HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 7, 1890. 5 GENERAL CABLE NEWS. NEWS OF THE WORLD. FOUR TRAINMEN KILLED. ANOTHER SPEECH PROM THE OLD MAN ELOQUENT. nerve eighties llletw«a Turks Aad Ar. me.mm• aover.t ael.Yers RM►ed.-Tbe salmon nays H. WUI Terri all arr. ties esirecta, loatxaa, Nur Y -for. (Hailstone started o. Ions return to Rewarder from NooWod to- day. Whim Um train reached Mosinee a trga.umber of Yr. Uiristoaeifriends were h waiting aid gave Mw as enthusiaatio ren- o.pfioa This memo was repeated at Ar- broath. At Deadest a .amber of his admirers pre .ted atm with a walking aids and • Moab - eon basket When Peebles wee reached the train p ys met by • large mood and a dele- gation of workingmen pnneehtaf for. Glad- stone with a traveling rug. Mr Gladstone delivered a short epee& at Peebles. He referred b. the speech made by lad Hartington at the Liberal Untosit meNfag at Edinburgh Friday lad and sold Lad Harlington was evidently net well imtild..4 with 11te rnult of M. d•drtam. The only doubt in I.,rd Hartiogtoo's Wed wee whether the tune had arrived to sur- render. The Liberal Unionist ply, MI. GladMoae declared, was braked down and the follower. of it were dreadfully brukea ap by the results' rat the repeat bye elections for members of the Huns of Caenatoits, whiz b were most satisfactory to We liberal party. A Hey Dion froom Whisky. , Nuv. 3. --Tow Umbria arriv- ing this moaning report. a strange Midas{ three ray. after leaving New York. A dre- w .tearys I•awwger left her an Frederick Kamp, Vonfour )ear.. ale for s bort [luta Kken onthe returned front the deck sow dis- covered the boy ear, drunk He had found a bottle of wine in or of the berths end bad drunk half of the eontenta He wa. uuoau- .ciotK and the surgeon was at once railed, but notwithstanding all his efforts ha was unable to revive the child and it area. The boy was buried at ss.. Fyesebmea Applaed the t'.rdiet. PAsua, Nov 3. -At Versailks to -day a woman was acquittal of the charge of mur- dering ber husband, the verdict of the jury being received won ap?ause by the specta- tors in the courtroom. It w.. ,town during the trial that the defendant, w hoer name Is Guerin, trao d her brained to . villa, where he kept a mistress. Calling him out. sbe Nabbed him to the heart as he chased he tMusbela The d ins mag. se hie feR to. the greed,Kir our child for sena: all is over." The jury gave its verdict of acgtddnl without Mesttatba Refused a Dukedom. BitaIJ1. Nov. ::- It is now an ..pen secret that Count Von Moltke has reined the title of Duke of Sedan, whish the Emperor not only offered but pressed upon hint. As it is, Von Menke is at present to the Herreohaus en • limber far b1e. tau for stern. silent soldier refused Manors which would merely have been titular sad bonertie, without es - tarring hie sphere far eking good in the Vateraud In eight of T essssa.t• 14T. 1 . Nov. 3. --During a circus benns which was attended by the Czar and the members of his family, one of the trained horn. e:aldeenly became vtcioaa and made an attack on Ginter'''. the manager of the eircws. The borne knocked the man down mei let him and trampled upon bins, mangling :tiro in a terrible manner m full view of the spoliators. The ('tor and his family eltniptly withdrew from the imperial box and left the building. A general panic among the spectators followed and the per- formane closed. t ?ratter leaag..I. ST. 1 . Nov. lieutenant Schmidt who was tried on the elm rge of be- traying plans of ('ronstarlt to a foreign power hes bees found guilty and hanged. A Freed, Teak Aad fallacy. LOXise`t, Noir. :I. --The Marquisof Larne is • speecb at Stafford in behalf of the ran- did•ey of Mr. Hanei.worth, maid Gladstone's Irish policy was "a fraud. funk and fallacy." He favored granting • working day rat B herrn to miners and advocated free edu- cation under certain renniinta. Mr. and Mrs. tlllaaley sailed us rltrdoesday for America Home of the Australian strikers still refuse to go t0 work. Tb. Java coffee harvest is light and that of Dread abundant. A heavy mowatoxm visited northern W tr- emble ou Wedaewlay. Mlle Liz•.te Phelps. • tdtngbamtou betrays, married rtes fanny owe►au` Juhaon M.abau•, the celebrated surgeon and oculist of Mumieh, died us Friday. 7'he daughter of the late Dion !Manama diad suddenly o. Wednesday In Lawton. C••tu Newbolt rat anals the late Canoe Liddel la Mt. !'eel's cathedral, Londe°. A murderer of the type • of Jack the Ripper les heed captured in lielaingfonl, troland. Prof. Koch claims that his r mora mptiva cure is effective, but say* it is very ripen ave. Letters from Elora' Pemba ways los expedi- tion M advancing steadily, and tout all are well. A reward of HOW rupees hes been offered for the capture of Dakari, the Sultan of \lou. A csn.o, bulletin issued ou Friday give the population of the c uitedettatet as (l:!,- Adl:uiral Fremantle, of tbe Engirt navy, her. captured Vita, and burned the town to tit- gr•.u:.l. A Russian named Kelc'eci.hy h:o- oseapod front Siberia after fourteen year( •• alto., and has rescued Loadou. Cable .ashes. A lave dealer maimed I IKahlme bao been lounged at B•gaawyo. olid I*.tretary Balfour with nuke • tbreed•ys tour over the Donegal renes of the proposed railways. A heavy gale set in yesterday moraine the Cera d Devonshire and the storm is al prendliet Theatre d the crown In the Tip�terary sea e nema trials was emeduded yore •ad the trial esu .djouns'd for • w„i As • rank of 11r. Balfour'■ Irish tour. tae %e Rhea SrM for Me sneer Use harbour of Bellew The strikers fmw the Royal Victoria sad Albert docks a Landes have rvcc..•ld.eed their arks and retuned to work. A guaatlty of wreckage tuaeomse asbore oa the south of &attend eosin tad U ie feared (bombe.. Iron rhrstere at sea A party of bawds forced an entree into the bore s,1 a forever sear Terrors. H sed atter murders IM forester pllagwd ria hoe., Arrbdarrc. Farrar hes darted Lw to (icsMel Seek for his sew acb.me. He will dare ea address en the subject la Westreerr Abbey an ssuaday. Mr ertadstase W d.Iaed to bad ea • ma. 48404.. for MN reword* et dr 1.11ve rsky el (heeds. JIM eme lab elmmeed age as Me r...as f.r deleift the sewillooldoss. At the d the Vigilance A,aMtlee the Landes �rathh�erM54 the Pall Mall aMew pratlggetne, ■ken se g l•Ms -s(r' ie sloped 7br ptbi7h. Awa MR taken tr��ar4llow,tttwt peon. aallr Thr peas I�a Ikea crow the gallery. Dr ieg the pose eedlyt+ le the o.a Wines trial tem remark Patrick O inns W tem ▪ -gg to pbmtre ark wirersltwhhloMwere testi• tying been etweetly • a.nreiirsehde before the ra.rlgll5hesa aroused Mee to one week's haarlassaisai for manses .t1 run rtaTZSDAsees X/ MI6. The Crena Cesepre at Liege. alma el totes grate. Linter Peas, Nov. 1. -First rwee, nil fwrieap-MMMe1 i, Cle endos 2. Forest nag R TMs 1.11%. theored itit hire- sees I, I� -Tbsa .IgSp%7(.� Tb1d ram 11( atile�-P rend I. i>'semi- 1, ameba l Time 1.06X. Fear* rase, 6 tarlones -K elmina i Kale Clark 1, Cosmos Siam S. Time 1.11%. Fifth retie, 1 ail.-Itnmbkr 1, Verdes 1T, Ben Harries i lime L0 Sloth 7 [�� .-M 'ajor Dame 1. Ft.ajaines Belo L Them 1.11. Tier Os.ds at laa.dse'o W aastwv'os. Nev. E, -First ram -Mese' 1. Rappeammenek 1, Coldstr.eam'E Three 1.05. amend Past, 1 ferinop-Lswlend 1, CU, D Pentam 1 Tbhs.1. K7(. thee, i 1-70 h.Nr►_ t 1, Con 1, [log Deem a Tier i.35. A �yP�imswTWI •l Ddb d'Or 1, Teaser itslk tem beitille rasa 1 stlbrllsshlksr 1, Lewin 18511, Dray Dews & Timm LNM. Names her Sl*, S COW* 111.'. i -At glad D limmsi ars's hab et berms li dry 1iwnlq • sea d lttateen& awed by iewd D. OWN ef DO- �.ppg, w meld dsr avast. O• . WWN of Clee,isi, Obis TI:e Pop has appointed ed n cos ett... u of the :•tarred Heart to study the relations of the Chum(' toson* Ham. Mn. Jane Clesew., mother of .'Mark Twain," died at Keokuk, Iowa, on Monday. She was born in lettl. 1 -nae 1,. Falk t ('o, trlato_feeturer. of clothing in New York, have failed. Lie- bilitire about ftel efll). Then new German African Company ex- pects to divert the stream of Uertnan emi- gration America to Apnea. S. -rotary Balfour is pushing forward the t for the . of rail - wars to the west of Ireland. Mr Nnelu., t of the Iran and Ht. el Iad:tut.% has anticipations of a greet future fur Canada's nickel mite.. The latest estimate of the yield of tgyp- tian'•otton crops sen ::9110,000 ranter.. The weenier is due to the fine weather. Th.. peanut .Top in Virginia will reach :,.tones*) bushels, and the nuts have sold in Norfolk as low as 3', cents a pound. Dr. Peter-, the African explorer, will Petab- Ii-4 trading station in Uganda The mosey for rue parpole bas been subscribed is Ger- many. l:. Springer : co., wholesale dealers in eiik and worsted yarns at New Turk, have !ailed. The Iltahtke are t40A'11) and asset, 41:t IMA). Tow steamer Vizcaya and • schooner came into ...11i ton off Hansegat on Thursday night and both vessels sink. About 70 peaplo were drowned. The Itusiati t:ov.ri,meat• thr..tgh the Journal de St. Petersburg. hint. that the Porte bad better mettle the dispute with the Greek e'Mech. The British steamer Eugenia, from Brazil with sugar, went ashore Tuesday night at J. nes' inlet, and is breaking up. The new were rescued The family of Robert Paul, at Middleton, W ocousm, has lien afflicted with diptheria, which wee brought into th.• hats. by a tat. Three children died. Work on the Nicaragua can r1 has pr'ogrer► e1 about 13t, miles into the interior from Greytowa Itis expected the cs.,al wW be completed in four rare The ares of K 11. Peters, of Manistee, Mich. who recently assigned, show over pl,UAr, tat) in sight The liabilities ars re- p ofT.d et kr than $2,000.000. It is now au open secret that on the (*ces- sion .a- siow of his birthday Count von Moltke refus- ed a'lukrl'nn, which Emperor William of- fered and urged him to accept. S N'ashington despatch ways the secretary of the navy bas decided not to make any immediate purchase of nt-kal to be used a the manufacture" of sweet armour plates Mexican retaliation against the McKinley tariff has begun, sed already a tax o[ p:,srt a carpus keen placed ulna horn; Aad cattle imported from the United States. It is the King of Hoil•ad's amental health and not hi physaoal health that is suffering. As • matter of fart he is • hopeless lunatic, and hence the necemtty for appointing a regent The British steamship Newfoundland, Capt. McGrath, arrived at New York on Thursday in a .inking condition Tb• New- fcu Bland is bound to Quebec, from Norfolk, with a cargo of coal A young Russian who euooseded in making his escape from Siberia after having served foertsen years there has arrived In London. He refuses at present to gin particulars d the coalition of the prisoners. A young man w)' , wen empbyed by • St Louis arm, from whirls he stole *70,000, was loafed in Toronto, conferred, refunded $45 WO and left for boos Oa the understauitieg that he would not be prosecuted. Dillon end O'Brien and the other Irish Nationalists arrived at New York yesterday Aad were welcomed with aft sordes end isa(thy address from Governor Holl, Mayor Grant, ad leading New York Irisbea e The ('runt d Paris bad a narrow amemp from death at Platteberg, N. Y., ea Meth day, through miring his held when trying to get on a movie( trait He wan besegleg on the guard rail when seemed by ha111111-O Indere RoeentW, Mesh maatataegren, doing badness soder the mann a[ papstid St Co. in New York, bee eosd551d foe $t ,000, and tbe badges is h the jgd, of the sheriff. Amen, !60,000; I!abIMMa, $1°11A;"1::.. At00Newark, OMb, en "Tidal Mrs. USN and her daughter, Mae Deme Mend, .bib e ramang tie trace of the Dialmaee sM Obb railroad Lea bump, were rem bobby atrata. The worries were hurled a hasdfnd yards. and instantly killed. THEIR DEATH DUE TO AN OPER. ATOR'S ERROR. Tho *Seam Terribly Or•abst/ .. aaeid u..eaab •M bran* of OWN - tag E -Heavy Loan of 111e11 - tag reek. 47t0ct'tts, Nov.& -The uud tie officiousness of • boy telegraph operator ruled Y. A. Clark mused a terrible wrack ou *he I rehearse, 1 R Wowtwa Railroad at Itockt,'at, • detain threw tidier south of this city. at 514 this evening, as5Olml(in the ,hath .sf lour persons. The Now York Mid Panrk' '1:.3 "Prom trent from the a id& dam not .t.g.at Rock Cut, hu. dares the 1Astlkis at tho rate 4,4 40 nailer an hour nature lb. exi.rres *AA due at 1t.wck t't5t a amt tesla fawn Syracu..' arrival at the sesta.* tae hip. hero rum in on a switch ea the earth Wig d Lar main tract, waft top taalr1_ the soot end of tM wrftel .1s ria sepses. appru•ebwl ('lark from moms .. reason cuneluded that the switch was open. and running .Mtdde swung it over. As tM Swbldt was turned the expire AIM en W the sole track 'The the crash of the ettrhrs the e re cult •- firemen and eriginses of * each engine were caught is the wreak and ground to death. Their name. were: J amas itoyle, Simonton 1ti.. .nginewr trate S rtle Fernand. firen.an of foal train. 1(k heel J !Write of N) re, ..l.r. 1s r ,>f 01p10 01 .lerrrwia. bee, fin -man '1 exp..^.. The bo.ly of }.n,ineer Doyle was found lying by the fettle be,. le oke track. The body of Fireman Yeraaud wee f.wnl buried under tons a wrw•ka;le. Puree's body Fay under a great .tar t twisted imp and wand on tie- south beletil the track-. T l- booty a Fireman 1..• was fouo•: tightly wedged in between t4.• l..tv of I:r engine ant the cab. GREAT FIRE 1N 'FRISCO TO. Breed Hotel. t4.• Freest in the World, 11r.tr..red, SAN Fass• DWI), Nov' -Fur l.roke out to -day in the brand Hotel and extended to the whole block bounded by Market, New Montgottwry, Stev.ns'u and S.•,..'ad-etreeaa ono .lestroy'e.l a large number of ...tures and offices. abut the Burl:a:;urt H .trio The total ices Is pl,:eUO.WU. Doth the Burlington and (;ravel hotels were completely dente.) el. The Bursts be - 'ane pante aU'tcken auto rt,lwi to the side - ea It ide- watt with what vuluablesthey douldcarry. There were.even:l narrow' escapes, rat t':e gues:. beim; earned out ways ;.early overcome. The Board cf Trade rooter., tit. Pullman Palace Car Com- 44auy's rooms, surd the l.., We Southern l'ae,fi- aid tbotrel Pacific ticket 0re•s and almost a demon business tress Wire all tamagesl The ire wadies kik The Grand Hotel was opened in P470 by Johnson k Co.. and was this eonstdered one a the finest hotel., in the world. It was four storeys big4 ano haat a frontage of WO feet rat Market -street. Ttvo year, afo about halt of the bloc[ was lea.,..tl 1 outer parties and was called the Iturhngton Hotel. The United Shies Secretary of the Navy yo reoteasud the Dominica Mehl Camp•ay, wines 6.4v are Le Mo treal, te fur- nish prime el the deka set, which is repaired is the manotsmters of the steel plates for the waw American cruisers. At South l4& Pad yesterd.•, Meerg. Rot - harm M a quarrel crew ease property, rot Beaj•mla Rogers dyad, hasty wounded his reset, •d thee west t0 his owe bare and blew the top MT his Md, path( the trimer d the shotgun with Ns lea it oh•rgn was an e nerebel. At Akre.. N. Y., en Friday dmlyr Sarah Malaise. aged 1 .MSS4 taws Mb Orb. sassed Dona Werra and Rolle ilea, b • high bridesmaid btlh�rew slur ea. beadle lr(k18 a. mid form - or. eh triad d a/waged Strew n seetf eli eedber ba 4.4 . when the was prwr.std by tbe lmlker d Delta a»wa h b amid Ma way h Mee milk Dlww, *10i ones par 'mg .4- d51ien ea aastbar wawa. ENGL.!ND'., .1 IP Lafrlt: &OMM. The .lalford Harrier. et 14.4 Cary'. Iteeonl. New Yoke, NOV. L Mad:... -square Gar- den was crowded this evening to witness the 1 .port. held under tbe auspices of the Manhattan Athletic Club. The Sal- ford Harriers, the Sower r.1 Engat,.l's athletic sous. contested ou the genes. The 75 -yard run handicap was run in fourteen trial treats, f. ur .senna trial heats and a final. The final heat was woo by W 1. K{U-bell, N \'.:\ l' , hander', 1 I yards with 1_ it. ('ary. M.('.A., ..ratcb, 2 and S. J. Agnew, s:. George A. C.. ". The winmer s tine wee 7 2-5 eerned'l Some re- gret was expressed that Cary olid net rslua! hu own wonderful ree*trl The one mile was - woa by 4'. E. Need'. P. I!., handicap 40 sec- onds, iu ; minutes ::, 4 seconds, with C. Batdaseb, A. A..A . ban heap 50 rounds, 2, and L Col,.. N. Y. A.1' , handicap 7'r5se'onds, A. C. 1.. Ni..,lls. M..\ 1', time in this con- test was 11110111e. 10 seconds. Th. ora. mile run handicap was won by F.. W. Parry, of tis Salford Harriers. in 4 minutes. The2l0 ]said run, hanitrap, wan won by A. \Verner, P. A.C., in seem hu. 'I'hte410-card run, novice, was *OD by J. L Carbonised, Y.A.C.. i. 60N wcosda The running sigh -jump contest gas won by H. Hemet, H.' M A.C. handi- cap 4 inches, with a jump of S fast ON inches. The t*'90-yan) run was won by H. L. tMdmun. M.A.C., in'/ minutes and 9 seconds The 211 -ye rel hurdle race, over. 2 fest 6 inch hurdle,. was won by H. H. Marsh in :toe 23 seconds. THE DOMINION IN BRIEF. The North -wast Asssmdy opeael at Re- gina ou Welasa.dy. Tue Prowhrialplowing thatch toot plaeeese Wedueelay at L elberb rti . bas agate broken out t• the could, y walla of t'Luekr tib, Mr Janes. ItA,blin,'.4 !d mau.ilie, tintp- ;rd de.el w Ins garden "a entry eversion. Het 1.1. e:eergeof lirlkvtlle Lee declined t4, caul r.. tow Nest 1'1e-1.yteriau t'aurch, 1 i!4to Nr \1 F' It tobanau• general esana,ter •4 11, • limn. of Mostrea:, 44 • morgues!, owing to ill Lr tll4 rue ar.•t..0 IJI,OW h•od of cattle have lwaeu - tit from Montreal to Eaglets!, m against •in last your. \ n eight-hour league was forme l Erin . V •...•wing in Toronto bT trod.•s nus n uwu and 1;t.14uts of Libor. The w•an,I.. in Markt .r111 t Inane• have hewn .,ranted to la, closed u(. sa.ount of t:v• pe4- ..k,uoxl of .11pbthria. The Superior ('.wrt „t •luebec 4aw'..,nelrm- *I Mr. Gwen Murphy n, L.. .at in the Legis- lature for line e.• West nue stu•ai►blp Straits o1 11.11. 1.1* sailed 'roar Ven:"uvrr o. M,!unlay for China and (apse with (its lone e.uyp•. A new art wham, rvllesl the Central (ht- arlo Hoboul d Art and I k isn, was swish - imbed in Toronto uta Fr, Ley. Defwe leaving Quids-. tae ',mai. do Pati* le,i sited i esu of !'lesk to he shared atnncg ,Amebe' charitable (1t.t1', ,:t roti'.. Mr. John Monition. :4 • veteran gaoler of Welland county, third on Thursday evening, • St' Catharine., of pertlysis. The Provincial W.('.T C. 4 'on' ratios at Kingstou closed on Fri l.v. Next year's con- rentksn 14 to be held to 7' •ronta Thr steamship Idiot.. n'b'.re at Use Weird .1 Autico.ti, bas been broken up by the gales. tad has disappear, -el fr.,:u bight A break in feet is t. agth occurred Tues- day night in 18.. II mile level a torr t'hamp- lain aantal, lour miles G•'.uw Fort Edward. s Mr Cheek. FairMirn. •,1 Verulaus bas loeu.eleet.-1 as the 1'8•e•.rtatIe. candidate for the teeming electron in South Victoria. The Hamilton Sp'-(ato.r has dropped in norning edition. Both the Spectator and Tittles have reduced the prior to eat rent. The C. est., de Pari. rami party left Mont - real un Thursday for New fork, nit i ucl•.t sea the Servia for Eaglau'I Saturday morn- ing. R. l'. IL Rathbun, of Itayview farm, Do, - erupt.. wily maks a rm.ig uttent of turkey s end char fowl to the old country to last the market. i:'mi Lamontagne, who t, to i., hanged in atterbr.ok •. Que., on l)•rrmber 11', affects to be as cheerful as Birchall in N'osls4eck awaiting a similar tate. A Halifax despatch says the failure of John P. ('betwyo.1, nth dealer, is one of the worst that has o:.•urred in Nova Scotia this year. Liabilit ie.. about fdlie,000. The iron lift -bridge arrow tb• Erie canal .t John street in [.'tics was wreeke,l Friday night Traffic is completely blocked, a large• number of boats being delayed. Foreman Roche. who was prosecuted at \Vlitby on the charge of causing the Locust Hilt disaster on the Canadian Pacific, was acquitted by order of Judge Street. At Manila, that., on \Vednewlay Mr. G. Ball, • pump maker, was work:nag in the bottom of an old well, 41 fret d^ep, ellen the kerbing gave way and be was terri.d. Io Kingston ou Thursday night William Pickering. a one-armed man, was knock. -1 down by footpads and rjbbed of ail:: and hr: artificial arm. I he aro was valued at CA. A convention of Knee County prohibitioxa- i,ts was heli at Essex Centre on Tburelay to organise a comp a ga for the al .porn of the hail option law in the different municipali- ties. Advice* lease been received in Montreal .aying Canadian eggs are selling treaty in Loudon at 7S. and 7t 6d. per 121 eggs, and that the demand will be fair up to Christ- man Tho sebnoner Caroline Marsh, of Port Hope, owned by l'aptaan Ewart, of I'obourg, w,s driven ashore tear (hwego ye.tenlay. She was leaded with coal for Toronto. Crew laved. A Quebecdespatrh ears the I)yniniun line steamship l Ireg•n struck heavily on the bot - tont on her arrival at Heaup,rt flat., and sprung a leak, her forward toeing flooded. Oliver 1.itbgow, .ged about 70, who ben far years been an ionute of tbe hours. for the Aged at Lindsay, attempted suicide by cutticg kid threat with a jack knife. Doctors saved his lite. At the meetia; of tk. Women's ("mufti an Temperance l'nion in Kingston on Thursday • Mrs. J. R. Caroni, a (tat, was elected pre- sident, and Mrs. Fawcett, of Toronto, was - chasm as rice -president. AI ire Wallace, charged with the murder of ber husband, Japers Wallen., at Por• Alma, Kent (+runty. • )out.. was on Saturday declared not guilty •rryp•! imtnedately .11e - rimmed by Judge MacMaboa. TORONTO TOPICS. Election Petition Matter. ---A Xeres. immaeee- wile er se Wife -The Libel AdUon Agwtaid The Globe. Tower', Nov. 4. 11 ',ynwdo Hall yesterday 10, motion for the examination of Birchen) le the case of (karate v The Mote was not argued yesterday. Mr Hilton appeared in .tpp.u't of the app1c tike. but resm.el for the defence seed up word that he world not be AMP to go no with the Innllue till this morning. w the mottos wen he argued ....lay. In r.•t•.r to Ito• mot inn tin deMe.ls.ts Ale as affidavit Is whirs they may It will 4,... to ...an.I a Birehalt as they *3.fievthe lantuf is the (:mens to w Meehan refers in hM rw.fr.wo.n The matter toa-hamiw+ yesterday gore jedg- meat In the cu. of Allen . Ten nnb1p of Yr - mouth dlml+wtng the defeedeae., application for Move to tore • medical .landaettea med. .4 the ieJine..url,10ed by tM ppl1aalatiffa te hg Ibmwe from a wagon 'tae plalatlaa same det[sat the ardent whereby they were fejasea mea owing to the defective tote of the (a[e.d•sta• aiad A■ order for the examle•tba ol tog bombs. rp�pn. helices. counter fella Aa, trod l the Klegstos ries-Hoes wen granted yemerd•y l"1 the prompt egad et James H. Metcalfe. N.I. sow... time ago a metlen wee mole es ef the pMMbarr is Me North brace Menne to have t N petition aloud M Port 1rJg1 Waled d Yeassidar Walken... se sarttaaed by the rota ▪ gars was gem kehK f"rt. ejror wso mYle that the pstkioset' le the , lamb �Ogogn�,aa, eked= ems .p5511 heelers d A ra•ilas far • web el dols. memo is the pryydo (Smith teas4N' Reno will be mads Y • ♦w-dtU and the hprewar asked ws.X01Mr eery ,aws!1[aoatbot lam. detained .ad that *seems Moen ebeveled thenaw tried natried at the Is en apits1 her • a ►span 1. as tllimeny Mit beton l Boyd yesterday, ▪ mum p e s. r.�amieeotd. to the mpateushippg.Ni to [.at w the brlsfe.dmat li ea s.t-s raw Ire end mW he be meth Jager Mart wee. Spent* girt and was only layers odd when the met the "--"---1. who wet_ • lla sorer r >rseMr dreag Its wafts 1r..sma �estemers�r/Ira• r mnent M nese d the h.Yg se hl". when ram �t�thees�dero ish of tesrrees ±�wm1. 10• Id W acerew tress ab with him m �1t1a web a meld M seg Ant It t� ri aN eastinieed helm with 111 miguaterfuse esperated after& Noma he her asses berth seines tar L Is sir cased be wall btrostyme ►y of I aa lr ,/!w te• ed der Is Ms Ma ike dikes were errs Inoirrimpla Ns at .sem are [dal •11ve. fir d.r..tbtt1• earop sr wierrl sad alleges that rtthey r 1. IlNed e Veber. TM seeped team alr•shae wsewn le Terre hew Wera- meek and .al wasp the pwltbw.10 Able Wade ease) me Ossaaa iss prom* tthii saeyym la pens to �In MYraw et Ameba 7.. al' Mud try elle arwI rWas.,51 1 at thi tons ;�/. is i.. ettetrkNgtawe,�her�y/�t� tttall�radelboyt.tllla tfalrt>a Brun neaeia is taking the load es • • ire remedy fur Catarrh, Cold .d Heats .ad Neuralgia Lock at this and reed and try my medicine, and if y•.0 are Dot 'at •1sd cease to me mid get year mon- 47 refunded to you again: Faldiug,l'arry Bound (toad, Oct. 24th, 17490. f •tow► Dealt SIR,- 1 hare used v.•ur Hrac- Oaasia and 1t has cured m•. It el • great neat. 1 have ru dizziness in my Arad now. My longs were •tfdcted,l used one kettle of roar Gyinonsrps and they .re all right• as i never felt better in my h1.. 1 twin r teomrnrhd it to nil as a h. Ter .,.ng remedy Send me twelve kettles :,ugmsnd. and eitthtren bottles ilemo- .rna, for whirl" I encl... { eine. Yours, en _'' Nee FloEn J. H.tt*TC 11. l'.',rated May 17490. PROF. R. J. K. G(►l:E, Godericb. Tberw are inure palsies holidays in Ii..,4&n than in say tither city in the wide Avong the days .l.se.rve d are he Queen's Birthday, Con•r.atitut Day. II the lfr arils and P,.rtaourw h.didays, he .%merles,. T0.nkaasu.g D.7, asd he Chinese New Your. AtCamelman, Oat,. Joieph Payette has been arrested, charged with the seduction of - two yuan; girls about 10 years of age. He was committed for trial, but wee Mewed on (eruleing hail to the amount tit MOO. T% maniac Blab, who bathed two men almost to death at 1.•cd4, Qua, the other day, Imaged blamed 1. his odd on Friday morning •t St John% with • pities of rope inside of his bed 'beet tore Leto stripe. A somber of the members of the Iron and Kesel Iastitele •deeded • reception at the 0ov.rumwmt House, Toronto, on Wednesday. A party of threes lett by • special exrurdoo - Mein Le the evening to ia.p!ct the mire at Sodbury. At the Whitby court Charles 77e,mp.nn, o.. of the amen arrested last mouth at ITx bridge on the chary -Of jriebet. picking, was found guilty and sentenced to three years' Scalds His three were disharge& I took Cold. I took Biel, 1 TOOK. SCOT'FS ULSION Il'EWLT: I take ELY • taw AND I AH VIGOROUS EN0000 TO TARS ANYTHING I CAN LAY YY HANDS ON; petting flat nets Tog Emulsion ofPnu Cod Liver 1 egtfind HNmea t7C L rfYCUIEDD hitesofMYitheir. Consumption BUT BUILT MS UT, AND IS NOW TUTTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT THS RATS Or A TOUND A DAY. I TARN IT JUST AS 'EASILY AS I DO MILK," amlVV. gamma es put up only In gnomon od o r •pprl gold by all Druggists at 00. se-rwead SCTT OS' BOWNE, Bellevilf. NE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. SOLD BY Lltr:e1 t7I:i 7 Li>T. N,-IMP,TI(JN- AGENTScayenne In lifsiting Mee e's work aabd WANTED trip' 1 r.,TOrogfqth. and firm the ('1.rat •Lead," es(l1 led tt From Manger to Throne," PURITY. Embracing. New LiFE 11F •'HRi*IT,sad • wnry o1 Paterr.ne. ,4 i', Prow,. jtltm,reted with over **wonderful enemy? nee ofsossery m no.) 1.41.(1. wino. c. '•lel m.a(sre, Aad tensors pietUrr• from 14tr IA-..1rand dour. of lie Saviour. alma grand Motive of Jerr e - 'em on the day of the cr',,' flxiot, in 12 tolore and ten feet In length. Thus 14 IN.. Talmage'. .ife work end his greatest book. Orden are now pouring In from all parte Vol will .ever have another oke ;t. Arent. should drop all else and .enure letritor). Much chances come only e in • lifetime. Itx- rlu dn'e territory given (MI (*111140n. The moat rcmarkablr and wonderful of al! books shoat the land. T:nws and People of the Bible- Uo tr. work now, and on will %Maio money. Territory goat? with • rush: act now : no oahltal heeled. Name territory )ou want. and wrl.rat once for Fart tenter% to William Briggs, Publisher, TORONTO • u'T. it it, -DINRO11N 7 - HOOF OINTMENT ! For theses. DOWN'S GOLDEN LINIMENT. STRENGTH. rN r C AW& s'1FL Ram Lal's PURE TEA Cue.' milled for •l.ality and FLAXS�' EMULSION COMPOUND EIRONCHiiIS ee3 I...ias:an Ave. lee Von, t'ily, t. j9. 1.4t. I liar* seed the iL.-;5tad 1wtut.+..w k. • .•f Chest. n' ,lode,, ted the coyly t ,..eo, toad awe Oren grit plowed a!k:hc • •s. J.►HLa E. CWU:s. ;.: D. CONSUMPTION r ' 7.• T, N, Y„ ret 7488. *n 1 7..,. .•..d y""' • ' 1 le a w,.s ' , TY ijItis �1C�IleSS Of Tnfts!ou. °SHAWN e•'or :sole a: ROBERTSON'S GROGERY 1'orner Montreal - FLAVOR. FRAGRANCE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST THE SIGNAL 1!U(,4 TIIF: IIE4'1' 6atalogue, Commercial. Society and General r:c 1. Six.9to 3'i41 1 •t aewtly r, • :. Saed E:..,�t as .arks rrlk' . .' '„ego: ep 1.ser. al end N ere -ud a geed gm- , _.. .toe se passe. t , . IA.E, Y. D. C IIERALG(3ILITY V \., net. 108,llf?. --and T4s Seel E -n a, coney serener fe e,:.: liver oil seat e w rrwvspy G ooze D. A. C. titToN, M. D. 'ASTINC re:S 'iUS 1.:. k'ce �'em \'cork. ,oed rico r -o,. i r...le.a cem ee11 -c ,:+•'r of She: -v -• -'Rend the rear' h•,psd 5. • . rvelcs, and I-rC30O' tntha :aar.ty At IA .1.11118A HEU MATT ?old W Bru gists, Pr;0* FLAX-$EED EMULSI 3$ Liberty- St•. New Solrl by F. JO PLANING Intl ESTABIIS. D 1755. Buchanan Sr, Son, 4811• 48:1•1. t It Nr h:. SASH. DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all krhds of LUNIBEH. LATH, SHINGLES .1: bnllder's materiel of ^very dry( r:ptIon. School Furniture a Specialty PR JA' T I AT G ! Godorich Steam Boiler Werke Printing for Jlanufncturern. Printing for Wholesale:lleale-rs. Printing for Printing for Printing for Printing for Lawyers. BA' tail Merchants Insurance Cos. R,ailroa.Is. Printing for St..atnboat Cos,. Printing for Societies. Printir.g for all Purposi r AND OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Style Al. Prices Right. Mammoth No order too large or too small for our name it y CONDITION POWDERS ! BROWN'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY BARK. vv s.-1-id_ON"S Prescription Drag Store. POR Sore Eyes .atarrh Lameness female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing Bruises Jaws Calder. • highly respected and well- tod0 farmer of 0.K111ep tnw.ilp, three Who north of Rsatorlb, was found Le his bare Imaging to • rafter on Friday with Pte elitism& Mr. Caller was • bachelor about 00 mare of age Itis 1 the DomlNom Ooverwment the de/id to abrades the project for deep W01Beamak•raois easel, and will Ism ..d 0w mad oto the girth side to meet the hrseshtg requirements of the Rt. Iowa rages roans. In Montreal Jedge Mathieu gave Mammal for 1781 amid arch against tis. canon Feriae railway for having put an old rah off the railway over own la1M away ham a N ation %rasa be mak, not kalaadhilaly prwd•e. the Urkat while& % had h boa paii- armor Gustavus Part was pined seta trial es Wed - :sot Chatham (1•Nafor ererdrhg a mem Wed - : Barr, on Jeal 11; lana Park ones trod a year age bet th• jars/ dimmed. The mews did nee prase 1M three of oar dr, and tie peiseoer plmdd rift of saa- inegUr. Ne wee a.e.eneed be bee years he perwmen4- Piles Burns Wounds E Insect Bites Sti 'Sore Feet UIFLAMMATiONS and ALL PAIN AVOID ALL 1MtTA- TrINS. THEY MAT BE DANGEROUS. IAC-EIYILE Of BOTTLE WITHIN/I" WRAPPER. IISE POND'S ngs HEMORRHAGES TRACT DEMAND PONOS 15 - TRACT. ACcC*PT MO IUI$TITUra roe tT yeparemegrn b•) 70113 15 7ME OOLY NSSMT it 1M0 001407 Yalta Are Ottani. Sold by P. JORDAN; THE BEST FACILITIES in the counties ere at THE SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT. TILRreroN. 35. -rat Tar- L1� AIlINt3 DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. Estehl:she 1 1.90. Chrystal & Black, �[ and deafen 1n Steam Sail Salt Pana Tau1e, Heaters, � o�t s, and all kindr of t+hrea Iron N'ork. impprl'oved Automatic dbt•oft Caudle" ai. not ',right and Her:curial Engines. fta- chinery and Canting* of ever) deaerlptius' Dress Fittings, Pipe and Pipe Fittings awe. *tautly on band. Mali MINS . wi11 receive prompt &trade'. Warr m tag. O. T. S. ration. tib ors promptly attended to. P.O. BOX 381. INF SINE DUBIO :McLeed's Brehm Renovator is • specific for 10505.5471 mad all the ills arising from sleep4aasam. Co.metics are not re- glared eyutred wins it is taken, because as a blood pm -An it has no equal, a the re- markable thence and nt is the oumpNiios of those who have taken it for any Iasgth of time testifies. Mr Alai. Ross, Kincardine, writers :-- My wife has beet sickly for • long time-altesplc•a and had no appetite - pale and mallow all the time. She oat - tinned your tten,rator for eight weeks, and I am glad to tell you that she is now well, as smart end as lively as • young girl. The Liniment E. A. McLennan's) yon sent to Hugh Graham cured kis latae bask. Mr John Mitchell took Yrs McLeod's Specific Care sent in my care with the Rertuvatcr. Ha is user work- ing, iamb and lungs all right." Mra IIcLerd's Specific Cure for imp. throat, cough, chills, fevers, gravel, dropsy, Lc., lean be had from druggists selling the Renovator. If not in stank. order i1. 734f. QUALITY THE TORONTO HOUSE ALWAYS WINSI As the Old Darkey said: "I'se rayther pay more an' hab 'le beat once in a while, than to pay lee1, and hab a poor article ')fen." - Our Tea Trade Doubled! Latest and Best BEST VALUE You can get the FALL C000S l etre ea .bear, CIIA& 1 ftIlll'S P. O'DEA, GROCER. mangey FINE P ITIS PIPERS AT MIK r,