HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-19, Page 3s 1- r et ODD* AND ENDS. 'I'ensyeos welds Owen Meredith to be his successor. Tisoyros is racer seee without a pipe between his teeth. Temperance W easetes are re joielog over Ube feet that Blaine is now a total abstainer. The Marquis of Selrbury, the premier of Greet Britain, owes 1lO,UUU sores of laud i• Eogl•od. Tee leediseas.1 a.erp.sss The cobra d..aroys low ate in the as 'regale thea the various forte of chole- ra, cholera rewrite*, charism' infestmu, di•rrboue, dysentery. cramp,, ousts, tow. Mortality is Canada from these ceases to light, *iris' to the genet -el tic of Dr Fowler's, E trset of Wild Strawberry, whist' is an !,failing .0 cific for all bow- el eumpluuts. 2 Mies Alio. Low/fellow, daughter of the poet, is said to be the best •a tette pboto�tsFber in A5.Nw Toiatoi bas sive childr e. the eldest of whom, • pretty girl of eights's. is • de- voted disciple of bar father. e Have Krupp, the seal Ron raoafsa t, i.,et, has • clan for connecting the city d et Vienna with the Danube by camel. t, 1, As old Mieat.ai'pi River pilot says L that " Mark Timis ,' wee the laziest •. white owe he ever saw is a pilot house 7 • • Severe *6tere. t, I never felt better in my life than Mom ei 1 seed Burdock Blood Bitters. I had • of severe billow attack, I could not eat for es days aid was usable to work. One bot- tt the cared m•. For bilious ills see ID. B. B. B. Jori M. Ri 'ti* os, Tara, be Ost. 2 or i. John Di11ole, the fumes Irish agitator, 11- bas a brother whc is an obverse* lawyer leo in • hale country town sear Deaver.. on General Lew Wallace, the author of "lien Har." writ.. • *awl, and meat hand shift is as dear sad legible w copperplate. r- • DON ri- 6y, Ns 1n rent. is Lives of children are often .Ddangered air by sodden sod violent attacks of cholera, Rid cholera morbus. diarrh•ce, dysentery, re: sed bowel complaints. A reasonable ass ar7 Donate precaution is to keep Dr Fowler's Extr•st of Wild Strawberry •iswey• it band. s Mrs John A. Logan is ,Dile as adept car with carpenters' tools, and an pat up • *leaf or build a cupboard almost es skil- l" telly as if she had learned the trade. - ?A w mewl, ('see& .r To res lKptroc .-Please inform your readers that I bare • relative remedy foal for the above named disease. By its in timely use thousands of hopeless nits bare bees permanently cured. i *hell 31 toe, glad tc send two butler of my remedy d rats to any of your readers who have the cousumptian if trey will mead se their obi- Repress and P.O. address. res- Respectfully, Da T. A. SLoer 1, tel 1y 1ti4 W. Adelaide •t., Toeosto, Ont. own _ eV If by any mischance Queen 'Victoria should lows her royal rank .he would simply be Mrs Wettin, that leing the and family Dame of her royal spouse. to '�•• Farts •d riesrr.. -µ to ill Thousands of people have been cared a to and tb•wmnds will he cored 1•y the me . se of Burdock Blood Bitters, the beat reme- 1rg;a d7 fair bili -menses. dyspepsia, ooesttpa- 1... tion, bed blood. hut appetite, etc. Mil- r- Ionia of bottles have been sold and ail the 11.10 gives satisfaction. 2 xtnd esu. George M. Pullman, the millionaire ;,err palace car manufacturer, is said to work little ten hours each day looking after ba eoormous business interests. a of -- ew'n To avoid catching cold, many pleas limed have bees immerged. Probably if one • is sever went anywhere r.r did anything Wu- out of the usual routine of life, they tthe would be free from many of the ailments Lam that flesh is heir to, bat this is not a tbs aring uaan- • Duns est Fosetble time, and by its tonic effects, '`mo strengthen and invigorate the eyeless ea the saw time. Sold by all druggists, abs in white wrappers. lm rtie al to Hr Balfour, the chief secretary for Not *a dd Irekutd• is an omnivorous reader of American and recently said: !anr'oods "I lire the snap of the American writ- e �., fir the ,.loos lInerd a tlalme.s Cores (.I4.. ele. Ps - The Presbyterians of Spokane recent- ly sold their church to a man who at once •t r started a saloon in the basement, and .By o, tow there'll' room ,,bear .;2n on the corner Mr of • fine *trusters with a tell steeple 'mbar on it. rty o1 Felicia Holt, a magazine writer,geot4e at she • little girl as asking her mother "if she d Lk" right take oA her dress and play in her >s dib underclothes like (the ladies did on about the beach." Mies Holt i. apprised to . bathing_ satiefactary solution of :be question. ieople .oust have recreation and enjoy- ment, and frequently catch orld in the pursuit of theta. Wilerin's Wild Cherry will care • Cough or Cold in the short - fancy torte raem.leeeeaa/.. Ir. W.T. "• e1- Writing from this fertile dietriet, Nr 401 to O F Clark says • "I had • severe ,!reek gutted of diarrbiwL but was quickly cured Or �� reel ,sing Dr Fowler's Extras( d Win in w Strawberry. 4 � � vim adios la the di�reottasbxMss�� bed bow •ed net ttiy lmhsls at fe Is hie prielets st Latwd d swell" ee ll" a natorm "sea o1 der". d i Iw tt r r obe•F *e the atanae! lhmdmfi e�ustabis � connections. edy Raaddpb left Mr b Wok ,!!.lest t. hod she eras THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT 19. P90. I It Ii 10E ,��..L � c N OT Tba yvutbful kiwi .t Kp.io M• lei 1 SUMER SHOES P U B 8E ._ "�•' � peso wt of tee er•dle (esti. but be guecYlat Mover. tear, W have •full •I,I,re•iat4irt of lira Parrot, et CeleoaMol, bee Wad eddd Er", suss a„„irh +par d es see his position a Ise. 1)0. day feOi of esti be beast I ��„arr.w a r 11011. HOLD HINTS. T '!DOMINIUM IN BRIEF. ollk I0 Diel 117 the Web child to bar Willy. •••r •'rimy ,tare, et site, daread• s4uce� h. ars tion i tux lunch with t Ye4� p, Ilea been mark w •fain, tieg,rm7 asts�lcgstced or • ..r,.a out roto small ptroes. dr Rhodope at • deg/b at M isms d bleakt•i. ♦pact of tisk ,loot i*i ei ole A se Ices+• Whelp Ata*eelf without Mocha __ was robbed of f/ in one et d emus*, 0 ss0sss.r7 page tat site nLLtnt either •poop or fork tits, ' said br the Peace hawks d > d I., truism who does kitobeu work, attendant gravel?, ''ti.at *seer eat esti. >>si $ .tL*. V ser rue tics.$! awl sad 7M scenes., as mho a►cu14, w keep their en 'This Kiug does," re-. ttltsd by • Mel: B train M !!t Thomas.bet hams. sestet . As •rule, far t+os s ted his liajesty, coletiuui . rs este hens from Loudon, hes mesh blacking is M used on .sees. A west. T. J. Wiens, Barris sold tar ►t w Iasi •year for hlsiok tiptoed Grapes. 'rate Jame • reg ttmne a toL r..cHma with •Dump•• tt oil sot cert t.f vtn•- p tee stove as it etaa•tor dnost'u for Fletr ser ssnlmd a, tine duet to be afterward blown •boat gar. boil the grapes as cur �d shot; 13 lltlflo• itt'P*d.ot Yitishoe, d Vbs*ria the kutb to sad cause a gesarall ,(� 1 wb them Hut b the col•oder, B_ C, • �•, w otteo assn to nnin1ed-or add the sugar, •incase sod spices, and 1i• eltrs sewnley wrdetttue t wttbkrinspse DP••te" boil all together slowly until thick mi- tten o1 the noes w►D uasrttr ttaeoe! soler lbs kuab•De d trdah ccr•t of hen shoals wish. r ptoed r .low eyries, cherries and aur he appi►d otteaer than Dios • ��K fe happy. She hasobteped from month, when the Aar should •'u be cm eats wade io the same why •re tee w *tett cleansed out and the interior c.! the deLcwus. 4isd sod l.•d7 Atsxef•sn • Pr'i'n a ,ove thoroughly brushed out. Before the(epk• t baas bean beid in Winnipeg to putting 016 Dew blacking, the old black• I A 'crgessis. re ief for the taytiowstrickaa div toe should be wesbea oft'. The new tot Ir•'od. coat must now be applied and the atoee . The dog •bow at the Kingston Fair was s thoroughly polished. ,b•aci•l tenure awl resulted in • toss of UM Tie edges of the store, if the, are of sv Me A liner. polubed irmo..hould Dot be blacked, but 4 A I6 year old girl hung lumen at Beading ot•ao•d eke i .tettl knit. with .&pinto or dY Mou, Iweata_ abs objected to bar tete." brick cost. The pickle knobs and other ocekle porta of the stove must be tubbed • !Vel os to pt soar teller• m bright with chaseeie skin or old •Gr•Dkes navig•tiuo improved bclesb u uoe of the a at t tog Mr, wade*.► Atter. Mrd o1 tis wipe Mae to &ploy blacking W a stove• A mud d this ow+b Mttstte.l I br brash mach as i• used tot ►Mt. pupurposet to bra.h for obinlc• �r'th a p. Hayek et yl,mbroke Pant'r tbo boot of th, pu(i•b thepwve with ton polish- ua l hutch hes Ole• chssso e'°`levfOf od ism brut' each morning, in after kind stork and tteamer. Ilug the Ere keep an old cludi •!ways Thr$ 1tI.g. w shuck b„mg lye y a on hand iu cooking, to rub ofl •my grease i n M Ximgt• spot as coos as it owcars. I t the *pots train, ens wr kitld. 1011• obsttoate. s taw drop• of kenot•me Hua Algecwo• atsd Sea W. 1.11 y, sow of the ()wet•ov-lisasrei. tic lett B•gl•n'i all put .w ibe stove sad clod' will remove ird rn ekle i V.aocayse them. The gin by he obbs H► p work of the ato.. should be rubbed ufl i ,e hosed a camas f w Como .(1 t'O . at least Dow • week, ba*ides the moodily �gwa hes'. a capias toe ils.uou ts•i•t1 �W11eetlelr, •liras to hear by biaz cleaning wbso the itk/ve r �kWith all , Tie early of the urea Cauaire•n wko t� Taking Cur• of the Fruit. - 'draw." par week 50 the Calumet tits* the other work of the su fwicott ma Mtass recovered and buried at Prmbrabe. cows that of taking acre of tbe A Freedman namd !aqui: is under arrest one is w fortunate as to have more thee liar robbing • comp sic• of tato. Ss bad •eoegh for prosect 1110 It aIle hoose !upset Rs* iD clothing and the remaiodK woe i!• tiles is tee sty ass meat boy all !towed epos him. uaamltted siticlds rob!' mecca in Dake of bl•cktog snob ea k tee ppeods of Jail Fabs•, floutb Lasi rok tad, l his •bbl oe.tows- it rote bl•ekie{ w is.d, say Ross rips ftr•pjs. skid pe �vew loan broke use at b' I a robbed tote Me sedan 0i scalar, her tablespoonfuls etch - should b., 1151 eem•io r a and atnm•rleom std Dos 9 Mimip•K 610 Ica l• to the itad Trivet int and welting Nir I1et't drone!. An ordinary Pn s with wbtcb Ose day lately A. R. Smith, Brussels, bad his left hod Mitered in the cogs of the Drams u..d at the station yard for 1• •ding building stone on the oars Mr Smith was looking after the sabihp. time. g f some ,torte from Ilia genre, PURITY. w her tract, it • 611 Dot pay her hea- 1 William Dyer, express mbsenng,r w boy for ..unitage She rt'b\Vitt' •1Ly, of Ich both itgt by 1g ter bay it owned tot so* Moe hecars, .riiob ha attempted s* !!cord wkW picklee, preserves, jellies and arm•- tb S51 i isa sressiI sod 1ad.6 It is differest. These eon rarely Tweet o pie r•odvd • ms n slams owes he procured that compare favorably th e vwowby piece of slate if his nee ate ser o1 :hose ade at Boma With pickles there withtHalifax, to Stanley xpe d b' ►esalo .*evictof selpbaric with the b*aniey .zp.ditfea. M sways a lurking suspicion Hollingsworth. stabbed 117 Langford la the acid, and with jellies and ttosrm.i des I Ylags.o• Y 'math a the hospital, there is always • feeling of uncertainty rapidlybut Langford w111 be se to the ingredient es for me *sem Peach M.rmwlsds. Theampe chhes Robert A, trounnd l a tanner sales should be roe and reel t he all ou OW ipo., swoo tooled Iyisg Insatiable will peas good as larger *Des• iiit • dike sled bit "am boric,* tip. The fruit sod cut it tato email pieties. Weigh with a iweels saptcsed to have hotted.it before putting K over the 6nantd the Toa 70•.1 ag �' amass a'� sad 1.1 be. of water. Boil it ateadiy ygopoogall lin lasers.. for Wed. a the possum •re soft sodas mach of the 1 boot Bled bare trot rsportd water evaporated ea can be without den- tbar ...rea ser pasty ' ' te.reii they •^ ger of scorching. Remove it from the Diesigoes .n. � s* tkrss goners ofh• apooadcolander, of sugar tt bee neared 4WD DOp. Anna ha the matter a1 h' claire lover o the h fireoar dsa*led let it boil, etir- of the peaches. Pat it is tar damages co cocoas! of the wise. of thedna it all the tune to prevent .00rchise A petition bas tame reewt ed at the CurWhen you Murk it te nearly thick ou t•Department tromMeatreal sad Toronto eeoegh take out • little sed cool it to linarokan,5 India* to b* r0Mved GI tbs fiber decide when the marmalade is done, 611 .cssb.dditioeal ditty imposed on i•dir pint Bane and seal hear or n pahis is ex .5el us d lent leaden. lout when ed by nrake• Owego Middy, of the ()ren "Frank railway, had. band camt'iete17 severLESSON IN POLITENESS ed •t the ser et while conning oars os • trate mato lir Mw a Preteens, !e~ �s ti s wen teal The late Prot. M oaten tg Attu of w;ywboke STRENGTH. TIM CILLARltATILD Ram Lal's PDRE TE t • t.. rr Usequ dlcd for quality and . I 1004 `b ENDLESS VARIETY Another Targe consignment o ''fresh Teas -of -superior quality. -- o< etyN ad palms► ad tfto �iOM•h�d I In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Bay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Shoe Stole of This E. DOWNING. OYU Mrs iroa year chides of the Best Productions in footwear trees an tie Leming Manufacture's I t In the Doetlnbn. p�� �t1�r =eg#q Go3�h Foun� aim Mach+ -e Works, other +tore la tom lknahlss wr.Ae eYm V of Goods f;""Fllfr Ordered Work equal to th best in Canada. NO SLOP WORE R1c1ll1sS of lB[llS1011. For rale at ROBERTSON'S GROCERY ! Corner )lwtreal W. and Square. FLAVOR. which Plway. to' dartos, o• the ked • ■1eb-ssrw.a r.jlway. season Merisel. number r Lyes„ spa wrecks s a Cot urreu ,.bled ones la dory L ser he gave to a wrecks It live ""1°4•, Tb• Dumber our hearing Hill damsel,whicb u wncb of aU'sales' ea anadian ''tints will high-strung Bereos ,131. 57 lois( total. The lo_ of life was M. aorta r•paattms for the moral it carries, Bir JobD Tbowipso•, Minister of Jeetiw, says the Boston Causer. The young • warrant for the surrender of lady was pas of his pupils and made bee• y o. dimes particularlywee of obooupils by her hough - Jobe (y waste. s committed ted tonrg, Pa., tot self forgery S. was commlttrd for extraditing Lwow ty and eyes insolent bearing, di*plsying a W tnd*or, (jet.. by (' r wher contempt for all &bouncer so marted- oD , grand nof toll was lest 1 that it became at last unbearable. grand given by the maims of y "I knew be, moiler in France. said Mo Wtotaeal to el It t was d � �ll�t the professor, whose broken ?r'4tloh 'Aar. George led the dance in the then te no need of prodnotns hen, "and Admiral she was • moat esquisitsly modest and 0.161/1/11 aOiata est with Lady' Hickson. woman. Bat the datsRh- Walesa deemi deeming with Sesame trooeb's wife. , . to have Yr. Justice Rams hes delivered jedgmemtor ter was so insolent that aIle hod taw Onalhill of tie Ivry le the fewows Fit a teems ; so I mad te her : to tomato (bore accident ease The Wooed testa' • '' W 111 yos be so good ..,. es dlglt lemon 1 I have momethiog W FRAGRANCE. THE KEY TO HEALTH. #;146 STORY sea.ONII:TI* D. ltUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WE HAVE ON HAND FOR HALE: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRIISHEES, STRAW CIIT- .*,t4 . TEES, PLOWS, tic. RePairing done PromptlyWe are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. Give th m a trial and encour- and Right. ' age home manufacture. E. DOWNING, Cor. East -at. and Square. Oodericb. �ttts• -- res • 555.5• r•! 4;�tir et. t . e'e �p.t. e.d r r5ea.. aa' _ 11We e• *e'er wee_ re..eaa- woe■ Maar. rt ear rano t1e1, Sic. .•e M..as "r f vas e+ d ' sUiag all kinds s,1 rnrnitnrs at the lowest possible prices. It r a Me giro. Ise• lb as •••••••• painin w. esti..-lav 1�*aler. ,r.,. r r .awe ear w� r �A �t Mat De 'nlceb all ttbe taunted avenues d the Dowels. Kidneys and Liver. aarvf- %gee gradually without weakening= =i�hr system, all the s at the ,masa humors od' the C • ... .. � Acidity � the Otpamamh. oaring Bt to sem' Dye. of Wo Will Caaraatee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use ounew and Boilers for sdlted Floors. Doty EngineREP.&IRB a ND e. C dBTINGB ON' bLL a��� ... +• GE O_ BAg�RY" la... w4 �n-'reef a.idl.Mr- er~e•••re' rma a.*.•re fes soar 1111.tore"•''' 6111•00016 SEZZS c..�.ri. A "� maker of the town. Ititbalming Fluid always kept a• ergo er.a,.n tee s et►.uw la gnat. , torso. HeHe tsetse t also r.k s•W�talt7 of Picture Ynmitx. (15,. elm •cell before ��I.,�� r arts . else hem and you will find out that be does as he ears -sells cheap 23101311. ..t `r Viet irry • w . os eat waw•. d , penis _ viees � e.. rt u�twa..r611014.rt. ��5.` Furniture iJ�rww i.txes.et.e.e• the IterriSity sadend C�io- 1 all thews and k, ta VCR Cam nrsly * In thnnkioa true and all for their past patronage he hopes to receive a continuum a1 tis '°`� ES Nal, �° G -BO. BARRY, Hamilton -St.. E5TASLIfMEs ISSti. rc.lhes[ els""` a� PLATIN hSLOQD re I. '°""" ' °`' r'ea``�' ter. & S n NEW ARRIVAL ; Prescription Drug Store• ucha,�aa o , WHY EVERY FARMER should get tumor Armstrong's Improved - PaTb.- Aid, a eshstene. that the jary bmve altar 110 GRAIN 11t �, SEED C goad, ams unless t in (anew" r 4revolved bike" ,os, t011 you. ` eippsat, tier+ will !r tooled trill beton a . tis stayed, arid in her haughtiest . 'yon wish to ,pest to new -cry member she said . mai d -Sof when Chief w ,yes: tic- t o be blown Into Ottawans, i the111th tort • -�,o the chaff. which is d great imp�anr•e to , ie e1 Oke, will ba is •i Indigoes to department "And Toa ileo •1 No. every tanner who wishes to keep his farm W gwwivc* .g.lrre the [utile, dp.rtsneat.1tPlair s(weea r clean LEIFERS? este reetlD' •t BF..fIAVf3E tic. he• •rvmgd f Pu Tomo Yea Yoe .re lime 8o-aand I *flown no foal seeds to The executive d the Ege•1 Rights Ae wls- tiacl•rvs. of Tarooto, sad Norman ...Yana If y will a'o be preesnt: .t .A� your father is Me. Bo -sed 807 Sherbrooke, Qom, the other day eldest t. 'Yes.' dumb man was theme pates the he .. 'And your mother is the lovely and ag btios du t hisby owe .heirs aids!, h' a.►s d,leeee, sed that N .west bees 8o -and So I haus met• in eves immaterial to him whether the email- risme r *anon was oo.dnct•d in Engli.ia or Preach. t. . Well 'yon are aura !bete kr Tb. trial proceeded, ani the prisoner mot '016,' T acquitted. meant From a Quebec inures it ' learned that tt opo midake I Wb t do yon Cardtaal T••ehe eau mewed to attend the i' ,1 am esoesdta&y saspr1 6 that (governor-aeeer.ly bashes4 ureas he owe you come of such • faintly, sad so well - plowed cast Prime Geogr. it 'said Leen b•�, Stanley was about to yield when Admiral r. , t. • Wabo• end (.least Bos protwias4. sed 4* rt 41 am" mace surprised. I bate baa. Mind to,!irons it the Gardism wersPpetd sea you rose of •new itch latsDy noise i �t Ireent emrtr*i�mr••t Machine. rt Sirtsse than u i eat. -It lea perfect Clover and dead •+ads The Minister d Jostles bee i etormd the VSr'!ollo t, 'aorta( •11 asstkretam r e � tea• merchants sod pork- .ad oteer weds. lads aeeterslos d lumbar upon th •" You thick, ademoieelle,' I said, the clever toed• rob *abed apo• the Q . haughtiness mb.- It los ant alas woos seed maws* f the rdtta' d the Customs Department softening my meaner, 'that ba bttnw isv7dK Si barrel duty opo. heavy Ciller is aristocrats* 1 Now, will pard*• liens se sods aPia:way. pork was beerrset, and Hint.** pork 18 hat- an old man it I ewmiad you that the Nab. -It le•!food Ore _ seed Yooblaa' mph nnotalni•r d=uct pteo.e or seder, owl Douro is twee. I bare known your t int'. -it ron Sited chis a ,the. eras team sty's d hep, wwald Day IN' M.bi• to mothoe�so lest that 1 daces to be (rant as, Panf1tg Mill that Minn aside ea "Tr" pay a par barrel duty. with you. Toe have bass very insoles* , .a ante it dew "reek se • now 11!11 The third anneal mesas. d the Ilominto• M ilia ole►' asaa -[t can s• stseMd a .tau► MIR wttM •at ►t am a it. mad it t a to w MI tt it Asmntot•!0 eras MM t the 161woa• r. rT s. ass sermieaw T as, se the oerkised it ttsi 7tce'cese. in br ...Ye•, s.edemrtledl• Tau have tis- � set epaftidiWill �bie ss et the 1► w tM t* .h. v Mess d the CestadnrNdo• W oh bettor toll 700r tootb0r, lath ire dome *es, wady perforated alio. Y11,V►aCTtlamae SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1s all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES SLA -et- NEW GOODS I MAC3 DODS Liquid Rennet, Cream of Witch Hazel, ?ALA Reciunier Freckle Lotion. White Heliotrope, Wood Vio- let and White Rose Pertttme, fror sway ti d of grraincleans while cllea�nyng the grata. ltd. -For Market cleaning it removes cockle. Claes sod shrunken grata. and gives the farmer the most twssible weight for his grata with no unseemlier, loss. And builders material of every • School Furniture a Specialty to be Cleared LATEST STYLES. tat• Per o�. (int. Perfect T W .:.ldbeCi.OiV Fite and Showy Shapes. L eq. -It will sample' muds tor show and seed purposes equal to hand pick*nr. . tit\-Cleaeleg seed Wheat It removes .15 Q�,I.o,i Mu.tard seed. Wild Peas. sad Wild kcetesgrai sn'1ead other gives the oal and �tanner opure. dose, wgrain. �• kau thee• tl1Y" ,t win ithout f«Kae of tor* ;p _oeseiom Pesos : It will separate the ease. quartered. halves. Oats and whose from each ether. earr'yts1L meth te a aePdims efsr•'Ot Llegaw who comebak! mark ot Yoe 'dor &woe tiara ab HIRSTS PAIN EXTERMINATOR WILL POSITIVELY CURE CUPS, PMS 11 TIE STiII ii mel Callaplgibls, Diarrhoea _ 1 VII A: 1- SUMMERCOMPLAIMTS KEEPTHE IN HOUSE. SOLD SY ALL DEALERS. WATER SERVICES pet In with H. DUNLOP, The Wates!. Taller The LATEST& end BEST STYLE AND VARIETY Iwid, Galvanized Iron 111t1S 1J Black Iron Piper, +,�with P W Morelli II has on the mantelpieces a flee Weems ovela r M w Danlsior. so I attarwurdai a mygood it&e Mtf sieves. lIaelitaeMOoiaatr*atst001 upalla whew Ms earowses jury tolled r no Int moo et the work oe sowdei that n ea wwtltea t 1 said gave ksrsrdf up b taspsw the nimbi" d woken has lle•reamud e an- portrait r,( b' dearest e.essy-- Mr (load prs;Milett. ass p'elvless W s tTcb.-illvey ••• It liar, N BTiIRAIf77 Of ♦1gg)ue PATTSRXS- 1 Randolph rsehee Head , f b• at ea emir a sat 1 Kra Mews" wrist saw .torte. iad told a friend that Vo pet it there oat of "pure r., tie TaeM• tush tat mesa. Cm Yenta. e.rodoam ite•• and ' be seised De•e " •send at • mi west b the polio owes 1:�Relo M ha a sed ,mdM wlda se '*11101.1 !/acrd'• ts.sss.as M /M los. ,,� - sees ` ewe �'e !sr I.semmetea.. Mario. Harked W mes►•nd a leer* with ldimbetb Wert Phelps ort the low-`' rebs' meek aee0ttrtis. Before the battle a, 'ole lit over it is se that in the good *e 'old' had pout. W e ps.Miee wit b •a Isee to have eZitlmt why she_ p*••11y harsh saes .t Mr t• _the sick. trading th. kw/OPT esti /��{,���• tr. Wt made tied regeiriag sort. •..o.z'• they •tete sa C. n.. 't•. e• 1 n.• . � e�iw6t�1 reemtvd d at jtia.iweY111. y w "• refs.. ttk elks She bd..vie ie hem t. of They s`� A STROI G $lBOB ileo Were ltslga 1tel)eirp� and Hese 1s, bo0.►b howls eisi*.limse. 10 'w 1tiLs fil'�O�X► Sok oe b sums. two ounitia wrec Goa Loeb sum mrd The 1011 beads were t• lir Pabst O ort ea 7 Mtwnewi to woes •t sea s'doult to rad mimeses V wto.ird s wish bo than w.rl,rrday rwfwtl sg amoae whom Hwy knew Ae.n� ktemtitease+ W aeeeessee seer * Iden $w t Ch,ire% 0. A. �v they have see - y,,, re el hes reenaleagbtay. ""-r: ,.:t'JAIL aly:°i,.''iitk., w. ti ;. a .. - 1 THE TORONTO HOUSE,, 0...d.r...+,A., scoliastatiatiltitsudAt THE SIGNAL '‘-c • Rawl ErCr ENVELOPES, ROTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, & ate., Etc_. m&tt � T 6 1BE.SLQNHL f TIUS =OFFICE tic 101/10Mee W .r1e mte�'e esti, .a( ..,s. *dr 0.s, ,see In Them aomer, "g*** e.. *t1,1. a. _ � .r ..,Mast.tr....�r6�say..e_e.M".a�,"..�/��wa.. �•Rf. e`wmerw^ir delle r r BIM !1otiati1.