HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-19, Page 5M THIC HURON BIGINAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 191 1870. UL )C11111 3, -- kWLS, he guropean oods. IRMA_ un4 eta:. 41 111 1■11, JOHN ACHESON. • 'ANEW ENGLANDTRAGED1 TORONTO TOPICS. 14111‘ Oaeow,-.41 inseeerstes Ageortited Fee. PORTSMOUTH, N.H., THE SCENE Of itotomo. moo, la -As wawa meow A QUINTUPLI TRAGEDY. of the basal Board yesterday a wet moire/ from Dr. QM - /Ted 1111•1410 111140041111 Oft leepoi. al!, &elks& Reda Mew, reignimig sad elm AMP& 1111400111w ef ow moo porgies es the gmand ef bring gosh* Tb. Itattlerse rhos Ossessits Stistat-- swine, twain amok 1„. tem tbs 4.6., com01 e Menised. the edlot enteracterty. 111, reignites, reeire , Hope. 11.-• larelhh was areeded and • wee daSeireidliii• le treeply neeetved here Wright indl there t vortlea for a eaccesser. The salary will he great esallarama. A mead sever& Madre MA people earreended She haws ailtesellie bedlam William Rest, aged 41. al Toossea, came ci din* *NW Prelim Pareb17 Maws Wm es Se theory liesday to writ the extiss. hat of the crime. aril has here leistobus ever Moo ,40 Yr - ?.s4 0. J. Row*. •• 7w°. • •••110 day tvanisi while se • dads bordwieg IS la do aganaaY a las SWOP bowing Cale- delirium Demme be lea Me boarding berm may, im a Wady ed *me Magietere bed..•1•4. r.••••4•4 dm Sedgaseee es inellsei weemit Wan: Anzonnocnont of Now Lam portotl Goods. 1J. ersey Jackets, Dress Goods, MOWN.. W. ACHESON & SON. • VV ALL NEW GOODS FOR AUTUMN I Silk Velvets, Rubber Circulars. INSPECTION INVITZDt taw swig. oarr* lord 1/1 yams wise at tbs foal el Petarshallat sad threw oleMidiflek MANS OM seem cd the aliteriptad Mad& west to WOrth 70c. Special tine all wool wide U ST OPMTN Ids biumelt huge the Hay. &moral wig. Black, all wool, wide double -width Amason Cloths at 600., Oaahmeres keeping bowie tar wars" best four - ____ several teenthe ege. Mime the left it le Hart's sinistanot hut he deellesit who it le rtlirwled lb• Ilisl Climb los •••••• we' sad wee jest lode( strewth while damsel yawl. altee'll Womble 10••701 leo wham. Re ma essevered to Ile. $ colts bill Wog mil be mend la Gm statioe, where he became nods( sad. and lbs MAW sof illsom boo altar- harks that be radii *Oa atereept self - ladies the three feemis arembers et Ilit deineetios laspector Johestos isd ham ro hireadhohd, Two el shies tad the intirdsres aBovng l• the jan. • himself lia Mad is his heme, while as the A -1W hospital the lidrd deaghtts lies dying with C'SRIEN IN COURT. a band is haw Deck. sad at hie lame Charts Tbs Irillass Osses• Despitsbiss Oltras Is W. Taylor. • sell Moors hardware IIIIIWASS JOHN ACHESON whose name Ws beta esenesetd with abet el Mee Seen Sest by atm. Kra. Bohm 1St was Owe Wins Mies is hi. Nc4nrbaa lb.. -a• " leek wowspaper t eheripid anti wad - Delors the Mowery of Reire's dew bob, fabi *IWO& •••orkmi• Parer* swain that Prieto George al Waite bed encore and album were witaring • starch id has sad had be fangs ado the Made a Us limb he would have toss . The sary ad las nomaer is: Charles W.. lyeehed. TM Weight was meet epee by Reims, . 'Taylor while estering hit rackleare Mows 1•TO g who 'red Me sheik b.* et which took Mire, bat win hardly nes Shortly beton lam es. srbs timponsi to Ine lettulerSterabtrercreleesial koWit ISSN tan so theory • cot peso, I, do yiewity a Hawes hoses heard Ste Male Moto Orel ia rapid -s aRd JE PREMPTION BISPERSART disegIssr et Reim, ram *Mill Use bombe a ion distasere wipes she fell, saying: 1st, Reliability. 2nd, Oonstant Personal Attention. “vattier bile shot am - 3rd, Finest Work and Purest Material. ' The gki was bees as tbe hemitol where 4th. Best Possible Equipment. mho sew bet is • critical eseditioe. Three skein were Orals{ kw, all %Atm • 'I afoot le the swell ell les tack. He is still ito insurance. MOON. swaged is a sheet brawl red was is did sot appear coati the waridng when kis ogee was called. The wowed% ___I 01 that O'Brien was 111, but la • taw nilaslesJadip . 1 41 teisphone etemage from him etatiss de_ he wee OM his way downs. Attar waiting esti& kis patience was ashamed the (wart booed a bre& warreet ter Glarion's arrret. hue Were could be esitatted the acceted &p- eseta& and the came was set ler tbe alter- from 48c. a y. - ply ancs.at 71-20. oz., soldweterr. at worth $2.50- Knitted Shawl,. $1.00, worth $1.50. (NOTE.) Those Goods are bought less than Kann- fteturers' price and will be cleared quickly. ALL OF THESE WE CLAIM TO P° „‚‚'°' '' mei it demo aridness of a horrible stnegglex LOW CHADORS. TILLZIPDOSIZ. MORT ATTIOIDANCIL CONN; MATRON PARLOR. T•• lateen was ••••"•4 wish mood ••*1 everindug woe is great Divardor. Just seeleide 171..' ACCIDENT 01DURANcs AGENT. cask Dortistor. Praetor lei Cat &New, le leen id S. illtetight lees. Ja- nabonan. Far mastil err writs a 114 AND ACCIDENT IN- ' AGENT, Bratarkst JMIC: St Glebe; Lite ; end Aseldaws low! laitarrerdsznievalem& LOAM APPLY TO' BOLT It CULKIIIION Oad 4gs LlIND.-A LRS' Invertwee Itiresais ABMs 110U1) 8111LANCII, rArx Ain• 7 LOANING AIM! colopeofte 15 MI OS 01‘4041=1:14IS Ilsiag. la say way Is W. C. GOODE. NLRB_ T ITCM1.0:3 the bade bar of Sim boss lay two Oarria. the MOM girl, lay with Mr esererad with blood, the belie& hernia enewed the kit side e/ the face passim upward eirwares the heals Dudish resulted lowtaidly. Amos bar prostrate tors lay Mr. licOibboe that he believed be was the -Nabob" relieved to, that the re- port was caltedeSed to do him iajary, as the row was said lie have otioarred ia • place treqeseted lore, sad dieorderly pence& Mr. WO ad the Gnat Tsar graph Company appeared and prodeced diespeleliet met try O'Brien to Tte Huesca heireel, Onciaasti Misquirer and Phibt- iielphis Prow Ind he load so dsopittch to The New York lierniag War 00- ,k10.1 ed is the intoculation. The oast wee den adjoerned onul to-enonew. A read a/ $100u has bees subscribed te prosecute Marisa. Verv Wettest, Price paid for Eggs and Butter. W. ACHESON & SON. bee retwrood beep TIMIS with • barge pendia= el the sewest styles 10 hoe bowls airths- aba Y•••Wa• Walla asg absissimia ma Invitee impossoa bar sew eramete ssertmesst _j_.01. the beast that oared her death Sawa the woe inatwooloes aid sorbed 1015 11111361. BEILLINZIEL 41, t ,`,`„tf=c.r.,!. haulm' marled her head. AM beaded the lett 1a the treat eiwinber was Soma the A Special Line in Cheap Toques. stood body se Reim ea the doer. • bodies Me memi through his trews the revol- tbe continued to the end of the season. esizsble cotter on EsaL-st. to rent after October 1st i MOTHER AND HON GORED. The FALL OPENING will be held next in*, owl ler whke la, by bi• 14 `12.41-• -Lsoat. iRON, BARRIIITNR. "'nesse' llUogirv poot-omoe. Set ' I 0 , BARILIETIER, We Lamm Nona plait e e b. I br Judie 71111r -IrS, SOLICITOR, dis .nrjerettezbeileare ext. Wes td as 0 per amt. Gr. PROITD/10011, BAR - =9. HOLT & 0•1101IROI, .1=.11.&lkirrIek"' 30CiStIES. OAS P remit_ MRS. EIALKELD Se Save Owe mood "boy Teed* wil" Badly most Falmusivius.s.v, Sops. 17, -The W yearsad sou M Mary fastener, who Wm as Denby 11111, 4)4 wiles sendreest et here ea die Seven ; Aims, kft Parkies D. W•111" T•••••• sameday emoksis lei an ugly MO bows father's sable to wooer by a Wok Mussed r the riai in the asinsl'e ass. The oall the and throw Ws flows. - tend bee Weems ead woo roan& oi LISBURN. wean nem emer emu eemeembame. ".""-' " Marty applsolo. MSS Oleo's wok wee ! Tao Lida dead rosiosad to his erase tar Sweetly rendered. es well m a dedt by holp Obi gralsised ea az end Amok the lad epootatore hod war twig. tbe Wier two the i Was Imerompow the ben turned upon the soma Quito a somber of wor deideets toels played by Kin IdooDoseld, of Muth, NW 'bow belf •••••llY 10 lb* Wowed- tho big Noettb-Weetwei is Goderith TM Row lb Maddifies, with bit wife oe 07 William, the b07 bed ki• •P awl b• cosoammint, mai ,orbg vigsgs itisss., *grad is to mesas Ide mother. Re grabbed • T sass the ring la she bias soda. whin he was &pia Wass 13ETT1NG RIO OF THE SURPLUS - O. S. TTIONSYI DI0146rssussts 110, 3111 Dart 1111111.11110,010 Ssessis of Soomete. Wmaistrrox, Sept. 17.-1a reply to the trearery circular ot Hoyt & Mori** pow potato ter the ode a iliAllkan four Per tests, tbs Treaseery today rereeived ogees segregating abest SOPS" (4 wail* 1116.80,1011 wore purchased at prices readies from US to 1.111% • ausher of ether oases were mode at prints below the ldillest pries paid bet they were rejected be - same they were received atter woe. la - chiding the prerebsee cd horde today the by the troseary ha days cam exceeded the reeripte by SIS,000,1100. The yam ed Looked, loot week lc Teem and Iffis Bushassa. Fur brute two or awes dent Wows Ss amt. 11(0 111 111 IT a. OVERCOAT ANNOTTNCEICEIrr I -Last Week- C4-_t=i:12 Tbe result of the announcerner.t about ray new line of Overcoats was eatisfactory to the Public and Myself last week. The people have found out that when advertising I mean what I my, and say what I mean. Y(..0 all know me, and with the reputation I have earned since beginning trede in Goderich, I cannot afford to advertise what I can't carry out Look at this for • Tress to vina w ire umeera. CAISKILLTOS, O., Sept. IT. -No mere Meths hen the epidemic ham ham rigors - rd from the eaters pert ed this musty. flee total aumber at natio lest week was eine, et which wives were reported as ty- phoid fever, hut as the vistiws were all buried the day el their death sy orders al etaddiag eavoidoes it semis sad some- thing more dreaded than she terror canoed them Dr. J. R. It Wilma a graduate el nalirrno Raipital liodleal College. who issmaded vkAI Jabs Tool. says Tool tad en the i.A. "="re"4- =12Z1 -77" -M - Youths' " 44 0 sio ip- Ken's Overcoats from _ _ Boys' 14 SI - - 40 1 will neither be undersold nor downed on quality of material COMO early and have best choiee A. E. Prldham, .„.,.. Gent's Furnishing Mart, McLean's New Bleak. P. S. -Look out for new , cement next week. ; FURNITURE! D. GORDON has now on hand a complete assortment of Furniture, such as Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, um marl Ciamoriell, el limes toes- elleRb' hi a plasaing Tables, Chairs, &c., W'mdow Shades, Curtain Poles, &c. vote of flasks to the hoot; fee their Wm° 41""a• Picture framing a sr emalty. biedsee bed morteny to an *sir gusts 1"6" bis alma "a act" lasa sib* b"*l symptoms of desiers-seiless. cralors Mr wed Km D. WIMP. Ws we"- Tbs laird Broad pabbed ▪ 14111 °Mak°. b8411.161 gm" Phal.g. "I" blivii"ea 161" "aim 'kill° 8$ bar' and thmwilla lbw State Beard d Smith at Calmelm• Ites ?is° Pars am asa eau Maw& mid Ids wife mod Mash- gis ben by the horse siod asanseeed Debmdsbt tesegrapised esocriP- uNDERT \KIN Slip, Bred etrami. visited bar perm a true Siva. bY lie Karr* oal sterowrothtitontod mitt oho arms and kip, lame bows es we Sr, me. His body baps to Sines before death. 10 '14" lima es his ',vends, bet the WM a Th. lad again u, eveArineggpsecital- attention t( bravoh of my business, and keep C7a.• ot tholoatIbiko bee, und. weiek."1-boe, thsbeivisilethirbouseb3m• aim bp:ovidinet""tite am'sby "tun beri."Irs. asdbourwm.d. esd.p.wes swim '5" ti:hgra 4611br. a rig" required for %nal CH A ROBS MOMIRATH. 73-3ss 01 Ire" °I .."1 lb. sms" ftri- lir agrirrie isla is was "in de amettos. so tbat ids do Ina victims tic;. a an tbe quorums awl frets to the • G ! IR "kilt VA "Pr.. with mil 114wid_ipia444 siba °f the jusi 1" a II" (gait' tarn Triday. Re Mewed to sae mod mod door East of Bank of Montreal, West-st., Goderick. - me. *Inbar • • the boy and mother a Memo to asspe. - um, aaallataba old In* • "Mawr' el throbs ma tendered W Girds fat la•gregmeswo• =Isis& mach based Tool, the latest MOM, was working os his First w tam an=4:11:srarama :rat eosin donna :sszoremeMr tratz be and „kid, " •ipm ime boost Tids gate infonaut bis we ebbe be bee 1010 *a tows Idea fi •i"61:..e,,aieeb""" bie otesetiee, lb W. Yeses, wt., drab- sadi bee right arm and wee mribly _ ere mambo boom ieb *ash. ▪ wift" 1.1 " blaaat tha "1"6" at Modest The boy bibs fstivsa bed gash 111 Broadview 411 sea be *ewe **on* °Below. nip, es believe. is Um Is the oppor eed Wier IMO "wit 1"12. To Blake tii• Dumb Speak. ti•" "OM • le•Saighl, tisk" 44441.11.1 esd model bald is aid of tke 6=.9. 'oleo Mtn ••• wIT 4•11P. whim band Wasiosimon. VMS 17. -The American mad it deism as, lir/ the ode kat. sem too" am aurce as "r* fokafffifiso Went The fibo••••4 bolli VW" Assaidatias se PIIINSOIS IIII Teaching or The MOM klwl spida giv" brest Seth Wive tensed out wdL sinks were Ma many bows Moir SWIM As Speech to the DIM was . 1 to -day Mks ad Poplar Raw la aid si the _ . , , yet ao lips of my isms& Wanes an bp by the ileoretary et Maks A. Grahame Ha wee Mkt min hasek:U.1.110411e, lb; b wenn" as presides& TM essociatice win AUBURN. perms asg peuens• are deka. walL radioed el Mr Om. It wee * nal ow ells sommessalm. REUNITED IN OLD AGE. Maio Ile prieolpel °Owe in Sins city, and io deeded aseeete, is spite el the iltrodes- Mites Wray, who bad his end braes su,„..„,„s no, odes farmed le aid schools tor Ike deal foR10011 ot doe weather Friday atirsiout„ masa tins ass, , rarkw. moo wittootios Time mom Aims. spessubi Mier reediegoltores sow modhparnawapoodsstmsbond *sr* Carlow Black Velv41t. Ribbonsi .A.T-AL NAT tyri-ms. EIFFEL POINT 1. ACE, .t`' COL'D VE LVET RIBBONS AND ELVETEENS, Now is it mit from Brits n. VI/uL BE - ERE SOON. ONE IST 311 ONLY. ALEX. MUNRO, •11 •F isi• •••••••• 4166",_••• There ills geed opesise kers sow &a NsiwTOST, Art-, Sept. 11.--Yealtsea Thant tor sois sysibiag ag crusanatien isachin arasabar kat Um aft•••••••_,I la• ekeeneaser to oodaseee lordsowo. Its owned • Ton ••• • boloaKul Yawn ama by the et ewes who nal. gritrall,_611 "3"4_, Mr Om. Temp aad wife sad Mrs T. women ••••• Tem Ws *Mac Mow • by the ealbectiow awe pailleatim of statie- all um* W' 8 ' Wattisider ere away deeds, friends at lbw Was •••7 ••••••19d 00•1 vor• •01 Wm awe parse miesiog so the subject sod the skill el Rtt"Bseed,Idalko Jobs 8•"•*1 "It "i"" "IN" elm ebb Dodo rebbill midi is a sews, sposis nog womb mediwg. -to 1114 Haasak aa naiad ivalikas' am. -arg."1111.11."..Lais.jr kgi, alle di lbw" Mem tb•b•FFI•los 1••••••••• isce and that so Mod dad la Anodes shall be dissirod Oa the, ohamplosehig •-e-r bb• show - DUNOIL, NO. 1014.160D- tereepommoolseedeir rou Nal Sates. ▪ SAL* sr fro wit risormarr. am NV owner 411116bled truilttErteledl nA s n ierrsmzi rgg 1;•., football sled ••1•1•811 lila ?dieted and Ramberg. Midden ter Gads Mbar awd wars elveroad. eagereace wish ancebsce cad attori, dir Wrested somber, wise, Both tease saw and men mit" maiwato bearmeN• mosernied sethoes et 10 IF" a uda4 .' , "weir° "mg las allecred se grow up 'VIM awl MAW or Mating eh* darta at *gm Ron • SWOOP is impeded to wow oado thee edema pees boor esd the new ...Noe wows, earmest meg presism semis R. Jobs N•vill 0114 A. 0 wr the ~ af %be illethodbit Asti robobeasentlasoddidireedifT,wass eget*, igsvbs bow soss es isms us to musk sad woe wide el Ilk* inosione' yr. es" WAmeb (maim sem. ay a Wagarn dieddledo, So vidadies et riss Ise up, laurels at the teseta, asol Jew Xenia, 1*10 regiaged dem bobs ed deb tea. deans left sad dew is Ow world. TM be meow womens •••••••be so mask Odes be the josh" AMY a aeffeMs SI 4beeet ibe maks sod joie tale beesdkis. el tad et de ether. ' Bede deck ea be Is eaRed, io new 111 yam a Mt pews age ma owe It the MOW ler- CsKIMIO, art 17.--11mie Winer, Iflio Thaw Mews, 11. Toms mod Harry sien of Ws maiebbsebled we abbeer be roamers* el No am seawalls a lbw mobs th. 666 6631 aniellmic 6 hi" et trbilr The wies2 iiiii/ all" ill I" Proo4T .aii. The hey who wee les Ihrot wide b dB. beam aeloomo in asidas• and Anserloa. sal faalatig -.111* "Mr l'a Mobs elo bete will tits takes Gle tongue ter Cagle awraly. Sot lbe MN ail les when she enterme is thb comity that ow thoomelso lolly Ilto jovial squire simmoossed his at 0111101111 winless 6,14667.61. 111•1 foollor of Ob. afar know that awster Iss hod sites et a sweated a past sonmelow, wee today Won, Males T to a tea, shish was a hosainsom sprawl Mare Ism still masserag iodbenemblios ha bellow Rim Wilisess had a MIMI ter a the ett nowt beam a Moo awake ea a Merge el ens& aid - sod Mies Idezollallowe looked after the Wid Itthibilies. ef Synod =Hord ler* septa It Ars 11•11•••••11 `Mob deowils• bore "um sem- to ell who pante* at & • btoll• obit al lli• lemma ta alba °Mal an dr " • ma as Amon a swam listorday. She hed Mei so- d woman is amp of um oamosu Tmemo ibis yea be weed the Imam- emsegiff fbe rodesserross-sst eery 'awn, , se se speeb.- New Tart sad prambed to eon is Os MY ad this moot timbre. daisties. mmesielt Several of OK AMIN mai • seater vests el all di des# the well -la& Tun is assisissibs, ago go lb. ipsoin from •••,.- Mr ee beles. eind dm saes all Mei et e s isms. ssiss me ftesesikr sums' ammo tb. eilob wool imaaar= baba be ogiwcase id gam bp, Mb gaga mossions tor the hare. Ohs w•• MEI be corny& by Ida ask. 1101111.11. Attar tho Mime tics 8 ea high am $11. itscseabswel km ..111614ssw istiarlats, is sessissig ass suss ibis 1611166 Wad11646116 III61.6 Vol World% Voir IOW spode were wootweed AI edit desk, wbes new ssdersos. of tads puss. iss the Fos ramboom•• Weelehon• Oneillo, lbea. W.-Ttoo Wed" Pate ad mew. owl Traddost tem hod bees reldelted gums end boss elbrad is asessi i Ng urea. after a brbe essrli* tilriesire. lin =L." °ma ItbebriPbe. 411111111.114T.Lidento furnida-ballialimi aLiNgrui.bilel"--am Ormininsr, SIM. It-Illr. W. IL Pam Wow smeleneed idesibiollen sa the Russ - all" - - "-'" Ocindoles lionk Oascgas, ow log dee Ommess This ownwilliee will news* a ems, tied is his *mai. remethe els& mg& Puma a. sems. bripskir Dalliers. ••• la be **ems b•P•••• to the shamps of ••••••• Fee lb• The Lamm 011110111•41"±"16" sooty se so, ,mass akmpib swim. owe M enonsetkia with Ow aw= mama, t tw&ith ats rrpa m s at• g paa e @ iai b u eiDm r m itbo .a a s nsIo t vhd tessmbiPer 0.' 1. , a,bsps Weak 11WaObolWslel ere Sradm aasIfs i tr ertl l oMiow ad thegtharkwe Inee thaZelr:sssOMo. r -se 1. bo=•ye.eaY 1 •.l• - D 1. IM OF SAU .ar a thiorlseraiCwe aal* :m y • t•aHt11r1.l•1s11ol,lLima, treetiitresree= o d d s , iodssi , M ean s irle I ld s 11e1 1.1d1 Iotig bh l dvee a ift SIbu"ahbad"Wd" Amis00.1mene R m•b G1 ~e•ar•g••e ek e " a m l r r i n e a N M o bo e a sr=w as"*eamg"lwgmne. lek w - MNw eIad e aOmorl loelba ro r n e w db l e es t l S a - rS a a b l l o s r e sii . Glrob. esienMa Json,wnpa e s ayNa, b - M o n g r e mepmiddko oafel reJobe& mHV L IS. Th'dapaswiththe •e*hoa s m m m W N W N A a k 0e1 •• •si la rt a s i s W e s b o o r ead l el d ri~ 10 . m wol-kas ammis.oWTo=pedV t ib i a -- _a 01 wIlk the esolkesee to the id& ems ingsige tams Ms ass bum hal Owes. wed ably ..s.*..' miltadoa al Wig pkgs. aboiaprol imakirs. Vim CSIond, deobtleg the Modem of Piemonlimed, Fs, Sopa a old leg Mose Isse sew NM, NIA Ifir Nithebe &Me, Ns sir Jams alladabee woos". Alb"milido ossallirisasonesstr aciallaPgis built is *II *Mass a. al' 114"0"e'dmms". la) aal "1"1" *sags. Gas Ire male on oalmittra foster thotet4:817 tlia ley= fee Wade. Obis, wiled, ens ow "wok beiggbe sew ledskti:tble • nottlara. WM we nag 114a6mas al 116mbiolIblas. ba Masi le Nam 1667 rle.gm, glob ohgo Mg/. *4115tosser. 001.4001.440,.. '•4114.•"" *VT lerttania...ditatit.r.dmis.mwalls.mff '"esedisrestrasstar,oteva..-mi, AdarL ow. AL • 3064 Draper and Babardsaban -1- II'S' • 'IV: 'I" 74 If 714,4, ' MONTSERRA T LIME JUICE 1 &Weald Ow lig and Headiest falitavra32CLOr ='41 dril Irmo ; ASK FOR MOTSERRAT I 4 F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL .01 Otievossna. dima, FL -110 wawa Wmano aaril116.1::=11114:1147117.67EFei Job Printing of every description 2............ nt.-Jeas WlIklaws. a neatly executed at "The Signal" ISA Moab as Uses Mt anted Am et Rm. ea Balla y Steam Printing House. _ bilis" awl la. With ' , k, MeNirdoll ,e'' 4t4'.... -N .. ' i , ' - ".... :4' . . , . .lkij , •