HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-19, Page 8o
uu■•up rI fl el. i nni
THE HURON SIGNAL, ,li)Aye EPT. 19 9 I.
lode, Public and Separate Sciool -PROITIBMON IN POLITICS Lit
Saki sad School Supplies of every description •
authorised and recommended tor High: Schools, Model Schools,
Public and Separate Schools
sir -Prices always guaranteed the best that osn possibly be
Central Telephone Exchange, North Side of:Square.
The Masada, of
has pleasure in announcing to the ladle, et Gederith and vie:tatty that the has secured the
marricab at
vete the had several years
and cordisny invites their iamiseties of
eit her
white hem been limed for
The 13th of September.
The Sale of old Stock still Oontinues to make room for New
nom oar own .
Great preparations are being made for
a most successful show here to Oct. 14
and 15.
Quito • number of oar citizens tcok in
the sports and sights on Caledonian day
at the Sepoy village.
Messrs S. Sproule and Jas. Whyard
loft here on Mooday morning for the
Industrial Exhibition at Toronto.
The municipal ()pencil of the munici-
pality of West Warrancoh will meet in
the town hall on Saturdsy, the 27th
September, at 10 o'clock a.m. All mix -
corned take note.
Kr J. M. Roberts is making improve-
ments on his premises in polling down
his old . which was built up-
wards of twenty years ago, and replac-
ing it with a new one of larger dimes -
Quite a number of our citizens are st-
teocling the North-Weetern Exhibition
at Goderich. We presume they will
eojoy the sights at the Exhibition, also
the beauty of the circular town
veried its veried attractions.
Mr G S Woods, principal of Dungan -
nos public school, with • view of prose-
cuting further studies for a first-class
oertiticate, has given t a his resignation
to the board of trustees, and it has been
Two a ow young ladies, the Mimes
of aim grillage, lett hors for the metropo-
lis of (edam to AIM frieods slid take
In the wonders and sights at the Indus-
trial Fmhibition_ We wile them • pleas-
ant jonrisey and safe ratan.
Miss Tens Hawkins, araistant teach-
er of Dungannon school section. has
been re-engaged for the year 1891 with
an Increase of salary, which evinces the
fact thst she is giving good estistection as
Me Win Varene, our popular citizen
snd iinplennat agent, arrived home on
Friday lam. after having • trip to sem-
iarid. meow the triny omen. The
voyage mew to have agreed with him,
ea he is treel nosh improved to health
mad .. However, he prefers
Ostario Ms • rime of abode.
Weelehlagton Echlin, of this wil-
ier) has disposed of his driving mays
tbeeolttlit to Rev A. Potter.pastor the
nethodisit church here, for banderole
figure. We presume the re. gentle-
man could not have a poen s
able porches*, es she M 111/1Kg.
docile and tractable. We w
success an hie investmeet.
There were two io
porton rematery Wsolnooliiii.
10th inet The rensaire of Mr
oil settler ie the township of A d,
known as Negro Cole. aged fib years,
were laid is their last restiog ohm
, cemetery on Wednesday
eifterorine. Also the remains of a son of
Mr A Woods, of West IV swenosh. near
St Helows, seed about IA months were
iistarred in the sante ammeters daring
the attorsiono. COd aro, Tonne were
Womb? reminded of th• enevotainety of
es else the eilleisty of death.
The cemetery oempany is improving
the appearance of the cemetery by cut
ting down superfluous trees, shrubs ono
rubbish. When finished this will add
very mach to its cleanliness and due re-
spect towards its . . This 1.
it should be.
MOMS Geo. Horne and R. Lowry
have completed their contract of making
the trotting course in the driving park
here to the satisfaction of the company.
it will now be in order for our equal
trims to exercise their Aside, se the
course is pronGunced to be in first-class
condition and well made by the coo -
On Friday, the 12th, Mr J E Toes, P.
El. for West Huroo, officially visited
Dungannon public school. After hav-
ing thoronghly examined the pupils in
both departments, be expressed himself
well pleased with the order, exoellent
work, the manner in which they acquit-
ted themselves in the various subjects of
the school curriculum, and also with the
improved appearance of the school
rooms and premises. We cannot soesk
in too strong terms of parents' neklecting
to pot in an appearance at the examine -
tams. All the trustees were present
on the occasion, but no parents outside
of the board of trustees. Parents in
general are too apt to forget what a stimu-
lus and encouragement to both teacher*
and children would be given were they
to visit the schpol occesiomilly.
All parties geniis their see bile printed st
this once will rev • free notice iuserted is
this list up to the tame of sale.
Sale of the household furniture of Mrs
De Peudry, at her premises, East -et.,
above the organ factory, on Saturday,
Sept. 20t h. at I o clock p.m. John
Knox, auctioneer.
Philip MisKibbon, wife and soo,
Wingham, left on Wednesday, 3rd inst.,
for Pueblo, Colorado. The journey is
made in the expeetetion of hen•fitting Mr
Niel( abb sn's health.
McLeod's System Renovator is a specific
for insomnia and all the ills arising hots
, Cosemeice are not re -
towed when it is takes, because se •
blood purifier it has no espial, aa the re-
markable change and improvement in
the complexion of those who have taken
it for any length nf time testifies.
" My wife has both sickly for a long
time sleepless and had DO brpntitti—
pale slid 1111110D all the time. She Ons -
tinned your Renovator for eight weeks.
end 1 am glad to tell rle that she is now
**II, as smart and e• lively se • young
girt The Liniment (E. A. McLennan'a)
yoe mot to Hdgh Graham cored hia
lame bask. Mr John Mitchell took Kra
Mellmoirs Specific Cars emit in my care
with the Reanirstor. He Is how work
bog, cough and lenge all right "
Mrs MeLeed's ripeeific Core for lee"
dropsy, So . ean be bed 'non
Denim/ the Resovator. If Not ft=
order it. 734
' tended Mimi, IsmaL
EIrrestao, Pe., Sept I': -Charism Lyt
ellaadiag ia the Shady -avenue NOW
Onlimemd Othileream Members PM in so ossoor the Tome P•000.
tee Steme-Tbe teka Quembes Deems comma and a maiabor of the Young Men'.
the Methodist embrothe met thin morales lame th• Pill" Its" b..' 41 wurii,,
poem of &Ming poor stedealls for the citheit Pest Mrs. 14 %Sisk the •••11101' ut
ger oho pig Let Bet
a. several eistrict
At proms tbree-ceertim oit she amineve eel Prang am. Ins chicrecriord 444 rubbdt
Isobel gem tor division among Ilis Nara* 111 smell mum' of Istme7 and sem Pwel
mews awl Ohs Mbar leer* is rabbeted Is) ry. • sember of helms were station)
"sdkild" , ter the 116110•Mall al ushered woe afterward, the robber Immo
time whose nesans ors net suMeisth to mere ao clue. Last week Use drooling rooms
thrtwith • muter university mono, the Zest End Gymnastic Club ware esters
Bone of the oueferesiess have had tor year. while ths ilisulh••• M th• 'tub "47_,_511
past no students demirim to tedlow • Maim Practice. and aware' Auld vhtehl• "dm".
Oriel carver, aod their fourth elf like fund ham valuables wet* ralTied
burs aoeuniutating sad lila( idle, weds! Ithariptiona of the watches wore ryes it
Oboe . . bad mom Modena, thes tee aod ma discovered teat yams
bey had Nods for. Hence the gumbos a. Lytton hed pawned me of them He we.
petting the whole of the teals relmined by
the district . tato a greased toed
sad speeding tb9 worthy among tbess
Isrances most is need of it was retest
Tlie Civil and Religious Coseidease bad
the famous Oka quethon up tor disommion.
lb le reported that the meet vigorous sealer
will be takes by the Methodist Chore* sad
protect the rights cil the bedlam of Oka, who
are ea 'miaow with the Seminary.
The Mammary Committee it is said, ham
' on the three years' Mafiosi of
nitubters. and Mend to report .
beg that he made for tom
The Committee on the State ce the Work
had beton than the quieten' a "des
messest " The debate et ois dm threatened
to become stormy. There seemed to be en
opinion that such as order savored of
Romealsen end high Aaglicanien
The committee on . took seeks,
which, when eantiodl out, will stares the
politioal parties and fares the question a
proldbitiou into the practical politics of the
Dominica. Oa motion of Rev. J. Kieft.
O n.. Jaded by Rev. D. L Brethour, wes
tation 'reit es tbe Governensot mad on the
Tim conference nth again this afternoon
at 2.X, Raw. Dr. Carman presiding. Tie
Board ot Governors and Menthe for the War
Imam Theological College, Montreal, for tee
ensuing quadrennium Warn appointed.
The committee on motion@ concurred la
the .. times in the report ol the
Montoya& Ladies' College, Hamilton, in rs
the Board of Governors and . . 1
that the report be published in the iouroaL
Upon emotion it was resolved to recce -
mend: (1) That sack conferesies treasurer
shell report in hie annual stedemessit the
number of notes beid by him and their net
value. re That in mem of the maker of •
sem being transferred to another malerence
it mean he forwarded to the treasurers of each
pr• obationers of the Etritish Columbia and
Manitoba Conference be sent to Wesley
College, Winnipeg; time a u). Maritime
Conferences to Mount Allison Univereity.
In themes of . ia °Mario and
Quebec, actioo was deferred as to the form
of coocerning their lip-
pointmeet to college. (4.) That manual con-
ference bemuses forward their annual
auditorial statements not later than July 1.
One-fourth shall be esid for • lone fund to
students, and to defray expenses of examine -
boos and payment of fees of $20 to eadi
modest, wkich fees shall be • grant aad not
a loth.
A deputation from the W.C.T.U. waited
ea the cooference and preempted an interest-
ing momoriaL
In tbe evening a resolution test the um of
tobacco was morally and peysically injurious
to young people was taken up. It was re-
ferred to • special committee.
The committee on tithes reported that the
system was an advisable me to adopt, but
tee revert wits soot back to the committee to
eliminate the preamble, as it was considered
spore Jewish thaa Clirietisn in its effect.
Mew a Chteregass Said Ws Could Inguese•
Two Judicial Ceillturra.
BuFFALO, Sept. 17.- Two of Chiesgo's
best known judges are brought in • strange
manner into a peculiar mit that is now be-
fore Judge Seaver in the County Court. The
facts brougbt out in the trial are most inter -
Clarke G. Priest, better known as "Cully'.
Priest, once lived here with his mother, Ws.
Ana Priest. Two years ago the police here
ordered him to leave town. De went to
Chicago and was arreed for burglary. A
Diall named Redbourn was induced to
go his bail in the stun of pax
The case moms to trial before Judge Grin-
nell And District Attorney L
Cook county appeared for the people. The
secood day of the trial Pried failed to ap
pear. end the police could not tomb him.
The primmer gone Redbourn became maxim
for he SO500. The trial went on and Priest
was sentenced to five years in Joliet, Rad -
bourn thee started out to find tee miming
MID. He learned that Kra. Priest lived in sor-
row. so Le mede her corns born and, accord-
ion to Kra. Priest, throrigh iraud and me
. be imitieed her to eve him an
the rosy MOW she bed -40100 -and a mort-
gage on her real Mate bo the amount ol
4500 Rea:cum claimed, so Kra 1Pries
says. that with the 4700 he could am be le
Omen with Judge Grinnell end Judge Loess
necks and liars her son go frea West
Mrs. Priem testified to that is court 1
By her testimony It me sbown that Rad
bourn also mewl tiov. Ogleehy's name raters
freely. After greeting all he (+mid foist lira
Priest P.adbourn left for the vest. A Miro
time saw he found Priest in • mining tom
of Northern Michigan. married aad deem
well. He wee writhed sired takes to (Item°
hut he had been elsoted to an importa nt
position in the tom lied the ...Bisons made .
hig fight for his release Mrs Prised es
for r9s). thinking that the dominant she we.
signing wee • paper width meld rebels le
Mertes this them It had eons* to the eon el
Mos Chicago judge. that Labium reports.
re° secored frau this primmer"
mother the weed ie siourtag Web ehession
Mesh indimenee wee breeight in tear ine
huge. meioses wee Mused trent homily
tie me year Iltadboure Mid the smartgeme
fr. W Dewier 111 We (by, who eltempied
emoted yesterday. sad to -day ounfamid that
he had cemoutte4 all tb• robberies. He
seys that in addition to bis other otfepoes
plaint% the pockets of his ea. .
the Young 1101111 Chablis& Ameciatioa
Building and made the Si Hap
BM Church the receptacle of these stolen
says. by oil , . his widowed mother.
Tem he rubbed lin employers and finally
breseisi out aed stole whenever ho Mil an
. He is good looldeg ead noted
few his weatimm Ele costeered to having be-
trayed emend East End girls who belong to
the circle ot young people la which he was a
garret favorite.
es liereesid la Meath Jeesey.
ego Amos Lewis of Sommers Point, who is •
widower about 56 years of age. Pottemine
considerable mink and KM Annie Risley
of Atlantic Ctty, • handsome bloods. were
strangers. ltim Risley is S5 years of age
and is considered by all who know her to be
woman in • fashionable smithery establish -
inset In Atlantic City. Hee arrived at
Somers Point et 11 o'clock yesterday morn-
ing to stewed *Shear porty gives by Mrs.
George Anderson
At the dinner Mr. Lowe sad Mies Risley
were introduced and mos were eogaged
. They were inutheity pleased
witb seek other aad the coaverestion was
kept up for several snlantes. At last Mr.
Lewis reneerked that he was (rattly in need
of a good . 1 . „ to which Miss Risley
Jokingily answered:
"How wouM I =sweet
Mr. Lewis replied that he would be well
pawed. but more so If Me would biome his
wife. The lady was startled by this ebrupt
proposal, but wee evidently not dispieesed.
Me asked for time to comider the question,
and it was granted. Within two minutes
elm retuned end accepted him This brief
courtthip all took place within the seem ot
10 minutes.
Mr. Lewis so eriently premed his soit that
she agreed to thee tee ceremony performed
at mos. Accordingly the dinner party was
turned into a wedding. Mies Risky is highly
coonseted. The groom Is very wealthy.
Feedlot of the Carreeser's Jury on the
Lockport Railway Fatality.
Locireoarr, 11.1., Sept. 17. -The Coroner's
jury which has had under 'I
the railway digester in this city on the
morning of Sept. when two limited trades
collided at the central depot causing the
death of Beggsgethan W. A. Pidier, this
morniag rendered • verdict charging
Switchman Arthur Reim and James Collins
with culpable negligence. They elan censure
the Central Railroad for employing incompe-
tent land ignorant men. thereby placing in
danger the lives of their pamengere. end
he morning warrants were issued for the
arrest of Reps: and C,ullinit The probable
charge against them will be manslaughter in
ihe second degree.
British Columbia Blade a Morrow -Riot
Bev Past thartes at Ha Hawk
Nay Sept. 17 -The Rom cones -
pendent of Tlee Catholic News cable. that
the vicarate apostolic Britisk Columbia
has Mao made a diocese with the Right Rao
Paul Duren, 0. M.1., se its first biebop. The
seat or um Hee is New Westminster. from
which city tee chooses takes its name. in
June bat Right Rev. J. O. LE fierboniet.
bead of the vlearate apoetolic, died. bishop
Darien, who succeeded him and who is the
sew diocese's first bebop, was his coadjutor.
The Signal fr
until New Years,
"Choice Goods
pm A
=IP 5111
have openel ont a large assortment of the newest styles in
Etats and Bonnets,
Fancy Birds' itTings
And Trimmings.
lakeey Oases ley needs is China -Chet.
era Frowsiest la Illiangbni.
City of Rio do Janeiro arrived to -day from
Hoeg Kong and Yokohama_ The Yellow
River Good and other Goods continue to ab-•
sorb attention in LIM& the pruritic* of
4.000,0001)801141 are bombes and the
Minery in Mao -Tung is almost as moat
Moths is prevalent in illianghot and
also in UM, northern districts. Sever-
ed Europeans have succumbed to it.
Japan &deices state that 7000 houses were
destroyed and thirty -et* persons drowned by
G oods in the the Addams prefecture
Aug. 7.
Tire at Man Joismehl, Aug 21. daetroyei
176 houses and tour telegraph parts and
caused the death of 7 persona
ewer Regime ibemaletiene
New H• veto Cons.. Rept 17. -The Re-
publican Wide Convention tholey nominated
— Mervin for Governor. The platform
applauds the preselpiss of the Dationsi plat
KONTOS, ISM, Sept. 17. -The Republicen
Brackett tor Oriversar.
Tuttle at Pitesileld was isendeased for
Men to-vhsy. The pistione readier al
legienes to tee wheelies cd tee Ftepubiamm
Speaker Reed.
New /roan Rept 17.-Colimel Joba T.
Camp of tee T . 1 Regiment
ordered the arrest of Me et the twistable of
lie regime* yesterday afternoon', charglag
Met Noy entered tete • oonspineee to haws
moo emirs marttaled ter Otre ONO age
ter toads reedved tor ski sal
Please oall and see.
Two doors from Square, North -at.
MONDAY, TUESDAY, 111111112ESDAY, Sept. 111*
16th and 17th.
PALL AND wnwirAid-o; arniaannuts
A.1 are cordially invited to inspect oar Mock. 5 pue eest. off foe sr&
73 2m. Westmt.
Has just returned from the City with the latest styles in
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades
in trimmings a specialty.
Remember the stand—Hamilton-st., between thir,
Square and Newgate-st. 72 tf
Miss Mary McCall,Morriehes been 'err
ill far the last three week* with infianima-
mei and is not yet out ot daoger. liar wa-
ter, Miss Eden, who has bad pieurisy, m
recovering slowly.
In Its First *tassel
Palatable as Xilk.
Be sore you get the gennine in Saharan
color wrapper; sold by All Druggists, at
sm. and ;Loa
SCOTT it BOWNE, Belleville.
Maws Issardy rewerissert is me
Mast aliens so theme anew&
bold by drbayirla or reel by malt Mr_
E. 7. Ileasfahia Worm, Pin tt IL A.
1114N1IE M1101.1oral ertravelling,
to sell 1111, guaranteed
or Commence. 8tarell
to heginsers. Workers never fall to make
good weekly tvagea. Write sae at sees for
part en lam.
A good purhing Salesman hem. First
Ism pay guaranteed weekly. Commission
w emery. Quick selling new Fruits •nd
r.oro lattice.
Bill Elts ifet • god paying Yob few
he winter. Writs hie 1 tame and par
rent. K TOL NO. NnreerYlnea.
Obtained. and all beakless IA 115414.8. Pates
Our elle* is um the L'. 6. Patent Of -
be. and we eae o Patents hi tma thee
thee those remote frees WAIIMNISI TON.
Seed MODIel, OR PRA Firma. We ad -
WO !sake NQ WS OWLS= 01-
We refer, here, to the Pestemmer,tbe IlepL
le 11 Order Div.. *Awl ta nabob* M GO
V. a. t Mee. Per etrcular, advis•
gems sal nefieresom ..ctual Mamas la row
iplis State sr Comity writ's,*
Opposite Pateat Ogee. WashingteeDAL
Any quantity of peas, barley
and oats, for which the highest
market price will be paid at
The Seedoman.
Teri Cause of um trieesikes
MOM -Terr$1,1e nevem in
eine Priem tow Food
sad iteresewy Sew I
Romeo* Alan, 1st
W. It. Speeder', little ji
may 111011y be quoted tO is
my lone silence :
-Too Late 1 stayed forgive
Calheeded new the burin
How noiseless falls t ha No
That truly tread. ou ttuvi
would neat welly conclude tl
not the OWN arid MI 111
the groat city of Hueco,'
America, with its italf
men there 1511•411111g"15.5y
1/1 ritentioo tir VIVID ),
particularly ou tbe Avert
but piesuuliog that you c
received eery full partite
lortunato revelu:: ,11 and
an iolisbitaot -of the i
trouble% eu bee.* tied
four days, end ith
Punitive. events were
a the rising, tete cout
leg classes and
S tnte of the Money mark
thee the troops spened
mo▪ th onl) '320., and sill
Mea,atoley of three fit e
two and a Lell yea(
fratti..ii of lin normal
anprecedeoted in the
inanciat Irstory of any
reentry has enjoyed el
tinnily from war
calamities from • ith
The cisme of this deep
Tetley is One 7. the c
of peper currrecy 1)1
banking institio:oos
There is of thos comp.
with no securite for itei
w hem the pr. e..leret
*bee is in girifiV
an4 thereto,
'Mine them. It Int
openly, raid with mote
that those. in 1.1,th au
issuers. the inF ton•I
IAA. Ile ilps as it m
Is a wealthy roan
sires of the Republ
seri lie the
loan t.f $50,00e,000
Ifiesu.snictveAti CeLitit.rattiritIrt:
the shrewd liartno I
officio) conopeors in Lo
flag° bonds amount
which the public v
ltuttched •t any tow
THE •LAILlitgo
was made. Early 1
ft en t of the line um
General Campos, I
of small park to 11
By eight o clock r.e.
too pi joined in I
&Dana. Dine o'clock
tome in the suloti
otvvbseirtautt hnautt en, 11 et hl
• u di" • lie,: as ant indt limn: id uoi,
41.16was YopeseneelP".:oh!nt
that time thr ingf
unceasing fire was
ern pert of the eitj
aod the three folio
ted that • theligar
and two or thrr,
The great majoritj
browns asnwri with
the &intro' ?oaf staihi,
'mined with tee
bet hunters and
order of the day.
blond seemed dor
or five nom of wi
off the veil th•
'Mho witi• dose
bombardment, au
THE 811111L
JOHN .twadL,
the latest additiee tenet already BAP Wit
Stoves al Rao
The Z. di O. GURNEY 00'Y
earl esid cods frt
The Mb eMpleallve M
Good Rout Beef.
Call led see the SaMplIgg et 1
sad other Storm
Nen Dir to the ?oil 01;