HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-7, Page 8THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 7, 1890, TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Moliday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted UP 90 noon Thursday of each wes/h. Meet Sessers. AM nelennee satires in Ike loeal caliontiu elf Tete Seinea. of saertiolf. .r cake- iseeimeets at .ick aohointion fee elterpedor frees o perinea- 1111IF brisc/If aJ. im.,4 be paid 1.418, irtt tke rale iaii :eat err mord imago -Ma, tie ebilorr Sao feeefp-ire erste. ll'h. r ad- vertise meets of entorto I' Id • aft asserted a bast load ,,-;11 be five. BORN. TichboURNE; jot. Dunlop. on the 1st of No- vember. 1 the wife of Henry Tich- bourne,. of a son Cox- In Chicago.. 00 November '4. the wife of. John A. Cox. of a son. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Reacisaaaelitros $ Amur- Waisted Wm. Briggs !Caro ('$X --C. liulniaste Sallow OI -Mrs Salkeul in be Clam W. C. Goode 1 Two Weeks Leaser Frcrier & Porter 7 Lan St tides* Waived E. clone:on 0 ror Sale Box 137 • TOWN TOPICS. e. • ”4. I" "Aerie!, faseap fir. 143'. 8. 1.1 eh Vise, Ate/silk be ti pr. ad it.. ielas41,• tt' ol Stewart's, rates for taker:. firs claw „ are not affected by the li..Kinley HilL es and tv atylea y cr) [Me. Tl 4 .-The most useful left l. make is to trite W:.-1 Pen. Ap- .EW ADV... Meta llicudd) . agent. tioderit h. Wottian',•t•nrietian Temperance Cuion le the Temperaece Usll. twin street. -• elatigr,T;!%ol-sany er:Tiresi at The Bill will be e.ry iticonv en - teat to the tartmioe communit;. lee will in ns sat prevent them trim buy ing the cheap- est and beet fitting suit or oiereo.e. at the comity from MacConntac. Tb:s is about the time of : %seen we expei t Indio,. summer. A ftvr :hat t he biting busts of whiter will be cou.. jr jou want to pet garments to suit the One". best 110155W Une latest at) to F. A re,mio1 the many presc•its reeetilly g* 4'O Von Moltke on the tk.411,4...111 of. h's nintieth aim sectary 44•11,11.4,:itc pict erre of go -at tsin. Von •• the liatelloniest pict..res glad frames it. t.,,Iericit from It. K. Sallow*. BRIEFLE1 S. Mt C. A. Humaer ear in Toronto th s week. The Misses Hutchison left lest Frtdiy for Montreal. The town comic.: frill meet this (Fri- - day' ermine. Mies Ruth Oie. ef. B:airliner. visited in town last week. Mrs Leech, of this -hal lieu spy Onted county persident .4 the. W. C. T. U. Jas A. Strachan has been speoiling the past week in Grey, au.. re;,..rts having • lit 311 WAIL Miss An:1P IlreclienritLte returned from Grey last week. She was accom- panied by her mate:, Mrs Cuthbert Hutchinson and child. , Mr. and Mrs Wm. Ball, 4.1 Hensall. spent their ttriteymoor tnt"itti at the tendetiee. of the forniefs father rear the lighthouse, during tato vieek. Ild.:lowe'en pissed of: :juietly, much to the mtofaction .4 rut t. arsueople. The ••Id tricks of taking .43 gates, etc., have died • natural death. Mrs.. 0 H. Parsons aha: children left this week fur Derek, wh. ro they will to Noire reside. M. Pirsons still jori his family at a!ver date. Mrs Daly !eft this week to Stretford. Purina Aur repeated visits to our teen she has made many friends, who will always weleoro4 her back stain. lb M. Nicholson, the West-at:dentist, makes the preservation of the mitered teeth • specisliy. Gas siltsismattrad from 9 a.tu. for the painless extraction of teeth. Carl Engler has been engaced as teacher it Whitfield a *eh .,:limis,Grey, for IW.t1 Ht ay. $2:0. This is his first i mho I,as he is nes ante...ling the model school here On Thursday if Iasi week some of the teachers of St. (l,iiiui Sunday school *awe • tea sii the scheol to the infant classes The little folks had plenty j„ eat tool the cunsei,uence was they en- joyed themselves immenseiv. The petition for the commutation of Birchalls sentence was signed hy fifty three c,f our townspeople. and was sent away of Saturday lest A letter haa since brim received from Mr Bo:lough. Butt -hairs salt thanking the people of Guderch for the serest area obtained here. A Itil,,tricAL ; Kneitl, Pr.Onietor of the Stretford T -, made • friendly call up in Tui .tt .me day Last week, and dummied the weather, the crops. and the state of the printinO MAD with ea. HA was on hs tray north with his wife sod wean., to spend • day or two with Ills hr oher-in-lsw. Father pit- on, tbe cordial pastor of oshtield perish. Fly-tbe way. how to it that the Stradoed n ewspaper men are each leery looking lellItts, whiie up in Humew. . 11 Moit as if we had been drawn throngh knot •holes 5.-1t1, . --The reg1112,11111.1111- Ma of the finth SAN I Literary SogintY was held last Friday evettml. The pro- gram included recitations by Massa Strang, Woreins and Ill‘k sad Mr Jes. &Wows: two cheroots by the Glee Clot J. . by Messrs Thompeos sod A. y, and selections by Mr Ilfalikeor. 31r $nore etre as address ' 'The Ad- ent qf Worsen.which was este helioned tr.. Mr Moore ale,* = thins ss to means by whish ot the society can im made Oa MON &iterating, which suggestion eadlipped by Mr strane. The 1st- , is this Men* of his remarks, ales is • dlepreeabory nanner to the esseldieit selasease shell are so* Se 11117114Woes the veldts. amirtiPms 411.1111006110T sirs sell st- ead mesh isolovest is teapot ha by dos ishillwas Mrs Bailey sad family relearned es Tuesday from. vied to Deficit. Mr Feed A. Cribb, of Zest Seigaiier, ma vistimi at tke resedemee of his par - este, Mr mad Mrs C. Crabb. We ars pleased to learn that reeve Promdfixot, 'rho had bees severely ill for several weeks past, as reeovering rapidly. Bev B. L Hatton will deliver els addrees to the Cadet Templar. of Tem- perance 4011 Friday weenies, 14th amt.. in the Temperance Hall. A 'mot literary and musical program will acoututany the e ddies.. Salver collective at the door. GJ mad 'meatuses the buys. We are new offering that splendid leanly weekly, the lb Advedoer, London, with it. charming monthly premium, "Nivea and Daughters."ane Tuir SIGN •L at the remarkably how figure of 112 Three popular publicatioca for almost the price of dim. Samples free Address, Te I. Se:eat, Godeach. hieraiuoNitt. At Lond,n, on Wed- seeday, October 21.1, Rev E. Grigg ic, paetor at the deposit church at Perth, was wedded to Mi.. M. Halse, who Ca* been tom and favorably known by matey friends in Goderich. Rai 11 McKay, M. A., au old feline -student et McMas- ter Hall, perforated the ceremony.. The frame massupootted by his brut , Mr Ben. W. Grigg, 04.W of MGM 1:01 - versa'', and an old 1.:low-cobl.gtoi. itior W Hoviland, now pastor of the Baptist eherch at Uxbridge. The bride was asicenupanied by Miss A. Dickson. 4.1 Godetich,aild Mies M. Grigg .sister ut t he groom. After a sumptuous repast had been partaken of oy the party the bride and groom departed East ward for their future heine. The couple have our sin- cere wishes flir their future happiness. Anorr Ieirgu. 1K. -This is the day of printeCe ink„atirl the prizes are for these whc use it. Your traditions and prejudices may be to the coutrary, but the world doesn't care a fig for them. The mini who sits and waits for his trade in these days gets left. Don't advertiee. don't quote your price list, dont see that your coy or Tulin business is represented itt your patronizing territory. and don t stand up manfully alimoside of those who are fighting for your rights and in- terest*, and there can be only one result _..erroolleg up, salesmen, first - class articles. gilt-edged credit are not eueuito They are escellent,-necessiay enough. Printer's ink beat* them in the long run. Her liajesty's mails go every 057, carrying their freight of special "O'er*, new ceope, long credits. mash dircout.ts, lob Iota and lovers teles everywhere And to the end your trade ts seduced. It's the wt rld-old story of the honey ed tongue and the open ear. In the tierce conmetation of these days haws and astociatioiss simply eennot stand the pressure. The trade to for the man ho uses printer's ink. WF.1,1,1Sz.. !kW( -The following item liven the tratitfo:d Eeeesittic of Oa 17 refers to a sena Mr H. Hale, of Gude rich: Wedneaday.the 15th instoi num- ber ef friends gethered st the readout.° .1 31r W..liton Hawthorne, Eerie Pl to eittneas the marriage, of Mr Theod"re Hale, formerly of (Ittlericb, to Thai Man A. Brend, second daughter of Mr H. Breed, Lincoli.sture, Eauland. The marriage carom my was performed by the Rev. John Kay, paste: of V1 e £,u' ton street Methodist chutch, at 12 not -n. After the clerene.ny was over the friends gathered around a wellopreol table tr. partake la the good thilops displayed itiercit. '.Ir Hile has been engaged in the express busine. n this city -for nearly fire yrs' a, and by his f iithfultiess aid attention to business and good char- eeer ltd i succeeded in makmg fumy friends in thba city. all if whom wiith hint siil Mis Ha,e • 1441.. A11,1 happy 1114.. The preseitte to the bride were mato; and etaoly, aju,eg wbich 005 • /151141S:11U" dinner mit from the, entpl.-yees of the • C.P.R. and Dotninion I:stint:se compatiy, of ibis cey.in which Mc Hale is now "111- ployed. T,he bride was assisted by Miss Jennie Hale. and the groom by Mr 11. Brand. of it:Trims, brother of tlio THEN Snot LP 11,, 41 you have lost an animal, or it Arty has strayed on to your promote. kitertise the tact in Ter. SI4.NAL, and you will 111111e • SPe.d chance of recovering your beast or of lest -Ling of the owner if the one m year teeter -seem. In the event of harborini a strayed animal without duel w itice. you ar•• liable to a one. Adver tissonet:to f streyea are printed goi the Pith yaw (4 Tax four weeks fur one duller. If you have an animal in your possession and want to find its own- er mail a description of the animal. when it came estray. your own name and rem. dance: and a t11 bill to THE It will ease y .u" and put you right with the law, besides saving the animal's keep. tani. of Saturday, iLtobcr 25th, contained an article on the C School of Infantry at Toronto, in which appeared the follow- ing sketch' ef the t id the school: "Lieut -Col, William Dillon Otter was born neer Clinton, (lomno, in 1,43 on the :rd ot December, and is of English descent. His parents were Alfred W dilate otter and Anna De la HookeHe was educated at the Grammar School,G.ider.e,andat the ("peer Canada College, Ti,r..tut. In 16.'1 he joined the old Victoria Ititles, DOW V Company of the Queen's Ian Rates, and was pro- moted to a lieutenancy in the Queee's Own in 1814. He NW ed in that rank on ; the Niagara frontier in the winter tf 1804-5. Appointed adjutant .1 his bet• talion in 1/16:1, he w at with them throughout the Fenian raid of 1800, and took pert in the action at Linowidge. 1809 he less prometed to mai and in .lune. 1117.1. went t England second in command of the Wambledrit, um". In Itr7Ti he was appointed to the eirvisiend of the Quern • Own. in be compiled and published the Guide, • isson•I (4 military interior peonettli, ote., a Isnaik now extensively rated in the *shook of military instruction and the militia tom in MI he eiminunded the Winabledm team sad spent three esesthe miquielle2 tefermatioe relating 14. ruesold:inestibili "aaktea"pireeee rienmthainoilpitpiarnYnint:hromt";'lass. INP 13. took ea lemosetarit part is the Northwest CM the retirement of 1'41. R the appsiintemeit of depety 1 ot distrust No. 2 was 1880 in conjunction with the klehool of Infantry. robs B. salj rive. the Messes Ned amid Mattes Garrity sod A. Sewed, of Wm/data* Wks*, are 'speeding Thankativisg holidays at home kr Jae Leonard, of the Mfg J. B. JODI*, ',huh has bees swaged wear Willem,s during the sesees. has mamma to town. The revival services at North street Methodist church closed Friday evesang. Mau Walloons. who was • greet pewee for good at those insaVage, bait goo. to Duegaution to conduct special service* Mien. The Cadets had a debate last Friday evening in the Temperas°. Hall up the ashject : "Resolved, that water is twee deetructive to life and promo, than bre.'' After • lengthy discussion the daosion wet givers au favor of the megative. A Goo, loco. -Wednesday last J. T. Garro, M. PP , town solicitor, sod 11 1% Miami, President id the Board of Trade, weut to foronto to see if an ar ranioneent could not be 011.7051 it with the oderieriters' A.. ?oration. with the ob- ject of reducing the bre insensate rate of Goderich. VsToold idertiost.7 CHUM'S AN- NIV Elt+AD --The anniversary Ot414/1C4141 of the Vicitona-.i. Method's( church will It., held D. V. the ltith and 17th init. Rev Dr Aylesworth, 01 Strathroy, will preaal:. The hot supper on Monday entangles usual. A rich aid tare treat may he expected. N. .1. M t rum, -Special envies/ worn held last week at the Salvation Army berriacks. Adj. Mantle, of Toron- to. ateratitty the local ethcers. The Army pori' -se to vecate their present premises shortly and estahlith them- e -lees in Crabb's Block, on Kinitatou st. They hope to hare their ton barracks completed Ill a few mouths. KN.e. Col 1 it. -The sacrament of the -toil. • Supper mint D. V be dia- . petibed is. K. church Inc Lord's Day morning. Th., collet:tom mornitig •aid evening • Ill he in aid .f the per foul ef the coestregetein. Thc a...rel.:is will be held this nada', e%en- mg at 7 45 .clock, when Rev. .1. S. Henderson will preach. and new 1114e111- tort.will be received tato fal communion with the ellifir,11. st:E.mox - Teict tiran,lemen attended dot,, service iii -the Vt.:tette- .at. Metteidittclitirch last Sunday after - roam. Nt erit hat ending the leavy dowe- pour of rain the church was well tilled. R -v Mr Hutton was the preacher. Ile seems to he a favorite, fur This ta the fourth time in two years he has ..,reaehed to thew . His text 045 l'isius% zi 4. Me dwelt en ttoi trnieotatice 1 eivtt and religtous liberty. freedom of thought, free pres.-and lust:emit schools, regardinc those thinga as the :oundation of a 0stit•ii.0 prai.perity sod perinsnency. PritLic S,itomt. Hotan MteriNa. - The public .ehool trustees held "ler reg- ular menially itiebeitir last Nfontiay .1.e11- intr. There wer., nres.eit Memrs M 41- cooisoe,McK all.Ciabb and Chrys- tal. inc minutes of 'last meeting were read acid approved. Tile report of the principal, shearing the following attend- ance at the public schools tor the tr.iintli el 1.3..ber, was reel and tiled : onto:led, G4 -3L5 bay* and :113 giri.; storage attendance. 551-2$5 boys and ft:6 girls : peroentaee, 5i. Ali. ri;icati.e4 tr.-in Misses 1% atsou, and A ..ce shartnen for an meresl*. of salary were read. Toe acc.iutit of Fra- ser a. R.rter f. r stationery, el I 25, was ordered to be teid.snd that ‘.1 F. &libretti 1.4 blackboard, fericuit, etc 8124.9.J. was-sreferred •to the timince c-immitter. Moved by Bill. seconded ity NIcKeezie. Mid carrieit. that .Mr' Perk receite *shirt. -f for the ensuino year -an increloe .if M., toil by Bail, second ..ed by McKenzie. that.Mies Vice har- mali 44;10, and the senior teseii- er• in the ward eabools receive Tioa was carried n the following vote.: Yeaii-Chrysts:. SfeKenzie, : nay -- Cretin. Moved Lir Ball. Seco by Crabb, and carried, that Alisa Cooke re- ceive $2:0 per annum. Moved by Crabh. sec inded hy and car - rte.', that the teachers lei re-etigseed at the same salaries as haat year, with the additions added tonight. The meeting then ad iourbed. Exeter .4.1rootfe :--Mr 11 S. LIMIL of this place, clattns to have shipped the largest carload of apples ever shopped from this or any other station in Heron, on Monday. (27th ult.,. which was 320 barrels. We thick he ts right. The Morris and Grey cheese factory will likely wind up aperatious for the year this wee:. They have had • suc- cessful season and a large make. Mr Edgar is to hare charge of the store- house of Messrs Stewart Ittruatels, this fall aped coining winter as weightetiaster. A thild about three years --of age, daughter cf Mr A. Itorray,of Winghata. met with • very savers accideot on Satur- day afternoon, 2fith ult. She was play- ing with other children on the roof of • play -house, when the roof fell in, and the little ones were precipitated to the ground, some luniber falling on them. Both bones ot 000 rd her legs were broken, either ny the fall or the lumber falling on it. Dr Tsmlyn sat the frac- tured limb and the child is now doing well. The litiMenall Antaratearaphy. The story of his Iif, upon which Bir eball hu been aniseed and which was completed lost week, it profusely illus- trated with drawings bi himself. There has been keen competition among publishers for the work, and the lirel Son offered $1,000 for it, bet Tn. roomier° MAIL 'outbid all Om resit, giving 01.500, and thus secured the wile richt to its publication. They eroPolls it copyright before pabliehene, and thereby 111000TO the foil benefit from heir enterprise It is understood that the purchase money is to be paid to Mn.. timbal!. Rataerthers who would like to reed this biography can do se hy mading its *200, which pays for this paper fee erne 7501 .04 Tor WPFDAA MAIL to the wed of 1/101. Tee Wrelidt MAIL will sontaie the 0.12104MT•PaY mellyiste and fully WSW. 4,r......sr•••••••1. AT THE HANSOIL A numbs, .1 Wan MOW me WI ib. Mho heat. •1.1.1% Friday, October 31.1. -Sehr. Heather Ben, liareia, fur shelter. Suede,. November Ibid.-SW United Empire, Sarnia, and franght; belie. Catania, aa, kr shelter. Mesday, Nomenher 3rd. -Sr. City of Misdeal", Brame Meek pmessemo freight. D0.r•ItT9e. Saturday,November 1.4. --liar Sophie, Blind River:jaw. Sunday. November 2nd. -Str. Visited EMpisio, Duluth. Tuesday. November 4th. -Ste. City of Windsor, Nuideoe. ro. Thirty toes of bay, 1,000 barrels of salt aud a carload of apples were shipped on the United Empire on Sunday. Mr D. kfclvor and others of the arm ot the Ouverninetit dredge Chalks** Wore arrived home from Colltuiolagd, 'Lire the dredge is laid up for the Cato Alai McLeod, wince schooner. the Gulahunter. was wrecked recamily, leave this weak for Bog River, North tiruce, where It. will mart a inmost store and eugage in buying, cedar for the American market. TM ochre Cataract, J. 6, Kodak!. aud Hastert Bell are lying in the harbor wai.ing for favorable weather. TM 'literati goes to Petietatiguishene to Lad lutuber for Smuts, the Koitage to l'ise Bay to load lumber for Chatham, and the !leather Bell to Little Pike bay to lay Ul.) fur the EAST WA W. t NOSH. Front OU74.4011 correst* Broil t eittitias *AI mating friends a: tt iuthr. p last week. Wui Magni, sr. as st present engaged dtg,,tiug a well toe H. .1. V;Ightulau• N. J. Martin and tam', leave this week for Michigatewhere;they will reside in the Latino Mrs W. Smell, sr , has rem.ved to the 411i cob., and will reside with her Mu Amos in the future. 311s. Hattie Wightsnan, itt Wiughioni spent a few days at 1. one iset week. Miss Williams, the., angeliatoieliV,ored a Ioug liecatuu to a large &104.1104.4:.t1 on suudiay 1..st at Weetc,id church, tsktig her text from limlittiens. VI, 2. • VARNA. From our own narrow's!. !cut. Thos. Ward is wor.tug night and day drying chicory for the Utifiret. Teel is • hustler, sure The residence of John Watilem lam been well lighted up some 1Iail.we -ii. some b.ls having tauen a lsoip-post anti Planted it a ppostte lila rtAlClels00. Mr Frank Keyes moi los sister, Leti- tia, have mole on visit te Marle.te, Mich., 1. spend • few week, *Wong their inehile and reletires. We wish them a pleasant trip. In reel...one tt an a t for an assisitio teacher tit the Varos school no less then sixteen applicattoris were re- eeived by the sectotary of the schoei board. The manse of the successful ip- Ogsist will be giu..rt nest week. likrAkTURE. --Mr Richard Harris Nick his departura tiu Tuesdity last ter Mor - lotto Much. For the past two years this young man has beet employed in black- seuithiog, and during that time haa won for himself many friends and a good re- putatiou. therefore predict for him a successful future in hie new field ot Si 1:1•01 -ED coTH w.vo,. -Mr 1 Niee- gatol, the elioetnaker, who has figured • . in the regent law scrapes herr, was erest!yi surprised un Saturday morning last to find three loads of wood, brought to his phew, tio doubt by mine of bui sympathizers,. on Hallowe'en. But kis great joy had scarcely subsided when on the.eveuing of the same day M re - Mire.] soother donation, this time through the window, breaking the saeh. and nearly hurting oar of his children. J: A. Reid & Bra are allowing rvalue in all -wool Blanket*, ata nels and Underclothing. Blankets, all pure wool, 50c. per Ib. Don't buy your Blankets by the pair, but, by the lb. You can compare values better in that way. Flannels from 121c. to 40c. per yd for the finest Campbell - ford goods. Men's Shirts and 1)rawers from 30c. to $1.50; "mild all -wool, 'It 45 and 50c. Ladiee' Australian Lambs' Wool Vests, excellent value. Have we ever done business with you' We would be pleased to have you call and examine our stock, and compare our prices with other but by callingyou can see and judge storeA• We claim to sell cheaper, for yourself. .1. A. REID & BRO. Jordeas Mom Clederich. Oat. 17tk. MIA U31. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. likidertelh tioinumii. Nor. Stii, IMO Wheat. Standard. . 02 to u senile Wheat. Suifulard... "1$Tto0 Inoue Patent liungisrimall cwt.. 3 111) to 3 Flour. Straight. owt 1 .51U2 Flour, Fatally., eon atiliteot Short., ewt 0 IS to u ewt 0 1111 to 11 Screening*. IP owl Chopped stuff. V cow Own. v Mesh ............. Peek boob - Hai. 0 IN Potatoes.0 hash Apples. V bush hotter. 8, Kee.. fresh neporked. 0 dos. (loose waod wow Rides ..beepaklas Kr Joie Kaiak, NA wile. et Week hare Wee viMg reledvse sed treads .4 Zursok. Dentistry. _ _ • IL( NICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DINTAL Itr.rees:oatabilleeerrieb.b." Wig:" DL RICHARDSON, LDS. tweaspilissustsmeaticessepwiesssnowease 1...r Herne* diestior let. tit sad Vitalised Air el 3fieeting Notion. 01)11111011 ANI) HINGHAM RAH.WAY. None& SHABEHOLDIRS. A amend meeting is all s10reli041141,11 1. the above Commies wIll be bold at the eller 04lir.zekeinaniy Yremerer_ _M the tn eeat the 'fovea et ewherish.nt Morediar, the das of November. Mit at t)toreetais'aisen ora.nsaiefersiblesommwaypeeoesseadof beiswlaizaseisess.ead tee the tniesectlag of MI ether Dated at Gkelench IbM 30th Way st OeSeber, lit order of the ProvItial.. trzeriochiaraumw 79 44 Cho People's toluvan. LAW STUD/LIT WANTIIII.-A Antiv50 itvv.4.`"' "'"' rratiREE sHARES IN THE GOD& Klell Organ ('0. for sale. • bureau. HON 127, OODERICH. IIP • %7A It' TED. -SMART BOY. TO TY learn tbe hokum busier**. At Kr. ha. • wed/slyly to D. CAN IrELON. Maker. Wort t sororiek. SO " td711 tt 01 au 41.; FSTRAY cALY.-STRAYED ON to0 30 to 0 3, thejpremtses of the subsenber. C. Dul :11 tett) ;to: 600 411)4.:%, 76getaibet, .1Tbsrart. oof:4:Selitein.t.:;:*pteber01.44... IproCel0113.,17, sprone-selpriagt:::: 0 05 fu 30 5410, extremes 5041 take 'that sointral away. CilitiSTOP11111 AUK.. i: t 4/ r. 41 1: tt-s 116IA I lT8H102.4n 011LES-:40 0 o .! 1. 113:: 11:51 3 001: silessonerv, • on the piss.? or orgtin. Yee caca- o en to to ciders inquire at tioio, W. Tn huisou's Mamie 33.tr. Deemed Hogs. Peel 5 64 t° 4-iif MN?: HLKoN HOTEL, - THIS velts uieteit: i wadi -known and popular hotel Ise been refitted mod marred during the past wasion. 01104so . aad Is eeei sessad to none in quality of se- , Nev. oak um ,emestedeisis for the ire% ionise public. lined Flont ........ se pew 3 tabafacoheallortatioa for trunseent guest& WM. Vial; 'A hest. sew •ed oil 0 pi tos vA 4111.A.110. Proprietor. the Square. tioderieh. ..._ .... string Whist ......... .. .. . . 0 go to0111111 Barley 0 40 toll 43 PC546 !Sloe SI *mike iwinteri, per bbL ..... I 30 to •- hesitates toe 30 . ...... 14 to I) lti ...... LS tu lf! flat • 1110 Beef , 1.00* •• • • ............ •• •• • • 010S* 73 to 3 ou. IUT THIS OUT AND PUT ON OW. --- AN OLD BUSINESS REVIVED. -- - Haing smile started to the maeufact ere of pumps. with mashiriery. material and. tboe- ough knew of the Waimea to euable me to turn oats ertieke. all orders en- trusted tame at toy sawmilli, at the Nile, will Meeire tray WWII careful and preempt attest - time. IL DODO. Nide P. O. 014 PIANO. Illemareall Neese Illierlbet. .11. eort if the Moratreal Hone F-rehuaryrPIANO TUNIN n.. Point St. Charles The receipts of horsee'ria the U. 1. R. 70r ep,..dist attention given to rebuffing and the week ending November ;10 were se len over frees orevimis eek. : total for week. Mins regulating, *blotted (luring week, 41; lat for city. 23: on band. IS. Iteduced rates for yearly tuning. The urrietels of thoroturhbred and other tut, pert.'d litork at these istease for the welt and Ordert 1141 at Orton ractorr, at wyrisI- -hlttpnd per °reed Trenk Itsilway I PC.. B.S. drove, Wete-st . or at G. W. Thommea's Plane • (tree- -3 horses, coosiamod to I.e. Hots. .r res„ prompt site.,k41. Jarvis. Ont. All work suaresteed. liestreal tow* Murk et. The receipt/4 ot live week at the Mon:real 11013-ls E. ItOirtiliirlit. Stork Varela. Point St. (lane.. for the week • --- ending Nov. let. 1010. were mei follows: - o o. II Stragoe Animals. Receipts of lire Work at the Mamie.' Stock Yarde.Pt. le. Charles. far the week 1.955 1.n, 1.17i ss Left over trews pre- ying's week.. 173 Mil 33 1 Total for week 3.11112 1.171 1.50 fo. ' Left on hand .. are ID There was a medium supply of expert (st- ile, nomaterial change wee timed. An over- supply of 'leerier butchers matte saws • dull feeling to the market, except for ;rood cattle, for which there wails better demand. closing with lower value* Mr Gm termer. There waa • fair demand for .be.. TM receipts o(hoirs OI.F. large and them wee a Ialllag uff of511 a rent le,values knee WM %emit: no WA - ter orespect. We quote the following as Minn fair val. Manse Eaperienee Has convinced many (bat to use any a the substitutes offered for the only sure - pop and paints*o corn cure is attended with danger. Get oilweys and use none other than Putuarn's Painless Corn Ex tractor,for sore producing substitutes are offered just as good as Putnam. Corn Extractor. Safe, sure, painless. A Free memo A cottage worth 2750 will be erected, or its entrivalent in cash will be given to the person detecting the greatest num- ber of typographical errors in the Decem- . bur issue of our monthly journal entit- led "OUR HOMES." Three hundredI UDICIAL SALE ut fifiy addtttnal cs.h prizes. amount • ee oe MARRA IN A iog to 22,300, will also be awarded insc,IALT HANUFACTOI:V. LIBRARY. ETC. the order 'mentioned iti rules eoverning-i P• • P . Ps oet="14 e for the adatinistratioa of the 10 50 order of the High Court of willi he Vet= the . et Ib st cm . saturdaritre. y. Nev. . MM. at efeloek is the forenoon, at his *111.-e is Houck Is the Towle of Ooderieb. :pw=res le the Cap4tal Stock I : Ainligicas Chismiest Cey. caritu - id the said Teens of Ooai. . et are& • mak* bottle., sod work*. sod • Of 1:tegepriniag valuable AUCTION SALES. 51 evport ...... ..... lee le Butchers:. goof Fos to tic Bniebsees , mediumZee '0W • hutehelc. culL. rc to 3e Sheep 41310 00 HOW. If to Se vs • ..... 131,00 to 812.410 Senders NOTICE. Tenders will he received by the undersigned until Monday. the fdth November next. for one hundred and forty Gorda ot avec* weed. to be delivered at the gaol. in qaderiek. in quantities of not lees than thirty cords per commencing en the 1511. December siext. The wood mast he All split. hard wood and at leave ore half maple and four feet lona Parties may tender fa. thirty ords and up - mots. sureties will be required for the cone photon of the ceetnict. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. PilTKR ADAMSON. County Clerk. (351. 30(1., IMO, 110 It jubicial Sates. any part of Canada or the United States. Send Ire: in stamps, for complee! mho , sad sample copy of "Our ilousai,' whisk will be issued about Nov. 2011i. Address, Oi Homes Pt austima Co., Brockville, Canada. All parties wetting their male bilis printed al this office will of • free not Ice inserted le this list up to the time of italb. Kele of. farm stick and implements of Abram Gauley, nn WM half oi lot 3, con. 8, W. D. Aehfield, on Saturday, Noy. 8th, at 1 o'ciock p.m. John Grif- fin, aoctioeiser. Sale of term stook and implements of Joe. E. Whitely, eon. 6, Goderish township, on November 7th, at 1 o'clock p.m. John Knot, aeotioseer. On amount of his istestion to speed the winter in the South owteg to ill health Mr Wm. McLean will hold a ask of "saleable stook at the old fair emends, oppeeit• McCaughey's Hotel, Goderieb, on Monday. November 10th, at 1 o'clock p.m. John Kees, asotioneer. Weighs= Adman, : -J. A. Mea.., left with es yeeler4sy.'30 ‘h sight presume sisiabiss fif tees MThxiries.of the Rose sod White ittbea esterfrillsonwIlril beospra win Is pet up is Ire Other property Ale gm up in one toy There will be ea upset pries. Tweedy -five per omit epee each purchase ern be nrquired ow the day of sale to he paid to the Vendee, aolicitere. and the *lam e tato Coma without mimeo within thirty days, when the puredwaser will he entitled raja °air Msarisacetifw tle """eilli be meriveri. In other re- spects the rootlike's of sole wi!! he the Mand - 1 easeditises el the filch Court of Jest We. part re may be had trent HMoms. Comerw*laws kvt.ndson:Tron..soirtiictomiters. =h. and heat dr at Owlerielt the 0.4niOri., ISM RROW V etileitews. II X stAutz3..4„..at oeurfeb. Wiebical. DRS. SHANNON 4 N NON, ite3reel"P"Laass a reameareA .6iniseer liaLtbe (1,1051411WWW, J. R. ems lfilSTRAT CALT.--CAME ON THE 1.2 premisesuduirimeriber. row Rearm e, stem the of September. a Peeing heifer calf rotor. reddish woo. spitted. The corner d neometed to prove property, pity eh/irksome take it away. X. & 1. HA ECH- Pe It TRAYED FfitiM TI1E PREMISES i./ of subscriber about the mid.11e of Sept iw year-olds-• steer and heifer -b0:h nearly all red. The steer has a white spot on fore- head, and both have pinched holes in nicht ear. Informatioa leading to their recovery will be anitalsly rewanied by -MI'S TIFFIN. lot 3. con. 9. Cotairee. NI. P.o. 79 11 f1AME ON THR PREMISES OF V subscriber,. during the last week in Sept a two-year-old heifer. roan color. The eon.. is reemerged to prove property. ray charew and take it away. loONA1.1/ Mi 1.:1%*41N, lot Coon. (*.Shorn.. 71 It Amusements. gfItODERICH MECHANICS' IN8TI- 1...1 TUTE LIBRARY AND READING - ROOM cot. of 11441 street ani figesire usp Moire. Open from 1 to 11 pdri.. and front 7 to 10 p.nt. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Leading Ikadg, We.ekly and Illwatrated Papers, Mareazinex, etc., on Pal,'. MEMBLIISHIP Tic/CET. ONLY SIMI. granting free use of Library and Mediae Room. Application for membership rece.ied by Lib...arta', la room. T. WRATHERA LI). ORO. EITIY KN. President. Secretary. Ooderich. March thh. 1551*. Legal Sales. tRTUAGE SALE. Under power or mie is a ?mortgage dated May Mth teaR, maimed to the vendor by as- - signment dated December gib. Ifleh the. wt.' * put up for side by Jobe KIDOX er-tisesocas Mari in's ftoie&Iiodrrlcb, 71., s.b.r nod twat, at twelve. nous. Iota eleven sad eighteen. Me - Droners Survey. Godierieb. A rtwerred 101. . K. sa., LKW1S. Traders hotteters. AIORTOAOIC HALE. Coder end by virtu, of the power of sale in • mortgage dated rehenary r. 18SL made to readorthere will be ofrared for 51, 1, 101111 Knox, aueliseetr, at Martin's Motel. 0.4. - rich. on November heal, east. et 12 *Week nem, lots 1, 2. 3. 3111. N. Is FhatehiliMili Survey. and lots 2 and 2.u=em se Britannia street. Town of Ilisprevell and well enlisted. Teresa NW. 1 ivissintirell Ooderich. October 22.100. R. N. IXWIA, 79-111. reader's solicitor. Legal. I OH N DAVISON. BARRIKTRR, el Solicitor. COM . Mose/ GI least. (Mee move . crederleh. 5*42 CAMPION, B4RRISTKR, vietteittee, Notary Petite. • t e. Odliee Oyer Jerdmes Pew Steve. the noses fersieriy eneupted try Judge Doyle. WM liltD C. HA YR, SOLICITGAii:e. , . Otrzw.orsievreiefteiellpqrk It yam treads to Issid°at 19 per emit. etARROW at PROUDTOOT, EAR 051 ajterTrr.. AtaersoOsnwww Aseisdostossesei.. 4.., CAKIIIION, HOLT At CAELERON, esasVilro."160.1=s,lheirWsk". • 17, 14W- "71 711 - Crausiltno Suibs. uRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Testes arrive gee dew* I as la : ARIUS& sad itagress. P.M zed ......... ....... see ... .... • .• )0 tit ..... ....... ..... ....... •••••••11‘111 Mill mil Reprise as 'Net, • ........ ......... .11.111 Pas Loans anb insurance. W it. NOItili AOC AO0OUNT- t V • AMT. PIA Lie eel Agesilset lager. Lareattler=r.it=000 14 Maki. N. LEWIS, Born.,.,, Praetor is e?•easitinerelstr. ateltUalalgaiggeb 14814a."14- tetrtearnit:n .C.11"air'-/114.6trals*Pit, peseasialLy et write. It 1,1 J. T. NAFTZL, MS AND IL' • eodalalreseo *455*, issprsan.tagrduIeeirit;ie& Woo: tewiaeNot Asiestema Ute • and 0uttM0. lasereao•ot North America. Lowest 4.ss. Llama au petty valued. sex • YID Square, Underhill. t400,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W cAoiuj /*Our itCAIIRRON, rick. *no ONZY TO LEND. -A LARGF ILL M pr*,at. Foods for latmatinea 11 1.050 nem se oratclass Nueatage. Aryls to (JARROW a PltotrliFOOT • R . TIRADCLIFFE, MINIMAL IN CKANCK, Real 111alate sad Mosey 114sulbat arret. Ooly orismisim retereteses Mersey be hand on straight 10..., et lamed rete ot ternwest gehot. 1. awl way kr suit 11aserAper. Mee- See- ded deer from Cesare. Weis swiss sem Mb. IOW For Sale or to Let. §ALIC OF VALUABLE PROPERTY --The wooers, Asmara as the Itiodch miadry seal Machina, ahem wyesakirsiod fur soiet•t the Foundry . tan Karr. bib. One. 111-i r 111 bp yes..ryssi This ts • i &Wahl. prouerty, and will be eillared cheap. 0.. ha*, bees doing • successful business far warty seven years and a good trade i. estialisbed. Should • Nile .51 be etre, ed a chaste will be open fur s TOUR- bk, perty with mosey 10 'secure • third lama- etit is thebuteinese with us For particulate call al tkelestioAry It17aC1131.1 N s - - - - I 1 EMINABLE DWELLIN FOR 1_sea on Vliaterloo-st., three minutes* walk hem post oiliee. Umtata.. eietit roulna. pas- try and summer kitchen: town •nd eat wat- er in kitchen; sewer counactione geed with wire duors and window ecieemi : awintatta w here needed ; atom wineews for all main earl of home. Large IKatNe cod !wag' yf Wag 0,141.41 order. Kam tenni. Apply ln HRS. W 1LM Eit $MITH. 10 4t T*4)11.,4)TS FOR HALL -LOTS lib, Kierstosest., and 177. Va-tortit. God.. flub. Chimp for task ,.run ternts to sult mir- e -baser. Apply to MRS. NOLAN. Ibi M. Acton Well., OM. L'O4 SALE OR RENT. -THAT .1" valuable property known as lot 3 Lake I:ange. Weetern lMiaiu ot habtkald, sow aim,* I85acres, of *1,1.1. 1110 arc cleared= tbe remainder mod bus!. There is a Mee* beam, aad tram. barn 144104 the premises -110 farm a. situ* mass front Ooderieh. and 2 turie• from Albert_ twra grain ntarketak dere arc 13 serve of tall wheat sown and a quantity of full plough - fee dear. For part...Lula?* •pP1Y to HAWKINS. 1.,t Albert. or Jar, AfityTT. Myth 734* FARM TO ItENT.-TO A 0000 expe-Seced tomer. for • term of yesiri- the weer half tra 1. :on. 4, L 1/.. Township 51 A h 001.1. Co. flume. tete hundred sev• e ty acres riveted. balsas is ti Mod water tar Aruchi mud Ir pasture, and en. hued. A elf lel wheat. d, ten acres =L feud, ilitiramarlara flu the premises are • Lange land, gond frame dwelling how* bent awl etaide. Puireami:os foe eisitiration this tall. ilaild amp. r ed fences wall be !mono ed to milt tenant. •iiiirees T. A. J. NIILINAL urvicr. 1,111t8T-CLASS IIRICE HOUSE AND I LOT Mit VALE ON ST PATRICK ST. -About two infasetas walk from doe illamare. Two 10041016 hick PIMA Melones la the rear wories tog immoral with soon mummer is. 3 large roams se Sistit. emblem. there are *Jar.. maim bo the rear addition there ere khollwa pasky. =room. Upstairs. e.ele rows aell 10l8..... 0.4 cellar. Apt,:, to the all asei,sesey te011tiroN. tt" TOWN 07 GODSR100. THEASURICR*8 RALE OP LANUS FOR TS XX8. 0:11r /WO, p ay Metes or a war - Tow!.,., tlovattica, mat loined by the 113 WIT 1 :lifter ander the (M- ix:weft Med 01 110 Tow* ed Sederili, lus directed. Merles s rim 4.y .1 sop= bet. IVA nom 50 10 1001 mil the Wade less in the ge .Falrlisof arrars el ass dethers. give moiotime ueus each sesa are mew paid Ishall p=6= the Ludo or each portage novae( as sag rosary ler the l a . line tams 0= thereon at the tVN HALL. .4. TOWN OF (MURMUR. es Friday, the Mb day of November. UN* at the hoer ad tyre o'clock la theaters's". The /5150504 Me err pa151ed.11 jLin XL er."4111 1 Reaming Xie. W SFS 1313 • Ili Its 7 IS Park sad Mar, wooers 11 Toronto attest. 1* .13 1111111U 3 Taranto Ittrost. 14 !LI IN MI 21 s Ceder Street, I • 1 12 " " it 7 le Rell's Herres. W, L. HORTON. Treasurer. Terve YreamrerakOMee. Beet 71•1/1. 1101 " •• I- 3 111 3 TX Auctioneer*. JOHN KNOl3:RAL ACC - TION MEMeaVaaer. Oodeish. Oa. Hase* eeit:rove is duelers, salinlese testae bele • te te m. thee ieri&a err nail le hls auseied t& anis K NO A Societies. 141U1REA COUNCIL, MO. WS, 00D' =f ILL= 11