The Huron Signal, 1890-9-19, Page 6mon nea
Rtat1•ees a speoeh--Fall of !rM•Mrenn and
Owed lima&
Mr Justin Yotbetby, rplymg to the
toast ,.f hie health, which was proposed
lay Mr Parnell, at the reonot Waviest
mew is hosier of the lrl.h leader, said :
1 eau ware you that 1 could have oo
higher possible eratitioattuu aad oo high-
er reward than the words of u sir guest
tonight end the applause of you, my
Seieade. I have, sad 1 have ever had,
n o ambition lie high as to serve in say
way, however humble, the cause of Ire-
land (Applause) I am selfish in that
way No suocees in the world wo•W
gratify tie so much as having the .p
plau.e of Ir•bweu and the Irish Patli.-
meetary Party. (Renewed applause )
I may say that I have never changed
sines thus• far -of days of '48 (applause
for, tome back to an earlier genoretiou
than that of • Intend oa my left, to those
clays when we were blye-w• were very
much boys to ibis* dap. (Lesuekter.)
I was, I tbisk, net spins eighteen rein
old ; bat we thought it .wahine to risk
our low f..r the n•tionsdprusper'ty of our
eoantry. Applause) New, those s' a
the preumpies I started with, and 10
those principles I have always adhered.
(Renewed applause.) W. bare chanted
our methods slope that time -I have
changed tuy methods with them.
Dave or '48.
Base I. t me rewind you that weever. not
La 11.4.. days of '48 the utter idiots that
so.*.• people are no. pleased to regard
iss (be.r, bear Remember that w
the•..• dais there were no weapons of pre
Metes. Remember that the old nit••s we
hough. sod buried afterwards -I say this
in poetic w,..d, and I wrote the song
of my own buried ride -as lone the
wor •, has very wi ensny let die,(laugbter)
1.u• a ea., I think, in the Nufion or
lrii* Velem. There were Irish felon. ir.
t1.• .. ds>•, and we were as proud to be
Irt.h fete • tben as souse people are now
(hear, t...r): but we had some reatoas- First of all, we had ni'
Eealieh uarty whatever to support us.
We were under the conviction, young
and -Id of es, that there was" nu way ..f
Remelt Ir..b National Governmeat bat
b) a movement , f armed rebellion. The
Ear..yuarr c..ntnueot then e•is adame with
nheiil..b. Remember, then, that we
thought -as ether people thought -that
if you ,sou:d ugly keep up an army, e
wee' r n going . u for long enough, wine
greet European power, acting for it. sen
parp...e. would come on and help you
eat. 1 uu out saying our muveeaeur
was .. s -e nue but I say this diattectly,
oar movement was not that movement
of mere i,.eanity ett.i.•b sometimes tee
peepl.- are deposed to regard it as ..boar
DI►,g0tNT swZANtt Prow.
No or 1 .: a we can de everything we
wino .., do, ,eitn .I1 the great and glue
oai Gouge we wast to gun through th.
instrumentality sit the English people
(App ■".e). Since that time I hay.
heed em angst the Eneli.b people. 1
has. .ort thee. face t . Lbw and heart I.
heart .aid i have always felt that if w•
. oold get i he Fueled& democracy to Cnrt.
0,e1 ru our *sir we had getoo.I our Mont
Hear. near ) We have trot ymered th.
goz.i.h democracy. As the caws'
(lrree•r Gemco+ ed her conquerors, so h..
c•pti.r Ireland convinced the K..jh.:
pe.. e We here on our side Mr Gl.d
stone (loud applause, end the Eugii.l
democracy, and etei, i want to knew
are tonne to oppeee ns 1 Coctinue•
applause`. (Sur honored 'meet has spoken,
in kind and geoeroue terms ..f the suc-
cess 1 have male in literature and other
wise. i tell you with the utmost $r. -
amity that there is no success which 1
ever have made which I •aloe in the -
fatnte.t degree In compsriwo with the
success 1 nave made in being • member
of this 'nob National party, to fighting
with them in those dark and desperate
days (hear, hear) when we were some
times only half • doze° mea going in •
one lobby and the whole Hoose •0
Commons tn:oping into the ether lobe,
- the success I have made in bei••'
regarded by men like you as s corneae
and • friend and a brother. (Applause
A T •M.
noir EVENT&
the B leel taaa Osten*Osten*Wa-
se.-Three New Ilea. Mereeart, Dre.
.. ti
dee mid o..es_rtaee utters+ M
aroatreal-Th. Tomato Fur.
Tommie, Sept. 15. -The (1starto Cabinet
h as been reorganised. Tw Ministers wW tx
sworn es as follows: ww
Premier .ad Attorney -(!•l - Hon.
011eer Mowat.
Coemulseioner of Crown Lds-Hou. A. It
Pruviacial Set
ecrary-Hon. J. M. Libor.
Comewluser d Public Warks -tion. C'.
Minister of Education -Hoa. 1. W. Rom
Provincial Treasurvr-H
cooaon. Rickard Har-
court 8ueedtug Hon. A. M. Rush.
Mouser of Agriculture -Hoo. Juba Dry-
den (succeeding Hos.. thea Drury'.
Miuiuer without portfolio -Hua. E. H
BallantyneMr. Ballantyne will likely be elected
Speaking of w. changes outlined above,
the Gkibe says: -Owing to the tact nkat Mr.
ra, of Ottawa, is burdened with the
t 4 • heavy sad exacting bust
nem, he could sot without grave denser te
his b perilous! interests take charge ed a de-
partment. But by entering the Cabinet
without portfolio the (. and the
priories, pviwill have the benefit of his emus.'
and experience •t least os qu..tiom of whicb
be has special knowledge. And • better re
prvatauve of e lumbering, timber sed
general business interests sit the province le
not to be found in the dagislatun.. The gen-
eral interests of Eastern Ontario win ado bar
modal cone his actal concern, and that part of
the province must derive large advantage l
from his admission to the 'abtrt. The ap-
pointment does nut carry eatery. The prac-
tice of having Ministers without portfolio. Is
reeognisel under the British constitution
cad ha. been la use for some hundreds of
years. Two Minsr', teHon 'i
J. J. C. .britt
and Hon. Frank Saab. eft in the -F el
Cabinet without portfolio, and there are such
Ministers in the Cabinets of Quebec New
Brunswick, lova Scotia and Prince Edward
Island. It u not necessary ou ler the prac-
tice for Mr. Bromism to go back w
uselection."bit coo- for re
The plans for the res•uratio, of the I'm
vervity, prepared by Architect Dick. Lave
been approved of by the trustees, kutl.:int
committee and the smate. The plane in-
crease the number ,of Lecture rooms by meet
the number of prote's rooms by eight,
and Th
aadd • wboie range of new ome
the bummed of the reconstructed wstructed .aste
wing. The girl student. will have extra se
oommodati.n. A library u now being fitted
rep in the new School of Science, which will
also supply examination ball{ in the mean-
time. President WiWiles..r+a•eired aoontribe-
tion of 1;500 fmm Edinburgh the other day
toward the building feud. t.10.)1t.10.)r doomed
extension of residence.
A numbof Tornoto gentlemen bane
evolved • sow and original solutio of the
Esplanade ditllculty, whech as causing see
much trouble between the railways and the
city. Instead of the isdwaye having the
best pert of the water front they irop.e
b5lldinng • tunnel under the land now being
fought for. The coat of suck • tuan would
be lethan a million dollars, and it would
be wok enough for • double track.
H. R. H. Prince George d Wales, ssco.i
nom of the Heir Apparent, who 1. f
aomapd of H. S. Thrash h..
been bewaring Montreal all week with
Ins Klemm. Hie ship and the flagship
d iv
the Admiral arrived ort Montreal early
last week. Ever eines, the city has bees
excitement over the exciteent and boner of ester -
Mining such a destingui.bei guest within theiro
gates. The young prisma has bees *tippet;
hibmself. He has bee. engustted, has
*drroomettes.received *dr..held roomettes. &flooded
races and • greed cities. ball. where he danc-
ed with s amebae of the fair ladies of Quebec
prow linos.
Tee deet shortly returto Halifax. Flo It
b th
not likely that e Prince will be able to
take. trip thr.augh the Pruvi•os of O.tarii,
until later .n.
The annual industrial fair. for which To -
root. u rt justly fatuous s now w full swing.
1t was opened with much state and c'w'.-
mony by the F.atl and Countries of Aberdeen
His Excellency the Governor-General ems
alio paid • visit t.) the city for the purpose
of taking in the :chow. He was baoquotted
Gs at e Queen's Hotel by the Civic r.. cepttos
committee before be left. Toe Fur s a
greater swoon than ever.. -
Some great .red awful .turf.. are bit
A mouse fell into • beer vat, poo' gesp.hsl ,ensatloaal American paters by
thing, and a sit passing by saw th ow -respondents la Ca•eda. Ottawa and
str.ggeng tittle creature. The moose sud McntreaI h... for ran ped two n01.4 for
to the cat,- pooeming the two greatest newspaper Ilan
"Help me out of my difficulty." la the Dominion. This tar Wed however hes
"If I de i shall eatou,' said the ea' now been beard from. d Leweek several
"Very well, replied the mouse ; '•1 American papers arrogate of •
world rather be eaten by a decent c.' terrific snow .term in Manitoba and the
than drowned in such a horrible mess f
staff as this.'
It was • sensible cat, and mild, -
"I certainly shall eat you. and y .o
mast promise me on your word of hose.'
that 1 may do eo.
"Very well, 1 will give you the
promise, I promise e
So the cat fished the moose oat ; and.
trusting to the promise. the dropped •
for an instant to Olean her .awn mouth • I
the abomination of the vat, Thiokol.
that .he had better do so before she t...1
• meal off the moose.
The moose Instantly darted away • n
erect into • hole in the cornier when tie
tat could not get him.
"Bat didn't you promise me I seigh
Mi gut r said pose.
"Yee, I did," replied the mouse:
don't you know that when I made that
promise 1 was iso liquor r
How many promises made In isMenr
have been broke&
Somme rag end Weiser.&
Gladstone and Balfour detest tobacco.
mad will not dingo to Ned
to the habit by area • gl•.o. 1st,, the
famous "sseoke-roes.' of the Howse of
C•smmona. On the other hand, Lihr•u
chore, Rredlaagh, Lord Ranelolph
l'hurohill, Fit William Harcourt snd Mr
Chsmb.rl•in are almost constant habit-
ues. Parnell drops in one. • day for •
snail eep of eoffe• aid • eery mild cigar.
(:bnntbill is II 41111e to cigarettes and
'Makes these 1a greet quantities
Ns. Steed, the tooted Italian teeter,
Ise mot Ids New Verb on the iely.
e amidvs waited for the Cky d
)fiat, Yak,i the is • faster herein.
Mite tlfawiriy is having Amore threat
lapse bar. A temmie shoo, • helmet.., •
gas ai red. • carpet, a tooth powder. and
a polish lot silver bare been mimed .f•
We we.
North -Wast. which bad rained the harvest.
This was totally untrue. An inch or two ei
snow tell Lelia far son.bern wttlemset in the
North-West Territories, Wit did not do mud
damage and disappeared almost as rapidly as
it cam.. 7151 the Champion lie of the year
undoubtedly is that telegraphed on Scrods,
to many of the sewtkwal Sunday o1I1u.e
d the groat American prem. The fab
deepeitcb dates that H. R. H. Prince George
of Wales had Mimeo • apes fa M.wtre&l, get
into • row and had beat locked up by the
police. titartling besdl.m snob as "Royalty
•n Jail" astonished many people. 11 is • thing to think that the Qnms'6
gran.lemi should remember hie visit to
l;ausla, in connection with • malicious and
blackguardly lie like this.
Thu is greatly to be regretted, by all rlgbt
minded psnple. it is rumoured that se
ante* will be entered against the Mosinee!
who is well knows
A ronvontlns to be held in this City next
month is cd partii.lar et to the women
of Toronto. It is the annual gathering of
the American Assalation fur the Advance -
faint of Women. This is not • nicerwmens
nested to secure the a<
the res in w politest stns+, neer is It a tom
prance (vamde, although 4 the roll of the
Ae.,Chtisa ars Nome of the beat -knows
amass N onneertka errtb t8e
and wnmsn's frsorhise . The
abject of the Aneodatkt• is imply toted la
the el oration of wonies edwcatlnn.dPy, e►
aeslly and is the bored of Indeetry. Mn.
Julia Ward Howe Is the praidend this year.
Mrs. (`reefer, an old and reverent reddest
of Dieter. 1t R , met with • horrible death
through the mistake of a druggist, NM had
beim 111 for the pest few day. and
• doctor w.. called who 'prwrrilted M' her
The presn•tptlw was bakes to the drug 18np
of Mark & (., b be 1IIM, ami by micake
the cork s...t anew greens of ssry.halnr..
t*wrtly after WS 0511 dmbklnered the pe -
thee, 8..•ane very violent ad In the berme
of all premed the fetal error was dhwvseewd.
The 0.fertwe•se leer be peat agony •
Mews ties after ens i H year" eot mid
bee two de lighters im 1 , Mia, and a
Ma le Cattfmreie
I`r llsg lissomly'* at Uakatuyearbe.
U. 8. ftisaatar Farewell is UL
k.k Ret
47. M1eh,was s8.ila 111.•Yellowish*pu
$3,II1.0 by three expert thieve&
outbreak of typhus (roar bas M
eurr'si t R►bulk, Upper MW
Theism' d hl California uu wbtcb the bog
trees stand hes been set spa -'t for • pu15k
Riscsia•a took piece his Bulgaria oe Mom -
day sad resulted in a great victory tor the
Mr. Bsrtr•igh. Republica., is re-elected
govruor slit Macre, sad Speaker Reed is re
e lected bo Cotstree.
• Thecae ca e .cb•••eer Tremble was sunk to •
collision apposite Sarnia and • sailor nested
MCIAl1 wee drowned.
During the last tea day. 730 Jewish tam
11ia, have hart liereliteche f, Rude, fur Eng-
land, America and And -•iia.
Fin has again teen found in the Wee all
Dunbar, Pa, where the 8* miner' were 1.t,
and another'spleeios is feared.
Gentlemen just arrived at Washington
from Nicaragua reporter progress being
made with the eouMructioa of the canal.
Ttie ren for the gnat Yorkshire handicap
plate at Dom aster was woe by •':klvr Spar.'
The race for the Cbampegne stakes was woe
by "Hants Saone."
A hurricane. s oump•nied by heavy rain,
rioted the neighborhood ,it Paxton, IIL, on
Sunday, doing greet damage to shads trees,
buildings and cr,pa
Herbert Burns, an electrician at San Fran
cisco, received a shock of ',Otio volts on Stator
day and was knocked .04, but after-
Muerhoas. A Pepper's bow R.web•ry
broke the world's record for high Jumping a'
Elmira, N. Y., clearing seven feet and riv.
e ight& of as inch.
The ratepayers of Cardiff. Wales. have
passed reri!uti.•ns objecting to the paymes
of money out of the public funds for the en-
lertainnrwnt of the (Duke a Clarence.
The fitsnd•rl's Madrid .. ear
the Prime Mtni,1.r's toleration of the ('arh.t*
will probably mels to the el.ruoaaf several
of their Caneeiiittre at the entnlag clic ons.
Henry Men.entan, • life primer in the
Gino penitentiary. micided by making •
tube of w.pmp #I.I. pi&eitag one ed over 18.
gas jet and h •1 tug the other end to bis nom
Arrangements ars now complete for the
establishment of telephonic sommunicatbs
Let ween London and Paris and the line is
expected to be in operation within • few
lha..eey M. llepew has returned to New
York, and in he.pesch ata luncheon tend Prod
him by bis admirers be approved Mr. Weebb's
• arm in regard b New York Central at
The New York cisterns omcia8 mixed
diamonds value! at nearly 11(1.OW belonging
to a wealthy young Englishman named W..
H. Medhur't, who bad just errivd from
A meeting 1, baser the tsemory of the oat.
Jo in Boy -le 11 Reilly was held in the Metro.
olitan open hots., New York. It was pre
ad ied ow'r by °over ice Hill, and 4000 people
The directors of the World's Fair, Chicago
re-.81rm.d tbeir cbotoe of some m.wths agt
anti selected the dual its of the lake front
and Jackson park as the piece for locating
the expedition.
Thomas H. Bennet, • pout&cian and labor
leader, was shot and killed at Barone gleans.
Ala., in • duel with William Hard man, .
locomotive engesesr. The nen had a gmart&
some weeks ago.
At the meeting of the National Rifle Asso-
ciation at Cr'wdrmoor, on Tuesday, the Wits
Weikel cup was woe by Major C. H. Gams
with a swore of 14L Major Gams alio wet
the cup list year.
Tr 1.mnity trial involving the liberty rel
Fronk K. Collier, the Canadian lawyer,
terve to an abrupt , at Chicago,
byth. judge ordering 1h• petition of Mrs.
Cofllr dernme.ed and the discharge of the de-
Tie Visited States stesmsdsip '• Baltimore'
has arrteed at Gothenburg. fiweden- Heavy
fogs vete .. . 1. whicbgreatly retard-
ed her passage. fibs will proceed at mow t.
Stockholm. sero the remains of Eckmon
will be received by the Sws8.b authorities
The Bri iah custom, inspectors have, re
solved orders to be less strive in the examina-
tion et pawwtpas' luggage than bas hereto-
fore been their emtomt. They will hereafter
theist open making march oily in cane when
seam wowed for .trpectieg fraud seems to
The strike of 181 switchmen and 10.8.-
.5.. on the 8t. Leek, Arkansas t Texas
Railway has ended by an unconditional .m-
eander on the part of the strikers. All the
freight traits are moving as meat and such
esriku.. as were not violent leave returned
to work.
The brakemen and .witebrn.n employed
oa the Toledo, Columbus and Cincinnati
road struck became tb.y bail been rehired an
advance in wages. An attempt was made to
run freight troths but the strikers
'piked the swaghm and the here could arts be
The national aosv liber ce Mons mesons
Belled with the object ef turmrg a mo.s
ssasaai national union of America 1e is sew
d es
e -
des in flaltimmr&. The delegates present
S obs. from , New York, Mb -
stork Ohio. Cokwailo ail Maryland, repro-
u eMf.g toped mums.
Deering the (Lerman at Muhl -
berg three human were drowned wbile at-
tempting to swim their borne &arcs. the
I lbei. A number of their comrades narrow-
ly .caped a similar fate. The accidents w
attributed to the unusually high water and
rapid current caused by the floods.
78. Rn rian Government, fearing as in
er'hse of chimes eolonhatica in the pro-
roTree re rosins and wishing to develop Rao
Man eniomtratlnn in the pelvises. prop/sal to
piens • b.wvy tax upna the Cbiooa aid
Ow Jebel -wants iebeMtants and to make numerous
yenta of land to Berman settlers.
Prime Minister Canova. del Castillo, of
Speen, has declared to favor of • imolai
polky *miler to that of Emperor William
Be blies.. fn• trade Is for the
evils oe the workmen's praftiea, est them
• lone • pnlfey of proteeres be the
iMlremb of both fanner. asst
The gnat Menus in g is Mill
es. The trop r were
Swim • su.•eeslnas of bayonet charges fa order
to dear W. *trees& Teo gun besets haw see
rived off port. 785 tufo. W heed .n
order w thdra lug that pieksas Thin a•
ties sauced .urpri a, and gi via eider le a
rimer that the Leaden leaders will net help
the Metres%
T1., ttervies newpapsr abbot. demende
• cat all Austrhss hs d-selmed frees the
state genie. et ossa The argots s is e•ppn sed
to Mee been itnrplred by Russia. T1. Pew
▪ wowasat
Ike entry. It Ie entry. t
i..o.aeat )hat meths
Pressafilwattbe Meat•.
lbws& . Moo tars Essea reheats's'
is oboes b k• ha• case nry, net to Where
Items of IatsI5.t ileum over the
a Woes', ~ell of the treats Dee• 140,.
.4 UP $ 5s15 ttes.ers et ••11b. Waal."
r11h lied, tepee' awe t e• -
Mimed teem avert 1.114.0.
Walter 8.111., Bruseele,has • suufluwer
.talk growlsag i• 1.s rerde• that measures
12 test to height. There are 25 theatre
,.n it.
Councillor !Drachma, !triumph, has
gone to Manitoba on an etcur1111 trip.
O A. Deadman also left last week fur
The other day ae Mr W. Sta•p.ClintOS,
was battling a load us laud down a krill he
uesrly lent ..sic sit 8*. buena 1t slip
mown and before he weld atop the sit
11 dragged its mate • cuwtderaWe
wce along tris road. almost cbutitog It.
Mr George Dele,irf Hallett, delivered
bis fall wheat at Fait's mill, Clanton,
one day reoently,sad found that it turgor)
out 63 lbs. to the besh.l and 421 bushes
to the acre.
The body of a young tan named
Petrtek Brennan was iuterrud its the R.
C. banal gru.nd, Huliett,
morning of last week ; bsoeawd son. for-
merly employed with Mr John Woos),
out had lately boon working at Bay City,
when be died ; to was a nephew of Peter
Brennan, Haiku.
Rubt. Watt, foreman in the RunalJ
eosin* works, Brussel., left fur Purtagt
. Pram* and Brandi,. on Toeedsy, -
Sept god. He gess to start the new
votaries sent to the Went and .tte1 d w.
the homeless of the bre. He will be
event our three or four week..
Master Angus (Lotion, 6th con., Mc-
Killop, was severely kicked above the sty.
oy a b rise the other day, while bitching
.t w a threshing engine, of which the
animal was afraid, .ad thus rendered
Ow day recently, while a a... of M1
Alex Foster, htnbare, was engage.)
herrow►•g, the harrows upset. escrow
the team to ran away, •ed getltur caugl.
Oft &tree brought ons of the bursas back
om the harem teeth wttb ,rest force,
skins 'even deep piers, fully ea
towhee ie length.
Let year Mr D. Dickinson, Chalon,
)ret oat, with othen, • ceboage plant
it did not grow during the year, but
remained Stationary, and was in the
ground all 'rioter. This spring, V of
suit seemed to be alive, tt was left u°
touched. and bas duns the year grows'
to . good-sized head.
ltu Theieday morning, nth tilt, define
the terrific swum, a biro on the fare.
•.weed by Mr T. H. Cook, nth coo..
Stanley, was streak by ligbtnmg sod ru-
ttnly destroyed Altbeagh the nit
was falling in torrents at the tune. e•
wem.d to have no etfeect In yosocbin,
the dames Tbe barn was fortunately
empty, and there was an aluminium .
$150 on it.
The residence of Mr :leo Askwit►
Elullett, was the scene of happy scnet.
on y, SeptSe2ad, when
danehter enss united in marriage to Mr
Chu A. Howson, veterinary surgeon, of
Manchester. Rev John Gray, of Kin-
cardine, performed the cerem..oy, the
bride being assisted by Miss Howson. 14
Clinton. sod bar sister, Mtn Ask with.
while the groom bad as bis supporter.
Mr John Perdue, V. S , of Blyth, and
M. C. F. McGregor, V. $., of Ktu•
ar.d House Lie's.
1 to 2 bottles of B. B. B. wilt cars Head-
1 to 2 bottles of B.K.B. will cure Bil-
1 to 4 teethes of B.B.B. will cure Coto
1 to 4 bottles of B.B.B. will cure 1)vs-
1 to td bottles of B. B. B. will cure Bad
1 to 6 bottles of B.B.B. will core Scrof-
i. any ease relief will be had from the
first few doses.
remedial sear t. be • Liar.
Two boys were en a school -room alone
together, whoa some fireworks, contrary
to them:steles probibition,exploded. The
one boy denied it ; the other, Bennie
Chrietia, would neither admit nor Secy
it, and was severely flogged for hie obeli -
way. Whoa the boy got alone Vain :
•Why didn't you dotty it 1'• asked the
•'Boo.use tbere were otily two, and
one of us must bee told • falsehood,'
acid Bennie.
"Then why did you not say that I did
Became you said voa didn't, and I
wouldn't share the f•lwhood."
The boy's heart melted ; Bennie's
moral gallantry subdued him.
When the school resumed, the young
rogue marched up to the master's desk
and said :
"Mese, lir, I can't bear to he a liar
-I let off the squibs," and burst into
The master's eyes glistened on the
self -amused, and the unmerited t° ah -
swot he had indicted on his eebool-mats
.mote his .. . . Before the whole
school, hand in hand with the culprit, as
if the two were paired in . ' . , the
skeeter walked down to when yams
Christie eat, sad said aloud
' i Bessie ' lad. he sad I beg
yogi parties -we w both to blame 1"
The easel was hashed and etdl-lis
older scholars are apt to be whew 50.51 -
thing tree sod *obi* is being dose --iso
still they might have heard B..0.'s big -
boy tears drop proudly on his book as he
eat siejieg the moral triumph whisk
ambillosiMwasell as well ea lilted all the
reek W them, foo want at •oottsthlag
ales to say, 8. gently mead:
"Neater forayer f"
The gloriosa .bad of tie children
filled th* old seas's eyes with something hi apostasies whisk made him
wilts these Were he rammed the chair.
• •
• J UBT't*tt('.I V *D-Alfntl Ilse of
Gibson's English Candies!
Jt.i1sORT1QD TLrV07ts.
Also • lame s5a0le of
The beet I• the market her W 1.11.1. hall ea leee per stake.
-USN: , OlefLT
A pa4Rlve care far Dianthus. D>eeatery. Choler -]tertius, etc.. etc.
Cd1*M111T AND DRUt1GI18T. Best the. Aob.eo•'. dry good. stem
is giving the
In tows at kis sure. where be always has on hand • Largs stock of
wry C 'ooas,
It will be to the public advantage to give him a call before going
elsewhere. 11117 -
t'Mose" Jaen* • Dee Moises (Iowa)
tensest tensest d *10,0101r
easiest i•real estate. He la este at the
but knows mom is 'ewe. •
Please istera yew readers that I have amiable rsms0g fir M Mow gs�
disease. !ly its timely esu thands of hap less eases have hese 1 0g
be glad b. toed tee bon:.. of mit remedy PRIM te any of bine c..-
empties if the wdll seri insthe4 Repress awl pest Addasa
T. A. al.o8Had. M.o.. MO cwt asides tit.. oarTaa Q,
Try Our Oxford Shoes
They sn v arraated not to slip up and down ea the .keel, whisk salftlit 1.0 tug sag
ether mate.
Our Russet Oxford Shoes
are a decided seocees. There le •et81.g like them for summer wear.
and gsaraab.ed to give satisfaction.
All rips sewed frac of charge. Bouts and Shoes of • superior quality tree/s te order. 4>
Wboleaaw and Retail Manufacturer sad Dealer in Bete and Shona
1117 -le
When say de net
• ▪ mere) to stop Oweeir a teeno a thee
haw them return_ ligan I MILANO • A OI O A L CURE. 1 Ohms. M A
ave mad. the Ohms.
RseMens u se �tt•ta Nekoosa • Weals g o.dy. 1 wanseve leyrowdyto Osseo a
s errt area Because others tion felled is y relieve Wrest now • _____ Sera
este c nes. e and a ors ale faked
of nay reason Wr a Re.nw/t/dFdrwfia �..
Past Ohre 1t rests pea tenth rr a trial, ad k will rwre fie. it i -M. gtOBTa
se". arslmsk Oahu., sea MUT AORLA15R STRRgT, 7wssosr*O.
Looking for a Handsome Xmas or New Year's present at a Moderate
We Know we Have it,
having the Finest Lines of Silver Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlers ever
displayea in this town.
Inspection Solicited.
$ala ii a i
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