HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-7, Page 2r
sTAew..so ISS7.
• 8 00.000.
SpeeW Attention Sirens Is t%. Oolloctlon of 0 wtuserolal Paper.
and Farmers' Saler Ng toe.
The Ilana:•r of
has p moire n aOno n .. - ..•• Indies of Ooderloh and v o .nity that she heel becurcd the
services of
Miss Nellie IDoz:Lagh.,
who haw had wveral Tears:
t; W. .1
�,. ''j•-ordially invites their inspection of
The Sale of .'i ij" ick still Continue3 t- make room for, New
?lt tf
Having decided to go out of business, I will sell my entire
stock of
At prices away down. Lades may expect
'"Stock mast '..t oared off in two months.
-;-tf North side Square.
A Thrilling and Dram-
atic Novel
have opence out a large aNsortlnent of the newest styles in'
Hats and Bonnets..
Fancy Birds' Wings
And Trimmings.
- AAle0-
Please call and see.
Two doors from Square, North -et. 73-tf
16th and 17th.
We hay• now on band a complete stock of
Vasevma AT NOUN
MARION, not being deaf. wee
compelled iu spite of honed, to
hear at lime the loader portion
f ale argument hetwels alta
physician and the cobbkr. in-
, helm&
o-,holing the flight of boots front
- the street ,ler to the stain.
Mean ....ale, she must wait in patience till
star .boreal ! we her father and koro to keel'
hint Whatever flat impulse had suggested
rasa' e- aid find iso cause for :mistrusting
Lank lir had bly impressed her;
and such an impression could readily pan for
the natural rec..gliititn Lot ween kindred
-which they my is thicker than water.
After what wowed au interminable laves
on the doorstep, her host carate Into the
parlour flushed and triumphant, f sIiowed by
ber Mmes.. !,..king coal and mini.
"you'll extols.. your being left aloes so
long, Mi.. Furness," said the 1) ctnr; •'1 ut
• profreooual m am can't eel] himself his own
nutter, you know -not for an hour. Pa-
tients neser stn he got to oh- •rve consult -
Mg hours. awl they will persist in c en-
ing in erowde. Awl a, r.. their meaner* -
well --.'
"Mini Furness e s would like tdeowe her room;
aal.i Mn. Snell. sharply hal nerdy. "I've
tidied up the teoont-fluor tack as beat I can.
And an you're going to that groat .inner up
in Gown, I've arranged to give Mies F'urues
her r fre•tim as saw as the things se.atet La
in your way."
'What, Julia!do you suppose 1 don't know
my ooaunen better than that to leave a
lady guest to feel all alone with you the
first dais she conies ! No. welt all dine to-
argether: and. mind, I say dine. •liefection'
be --Hanged. '
"Then I'm surd I don't know where to cat
en,ugh off that c ,ld knuckle for the two d
yon.' sighed Mrs Snell. "It's tree I mists
seal out for chops again, now things have
took another turn. only we shan't get the
Ming in tone; and we nurse have a new grid-
iron. And 1 thought you was M went the
College and owl a pyper-"
Why. where are y.wr wits! Didn't 1 tell
you I looked at my list, and found 1',1 made
a mistake --that paper on f
flied for -well, not for t,. -day. Didn't 1t
Well. wit u, anyhow. One iliac be expected
to keep a million it. due's head,
ae if they were n many -r' many --idea•
And if the lobate College of Physician,. wee
to go down on their 1s•r,kd knees to ask ma
to read theme a bun rel impen, do you think
1'd throw over Miss rune a the tirxt day IS-
I to a on:r
The Doctor's right hand made • wave to.
wards his heart, an be bowed and beamed.
Marlon followed Mrs. Snell up to the narrow
,taire, whose carpet grew more
until it disappeared. into • room with • crazy -
hooking bedstead in acne corner, a rush -boa
bawd chair with a broken Leek. and as
apology for a toilet -table in the window,
furnished with a distorting mirror, a been
jug filled with water, half • take of dry wrap
and a cracked amen tureen. Tho looked onand;shwtinlow,
without a build, looked a patch of n
aid • demertesl brickfield to& (lack horizon u1
complicated railway line".
"I bole you'll be able to make yourself
comfortable," .aid Mrs. Snell "But l'ne
afryde'-•w won't," she added, in • time that
very distinctly. implied. "And 1 dee14 Uy
dont mean that you shall." •
"I'm sure it will do very nicely, indeed,"
Mid Marion, though rather blankly. "Please
don't give yourself any trouble, 1 don't want
to give any at all.'.
So humbly and s, sadly the poor girt an-
swered that Jona. Snell, despite the preju-
dice against personal beauty, tuned sharply
nerd with a les stony look in her eyes
'•i'm told how yon just let your mammal,
Miss Formai. is it true!"
if the wear aid down -trodden woman had
osly been • little ma awkward she would
have opened her arms and made • friend for
ever. She might have felt that Marion was
thirsting for a touch .r • word of sympathy
.-of a woman's sympathy with • woman,
which, If not always the beet, is still the
most needful But that is as much as to say
that she might have spread her wimp, and
flown ovelr•(he swoon.
"Yea." saki Marion -it she add any word
at a11.
"That's a pity. Though if ht's true she
lied a bit of a bee, of course it's slot so hand.
And a precious big bee the mast have had to
marry Adam Furnes -a regular number
"Be is my father," mid Marisa
"No offence, Cm our,. Thumb I wouldn't
be touchy about that, if he was mine. ll.
was • coal tisercbant, and brought us op to
!yeller -though I darsay you wouldn't think
it, now. Thera It you rake anything you"
ve been ace•Momd to, tab the hairbrush
and Isomer the floor: my mow is just be-
Marton did tram • great 'many things: but
she certainly bad 00 setae d
back bodes whres whole bearing seemed
dellb.rstely repulsive. For bed she bees
much more favorably impressed by the
vaunted manners of her bort, *hirh weaned
to bar a trifle over -flowery. Ko As sat
down on the edge of the creaking b.d-
stsad, and cried with aU her heart and
e Ai est, what sounded like • el•wseiag 0t
• pair of tongs owe a trotray warned her
that she must raters to the parker. I.
had more than half • mid to Pled a head-
ache, and go to bed; but her Iseg'gey had sot
yet arrived from the matins, sad ik• had
many misgivings as to what Mrs.
Rash's treatment 4 • beednehe sight to
SA • -Ola•• Armment for the chetah'
welt ea* must have • cannel ub-
to alglthilares to comma with the
fled Tot retele doctors, and big pots too,,
Mil N y.dbmr tlsall, Webs a curt Ay,
wbo'U SU you that piecrua , and shall-lsh,
and •l1 those wort 4 Wpm are unwholesome.
That's all pmtuuo, Miss Forma I'm •
specialist on hygiene, and 1 tell you that the
more curttpkie the creature the moo ca es +„ dull herr. Yrs l/ntrtama"
Ned tier, is ialso erg l M 1 a,mhos,diet-and what fumed things oHN
erect oro is so complex w was, mhos, indeed, "Drell f Iu.iseJ, a.' But of 1t had tws-
it be nooses Wol.mne to Supinsyse Ter I'm acre you're both of you been vary klu&
rate, Miss Furor. Julia, give Mies Fur- u Miro •
Y F and la 1 don't allow w way le it for -
lhaselsg yes all uta es.'
••L n thasotktsg I was do -Y11 1p Whitm
, Ttil what, Yds Ynnamer
'TUI ray fatless ma
r co"
Ob -you're ioing away, cheer
"I deal know," sighed Marlon ••I dcs%
liars /myth,* yesummit-I su.summit1,ras11.
1 uoly know one thing. _ coat 4w w dodos
.otbuag all any days."
"It baguet seemed w ora like a if you'd
nee. au oyster -rhe looks tired." hay tether's .ak.' have yuu known Ilea-
Marion had to uakea pretence of eating. lunge'
earl of devi fro:a the teacup. the ne•,tal- &oa• sur:, .I a ....on she had twee Iuraing
yi.cy e;,aldljj r falliu; to Moe it•telL t' to put goer ewe. .!••• (.-Ran to valuta that
*lately her wast of appetite peeled seubscrv- bar hob, wee longaa�-•+wed• lo=
.I by the itootor, ,rho, reducing his medical aba bees ks wan, e►e „r•shas, put Y
principle' to praet ea, nide I entire circle hew nu` M .bite Iii Yrs gjegges repellent
of We dishs* and t I. •a irbegau at the begin- ways.
"'YAPS mid Yrs. Buell. "H• won't bare
snake much 4 us, though, d dungy' --desacs•
than of Botta! B'y."
Marin fluehed crimes. Thh' was not
what she hal tumid to bear. Nat that she
suspected Mrs. Snell of finding any comfort
in alluding to mitten that aro gvawrally ig•
noe,d among friea(ia
"1 kuow-but be is innocent,- said she hot-
ly, but yet awwwket feebly
"Yak Mise Purees 1 If course. People
that go M liot'.y B'y always are Anyhow
they're 00 woes than Mien that don't go: t+ -
it'.all the eosin," said Mrs. Brit bitingly,
ampriaing the latest novelties in BATS. B(►NNKTS and their trimminfia. Ala. a
fall *tock of LADIES' axed CHILDREN'S I;NDERVE$TR.
XII ars cordially invited to ZSR our stock. n per cent. off for ceah.
73 2m.
313 E. BOLANe De
We•t •t.
Has just returned from the Oity with the latest styles in
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades
in trimmings a specialty.
Remember the .thud--gamllton-st., between the
Square and Newgate-st.
The best
"The Signal" is the b
in Huron, Perth' and
n t1
••Wall have in grand piano to -morrow,"
said he, lighting a cigar. "Mrs Wynbars
Knell is paslooatuly fond .1 music. 1.0 _
sing. of coon? live ubeerved that • beauti-
ful voice always goes with eyes like your:..
And .'o du I. W e'11 leant .cane duets togeth-
er. I'm au operat.c tenor -up to C sharp;
I've takes tate top b: list, r,al chain voi'e, Lie -
1 ,e.w. People toseeda't to know th • difrr-
cute Iw•twess lee awl I:iugliw. and 11 you
dug half unmet .0 you speak, we'll make a
•'Wyndhata," „ai•1 Mos. Snell. "people
don't sing before their III Aber. are half cell
in !heir grave."
l'os't tbeyi • It ease rat. 1 III .t • But
it don't take loot„ ;wt whole oil l: and
t hen -'tell' '
Day by day, elm ,.t hour by hoar, a (nine -
emanation crept v i.tbly ..ver l:uparueryae
Terrace. Piggott'. Town The louse grew
grad redly turnisluei.: Mnr ou load atm let•grr
Ito deep in a chamber that a maid -of -all -
work at.mild have ...reel A ants a .d
a beer. • staid folk,. d, to get on as lee' they
ruighi w,tb Mrs -;. I. ,'ie meals - .ca .a
fresp:ent, ken chs.....•. and kiss oil Thy
grail piano eipp'a '.4, awl be tome uuZ;c
magi.- ',vas w1u6.1*zed thr.,uegb ens front lar.
Au 1 forthwith, strung • to way. the pat tots
who hart hithertopatr,o•UL•d rho simple .l ',o-
piate of E. lytYti, Ka -2..•l, felt a town 'ewe
that dr, -w them to 11 -voltam Sneil.M. R 1',-
14., i,. A. C., Phy •,eras. Surgeon. and Ac-
oancheur. In tae ul ruing the tit.'r hid no
kogrr W stand at p aria eind,,w, met-
ing, envying. and :--:•nmiug 111. mail . 11.
himself in such su11-11 ie.puest. that !:ad hit
let:elite only been ...f the paying ...rt. 1.e-
might haves -it np a ..rriagr on the eteen,td
of his practice alone A. for halite. the wit
r.duci-t to wsndern:„ about the h,uee, u sl
GI c!inihist /pad roc' robing the stain for :he glimpse was not a pleasant one.
e .out ..1 anytiiag 111 the world t ) do. lima Fortune e \ire. Snell p t.r rive! some symptom
34i0 l 2L.ot of a t..t:.ekeeper Launtl.l; Llai oI • start, or some shadow 01 a shoulder. 1.4-
teeee of her *rciept reign, and th..1t:.; the ting tier know that s11• migut enjoy tier de -
rep me e f the grave no ,vmtort, but a wears- lightful minuted vengeance on • girl who,.
1141* to brain had iserc eves W ynIbam. inspired by champagne, bed
Ma• eon went. t, •;cv. And if her Ural let- only yesterday compared W stars in a hal*.
ter hail been ha•.1 to write, what had t11ie t> Bum In 3 hale, inded-gas_lamps in s tog.
be! After all, :1 i; oath thing to sent..(. ..mel more likely. Mn. Shell had thought weal
owe bean to ,leati,i--It is another tbm4 to
deal the blow. Bn: is had to bedo.r.
"It Ismd all be over. Ib reit ask me w -:1y,
it is no fault of mine -none of your.. Teat
A Special Line of
and waking her calico scream "But all the K i d Gloves
same, Miss F Omagh you mayn't
think it. I can't help .peaking out my mind
if I was to die fur it- 1'.1 sooner bed dyed
there, and not cotne troubling respectable
people over here."
Marian had never noosed anything 10 any
woman so addible a. Mrs. Knells manner
chi. morning. Hubert , ,be had ++u o0 her
bastes only an nn;arly, 'elf -effaced silent
!wain. capable of being thrrwtsh now mid
then, 11101 and . , but ntberwLee
1 by her husband's airy bril-
liancy. This morning, however, her grtni-
ote, was positive and emphatic, there woe
an almost cruel glow nn her naturally dull
*yea. and 'be bit cff the eats of her ,.upon
a. If she were snapping !ive flesh by deputy.
Auld there is a way of .swim; to which the
operator c'as»s to tar the diligent mei home..
los housewife, mei r..,100ly nothing buts
• handmaid of lochs -as --a s:itcber of
It was es ii she had .a.kteoly caught •
gimlets of .care• profound tragedy enacting it-
self in a !etch kitchen. -s drama .1 paetioa
gruteeluely emp1a.ised by vulgarity. She
seeawd for a moment. to see into a rout that
she could not cvmprehe at ani the baffling
ball 1 can trli you, :ow or ever. \-un must
Eras if there were n•, me hi world That
oogbt to be eaty- tor a man. 1t is only 1. . of (i.e innocent ones, of sone: oh,1t
to k on • few week. es 1: they hal 1.• •a 3 ooun.,00e of the innocent once! As 1 sai 1 be -
dream Do not try to find me. Yon wolf fore, those sort 'Away* are."
only distress me bi-eo rel words; and-.. I "I wish, Mrs. 8•dl," said Marion, very
,hall take Dare not to be found Only for quietly indeed, "you would tell me all vo•
got u:, ---that is all.' Mow of -cif my tatlwr It'* always asst to
,lh- 11.4 better l..i-e tl.rown the hitter in.., 100* the worst that can be said • f Mytsaly
the dite4 for it never mw the inside of also, at case; sad then, von rete. thew can neva
talky. be anything worse left M hear. And --for
Julia could chant on her lingers the num- 10at--f•: rtMvery wont, I mean, I don't tbiuk
her of or -micas oo Mute!: Wyndham 111.1 Ica, do better then coote-to yu"
spout an evening at home during their r.-..- She kokdher bets -"w very- steadily is tine
deuce in Piggin'. Town -eight she made it, eyelets she .p*kir. and was uw' by a sharp,
counting one., wizen the line was bins -tot by quirk ^lanes that to soy. "Oh,
a railway ao, i•t ot. earl three times when hs young lily ' you've got' a epee' of eerie
wee out ut -•'rt. ata! wetuted nursing -'.•f -.re have you, b.4 1,14 theme 4aekadaisisal ways!
Marion Purl..•• 03,10e Within t . first nits Then so muck the worse for you."
.lays of ber visit, hon ever, hes eyed at home" -Um sorry you've that .opinion- of lee.
too fewer than ..'ret i iii., It was true lie
hada separate real •:i for every one of thein.
Oo Monday. for exempt*, lie had to reel up
a ,-ase of pericarditis itis that hal come b_f_ re
tem in i'I( m,•roing: un Tueslav be was tired
is oh his growing psae 'tee. and needed t.. go to
test .arty : on Wednesday it mined; eaThurs-
day i 'r. e";.•I a.unanrus from Mrs 1'ai•po;
ad nal, and .. on. No pse ible d.je •t. '.i
could over be made to car of bG nth -oath
tetras chum 1iu. there was the our far: 1.0
Julia --that girl.
Ile bail not bra al.:.• tag yet to bring el.ut
the died. Kut the greet piano had not ten
..•ojun •l into the hem, foe nothing, as j be
nos really wa,wthing ,d a mambaao, eves
th digit it was he Isirw elfwho had asi 1 too. H•
.. uld shag I:ght anal easy eongsi in • nlertwtnt
a..ie•• mid a pleasant way, doiog special justice
to p submit• 4areases - indeed. be hal quite •
knack of t.eiehin;g tb,ae.eu.s•r e.rn'n of the
heart that are only to is, stirred by certain
waste and cer,a.n wounds, ant then with a slay
and Beret rapture that is lander to hear the"
leen. Mane. was in the motel to be moved
by slight things: and Mrs. Snell. though Im-
poryas t.. muds. Mer.•If, e.ull not fail to
ereeive how Marion listened when tt'yd-
ran. played Though teethes. herself, .be
e ,nil he jeale*.ly aware of the effect of the
subtle fluttery I..stowel upon the vain heart
o1 man by anent atteutimi: and her punt
e ratted. Never had 11 yalham stayed at
home to play to her. it is tents that there had
t tm.n till Dow any instrument te play on;
but that wase detail The prineiple remain-
ed tee eine.
Then • bnlli•i,ey--t.. her mind, at Mast, a
brilliancy -mine into his hone talk that be
had .mainly never wasted time hie dotere
attic hearth for many a king day. it is tree
that letter may rend a anon's
spirits up, just es a good meal decently
nerved nay keep a n15a et Irene whom a diet
of pickled gherkins quite naturally drives
abroad. The poor pial., woman at over Iwr
poor plain awing in the Pemba( .thy nee oc-
fcupation she ..mild retain in her own hand*,
and wailed his bri:'innry and her beauty
MI the needle seemed to mistake her Seel
for the calico. Not that for • moment she
found any !lame for Wyndham- Whet
.mild he, poor fano., do, with he anen•ptl-
hihty awl his own power to charm, when •
.away girl Won making eyes at hires, sod
lottag tnrleneh.dy and dentine, and humor-
ing hie musical bobby, and altogether behav-
sc. inn.
• Of c.u; s', you're not answerable for you:-
ourfather." else Mid "sodon't take ,,genre when
there can't he blame. All I know it tbers's
*tale nano -eat people better in jylltha', mine
guilty one out. and Adam Furness Is cos
Ale() A (.INK OF
in Black and Colored, r:T.
Don't blindly follow your political leaders into all the dirt They would lead you late, he ahoy
Grua or Tory, but ausert yourself. think- for 'soiree( and
throe• quit reading tbl' us mon as you thiel ,t is an advt. _mot because evenbo.ly elm
would. but go on. lead :t through. u may de you geed. therefore
Don't gelled patronise •:aide. the 1)i-u:;lend Just because so many others Idea It the prosier
thing to do. but look for yourself hoed see if his stock is net right. his work alwa:e first.
1.1. deabrg. sawn)• hwnorabl. and his charges as low an poweible. :and then Joe
will kcow that 1.e .e the asap to enmity the mediates* for yourself. your loved apes. your
town .mrvsala, your mato servants. Tour bonne ant cattle: in shore to sum up she whole
•- -.r our afetal Polish .any .; tantit) • for stove ni••kele.
GOODE'S "BLACK CHERRY," for Coughs, 25c.
HONEY COUGH CURE for Children, 15c.
Adam *u: jus re cured -nut a result. 1 dIdut its! 0e not orcupioil is doorway. Mari
see thins clear then. br:ng oniy an innocent would byre keit the geek at neer, laavis,
slipcf a girl - llrw Sorll to espial , and have got bee
so Mrs. $Lucid bad 00e.e been a girl: aa thin;,s ready tor s acting by the time that the
was over. As /1 Tree. however,
it a aiw.ys the w ..n 1 trines that eatthe the lee Could only retreat to the new mirror ova
minl the rugae at on Liar h riot u the Hart fireplace. and turn her back as
g reeted as great r,t1•s, Marion .xugilt toes. � rep uPou 7
cele vagu •ly specneaUng what kind of girl storm that was b. cites
Ute. Snell road ever have been, ur how long Ind It did cur. She taw in the snore
it took, sod by what poser, to develop guy the do,et. is t,Massnt snide suddenly torn 1.a
• girl into• Mr. Nadi a ,iogularly ugly /UPI umpires -ant one.
-But I grew wiser, very *lion. Tine was "Julia," said be. "they don't build tibio
Mat 1.•vu.gamr--N nut Iuy Motional up walls in Pitgg.d't Town, and 1 heir' savor
with ell e.s wickodI*10, s•, that he c, uidn t word. This young lady'. father has p.laea
dare tell--• ptit' is tin, word they u-.. .tad iter under my prob..tura . and she .dun t b
1hr yes ii, bring, with all bo genius, just .5 insulted by you, if you were fifty wise. A
in.. • %at aM1 uo-.uy+-••tily; sea baby, he fel: If 1--e- eantle•atan. if ever there was •ne-
in• trap. a rel in 3 remit. of weeks he tics• would Liu• advantage of a beautiful •.
en . +.. tool los "wr.." . harming girl : as ,f • young lady like 3,11.
Man..o-amt what's the gond of arzu:ag era
"'Slat timer asked Marion. rondo/illy a born fool ' No, Mhiu. Formes. -you sial
feeling her eyes giving way led .re :.:era. not 1.• dnven away. This home it yowl
Nne1!'. , gaze *al if vow go, then -mark my word., Mel
"Ab' i'wlued Kat that Cie 10 ,-til to say. Wyndham tenell--I go t.... There, ]lies Ps
It's enough. 1 should think, that pore- W vole tow, you cant my the age of chivalry is ile
tam. instead of beta; President of the Col I'm your mewl . a d ball• e.
Mk. Furness," sail rile. "Aa if i was al- lege of Physicians, and me being Lady Buell,
ways on the kook -out for evil- when lin the lase had to grind and grovel away in Ptg-
lmt ever to do such a thing. • only 1 cal... get'. Town. But I did think we were rd d
p opts as 1 find 'em -tint'. all. %%lbeu I - e him -and now --
a younx
.waydunz wocuso nakic•g a fool of a onset- not "And now, tent Swells"
that n man awed* nmeb making -1 oast des "Aad mo*, M if be hadn't done e.osgb,
tori i .t•.n't. -and when I ..e an elwra,W keiEEat you here to steal away my own
creta ort touting lack from tbe btlirs to Moblec's fancy under my own eyes"
make m.s.•bier of all sera in a hsppy Fag' She moll not have meant to bring her
Leh home, 1 can't undertake to approve." oare." trIUmpla to. • more resole, "lima*, but the
'•Well," ,ai,l 11511011, "1 *am .1 ms tett- throat was irresistible, and passion bad car-
er will Awe c,aue: and then 1 shall won go- sled her away. An iceberg could sot be ex -
Never mind 1.•l:ing me any mere, pe•tad to keep 14b.ad if it suddenly disco
• •Ther.•-, u', call to leap one .o .bort up," veered Inuit to be a volcano-- Etna would be
said Mn. Knell. Iris. had no intention of Ing- outdone.
in; euro a chance ret givutg • few Ind min. Marion's lseia whirled and reeled as if
utew t . a girl with stars in a law. "I'm sea Mn. Stell had rims hied dealt her a sadden
1'11 tell you everything, and welcome. seeing blow with her open had. Whet mould It
vow want t0 know. I1idn't your momma meant That she hal barn 1111N115( to her
ever tell von why Adan. Fume., waesent to eater•+ .*racy she had od mune bees per`
130' uy It y • Not 'Twee for forg.ry -which family •ere: but this last monstrous charge
p•..pl' tacit to be ban.; .1 for. and serve •em ilad thrown discredit esovir1 word. That
right, say I. Beanie then. when they get - .1e Mould have been cent tato tggot'. Town
tor, they can't wren mischief -making over to make love to Dr. Wyndham ttn.0--it
them that may have t;,eir weak pointe, lite walk, be ridiculous hal she. been in any other
the own, per rrvntures can't lelp having mtood. there hal tweeo a time when she could
s ens. but would la• right *sough if they're - have laughed it away with a word : es s oeme-
ouly let alone. Perhaps. ][1m Furors, you'll thing t000tterly absurd Macias even • mom -
perceive why I've no love dost, for Adam Fur i 'nth shame. Before she mold recover be-
Dere when I tell you he's been our ruin --and wits 11,. Beall aniseed her still more by
oaybe de's being our ruin over again. Teat's bureUng loth tears
why people ought to be hanged : of curse, Nor did poor Mens RaeU know in the least
tueani.g nobody in particular, Yis Furies, bow to cry. 111e had no doubt had plenty
.d nymisg no nymee, but worm of 'am all of aces, but had hitherto had no leisure for
the .ossa.. Cil telt you rho whole story of . Kernig the tsaM but dangerota meow
one of the sort, if you've sever heard it, mid .ptlehm*at of gra+sfd tears. Her eyes swell-
bavmt got •ohM do " dad boiled over ber sharp nre reddusad
"Yo must goyto.n; now,"mid moue, "1` . .d swelled: ad *4)151.10 of tbaLen done
beard 100 mDin net th beer a8 " - her cheeks we
e too Melody to be mesa And
'• 1 boot know ab nit 'seta,' Mk. Pornea then she did not lea the rain root, a an -
But, to oblige you, 1 will. . . . Meaning other woman wtuld. but fnoght lard L
nobody in part4"utar, and eyeing no nym s. swallow it down.
Dr. Moell. *ben fins I knew hint, "It is hard," .bowed. .' After working for
wee misting a medical gentleness in • die- him -ed being tree to him -all them years.
pessary -w111 be wow like • young male 'n years 'o years, sod now just whoa we're
will be that's worth his salt. but as Meyer as Metter off, and patients awning at lad. --to
be's high, and if they say there wee any have another women come hetween-sod you
elevwtaese in him. then they 8e. You'll an- en pretty and he such a Pool'"
denotes& Miss Purview, that the girls awl to Hideous sod grotesque se was the igbt,
be afterbim, poor fellow, In rncbanl shoats. Minima mold not help feeling overwhelmed
However, be enteric.' the only ane of 'on all with pity for the woman wbn ked bean nur-
Uat earth •r lifted • Sugar out of bee tray dreg a mesndr,m delusio
la him, which that one nes ma . few held out her hand.
Of coarse, a men like him, with his talent. "Indeed, Mrs. Snell," who mid. ")roc are
and arerynptimInni lb, couldn't he eapeeted wrong as maid tea As U 1--•s if anybody,
to aped all Iis comings at how. esspeoially meld 'hint enythiag d Dr, Knell, except
when the dlapessary abut as basing* of an that he W been very gcwl-natured and kind
ing at only 'liner ,I4Mt /Iris know hoer / •dcrtnaate •oelbdeat wtt41ogt 1Nyadham los M a very stgld ad acne I. aOnY girl .and a0
If may Ne. i..n. had known throngk what kiss to byrat. •d whoa he took to lecbvMlg have you."
.rt of tp•.'teekw her hostess was wishing cm peters, and Nowa. and those set of Bat Mrs Snell folded Mr arta Peer
her, she woad have indeed hew, started. Misr. oaf acting, when he wool kept out Diaries, meaning M apprise her, bad Sown
(However she had other things to thsink of by *annoy, so one evening le brottgbt ton far tkw, other way.
bona a frhed--Mr. Alam i')) rail h1., not "Not think anything of Dr. SW1, indsed 1
to be myosins ammo Everybody's Ad.ag 11 by -why, let nos ti yd. Mee tat a
yea ko..w, baa Had of a way. i didn't wits thea... M all London be nights t bast ter
to Mr. Aiken. And 1 ain't tab to bis the adds& and wesyt jump dews W
soy the more. *ben it seem Dr. tonsil had throat 11 his opened 4110 lip ta team!
reemwNed his se a bachelor fried who'd It's ant ids kelt rat se be% atida
been amt for forgery at [teeny Ily. I sewer 41sa*sn--o girl not done pewter/ sot
dal take to Dr. !beet's bachelor hisede -, myth's" d Dr. sawn re if More essus'Nsi
they all see ort to have hese k troubled souse MRs would hewed od b awns hle drew 4 1
=Ns gryp• are sear. SO Mob=
of Dr. 1h.8! Whale b Mo
omen, ng to now r
"You .say as well that bawds." old
listen relay. "Of court, I men go away
wBMost maybe[ gafsai.+w Add ammo
emit stay *41ore--•where-"
Wb.r1 oohed ter dwlr b1111 calf with •
*awl almost Aid • me�.hr.
"Let me less, if you please." and Maria
sweeping lent hen. neither he nor she knee
Re. she torch tb rmpler'Atets•Mve d gOfnK than what mi :ht he gnimg na k the. grim
•ad,• leof Yen Knells 1a••tn-to my wetland of
Mrs feoel!'s f re.l. c11 so 1.11111114.1"o(. the doeNw's : and If only Mrs. Smell eot.ti
have ages how little Mont the Deold a hrcupi-
mM mutton were atteeallnsi le a reselling e.d in ow mind ret his gseet, k le sM wte
for only I.rparoenb. 41ussoL. eaelnemaio.e•ewu shhpwl w.wklad habgr ye-. ts d•reL Sv.w4lel.0 M tyi►ttg. wawa wereMdari.n. 41.
s•eoppasw M tie pwotty
Mould .tonna far a Will W." with b8.414-"1 rt a
otter tb ....1 Lar breakfast, ubrl Era
arks profusion ha or a wiMrd had
eove0tel the rooted with all ttn•seer
mid MMp "Pie:" sa • deple "el.- "I rANA do ..ewthkde
g," she plead ".ad
i Sed te do A Ms swiss, when -
RM. for prrsou hrlto help bur is bier mew-
is the cheapest, and •�• fes. tom, mucked ache•• IllgaaA
m1.m•, oysters k their dem Allah wage•- !r • lugged rant -the tine had not To
feat eisee s, Inhaler, gars pia, Yorker
est newspaper -d e41.e' w.w "bat Imbilb -ter "egos w10 411 eauM apwak d lilac moths•
ppm fo wai "dews, The I;;. wow • wears a`whir her at area' Insgth.
Bruce • ed, the k"m *ehy"d, Mw thetd
a .
(kd woe dhow, and Emu wsr
Misr het a e ort r ma. • ersiiam•
'.' i Tea Ise Tor•asa.' odd Dina Nee;
e•.,,IEg 41er selasor1 and her words at w
oar tar. ; Int I've •,eay. Memo De 11..8•
owlet ousted[ :.ed k's to Wats dear e --
sone sort, exempt the dodger sed taus Not
** Whit on a n bisy Ware he had lois.
And what was inoni, Mr. Adam n.s 0'% he
fkhiy .t large. for It deeds Is twam Amu
wan good to h5ets.peetsd, haewlrlbhri
owls le i.eaden M time yam. S0 he MA
to he an mti.pd .might, wtkb maw N MI
OW NOME Ss V. the law. BeyoWd INN
�..�1t Mr. Admen would have stew Or
rtB •suer with bulk WM 54Iii
Wart M a Dart late ?
one day's work for • healthy liver
to secrete three and a half poonda c
bile. If the bile secretion be de6einui
eton*ttption ensues ; if profuse, bilioa
now and jaundice •rim.. Burdock Riot.
Bitters i• the must perfect liver mutat(
known In medicine fur presenting awe
curing all liver troubles.
Philip McKibbin, Wingbaw, wI
west 1.: Colorado for the purpose
bsoetitttog his health, has 1.111, ed 1
Ontario very little improved.
Nlaing hews
Mining ex per. out* that sholer• &.vi
attacks the bowels of the earth, hat
humanity is general find it necessary t
nae. Dr Fouler', Extract of Wild Scree
berry for bowel complaints, jyeeet.r7
darrbta *, etc. It M • sure este. 2
ifs People's wataa*.
People wake a sad mistake often wit
serious results when tbey neglect a cos
litigated eondition of the bowels. Koos
ins that Burdock Blood Bitten is s
effeetnel cure at soy stage of coeetipalio
does not warrant 01 it. neglecting to to
it at the right tine. I'm it now.
Brunel, grate market is bonnie
The only trouble is to ret ears to let tt
grain away on as to •Burd mon naw
.t the storehouses.
Have you • Cosgb h Take Wilms
Wild °betty.
Have you • fluid t Take Wilson's WI]
Have yog Hretiiti.l Take Wiktor
Wild Marry.
Have.yos11e lest
goer Vlriw 1 Take trod
eon's Wild (berry
Have jos Asthma 1 lake Wiktor
Wild Cherry.
Have Tae • Oold in the Bead 1 Tal
Wasolea Wild Cherry.
The Old Reliable lawn ter all Clew
of the Threat, Chest *ed Lwow fld
by all drtegwist. lo
lir Hugh Rohe, of M.KiI
wade a fortunate write is Ding'
Colorado. While reeidteg there, ti
years age, M psteheied sown late is ti
o•tibivta of the sky. Re mold the
Ino • few dap ago, a1«rteg roar
rho omed delfar on the trnttaeetM
R. dill Ise fiber ply in the ai
which he eaplele trig resits his taut
Nls.ed'a Salute AtS lllflhwsM