HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-10-24, Page 6COIBORHE BROS. New Fhb' 6 DRESS GOODS, MANTLES, HAWLS, MANTLE CLOTHS. HOSIERY and GLOVES, Nearly all of w rich are direct from the Europe7n Markets. 'Velvet Rii,lbon„ nest Bleck Silk Velvets CHEAP I Cail and See these Goods. COLBORNE BROS. cA SPENCER raw .ta Jtrul:4iai , t ease }tap.i7ton. Orth ( *v1 l�. 'Girds', Ken.; a r ^e.tarn•as_ THE SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT. • 4, 1890, 1110114111111 _ ��yy j� nu'1� IXLDI °AROK • rose \... ,,a o►seta s Cts s,d emits rN•e m•v.wie DWI& Dead PPaea. TOPICS SURE TO INTEREST V4104. - AWAKE AGRICULTURISTS. mmaiews =ayes -ed by Assor"aa embeli- than Illnegeet .t tleesetas Sena r,y AetW-'A ,ltet.kem Pietism The. reevewM Mean tress Dotes a.. Notwithstanding the great amount of rainfall in late sprits}{ and early sum,eet, there is n great different* observable in coed crops where utauure was applied on the last fall or winter, as temp it ith that 'smeared herever straw ma ing. especially with coater, y nine. often devise wore harm than good. There would bemnc much more taunter and faU top dressing but for the comma mte- takeu notion that the manure waste• by erpenre tltinly' spread to the etiuoepliere• Sime lues there may be by rains wash ing away' the manure, but there is tone, except of water, by evaporation. The manure does not ferment while spread thinly . and therefore no emmenia is giv- en off. Yet many a farmer keeps manure limpet piled up and laeatiu„ ar;ruud bis stable d .ore. lest by drawing and spread- ing them their strength sbontd evaporate. It is very difficult to keep manure in heals farm letting aututOnia, but the same immure spread out, etq,ecially on gram Iv dries. When rains come all first see that tone aDPa to be need sato sweet. Tb• a may be p cisme tbe juice, either ucrz by eqldnet crushing, es in the obd ways cider treakhtg, or f'yeeeme of Use of that reiat'ei the fruit modern processes fro mini" � a Abet s,up�r Whatever may in speed, a slow proceed' of crushing, where the knit only cosines in contact with wood, will excel to quality. Ther ate varieties forms of screw peesetve, him which one can be selected to suit the cis- cualeta es of the cam. Thr lrouace should retrain overnight, TMOi7O►IrTs sow tmisa WOMEN. 1 g� W Thar see nes Jests Owego Teen TH M��s1r aess•MMa• Witn time e. p•tbee• the nedbesr7 leaf becomes m`as'• just before we ht prevails. late mama- or at leant several Lona. tultl1e cheese, be to to .et Hi -J irew '' CASE coutoftN& i i Brom our owe corre•poudent. .^14.41•. ' Threshing is pow about closed for the .i._.inete•e I year. ;leu B keen sad his crew of threshersSaturday Oetober llth, terse their ep of Bwn- farm for home. John Green, miller. eu the mete day returned home to the Fells with leis mschtne, acting in the capacity of both fireman and engi- neer; and John Blair returned to 6 ode - 1 rich township. It is said the Cotxrr is the oght by the Carmen f 'township to be one of the best feeders i.f ( • steam m whine ever sten here. —tort • CASE's on st t}s w�tNSi CORNS, CORNS! trough u t f the pomace com- as it is called, collates ' ;mace con- fined in press shuts, or, more ommonly among ferment, a sec eseiun of layers, held in place under the screws by clean straight straw turned ever the edge tot each layer in a meaner familiar to all rural cider makers, The juice briinnggt ex- pressed, it at once becoinre imp to free it as completely ar p metible from the particle* ticle* held in mention. Them, by their di,e,t+npoeitiou, h` -ten and increase the vinous; fermentatem. which if owed ot properly treated will he sem fulls .old by the vinegar stage. Tins prise rice begin by ',training or t.Itering the j: before ferneentation nets M. A convenient filter unity be mule from a glean tight barrel. with a faucet beet( in Take Uw caaaut imagism bow meek tderer- ems is ueomn,r7 out to be ridteuletes. A woman woeld be ia despair it aa - We bad torsed her as (ase ,a, maim b appear on the rant isdtistr7 of Ilse poor friss ty of the rich. that wuose There are three things throw away- their time, their money and their health. The wealthiest ore is theetwhohe un s most econe.micel ; the worse, raw u west misrty. demorrlisa• The greatest evidence •'f tem te the respect paid to wealth. Neuman u holiest it womanly attire. ' d a -tura from Geo Fubei'a •r The chillies of fashion iathe tax that the land. mere its strength is there, and whetever is sots- through a ;Rave near nd 8t in a tales bet - grass tvfll be carried down to thefor tom with holes thit the other ckly buret' through it, },•rasa land tnowv new is to be plowed j t same nrnt or px,tattoc'a nest spring there is no putt above the faucet. �� ever the nar- better time to tip corers. it to do the nest row wooden stripscromclrte trop the must good than now. false bottcml to bold up the comet first laid over it. On this place a layer — i - - _ Yard. td cotton wool. tbeu mother coarse Aan..e :'cert 1n the Poultry three or tour ne cvnnty. N. Y., 'loth, to be followed by B. Benjamin, following oll ui, tines inches of very clean straw, then cloths gives the fu ng cockerels sensto advice: put'• If the vualready n ep Did 1 three-fourths s ull-heuntil u w premed ogle have not already t,e is , (Irp through a hrye'r et this• ought to be done at Duce, or the sur- down. Straining finely broken charcoal Otte inclosed in cepa at to maeted rketing g the cleanly purrand another tnethe'i. art into it I r and fed prepay f1 the filtered juice can be p or for pee cotbjet pthe Worn cg, lvice ie large clanks holding three or ftp is an the orta nt. object the above g wgs are not and etar.,ling upright, with open henels. all important. ableUnff for d tabk more d<•-ieable. fur tot• table end fur ashort time until irnueutatitn s• - longer. but bens keptns it will be much letter then to Isar - in ar- gins .. casit' lhu:ald ler in:crkrtate aniskeewill lay longer and set tet it at owe. These t few inches freta les than hensprotfded with faucets : u w Mita blher. As a ere * Dodhens the bottom. tbrongh which the clerr'i- nnptvf.ablr. though then are exception- ilyers. der ran be drawn oR% leaving another int rages, as when speaking, of ere g' t to Hite large deposit of fine eedimen: nn- ilewoetle intfrm t'1 fowls Dego q Doe weeded out from tee flask. The pits•• disturtrwl. The scum on the tap siirr-. of them. l,e skimmer off as (et -mato' reel hat ie a go.l in t, r nisparsini then be barreled i :rnl as they will lay more now than a little The cider ebopy. as tightly bunged kept in a soul p l later oe. The early pollute will lx•gin relay naw, as the fermrntation�l, adut:t,cill"+alcor provided Hwy are not mored about too continue tor a ;time, will cleansing it from els Me touch and are properly ted. Buckwheat the best systemn01 eerier, it milers it can is one of the moat soluble of grains for purities, early ielow tempo-ti- ne emp ni- the production of ego. Barley, wheat, be kept in an uncommonly ie treated with chewie.als or e and oats are afro acceptable grains. turf.. Sunflower needs, the deeds of cowmen scalded to kill ternee•t agreeable. The will grow W millet. sorghum, broomcorn, etc., may ttwr acid to be ageeeable. tete terrier be used to vary the Fitt. This grain Girl der meking can and r letter must be supplemented with green `tuff the cider will be as n levt•rrefe he ast soft cabbage lingP7 it will keep. says The New York heath., ate, onto s.r lettuce, et heads, epicene, ltttncr, etc.: atm) with World. authority for the fo:c3r,ing• nest scrape and an of:maim ed relish of Corning Wert. chopped peppers in veld weather. Do First cover the neat for the space id nett the the mistake of au active, hitt twent'--tour hone with brute strong keep the laying Leena in au active. eget-then take gree state. Laying betty should not have cn.'n,rh to l,ar•ly flout au eget too Led; this is fattening and •t not and vvi°h it in cold water.pmesstt' f itch twig the hands sac eel 3 elf /lie , '::r that has �» thrown awdy, at it 11 i FnePzi�t used should . .the alert or you will quickly have roup 't¢ the blood that is to often retained i:t to contendWit'.i. the tickle that ...meet' it 0 sent ttrtfll - spoil. Make a teem' • a • ekle Are Bees Amassed .a rrwp'r'trr weaker than the. first. in which yen have A. I. gout, editor ef Gleanings in B e disynlved three paundt of brown sages of 'alt ;twee Ur a hm:dre d and h Th.. error of t seals womea a tea MI' 111401163 that to acquire dustiuction they must imitate the ms„ers' 1 emu. The knowledge Atha charms nue lot' ',move prompts omen arrohso des r es et ewnuot m 1 neo .0 by lmastt iaea. aaiOn is not \ woman whose ruling ps smutty Is sup,'tor to any men o( shit.( capacity. Men make laws, woman make mas- her. There is s enetnirg of women in every- thing that pleases. Taste is the fact of the mind. Testa is the microscope of the judl- esmt. Modesty is tbe curscIeuce of the body. Discomfort destroys grace. Dress changes the manuerte Varney rains more women than love. We always tine 6 idwdametit in those who look at w A foot always bods someone more fool WI than htuiael( t, admire him. Folly always deserves its miefurtuues. Most women caress a un before em- bracinR pentteuce. Effective clothing develops beauty. Beauty is the tint gif: Nature gives to d h first she take• frost her. Women arra less to be clothed Corn Cure Whet ■e w.ata s•. tine o1 the office -bearers of Illairmsll7 twee things—the hastiness UVBRGOLT BUOY mend, Davy — W— A. E. PRIDRAM'S, e has been doing so well with it that some of the other fellows are TRYING TO CET INTO THE SWIM. is famous for t of his temper and the beauty of certain p•sra whtch grow on a tree in bis este n road. A tow days den rage ;the elder y near ewas tentertaining -u(t t'orns, who bad called on hits, p or euro} tae's' It is ttemotessekiss& of (lard sad the laumeter, Rana rIC., wlltt.at 1'a' nh.ctrd with the church were ethctwt rexeelc end there ar 1 and the two Karin,; discussed sundry a sate' sureiele never ani eo every root g Kiad ts h, three mord tier be regretted. ttcfuse alt rubel:ate*. Foil damtaons with each bottle. 1'nce -�• raararrr' oa y ❑' R. Spencer Case, icer. .0 and loruguie, '� I.r. -:. t�kM' }bamr:tui+, tent. 8 Sold b, E. Jorasa. matters co good-bye at the garden about to say R este, when the boys who hadlsu succeeded hed atter a cculpehis But the chase in raidicR his pear tree. I was fruitless, and the good man retain- ''Tbe He has a new line for imitators now, and that is LAD=E S' F- JRS 1 In this department he can suit the most fastidious and satisfy the requirements of every purse. ed out of breath and tempt to"• wee deevila he exclaimed. bs eerty, on them gin 1 could Linty 1a7 tea for twa meeaits I'd'—and here he caught sight of an an,eaed twinkle in the mi as- ter s eye, and continued - pray for em. Whatever kind if persona yon seem to n, these you will be Great :Remedy cherish and support, i thought tt'resemble. r.--_ -:ton - Sc - MY CThRRH. SP0N6 ? RZTGNIANSIA 6NItbE s 1 ,our Sncsa yy WOLt't"'S \1 ACMr Warranted ONCE A�`t+EEKI� w vra . n • ,eori A SURE CURE 1 Ot,trasv 1 In btidrx rr e.a SF _ e •• -:�. been sup x t o. 1 do tat EVERY H a ,:. ngcumion anything from rely neighbors nn ems EV aen• justly lwlotag' E. Prldham, A. E Gent's Furnishing Mart, iteLesn's New Block. TO THE LADIES. Try Our Oxford Shoes FOR SUMMER WEAR. whic4'eltmaesR h•:s,td:td sty They are r,anaptal:set to dip up and down on the sheet. ober mike. Our Russet Oxford Shoes ars • decide dtsuccers. There it notMng hie them for rammer wear, THEY ARE ALL OCR OWN MAKE ! woman sac the !toed than sad Kaaranteed to KAY! satisfaction. to be adorned. --' \\'ttb women the desire to bedeck and a et a street for quality grade 4 Mise• themeelrea is the desire le, phew. ell rlpt sewed urn eel charge. BOOS to tundemt.tn¢ the Teeny of wjjpen. men complain of the tire that they them; sett ea have kindled. What renders the vanity of otbet s un bearable to w to the wu•ud it indicts uu ours. OHNSTON CAREY Wheleeate fid Retail Menaferieawr and healer V Bs lased Spee& �! tl \ snit) is the only intellectual enjoy- i meat cf many people. Onesneers at carts whenone hrsono more hair ; one elauders app les els has no mors teeth. He who first turented reinsert perhaps ►ay.uted lovee and it is beauty that begins to please. tenderness that c,mpletes the chars,. The profession et women is very bard. much .oft es t f • ' as to squeeze out bt4ongt to G,wls penned for s • it with ta Wet weather and the first cold night* blood. l o bel rine may produce c•fa t s an j I Ctultnn•, helot raked upon to exl►rc•ss an panto two ounces 1 , 1.'loel h bees are esteemed Duels f beef. or in thine { P' 'al DO ASupenion ab to whether .� falletv' p, A t taperer nn•antiti<e. Should n arms Society would be a charming thine— if we were only interested iu tine mother. Eery and give enjoyment without w- hale to Ogee!: or others. This is moral- ity. lease is to forget 1 The surest way t'. P *itself and to think only of others. The only way to please 'led is to 1u1- 10 thegood enc •nations' f our nature. 3 U' l der not of nut, rhplt as or s 1 do not know what the prevailing crus- apq ear on the err/ lee tat 'n the meet is csed up. the brine ince,: be st'al'led v^el tem fs, but I think licca Amulet be a'x•ct4+ed 'Wynne' be petered 1 .ick y:L•t n quite (;I() ,with other d 1"•Tty' In fact. if package conta:niv.'l it ele.nb: ticd s igh ttld paha my been a cola. T-hP ]iec l plat •cel the 4014. feel slighted. If hives of trees are not top• L tel property then we lead better ail of us kept t ,sic► �."• it the lore • This nuttier has p�RE Mme etee t f n and there was wade die - me w n it some }lens a8 1 n RJart warm neither do f EYERY Carnage 1t•! i vi tyle non EMERY Body to - tr nets t anything nor nny privilege EVERY 8odij ER J C t 3 t y t tits 1 f i SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS • R• J. IC. iltl11E, Sale Patentee arid Manufacturer. #OOUCCtt 11 OWI. 8nderich Ste�� Boii�il Works ChX75tal & Black, -1 SAWS Hailers. Salt Pans. Tanks. Beatles. Meekeatacl., and all Londa to Meet W n,n,Ds i, iron Rork. hepta+red Automate cul-ofl t oriMa iL• t and Horizmi'al t:nt[feea ahs. whets e� c wail gable o Mid a blush he, ventinetit of the United States un - IK -®ON i Rai mine. Of coarse I agree 1taR it i+ fairly s of so little sac, or tiwt thine nm ruing r' of alit►• no uncertain, that it is not .,,, .., lyse. � • •. sand worth while to tax the ni � rale. t' r a `If vont bees w.w ruwwe.uwr would not sell at public w.0 e.•,w Oso a ,e teas ,'of the and ftxf nt se..a sr.,s a..,e awe e. .r the wise• not worts w.... wee, T,w w•w. e.,we thin I should arty they do. however, w,.. ase„ .ouw e_e ewes..o male• taxing. Aa Niers of beta vies foe.. see- • teas. r ith other stock. this oda assns ee sell for ala nething m it would . this Disaster it a e.o oe,W . T Armee for came.. customary selling Peri caput of 125 Kw/ la W.. r e' .i , OW- to me should be the proper bekeptin a r .• •.. shotthl always be ender' kine with the second letter. on •,f the lx•et work to the r pat t. from of Bis 1 r portion Let os be roetent in work odo (ret re•rl to out of Biel one for a (ley er tc: e thine wo eco, and not premise it will affect it nne..verablr: for this ttsc.we rt is Iitlle Who do im• reason it sh'nl'1 be 1i..fluently examined Hope awakens mange. 1 u the and ahu:ild neyrt be left in that teen plant courage is the human we clition- best physician. Proper Tern prn'tarr to netting 7, ilk. H. who follows his recreation instead — -of his business will, to a little time, On the question of peeler temperature have ,n business to tallow. iu tatting milk Pe.feeeot Henry rep' e a perfume trfiichnue Dan• Mill: ret at ao ele;.•a. fur eleven hours Happinessother without aa tee thr'yv lip all lint 41.1 of 1 per cent.. not shed over ani .s roll. Cent. deeps fallen ow while milk et 4 ileki. left eel' per word ie an easy oHigation ; of bntt.•r in the skim milk. Setting A goodo k ill requires Dal) ser nt ,�1: deep'. as computed vrith 43 doge. bat not whisk costs w nothing. 1f► git silence a I •• e The ty,tt leesiru is that of example. It ft GEMS OF THOUGHT. but he who de Noise despises honor 'pairs ••t it. Discretion of speech is mere emcee. geed than It is better to fight fur the g to rail at the ill. Specuhtion is a word that often be- i than elo- ._ f 1K\ 1901.114K— HOOF OINTMENT ! taxa ti'en. TA• (*Leek Set.. There should be some one to enlighten the amateur horseman in the proper n. e of the check rein. When they set ip Etched they get house and try the DOWN'S GOLDEN LI1tlNENT• tl checking A Celt Yor Holes. dee-Sedate m CONDITION POWDERS 1 eY1ae►i and cav i g' of ei eri FittID ewe path e h n d. Yips end tee. BROWN'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY math o•+ Mud. Mail Dreyer will receive prompt ;41001 • sweets' t Opp. L. T. t. Melte., promptly attended to. P. IIAltle. '1 " oN'S lhescript ion tang !pare. e . itepair. O BOX NM. WO- - 0. SEAC�EIR, PLANING MILL ,��e. in Melmasen-- ESTIfIIISNI O 1155 . showevl a k e. se frmm :'.4 to L"'* d lora tenable t scarcely ewer Tb we suspect rillfr ft 45 (l ls.b to per cert e at 4”, (legs. via that bare carer happen find that 30 es ee stn the crib cod Thing* nfrem il d15.4 to,, , e � the v t e t• eater that .et coin Bow much V ed ata apparent - How often do weres 6appi- Tntns. Ther .►r• T.ta. adversity ham worked far grey The American uo ono hat de pie that it is Dena than the e'eete$t proepwrtq. tt a mistaken protein that against anter Sympathy °venomesevrl and strength- exwnchtw a protection eQ enh- d thaw- sae good. It disarms resistance, the hardest heart, and draws oat the better part of human nature. trete t frequently killing ley the 'erie:n al e, panne plan. s they cel, are high •s they ran euro at art in to FSjrrir•nrrr anal o},wPnati'v,t are Th.. "'mit js that roan out I latit eh cueing farmers of this delusion. break mm. of ten air practically repotted. and d-v'•l- op a dislike for the chs'' k. and it ie year,. before they are cur'el of the habit of 1 teeming their heath'- If the tw•Riuner vrottld ;tae a little f,rethonght and cheek a colt np gradually he would wenn find the. natural petition and avoid future tremble. Under ouch treatment the (-oh will soon learnt' drive pleasantly and speed without pulling. It it 11•VeT nate t+, check a erupt up until suer a point ,cached, as he will do hie work easier sed with mets deterntin'tion. In nearly every town an observing magi semi horses epewded np the streets. over t-raaa with their hesdw eithick np in the air If they were taking sotri000mical M- emo. titch a rltethe,d is not the way to make a gond driving hoose or Bran a safe roadster, as he had not liberty enough to we his way or what is going on ar eared him.—Horveman TM T.Vse Bees Omens- The rww Agricultural '1't.e New Jersey State emcees,. balloting tar ttheMO three �h grape for RenevM railcar, etndeled is fame of Ilse Brighton. red. We.rihen, tieback. and Mtwara. white. and few grape dro`v'es tint that Mate mold today shahs any •Ilesatioa ID blit► tBuchazain &, Soa,NEW BOCK1 ........... yaat•t'ae^et'xtn+ BASO, DOOR and BLIND pesters ie all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES .set i.II tarp saateriat of rvari daserl,t>Os Bakst Farnitare a Specialtl liag at &goal. _o50110 tt•et.t,r A co remp,n"Put in The New Tock Ex - *Joiner revs that hit way act protecting sheep from doge it to holm m at night h a heart and let then; run in peewee tth aime. rd of harmed cattle in the day He keels, no dog, anal his cattle kook on all doge as enetnie't and make short work of thorn when they (VOW near. Money to Lend Cheap Rates. All stone !mitre are claimed to be Rene flied by potash fertilizer• more than b} the applicatlhtt of manner. pmt but it i! A new roof may stables or barn' and cheaper then damp ttirt animals- The animal, h M no Prean stoves in winter, and drys ess efore ementlal No one Dan ask hnnsstly, or hopefully, to be delivered from temptation unless he bee hinted( honestly and firmly eat tsrmitted to too the beat he cm to keep of it. The seseeeasfel man, ea a rule, is the one wbo knows the trick of dolor the richt thiols at the right time ; and the trick is net one which cornea from inspi- ration. bat from trines! bsbits and tbo.Rbt_ tt:.a rZ.; • ..–r ' .p - '5131! a $3Y'dSqcs• . • !' C 13,2 q1. .1..!, ; Yep i 8• eda i?`fiz• • —? er V W ; c I t7• ct� aw :%% .o Ei as Pq �. je a 0 6 d o G $ A SE '� oll ' 1Q^ .I aP t.D • VI; L. a °..o '1I eg_e ii ,,i y gi3.Cs IV• ., Wa! IPC" eats jI A� o4 11. Leat -.al:. i r GET YOUR PRINTING DONE AT "THE !SIGNAL." 6000 WORK IS DONE AT SI61iMI CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! DR. FOW LEFTS LD AND s: tIABLB iLAtr1.5T. t11111Ut 1107 18 alarm• �, nrtNr ile. Betaking. of Vormtet• sr that be vegans the Switzer apple as „carred per faction to anality alae equal to ths *,,e, from mote. the tme Femme. very 1�y tend ' a trim awl elegant growerThe prolific emoting, like areae othertrnita termed "prolific' is remae% ably unproductive. b. traced to wont et..s may Rvn•r relh7 vrntllatlOS er n. in ..Tips, .. d poultryman Who Ites w'r`it" m eaaPleattatbaara tatrmr+ is sea- sseab{f aids metistR lies,Asp •EXT: OF • vOQR in no siren • W 1 Lw D• nt. cptAliO D }f�}aya TRAVIBE iYtermitet.rrt..: The Public art irereb7 .Dace .4 that1 CCallist o been purchased b7 CURES � T'HO8• 3.vim", HO L EER bu � wig car, it se is ears brsnrhea at 1M olera t�a0 b1✓� ord stand, batt eines �8aarmrr twe[Rt► �, Sets sthis the mean s Y � � 1 C � 1t.rsthls bawinett lee been tbe M TJS , pr In Ira t v h ` death with ti SM R A 1_ M proprietor MM. there exh will a keeningcarr p` 15* (tont rntarb. IARRH(EA gf ro el'.t> �ei „ f. ..s,w P l �Iwya�t�.a.shako .•.t>J• ta.a..... YSEHTE 'BO J. vma • I IDDm this ea7sstttty et � r�r w MPLAINTS ;tame» Iter their UMW elea00% e�td }ee' ANO ALL Of THEMER O e�,s,s incised ai. yf 71••• sib 1T 15 SAPS ANO RELIABLE FOR l%1�=nee at � CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Without the friendly audience of kindly words and metiers, and 'reboot the sunshine+ of loving looks sad smiles of welcome add encouragement, s bows may be s habitation, bot never teal, a beThe.• . earth is our workshop. W seal not horse it, we ars booed to ssnetl17 We meet strive to make of humanity Magi. family. Tb• eslebrated Kreps Oeer/,e d Sass. Darmaay. W fast Midiad tiM largest tete over made ; it is tole pai M ty et the Russia, aloveraeeat. sod It. eine Job Printing of every descriptio neatly executed at "The Signal' ouse• made d east steal. weighs tlfl� ' 40 lost l�ia{dtki` 34 `Seas' .abbe to pa Steam Printing n N ares Ise abate par etsieebt •and seek thaw orfs �.�. •