HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-7, Page 4PI"
Ike ignal
I. 1147RL1ari1J,
•T ow •TaA11 P111.Ti,4• 0VV1C1
%uItTH-1TRICKT. toil,
II U awl de -awake local u.,••Waw, devoted
la ouuntti otillsees sad he A:..,. rmonies of ti
IR ITS* ell 11111W mlrrs l s
ths ; sea, opor
!ore +non•lla 1 the wbs.r'1'wn Is 1404
fa 441ssuss. ubs.i4puos will be rh.i sI at
Mt- Rte of ANA, a yew.
Legal and .Naar vassal ad. ern 4.emsnt. I.
per i.or for tiro aw.t•rt,on, and 3 rents per line
for ..i •'1. ,stseaavat insertion. Moraured by
nonpareil ava�.
i.ocal notices le nonpnrel owe 5c err line .
Local notices is ordinal.) reading t) pe lc Ire
Business feeds et sit 1.r.. s and under 115 per
Advenlsemeint@ of Lem.
Pit,u. sous YYashs yawl
it, -:..,•r l'bamv.. Wentwf.
14 .•, noa4ariel 11 per neo,.lt
Ilo.uw0.n `lair and Yarn.
,.d Stine*, $1 nor t`.r
,,,)Jen' month. I..r,(.•;
Any special notice, 41.
promote the ter osier,
aulu*l or cora.{...). 1,•
, c rtraemeat and char,:.
Three teems wW is 11. ,
is :.:! _
s1'ecW roue. for I.r
.diertiwments for •
known at the olive or v.
Iuund, Strayed
4..n Wanted and
nut exceeding e
DRIVING IT BOMB. to .tart with. last week the follow-
A fal.ous picture by a teiebrwteel mg was the output of trailing twitter
artist in the Louvre the to Tag MNINAL and New Kra Ie
1 .set ii ely
hist steno of the "Ohl l ivanl " at
Waterloo, ant to it. the legend is at-
tached, "The Old Guard Ina:,, but
Neier Surretltlers ! "
Nearer our own day a great elect
Was held in the nelglllarriug Hejil,ltr,
awl BLAUrg, who was then the op
lament of (Jt.evetesI, t•Irggraplied t:.
the New York Tribune, the now
familiar wools. ('lain Everything:
li0w will the heeling( Iteplltldicen
organ preached to that text, r. en
after it was coliclusit.•h shown that
t'1. t•:t
...LAND hail I wen , l.'. eft. to non
a matter of history. Jlany were the
phr.w•. of irony and ,.4trenaln hurled
at the Tribune for its Benlacity on
the occasion, 1,ut it was Irft to liar
.014 bale. Ida to per'. Weekly to level the most .atiri-
.n.!. SOe per .utr
Proportion. rel slide when it published i cartoon -
•.f wklis spy 0 1VAw MUM'111Tt.I.iiEl11, the MUM' of the
. ..t f
a.rrd an ad Tribune, sinking in the deluge of evi-
• 1,e strictly •4t- demi. to fot.lr of ('Lia ELAN14 41 else.
,son• ter illustration tieing 31131111.
1444.1111s1 by t:1e follow ing n41:cpUItion
trowthe lege•u.4 on the fatuous Fn•wch
picture, •• The 11141 Cubed Lies, but
Ne•.er �utrrndcr.'
t fur thoughts hats recently been
.1rawit to this letter incident by the
1.•1i .it••I declarations of our Clinton
ont.•mis.rsiry, the New Erg, which of
late has 11e1•11 making a claim thnt it
i- the l• rgp•st newspoiler in the coun-
ty. .l feu w.•e•k, :lige Tt+t: SIGevl.
11131ia :t pngsositiotl that the better
Way to settle the matter would he to
submit the .Pristine of the reInti'11
Melte, of type surfers. of TOR SU:NAL
*i,'4 New. Ern to threw expert news-
4044rr melt one to le chosen by ea 11
of the papers. !!!!tithe two thus ih1.sen
to -elect the third. It eas further
stipulate,' tlw+t, when the :award ut
tile'.,• arl,ltrittOnt w'a. ggi'..II, t111• news.
pep •r that was found to hair made
J9991116 GEF:
ger A fa!ly ',quipped J •'.
so. . O,ainr•s. has I
o' :Aadrad. ere first
Y•: t
-- As t `-Ig litre can be done °, ' •
61 riot reakonobie mire. •
J !emanated p et'r to a
,tJ communication -
-f4 O. 11110611.1.11
1, i:d:tur.
A�someone oaf. oto. b.
ier$wnta. or
•••YWL.- torte•
is carried
• .r)• nrw.p..per
turn..I pal
• •;caths print
Intra from an
'•• addressed to
1 e1/T.
.,..teri.h tint.
y. --
GUDi 1t1/'H. YHII,A' NOV. nowt
Mn. .I.'Wi.s E. 4 ).su)•., ..f Au-
burn . lass Itet•ii apps.:4 ..I len••rnl
Trottellittg Agent for Tim oto;x411
wort is edip0WPrert tri v,11 it "uh. rip
hints anti order. tot •ii.lwork for this
office, and to sign re..•i1.t- for.mie.
11. M. +:11.I.I t e l e 1 III /V.
TIIE 'tr.' tr. I:oslet•i4:.. ' 1 't. 9, let*.
THR Sli.Nvl. would like•
whether :ant of .air 4T.u,
(r(ti•asion to 4 4.,s 60 illy 4
luriw_ the pied ue•k.: ti'I
if stns(•! 1•r(Ilw»»in., walll.1 Ia
Tu* $tuIAI_ New Era.
No. el cola. Ne. of vols.
F reig n crew. S
1r TEAT Hamilton MOO, (`rat., who
was recently buried, will go quietly
snack to his grate all will he forgiven.
If not there will he troubke in the
Ambitious City. He got a dreamt
Iluria.l, and what more should the
(latest float
I IU I1wn4 fastieliens ' sullject" require1
F orrigpu . orragw,s►d •
4110r .... 1 0
4...))IIIInnHatitioa . 0 14
MI..3.11411.131s. 174 17
These figures' speak for thorlseltrs,
ant are given in responru' to it claim
tlutt is put forward by the New Ent
that it igi.ees toOr• horny news than
any other leper in the county. I»'ery
now• 8111 then, it is quite true, our
Clinton t' lItrulpor.ry, by frantically
calling upon its correspondents to
rush in mutter, makes If trig splurge,
and tli,»n 1.1164.4.4 01041t it for • m ti1
or two afterwnnl, lit there are 11411
uewajla}er, that, week in and Werk
tit. lay oo•r the New Et.. all the
year around for editorial, Ir/ca1 and
general reading twitter, Huth in re
wird to quantity mad quality. And one
1, the Seaforth r'.xpn.itur nmthe
other is '1'111: .AL.
Put your taeleliuev on that, lir-
New Era.
the unjust claim was 40(1ulmte $.p0 10
to know any charity named 1e. its successful
illrr. Hail competitor. 4 114.• would hate thought
'our•t-hour• the New' Ern 14011141 41.11.1' 110 olrj(v•tion
disco%, r.»d to so, fair 14 test, 11114 in last Week's
• ion ail( it i u.e the Clinton j4)141011 •e lines 141
11.3..i4 to the teem .,f the arbitration
_ ..-- - the rensem. of course, lriugg that it
TBRot•.al the Park 4'•4. titleut sunt
knows it would }w 11111141M for its
f1 lirr1111 ,tall,, 11' what STANLI:I R
Mendacious claiul, I•ut it still
tlutrarter will 111111• to • ,11111001 lie -
screams tlu+t it has the :o 4'. *ntiit»in
fore ter 1: u..: l.,..1 4.r el1101rs are l out yuesti',n
size. Hiew„esst414. of the pulls"her are ligthornu_hly 1A .I..! . .,u:1y. it Will '
1 THP: S11:111 tl. 111.11. to it. hornier I great tit tow 4141.1' its lit the other. No one
M)'441 Is• n 11114,1 484 "I" '1"-i. Ue• gni" offer. If the New Era flare take it thinks of asking tie 4h)• 4.r oinsule juurm.l-
iso to wait for 11111 pty, 11L11 till..a111w nearer
explorer wits a het, •' tyrant. or
up no ,hall le happy to name our keine is not 'tulgssw•et to!urate ally •• lass
I..4* 11. felt want " of a pr.. lobar•) rhrraet.r1.
arbitrator at an early day. If it •the gaud portably firs with the pAnblisb•
II A4. :IIIyIMsly 1.:41,1. •'r -ern two fail. t. 11.3314 tie t•h)ilb•u'e it .Iloulti r1.1. quite as 4. as with ler pul.lie. 'Pru•
latter lu..r :leen
all"wel t' drat Into w'l
gentlemen named n•.4eltit el•V I1..S. 1.. erase its pretensions. The fart that h:ebil.. ar11 w'11:.: wawa! het .1l 4 aa' a
,'4%I('(CtiTlly :,4..l 1:4,2.4,44 IN Sierra i it 111414 not face A fair :oestrin urn of ,i Iter off o.n.eetient • 1. DON - ,!aunt.s a
! a
ntler otight.
\l-(• W110141 likeU' hearthe opinion tie' kite' suggested ,.Ii. 4 etincluxively .t hitt. plan talk '41) tier 11043er .au e4)
of these twee 111'11- I•.1 11:11 Hlggl,t•r. that i1 Ilex gra 8 e doubt., of line. 1114( 11.' 4440)11. It nla{' .11411..- 44'4 publisher to
I I sl,tp'•u 11is vert* fr au.l uuy alis, vapors
upon t lie urn h.. I,)'y of 4 OMR,/ its ease. IA•t our . 'tettemp'rAn4 Ins su1•w'Iilers e. 1t. vuel his r1Grd. Fair
' Mow ATs lertur4 u•, - 1a i.hvtrres of either art rightly and attempt to trratenrnl to the new.pip er puhl.sh.seralmt
Tax subreriptiou list of Tits BIG'
NAI. is still increasing ane! multiply-
ing, +4141 waxing fat, anti our agent•
all along the line are giving good ac-
counts of theuns•I.e. Every resider
of Tile SIGNAL 4.4.11 also help the good
work .Jong by showing the (rest paper
in the Ilurch Tract to his neighbor
x,441 getting 1 • to nubacrillr fur it.
The !:test it ter l'heapest. nevi Tits:
$14;V IL is the 141st. >31. 1r, from two -
until I Jan., '92.
THE way in which The Huuiltou
i1,'4-t,tOt amid The Titers took a drop
in }'rice last week was a .!artier to the
urentge Hasultoniall. Iii fact, the DA:
tivrs haven't got toter the (4441•te of
the audflett netts •u. l'.• vet, eel 1f
you meet A H:uuilton druwu►rr on
the .tr: t•t anal 2* -k him a lietllrr it is
nun •• The Tine„ for a cru*. ,tr a
cent for Tlw Tim. -.s 4'• Pte cant tell you
which, to save Itis life.
41.1: of the funniest things in the
(1)41111Mrcird word -4 just now is ti. fact
that itou. (leo. E. F.ist•rr:u has leen
de}.uta.d to gso t.. the Wi4elwnrl anti
lawntintIalnmi-, Jamair:l. British
Guiana- Cubs, Hayti. and a jute Ica.
Of other outside ',Millis to toile -!►tor to
work up trade letwet•n them and
I'aua'lit. anti ter tirst consign urnt of
ggoe.ls that rew1•h,•s here from any of
the -se foreign p.a.(; will have is Cana
411:u1 protectito .duty leiir,1 upon it
that will make the foreign traticr
tlizzy. Now, if its disloyal for C.tRT-
w i4D:1IT to try to get ap reeciprkal
trade with Brother .111N ITIIAN, welly
it not ,disloyal for FietTER to try to
The Br11Itfovel Explasitcw• Il»'ts a
timely article on the above suhjev-t
which will laser tr•prsluction here.
It applies to ete•ry newspaper pub
Iishel in the smaller towns and cities
in the Pr". incr. The 'Expositor
slys :
A mother o1 our rural ..wte.)4a)rarin.
are !!taking an . ppeal to delilapneta std.
.rrihera to pay up. They sorely feel *ha
tired of the sinews of war. The labor awl.'
p!..yr.l 11' ter printing other t Iw pari
weekly, the 4 euros! And the nam -gatherer
41.ti.2 he +studied ; the 4■t41. raisker is :uex •
or.J.Ie. There is famine in the till. but
telcitty on the looks.
Per experience of the printer o. perhaps,
n.4 ex.eptl•enal t1 tins respect : lindens
generally have muds the mune experie ce%
particularly in .alum' eluate!Itut the
.',.(miry jourw'list ha.. the hardest lot of
them a11. From no 11k•r.•fra11: w011111 credit
Ise drnuunl.•.1 for It w hole year, and wan,
4111n'11 ter 111a11. year., foe a tn11laae•t lin, 111-
.Jving the 11rigtntiesant Burn of 'we donor.
ter aun11A1 yearly rate of sulsk•ripIn to 1Ho
weekly newa4ap•r.
tie far as the stileesriptu.n'4a•iee t11 the
weekly ,.Iltl'm 1a etateertic.l this gne4tiel is
out perwslal with 11.1., Exps,ito• prepay-
ment feeing rigidly insisted upon. tl e
lave. however, 111 Hare•! 1111-.3111.4 •4Jtficu11y
in another dir..-l44 1. The question we
would ask 1s why unlimited ...edit should
ler expected of the •' 44.:4 " rww*p:p r,
while outside uul.lkestka and those of the
larger cities, .1'18!!1 .•,-) 111 advance with-
u,.sriskdy Inerts wrlh a o,uick re•aps,ar. To
Tlss Empire, al Tuesday last., says
" It is remit! , the V ke ottani L111f are
looking after nlor'e Railroad worlds to
"ampler." If that Iw so they 000ld
not tis better than take hold tall the
proposed line known as the flus k
Ontario H. H., between Hamilton
and Uodertch. it would ren through
the finest trlilt of country itrAmeden,
and at I:o deri,h wcwld make x lake
connection the superior of which for
the development of a tl*nuugh triple
between the Wrist and the eralww1l
eaaurt les excelled. Here is your op
p,rtunity, Messieurs VARD1kiill.T.
A Lorotoi correspondent .tater
that Mr. I:I.AIwrr as undertook his
fifth Midlothian' campigtl 111 tile
belief tl4t next spring there will Ilea
dienolution. .► imeeilwr Of ter Calc
iurt, speaking the other tiny to a
p0suinent politician on the subject,
said, "We hope to hang 4n for two
years yet." lhss)lution ie therefore
not in the minds of the 4 ovrrnotent,
and 4:tithing shoo of political neces-
sity will compel term to take that
step. No o11!1 4:111 .Vey w11141 the
session nuIy bring forth. The disci-
itline of the party showed market
relaxation last year, and there mat•
l* further ,entortliia!iou of it this
next aesei011.
work u4) trail, with the lauggllty
Cuban'.' .V,• w:1111 The Empire 10 ld,rk.rwsl's Ma!pt:,u.: In Ceylon, Ge/4-8y RE% . T. saw ITT TALMA..x, D.D.
for a-. Ueusaa's Mayo:car : John Bull Abroad, Thi. is sad to be a year of remarkable
moat rr this
7'empte li.(r ; The Defensive P1m ,eitt(of books, but doubtless the lutist remark-
_-- _- -- -- Hol.nd, Tire: The Lest Days of Heise, i ab'e that will appear for some time to
11•B.'T strange 'wings the trilbies of Mo. -maim'. s Mao,'.i,..;Discovery of as come is It. v T. DeWitt Talmage's new
sod women! of early dims, ea well
ss those of the pressed day, 8110 a*e el1SM
lescrtptulee of way large Muss and
tomes. The velems treats very sitia-
Iaetorily three states : Illa►w, Maryland,
and lV ; and of duel** e.sm-
ttie. ibeat are Madagascar, ig.tlails,
Malta, and Manitoba. Iaterestiaa other rob -
Magic Oen ; Mag.a Charts ; Magnetism, 19
pages ; Matamali•, 10 stages ; Man, 0
Parisi Man4e1-Wurzel : Manure, 4pagas; Pbilau.broptc liwtariase have Ger toe,
Marg:., , lfsrrta,4e, ti pa1sa ; amd MYpas �r fig lbs pest week A PruviDetal Hun( Ian's), .boot b page.. Tb.m arewmedt, oda! .144004 Mld•t Brantford,
only as samples of s hat the volume out- -_ the Provincial W6401110.• (arkltlas 1'aorpsr-
ti°s. The articles ars brought down very alae Vabue met at Kingdom, and the Galan , e!
ed, the style and t are *zoo:. riles wort of the armed them is to dieser '1
lent, and the prttatim arra binding are elm bete m./koi 01 W Bwsd*7 Meg".
entirely s.ttelactury. The one thing training at to youth of the t.nalry, and
shout tt ehash it its difficult W euro re- WL va. w000w/dtahed t1 howl" pts is s bred and .wl!=bt.ved Itlamwar,.+
hood is how so valuable a work oro be beea.ae ("brews., working gar fethkeeas
..pghrd for w low a press. Fur tarty- The !.dies of the W. C. T. II. diol el (hs
cue, tlsat►uua, teachers, students, and varkous rapids of (the wort d• rias the pa.;
the creat Insw ut general readers, the year • very busloarrlikes tray; but Wroogh-
Maett.id 1s far superior to any other oat their decimeter it was evident that oil.
Cyclop.du tipeclmen pages will be deeply felt the sentimental side of the obj.rte ,
Mut frue ou appn.p.tion to the publish, they had iu view. Prean&
ers. A spusim.0 lume bend- was thel'uat1d wits kasrtf •It 4nire 14.
drag mill ler mailed fur
vo30 semincli roth in hal( tlo gu..r,.l, ary t it ilncneas.4 i. awmtrrs `earl•
Morocco fur 75 cents, and the money re- ons 'ttn,c:l"as b evalloc•(if s000111,61140•°t
feuded if the volume is returned within lb'''. bayr already wep. th.ir tilrisr TL.!
ten attys. JOHN B. Maris, publisher, evi.tt n4e g surrai.•e be(.r.vathe lariw,e (lnrnmtWo 1
New York, Chicago, and Atlanta. was,4+crtinrat .iuw pbasea.4extmr•
old warns t.J, r• u! 1ate+.ML-1. tae Dame.
Man Ow a /mied?-ta•adtee Uwlugy
I/i.tINgeI.ied t•4ater.-.ta lel;.ertaat
J oetisem t -Galant PilleaelireP4.ts
A Wee or ewe Attest 'Sew P.Mkat/Se1
Menem* rime is Eau.
,p.ITTRLL'. 11%1No AGE.
The numbers .•f 7'1.. Liriwf 4y. for
October 18th and 23tb contain The Prest-
ress of Weather Study, \-idioms! Rerieu.;
Carthage, t uoteempurur' Errs.•,• : In a
Sunny Land, .411 the Year i:on0.44 ; My
Desist Island, .!/ocotillo,.'.. 31,1141:i,4e ;
A Mdiseval Popular Preacher. .\'ine-
tet*tA Cout:irv; Ou the Fighting Instinct,
Lua.iuntin'.. Sfuga_i.w : 0c et he's Last
nearly to data,mauy of thew aro aiustrat• Prier Clrmmilsinw Woke►rM:ee le Tweet).
and the .4 theorf.w for th.,
Tax METHODIST )1AtiAZINa row NO. KW. better treatment of crimlaals, t •. (r •atm'ut
sea, 1890. wbech would bays mote ,af the refswatin .ry
The Rev George Hood's tine series 34 principle in et than the urine:Ai, is. Top..
'Negatived Vilgnettes- downtime isi this The witonom were pri -Malty sheriffs and
cumber loufist* tp the ruined city of Jailors. partum W bo r Rival • y ietn comer
liaalbec. Lady Brame, rec,uuts her
nab the cronies! claw*.One wltw-a; •:)
closing experiences nu Au.tr•h* before psr•u1Y a ,eutkmn'o evh,, knew wbst hs era+
which wee (44412 14 aGou:, ltartkd !loss atmtltle.4)1 mal
calling 0n her return voyage,len f,•lkow ,c i;it. s by *tonna his teller that
so soon to end m a watery grave. Th. boy c.Iw101OA dam d not be herded together.
Iter Hugh Juhnstuu Ores a grsphie aa- but placed directly with aloft offenders.
,:umrt of hu visit to the famous big trees HI. rxp••ns.noe bad abeam bine that tore
and Ytowmne Valley of l'alfon•ir. Th. would not seek to further ouatemt:late m -re
edit of lade Others wore strongly in favor of pro -
0r dCSC nbes this rid hi
('ututance with its martyr memories btbititxr as a crime preventative, and many
Thew arttclea are all finely Illustrated other systems were 4CJIntiy touc-hed sp.a
An article of much interest by the die- as bav)nga tendency in the ams dirsctiva.
tiagoi.bed Canadian heerateur, J. Mac This tile of effort for thesslran ersuwt of the
dundd 4 Ixley, diacus.ea with ample raae Is unr of the hopeful Signe o1 the timer.
knowledge of the (acts the Northww•t Thoseioteostedtoworki°thenndprced01t
[udlaa yuernuo, and describe the ors- tbelriucipte that it is beet W toegul wits pine system sod much else of interest. '. ehjHMs,t In i it...1 r the work( V the
Knit Incsketch ut "Samuel Budged, the )4j 4.' ,0. h"I' the I cal aimt„,!.
h* Irl metent
R p R qL j•et U,e ral,laag ort thorns who hese euoruwtr
Successful Merchant, by Peter Bayne, ed 0, ve..„. erre:, the third 4* en4k'Avurio;g W
LL. D., wul attract much atteauou. esoertahl the bast lama of restoring tko..
"Jame., Blackte's Itoveuge" end "Hop• whorl w.ter•t r hal bad to restra+a for s ciety'
pity Bob" are two a*nkiuq oh.rsctrr g,a,l t.. ter ....immunity as law -adding eiti•
sketches. The a°mune, meoi for 1891 m !.. for the future. According to that(
presents some striking novelties in the several lights they have made pa`s's•', and
met the race will be benetittest
Days. Purtrei9litl y /root. ; Carlyle and , way of uwt-uf-the-way !caval, p.ep ebr the bum /s that io the honest furtherance 0f
0144 Women, Nadeau/ l(.•r..'.' ; A Tragi- `
e nation
cal Tortola', • ./u,•r,nf's Maya:.*w
M14boouedal.s at the Docks, .Pe/..lir 4Ipia-
Mather ; T"ruuto ; \Ver firlltgs.
• • • • • •
sun ; "Eh, but pt's Queer Altogether," TM tooth anniverery of the birth of Fiell-
Trntplr !far ; A Princess of Conde,A Remarkable roses. Marshall Count vow Moltke waaerlebrated is
�'.dlun,al ikr:.v' : A Physiologist'. Wife, a mariner nil.
eneuW snrate with pro•emtn-
ere'e of .we of the grea'est .. ommatiderr of
modern thee*. Germany has woo ).arab! in
this celebration. In Great Britain tbe chief
topics have A:n
.•em the impeach e11:Manley,
the African expdurer, by W J. Barttelot,
brother of Mejw Bartoekrt, commander of
Stanley's rear column, and who was shot by
a native. Mosley lays he era:: not mantete&
uund.'haakcs Me very ugly nl.,nnatitr*a;
while Barttelot, who published h:s brother's
diary of events in Africa Mat at Stanley
has m
not nest the iodk-t•nt against bks owe
act in coo cti.n with the rear guard, grave-
ly on horseback. as his own honor is by "comm coa.•Pt
iuolvcJ. Meurwbklr Mr. 4tanley nos b1.
pages each or more than 3,:i00 pitons der chandelier, by dim candle in tent, os .r.y to Ancerilm, maths mystery fasts!!
has seen (•
ots sten the distress and has rtun1- yea, the subscription price 88 is L,w ; Lake bhes e
alder. in cuuvent, at Bethel oared. The other topic of interest fbe
Mendel that public works begone on while for $10.110 the publishers otter to where J.ceb's pillow was stuffed with tea pushing forwara,,! r.tlwsy building la
feud soy one of the American Ilio month- dreams and the angels of the ladder the di.tr+end -districts of Ireland by ('aid
with to the extent of i -',0O0, ws 1 :. lies or wmkltm with TAr Lir...., An• f..r landed ; at the brook Kish, tom which tevcretsry Balfour. and the pr.hnt.Utiee
d. Li la of leo , little David picked up the ammoutttun of ti !...anent. 1f, as he claims, Prof. !sock'•
Tory new•eptl.rr, are, anyhow. .A
little time ago :hew were all ariti.gg
labored Article, to prove that there
was no shortage.of the potato crop it.
the Weld of Ireland, and consequently
no ver.; for aid to the starting people
of that, district. Now that Ramona:
hrutise t1uuM •t Nems, (IInnl• ! monk uq the "Lite of Che"Paler
and "Pale
tine and 4.a People." Some ids of
what the book cogitates and bow It was
prepared may be obtained by reading the
following extract from the Doctor's pre-
face :
••10 my American home, on the At-
lantic, iso Mediterranean, un camel's
6.rly .
Aar.: J..trreJ ; An 1114 Latter from th.
BJ4c, by Lady Eutl:.k., .II"rrdy's
ALeftr:iwe ; Parallel Passages from
!European and Asiatic Writers, AJidfic
Qr'.),l.rly lg•rinc ; Ober-Ammergau :
Behind the Sedum, Sp. -toter : and
the asset amount of choice poetry.
For fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large
to palace the means of sulxsistrner
within nerve of the tarn -de. the e•tst-
ebile ,Iiswutirnt Islitors state, that
tin• 4.111* ution of II. public works 116
just what 1. Ileetiel1 to ir•Iirye the die•
tress, caused by ole potato Wight.Tha•re i. iso curve w, thxri) that it
e t be made dry a Tory editor at
the 1a•Ils•4t of his pIrty' lender.
a year, both puatpai
Boston, arra the publishers. - rive smooth stones, four more th•n were rnnsumpt:rwl c'nra le a sure.. the "trim'
needed for crushing like an egg -shell the government' of the world should out allow its
skull of T *pilots sratexxe . mw NOVEMBER..f;oliath; in the Valle of *pgreat stat to stand in the way of the benefit
N. ri4rlrr'. Mu, r.ia: fur Novemer
carer which, at Jostle bbong within tbers446 0( the poorest.
I' .. s cumm.od, As -
contains three remarkable illustrated ' ' • ••
t •onomy halted ; on the plain of Padre,
article. of travel and adventure of Alder L.1' eh.. kale!. -held ..f .o.r It■ bone redt. The M''1''inler T' 4) tariff enacts that a
J.ty n[ Rua rents ps:r .dozen 44: all be collect-
ed upon na.pl'teed new fruit. it shc,prori4es
that eggs of birds stall be rednotted duty
free se
In an interview the other any, Do
inion Apprie'r G. W. Jetsam. one of tie
best tariff authorities in the e.untry, said:
"if 1n American importer .iter. a cassias -
meat of urns' eggs as eggs of birds who ewe
lay that they are not birds' eggs! No ose will
have the hardily...I to my oust a hen is
not a bird. Even if the collector •leci,kd
against inthe intergretatfoa the Importer
would�.bthe the
e entitled to get a ruling ref t
court. len e question. In remade
courts 'st 'stapes' a
t our tariff .trictly eoordi1g
to fu wording.. They amply tale tee Tariff
Elephant Hunting in Africa, a Pen,,us ^
the btu of the horses' bridles :amid the
voyage through the Canon ..f all, l"lo- i shattered masonry of Jericho ; in Jerome -
redo the first trap e'er made fr. m the Ism that overshadows all other odium ID
source to IA. mouth of that river), and re:ni,,i•ceuc, ; at Cana, where plain .s -
among with the White Squadron along , tar became festal beverage ; on Calvary,
('1(41tIitlllt's IIrye its claim in the most rational newt publishers a 11euslispirr 1s something _ the oteet of Freace. Another unusual
more than a mere machine for nothing whose aslant and ruptured rocks K►U
Tits; Toronto Work! gives ter fol feature is an article, A Day lYrth • show the effects of the earthquake •t the
manner; or Iuiul i11 its sign ns the
'fttE.. •.I I Scotch adage that '• )I/ny
a ulickle n.:.k'. :. 11111 •k 4•" lues Il:vn
exemplified ),v the :Irl11ratio) on the
Tot -lotto sheet 4:u ser. ice. Where it
ha. here show n that .4.' fares hare
run into iilliuns of dollars for the
lucky hollers of the ti,n,-hise fluting
the past twenty year. 4 4 ►ur town.
omit, '1V1 1►1:II.y, w,. one of the
sank,'.!*' rat one time. .1111 got a pr -
t' ..f the ••fat," de.
TngHI: is no kneei14 8. here the
Berri°ggs Nes and «, kINLR1 Bill
will ••nil. Lathe. ."ai.1.0 maks Ione
gine up one hundred 'WI .,•rat., Owing
10 the fnriuw, and if *4.. latter c+rn-
tInue4. b, live, 11111 111',..•.:,14 !MVP Its
ieling , I.,y. 11,l(•kerl..'k... will ha1P
14. 1e fastened 810.4 the knee.% Ansi
seen'. •,.•,4. w 111 'MN l• .1 11114 Of de-
mnarkatiol. running Ea •t anti V1 -rat
41.14711 the .stall of the l.ck,in.teael of,
a4 now-, u.'rkiugg in hart..,ny with the
tr)wsers to present nn e.eu trmprrw-
THE Morning edition ..f the Hami.l
ton `Ipeetetor has 4.114114 *0 44111.4, it
11/1 ing been'liM1,vered that the N.
P. did not ),(arae thing. sufficiently in
the Ambitious ('sty to warrant a eon
largest nrw.pller in Huron comity.
Ilut the Neu I'.rn .hesea want ex-
pert testimony. It ,.imply Wyant.
ev,•ry one• who has a f(ae• • *441(0 to
work :1111 measure its o its, and.
without kbate ing it .tin.innl col
tn1111 a I :'-stn (1114', ggtt4.judggneent t/tl
the 17A1W. Ihremet't the New Era
know that when 11 11e•, not know it%
own n►rasIllewlellts it Would 61•:t4. inn
pnssiPility for 7111 Hilt rained outsider
to form nn (pinion on the rave.
For pier, the Nf•w Ern Ila. hero
peeing 14s w i ♦ ofpiper, anti
!riming itself off on its sulewrilwrs as
such, whorl all the time it only gate
six col . and six -thirteenths of IS
column. stan(Innl measure, to ewcl
page. 1f any of titer readers have
td(wlrtS of chi. atatenlent Ne refer then)
• Se page :1 of the lastissue of the
New i'.rn. where, lessen-, 111ne• col-
umn.4 of stand/int nl4naure Appeared ..tine one elm* takes snuff
1 on that page, the 7th (<dumn was.' or A railway train recently
iter tie o-bv, and an ail%ertising - •
twine) ; they are 4141.4 1,, 414.x11.1 its re. tn.
nes or psulungg its mflurwle and inproving
its appl•tralne. l'orlahly tits is often
r,l,. Init 1h.• fart nrvrrthek•ws retiring!.
that the grams! 4.01.11. n.ually get. I.ctter
value for the money i1 tuts 11
1111,, A ew1
p■4p•r Ir it aelvertia, n
ug or 4.l milspU,,n.
- 11..,, 111 an). aother direction.
Tits: 11111.M Es •cyll(Iicate lin. put now
life into the neat% iy agitation, at any
rate. - -
BA IJtiu R, th(• Dill Secretary. is
evidently not '• the mien four Gale ay.-
1 hl his recent vita to that toothy he
was revel) tel with the utmost cool -
meet, while cheers loud And hew Mere
0%1'11 for 4)'IttIEN :14.1 1)41,Liet.
TnE Man1uis of Lomat pronounces
t l.AtarT.,»R's Irish joolicy n •• fraud,
funk and fell:ey.- Now, will someone
tell us what LAORNE. i. Heprofes 441
to la• n (11. et..T1.V O 1 r alien in l'4n,1a
4 Ir, tines he 114111. to .neere now whN•Il
q g
line wens run up the half -column in
ste1ll. We give this instance es one
14111411 would he apt to trip up an out-
sider in deciding the mow in point :
anti bemuse there are A number of
trick% in every track we want to !IAyr
tin°.nee of it* serape. The morning t`w'' exnnlination conducted by ex
Spectator was one of the best Corr ports who undor*tand the whole ins
xerv1tl..• 4Mpun., and fought hand ami out., of the eAse. We 11111.1. given
enough f.t tlw N, p, to (jsanrv' a the New Era a1! of fifty ilollar'a
batter fate But Ow policy of Re worth of tultrrti.ingg a1rN1117. "w(1
striding, 1. h.nl upon all Tori ti now w•r really would like to 10!1.!1'
Meed Will fetch the heat .4 the" 4tdhl�e ifty grad dollars from its exeh i i i»r
tbsywill persist in fibbing w1Ahwi a elealtlrvil,g( ellarityickktieh
«sseywhile their life laata. 'I doer!. That i. why err went it to eH
dthe tmornil.retwter'earaisobiosor
rept our 04111lenRe prvvi(waly mask.
Country Doctor, wriUsn, drawn and en awful of the bre wounds that
lowing advice to the l'ann41i).n geared ty the same ratan -!!crank French. purchased the world's rescue ; and with
--fanner Training SrMwls For Nurses are de- my hand mittenel from the storm, or
rockerxat. tunnel 1111011 the suloo.•t
of colt feet. .k elan with n quiet
face and a .loo- .once sail he Ile. er
had ('0141 feet ex.3pt w heti lee *laved
et hone " How is that t" *144141l an
anxious enquirer. " Well," .1raw-lal
the matt with the p**.-iel features.
" they •n• my wife'..
Madam Mercury : " During the
pant few week. TOR (loDRRH'H :4111-
'11 11.
4111-x11. 1188 been making 1►ig etriolra A
tine new pryer lies leen int it, the
interior 1 : have bean
.peasd up, a Inch make* THE MM..%Al.
not only the largest in the county of
Hume, hut alert (ere of the brightest
4 spar the tea(1P question will mod And new we want to stat* that and lost. Rm. Mellit menu is a
o14ly to tray, s' Here lies 1" The eves- TER 14lnlr.L ill unit only tie largest graduate of The Mercury office, and
hie lirs, it Dow Plod gra as double but the beat pe %!!heed in we an pkaaewd to hear end mea eri-
twsgR, alai his bee. ra1sestl M Mie the Hstrwt Timet, sad we will prove ileum of hie energy, ability amid me -
• ul4/. M+ V �� with Ms Hew Ls sea
scribed by Mrs Frederick Rhinelander wart from the Jordan, or bared to the
•• 1:4.,w aett,•t crops, two -rowetl harley. Jooe., who hu been interested la their
raise hews that will lay Ingram, tweed /42 A► ion 1r gliding over smooth tab:e, this
horses illstrw1 ..f >zl'3l ones, go In for cheese
and bullocks for the English market ; cul-
tivate thy Mone market for ,44 It 1aworth.-
It it, . cry good ser far as it goes,
lout it goes to show that the natural
iutrket for the :►scrag,• quality of
twn from the sty tint. There 1 book hes been written.is a '
serial tong
Jerry and at shortthe
K story h7 Fou This bbook will cartainly b. worth, Act, read the disputed pan4.
ragh, and decide
fitlm.nn, the author of Mrs Koolly. reading and preserving. it s not only aI .steeling to the w.rdulg. Thi. question in
Two sonnets m Cardinal Newman ere life of Christ from an entirely new stand 1 chi. a. i „is)...„mkt gr, isegee. birdst
point, bat it is also • very interstellar and it M Int difficult to ala what the piling
M the aged Irak poet Aubrey dei history of a country .od people whu'11 world be."
Vere, and by Inigo Deane, a disciple 1 occupy • pr erinent place in the thoughts I • • • • • •
and (cited of the late cardinal. A t )n
our produce a has been the United stnkmgly melodlo01 ■nonymoul poem,
States. I:nt w bile the :•':,U hone is In Br.c.tiands, and the last of Prof.
8hdei's papers on Nature and Man in
gel -ming to nwtturtty Ant many of America are among the other features
then! have art t) 1e foaled how i. tot the seed*. Frederic nilliere, R. F.
the hors.• lre•lrr t4, live? And 111( Zoghaom and Frank French Illostrete
single article. It i• a raoet interesting
regards Irergrr eggs, lid not a l'on'er- number and oosts only Zb oenta.
.atite member .Ix or WYPn yenta 3gg(4 HALPER'S MAGAZINE 701 11OV1NRwa.
"4ti111 upsell the• floor of the Howse r'b. Norember number cf Hnrprr'A
1/ completes the eggbty first
and !senses of all Chris tan lion . Tee me Iron and Patel Institut. at press
large number of excellent pictures of
places and scenery in the Holy Lead
with which the volume is illuetrated
Rive it a special interest and rano.. We
cannot all go to Palestine, but this
elegant nook, through the aid of its
pictures end Dr Talmage's wonderful
descnptoes , them, brings
Palestine to oar very doors. Th. book
u indeed a positive necessity to a proper
ng of the Bible eeenunta of
places and erects. We an understand
and appreciate Bible history all the better
when we ase photo,ersphie representa-
tions of the pplate where this history was
THRONE" marks a new era in the
literature of Bible Lands, and we *re not
surprised to Imre that the demand for
the book u I. It is *Aloe the party will be composed d etre Royal (isema-
elel..ty territory bases, and persons Meek the 13th of 11aas11ton rad the Damao
desiring to moans monies will filed the t01111*al' of the 771►- • . •
publisher's in another
column. Judge lion, of Ottawa, has given a Mi-
mosa which airs the tw.OossibO lty ata ease
pant for its agent% tr.weaetlont 0.e Brows
paid the ars! premiums m the iwaerewes
potters of ewe w, whose *41914 eattowa were
subsequently rejected. As the !lent d lka
asamsey had rwedved tb. mossy, the judge
hold tke enmpay Wena bound to repay Mr.
Prows, mrd gave lodgment to plea for
. 4.9..:unr
this' the National Policy hail mole 'Zoe el this popular periodical. Tb.
the hens hey bigger eR4fs' Yankee frontispiece of the issue is Alf illostratioo
cl.r ss•, eggs, beef, barley or hones tie for Lad tams atkilo on "A Win-
ter Juofeeroe toeJa w"rrip Canada, he -
not compete in our " HOOD. Market." ins • photo -manuring of • triple -peaked
mountain of the Rocky range- 'The
Three Haters, Caumore. ' The first
srtlal.-"Oor Italy" -i. an ialnaarsted
paper by Charles Dudley Warner oe
e.etbern Cahhrsia. Other articles are :
c M
Dar M.tertrunk," a of
the festival play of Rothenberg, by E.
W. Mealy, with nine illustrations ;
"Pnnemt:)o ('vra" by W.
11. Sloane ; "ni4'rbaneity•sod."
rad CoonmProf.ereial
Chili," by Th•000r. Child (Jieeteated);
"8wits.rlaed and the tiers," by 8. H.
M. Byers. The fiction of the numbs
is comprised in an illestrsted story by
William Rl.ek - "A Halloween Wrsith;"
sa irstalment of Alt horns Daudet's
homeroom meet, "Port Toreson' ;"
"Portraits," • story by Roth Dana Dr.-
per, -
and "Madrilee.: or, The Festival
of the Dead," by Orem Kiss. There
are poem+ by Julian Hawthorne, Rues
Hawthoese Lathrop, Blurs Carm.e,
Arai. Fields, 8 Weir Mashed!, M. D.,
LL. D., .ad Arehibald i.amplawm. A
drawing by (yarn da Meatier affords •
solution of a dill[wlt problem to Toone
mother. The editorial d
are fat) and intensities.
.lx F:.TI'ITR wax MAI& some tett
y.•ar'1 ago ;1. 1/1 the amount of patent
medicine's user' in the 1: 18144.1 States,
and it ices channel that an average
of 9'2 per lead wen annually spent on
pills, conliels, pain-killers
mcrrifs of a healing nature. in
('an rein w,• Iiy proportionately as
much of these nostrums. (In thin
Iwlsis the Mee little sum of *41,000
would he .pana annually by thin town
for nie.Iit•inc, irrre.pective of what
goes into the pockets of the regular
phyaicisnim But the fact that (lode
rich ix pm well situatesl for sanitary
purposes prevents a. Mw A physical
e)11litinn 11* 1., the lot of le'.11 for-
tuii*tr town*, An(1 no we behest. that
$$,000 is ton high a figure for data
triune .:' this pisoP. The amount of
money Rpent to *ihertiaing petent
mein -Most io also snmething .,urprie
ing. it is away up in the millions
of dollen on this side of the Atim.tie.
Tm■ wear
The tweet third vela. of Al -
den's Memiklldm Iselai .
the tiller from M=eato !M esal 1.
Aoesgg the anions, era *dies the
htagreghiu td moray aseleemt Mm
visiting (•.nada, draws its members not
merely from (scald Britain, but from tiler -
many, France, .!!stria. the halted !state,
and otter" mineral producing ermines M
the two oontioeato Mass members include
all the most prominent caps tali'« and mem a-
fsetnrtws In the Iron and duel trod* los the
work!, and their study of Canada% lalwstal
reati irri. will undoubtedly have a bsmmiteW
eaglet. The members were mitered lard dur-
ing the past week by Haedltos city sed tie
Ontario ( ..
••. •••
TUT' (, 'Suzy review this year
will be bold ear place between ReasiNom
and Toronto. The officers and ms will tis*
be est down In • country rat which they knew
Dodds, and can gain knowledge only by a
skillful presides of the art of war. The (Jews'*
Owe will form the dsfoam, sad the etlsek4.g
Mt little, Zurich, who broke his Ie;
about two months ado, was net on the
street the other day for the fret time
sinew the saddest. Re had to wee
On Wednesday of last week whim A.
Curie and family, Brussels, were ewpoy-
Mg their dieser they were startled by a
midden howling of a dog sad when Mr
Cerny went to the wood -ailed he based
his stills, "perp" bed f.11w into the eis-
terve, which w.. mealy fell of water.
Neth one grip .1 "Bears'." .tree. arta
the maim was removed (rem 14 esti bath
more .eared than kart.
William Berrie, a well-to-do farmer d
the township of M.eris. Int him two
valuable haat barns sy M Teed�/
eight, Out. ltltb. abseil a .#.leen. i1.
larger one was 71 het by 10 wad the
smaller 34 by 30. They eistmise4 this
ssems'. .roll Mos Implement..
Les Mk�
ei.4 as 141417
r iesslsmies of
e • • • • •
Dr. G. M. Dawson sod Kr. R. W. tk rod,
of th. Casella. Renlogdeal survey, bare re-
turned two )tesww attar *dr Owwy'b tlMIL-
Ehe east In southern SHIM Oellumbla, nod
tar Weer In sert►wernien Oideele and Now
Brwm.wiek it is wwdeel.eo4 that they have
made a great maty rNwwsl Mn.r.et.., and
their reports ns their eh
d b Assn eewidslwMm tlptttlaw gee=
al reaowee e,
• • • • • •
Th. arm that throe bola heel beat!!!. w-
ether had sem/ 1M.P4rgelar alone M
Math la OS 44 tela rasatatil walk horror,
tye�m.t the M
BRt olds d wwEsws Ware Oa PtMe
am.w■ lbw a !heaped a1r the !rales Int
beam roue+ I ilathas 1M, r appnmR/
OA tic !.sweet It. air daft ,