when the goad people oar that thriving village opened their new hall, built on the new fair grounds, with an entertainment under the auspice. .4 the Orangen.en of the locality. The hall ; I a tine'Inernre of two stories, well laid out, and reflects credit on those who erected it, mud is a credit to Dungannon. The .. .as conducted by Mr Geoff. Kerr,who had$ooml*uy of twelve members, ■I1 amateurs, but most of them equal to many so-called I 1 artists. Rev. Mr Carrie admirably filled the chair, and after making • few intro- ductory remarks the gime club in an ope selection, which was greatly 1 by the audience, as were all the parts nn the program .hick followed. Misses ball* and Laura Berry, Emily Pewit, .lean G. Murray and Eunice Little: Mersa. Ge'.. E Kerr, H. Merman', H. Pierce, D. Ltwrence, f K. Hughes and F. Little are among thorn who took part. About threw hondred pen: ,ns were present and a . morn orderly audience could not be de- sired, reflecting much credit on the ertizenaof the future railway centre of h Wawanosh and Ashfield and its ustgh- borh.wwi. Allow me to repeat what one gentleman rem'.rked. Said be, " I bars heard of U lovely girls, e but until now I never thought it more P than • poetic **nuttiest."a GET TIC REST LOCM. PAPER. If you want the newspaper that Kite. this greatrrt quaanttty d news in Huron county. enclose $1.Y.' -r to thr address of THL stow.,sto., (.lode• rich, anti you will get it fry now until Jut. 1, '9.'. tiabrcrihe at once. The Hest i., the Cheapr,i, a...l THE t4tunr.L is the t.in.t. D. MoalWiPenalties. DUNGANNON NEWS. Latent and Best from the letro- polia of Ashfield & Wewanoeh. Tar •eveleseaus. sey/aa•. seines. Trials and TNb.I. UMs. Jars •sd *.arww.. 1 n• an.. Mwss. •.p.•s mad mare. and ember OWN .t the nulla., Trout our own Sicklier* aud accidents seem to prevail among . or a11.11 rpideuts, so tenth w that our sick committee is kept very busy. We, sling with Mr ., Mack'. other wellwshen, are happy to know that he is recovering from lila recent severe i•- dte .s'rion. We are sorry to state that Mr Areh Bell is ,till 000tunoing very weak ell. Wu eiroerely hope the tonere gent, eernsu will soon get •• change for better. We ars pleased to be able to stat. Mrs Jas. Tumble, who bas been serf ly ill during the past week or so, is pareutly recovering from her recent late disposition of bronchitis. A%eTH•E.-Mrs Anderson, mother n4 Mn Jas. Nichol, of this "silage, is, we are sorry to state, vert ill. We hope that the venerable lady will $oon be re- stored to her former state of health. Our enterprising resident and carriage maker, Mr Hrydgss, Is erecting • new .table on Isis premises, to be leaned by J. Cook, Y.S., which when completed will add materially to the of hie premises. Mr Robert Bowen, sr., had the mis- fortunrtufall during the latter part of last w1 el, slid in 000seyu•n.e ho austaired injury by fracturing same o1 hie ib• We sympathise with him in his trouble, hoping that he will soon recover. The weather has a'an1 *Plumed an autumnal appearance and se s..wewhat enjoyable, as succeeding the recent wtutry .Coll. Farmers hereabouts are busily engaged in a.eunnl the turnip clop, as the weather is very favorable, which seemed doubtful a week ago. Mr and Mrs Hi•.oz, formerly of Dun- gannon, and now of Tesseater, are en- joying themselves endow relatives, friends, and aclasint*ncrs its this vinare and neighborhood. They air.• surprised st the great growth and ral.,d proores* that is 'piing on In the '.111.3.' solve tilt] eft herr. Mr Jame. E. Cassidy, she popular ravelling egret for THE Si.. .t., pau•d through our village on Monday evenlnr en route for the8.poy villain.. where h. in- tend. to make his k fur re . mewing orders and subscriptions fur Tug 8,nRAL We are credibly informed that he is the right Rah in the right place. Out of quite • number of application or the po.itiun of principal of Husain - non school for the year 1891 Mr Alex. McKay, son of tier popular reindeer, Dr McKay, and at present principal of Nile school, was eb'sen He comes 'stilly recommended. We congratulate an, hoping that be will succeed in his ew pennon. l). Sabhath last Mie. Williams, the vangel o', referred to in our last, 000u• led Hey A Potter's pulpit, morning nd evening. Those Areae;'t listened with rapt atten'i.on to her dimmers**, and were hlgnty entertained. We have been informed that she intends c,nduot• ing scene* of revival meetun,(s. r,mn•en. wing on Wednesday, the 12th inst. , in the Methodist eh'irch here. On Tuesday of last week, Rev Mr imps a, of Bromfield, addressed a fair whence, in behalf of the Bible Society, n Erskine church hers. Rev J. Fair- bairn, pastor, ofllaated as chairman on the occasion. The follow/Mr husinose was transacted at the slue ..f the lecture, which we learn .as very appropriate and interesting. Secretary's report was read and adopted • J. M. Roberts was elected pneident ; H. M. Duff, see. iro•. ; Wm McArthur, in ahem, of Depestor]; diredon--Moen Thee Anderson, Rubt Davidson, and Cham Curwin. The Fifth of November was eslebreted here in good .tyle. Under to 'to•pie*" of the members of the L -O. L No, 324• • grand concert was held in the new hall herd on the evasiognf ths5th Then was, cusid•ntng the incestuously of th. wealth er and condition of road*, • very large audience present. The Sepny village was well represented, ss was .Iso tae Nile. A capital sonesrt was given lt.. . Carrie oeeopied the chair with his nal ability. Th. affair wee • greed coess, in every respect, sod .11 pewaset set home apFarently well pleased itb the •utertainmeet, kwkint Iorwasd • r.pstitic.n of the sane next 31h of ov.mbsr. Th. ns. hall wM all that old ha desired for the occasion. All hit took part en the program deserve rest uirnmisma for their efforts. ri)1'LAR ROW. From our Own Mr. Emery Morris "lilted 'nowise at Dungannon for • few days last week. Mr Telfer, of Hamilton, was veinier at the hoose of Mr Thomas gallows a s faw days last week a It i reported that two weddings .ill i take plain on Poplar Rnw before very long. We wish mho oartioipents success. Half • dozen of the High School students of G•derieh gave • grand oion- cert at the house of Mr Thomas Camp- bell on the seeping of Thanksgiving Day. They were highly appreciated. DUNLOP. roma our own Eeolauap -Our board of education have ..vend the s.rrie.s of Mw Halls, of Ood.rleh, as teacher of No. 9, Col borne (Dunlop), for 1891. She holds • second oleos certificate. WHY NcTFiuoaY I --For many years put a has been the will of the Niniu►y not of the clergy -to fix Thursday as • special day of prayer for the bounteous yield of snipe gathered and h rveeted during the year by the 1 J And, by the way, the clergy see but a os small number present at the *avian to ..0 thank Providence for thew menages w vouchsafed We think wit3oot further w .ommess Friday should be the day Ito heeled. rib. Quite • number of the N rieiaer g.serate.n who attend a.Mwelen don't Co o• Friday b.suse they are tool w tired to stody up their teaks for that i g day, sod it idolworth while to gn. se 8at.rday is • repels, holiday soy - tells: hN P. saes i1 ov whot►sr the N, af+pnd Ct•in of tb. eau pr.v.et it. 1st somans..rie. wed nlrwt.eiol.r Oospew.py. 1. orderTssswaur to plain fleshly himself for the pnsblos, he took • The sidewalk ea the mein street. b.- • thre'month•' encue is the MI'itary twee+, bastes and needle,, has eaderte.e Retool .t Loosing, fres whse\ h, re - sheet nos headrest yards of improvement termed os 1W.rds7L1st has, fully Genii this year whistle might here resde.d is lasted for hie sew elies, • Wet. Mer. A cottage worth $730 will be eructed, .r eta *quayal.e% in east will be given to the person debNtie/ the greatest nes bar 01 typwarspbieel errors in the Decem- ber iso. of owl meethly Peoria) setit- led ' 01.11 HOMES." Three hundred and filo addttimbal mob prizes, aaan.et inti to $2.300, .i11 oleo he awarded in the order mestien.d in rules gorer.isg .oesp.tltdee. Peisw p•yhle et ppaar 1e say pert o/ Caned* or the United Slats. need 18e ie et.wps, fee .nlsplele relies and sspl• coney 14 "Our Homes," .N•\ will be imaged *boot Nov. 1101h. Addr..., (bre Howes Punp$gtee leak, I B&.ek'111e, Clewed•.