The Signal, 1890-10-17, Page 1TRIAL TRIP."
The Signal from now -
unlil New Years for 25c.
1111„, 1111111
Report of Semi -Annual Meeting
Held at Goderich.
Sow Ihr a misty neural Vaal es reels
neve t annex e01 Stork nor Neat Mee*.
I0-Airelleer Errata," nearer'
L1.* sr tiew emrer..
duoed, and for an hour held the audience
while he vividly pictured the lase
prattle and mountain .c *.mry enjoyed by
the rev. gentlemen oil a tap t.. the Paci-
fic through Canadian territory. M
Young spoke very hopefully arid encuur-
sltingly of the future prospects •d our
gre..t Northwest- But it tow when the
speaker portrayed the beautiful scenery
o1 the Reeky Mountains, and the ditli-
eultan of mountatu travel,tbat the climax
.1 the aildreu was reached. The lecture
was very interesting and Instructive add
. was highly appreciated. Several young
r From the Gutter to the Temper-
ance Platform.
Goutatci*, Oct. 9th, 1890
The Wra' Huron Teachers' Ase:cia
met its the M..dui School, pursuant
the call of the executive o.on.nat
Th, president, Mr Thomas Murch.
cowed the chair, sod souduc:ed de
Lluual exercises. The Imputes mf
• last sesstuu at Exeter were recut
Tile foDuwiog committees were t
appuu,ted, viz. : Buainry commit
bleier* (loo. Sheppard, W. H. Johnet
J. W. liugarlh, Misses Sharman a
Gregory ; resolution committee, Mei
Robt. Park, H. 1. Straur, G. M. Kil
Inspector Tum, Misses K Watson a
C. \•Aper. Auditors. Mesa J.
Dempsey seal L. J. Gilleland.
It was agreed on motion of Goo. Sb
pard, seconded by W. H. Juhl.etou,
appoint s committee to collect raster
at this meeting for discussion at the sir
Aseocuuou meeting at Exeter. T
preudeht appointed Messrs 11. !Beach&
J. (:rant, S. J. Latta' a committee
act in accordance with the above reel
The Association adjourned to meet
1.30 p.m.
AtTC0..00 c esseloti.
The Association met se per adjou
teat. Tne minutes of morning sept
were read end appruvei.
It was agreed to mks, up :be first ea
ject nn the program. The secretary,
W. Holman, then proceeded to addr
the Amocaticn un Lbs importance
1 teaching history and geography tuget
sir so far as necessity to give the p
pile a thorough knowledge of the subjec
Chrcnulugy should Prat an nepotist&
factor in history lessons.
Further dtecusswu was adjourned t
allow G. M. Kilty to take up Itesdtug 1
Part I., which he did in s very .til
rammer. A crass .4 stall boys and Lir
had been sent up front one of :he %Va
hock of the t•.wo to afford Mr Kilty
foil opportunity to exemplify his meth.
of te•chsug the little ones their snare
Ital.ectur Tom then tiw,k up Resdin
for fart IL, demoting mostly with eon
snaking. This proved • very ►utere•un
less.iu. The class was well conducted
and the chlldrea showed great akin 1
analysing the s,u•d. of words and syl
lshles. The discussion on this subjec
was further continued by the presides
and Mr R. E. Bruen.
The Inspector then reed the report o
the school committee of the Count
Council agree*ug to pay the act of prior
erg the examination papers required 10
pr..mettou from nth to 6th classes, and
also to provide suitable diploma, fur
*hose who succeed in pasting such exam
On motion el G. W. Holman, mooed -
.d by J. A. Drmpaey, the report woe n-
ferrt,d to the rewnutlou,oumwittee to re-
ponse eosin as posrible.
The grestdent appointed Mesar. R. E.
Brown and IL Lockhart as additional
members of the residuum committee.
(/n melon it was decided to elect five
members of this Assoc. aion to master
the In,pectur in preparing papers fur
promotion examiostioos. by ballot and
at the same time other officers are
J. W. H.*garth resumed the adjourned
diactuwon on history and rear an able
and Interesting paper ou sociology as
a branch of this subject. Further dis-
cussion on the subject was post ed
tin,, Iadir•, massy of whine were teachers,
t„ taus a splendid exhibition of club seing-
tm,. Ing wader the direaiou of Prof. Bandy.
„c. This part ,t the program was greatly en-
ro. joyed by all preaeut. Sath exercises
the cannot be to,, htehly commended. Mr
and Dandy htm•oll gave a splendid exhibition
f aleb-swiugwy. Mr H. 1 Strang. 11.
hen A., gays a v..ry atuu.,ng readmit, which
ler, was loudly applauded. A very plrasuo1
Ind .1
tent music entertainment furnshedby the theorchestra
rs under the direction of 8. P. Hsl'e, K. A.
ty • las the whole the entertainment was one
„d of the best ever held under the auspice*
A. of the Teachers' Association, sect too
much minuet be said in praise • f the
ep cutumitter, viz : Messrs }falls, Park.
Beaehsw and Misses Aikenbeed and Ad -
jai diem', who had the arrangements in
at Mand. Inspector Tom briedy conveyed
he the thanks .1 the Association to all who
no, had aided in carrying out such a seccesm-
tu ful program.
Goutstcu, Oct. 101h.
at Association met in the Model School
at the time fixed at adjournment.
After routine bustle's the following
, resolution, which had been prepared by
on the resolution antimatter, was presented
and very fully discussed by a greet num-
b- ber of the teachers present. On motion
G. of George Sheppard, seconded by G. H.
ess Tum, the report was adopted.
,j The resolution is as follows : (1) That
b. an examination be held for the aunty for
u- fifth form pupils, the limit of`w.r 1 to be
between the 11. 8 Entrance Examine -
t tion and the Primary. That • automa-
tes he appointed to act in union with a
• committee from Etat Hilton to prepare
or a definite scheme for such examination
e and to conduct the first examination as
la they may agree.
rd Y). This examination *bail embrace
a the following subjects :
• Read:ug-H, S. !Leader.
t Writing -Same se Entrance Examine-
. tion.
g Drawing --Any two books.
d Anthmetic-Entrance wo,ik, discount,
stocks, partnership, square and cube
n Algebra -Elementary rules, elemeo-
- tart' work In H C F., L.C.M., factoring,
t fractions, simple equations.
t Eoclid-Book 1, 1-26, easy deduc-
t ions.
f Bookkeeping - McLesc'a bookkeep-
ing, to pegs to covet work of ■sot of
- double entry.
✓ History -Canadian, same as Entrance;
British, 1688 to preaeut time.
Geography- North America and Brit-
- bah Empire.
Grammar-Pebbc Scharf Grammar.
Literatur.-Ten lemons selected from
Primary Eternisation stork.
Composite ,n- Same as Entrance with
easy themes.
Agriculture - Public School Text
Kook, or botany, or and
hygiene, Model School work
Mensuratiou-Practical work on sur-
faces and rectangular solids.
The executive committee was, on
motion, appointed to act in acoordanee
with this resolution.
The entertainment committee report-
ed a balance of $3.45 on band after pay-
ing .il expenses. Report on mottors was
The election of officers was then on
motion pr,ceedad with and was in grog- ---
Pert .•est$ sr site Lire of 1Yr rempr rawer
Ise.i.alt.* - Mow Mr toil sad r..e
-ilial■ eeeeeettlea *Mini Yt. ask
"'OM .( Durs•rr Tats Ltart.'
In this issue of Tug. Se„NAL we pre
sent to our readers 411 engraving i.1
"Joe" Hess, the celebrated teutpet•uce
revivalist, who held a week • casnpaigu
Iu Goderich • couple of weeks ago. The ,
subject of this sketch Ws. taro in the
city of Baal..State ..f New Yurko to
tine year 18fi1, of Gentian parenka
When Jue was quite y ung his pimento!
mored to what esu then known as Int-
draw Bush, and here he was trained ill
tee way of •wiegrug an .z, pullers*
stumps, following the plow, and other
employment nec let.% to (arm life 11*
the twenty-five and thirty years .gas. I
Hu early acbswl traini..g was exceeding-
ly Matted, aacd be grew up with hula or t
Pu education, as it is learned from hooka
His father toss a moderate dritsker, but un- i
der no circumstances would he allow his
children to drink the same drink that he •
drank. Oue day, however, Jue ventured 1
to ask for some liquor, to which the
father made auawer, "It is not guod ft r ,
In due course .he time came when
Jue should learn a trade, and according-
ly be was interviewed by his father as
to what would be his choice. The au -
ewer was given, "Father, you make s
selection." The trade chosen for him o
was that of a cooper. On the morning
be finish. Many who had not. Loma total
*Wainer' were Induced to sign the
pledge, and the interest manifested
the last evening was great. r thou at any
other tithe. Mr Hess is, i.eyutsd ques-
tion, • great power uta e..te tewperance
Platform. He bas just euhlished • re•
cord ••f Ins life eu b••ok Surra, well bound
.Pd sllustratea, and • p,rosal .d the
work has couvu,ced us the! his present
ee,veiblu position as a successful revival-
ist was out attained mahout strivings
and heart -aches. The ton ,k i. eet►tled
'out of Darkness into Light," rood will
well repay it• cost, $1, to. a 1 who wish to
learn hue • int e,.1 get from the gut-
ter to the nattom.-
Hoter,*ILLI, 11;1.'itis 1893.
C .uncia met belay pursuant to ad -
j berument. /timbers all present, Min.
etas of last meeting read and ua..ed.
The collector was present with his sure
tier, these being satisfactory to the coun-
ail he peered his bund and was given the
toil fur crflectton. Moved by .John Bea -
Oren, seconded by Thus Churchill, that
John McCartney and John Hudie be
paid for lumber fur drain on 7th con.,
being outlet for several drains--Cerried.
Mrs nom was paid $15.12 for vravel ;
Mrs Brsy, indigent, ;or three meals.'
board, $18 Several tumor matters
were attended to. The council adjourn-
ed to meet again on the second Monday
in November. Jas. Palms, clerk.
Mrs Richard McKee has rented one
f her farms, being lot 9 on the 10th eon- I
Mission of Melia! ap, to Mr .Vm Hack -
well fur five years at an annual rental of •
$250, Mn McKee retains the privilege
f tellies/ the farts at any time ti an op-
portonity oHere. It contain. 100 acres.
It was decided on motion of W. H. res
ohn.ton, seconded by R. E. Brown to am
apply members of the Association with
choice of any two periodicals is the
lobbing list at one-half the club rates.
Mr W. H. Johnston, who introduced
he discussion on the next topic, vis
'Fifth Class in Public Schools," favored
he maintenance et the class in the
•untie schools, ea it would aid both teach -
n and pupil, in pursuing the higher
tubes prescribed for such s class.
Mr Geo. Sheppard pleaded also for
lie fifth claw to be retained, as it would
nfer • ire et boon on children who fur
Various remains could sot attend higher
place of learning.
Mr Tho*. G. Allen also favored the
retention of the class, but arged that
km much attention should not be devot-
ad to the acme, especially where the,
Is • lance attendance of smaller pupils.
rho, discussion was further continued by
Hears H. I. *rang. It E Brown, M.
Lockhart, Robert Park and others.
it tem resolved on motion of G. W.
Holman, seconded by ti. J. Latta, that
Aachen emitted to receive prnesotloe
spin receive the ase before returning
o their houses.
Assoa•tso. thee •djoarv.d to meet at
I 30 ass. on Friday.
1111111411110 apgos.
1s the *vetoing a very large &sewn..
1 ethers assembled io the
leers Home, where a splendid program
P%. ceruse t. ouThe features of the
rennin '• entertainment were three ..11
Imderod reeitatiow. by Mimes Matine-
e weuis. sad Reek • awls of *bees
eater Iadi.s museum) bateelf very
ritebty .toe deservedly west tit..w-
w.tastie plaudits of the aodiene•. Rev
. A. Young, B. D., was thee tares
when the hour for sdjouniment
ArrftugOn' cocaine.
After noon routine Mr E. L Strang,
B. A , took up composition for Heti-saw
Examinations, pointing out some of the
sxommouest errors made by pupils in this
work and suggesting remedies for same.
This subject was further disooa..d by Mr
Robt Park.
The election of officers was then pro-
ceeded with, and reautted as follows :
President, G. M. Kitty ; vice pros.,
Mies C. V o.per ; sec-treas., G. W. Hol•
mss . etwstaty oranges tee, Messrs W
H. Johnston, D. C. Dorranee, R. E
Brows, Messes Barrows and Blair.
On 'mitten of A. J. Mare, seconded
by inspector Tom, the president wee
authorised to appoint a promote*
• examination aosrmitto.. The president
then appointed Mesas G. Baird, J. R
Balfour, Geo. Elbmppard, W. H. Baker,
W. 8. leswrenie ea promotion examina-
tion commit
The Audi n' report was received and
adopted on motion of H. i. Strang, B.
A., seconded by S. J. Latta.
The question d.p'sited in the
question drawer were then answered h
Mies Charles, B A., of the (
High School, Roh.rt Park, M the
(1od.rieh Model School, and J. R Bal-
four, of Varna.
The ess.l vats of thanks to retMeg
oilmen were passed.
A hearty vote of theatres wee tendered
the trustees foe see 4 Model Bolinl
bedding for As.nektios iseetfesg oto
motiors of H. I. Strang, H A.
Geto. W. Boucot,
S.. -T►.ewtw.
Jee Ham is wow .osdsetiyf • series of
s wathtys at Hamilt..,
Items Of Interest from over the
A Weekly Math eight Tommie \otos
rd wit to wart Rosen-. of "tkr
rub a.d r.lae, 4 ripped sad a on.
dea.rd frees Leery *reckon.
John Stnd-n,.., has retsrntd from the
Portage and intends reu'aiuiog in tVroze-
1e1 dur:ug tion, wean.
(low. Whitfield, Grey, ham gone to the
Nether woods to Michigan, where he
will likely speed the winter.
The Clinton people adopted the one
judge system this year all through, and
they f..und *1 to work veryutiatact.riiy.
On Saturday, 4•h 1)ctolar, Mr'i'homas%
Govenl.•ck, McKillop, shipped over ones
hundred steers. They were ell fed on
his owe, farms.
R. Graham, Mussels, has already
shipped 15,01)0 bushels of barley, getting
it all across the line before the McKinley
taritf took effect.
Sneak thieves visaed the nrcherda of
Alf. Wtllismsun, Hartwell `peiran and
Chas. ffarrisen, Grey, and helped them-
selves to plums and pears.
while Sam. Cartes, Westfield, was
'idiot a fractious horse from the field
recently, without a bridle, he was th,own
ot1 un a stone pile, breaking his arm.
Mia Annie Keegan was united in
wedlock to bit John Tertitt un Tues-
day evening of last week, at the resi-
dence of her father, Josephine street,
W Ingham.
he was to start aw.y-be was not 18 Mt WIS1.1,'5 VISIT To Tim MAMMON? M T bre
years old at the time_
Two new teachers will Ire eodged for
Ethel • for reit year. I'rincirsi
McT.ggsn intones purauiug bas studies
at the Cloversity and Miss bis Neils
certificate will expire,
Mr J. T. Marshall, studeut,•,f Torun
conducted the services in the Itap
church, Wingham, o11 Sunday, ;nth in
We uudersta,hl bio Marshall will t
charge of this church for a month
11.0 pr.prletor of the Commer
The Largest, Bright-
est and Best Paper in
Huron from now anti!
jars. 1st, 1892 for $1.25
1D. MoaILLICt11t1Y, Pet -minas
111./0 A YOUR,
What Sony of Our Conten i"or-
aries Eley of lie.
"Tor .star a ase 1 lee
irodrrsrk _. a Bew.Mper is.. ewe be
t*rl.ralett levee !clamed sed
Itepe.v.d Desert r. %aeon*.
Ciel Ito LbIToilAtd ARS natour AMA cos -
0.1 I YINetse.
et. Loudon Adrertivr: THIS Goethe!!
• SD:NAL, ..ace .t the Doti weekly papers to
en- Qatari., u much improved now that it
has Meru enlarged to metrop,,lltau Eng -
terportions, Sud a printed on a new Enng-
ter Itch pros., apecrally built for the purpose
. d .Tar SINAL might have all these saran -
is Cages, and scarcely be worth the reading.
we It is, however, ably conducted by
31c414licuddy, its edit. rials are bri
td• and c•,nvtuctng, and its news cola
ill. always tresh and *oterestiug. A
s- printed newspaper, with these feats
nq will always be widely circulated, .f
Da, is a fair held for et.
Hotel, Wroxeter, toes tined $43 a
costs for violating the Crooke A
.1 ,tin Gahm was also charged with
similar offence, out hut trial hes be
Adlte Cormack is in iirussels on
visa. Ile has been away Irai there
ever three years and hu seem are of the tVestenm States U
health has been very poor for sono tt
and he is endeavoring to recruit nr w,
LlrJohn Ross, Clinton, who isatte,
in the St. Cethanne* Cs.11eetate
suture, has learned that, his answer 1
pers for a second class certificate haul
been reamined by the Educational
pertinent, a certificate will Ms given hi
and the honor standing in :ethemati
of Toronto 1 niversity.
Principal Taylor, Wroxeter, hu bee
re-wiv.ged at •u increase of $25 in hi
salary for next fear. No stronger evi
deuce to needed of a man • success its th
profession than this, Mie Elite Haile
wood is engaged at a salary ut 8225 to
the junior department.
A private letter from a friend in Vic
torte, B. C., metes that Mr Fred
.q ONE rut 'THE al11NAL' AND r
at "Tat ts'HO."
Amherstburg Edo, : Last week.
▪ St..\AL, of Goderich, uatue out eolar
t.) 11411'1'0 column, eight -pages. Tut: Sts
. NAL is now within six tech*. of beteg as
e Lege as Thr Bch... Tris St.:v.L and
if.. L.h., have kept shoulder to shoulder
✓ !o tasking advancement, and we must
aongntulats Bro. I). McGillicuddy on
the latest s. In The 811/NAL,
and his bang able to hold second place.
Wright, formerly of \Vingham, had t
mufort one toga! his (ace and arm severe
burned by • lamp exploding whish be w
holding in his hand. Hie house age
slightly damaged by fire from the as
the aces held in the roller tin
WrnghAtam, on \Vedneaday evening, 1
use George S'uart was the succeuf
Doe in the amateur race, winning • ailr
up, and in tLo musical chair race Arth
Stuart came int first, winning a ails
napkin ring.
he Tsle StoNAL has also put in a new
ly harfedale press specially rmpurted from
as Eugland. Our new press u a Campbell
ate Oscillator, which we claim is several
notches ahead of the beet Wbutedate
ever heat. But up in that northers
clime they cannot expect to have all the
luzunte we have "down south.'
ul x'E'Y cOLU]1N ILTOsage Ptu%PLEITY.
a•r Klucardie !Reporter : Tee Gooi-
er tn•H SfoNAL, poblishd by Mr D. Me-
er Gilhcuddy, has beam enlarged to • 06
column paper. Tris SIGNAL es a wall-
a edited, clean , and its pwer-
ful inttueuee has atwaye been used 111 the
e right direction. Every column betokens
• prosperity. We heartily congratulate
our Goderich comer porary. It might
ed have been mentioned that Tis Stuoa'
is 'Well equipped throughout, and that
the plant is the beet that press menace-
. terms and type founders can furnish.
a Great success to you, 1)an.
tad Tits bTAUOCH AN0 ABLY ..
tf "aluNA1."
Stratford &neon : In iia enlarged
t and improved form, oar excellent con-
s temporary, Tice Coliseum SW,: IL, givest additional testimony of the public spirt
✓ and enterprise of its genial Susi talent-
ed publisher. Old Huron has no lack
n o.f first class newspapers, and ung of the
d very best ie oertaiDly the staunch and
ably-c�lucted SIGNAL, wblcb richly de-
serves ail the success and prosperity it
•1 cangt-t,
a mNF or THi O;-ntmr Agin BUT.
o Leck's.w Sesnti,tel: Tire (lootttt;r
Seism., ably edited and managed by Mr
• D. McGillicuddy, came to hind lately
• greatly enlarged and otherwise improv-
ed. till,:t'lauNAt 15 ono of the oldest
- and beet week:y newspaper. published
e it, Western Ontario, thoroughly oot-
f spoken on ail political subjects, and brimccer
full of toad news. Soe to you,
A i;000, WIL-CallDrenco PAPER.
While Wilson Evans, Grey, was taken
his threshing machine to Edward Cam
bell's the other day, the team with th
water tank nn away, breaking the axl
and tongue of the %mem and smashin
the harness. The horses were ceptur
shortly afterwards iu an adjsdning berry
On Thursday, 2n4 instant, Mr Ed
muud Crawfcrd, Hullett, met with
painful accident. He was hauling a It
- of shingles, and some slipping he fell i.
while trying to fix them, alighting hese
ily on his wrist. It was a wonder i
was not broken, in lam the doctor say
it would heal quicker if it had been. I
is very painful, and will lay him up
some time.
Mr D. D. Wilson, Seaferth, left agsi
on Monday cf last week t.•r the Ol
Country. We uoderstsnd his business
is to attend an extensive sale of short
horn cattle, and we expect betore Son
he will make some imp'rtant Import
tions He expects to he back agai
about the middle of December.
One everting recently Alex. Robertson
who resides near M"iesworth, turned hi
tam into the orchard, and in the morn
Ing when he went cot one was missing
Ening orae n. the well near the house h
saw the mare standing in the bottom o
it, and, with the help of some neighbors
they got her out none the worse.
Mr John Dorsey, of Seaf'rth, received
a telegram tem Colorado Thursday
meriting, Announcing the setons illness
of his brother Matthew, who has been
residing there for imam years, and telling
him to come right away and Itok after his
brother. This unexpected neve rather
startled him, but in obedience to the
telegram Mr D•orsel-,
his father said,
"Promos ins you will touch,
taste or handle strong dunk" The
promise was duly made ; also Doe that
be would not enter evil society. Soon,
however, die street oorner became an
attrsctere place and he fell in with bad
company. Then he was invited to a
"private social," where he was tendered
his first drink of wing or strong drink.
This was fn I865, on the IFtb day of
ApriL His downward step wee niid,
and from that time on, and up to 1885,
he figored as • Rambler, prize-fighter,
saloon -keeper, and policeman, He has
travelled in almost every quarter of the
globe. In 1876 he fumed near Whitby,
Oat., but through drink lost all At vari-
etal other times be had oppot lenitive node,
fairly well in honorable m•llinp, bat in
variably •n insatiable appetite for
liquor and the evil example of boon com-
panions worked his ruin, and placed him
near mon in the gutter.
At feet, on the fkh of October, 1885,
at • greet , revival held at
Rochester, S. V , by Mr Burdick, he
was induced to sign the pledge by his
little eleven -our -old daughter, and ever
eines that time he hs teetered enn-
lincoeidy against the drink trate. To-
day, notwithsundi.g the feet that dye
years ago he amid hardly write hes our.
same, he stands in the frost reek of
tesoetanee revivalists i. Gonads and
the United States, and
drew, tarts houses. Riess hie advent
se • platform 1 worker he hes
heir* 1 in helloing over 150,-
000 dunking people to sign the pledge
and "wear the rhlr1a him."
Is (hndevbh daring the week be woe
haves the Grand Opens we tilled sightly,
asl the 'interest did not abate from meet
-The publisher of the Farwsrre' Adn,-
a*te, Mr Wm Weld, an o1d and enthus-
iastic trend of agriculture in Canada,
bas just returned to London from a tour
for nab the Northwest as far as British
Culumbia. It is a vast country, he
remarks, our Northwest, tits o.pabilitie•
and conditions of which are nut to be
grasped by any brief study. Speaking
generally the state of trade there he
found exceedingly su•pidlou•. Things
are upon a sound bailie, though about
Winnipeg slight symplona of beim have
appeared, a tendency which Mr Weld
is disposed to deprecate as not in the
permanent interest of the country. In
reply to further Inymnes by a member of
the Adrvrtisr, staff be said he really found
the crapoatlock bitter than he expected,
judging frim prior reports. When he went
np shout Sept. 1, fanners and others were
feeling blue --very bias because of heevy
ram* on the sbocked wheat. With an
Ontario climate he believes the whet
would have been ruined by spe oetine
bet though the days were often moderate,
ly wants and the gram soaked, the nights
remained cold, hence germination of the
seed was prevented. In • few days the
weather .lea - -
• dry, breezy
atlanspheio quickly pat the prem in
capital connelio0 for ingether,ng and
**Magmata threshing. Of coons Borne
of it was discolored and other samples in-
jered by frost, but Kill et w told make
flour, thna.h not of :he grad..
Maniteha will have a L'g output of No. 1
wheaf,however, h. eoneleded AltotNh-
sw, Mr Weld takes as view
of egrieekere its Ne (actor (lanadian
*hest ares,
Tess R, ** hem now anti! Jae. I,
1 SY1, for •1. IM. Reb..rlb.
re rumen Smith, Grey, has arrived
home after a visit of three months with
relatives and friends Dear ()eillia. Her
health is not good acd her .int did not
appear to help it very much.
Robert F. Cameron, Cranbrook,left on
Wednesday, 1u instant, for Toronto to
attend Knox Colter*. Mr Cameron was
an ssrneat and devoted worker in the
Sabbath school and will be missed.
Owing to the fist Thursday in Nov-
ember being Thanksgiving Day the Brus-
sels Monthly Hone Fair will be held on
�Vedtimidity, Nov. 8th. Buyers sod
sellers should take note of this obange.
Mr Wm Gemmill, Gleufarrow, has
rented the farm of fair David Cassel for
a term of years. Mr Cassel, we under-
stand, intend. remceing his family to
Rey G. Needham, the popular young
pastor of Egmondville Preebytenan
church, left on Monday, Reh mat , for
1►rillis, whet. he was married on Wed-
nesday to Mies Janet Grant, of that
The Huron Plantation Company of
Louisiana is now almost a thieg of the
peel, moat of the shareholders here lav,
ing sed out their intermit. Experience
is a good teacher, especially when
Mr Thos. Holloway, Clinton, was not
able to he personally present of the
Huron Central Fair, being sway nn
busin.... This is the gat time he bts
skaed the annual fair in about twenty
Mester Leek Crier, who had hems with
the Clinton Nene Eris for several years,
left on Monday for Toss -veto, whore he
Me taken • situation in Merray Z Co's
lege printing how. He Is • steady, in-
dustt•ieaa yoetb, Ues
,they Michael, left on the 2.45
train for Colorado the same afternoon.
The temperance ratan has been the
leading topic of late at Cranbrgok. The
revivalists, Mr and Mn Boman, were
greeted with large audiences each even-
ing. The following officers were (elected
in connection with the new Ciotti : 8, C.,
Wm Cameron ; V. C , Mir Mary Ritchie;
P. C., J. J. Mitchell ; Chap., her D. B.
McRae ; Rec.-Sec., John McIntosh :
Asst. -Sec., John Knight ; Fin. -tier , E.
J. Williams ; Tress , James Cameron ;
Herald, Matt. Cameron ; Dep flerall,
Ida Knight ; Guard, Mary Currie.
Mr Robinson, teacher of R. 8. No. 3,
Turnberry, was tried before Messrs
Miller and Edgar, J. P's., for punishing
a son of Mr Marshall, of that section. it
was clearly proven that the punishment
was not too severe and that it was in
keepir.g with the offence, and the rase
was consequently dismissed. 11 parents
would nee a little common sense and
settle loch petty disputes privately, it
wrold be more satisfs•tory to all con-
cerned. Notwithstanding the approach
of the trial Mr RnFinson was engaged
for another year at an increase of sal -
Wont' Its /N4.e.. L1111I..
Any person who ha. toed Polenw'.
IQervihne, the treat pain sure, would
not he without i1 1f it alit ten dollars a
bottle. A good thing is worth its
in told, and Rererha* ie the beet reme-
dy in the world for all kinds of pain. 1t
eerie ssonlgia in des minutes ; tooth-
ache in one minute ; lame hack at one
application; headache in a few mosesta,
acd all pale. jest as rapidly. Why sot
try it today i Large bottles fR ..uta,
.nM by all drwtalets and matey des/sea.
Poises's terve pain cite--Nerpiliss.
`,*forth Expositor: Our old friend,
Tttr. Goomett•w SIUNAL, has enlarged its
Morden and treated itself to • brand
new press, and its bright newsy fast ie
now brighter and more attractive than
ever. Tua SIGNAL it a good, wall -two•
ducted paper, and it and its enterprising
proprietor defer,. the success they un-
doubtedly eojoy,
7515 "vertu" V Paoro or re,
Kingston Whig : The motto of Tea
GsontRI• a St0N.L is : "Be sure you
are right, then go ahead.- ft mast be
near right, hecsose it is going ahead
bravely. An English-rnade preen, finest
in that .toartr, has been purchased, the
paper has been enlarged and made still
more lively and Interesting, aad the peb-
hither, f) McGilliceddy, is showing
ener,(y that Sykes the Wh..f proud of
him, as one of ire graduated printer.
" nor agwLL „ r Pt'Vltes° /Minim
Kincardiee Rower : Tsa Commies
Stoval. carie to hand last week in a new
dress. The proprietor has perehased- a
new pre,' mad Teti Slox*L k tuna( is
fer pushing things is the journalistic
Mr Heiman, of the finned rake,
Clinton, hes disposed of his .amete to We
Chas, who takes possession es a
day ..r two • wa understand that Mr
Heiman will go back to aeeticisee isg
business in Berlin.
On Friday, 3rd in.t., as Mr Ssyder's
men moved their threshing msebise fake
Wm Allen's barn, 0 albums, the sloop...
hooks ander the fore part.1
•howirs tt M fail torose* 1hs deer, no
injury hely( demi to the esebiee.
Many were pained to learn roe Friday,
3d inst., of the death of Mies M. E, Oag-
ting. meirdasghter of Mr k- Lahr.!,
Se.forth. *8b had ham ill only *boot tee
weeks, tied her knew of her ille.m at.
they heerl el her desalt *8. wee a ince/
•Ksabls PM.fn cages, sod Weeks* Is
• ,norm e( imp red 1. her nsk/itt. torsi