HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-19, Page 7Meow
011 Fenat agar
Went to the esseery tem,
Ana with Its wileM Melted anima
Tessa the weeds= them
.gbeg eons," he said. 'Sam leaks Wleg.
WW take the helmet prim;
ear Did Debbi. looks ee
And better to led Wu
He Is. I kaow, what talks gall
Ws km the safest way to es ;
Nom MM. penises. =Mat think it *am.
1 really shone met like te
Aad those tat man ; Buck aad Bright
Deal Imee ee large $ girth,
Rot moue UMW's. Jest to • hair,
Bat 1 knew what they're worth.
They're geed to plow, sad geed to draw.
You sunning palters sieves maw,
ed always waled sty lies' sad Imo;
poly perhaim. "night think it Stress.
realty skottidat east to eissege."
chat Devon Miler mgt. 1 heard.
A thousand dollars. New, -
said Mrs Boges.1"50y Comilla Hers
i• just as good • *ow.
el- milk cis suras the very best. •
er better is the yelloweet;
folk& perinea. might thlek it Aram s.
Mar shouldn't want • chaste."
'glum preselens hogs," said Mn %gym,
'Ity tittle Cheeeire pig
is totter than the beet of them.
Although he's not so bist
▪ IML loaner Jolley Once hair
pretty es ant Brindle, ealf
..r is Mere In the poultry pan
needed Wisp so good • lien.-
• newer/kW le Bev= Brook
I :ode homeward from be fair,
mid "I wish my animals
lied an of them been the;
ad if the Midges bad hem wee
might bare taken every miss.'
• leery et i. Barnard Mew.
was nue of a small putty of tourists
ho lett the Huspies of Mount St Bo,
•srd early in the morning for Wind
erd. The route was difiicult and daa.
crusts, ow tug to dnf tow and ice
.ides the eight before, which blocked
the old beaten peth. Above Qs hung
uataits •,I toe sod eau*, sold, chew-
-es and tbreatienite, and betiOlf• 00, hi
r as the ei • cauld mach, • great me of
e In its c..ki, g'ininy bed, resembling •
'union standing in heaps, defying
le the power f tbe sue aod the se
uf dose. Some of our party, oar
coturee one than the rest, wore cram-
-no whale descending the great wale
' ice, and those who were timid or
,t lolled lagged behiud. My *meta,
eyes suffered from the glees uf
'.0 snow, was turniag an abrupt ledge
rock order tu rest and get • better
leer of the descondiug party sad ih.-
,Jte they were taking whew, euddet.15
without warning. the trescherou.
.i.k gave way and precipitated uo stmt
rty feet down a narrow chasm, out 0!
.tht and bestow, and up to our pecks
.; #D00,
.r some moments we were steamed
. . of oor sitnicioe. Slow -
e began to realise the doom tho
ted 00. The w hitting, din)
from which we cameo
ed us withwiti i.,s temific gloom and
todeur. The dreadful prospect 0.
r hopeless fate was iutenethed by the
ilb bastions of ice that surrounded 00,
...I the cold.gray sky without a cheering
ay. From near and do we could bear
ugh avalanches grit:ulna./ through the
ue cliffs, and again the sullen roar whet,
n ey dashed down some deep precipice
While thus imbedded in the cold,deep
ow, every move of hands tic body gay.
paio. W. dare not moos lest a War
p or clung. uf poster* would plunge
us ind of sight. Is the agony of despair
I cried out, but my kinsman, who was an
Ad traveller sod inured to denger, was
more onmposed, aod busied himself li
crabbing the snow about him to secure
Sneer footing. It was then I thought
f boom sad my dear mother, as oaly
other and fond relatives far away.
my anxiety 1 fancied I 000ld hear
y 'author's voice pray for •y deliver
• and see her loving arms reach not
embrace me.
Boors had passed In dreadful see -
and the afternoon boron to wane.
limbs were benumbed from inertness
a drowsy feeling crept over me. By
hie time my cousin had cleared hat:noel(
rota the surrounding cruet and was ho-
me rubbing my limbo and endeavor -
ns to infuse • spirit of hope to ins.
ter mid anon we heard the barking of
logs resound through i* solitudes
and then die away. fuuud and long we
answered by shouts until oor hoarse
• tioes cams back to mock es. "We are
-1:nined !" I cried. "The hours of day
waning, and night will woe fall.
there will be no hope !"
he last words had scarcely died
y when my amain obeiri ed the
ins of a dog above on. The poor
initial seemed glad to have din:muted
us, endeavored in every way to reach se.
hut that was impossible. Knowing
the eharecteristic sagacity ol theme dogs,
and their daily missies on Mean ley
niountaites, my adagio eltoitted 'Beek,
itover, 14 help !" The dog usiderstind
the command. wagged his tail, gave •
Ma, and started a peculiar hood, like a
honed on the wont. This was $a on•
ening sin of having discovered soon
traveller in distress, and this way be
coei.noniotted the news to the straggling
dogs within hearing and to the WSW*
0• the beepiee.
The sun Hovered on the distant bills,
and we thought every nemesia a year.
Oar eyes were strained in the direction
of the reek from which we to:posted foe -
one. At length the harking dogs
drawing nearer Oilseed some bops. Tb.
sound wee sweet and comforting to our
ears. A @horns of quiet' yelps now
broke forth es Nor poweeful spoidmeos
of the wend breed Mond abreast leokint
dome epos es, and the fifth soon re
Wed the ethos and serried a enil of
pt. While they kept up their incise -
et yelpiartwe board bemoan vases*
drawing near,ead geas tour of oar party,
with. monk is the lead, Mood by die
rook. eneoiliwy the tope and Sting the
trap foe on raillaa. The repo was let
down, my kleinlaut sationsid the
straps NNW as, and erne we were with
dor , sad mild, bet alive
The reet et wq story is soon NAL A
fever est la and two weeks Some Mod
• ,-
,A •
•1`,11 HIT to SATNAL Fli. DAY, SEPT. 13*L8O.*
sod hosevolest •••• Yaks, waisdise
and prayed, and itouded do my Oates
like °pasturing are.el.. till 1 IMO pisefeet-
ly restored to 1)0.11 it. g•iit Moms that
time I he Meld IOU Ot 8. fierearti Hospice
or the dues ...k..... so me • Nereus
kir. for one arid of adniaratioe Imo
Irteadship fur the other. The Cork !Ca
THE FASHIONS. '' • -••••
11- Varlet, er demise. that WtIt letarge4
the rsi• • 1.
Dose (ray ii.lt uudegweer is mufti boa -
tameable even. time suits 1 black.
There is • rain tor the golden tints,
both iii •vertai.4 dies. mod =theory.
time use very one Front, da•inels,
both plain si.0 •re situbited.
designed tor pi rit.aeeers mat
gimes, mid unitise osite. do is of these
show dew Ara 0.9 as v. fatAlt
over mistral grus...i.
A Dumber of v .ry hate
eashaosre Pete.. ore shown, which ar •
monnisted troth in', (!peNi *gal that ar•
dotted ur L.i.4 with eto:a or hrouh.
Dresses of these mete( *,re ur. do Witt.
elent.-lfelbed pi ...mem 1.6.311C...end jacket
(route of the osehinere • ith uoly airibtly
loll steave., .1tere tro.its, aid ifedor.
vest, ..1 the tar ,fotial silk E.igiah rose
and e este 0.1/1.11 theme petterris f•e•
▪ very pretty o..astori.tiou, with decks oi
gold and eased.
New Fretich redingotes appear, de
fur ettuuni teita end dilaters.
stitch key. ..pia.tbruaied
sego. Io: frailest. oil slieht draperies.
on tbe hip• Ther, tie petaled puffs ti
the shoulders of tti.• Mose coat ideeve.,
folds of sok croesteg the waist Dewe
se bust, said itch lace 1 uftlee at the
• styli h tailor gown of oilier -blue
lined cloth bee a r Mask -habit effect 4.
the back. The coat sad front id
the dress formed of pale tan-ini,ored
auei's ba r, with a trop embroidery to
• leer -blue silk es a border to each.. The
1.que, shoes, sod gloves uited' -the
weistaert, es.d en suite is a long, very
tight hoe f gray and brown neturai
0.1 rich feathers.
Hama- bode:fed trayelling-dressee of
.ifef.ked Euglish ehevoit 114 mixtures IA
Orono., lied ten de gris, princessu
blue aisl "diet -millet' gray , ca• •
siren, uta , • treed with
...beau vest flouts of light kid, with
jackals at.o.• elle& are eitra long, and
Mee wide p oksts uf the kid Mourned
sib large ail.* bottom, the edges .bed wittt • 11.,,e ,if eider cord. re.
collars and cuffs are hitherto trammed.
Gold lave is much used io delicate pet-
ters., with vandyked edge*, and in roca
nets with dots and . !ascents. There is
meal NAINNig 1.f means and gold, black
4..d gold, and of white r.et with either
cold or silver embroidery. Some 'feu
hairdo en end einem:live *imolai em-
broidering in silk have their deeply
ts.litited taige• finished with heavy sill
Embroideries continue to be a mark of
excitants eler•Occ --that is, speeiel ew
broideries on rick garment& The point-
ed decni-deeolletes bodices of evebiug
dresses are embroidered, scentitues io •
the fr•in , repeated on
ech 1 alt ..1 the beck ; others having a
fine Venetian bordering along all the
edges, or .imply a narrow vine on eacb
side 1 the eyelet -holes in the hick, for
'west are lioud at the beck. A handsome
de -es foe a young woman is -if roes leaf
royal armoire. The menage is half low,
and the skirt if -ng bat without a train,
.nd ate lower edges a border id white
..la paseementerie almost se delicate as
no. in its effects, with its Ione, sharp
penis upturned. A girdle and (Resit
ender of the are oe the
The new silks for dinner and evening
toilets are magnificent in design sod
coloring. Flowers sad sprays of the
most delicious tints •Insoet Dover tat
exquisite grounds of tacit brocades.
Rich pains (as striped silks are celled
in Pane) have broad ribbon stripes of
velvet on • tinted satin ground, which
is strewn with dowers. The cuing are
soft snd delicate without beteg insipid.
A pale mauve ground bee end hlue bou-
quets .
. 1 In silver. Vert d eau
,r willow -greet. is strewn with clusters
of honeysuckle biomass and tearoom
with tbor totemic There are superb
Wattage beorades which are made up to
Louis XIV. fashion designed fur recep-
tions sod bridesinodie totiete
Grape Selly and Marmalade. -It its al-
ways best to make these at oat, t in
Pick r ver and stem well flavored grapes,
with some not quite npe ones adiong
them. Press them until you have
enough juice so they will seed no tri-
ter to cook them. Let them boil until
the skins are broken, then per into a
jelly -bat hang it op and let se mech
juice drain out as 0511 without squeezing
the bag any. Of this joie* make jell,
ty adding a pint of *sear to each pint of
the juice and boiling it until it will
Jelly when cold. I do not think any
exact rule can be given se to the dem
jelly should boil, as sometimes the juice
is thicker than at others and some days
it will evaporate taster.
Mrs Theodore Tilton ie t wised dew
ly woman, with idIver-streaked hair, a
careworn fon and stooped karts, who
(requisite Lineoln Park in Mingo with
her grandchiklren. Every pleasant
asorning ia the year shesmto the pleas-
ure grimed, but is s
sad sever MAO speaking to .ay am,
She lives with her married daughter,
ethe eontribetes to the family ismer.* by
water paintings, many of whish aro
Tey timely he . wad treateeenL
QuiDes Marmalade.-Tbis is made the
same es pewit, hot if quieten tire not
plenty a very toed mannidade eau be
mote by ening so equal quantity of
(.1,inegg and apples, and if the guises
peelinp and cores are boiled with an
equal quantity of apples and strained
throogit a jelly -bag, a deltesiely Severed
quires -jelly easy 145 .54..
• Niiaitrar dm grapes end of the beg lido
sift them and poi the intlp
beak is a , kettle, eddies two
pats of eager to three of die
Int It bell, stirring it anneleady
aisle thick enough, sal then .54 1. gina
Deateendle Pralimi• AgalaatI Aiiipalea-
Moe of this •4 One Usiesaiimt-
Tim Chimes* hima-Voisearrati 1. 07 •
arm I ea ar 01.
W sisseisueoa, the House to-
day Mr. MelCialoy (Repo Oj. frees the Com
miner on Wajp sad Memos, reported hasii
the :artilf bill with Senate aumminieuta, with
the reconiammdatiudthat the • be
1 in TM report was referred
to the Cows:Wee of the Whoa. Mr. Mo
Kinky then offered a resolution from the
Committee on Kukla fur the itia
mediate oonektentssua of She 10*10
the House providiag that after
two hour"' general debate it shell be in order
to move to aust-ooncur in the Renate amend
sneak in p.m and agree to the Committee
of rootersuce asked NC oy the dem* sad
los House Mall without further daisy or atu.
tiou proceed to vote Len the mottos. The
previous gumbos on the unities was ordered,
Ile to TA
Mr. Blount (Dem., protested against
the adopting" of the resaiteke. Mr. Ile
Millis Mimi, Tann.) she opposed the rendi-
tion, but it was adopted, 114 to 72.
Mr McKinley gave • twist statement of
the donate a 6 bilk watered oSOao
argument as to their propriety or impro-
Mr. McKhaley said there was mot a eagle
paragraph la the bill that was sectional
, The Mills MD was sectional It protected
southern sugar dual rice sad than pat tbe
agricultural products of northern farmers on
the free list. The pending bill took care ot
every product of the mouth maims sugar be
excepted and it gave to the producers 04
sugar a bounty equal to the duty
they had been seyortog. Mr. Mc -
Kele! contioned: We propose to go right
on protecting the South as we have done
for 2.5 years -in spite of themselves; hi spits
or their representatives we propose to go oe
giving them ascii protection as will still fur-
ther increase their industrial prosperity and
; . [Applause on the Republican
side.) During the 13 years that the Repub-
lican party had contrail from DOS w
voted from the statute books $948,000,000
a muted taxation, and we propane by this
bill to roll away i7U,000,000 more. lAp
plausej There 1. 110 record of • party that
has method; Mit the Democratic party ham
D o method except the 'methods of obstruction
and badness (Laughter mid applanee. 1
Mr. Flower Glem., N. Y.) said the estimated
revenge for the yew' wee .1106000,000. The
Congress had „ 8161,000.000
Whet was 10.used et tariff hill! Why
ate leave the pram* tiaras ft was, with an
for . .% which meant
reciprucity and not Merit thew jumping
jacks, the string of white NW President could
pall at any timet Be eilarged the Republi-
can majority with demoralleiag businesa
Mr. Farquhar (Rep., N.Y.f.tn behalf 0110.
minims of geoid" who inhabited the state.
on the northern lakes, boped the Inmate
.10 regard *0 10. duty on deb
Would he mind down.
lir. payees (Rep., 111.), favored the Senate
a I` piecing twine us the free list.
He was a Republican and believed in pro
tection, but be did not baievo in a theory of
protection which pat upon the dutiable lat
an article the raw material et whack was
tree of duty and the • et which
Walt in the hauls of • ;.. , which
could be indicted nadir the set pawed by
the preeeut Congress He protested against
piecing works of art upas the free
let and hoped the House would stand by
its sugar schedule.
Mr. Vane (Ds Penal said the country
anis looking to the House for an intelligent
diseuesion tot the tariff question He row lc
inform the people that the Republican party
forbade the right of repreamitauon in this
Home. He wanted the people to understand
that free speech was gone in the Home ot
Repreeentativea The empire was coming
fast, but sot fast enough for him to optimal
to give so kis right to speak
for ktit 6 Two hours went
to the discumion of 400 Senate
L This was dote because the
majority wanted to veil owl( behind a secret
confab. He wished to my to the farmer and
10 10. laborer that the tariff bill was • cheat.
Two thousand poop... were enriched by the
tariff Mil and misty million. were impover-
ished. The majority believed in every trust
save ons -the trust is a righteous and just
God -
The discusses was coutinued by a number
of members.
lir McKinley said that *1 10. Consmities
on Rules had erred in reporting the resolu-
tion it had erred in giving too muck time for
debate. Not fifteen minutes of the two
boors bad been devoted to discustiou of the
&wan ainesidnients or to the tariff quottion
at all.
The Senate amendments were than non
coecurred in, IA/ to et
Speaker Reed will not announce the Home
eonferete anti' to -morrow. He has not as
yet deckled on the list,
A 11111 Filed by the Ctty to rerfett 111 she
• Comaimaillm' Charisma,
ClITC•00, Riot. lit -A hill to forfeit the
charters of the Chicago (las Light and Cote
Company, the People's Ges Light and Cnke,
Company, the Coomuners' Gas, Fuel and
Light Cowpony 04 Chicago and the
Ose Company was died yew
terday in the Circuit Court clerk's
office by Corporation Counsel Hutchinson can
NNW of the fifty at Chicago ea compLinant.
The Merge Is that they illegally combine4.
soder the ittle el the Chicago Gee Trust, the
name of which was euterquently changed to
the Chicago Gus Company, for the
purpose , competition and
creedal" a momently, wit& the result that the
elty and tadivideal eansemers are charged
exorbitant raise for pa, and the quality of
new teeny is Warier. Th• court is ashen to
forfeit the Maniere wasted by the city le
the four companke and the treat.
yeen.ie• Omens, •• libeelleasea.••
motenigar.. Sept Hi -There wee another
empetes IN seers yesterday warring tar them
who Lees taken my interest la the (owl.
Hale mu The enamel 10 10. prisoner said
ba gibbed be withdraw the phis et sot :guilty
of diesidng0110 imam to kfll end substitute
it OM ff pair of eggravated singell The
, affilipted Mee pisa and mid
they were eatelliNg to preseeeen Judge
Crum stunned op the airs, sad le Hotline --
ties of .101 10 gelled Nikko said he wadi
$ rim 01 pm Irlaidi isos prompety
Immo Gamed by Vlaises.
Lirernoves, Va, Rime 11 -The Wieser.
Welding and half • Meek of beiges bourne
were berme hem Seseur MGM LiiNP
_ • 11
•111.. '••• i°
• • • • ,,,
Rae $U1. im •rillhary Oillear 5..lailimame
meth at illwebetr.
Limbos, time 16 --A horrible ami magma
murder started the reasitants of Conaway -
read, Pluesisteed, lees week. The ciretim
n ames are so pm -whew mid the motive of the
Med .0 rentarkshe 114.1 10. soul witleageasel
Usiscesi has 1,,, aroused la the case. A
, widow by name of Lyons hvUg on Con-
, limy o 'uich is • higialy reasonable run -
dente eir.et popubiteal by she noddle clam of
muck with moots 1 ivs beyond the needs
of lausinme, hes breve know* to the !neighbor-
, hood for the peat five years es •n unusually
attractive and eurnewtait vivacious weasses.
She is • plump and pleasing blonde of the
quiet but effective type, whom goings Lad
cominp have mime been sittlicieutly meow
encabis to attract adverse remark, but whom
evident popularity with the officers of the
garrison at Woolwich led WOO of her sto•
qoaintaaces to criticise Mr swilled of living.
Tbei family of the widow ounalated of •
me, Walter, • clerk in the Royal Animal, •
Monne, unhappy youth, aged 90, who had a
Mediocre education and an abnormal reepeot
tar whatorer be nosaidered to be right Hs
had frequeut quarrels with lth mother. On
Thursday might about 12 o'clock he returned
to his home, arid mounting the stein to his
own room heard vowel coining from Use
chamber occupied by his neither. Entering
to ese who it might he he found his neither
had retired, and sitting ou She side of the
bed was . non-consinissioind artillery officer
named Stewart partly dressed. The boy
stopped at the door an iustant, ant then
striding to the boinde with • clasped knife
*5 10. hand be bed keenly drawn from his
pocket, he shouted at his mother: "What
does this mean r and his mother replied:
"My Non. 1 intend marrying We gentleenan."
Walter, without • word earned and left
the room, closing Use door violently banal,
him He went down to use kitchen, found
a large carving -knife and then left the home.
Not long after this Humeri started for his
home. As he stopped into the street Um Goa
.10 1454 been careened in the shadow 01 114.
doorway, sprang at him and with a savage
thrust of the knife, plunged the weapon into
the oilicer's breast, killing Will instautly. As
if not gatiefied with the deed the boy sprung
u pon the prostrate form and hacked it with
the knife. all the while crying at the up of
his voice: "I said I'd d3 mother. the first
time I caught you."
Mn. Lyons was louktng tram the window
and winks. d tie crime. She screamed and
10 10. dour as quickly as possible, but
could do ootiung. She threw herself on the
body of the officer and then took hes bead in
her lap, strivum vainly 1.. brim tutu back to
life. Crowds samubled, attracted by the
said, and the young boy wag locked up.
A Pugilistic &seemlier ka the t.
ioenaii---teneerai cisme hews.
Immo*,, Sept. 15. -The reassuabling 04 the
Cortes to -day caused great exci
throughout the city se a strong debate
on the Angio-Portu4ellee treaty vrm
expected. Shops and oaks were closed and
theme& of cinemas u( all chasm weeded
their any to the Parliament buildings,
which were besieged by an enormous
crowd clamorous fur admimilio hours
the swoon opened. Soon after the
opening of the Cortes Senor Ribeiro,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, moved the adop-
tion of the Anglo -Portuguese treaty.
He began to read the modifications
which the Government had adopted
i order to assuage public hos-
tility to the treaty, but before lit
had gone tar he was Wowed by the Pc.
grends,. minority hissing and booting sc
vigorously that the minister could me tusks
himself heard.
Amid the tumult Major Seep% Pint..
Moaned to tet Progress:ate: "Hold your
tongaur Upon tits a Programa"'
priest named Braude, assaulted Serpa
Pluto and • lively pugilistic enuounter w-
ooed. The Preitident was uteerly unable ta
restore order and finally suspended the sit-
'1 10 the Cortes reassembled Samar Ribeirc
introduced the English couvention with cer-
tain modification, which produced an excel-
lent Impression. TM convention was re-
ferred to a menznittee and the sitting was
ooacluded in an orderly manner.
Ramis asmista Pastor.
dr. Prrzasiten, Sept. 15. -The OlfleiaI
Gissette says the renewal at the triple
(alliance for seven years will encourage Aus-
tria in her anti-Rumian policy, and oblige
Russia eo east aside her peso* illusions mei
redouble her vigilance.
Roam Day AreaptarmIL
COMITAKTIaorLit HepL l& -Moa... Dee,
the Kurdish Governor of Armenia, who was
senteoced to exile for °Wraps. . 1
upon airistiens, and who escapee' from ett•-
tedy, was captured to -day neer arouses. Ik
broke • leg in attempting to escape from the
Fear KUleil 10. Colllitlesi.
Bitous, Rept 15. -Four persona were
killed and 14 bort in a railway collision le-
tweso Montjoi and Kaltenberg. A station
master was arrested tor causing tbe diaster
through eegligence.
Atha Denham Dream
la lb* Weer.
leennee, Sept. le -John Milburn, a coo -
tractor aged 50, rushed from his reeidetsre at
5I, yeaterday morning. threw hinmelf 10*
the river and wre: drowned. Hasson saw hint
running toward the water but could nut
overtake him. Mr. Milburn suffered ores
' Modally from an affection of the bram.
moulting from a severe !ahem several year.
ago. He leaves a widow and iwo soas.
laraage sr a Craw
New Renroan. Hope, M. -Anse dot year.
hi the Antaretk 0... the whaling bark
Petrel, Capt. &twin .1. Reed, is awe more, in
port. Captain Reed says that while off
Patagonia amoral months ago • gals mats
up from at 'More, during which large (memo
eboktag those who Inhaled It Next day on.
1441.. of Spa white powder mune au the skip.
of tie cline was WINN sick and his feet began
to swell The swelling continued until kis
whole body was effected One after another
of the mew was sienilarty taken until thirty -
roar had the dimes. toe owned to al -
game twice his anal sin% sad.the eesh
weined a yellowish hue. With aim masa
morttficatioa rat la and they died. Two
other* of the crew were washed overboard
10 114. gale sad fireweed. Physicians lasee
report the seddeinio as bog bort It Is the
One ease cm reeord 04 tte heeling MOM ea
board a shlp la • gide
• timi River sad Wm Draitimal
amine Do Invv, ago 111.-Oolday
atteeseas the Nth see of C. Pelletier, le
trying to Melt emit herring from hem awes
lee river, lost Mg behmee mad Ise M. The
body bee net yet keen reormered.
, " •
Mai Whew Meade.
N. J. Shepherd... in MN terectiall
Furt.se that it rand) jays to hold a pro-
tium slum it is ones forty ready to soar -
k. t. Aad this is true tit foie products,
gush es grate, hey sad potatoes. as well
es of stuck. Othumil•mially 111041 50 mid
week* ie prices sway be sealtsed as will
✓ etorts a weed profit to pay for \oldies,
but doe will be the sioptiun rather thee
the rule, while corisnieriug the interest
00 the mouthy and the shrinkage, these
is inure utteu • lose. An &demos in
in ice does nut always imply a profit;
with all lauding' there is always more
o • lime shrtukage and aside in handinie.
Wan end %vegetables dry out and
ooneudi ribly in wooed, .hl. Bose
cot be handled eithnit more or less luso
ni that tl • sootier a Product ts
sew keted alt, it is fully ready,
t he totter yield and the less
In 'addict:1, on the majority of faros
there is the 'cog by serene to to omen
owl- With wen, sheet, oats and all
kinds of small stain especielly, there is
often eunsidosishlejoes Irvin this source,
ou that if a c: rtful scenuot is kept, it
•ill hs found that whore grain is ready to
take( in • wooer, or fait end kept over
0..01 aping, it will Hilaire a otiosideu
*OW VAILl • in plies iu older to nulls,
a pr.fit. Th. re are exceptions, f
course. kilt it is not every fernier dui'
can sited to run the rok. (.)t coulee
a profit is real.sed it would prove
trey acceptable, but • lose would proie
rather more disappoen.ing.
st..ck, atter a cartaiti stag. of
saaturity and oondition is secured the
sooner they are utarketeil the better, as
every dr'''. (edibir after that adds to
the mot estitotst a rorresiOildittig ohm!
01 Farmer.
H. Spencer •
Umaist sad Uremia,. a
Hassilutai itat.
S•11 hr Y. . '
PURIFY vie N 11*
(MID tilfseLwn,v .
aparilla Bit
fr •
ff't •
• Purely Valletable CeffiPtrlit
hied of Unhook lo 11
that is esmed
Impurity of tar
where the
Awl other Vital Organ. t.
)01.d the bonen' repair. The i.
pound curio it: idur) rad Litter
I"uik., grupti,as tet s.
valuI. belloueuess le sequel ..
of sleep. \curamia.
aol Intuit. Imre of Appetite, Los
Weeklies& teatimes. bimetal .
a ent le regalia. la* tenrikaill,...
1001C, 1641•0011•NNi that NOCNINNT oo •
• • powerful agent in reli.
Mid I 'ti run ie 1 Non .e ken ..t
all Um Viacom' (emu,
11 110. valuable Irparai.s
whole symem to • new and 1
*301 4.5* mad Wrelitelh lo
tated by dterese. and effui.l. a •
1...0 froni attacks that originate
the season, of #-Itinat.- and
e oh each la,. tie Pr..
and $1.te per Mei
- 11111LYAKY.1, 0).1.1 8'
t 'hernial and tirtiegi,l. N
. ., 1
uol.1 hl Jeedam liefger
NEW arr.:,
Comma *145.. the reel -terra.
Toe hie of Cowen eylva is more it.- towinge
he te that f most Queen., be s
amuse she would- fiat • been more inlet. conveyancinl.
it she had DM - I
beet. a ()mem. 11 te • fascioating
tale tow 1., the BaCulifill• Stackelberg of
her rubseeeig away when she was • little
girl to' to. to school with the bailiffs
o illciren There was the small pcot's
d 'Duce no/ . She wrote verses when she
was tun years 010, and boldly began.
stored at twelve. She •Mhed to know a
g reat deal, to he able to pact difficult
ex alinath end .he achieved it. Car-
a mi Sylois knows languages and history
add iJeniture and philosophy sod econo-
ni 11. enough to hold her own with the
nereit sophomore girl to he four d In
.411 college within two hundred odes ct
Pres dent Harrison received his invi-
tation to attend the celebration of the
fortieth anniversary of the admission or
Geliforms auto the union in the shape of
a Vat* of solid gold.
were t 4 e• h.:via.. 1. 1 haw. throws WS,
au .1* isi-,L,aa n.
F.4.4444. ;
Land, Loan and
has removed 10 1,1, PC ' &MY' - 110b1 11, 1RN
new block. c.puusete the niark....
on Mortgage ani Note..
The Great Remedy
re* ,
R. J. K. GORE,
Sole Patentee and Manufacturer.=
GODKRIc11. ('N1
Proems • asikasialtira 10. Mt brads sad 4.1ANNI
wei No4 • real men**, sot alo.• ogb .4 MY. •
Wier stist to old Wen 1111 asap dam martess?
held imirs•Mrs
OLliaTIID • 00 .0•••rat Agents ter Oasailliki
411 010 W. Tanata.
Goderion 3 A.11, Boiler Work8
Establishei tun.
Chrystal & Black
Manufacturers anal dealert
Steam Honeys. Salt Pana. Tasks, Heaters.
smokestacks. *ad ell kinds or Stem
Iron Work.
Improved Automatic cut-off Collis. En.
in.. Upright and Horimatal Enciumes. Me -
chine'? and Calais(' of every descriiiii..n'
Brea l'it= Pipe and Plpe Fittings coo -
'tautly on
Mail orders will receive prompt lunettes,
Weeks s *pp. 41. W. 111.11Matem.
So- Repairs promptly attended to.
P.O. BOX 361.
.EXT: OF •
Firtelan Natio! at Tie Sinai
Mad Receipts at "Tie kit"
As the Old Darkey said :
"fee rayther pay more an' hal)
de best once in a While, than to
pay k'. and hal) a poor article
Our Tea Trid6 DooliN !
You can get the
Tb• instate are hereby not Hied that *14. 11
and teed business. formerly carried en bylA.18.
Collis has been etirehesed by
HOS. J. VIDEAN, • '4r
carry it ea !nail its breathes at .0411
. itsweAst. mar the Stream
lha management of former proem.
*nehmen 14..'14. most 555555.Ilse of sou la toms. and as the
# has horn 45.141154with
years. there will he no haling hi
thereat...try formerly exhibited Interview ia
the from rank.
donde delivered to all parts of the tarp.
The latest and beak doe of neer gad feed
always ea Med .54choke seeds in seams
110(10. J. VIDICAN.
I take this OppertlinIty al thanking my me.
Menem for their Merril peeronosz detringinel
=rtiontarttla of the ogee .#1.1..on sr • _
Ath1tus 111 rfl1 Sigll
117-tf S. CtILL1
• ""-
741 - ' f,"Oitgrie 1- I ,'
)" ; 40 • •
• !•••••' • 1.