The Signal, 1890-9-26, Page 6NSI, Public and Separate School lir and e F t JI Supplies of every ('es iptioa ,plies of a!1 :ht latest :.net THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MT. <6, 1890. A NEN' TRIPLE ALLIANCE. Il'E'`s of gni- . DAIRY AND CREAMERY. amhool hues Where the Geed of Mazy -- — • ae liars Lweted It. tee eyes . MILKING MACHINE THAT WILL Sow a�t� TEMPERANCE LEADERS FORM A PO. LITICAL LEAGUE. Th. MarNtase Prohibition Party, I Deensat.w Alliance riot Carals'e WW1 Party Valli fu:- Campaign I'ur1MM- The ttaal.of she Urto.s. MoCr:ts is., Dept. 17.—An apectre:ot wu reaehul t .day between the Maritime Pro. Whitton party, the Delmtiniu a Alliance ad Cant:L's New Party suiting them in photo eel adieu. It was signet by Messrs. J. T. Delmer, H. Dougall, John J. Maelhrvu, William ltyan, J. H. Carton, B I Rustily W A. !Monett, A. H. Featherstone. K I. Rood, J. A l.irtngaton. The following i• the baste of tutted ac h fs on the part of the whele party of Canada as s u.e cel by their 1. That it is damnable W usite all prohitu- ' ' ' a sad that d a MILK INVENTE.O AT LAST. hlotse l of the glstiest heathens was right band, t#o te Not a Yankee bite. est a Ra41- arnindoss-laphos es • band' tab Ossa --It Will Apperoasl! Co a Gad - which was the abode etgood Ilsga'ssuuls: mad w Dairymen with Large sera. Tartarus blas Oils last, a p�iuu pe ntias y rind tortns&t, the awful sbo4s of the dotoid .. The aacieet p l es wen: of the opinion that the intofeed regions were at an equal di tutee titles all parts cf the earths which clay tie the louuda• lion of the sea erti i+i• .: of bail being in the neuter of the ern h. The people of Il. r:nnone. contrary to the usual belief that aur s own country i the lest In the we. lel, thought that it was a tory short demote (roam ta••ir r.h.•ne to the "lake that bartxth for ever and ouch:" for this reason the people sit Es� ;• . tsoeo toe; •n for the purser " EID`(: !' %A�lO�w�� WORKS KS • petite -a.. siti,t: e of halt that country Deter put money to the i� 2 That it I. desirable In all constituencies nu:nth% of their dead to pay passage to when, that is p noble to put forward • pro- the land of obltvlun. The ancient Jews behluou ea:elelate, who has the cunldsoce of pounced hell in the renter of the earth. •odod for High; Schools, Motiol Schools, 1 all pi:din: tion voters irrespective of part`', According to theta, there were three Belle , awl who eat 1,e counted on actively to pro p,awra;t•s '.ceiling t•• it: the find the wi:- m,.0 p'r•e itiuu is Parliament iu astir• tu- dent -s, by which route feedlot, Korah alio , . . Uthrantotid the beat that c u possibly be .lets n leu•, of party ellejiaaee. P Y end Abiram descended; the set oud is ' a. That tu.:mg Ilow, it rt .lo•lunbb so [ar as peamihx to unite nos prohibition vote in fee er the era. t'erutlse it I. written that "Jo- el pal fru. wurtuy pr..hibitknirta as soap Ii:ih cried to (hod out of the belly of he otherwise in the field, as against Mime bell.' the third psta.;ege is in Jerusalem, who cannot chum the prohibition support, lnruuae It i:t said "the fire of the Lord is or at least that prubibitioaf.sts be urged to in Zion. and his furnace is in Jetvse- withl..•id their voted from uoo-prnhibitkt•ists lets." Moh:imneerl said that hell has seven as aya:ust p.rwubitionistst got.-': the first for the Muinulutan, the 4. That tin prohruiuonist voters in every aeesud lt;r the Christians, the thiel for constituency should organize immediately o , the Jews, the fourth for the teahouse, the as to be pre tared to take culT and 'Moho"- fifth for the Magiruin, the sixth for the dent politetal act' .11 m connection with the Izt►,<;tus and the s .cath for the hypo - 'zed Sire ret a d $spar:.. . Air i'rift* dale. tail�ftt�rtw'`wl�lll �: 1311011T „le .e. L Ie.::,tre.;e, North Siete of,Aquare. I LLI i ERY! TRE * .,. in rouuanc 11 s ,et.age•r of LSGOW HOUSE adieu o: iassls.i :•! ..:: icy that sae teat secured the ZiEs II h iso had uses eras years XPERIEN ;'- . THE AMERICAN CITIES, I .ally ins dee tb..':r:a."1,. at Lor, i,: __'''NEST STYLES ct : e . y.A�►s. aT-+_I riNG The reele c' C, . d: 41111.1[ -Teich has then h.s,'e.:or .1: 1;,b of September. still Continues t^ make vocal for 1:ew MRS. R. B. SMITH. MPS. �3AL QLD .. . lame e n of fisc new. at Myles :n hats, Waren. enend • Tier row n of + ..ereet('e aaaur.tprt us F s:: MIL_ l:!I7ER l 1 Species 1.. .p I..1u - The FILLL Gr ING will be geld nexi, will be t;.):...ii.l.i. ,' . :le end of the season. A desiral'', -t to rent : ftt•r f tctobr•r 1.1. week, and MRS. SALKELD, Huse• . `..ceari for Parker's Use Warks. Toronto. —The— coming ole ti.,s. S. That in s law of tete turd of immediate action we ur.;.• all prohibition !calk -s in each provluct?to meet witlwwt delay on 5'Innwn oro • •.d to agree so far a, p amibl•k in cviunon actiom l i TRAhSATLANTIL ADVICES. nesigaatlna of the Portuguese Cthinel- The Aett-Treaty Agitation. Losnot. Se; I. I:.-.1 despatch from Lis bon to The News says that the Pertugu ese cabinet has resigned. and Cbrysto:nc :then bas been untrue d with the formation of a new ministry The Peel- Lieh'n eorrersondent says that Pie excitement over tui. Angln.•'ortugu,se treaty continues and there have been several i-i..tous deue,wtrat:.n-. In este instance a mob att.-act a pol.ee station and releoisrd all the gens •a•n. Tin last. ,a correspondent of The Timex my, tied in view o: tun agib-item in the it I* l flitral it si l be retpsa+s4ble 1E"S S J S - A' uJ J S have openo'_ nu' 'ergo aPsortment of the newest stoles in Bats and Bonnets, Farcy Birds' Wings And Trimmings. —Also— CHILDREN PINAFORES AFORES ANI) APRONS. i lease call and see. Two doors froth P.yeare, North -at. 73-tf MILLINERY OPENING! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 15th, 16th and 17th. We list.- , w on band a complete seek of FALL ANJ) WINTER MILLINERY comprising the latest novelties ei HATS. BONNETS and their trimminbs. Also a tall stock of LADIES' aid ClIii.UREN'S 1.NDERVESTB. in are cordially invited t inspect car stock. R par cent. elf for cash. MISS S. BOLA D, 73-11m. West st. MISS CAMERON Hu just returned from the City with the latest styles in FALL MILLINERY. Novelties in ladies' hesdwear, and the latest shades L trimmings a specialty. Remember the staad—Hamilton-st., between the and Newgate-st• 1i tf Colintry for the i rte, ta ratify•tsc convsntiun with }:raglan I Th• I:.-ratal of Ilse stare Traltie r.Atz•:,sa, Set. 1: -Travelers from the etas: c .::torus the report of the iseua..s•1 the tleetee by the tiermans at ltagamoyo authorizing traffic in alasew. The decree wa. eigts-.l ht the German C nntnander of the I-e.,p.,rt:v.• .etatioa., nod efts. !.i•ta•d at Bagamoy- and D.arwelnem. The slave d•al'rs expellee! from Zanzibar have estate bead the -au. is int 1Snjatn-1yo and :ire shams, n titr.s sag business:. It i+ reported *hat bur. Mu ten hes tel.•.raishe.l to Europe for aardert :•v. Brokers houses are now full of blare.., having Is -es, stab:osl.sd under (:crm•sn lice•:,.• • Permits to re-cover run- awnys aall la 1 to mach kisiti,prii;.; of (tee aatls--i Ties ues.• of the jroe arctation l.aa ep.nwi over the whole c•'aid and traffic fur revised to an extent ankne,w sa in ::) years. A rosin.. !tank failure. Bo"res.'eget. !: -S. l:ardmcr, ('-stat a ('o . b.anke:, sn•t brisk. .:at 1 pi l,,sousltirt .tnwt, here fa:.ed and tea s--.igm:nent for the benefit ,•f the firm'. erielit.,r.. ha, beet* made n. James Phys. g,'etteral ag-•nt of t Le Nate nal I.ife lusuran •• Co., 1s0 uevoasbire- street. Ti..- firm wa, w,-' of Cu- :Hast pro- minent in that ::neat business in lkaOsn sail the failure Is a surprise. No exact (Ulna. of the liabilities cats as yet b.• given, but the assignee states that they will anle,unt to S:,ga.,aOD. The Herald is informed that a prominent i r.akeer said that the fallen would riot l.nebabis' involve any other arms. Fought User lira. !tete.• Pen.lnn. Cpn'wrO. Sept. IL-t..uii Ziller, a cigar maker. au,i well-known is labor circles. was brutally assaulted anti kicked in tits bead late last u.,ht by two men, one of when, Zdkr Mentitl. •l as A l"Iph Spies. brother of Au::u*t. a:e/ ss at Imaged in Iswi. Ziller's left cyu w:r. aint•ed kicked out by Spies aunt hi. hese• all but Ir.,k-n., whip' his forehead was cut in •s cera! platy The tu.itu.i was the r st.lt of a .lisput . the tee,1 hal ha.I an to the pennon now ts-:ny peaid to Mrs. Spies. by the alaars•hi•te. The police are looking fur Spies Mn+m»r Iloard of Meller onwers. • MOrratxt.. Y.•pt I:. -The Man elk Board of Relief of the Uuia•l States and Canada elected thews officers to-aleht: J. Rasa Robertson. Toronto, president, (}eorge Hechin, Mt. Louts, Ma. let v I. C Williamson Washington. iI vice-presi- dent; Dr. 1'.enningten, Baltimore, secretary: William lielamatier. New York, treasurer. The advisory council is romp:seed of I B. Hungerford, London. Oat.; James Fyfe, Montreal: Charles B ltnlolpby, Betoken. N.Y.: T. J. Newton. Washington; IL U. Michel. Albany, N S. Eloped with a Med Cr.... Lader. c'oo'ts\ATI. Sept. I:. -Br•. Simon Obor- sayer died a snit for divorce to -day. fibs alleges that her husband eloped to t'hk-ago with Mister Ss This. of the Sail Cross Society, and morri. -I her This .•restos surprise LW: raise it was not known that Mr. Obermayer sur. marriwl previous to his exhibition of g ratitude by marrying Sister Sophia. who had uure'l him at the Reel (rows Hospital. The Ione 15111 Ceafereaes. W aaalvs,T: et. Sept I7. -Thu conferees no lbs tariff 1411 were In session to- day day an hour but del not make much I roe sof them said atter separation that it would not he possible to agree on ell oltteslons at too. In the hal by Monday next This afternoon the Repute bairn ,,.nh-r"•. w.•re to yacht two or three boon t'slreky Smirk IS. Rv. CATH A ItIt 1M, Sept I: -The bead rates at Iork ie. a hi. Is were carried away • short time ago by Ilw barge titan:won. were .gain carried away t•. -sight T e repair staff are at work and It is expected the tlreab will be repaired sate. I the Nsllee.eers' Hhrtaa Rstw,.si - Pkrtelwrg • el•redand 17second ger... Pletal•vq t tlevelead 5; twys S cu.1.- e sti it le lettings. eh ta' a Arwwaft t' Miksa ♦ at feels 5: sacred gars ttsl•wehwu e, $1. leek I: tlsm.. .. It ■ se•keser Ise. Ts.lade 1s LeelsvUM It Purses' tlsesgr It. eeeelee; ssand aYtw, (Mt.wgo s RssRsis 5; rke.MMbls I, Owen et £a4& Tiltsb.rg 1. ' cnteesl of all religions. Among modern !.hiloiophical opin- ems that of Mr. Whiston, the Englir.h se•he.htr. wee perhaie the most unique'. The coquets, according to Whl.' ton, are ao many hells app..::.tori In their orbite to alternately carry the damned into the o arsines of the sun, and then to return theta beytend the orb of Saturn. there to starve them in the regions of dismal colt. Amon:; the (ie glens there are two controverted questi- us in regard to hell -one eoncenaing its locality, the other the duration of its torments $t. Louis Itepnblic. Three Hundred %t••ue• Instils of 111[• Sir Charles flail. :a celehrete l physi- cian of the Seecnt. • eth cherry. relate; an a xtra .rdiner y hie: of a man who al'- cust..4plA'1 himself te smdlea menet.. This man. Thomas tiubsill by name and about `t$ veers of age. hail for tutu tune suflsn-1 fret! colic. till a '-photon tbetic friend advi:e.l him to swallow anall, round pebbles Ile followers the prescription anal obtained relief. Ou being seized some :needle afterward by a vi.dent return of his complaint b swell' awed nine s:er::a. and as these had no effect, repeated the dose until aben MO pebbles h^d :u•camulateesl in his in tenor.. He ender si their pr,sen 'e fe twie and a half y e::^r: before submittits Lipase If to Sir Clew les Hall. Sir Charly foiled the state,. were situated in the lower Bart of the hotly, and on shakiu his patient he could hear them rattle. His first experiment was to tHrn. the sufferer by his feet. in the hope dui e Val of hits • tl t • ht be shays the stones u.it; eeetles Takes. Tb. North Britsh Agriculturist Beih A good many of the visitor.; tee the NMKit maruock show last week tos•k occa i - n to inspect the working of the new milk- ing machine invented by, Mr. Murch - land, which has been for Fiume weeks in daily use on the fnrtit t,f Ilainiug Stains, some throe mile* !nous Kiluuu'n'., k. The machine bar been working efllcie•ntly and without a single hitch. The cows were found to be milked quite clean in from eight to ten minutes, and as one dairynutid could attend to the nuti..ing of half a dozen cows lay the machine It seems cher that dairy farmers will shortly have the mean, of . . ..,..,,, the milking difficulty. Briefly.keeritieti the machine is sim- ply an evolution of the idea e•mbsli.d in the bell-and•anction tube Loud in veer} druggist's shop for ,lrawiiag the milk from a woman's breast. An iron suction tube is fitted all round the byre. above the here, and from this au India rubber tube descents to the vestal into which the milk is to be drawn. A belt is hung over the cow's taut•k, anal from this belt the close vessel into which the milk is to be drawn is snap -n.1,1. Four separate India rubber tuhes. about a foot and a half long. terminate in this veerel. and at the ether out they have tin necks which go en to the mew - rate teats of the cow. They do not grasp the teats, but fix themselves by the feone of the suction to the nobler at the meet cot the teats. The stele on ferns is sup- pliers by a force pump erected in a cor- ner of the byre. which can be easily man- aged by a boy. The lid of the clsteed vessel is of glass. so that the uulknai.l can see at a glance that the four differ- ent streams of milk from the diff.•reut teats are coming all right. and this glass cover is also held on by the suction. As soon as the suction force is switched off the glass ii.l can be lifted off and the tubes withdrawn trout the teat,. It may 1.- objected that soome'iifficnity would be . / 1 In keeping these India rubber tubes chem. particularly during the warm weather. but there is no reason why they sheulal not be made "THE !PHARMACY." JUSTIJt&t'EIVKKU-Ap,fud Ilse' of Gibson's English Candies I, JrdB01LT]B1D FLAVOR8- Aleu a ls,ga wptil) of PURE WS Z 1" CASTIE 50&.P. The best Ir Mesmerism ter the toilet. slaty So. les:. per sake. —II8 ONI -- DR. \YOULFS CHOLERA MIXT . E! A pesitite care for Iharrhn•a, Dysentery. t'hoi•ts•Yerbu.. etc ..e tee GEORGE RFAAS' IIF: L 1- 1' .t. U ..1tl tilyldT, Neat lieu. As hr'• dry goods store. 1 SAY, DID YOU SEE THE BOODLE 4 To]aa M. Psoud:oot • of tin. in which cane they could be sit- `' fictively cleansed by :hieing with toil- - ing water. The tin nec'ts e.t the. --e tubes were sharp at the point where they grasped the colder, and ti.. ; of the ex. ports were inclined to think that the bell shape werild be better. lint these are oh -tails which the inventor will soon , make right. The cows at Raining Mains' t seemed to like the rnerluuilcal milker very well. at least they chewed th:' cud very complacently while the milk was F bring drawn then them by the eeetion tube. The initial cast of the apparatus should not be great. and alteegether the i; simplicity of the machine is one of the as eis.i-f the LARGEST PRICES for FARMERS' PRODUCE . . s' ,..0 Lis stem. a here lie always hale on head a large stock of =sy 3-oods, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, FLOUR AND FEED. It will be to the lnll.lie advantage to give hien a call before going elsewhere 2'217 - strongest points that can be urged in its i favor. The Padre of Batter. and Cheese. This [net with no ane•cese. Nor did At are ie. , :. 1., medicine have any elus't. The amiss iv'e•n opened.someThe Albanyy Cnitivetor dents was unable t., work with sant pain, and meets some of the sothero:Ls sendents am:['•reel mucin uneasinew sit all time.. - nrttst answer. among others the follow - Nottingham !Ecylard, thin. - ire:. lila reply: eth hat carters the inequality in the Tn.' '.orb Shade. price of butter and cheese. when it take,; In a recent ne.nber • f The Sanitarian nearly three time's a, much milk to I r e /Ince• a pound of butter as a peinu.l ed Dr. W. T. Parker very a agiussal Moine.: cheese?" The supply and deinanol. It plauti only of trees very new the loan.. sh.eel l not take more than } rinses fuss Not do they sunshine orf the free access touch milk ti, make a pound of lietter of air tm.l of ec even light, bot as one of cheese. The value of shim they also injure that character of tn.., A milk must also be taken into the ac - a.+ suited foe the writer. occupation. "-s count. and the greatly tiimiaished lost Moil." 'tensely sheeted .'•L.rtest•,l with root` of nitrogen from the farm. and ,tenlwly slaxdni is unfit fur man is In a ton of butter, twenty-six cents live upon constantly. Cegcetati.at pre will cover the lees of fertility, while in duces a great effect velocitynisethe inked, ails a teen of cheese the amount of nitrogen. of the air. It;. is checkers, sed phosphoric acid sari potash is equal to w,tnetimes in thick clusters of trees • . about 01. With so many poor cows it mulerwer dl the air is almost stagnant. may take three times as much milk for If moist and decaying . .. 1x• t' butter as for cheese, but this should not r :.......t. coincident con.iitioa of each stagnate a: the most fatal forms of malarious dis- ceaseee are produced. '•A moist soil is cold, and is generally believed to r G-' to rheumatism, catarrh and neuralgia. It is a matter of general experien.ee that most people feel healthier on a dry soil. In some way which is not clear a moist soil produces an unfavorable effect upon the lungs. A motet soil haflnencw greatly the devel- opment of the agent, whatever it may be, which causes I' 1 fevers." be. It is this large amount of milk re- quired to /modem. dairy products that Loads down the business. We must brute the dairying Vf the future on more eco- nomic coalitions. Another thing which effects tut' butter market: In there ism are poor butter than the ese!hnd this poor butter drags the market down. It is the poor butter that makes the market price. Buycrwsay. "We can get butter at such a price." way down, and the g'xxl butter is pulled down, not the poor butter pulled up. min �M'sO�!sT!511; $nese stn r reads M pas tiTisd�rasills Ma_t:. ei . y o + r aha to any Vogt year ens atl�a haw_ Mies 'swum al. .e r. • ,br:r F + : "'1 Pest OITO- ... T• L MeO tit.C., it:, tt'aet AOe a.:wo St.. TOROMTO, ?mo SUREIN CURED n that I Iry a essdln! rowdy for the abacus aatsd bu :e++ cases haw Men pereaia.rtbr ea/ed. I shag TO THE LADES. Try Our Oxford Shoes FOR SUMMER WEAR. They ere:T arrant ,! not to ,:. p up a4.d :: w n on the *Le. I. ala; a aanot be said .d sur ot::er stake. leer with Low Foreheads. Notes. Here is a gallery of "low foreheads' The Nox'wewt Farmer asps that the who never to astonish the knowing bald advice so often given to grade up dairy who see virtue except in bald herds frequently begins at the wrong fronts.Look up the ptcrtraits of Grant. gyp_ it is in too many instances the McClellan. Logan and Sheridan among dairyman himself who wants to be first soldiers: Holmes, Stedman. Howells. graded up. Grant White, Curtis. Parton, Twain and A cow wilfully and "cussedly" holds Warner among authors; the late Chief her mink by mein force. She draws her Justice Waite and Matthew Arnold stomach np and holds it in, thus com- amongo the growth dth of eotablert, and pressing the milk ducts so that the fluid see how the gr.e their hair sub- cannot run through them. Beating, jests themito be slandered by the shah scolding and Inciting her at this time low pates. will. howeveel', only Mike her worse. Onr its othe averdage Leola ldat the full face fodder or grain is needed to be portraits of the overage ltnddhstaded duan. Dry and see how his afilictimm glorifies his fed aloes with silage to the dairy cows. intellect. When you find a man whose. When your cows seem not to thrive on hair grows down over the bend of his; Wage, or when they make a poor quality profile forehead, while yet leaving it of milk or cream while being fed on it, "high" to the eye, you have got hold of the reason is either that the silage Itself a thinker who is also a _moon of action. Is poor or they have had too mach of it such as Beecher, Booth, Raskin, Lincoln and not enough of dry fool with it The dome shaped forehead usually Reenctnbee. variety in toot[ is as asoer marks the idealist, and the square libeled airy tux cows and other animals as it is brow the practical man of affairs and tot man. wit. -St. Louis Post -Dispatch. A professors of dairying daises • creamery to be a factory where butter As aiehw and cheese are made. John Watson, of Penrnsylvarda. dodecyl Aaged is the worst month to the year a wife, and ern! to the H. d aloe in to have a cow costs in, so tar as profit is New York to tinct her. Hs discovered • ouaettrrn«. pretty immigrant utrl, e d at once dor A dairy authority says that $100 worth but aha decMsed to so- l posed cheese takes lag theis c•pt him h. would oho 4d .sass-ssieatk theatres.* ihat $1 husband for the girt who her. As Waste had set a tall be IOW sellitt. AO it Ws is NIA& POO worth of W lash . de b. stocks was rouapallad be I —e► see Yea Os hew blot alww�sw.—Dst+dl Tow Pnaa Our Russ€t Oxford Shoes are a decided ,u. crf t. There u nut king like theta ft: sentinel' we ar. 'i'HEI" ARE ALL OUR OWN MAKE and enaranteed to.iry sat:sfatioa All rips -rwr.1 fter of ' '.:.r4r. Betts and Shove of a anVrt irr quality wad. to order. JOHNSTON CAREY IVIto:ceale and Retail Manufacturer and !lest.? in I:Dols and Shore. Ptt7-tr I CURE FIT TPJB ,� r 6 BONUS O TLE3 IfA7-.1".„'.' s CYE A 1 :,:• YEARLY. When i a • Cure i do eat wean seemly to st-;. sheet ler a tune, and the. have theta return again. I MEAN A R A D I C A L C U R E. i tt v,e ru de tae dooms* of nee, Ewslesey en Femm; Sieknsas a Id..iaeg study. I wrasraat my remedy to Ours the worst cases. Because other, have fused is no reason for net new rt. -:Nuhn` a Cure. Send at once for a'trsat:u and a Free Cottle „ f my Infallible earned.. Dive Express and Pest Ogee. It costs yea note:i.:z roc a trial, sad it will "re Len A/ ' . , .-M. a,OCOOT. M.O., Slessweh Ofisce, IBS WEST ADELAIDE STREET, rs%RQATA. AVE NOW YOLE nd,e:tm Looking for a }}ac Xmas or New Ica, tit at a Moderate Lerner, —11.ND We Know we Have it, having the Finest Lines of Silver Plate, Flat ItVare and Cutlery ever displayed in this town. OUR PRICES BEAT THE BAND Inspection Solicited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. 1 twt4 IGET CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. s co Wr is Tb.ra a4•6. Tti ek. Letter*, as ui.<h a J'vt*vag x 0o. y 5 O O 8 q O U 'd 0 in 4 O 0 s d i YOUR FRUITING DONE AT 'THE SIGNAL