HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-11-7, Page 1GIT THE BEST LOCAL PAP ft
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iia Iiuroig_o>,tn•t,y, tincture $1.38 to
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once. The Best is the Cheapest,
and Tis SIGNAL is the best.
The Iniquity Should Be Cut Off,
Root and Branch.
hula me Creek W bar the Termer Waw -
se Mer ceder 1a trrl.reelty—A Palm
lases Imbed Taw' \. r. as base.
mlelawt Faller*.
!IIT• TO t•kAi'R,
A tariff club in Ksnsa• reoently sub-
mitted a number of genitives to beset(r
Ingalls, the following amongst them : -
11) Does the tang lax raise the pro e
of gouda ? If u,t, bow does it protect I
It n does, it must axrespoudiugly lessee
, said, if so, how can tt ea•
crease lurk and raise wages
D,t a tariff tax s riolation of
the pni.ciple• of liberty 1 Doss it not
make it a crime for people to do with
are open to us and how we o•n best suc-
ceed to steaming or rrvmnlug that proe-
penty which the inhabitants of a country
we richly endowed by nature as is nun
have a reasonable right to expect Nor,
sir, in the tint place. 1 may recall to
your mind this !sot, that--uobaepily be
the cause what it tiny --there ma be
ver little doubt that the chid classes
in Canada, the chief producers of wealth
in Canada, have for a number of years
gained very tittle by any chauve that has
been made. Sw, there is nu doubt -1
du not say in tf,ie locality, I will Dot say
in (Els particular town lir in this particu-
lar county, but then is no doubt that
over a large number of the constituen-
cies in the older and wealthier .rid lung-
er -settled portions of Canada the condi-
tion lit things has sppe oached very near-
ly to uoe of absolute stagnation —Sir
Richard Cartwright at Pembroke.
From our own correspondent.
Buts Tor AND BoTroN.--A 1)arbnid
their own as they please 1 dr rater had two dusts lit water :later-
"- 3 It the tariff is • tax Moon articles day wurniug of last week. Some of the
news hopefuls iu the vicinity arranged
a beret of water beneath the platform
of the entrance 1» the back door of his
house, so that when going out in the
monossg to feed his horse his weight on
the boards -which the lois had loosened
and placed in a convenient way—bore
them down, and delve be went to the
arm -pits, geatltmg net the best way he
could. He pluckily continued to the
stable, where soother treat swatted him,
mid opening, the dos r he received s down-
• pour et water oyer his head and should-
ers (ratan another barrel which the know-
ing lads had ar»nued over the dour -top
He doesn't now think Hatlowe'eu frolics
as amunng as in his own boyhood days.
Hallowe'en customs thus year were
slightly remembered by some of the ris-
ing youth of this burg closing in on
their teens. A willing band of them
answered the ring of the aeho of -bell for
actiou at >♦ p.m , and with sharp eyes
made nod mar:hing tonerds several
residence in the centre of the burg,
circuiting arid fiaukieg with much chat-
ting and helloing. They did a little
,retched of some annoyance to the vic-
tttma. and worked great glory to them-
selves, to relate when they have snowy
beards and silver lucks and when they
roust chide, perhaps, their own lads fur
the same folly.
Vitae -au.. --Previous to her leaving
for Detrritt, Mich., the members i•f Miss
K. Macdonald's Sabbath school visas in
the P church. Leeburn, gath-
ered at the r$sidence of her father, A. C
J1•edonald, to bid her geodbye,snd pre -
seated her with an album and card -re-
ceiver as • mark of their regard and es-
teein for ,one why had been their teacher
and guide. Circled •routed in a group
were 'oven pretty, happy girls, yet with
tearful faces, Iisteamg to the farewell
address read by their classmate, Ethel
Cumming, while Lizzie Allen and Jennie
like made the Perhaps
ler the Isst time she who had taught
them and other* who had been members
lit her class beds them goodbye, asking
them ever to be seeker* of that bright
home where there te no parting, earnest•
ly them to learn the Sabbath
school tasks for the new teacher who
takes her place, and thanking them for
their kind feeling Reid their gifts, which
she would ever cherish as marks of their
love and esteem towards her as their
teacher. Want of space prevents us
from making farther remarks of her fare-
well words to her pupils, four of *bout
were absent owing to the bad roads. A.
C Macdonald else thanked them fortheir
gift to his daughter. and expressed the
hope that they wculd always be constant
attendants at Sunday school. and in after
life stes'_y workers for God's cause.
After tea and several hours' of social chat
the children dispersed for their homes,
ranch saddened by parting with • kind,
faithful teacher, whom counsels will be
greatly missed by them and by the Sun-
day school beard. linter in the evening
many young friends assembled and spent
•even! hours m cheerful chat, and ex-
pressed good wishes for her life in her
new hens*. She was • favorite with all
she met Her departure from us will
make a deep blank in our sooi.l nettle.
Following is the address presented to
Miss Macdonald by her scholars :
To MIs. tate Maodooakt.
Dsat'Nernst :—Mere words are in-
adequate to express the deep regret we felt
on hearing • few days ago that yon were
stoat M leave us. Your loving and
kindly manner towards us bas won our
love and admir•tios, while your inde-
fatigable Mel, reviler attendance .ad
earnestness as s Ssbbsth school teacher
has inspired us with a love for the Sab-
bath school and its teachings which will
not be readily effaced. Words fail us
when we try to ezprees how meek we
shall mineou, not only is the Sabbath
school and church, but in our daily
walks and social gatherings. We know
that it u unnecessary kr ea to ask you
not to forret us ; we believe that would
be Impossible for one of goer loving d e-
positioe. But still we e•n.ot let Ion
TER N. T. A Tat:A la.. leave us witbnet in some way ezpresieg
T think it is @dear to all, tin matter oar kava and esteem for you; for this
what their politiesl proelivitis may be, reason we beg you to accept this album
that • great many ref the .Tpsdstioes and nerd-r.ssiver, not besiege of its
which were formed, nwsos•bty ssewgh T intrinsie wales, testas a alight token of
thick at the time, elute we eeteeed into nmesebrsnq hem goer Lsebeea Prem
(konldersttos twenty doer years ago,sad ,Wires Sa eskoomsIia
l el, &
still monemit , a gnt many, set so mile% of v He shout Whom yon hem en ear -
W espsetstio.s as of the pledgee sed meaty tssght es lead sad guide es all
premiss witMit were mad. to thepe* me we asset.gain,ll sot 1. this life, its
(Meade team years ago, wheel= tib li
bright d glorious hesesfter.
inducsi to mdisadd alter Dimas LrwrtmLn,
bele (lana system, bee* iiIsd .MNrefy Bigaed ow behalf of Woo Warn,
helm, tttlllesd, std i1 h ase time fin the slam
Owls Lawson,
laky Is emniier wte( ether !!casein Otll fgl►,t1M0. Oases fl.Aw,
of , and it people pay it iu
10 the amount they Lonesome,
u it • just system of tazatou 4 Sbeuld
• poor man a family of ten
bea•wpelled w toy Imo trues a much
for the support of the (J,veruu,et.t as
the rich Mali with only himself to sup-
port r„
The tared' both in Canada
and iia the States has been cleared of
the '-Id tiauon about the home wauutac-
turees demote( pr ocean w merely to en-
able thew to secure entire! .f the home
market, after which they were to proceed
to compete with one soother and an
force prices uosu to the free trade level.
The sextette» of centimes is the knock
• dtsn feat that has demolished that Flea.
SHAT Tex t'AkMk:g WANT,.
our farmers are also exporters, and
the way to leek° them prosper is to per
mat them to tiny cheaply. Their mut
ples fano producu are seat aba.id, and
the lower tt:e Canadian tar•tr is the mw
will the Ceuadirei farmet• get back in
eichsoge ter their exports. A mmpte
reducuiu of Canadian duties upon im-
ports would be of more :d autavu to the
iarmen of the cuuutry that. they un
possibly reeeve from the Macdonald
policy tot aeneing to find
new foreign markets std the wbeidtzmu
of steamier.. The ■ay to eoeusrrlaice
foreign trade is to bay freely. -- Hawul
ton Times.
:to ,r.RzNytu tt -
If meals surrender of any-
thing vital to our usuii-al Ida and na-
twuad dignity, we'll none of it. But it
means nothing of the sort. It is nutb•
lag mere nor les than free trad. with
6A,'i00,030 of the richest pee pie in the
world, separated from us by only ■u Ima-
ginary line. Such tree trade, on • sinned•
ler scale, we have had bef.,re, without
surrender t'f anything but our pure ty,
and why, therefore, should we fear that
today will imply either • sur
render of oar fiscal independeroe, or an
entangling alliance with a foreign peo
pie( Duping std telling goods is poi
generally considered dangerous to .he
individual ; wby should it be dangerous
to the (—St Molnar' Jcur-
A rAtah UWU-E RalHID.
The Jlonetary Times, • pound finan-
cial authority, favorable to Sir John
Macdonald, does not take much stock in
bis loyalty cry. It says - "When Sir
John .N.odoneld mimes the cry that the
McKut ley tared' is intended to endeuger
the British flag in Canada, it di acute
clear that he is in search of political ore
in the economical mine, As • cry this
may do as well as any other, other bet-
ter imrb•pe, bat It is not an argument.
and it does not help us to solve the prob-
lem which is brought before the country
by this settee of • neigbborine legisla-
ture. Hoch talk is rather foolish than
unfriendly, tbouab nobody likes to have
his motives misinterpreted. If the agri-
cultural schedule was made far political
effect in Canada, what rectos of peliti al
evil presided at the drafting of the
manufacturer's schedules? The truth 1.,
Casten* had to do something to secure
the tanners' support to the new tared',
avid the best thing was, if powble, to
make hum believe trot it was teemed in
his interest. The same thing is dose
here, and the neo who do it in one
country know very well the real motives
of those who do it in the other. The dis-
covery ref occult motives, foreign to the
real motives that lie on the surface, is
preterite, and sorry pretence et best.
Bat it would be too mach to say that the
waving of the flag cannot bring • poli-
tician's reward. All the tools are not
dead ; if they were mach appeals woold
cease to be made ; so long as they live
similar pretences will be made not whol-
ly without effect."
Items of Interest from over the
A Weakly Dagesr of lie festal, New. eery.
ed e. ae Meld sesdera of ••Tae Menial."
nth need 5.5.5, tuned and Cee -
demised !teem every needle.
Will McBride, Blyth, baa upsued out a
John Degbolm, Blyth, shipped • car of
apples to the Old Country last week.
John Bell, Blyth, was again reappoint-
ed tax o:rllecwr tor the current year at a
salary 0[1140.
W. H. Sanderson and Peter McTavish,
Wrozetrr,sre •way with cattle to the Old
Country markets.
Dr Sloan and his son Millin, Blyth,
are away on their annual shooting ex-
peditiuo in Muskoka.
Joao Hooey, Wroxeter, received s car
load of wheat fron Manitoba. He sold
it to Howson Beta„ miller+,
Mr W.H. Johnston has been re-engte
ed as teacher in S. S. N •. 2, Hy, for
the year 1891, at an iscreasei salary.
Mr Bender, of Howick, has bought
the farm at Mayne Corners owned to
11 S. Cook, fur the handsome sum of $4 -
W. H. McCracken, Brussels, shipped
500 bushels of potatoes to Ckicege 'ant
Saturday. The duty was $125. Who
loses it ?
L H. Shane, Blyth, owing to ill
health, has disposed of his livery busi-
ness. Beattie Bros are the purchasers
and took possession on the lit N•,vem-
G. A. Deadman. Brussels, has dip tied
of bis Jersey heifer to J. A. Blain, of
Gilford, Bruce Co. He received a fur
price tot the animal, which was a good
Mr Davidson, with Mrs 1' Gilmer and
W. L Henry, Wrozeter, attended the
P Sunday School C tncen-
tion at Wtngha.n last week as dole
On Monday, tie ?7th alt , Mr Treh!e,
of Exeter, led to Hymen's sear Mus
Jane oadrnan, of Hay. Th.' happy
couple left the nett monsine for the
United States.
Messrs Ashbury a Jamieson purchased
Tut week the boiler and engine which
have been lying id!. at the defunct Haws._
den factory, Blyth. and are having them
put in their foundry.
Wm Knechtel, Brusue!a, had +he mis-
fortune to have one of the b .nes m his
left arm broken. last week, by • kick
from one of his horses with which be was
working on hie farm,
Joe Gofton, Wroxeter, was tined $25
and esu fee selling liquor to a person
when he w•a warned not to do en. He
has appealed against the decteioe. The
case soil come off at Goderich.
Rev Thos Davidson, M. A., Wrozeter,
spent Thurday and Friday. Oct. 23rd
and 24th, is Herndon. Hs attended
the Christian Endeavor Convention
there, icttng as delegate for Wrozeter.
Apple buyer Smith, of St Catharines,
is shipping 1,800 barrels of tipples from
Brownie and Belgrave stations. He
is thoroughly ported in the fruit bust
nem, having been engaged in it for
The annual meeting of the Wrozeter
Carling Club was held on Tuesday, Oct.
28th, when the following officers were
elected: Jas Ireland, President; J. W.
Sanderson, Vice President; Jos Cowan,
The employees of the planing mill of
Messrs Smith, Malcolm & Gibson, Boog-
ied*, take only 90 minutes st noon now
asd quit work at 5:30 instead of 6 o'clock
in tLe eveninr so as to take advantage of
all the daylight possible.
Mr D. R. McIntosh, a Locknow lover
ret fine horses, recently delivered to Mr
J. S. Jerone,of Winghas, a two -year -.Id
811y for which he received $200. The oolt
Mees promise 4 being • boo roadster,
and mimes from good stock.
Last Wednesday John Knight, lot 17,
mon 12, Grey township. brceight to
ibe Brussels Poet $ mammoth radish of
the Black Spanish variety, which weighed
7 pounds and measured 21126 ioebes in
eircamtereuce. Mr Knight grew one
radish that measured 18 inches in length.
Although large, them radishes are fine
for table Des.
Yearly on Sunday morning, 26th alt., •
keystone weighing in the neighborhood of
seventy pounds fell from the arch over
one of the windows in the °Aim of J. A.
Mottos, Wingham, and after passing
through tie telephone wires leading into
Dr Towlee's odes west through the side
walk with • greet crash. The noise was
heard by several parties whammed* in the
immediate neighborhood.
Joseph Hodgson, aged about 10 years,
whom father is an employee of Bell's
(protium !victory, Wingjtam went to that
place Monday erasing of last week for
shavings. it befog dusk he did ase
unties that $ wept' of saws, very scar
Meeh other, were Is motion, gad on
heppeoed while taking ahavi.g. from
.utose to the saws, to let kis head ennui
In soetant with mut of them, the result
being the sew est off es an smile three
Gagers sed the tip of the index (Inger of
his lett heed. 71e little fellow wend
the pais rsaatbbly wd1, wslkie to
the eergeon's oro to have the
J. M. Parsons, London, with long ex-
perience as selling traveller for Leotard
& Sem Engine Works, an old
of the Ronald Works,firuss'la,and a very
enervetue,able mau,bas just been engaged
for five yuan to zo on the road to sell ter
the Ronald Works.
Frew our own
Kuuj•win Taekaberry hes rented his
Mr Then Laotian, of the 'Iep routes
sioo, has taken • life partner to help
'mewls the rough places on the journey
thr !ugh life.
Mr Thus Finlay, Mr and Mn Robert
Treleaven, and Mr and Mrs Richard
Treleaven, of Ilunganuuu, hive been
t citing Mr W. W. Treleaven, teacher,
in JLcbigao.
Yrum our own 1,
Miss Esorett, of London, is visiting
at home at present.
Mr Faraebar, of Clinton. is visiting
his sister, Mn O'Brien, of the 3d cum.
Miss MacColl, who has Leen visiting
at the humeste.d, has returned to Lon-
The revival services which have been
held for some weeks iu Sexamttb are
Misa Belle Eacrett, of Washington,
C.S. is visiting at her sister'., Mrs Pe-
ter Munn's.
Mrs C. Aldwerth and r.n, Richard,
have gone to pay an extruded mai' to
her el.teet iton in Muskoka.
The &,zenith congregation purpose
bolding • tin -meeting on the evening lit
Thanksgiving day. Proceeds are to be
in .id of the organ fund.
From our own •
Three more of the boys Is1t for Mus-
koka last Tuesday.
A ape:l of tine weather is hoped for. as
the turnip crop is all au the fields yet.
Ha'Ivae'en passed off quietly ; the
pranks Wire few and of a mond nature.
Threshing is nearly finished in this
section. Threshers will boon iw hanging
up their machines until soother season
rolls round.
A shoddy peddler was calling upon
sums of our resident* here and there last
week. Such oily tongued gents sboula
be given a wide berth.
The past week ors° bas beenqunte win-
try, there being more or less snow every
day, but Old Prohs.still maintains that
there will be a spell of hue weather.
Time will tell.
From our own .
Mew Itadclitfe left on Tuesday for s
month's visit to friends near Loudon.
Miss Smith, of Stanley, is now in this
village, keeping house for her brother,
who recently started in the aboeutakung
business here.
Mr Sanderson and family, later cf
Teeswater, have removed to this village
sod intend making it their home for the
About 4 inches of snow tell on Tues-
day morning of this week. The farmers
w ish their roots were safely housed.
Rev Mr Wright, of Gerrie, oltictated
in the English church en Sabbath sfter-
O 00n lot, and 1 the com-
Appleepackio,T is about finished in
this section. The crop has herrn fairly
good. Price ranged from $1.25, to
those who uutortunately sold early, to
$2.30 per barrel.
The Sabbath school ocnducted during
the summer months by Mr Peter Clark,
on the sixth cinoemion, has been dis-
continued for the winter. The attend-
ance during the summer has been excel-
• James E. Cassaday has been doing
this section recently in the Interests of
Tse SIGNAL, and has succeeded in work-
ing ep a large subscription list besides
awakening considerable interest among
the fair sm. Jim is a bustler,
On Fnday evening, Oct. 24th, a so-
cial was held, when an enjoyable etec-
ing wee spent The proceeds have
been expended on a DOW stove, carpet,
etc , for the church, which will greatly
improve its appearance sod comfort.
On Friday evening, Oct. 94, • num-
her of the seemben of St. Helena Lodge,I.
0 O.T ,went to Blake's,Ashbeld,to maim
the lodeiM there in giving an entertain-
ment. They report • weeded house,rnod
program and receipts, and m good time
The matrimonial fever teems to be
again prevalent. Three couples have
recently yielded to its powers in this
vicinity and Dame Rumor says more are
to follow. Mr. WAS (baser' ei aged Mile
Josephine Radcliffe, the latest victims,
K ase their friends m surprise—it Dane
so sodden. We wish them .11 happiness.
The lameetiwg held in Ibis Engleh
ehereb hen owe the evening of Oct. 23rd,
notwithstanding the very unfavorable
weather, turned cat to be very seeeess-
fol. Tea was served tD the Teelplii enee
Hall, where the choicest of edibles were
served by the meet attentive wailers.
The literary pristine of the program was
reordered in the church, and oroeisted of
Instrumental ascent (n r.sn and elements)
by Mies Beery and Mt Sumner; mend -
Woes by Mile IKerray, and solos by Miss
Berry, sill ant Leeknow; • lettere by the
paster, Rev Mr Goldberg, nm "Marlin
Lothar,' aid a sheet address by Rev Mr
What is Going on in the Sepoy
■ l■ieresl■g sedael of Lite new• t•re-
pers'd epee/ally ter trader. er '- The
signal^ tierytbtag yrerlk timing
ran be r.mw
P rom our own correspondent.
It is on the ,to Tire that • certain
young mac in town, it the
'weenier, rill shortly coutract a con-
nubial alliance with an elderly lady
twice a widow, nut many leagues tr
rbc village of Oude, who is said to be
Mr W, Camer,n,ene of St Helert'a stal-
wart athletes, was on Thursday evening
last p•ined in we'tto.ce • i Mus I'h•'eua
Radcliff, of that village. It was a very
quiet wedding. Your
extend+ his best wishes to Willy and
his bride.
Soto, drunken psrtiea smuhed the
windows, broke the platform and carried
. tithe "Wenner pall beluncing to the
Belfast Hotel uoe night necrbtly. Co-
lese the pail is returned, and the damage
paid, the guilty ones will have to inter-
view Me Malluugh, Justice of the
Peace at Dunbannen.
Mr James Mullin, the well-known
proprietor of the Lucknow and Goderich
stage -tine, hu sold his tine farm at Bel-
ie** to Witham lrwm, jr., near Lucknow.
The price paid, I hear, was $6,000. Mr
Mullin will fit up the building formerly
used as *store int-, • dwelling and will
in future reside there
I hear little or nothing yet about nor
muuicip.tl elections except that recent
duturban-ea in teen have raised • fselieg
of i amunx the citizens against
the council for not spurring, on the 0011-
itahl, to m're diligently exercise the
authority in him vested, and this ruay
hnug old a contest—otherwise everything
is so far q net.
The foiltwing gentlemen wen, in
Luck now last week : U. McDoonaln,
Brui.ele ; 11o4. R+.t+ll, Kincardine ; R.
C. Sperling, Winvham.—the last is still
buying rums. McKiuler or no McKin-
ley—H. H. Ballard, Listowel ; R Cox,
Wroxeter ; M. McDonald, Wingham ;
A. Butschy, t1'ingham, and Kenny Mc-
Ivor, the elegant plasterer, L. chdsh.
The Lucknnw Mechanic's institute is
in • flourislmg condition. The library,
which consists of about 600 volotnes, is
well patronized. The reading neon,
which is well stocked with the daily,
w eekly and monthly capers, periodicals.
mseazinee, etc.. of the period, is ■tact
well attended. The weekly entertain-
ment of leetnres, music, debates, etc.,
will soon begin.
The Edward Houghton Dramatic Co'y
gave three entertainments here last week
to small houses. lin Mot:day and Tues-
day evening their playing was fairly
good ; on t%einesday one of the lady
players was to, ill to take her pert in
the play for which they were billed, and
instead theCumpsny gave "Uncle Josh."
The piece has been presented here before
and as a consequence did not meet with
• great dal of favor.
In the absence of Mr McKee, the
pastor, .t Kincardine R -'v Mr McNabb
tceupied the pulpit of Knox church last
Sabbath; morning and evening, to Eng-
lish. Rev Mr Grant preached in Gaelic
during the afternoon. Owing to the ill-
ness of Mr Coiling, the regular minister,
Rev Dr Strongman, of the Ashfield cir-
cuit, conducted servicer in the Canada
Methodist church on Sunday evening.
A series of special services begin in this
church on Tuesday evening. There will
be services in all the churches on Thanks-
giving Day. In St. Paul's Episcopal
chereh Rev Mr Wright, of Gerrie, ex-
changed pulpits with Rev Mr Goldberg.
At the clove of a recent trial one of
the presiding magistrates made some
caustic remarks in reference to the oos-
tom some of our young men have of
loitering around street corners and on
hotel platforms. Even on Sunday whet
people are on their way to and from
church they are compelled to run the
gauntlet of gangs of emotion and tob•ceo
chewers, who pane remarks on all and
every one as they pees. It they go to
church at all they will not sit is the
family pew, but must occupy • seat in
the gallery or at the tack of the church.
This applies to Lucknew, bat i fancy to
some other towns of would not be inap-
The Kmpirr mag competition does not
take very well with some of the teachers
in this locality. In conversation with
Mr. Yule, b.sd ssaster of the Luckuow
Public Schools, he says he does not ap-
prove of tt at all. He ooneideve it will
give rise to deosit and dishonesty. No
child will write .n ee•ay nn be or her
own merits on any subject under Boob
circumstance*, bat will receive instruc-
tions, assistance and hints from parents
and others. it will not he an honest
test o' the capabilities of each
e'ampeutor in es.h individual school.
It is all well enoegh to instill
into the minds of the youth feelings of
loyalty to the Empire of which we torn
sit important • part, but this loyalty can-
not he instilled by pointing to the Rag
of Great Britain, which is practically a
. sari-fnreire Ace. We should not for-
get that we are Caesiistw, and to all in-
timate .ad perpnees an independent ns-
ti.nt; to engender • national spirit fn the
minds of our youth is as e.s@scary as to
keep up thee, loyalty to the Inspire as •
whole, p•eti,el.ely whew the letter is
. ol.std at the ezpss.a of teeth.
Judge Barrett, of Walkerton, spent
Solidity in town, the guest of Mr C. A.
Justices Lawrence, Graham and Brian
held s reception in the Council Cham-
ber of the Town Hall on Friday last.
Fully one -twelfth of the male population
were out to hear the case of assault,
Grundy v. Young, McLennan and Agar.
The case against the last leagued was die-
usissetl; Young and S'cLeeman were each
tined $15 and coats. The general int-
prrwion a that Young acted more as •
peacemaker the:: as an assaulter. but the
justices, with all the *mimic., nefore
them, thought otherwtae. People say
the other young man 111 more to ba piti-
ed than hhn,ei. Mr Slorris n pttse•
touted for Grundy. The case of Irmo v
Grundy came up su Saturday, but at
the request 1.1 Irwin's solicitor, and
Ly consent of Grundy's, the case was
adjourned to Muoday, when it agate
came up only to find that the ac-
cused had taken the train on S.turday
evening and voile to the land of the tree
and McKinleyisni. The charge against
hue was "unlawfully and usalicioudy
so ending and Indicting Irtduy harm."
The case went on and the defenadaet was
annruttted for trial. Some of tLe paras
are loud in their decunciatio, of the
magistrates mid Mr *written, who
acted as pr,.ecuting counsel. One man
is v.rnn to leave the Methodist church,
because one of the justices *!lends that
church. Men placed on the renown of
• J.1'. and a lawyer can only do their
duty, and as long as they do that they
will always have the respect of respect
able eiuzans, no matter what others may
One day lsai week two of our amateur
sprinters bad • trial of speed. The con-
testants are heavy weoghts—each touches
the beam at alum, 201). One ought to
be geed on his feet mid lege since be us
manufacturer of artificial limbs, while
the other is endowed with the character
nue attnbute. of ■n i'-surance agent•
patience, endurance and "ga'1 " It was
an ojfiee, .fe (,em.' 1.1.014e nod, • a reeve acts"
as judge at the finish, and 1u ex -reeve
and ex -candidate for parliament acting
as starter. Thr distance was 30 yards.
Ne of the artificial limbs being the elder
was allowed 10 yards start. Olio judge
paced the :d) yards. sed it is said his
strides were a yards long. While the
starter paced the 10 yards the 16.11411 ..f
the insurance man basely occulted the
,other's attention. and as e result the
paces were only eighteen Inches long, er
ab'iut the length of the lacers bot
After several futile attempts a start was
effected. The limb pian held the les.*
unto near the finish, when the insurance
man came up with him mad the pair
crossed the winning plat with a splash
tt gather, much to the disfigurement of
their 1.,4 gear and unmeet Wes, as
the judve at the finish had meanly
selected a here mud hole- -of which there
is n., dearth within the precincts of his
bailiwick —as winning point. All bets
were declared off, and the affair cum -
promised by the party repairing to a
ueighboriug ho.tlery, where all partook
of sol and refreshing drafts of Furmtw'
ginger ale ,', at the expense of the con•
Tete.beae mar is reserbesi.
The local Company •hich was formed
in Peterbiro' with a capital of abut
$8,000, and with the avowed intention
of doing boeioem M half the rates charg-
ed by the Bell Telephone Company, and
paying • much larger dividend than the
shareholders of the Beil 1elephune Com-
pany ever received, has apparently dis-
covered atter all its construction work
has been done that the hilt Company
has not the slightest intention of giving
up the field to it.
The tactics purrued by the first com-
ers are simple in the extreme. They
have waited until the little Cemp►nyhad
spent what was supposed to he the
amount of its capital, and now announce
that they will give all their old subsarib•
ere, who are cot interested se sharehold-
ers in the attempt to wreck their busi-
ness, and all new subscribe» who are
likely to remain with them, free tele-
phone connection as long as the oppo-
sit len luta.
The officials ,.f the Bell Company say
this attack on them ilia wholly unpro-
voked one, as nu complaints were made
of the service in Peterhor,', which was
excellent, and rho regular rates charred
by them are the lowest in the world for
exchat gm of the size ; and also that
anyone wbn will take the trouble to wskz
a few enquiries could find out in five
minutes that the item of rent and sala-
ries absolutely necessary for the proper
Induct of the busloads would alone est
rep all the revenge of a
Company, leaving nothing whatever for
the squally neoeaaary expenses of heating,
lighting, staliorery. interest on poet of
&Instruction and allowenee for deprecia
tion, accidents and damages, sod last,
but not least, repaint
hesInv dition to ordinary repairs—s
sippers one good
storm will often do damage enough tom e
up the surplus novenae of • siugls agen-
cy for years.
A eornenb thermometer is very easy to
make and u useful and effective. (let •
bosh! red :or yellow ear—any farmer
will etre you some to ohoo.s from—then
remove two rows of kernels, leaving a
plies the Mend sine of • .moll thermome-
ter, whisk you min hey at say .hop
where they rill materi.kt for fancy work.
Two the stem ebb a hoe of nbtens to
mate\ sad yon bayous altruistic* russet
Ti'e tech pap el THs 81OSAL is
1iwok4vl upon by all intelligent
+ult.'rtiarra as the beton mahout] in
Hulce County for the publicetius
of t•on,teuomd nava such •-s Lost,
Found, Wanted, Str,v,.l For Rent,
Thi Kale, tc. Six lona, Tool under,
four iiia t-rtiona, $I.
' JD. MCOlt ItIt1teR.s' .
Latest and Best from the Metro
poli. of Ashfield & Wavvanosh.
The teeve■se.Y. eaTlsu•. Malec. TrtaM
and Trib.iM$.■s, J.a. ease Mreewa,
1 p• mid Minas, MMM• sad ream
wad ember Mata e1 Me benne,
Front oar own eereeerseeettt•
Winter weather at this time is more
than was •nticipnted by • great !matey in
this section.
Mr Archibald I, who has been for
some toile very a are *eery to state,
u net improving health.
G. S. W '.ods, Ibte principal of Dun-
ganntu aeboel, with his family, left
here on Saturday forO,oieneh.
Thank•g:.iatg Day is at be observed in
Erskine thumb service 10 cosi
mance at half -past 10 o'clt•ck a.m.
`1r A. Bleck during Isst week
seized with a serious attack of li
disease. 1\'e sincerely (tope that he
soon recover.
THs SIGNAL is becoming mon sip.
preciated here than ever, as es eriueed
by the great additi,•u t.' its
mid patrons. So mote it be.
Our business men have decided upon
cbisnt.t their places of business at 8
o'clock or in. from the 1st of November
tell the Tint of April of nest year.
Mils Remota Treleaven, daughter of
Mr Richd. Treleaven, Dungsran•on, is ea.
petted hones ibis week fro,,, visiting her
brother mid friends at St. Thomas
Ret R. Fsirtairn, pastor of Erskine
church, Jungannun, removed into the
manse lea week.—we think none too
*non for the comfort of himself and
Octo',er, in its dying nuggets ere its
departure int. the realms of the putt.
ushered in the preface to winter Nov -
ern b.- r
ov•ewb.•r thus far has been rough and
We were sorry to notice in the Luck -
new S. ef.e.rl that our popular atwnshtp
clerk, Mr R. K. Miller, is indisposed, a,
much s, that he is owitined t.. bed. We
sincerely lupe to hear of his speedy re-
Now that the 'Airmen in this vicinity
in geuenlhave secured, sold, .hipped,
and recelt id the money for the apple
crop, they are next in order diverting
attention to making preparation. ter the
pork market.
Mr Sheppard, teacher, soccew-'r to G.
S. Wood', entered up to his duties in
Dungannon school on Keeley, the 3rd
Inst., when there were 41 pupil. pxeseot
Mr S. completes the term ending in
December, all being well.
Ming Williams, the evangelist, i■ the
guest of Mr Rschd. Treleaven, of this
Allege. We understand she has sr -
ranged e. hold revival meeting,' at the
Purr this week and at scute time in the
near future at Dunesonon, during which
time also will partake o[ the huepetality
of the venerable hosts, Mr 1L T. and his
Mr Walter Stewart, of Lucknow, and
formerly of Dungannon, came hen on
M anday Tut with his wutants to manu-
facture int. lumber the remaining saw-
lo,o,* in the mill yard, after which he in-
tends to remove the mill and machinery
therein to Lucksow, where he purposes
carrying on sawing in connection with the
planing factory to that pace.
1/or popular harm , etcts„ is or-
der to be able to supply the wsoof bis
increasing customers, removed a little
south of his former establishment into a
more spacious building during last week,
and he hopes that by strict attention to
lemmas and by supplying • good ilwlity
of goods in his line at very moderate
charges he will he more than ever pat-
ronized. Socoesa to. him!
From our owe enelfeellowdeet
in the abases, of Rev. J. A. Ander-
son, canned by a severe cold, a prayer -
meeting was held last Sunday morning,
D. Cumming, as elder, conducting it.
Hallowe'en capers were, we believe,
nearly forgotten by the Heine youth of
this burg. A. we write we have out
hard of any ntbsrers The Tall Laird
and others, however, locked their gates
with great preesotien, but they weren't
disturbed at all this time.
The controversy twine's Tits SntnAL
and the New ern us reference to the
size of the individual 'heed is welshed
eagerly by the people of the section.
The fact that the New Ere bee Soaked
and won't imbue' to an arbitration is
telling against it, however. Your cnr-
reepcndent has gone carefully oroe the
dimensions of both papers. Aird find.
that Tits SPINAL has it slightly in site,
but anyone with halt•an-eye could Mee
at • glance that there is no onmparisao
in the g,irnlity of reading matter, as the
litdetieh paper ayersges free seven to
ten solemn, per week more than its
reverencer. nwsl. And the gsshty rel
NR iiaiNAi.'l Metter ria AL,ire.
Mr Get Magw.s proprietor of the H.
ill salt ',leek, has his sew engin. boom
about completed.
Mr John Hawlakew, Enter, told his
fifty sore farm. situated about ase !aide
eolith of the village, to Mr Hwry J,real.
of Usboree, for Um Mom of MAK TMs
t, ons of the hast taus, es Mos *nodes
Road. The piss is essellsred s Iair las.