HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1890-10-24, Page 5WILL RECEIVE HER DESERT& • death W. Thea se Cremele viae Mbwea teetber. ODanew, Out 118..41kerah Lanham. • gird shah* years of yet was charged at the *allele tuday wieh having ea the lath d Air Sud lest allemplad to set fire to her us ulber's imam in Oradea The evidence was strums agoiot the primer. 1t wake proved by severed milnemea that she had off the sight above MaMoned walked $ miles trona Port Hupe to bereft* fur the =prim purpose of cerryutg eat her fists t4us of buru1ug the house W worse her mother ease bedridden A verdict et guilty was brought la by Us Jury. 1 1 ANOTHER DEATHWATCH maim `tlbau filen, deb ms, We Oast Tell ale. tonne OMmse. THIS MAN ESCAPED ()EAT H• l A X 1 M.rderer Aegwlated M the Owmed .1 leases,. Ccsouae, fOL *-William (:crow wash charged at ata anises to -day with the murl der et tun Lockhart user Burnley last sprtag. The evidence went to show that the primmer ter years prat has baso subject to epileptic ab, sad wbeu In that state wan always violent. On tie day of the murder the prlsmsar went into • W.,kamith sbuy, and time look • et which render,.1 him w-, ms., anti wink in that ounditats he picked .p • large stick of wood and struck Lock- hart a Hoist Now upon the bead which wuaed his death. t From the medical teeatie ntuny brought forward it was so Cully mi- dget 4o the Clown couurt that the act wad committed by the prkooer while Imherin' under • temporary et ONtaaastty that be al- lowed the matter to go to the Jury without foaling the usual address. The jury brought Ise • medict of nut failty. e.. BIG WINNING STABLES. Amgttwt 11elmsas'• Neruea Bond the iter With .l•7,aa. Naw Yong. Oct TL -The racing sewed width has gut ended Ise this sesta has been • phomonenally successful oils. Never Wore in the hYary of the American turf have the stakes been so licit. the attendance .o large, or the holes entered so numerous .d of reek high claw. One grand horse will alone make tbe season of 1'1W • memorable one, for it will always be known as " Salvator'/ year." 14 well also he remarkable as the re- cord-breaking year„ for never .ince there bare been official records 4. this country hare so many new standards bean net up. Augtut ilelssont heads the let of *cinema with • total winning of $167,000.: John A. Morrie is sat, with • credit to kis account of $156,0140, whls Senator Hearst, whom bad luck in previous years was proverbial, closes ibea.ama with $110,000.' Green 3lurrts M fourth, with 103.000, and C. W L Scour just below him wMh 1111111,000. The Dwyer brothers, in spite of the crippled tam. thrice et their stable, a mere.wrsdt of the princely establiebs.mt t of :the ped, have earned $$3,000, while- D. D. !Rhea. whose stable bra bees rather • dkbligo itklg ale this mason, is a winner of I$4.Nt'' j' It is • curious tact that clearly all the big mosey in the leading arabin has been wee by one horse. Potomac won nearly half of Yr. Balmmst's $4C!,000, and if Tournatsent'. earnings were deducted front Senator Heart's total there would be very little left. J. B. Haggin ends the year with $51,740 proat,a•e of this seas over $30.000 was tealvator's win. Mega The talk of the nonsairroder was Fir meth. Marcus Daly spared so mosey in getting the choicest ierains of blood. He hat spent perhaps $ t0). M) ea the turf, and ye. be has woo only one raw this year That wens dab race. however. and he got out of it ONO to help pay his enormous loess. Fired at a litre mad Rreeight Dew. s Man. • K1.suoToo, Oct. :2. -Rule the barge Detroit was lying at the 1►. A P. R R dock, C'ataragai Bay. this morning. the sudden report of a ribs wee heard, and Fred Yost••, • hoodoo the b st,lsll to the deck with a bullet M irk leg. A doctor bad to cut a bole % of an inch in diameter and :; inches leggin the path before he could reach tea bullet, which was ultimately extracted The bathe was from • ripe 4s. the bands 'd F. A Folger, jr. H. fired at • bird on • log is the bey. The bullet went over this bird, struck the water. gland bed mud have flown the distance to the barge and bf Mauston. The barge was ors 300 yards frau the rand-bu.e and over sixty y.rdi math of the way the shot was fired. T. bullet gland off at an angle of about 45 degrees. OM the Oren ea the Jag.. Tacoma, Oct. Ti. -F. C. health, aged 5111 years, after being bald for trial in the super- ior court, charged with burglary, -'.ped this erecting from Judge Patrick's poises court. At the coecluaion of the .r- raignmeet Arthur Pat ricks, • deputy sheriff and .os of Judge Prancers, left the court -nom to serve papers upon the witness. Smiths counsel mad the city at-, tansy also Lift the room, kav4g th. prisoner le ebarge of Clerk Keene, who mel at the time busy wrlt.g. Judge Patrick. bad premed over 65 camel to Smith which wet to buy tobacco, and was re.ehieg for a piece of memorandum paper, with he back turned when the primas! quietly rewind over the dank. grabbed the read vs/ witch b.uI been booed mi his poene and holding the revolver tsar the Judge's nose, began hacking from the room to the window in the rear. "if you stir," he said coolly, "P11 .boot the lite oma of yaw" The judge did not move, no weapon was while reach, and swan his seal and inkstand were buried under PliPere- When N dry was solid sight Clerk Keens Warted le permit Seethe Itemise apprs.ch- hg, Smith, just as he was about to he ream the awned sexy ea to a shad, eovw.d Keens with the gun, and the clerk sprang behind • chimney wall. Smith made his escape be- fore the police scald be no(ffied. A Trivial Wspwte-Tw. Oaths. Kowa ens. Wks. Oct 23. -Albert Leder- meyr, • young fanner living sear CLeto, quarrelled with hie wife, • bride of • few weeks, h regard to the gmaattty of potato -: they sbosld put Is for Y. whew. Leder - stayer grew lass dy angry, all sedge bit W hnthester rifle he diet his wits dead as she r.a from the how Iadwm.aymr then pat the serie at the ashram to W Mea ani blew ►le braise out AIM.Me•. CaasLAdge_Yew. looxnos, Oat - At Newmarket today the race far the C Wakes of tide fou lyear-olds was woo by .s favor its 01 to 11. M. IIIbrsm's eh f Alicante, by Rermit-Marl.hw, 1, Mr. Caus' eh e Rol - moat >l Cam. J. Orr -Swine, be Toads t The rase was was last year by Mr. J. 5.- Eleessasmire Lea eats ■enareare l benaenseb OMB" !tart net severed b ire. - _ Mmwrnaals Olt. fate -Fie Mein ad Oa. waders abaft* to IM Magi 1lMe _My dWr a ia Om weak peres - - - 11MIy Woowyoc., Oat 1M-11. bbMrm d ati'•' theirs lite was costa bled by hi.tmlt dday. It sashes 400 pegs, at teokomp with 40 ittea- t•sfloms. flu tar uely SWIM baa hose offered far the maaesoript, bat Aids price 4cludm the confession weld Birtehall baa prumMrl cul Ogreish to tba'pubL.b.r who bey' hie auto- bl.grwpky. Tse isos.y will all go to hie wife. The premier had holed to receive Lest night Blrchafl Mooed a card to the oust of Guard Mole, as he wee having the jell. On the Lard wars delicate ,r epatics .bent the prim of rotten eggs. McGeo did mot es* It 1W he got bomb Hs oosotud,d he had seen essegh of the prisoner sed midge - ed. George Perry, ecu of Wed,puty-.b.riff, has hes place. i Oa. et Birdsall's Chau 7QaMag. Pony L C. Whaler of tis arm of R Wheeler bas levitated. The flan .Mg Saturday night Lest January Wheeler was taken Into the bu4a..e as a partner and put up about 51000. He was to num $JOOO more for the business, .ad the failure to do lila mimed Mr. Hied his present trouble Wheeler received s week ago toffy about $1800 tram Eugysd, but kept the knowledge' of this from his psartsmr.. Oa Thursday b. checked ' out all the .. mosey / 4s the idol.... • Bank to the credit el tie An. and took the 3.18 train that afternoon for Toronto.' Thee is a wart rant for %l.sler'. arrest. Dia is charged with appropriating $1301) with the latent of d0r..ading his creditors. The books show Wheeler drew more money out than he put Mo the business Wheele • was a warm ad- mirer of Btrchall They both came out here in 1065 as farm paplb through Ford, l,athi burn t Co. After spending some time on a farm he moved to Weiland and has sinus that ams then a howling swell. Nwtblag la tie Trae.dal. Case. Skocvg, Oct 22 -Toe Norfolk Fall Amies, dueled yesterday. The grand jure", ignored the NB for murder against John Trued/tie and Lis eon in the Port Dover poisoning cast'. The accused nem were .cvordu.gly dis- charged from custody. The murder charge against Corydon Smith was podp ooed until 1'ie next arias, as .gene of the crown wit- nesses were absent Au application will be made at Toronto off Saturday to admit the prisoner, Smite, to bail. In repaying to the p.r'sentetlom at the grand jury His Lordship suggested a ren of the somewhat antiquated fittings of the court -room. tleddea Death at Guelph. Guzl,w, Oct 21 -Mr. George Gay, marl chat tailor, and a well-known citrase of (haggish, pmmd away this morning atter a bre hours' tl4.m. While returning from the store at S o'clock yesterday afternoon. when opposite D. McLaren s shoe shop is • he staggered and wom4 pave fallen had be not been caught by • carr -by.' Rs was annexed Into • cab and taken bonne, The doctor pronounced the attack one oil uremic convulsions and it ended in apoplexy. He lingered 411 :. o'clock this morning.. Mrd Guy ant came to Guelph from Coburg about leg ad entered the employ of Mr. Jammu C'orreack as cutter. subsqu.stlee starting business for himself. -' A Tr.la.edal to Wait Whitman&- PHI LA DELPHI/, Oct ' 2 -A tcstimosfa DI Walt Whitman was gine at Horticultural Hall herr last night. Over a thousand pa.ple were preset The feature was an oration by Col. Robert 4,. Ingersoll, entitled "Let us put wreath[, on the brow a the living." He extolled Whitman as the greatest of living poets. The poet sat in his wheel chair on the stage Imtredutely back of Col. Ingersoll, and on the ouectu.fou of the onDDM he rolled himself forward and in s feeble roto, tendered his thanks tb the audience and to Col Ingersoll, finishing his remarks by exclaiming. "Hail end farewell, hail and farewell'" The scene was very im- remit ve Med Ills Brother . BAanrr., Oct. 'l..'. -Three boyo, R. Walter, W. Walton, brothers, and H. Duna, wM preparing to go out in the bay duck -shooting from %t-altofl's boat -house. They Chart twe guus loaded, which they peed in the bottom of the boat dt Walton, in stepping into the Mat struck the trigger of one of the guns, which was loaded with a ball and duck that and diet -barged it. the ball4ntering the wrist of his brother ad running up to tee palm of the right band, part cd which was carried away. ` Caned While en Duly. orEtrn, Oct. ILI -The death yesterday oi Miss Phasors Fuller, one of the young ads who bad almost completed the mune o, training u. nuts* at the Cieseral Hospital, was rery sudden It was caused by peso mania, contracted while absent on duty. Mies Fuller cams from MaafoM, where to, several years bar father was manager of tis apace of the Merchants' Hank He died a few months stew Tosed•y evenly at $ o'clock than wene a touching eureka at the hospital. the Ven. An•bdomoa, d whoa ,iarcb she wee • member, calastlhg, pried to the removal of the body, which is to he buried at Meaford Mi, Victim *IR O . .. Oat age Neter, who root his wife reognilly, Ise Ire.0 ser tented to gives yeah 1 Ya► t.rday the doxxtors succeeded in taklsg the bullet ot of Mrs Water'. arm. It w.. the lad of the three. The affray took plata en Aag. IM. Mn. Slater is now on a lair w.0 to recover fully. Waters wounded Brat her healed and his nnp are •ttegethgr mental Il set W-4.4..5, W000wrom Oet It -Abend 10 o'clocl len night as Traces* Haas. an enspheye at J ames Hayes, was going to Isis house in tit portico of the town, ke0wn a the "Owe," .s autunite' person ones upon him meetly from behind and with a degree nems eut on ugly cirr•elsr wound, extending glee fecbae around the head wiles w111 keep him maneed wide bad for same weeks Tse robber *rook ale front Rani.'* poekeen ..d haste; decamped, taking Rswish cep intrad d Ilea owe. They Il... ea Meat t. Wit I IleILJlr, Oet a -Th. Dake et Melba Praid..t et the tipper Sooner the Prussian Dist prosiesd a dspwlage dram GWwita w1sh ease to ecmplwla at the .tie etty tie wet biting district that he wedn pereaeelg sedativor to wean the letspererts oeasent to the removal of the en the Mr partition of Rumba et&tt4. Ilw r.Mlisa Cathodes baa e awe. . Roma, Oat S$ --71a Tape Ind1IF sang * nonce to the Archbishops? 11" r wh gird tow polity d the Ontbsiles r the stew llpabra d'lam I • Us 1144661140 =het the= gravid pees theri lbsS aided amoopoits 1..11" TILE 8[GNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. Ike 1890. A HOLE THROUGH H13 HEAD. Ilorvavl,rg What Was Though • neat DncaTcs. Iasi, Oat. le. -A sr.nga owe la surgery Y that at Freddie, the Syser-old are of James N:itlact, • pretutu.ut man o&f tgfa city. Freddie .ad his brother, Charlie, tired 1 years, were Mtn is • rasa to anima tluwnelvea The children dinouver.d a revolver, and in play- ing with the weapon it was accidently dile charged while w the hands of the elder brother. The beta entered the forehead of Freddie, just above the left eye and pawed out at the Irak part of the head The wooed, weil:h was a ghastly looking one, was aonddered fatal, and every one exeec rel tae little sufferer would sur- ese a tut a few mosrs4; but, strange to may. W e tele days he rallied tram the shock amid u now c.msidered in a fair way to re- covery. Physicians is charge at the cam in- siert•d • silver probe into tate opeeing until the instrument plumed entirely through tate chill's mad, ,fuer which a perforated drain- age tido was introduced, following the mixes of the ball. 1bus tube has been allowed to remain m the child's bred, and now tie dayligh4e,hMs throegb ale.&, but he .till liver. GONE NEARLY FIFTY YEARS. After Thct Tisa5 a l',,thsr Meets a hen Wheat lis Nets r 'saw Before. t-Ast:AIJA, ILL, Oct. :l0. -Forty-seven years ago (.nark. Adserm married Min. Sarah Houston. sister of Supervisor M. F. Huston. -.al a prominent farmer of this IFayettci county. Mr. and Mrs Adams bad lived together jest Hoe yens wben one even- ing A,lanr went out to milk the cows, but did not return and was not herd of after- ward, althougS lir. Houston travelled touch and epwnt a great deal of money in a rain search for herniating brother -to -law. Not loth, after Adams' dimppearanee a son war bora to Mre. Adams, but the birth •"- rulted 4. the mother's death. The chive r .. eared for by the Minton. and grow up to nunhood and is now living on his farm, Ir.. and a heir toile. east of Vandalia. During his absence not the slightest clue was had to Adams' . . i, and he was suptpxxed to bre 'lend. About three weeks ago an elderly men, apparently about 7b years o:d, inquired if the Houston still lived bus- and o,e being informed that they did, lett word that he would return and visit them in about three weeks. The •traoFer nwle good his promise and Friday returned to this city. He was the long -lest Adams lir. Adam dna mot sedge any reason for leering here su abruptly, tut said that be was informed loon after the child was born that bosh he mother an.t child bel diel, anti knew oo better until inlorm..d by hit !rim's bre. :tome four or five years alter the death of his wife Adana says be mar- ried again and rr.'id•xl cu Troy, N.V. Four ehildno were born to them, all of wham, together with their mother have since died The truant fattier seemed overjoyed to know that Ire bad a living son and at omens pro - .vied a col,veyanie and started for his bonne. THE MYSTERY OF A BOX. sleben tits Lid Woe Torn Of a Girl's Bedy Appeared t.atc.t$TElt, Pa., Oct. "JJ. -A box bearing • weird label wud.Nvered at New Holland, a little village 12 miles from Lancaster, on bucklsy moruiug. It came by express Dom Mount Vernon. O., and was addressed to Mr.. Caroline Mettley. It was a large box, mrd those waw taw ft were startled at lead - In;; above tie ad,rsm the lolluw reg inscrip- tion. SUICIDE. Hastily the lid vow removed as soot as the cumbersome peckage was taken to the Set - Dry 4.4no•, and then tiros who bad hem busy prying of the board. with Lammers and c4L:els were biotite Ito lad the body of a girt \s won es the atTrigbted workers agaia Approached the .trartee object they saw that what apparently lay before them u to the corp.* of Helen 8ettley. Dn. Hwbong and Koble'r were at once summoned. and the mother sok e. that a pot .mot tem examine tion he held Hui ea the ,beitietane were .*.fisting in lifting tL.: 1.o.h from Its strange restiag- plane they noticed that the evidences of death were not there. No rigidity eras ap- parent -not a sign ',f tlecompo•it&om so, into•ad of being wrapp•t in the clothe. of death, the girl .a. placed la a heel and • rimier examination made. It was found that the ruu,eles .sere relaxed, as of one in a deep .kap. Tim band, were warm and a slight 6u.h nppeared on the cheeks. Heston - Pees were applied. but to so avail There coed:does were the Fame throughout he uigbt and all to -Jay To -night the mother 1. watching by the bedside of her girl, not kneeing whetber a -wpm !is bee tureen' the •Leets or whether there is lite in the 'melee's." form. The physicians are es puzzled as is thi Widow Notary. They wonder how it is pas- sible orsibs lar • vestige of Ute W remain atter the confinement in tbat box for such • period, even d the girl where alive abet the journey teem Mount Verson was commenced. The authorities have boss walled at the d ense case and ars doing their utmost to solve the mystery. fluty ten days ago the mother received • lotto frau ber daughter, w which she meld dee was tueii'e enough money t0 eaabi.ler to take a trip borne The girl became 30 years old a short time age. A Glpatke Leek -eat Iwimis .t ln31r03. ()et s.3 -At • lastly ed t1a Rnn.Ierl.nd breach of the Fthippl1E Feder* t&ou it was stated that the cents.) authority in London was arranging for a 'pigment leek- a.t should the sailers persist In their heatfl. attitude. The t(hippiwg Gansu. nayw en shipowners' necroses le betag ruined by the tyr buy of the new uniodaa The prospect of an humors federation of e wer. trade remotely connected with ship t z bas roarlacrd shipowners that something mint he dare prseptly. 1 he Tines confirms the .tetement that w- an: hes have bass darted es to the phial- eabllity of a general laying -.p of vssels la Drit Lir path A Ceased wltk this Maisel Catlin, 01. rcrflk't betwrea team ami end tea Maad1 is expected to take piece shortly at I rendurnsen. A partridge flew tele David Hulme*' boaes.leth eon , (1rey.rsres(Iy.md is its tempt to regain he freedoms wait thnte(b thp window pane The lard waw esenswhst Manned, trivia( Mr Hearne. 111110 to u.ewn it fou ►s dinner, thee belenain$ the damage dose to the win dei. DUNGAN NON. nem our ewe Now that the fall *bows are over the w est err N beam sting settled. Arps pecking, shipping the fruit. and fall ploughing me the order of the day. The municipal council of West Wawa- nu•h will meet, pursuant to adjutart- n eeut, this tewaship hall, on Saturday, the 25th of October. I.uok out fur the concert which is to be hold an the new hall at Uusgansoo, os Cue 5th November. A barite gather- ing, teat.tiapated ••n that oassston. Mr Geo Howell, V. S., of Des Moines, Iowa, anti !mob have been *tektite fr wads, r dative* and acyualutenees here. Mr H. was at one time a resident of Col - bore. township, where he ,vent $ great part of his youthful days. The many friends and acquaintances of our popular bolrl-beeper, Mr A. Black, who received an injury from a fall &oma Ams ago, will la pleased to know that the old gentleman is able to he .round, sod is getting better. Mr Black s. au o'd-timer u& this sectiuu and has . host 01 friend* heir. We regret to have to stere that Mr Archthal4 BJII, a resident of West W.- wsmah, Leer D" ega'tt&on, was during tl.e former part of tiro week prrstrated by an attack of paralysis, which we hope will emit be of long duration, and that he may sp'eddy recover sod be ,eetured to his wonted state of health, Mr J. A. Comedy, whoa an authoriz- ed &seat to take orders for THE Slot - (ALL, we Understand, is c.nvauing the .ugh this section of country, and do- iog good work by adding largely to THE Spaist s •ubsertpti.'n INC Me C. e a young man of push and • suocesaful agent. The regular division court will be held in the court room st Umigannuu, un Sat - ari.y, the 251h Oct. We presume all he- lm t well that the nett cruet will bre held io the spacious apartment sen the new building beloneisr to the I)unganmu Agricultural and Driving Park Associa- tion, when it will be completed. THE St..a.L deserves the thanks of the hoard cif directors t.f the Ashfield and West Wawanoel Agricultural Society, and '•1 the stock I&oldrn :,f the Dungan- non Agriculture and Driving Park A..ociation, ala . ul the citizens of Dun- gannon, for the excellent maru:er in w hich it portrayed the fall show. On every Dublic question THE Si.:EAt has stood by Dougannoti and its large list of subscribers in this section attests that eta friendly acts are duly appreciated. The remains of Mr John Cameron, of West W..wsuo•b-woo died on Tuesday of last week, aged i4yun,aere intel.ed in Dungannon cemetery on Thursday, Ibith inst. The deceased wan widely known and h'zhly Iespecteto, being an old set- tler to the township, and hie reddrrce tieing situated adjacent to the township hall, where a great many :I the settlers in the township had to transact lousiness in connection with municipal ■I1.ira, he home was At •11 times and on all occasions open to all to partake of his hospitality, which was unlimited. The obsequies no the oo•ash ft were crndneted by Rev Mr Audersun, pastor of St Helen's Pres- byterian church, The bereaved widow and family have the sneer. sympathy of the c.•nimunity. The great mid popular '.teem In which the decea.ed gentleman au held was thotuu.h'y ''tows by the very large tette...lance of sympathizers at his funeral. Hi• lose to the bereaved family and others will he greatly felt. took II took Siok. I TOOK SCOTTS EMULSION lti$QLT1 I take Me Ity AND r AM 111111010011 IMO= TO TAitt AETT.USO 1 CAN LAT MT MAXIM gel; :mare TOR IrOtl' bSI . tFalm MT ](Istdr DOT WILT Ma VP, ACID Il FOTTIfa11 FLUH ON MY MOMS AT Tin salt Or A TOO1ID A DAT. t TA= ITNWT M SMA�Q$.TAlISO SUM" rte.SAWA Zombiessales eM /rN 11! �I�.as SCOTT be .OWNA �IiTiEr. ARF YOU A BAPTIST? Goofs* Dobson, ENel, is etteml ag the tioatmeraal collage at Toronto, poo1141R himself on book -kelpie', shorthand bad type 111111 151. A short letter was ruosiv.d last week from Oliver timate, Brs.sda,oa board the U. 8. warship "Seater& ' The letter is dated Chests, china, Sept. 7th. The stage to 1>V Hueter and Gerrie n ow goes north every morning. It is proposed to change this to the afternoon, Leavitt( Brussels about 4 o'clock. Chris. (lrimcldey. who Lisa been as - eating O A. Deedsa.n, Brussels• with bit hers for the last five years, left for Owen Sound un Wednesday of last week. David Cantelus, son of Arthur Cantelon, takes his place. J. A. Reid & Kro. are showing great value in all -wool Blankets Flannels and i'n•lerclothing. Blankets, all pure wool, 50c. per Ib. Don't huy your Blankets by the pair, but by the 1b. You can compare values better in that way. Flannels from 123e. to 40e. per yd. for the finest Campbell - ford goods. Men's Shirt. and Drawers from 30c. to 811.50; special lines, all -wool, at 45 anti 50e. Ladies' Australian Lambs' Wool \'ants, excellent value. Have we ever done burliness with you ' We would be pleased to have you call and examine our stock, anal compare our prices with other stores. We claim to sell cheaper, but by callingyou can see and judge for yourself, J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Mace. Goderich. Oct. 17th. 1100. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. fisderkeh merest. Guoimec•m, OR Ski, laq. Wheat. Standard .... M 10 to 6 tea Pring Wheat. Standard...- o Ili to eo ti Flour. Patent Hnnwarias, newt„ 3 1010 3 1•i Flour, $treiwht. i cwt 3 e0 to '1 e' Flour. Farmlly, t$ ere{ r .10 to _ M1' Shorts,. cwt 0 :0 &o ' -0 Bran.bIcwt... 010 to060 `Jc•mnings, cwt.. ., -.• 0 m for. b) Chopps•d St . r awl........t..,. 1 23 to t a, Oats, a both ................ .. . 0 30 to U 3; Peart 1bush ... 055 to 0 w1 Harter. ' Dusk 0 to 0 W Ilay, r toe a (q to 6 .w Potatoes, a bush 0 10 to 030 k�;mobil ism 111 o018 ft Sas', fmM unpmllbaa, vies. .... a 1.. to 0 14 ('heeee «._.. _.... 0 10 too 12 WoOA 3 Is. to 1 (t0 Wool 000 to : e 00 Nldee 40°375 SO to 600 Sheepklas 0 7S to'• fS f stewed MMe.lewt.......... 5 5A to 6 to Pelu• toll CIlatea ln.1Mtw. Oct. 21s. 1100. Four •u 00 to.. M F.11 R heatnew asd ....048400old ...... tN Spring Wheat ............... • t4 toll to Barley 0 40 to 0 41 Oats ..».......... 0 31100 11 h poke Iveldtlllai Fir $�L» » 0 :a to a sd !totter-. wflay tt' oo l ............................. Ibrk.. thatnal bath teerlset. The receipts of live stock at the )fontrcal Stock Yard.. l'"Int et. Cbarlets for the week ending Oct beth. 1Mie. were es follows :- 153 to2Si 0 tete° 50 • Itto010 O I3 to o l" 5 het to 7 00 3 to to 4 1ll a 0010000 020 toe ?0 1 .5 to. CO • • 2 D 1 x d Receipts of live stock at the.' Montreal Rim* Vard.•Pt. 81. (•harles• for the week . . 3.111S 1.80 1.305 50 Left ever Froin pre- vious week 30 10 173 Total for -----2I$.218 1.190 1.341 So Left on had 300 150 SM . There were large receipts but no change is relues for extort cattle. There vasa cneditm supply of butchers' cattle . the market was steady. tic. bib too prices. Hoek.- WMlh • n enter supply the slight advance of set week fell of. Hosie�p/tfat Sc. with little deemed. We quote the following as being 'fair '.1 - es ''attIe. eip*S l�c to Butchers, Butchers'. te,1O HaButchers'. am 3jjoo 103K Butchers'. !!c to 3 c cheep... .... ,_».. $l�aa le toile _OM Hags ...........«..... eliriall It SILO Mesterei (Nese Markel. IReport of (It. Moslrrnf Horse le-rrhnapr,l f'oiaf Ht. (Vearf,..l The receipt* of horses Ha the Be T. R. for the week ending October 4atk were 47 ; left over from previous w oak. 4 ; total for week. 61; shipped daring week IS ; left fur city. 15 ; ea hand, • Tbemeet rah of I and other im- ported stook at thew stables tor the week and .hlmped per Grand Trunk Railway t IIx. 58. "Alcides." f0 horse• oonsias.e te Galhrautb Bros.. Jaeeville. Wis. Ra. 88. "Siberian." 4 Mhones ooaslined to the. Torrance. Markham. THE TORONTO HOUSE LE�I72Nd $y Profession ? By gduqation ? DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. By Association?' tf sae, and ran are met already tallow It, tie seed THE EXAMINER, Tie Left Baptig ?aft NWT, W W1T• NORTH, MOUTH. repuwsasb I ter tie M1teswM. sseeratienthe wales anespr eslhhen aspact send She plrlre M ewe rear's en ar$► ellima. um RIMINI/1W 8.. Not and meg.* lMemTpaver tar iaetlna a-areOradow i the to leave err, 1, lett THREE MONTHS FREE. Latest and Best FALL COODS now a view. P. O'DEA, • Manager HOW PEOPLE DO TALK 1 The most economical .cove' The best double heater ' The easiest to operate' Positively no escape of gas ' The oven bakes perfectly ' Call and see the µsay and all Ilse •I1-rIM..latr. .1 The Z. a C. Ocaxzy Goy, for sale only by JAS. SAUNDERS S SON. N.H. -Any other MONe made in An. erica supplied at shortest uu lice. THE ART COUNTESS, WITH OVEI( THE BEST 1S A Revd By that Hinlnent .Brien THE CHEAPEST A. WII.FOhD HA 1'h.D.. I 1..D. -• -AN U-- Health Without Medicine, • THE SIGNAL Greatest Discovery ery oft,of he Age. What 110E8 THE BEST Qatalotue, Comnpareiel, Society aRJ General PRINTING ! Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printir.g for Manufacturers. for Wholesale Dealers. for Lawyers. for Retail Merchants, for Insurance Cos. for Railroads. for Steamboat Cos. for Societies. for all Purposes .81) OF EVERY Style Al. Prices Bight. Ns order too large or too email for ourcepeclty THE BEST FACILITIES in three coast ee ars at THE SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT. TmerwOns>• . SINE DUBIO MeL ..d's Sy.tem Renovator is • aphids for imaotaaia and all the ills arising from - Cosmetics are not re- ' pored when it is taken, hawse es • blood puriaer it has no equal, se the re- mark•bIe chasm and improvement in the enmplertios of tb..e who have takes it for say length of time iodide,. Mr Ala. Rowe, Kincardine, writes " My wife has bean sickly for a tong time -sleepless and had noappetite- - pale and mallow .11 the time. She am. tinead your Heaov.t.r for sight weekly and 1 as glad to tail you that she is new well, es smart and as lively es a pada girl 11e Liniment (E. A. McL,as.'l) yea cwt to Reel Or.b•ma eared his Wee bask. iihr John Mitchell took Mn /ULNA'. Spesiie ewe sent in my ease with the Renovator. R.e new week - .mage end Iwmga all right." Nee McL od's Rpesibe ewe her luau, threat. eostgk, .bilk, tweakgrnwC; drnp y tee- ens be had tree ,�g$, 11. Re...01 est . dr$,order it. 71S4* Fi toe DTATEN$\TNolte1u� like this as a system was ever before pub died. It has therefore nothing whatever to do with drop, Patent medicine., ,edectrtcity. magnetism. tato cures, dietetic!, nor w Rh any outer ism or pathy. 8e., oma tiTATiMLVT : we CaO SU every pat of the paper with the most positive and est Limiest : tetstmonies!,veer written let= pen of man. ',room that such b the misacubw potter of th1Jew lrra.me.t that it takes right bold of and cures the wont caste of .y.wwpwe. t'M.ript.IN. Liver t'ensplakot. gr..eblll.. Sh114s ad rever, . I4mev .ey lbpta4.. en Mawe/ we/ n eigh 1. a rawer. weak d 'mutat we with Its ne*ultamt "Bold Feet.- larlptese eissweag• n... laterial laiNsmaats....rlle., ashes. matt'*. timbre $.t -b... l0radarnee. aN ai..4 bad ails N.esan• ldtrsesed by rlmplee, ml.erbe ses Tetley agate. lemma and General.els4Ney, eee., eM. TWO SAMPLE TESTIIONIALS ! OF THOUSANDS RECEiVED. The REV. (X)VERD.t1.E WAT`tON, fob three yeare ending with June last at, popait Pastor of the Central Methodist Grinch. Moor- 'peen Torento, bot now of Victoria, British Columbia, under date of August Stir tom_ my*: 111 Alt MR. 81311'61)N : Yours of the Ma July was duly received. I Ma only say with respect to Dr. A. 54 Ilford Hall. Hr�ten1� Treatmentrebid that 1 id it es • we odsTul d:s.overy, and if perseveringly teed tt cane nn not tall to tie of great .ervx. 1 woM pfd'vf� any one to get the pamphlet, begin Inc ree el Inc treatment and throw medicine to !hobos. e, very clever pbyeiciaa wird to me the other day. "Let medicuae Mese and get rid of she waste materials sad the organs will pectoral their (unctloas." This is precisely what this treatment does. Sincerely yours. C. WATSON. W. A. SIMPSON, Petrolle. Oat.. the expert oil andwa:ertwell-artler. who Ism superintend. ed greet undertakings in dent rock-driU,.g In Germany. and In tete Ncrthwe t, for the C,P, R. Company, says . "11r. Halts hyg*aio treatment without medicine has beta a com- plete benefaction to me. completely cmciim ate of a chronic Inactivity or the liver ani slug 4sb circnbtion.tagetser with .• irresisti- ble habit of falling asleep almost Imo edlaue ly on silting down. no matter where or la what company. 1t is a grated appetiser. tale and afternteal comforter, and bit' KU belief troublell jest live it T.E 001.4, 31ener. --41 is peerless. Four doter* is nothing for It, it would be cheap at 050•" Cannot V more here ; it costs too much money. The Bebe, containing the lib tory of this wpadrerfut revolution. Sae elevHt►- type portrait of the celebrated PR- HALL. and over ,irry letters front clergymen. minsters, doctors• editors. lawyer, bad eth- ers w111 be sent rug to a11. Address : Emu SJmaSmxu co., 60 Adelaide et. East, TORONTO, - CANADA. QUALITY ALWAYS WINSI As the Old Darkey said : "i'.e rayther pay more an' hab de batt once in a while, than to pay leas anti hub a poor article urn." Our Tea Traie DcuUed! +3h Yon can p -t the to ,!4 BEST VALUE *tar