HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-12, Page 8ll, lodal, Public and Separate Shoo ?BE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 11,1890 Ism■ *ADE GOLD FROlI LEAD WEDDED Al' HAMILTON. MtyYaM eg a Teee.a• )♦.sAdar amil Ambi••• Sher tt.ue. j AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT THEY CLAIM: IVrnsosow, Ona lo.- A, ti.fsti (7� ED TO DO. tab.ttcfraous wee etrrueged w1* fashion stole d awn to wove+ tar • nuptials 0f MIM Mary L1bdthither tlMwtut, sal 4...b. of W. J. Lindsey orf the Beak el Remota., sod Fred Clarions derv* Oar - rater of Ture.W Tu. ceremonyQ Mem •t 1}4 amid was performed by sorw Foresr t, rebated by Dees Geddes of Clint amok (leih'dr.l a.d Rev. Mr. Drydges of Lakewood, N.J., brotksr-la-law at the green The bridesmaids were: Mies Minn Stewart, sister of the brine: Mies Minims of (.Ethan. Mine Mama rt T ,mate, Atka" Kato Mills of H•mtltus had Mem Assn Liatkey, ebur of the bride. Tho best mar, wee Arnold Morph? of Toronto. The ember. star their amoral bare • rOYplle of months were J. Mom, Lk zaadir Boyd and Mases ago •sok detailed Detectives Mdl,rkey amid were J. M.(l,dlth of Towmiw, amid Alex- (7Awlu7 to waive them •oder Mard7 0)< tlraattord Abort weeks ago Muswell orad' abs 1'd. bride won a gow• of white acquaintance opt • weslnby mine truss the trimmed with guipure hos, a wreath of wait by asevi.ciag the leper then they had crass' biome* and • teas veil competed miter before, end the two became test trisects. the oeatuma tier eseveling dreg was ora Th. Welder er wasittemdaly .uligbtessd as to brows taikprm d. tied with hat to match. atop cb•r•eter of Morrill..ad it was armed- The brides*ids won grey brocadedmetre ed teat D,.scU'.Cosw.y insould be tstry brlmrd witb crepe du chine and saver laOe. duped to tae swindler as • Yount tan from gray toques trimmed with ostrich tips, &nil the west wbo had just come Into a forting all carried bandies of white mUSe and was looking for the beet way of inv.atl.g. Mr. and Yrs. Janis lett et tl•0 for New Morrell, bow•ver, wasextremely cautious end York and Boston. It was sot until last Saturday that be $..tt-Gatir4. at Gsn.lpa app zently became gatisfli 1 that his ws eelen Gugioneh peppt 10. -A f•ihiosabl. waddW hiead wee what be said he wen Previous to took Fits huge this attsrsoon et 8 o'clock. Nil Morrell, in talking of business matter thee . , parties beim Miss Jens. with the detective, had binted •t being en- eldest dweller of Mr. Dawe Guthrie. Q.C., aged in • big mrrwyoneking .cheer To M. L A.. and Mr. Jamas 800tt, jr., of the fro alt them advances the detective had clevrty of parks Oookeh.tt B Co.. 1'tr'e.tn Thr aocsded, so that os deteerday night ibis bride .ad groom lett at Os for an extended Morrell asked tke det•ottve to oases to into toga i. the 8aaas. room and talk over bas big scheme a readily d��igeDirsald s welitan. consented The room was in an uptown Sours:, dept. 10. -The marriage of Bev. hotel. During ell this time Harris bad bees LouisSo H. Jordan of Montreal and M.. loot in the background Nezt dost a me "hi McDonald. daughter of Chief Jur room occupied by Morrell Harris bad •. the McDonald, was roemnised this after - Atter swindler bee produced bis m.tai.. no b 8t. Andrew`s Church in Ha pre - crucibles and other , , 1 i' Mater the id- sans et1 • lenge getb.ring• aged manufacture d pidend heercrough- THE U.S. CROPS ly menaced the drips rat the operation of Septeeser Mimmite Lees reversal. teas making goad coin frees b..s metal b prey ire Earlier ittaeites end pga tae has phasors to announcing W the ladies of Books and School Supplies of every description do P i kte es. Full supplier of all the latest and BEST EDUCATIONAL WORKS ! authorized and reoommended for High Schools, Model Schools, Public and Separate �Priossl always guaranteed the beet that oan possibly be done. FRASER & PORT�t4, Central Telephone Exchange. North Side of ;Square. il5eee Caytare at Hew Vert ed Tyre Ar seemytieaN awtadtere -Tete ripest vtmMmia Aide ta.p.•t..r Brreisr• Kea - Casabas Crtutaate seared. Num Yong, /Sept 10. -Two of the clever- est aten wbo have ever defrauded cher tel - Iowan' by w tlm►hu and gold-madag scheme leave been begged after • long and emoting obese. Tb•y are Merle Morrell. lid years old, alias Weer" and Charles 11ar rig, lib years old, alias 0usg$tro limy en bock of foreign birch Inspector Byrum horned of their preemies within two days ILLINERY! The Manager of GLASGOW Na • FINE TAILORING t1ca11.. 1» Makin some Rcsse ores ift_Tpse national crop e e o's of and vicinity that she Gas eee.it t tad room parrying tae �tsri5h with bum W eentwoToe, Sept terrines of the into the hands sponte for September allow that the injury (Leos conte he slips bag to the cors crop reported yet moons was in- to his confederate, who conceals a in bis owe of drought in A.g- toem. 8aould the dupe turn ou- not until the rains came to its relief, but to: to be a . of the tee,_ or should be attempt to t harm genua 73.3 lest month. 1n is the lowed CITi ES, arenaler over to the police, •veregei Mars mt. are unable b And the al ain statement t ev oe The returm of oomiditioo of winter wheat at Miss N'P1 1 0 =0n0agh who has had several leers' EXPERIENCE IN THE AMERICAN and cordially invites their f•specUon of , tsieed M continuant+ The average is 7 .1. -,y, late tq[ tell mecov.r]. THE LATEST STYLES FALL OPE 1�TZNG against him bsyotid abs t>aain em= a the 11r o[ harvesting are the intended cictim It wan by mews of les favorable thea those of tin thew same , . , ,' . that Morrell and by fled of July. fie tar es partner Hanle had es frequently is the pad Ing has the results are .hided the mares yid for them by the police thresb- � i stly R I ,. The January •vee - at her of vBut Inspecoustor Byrnes was equal to any es• was 76'14tM Ipess•t avw• S a b. T rase of this kiwi. :`ear the room an the hall el bean uced �m to 9.8. The enrage Detective McCloskey. dr.msd as • hote1 ` for wheat of both kinds is 73.3. In 19194 the potter, was •igised fn cle•dag the IW kinds September average tor both of wheat which has been fixed for globes, while the other detective, Criwley, wee 77.It was 73 m 1!I1L Ths yeid or LMS ROOK 01 Choice Go TO SEaRCT FRO* 333__ OR:L�AC_ MISSES have open l out a large assortment of the newest at,Tlen in Etats and Bonnets,. Fancy Birds' Wings And Trimmings. The 13th of September. was busy fixing • curtain at abs end of the swum when' is „usuallyb loran iebie us the from corridor. Dakotas, Imaging ields to 5 When the two miss reached Morrell'. Croom papa and l.M per acre. The progress of lb. 'saw oo prred•d b7 means of an .labor throning will develop the extent of these ate ooflectioe of moulds. crucibles. cheep dowses/et The Sale of old Stock still Continues to make room for Nefr motel teal" "We}ar") •tad "rim' brittle*Rye yield' lees than was expected, as the said to contain acids, to convince the „odiumtin„odiumas reperxted is redwood to 83.4. at t CHILDREN'S PINAFORES AND APRONS. Please call and see Two doors from Square. North st. MILLINERY OPENING! MONDAY, A taSL AY, WZDNESL AY, Sept. 16th. 1_th and lith. Goods MRS. R. B. SMITH. !MI -1i 'DUNOANNON. Ashfield, gave • recitation of a very •From•o'erown correspondent to•ohirrg, sympathetic subject, which lies 'Wm McArthur, who has been was rendered by the young lady visiting friends in the i-ntted States, re- to the satisfaction of all Fremont. evening, the There were tensed home on Tuesday not so s•sy prey 'Jain Inst, ent as on former occasions owing to one J E Tam, P. S. I. , is on his official ung held at the same time at St Helens, and also another in prospect at the Nib, tcur in the northern part of his jan•dic• to be held on the 10th inst. The pro - tion. Mr Tcm Ie ser] popular as needs were $75. We noticed among P. S. L those present Mn Harvey Howell, with Two cf 14r Jacob Crozier's nieces, of her daughter, formerly of God•rich and Mono township, near Orangeville, are now of Buffalo, also • daughter of Mr sighing their uncle, aunt and other re- . John Morris, who was also pr sect. The latives in Ashfield township. Y. P. S. are to be congratulated on their DIr Chas Robinson, son of our popular efforts to sake the affair a success. butcher. left here on Wednesday, the - GREY llith. for tbe Old Country in charge of some cattle belonging to Ir Hugh Gir- From our own , I. Tin, one of our king cattle dealers. Jas Casie had the bas flax crop of this Jtessre Lowry & Horne, contractor section. It averaged two and one-half for the trotting course on Dungannon tons per acre. Driving Park, are rapidly approaching Fall wheat seeding will be weU ethane - the c:.mpletion of their o it:act. As they ad tau week. have worked diligently and faithfully to A comber from this vicinity will visit make a good job, we hope it will bre one or other of the big fairs. A done s•tifaotorily to all concerned. few will be exhibitor& Mr W It Miller, wife, and child, of Apples •re a fair crop in this section. Toronto, have been the guests of Mr and There will be abundance for home use, Mn W • lane. They are now visiting Mr and some for ezport. R hi Miller. hu brother, at St Helens. Myo Maggie Hislop, daughter of John Mr Miller at one tine was head teacher Ilialop, left laic weak on a prolonged in the Central school in Godericb, but is visit to fnends in Montreal. Miss His - now engaged in impacting ioauraoce lop has taken a full course at Stratford affairs. Business College, and is ami accomplished Another large structure is being added typewriter and stenographer. to our village. On Tuesday evening Posed westerner that bt could milk* good Th• 8iptember condition d oat u the lowest 4110 gold pieces. By • clever rues win.* ever reported, having Talmo from 741 is wild take too long to deeeribs, the swindle' August to 64. 4. 11n rate a1 yo11 aisle be the smiocesded in producing a genuine 110 gold tmnalled to 90 ]ears. A Large amount of flu has been de - quite • number of the villagers and liveed at Cameron Bros.' flat mill at sturdy yeomen of this vicinity met to Cr•nbroek during the past two weeks assist in raising C 1 the [rams -work of the •they have a large number of hands boildiows, ob is intended for agricmiltn• employed and it makes things lively. nal shows, court room, and other per id evenfnq A. Raymer built • huge oat stack for poses. and which on .. was successfully mimed without a single D. Zimmer, the hotel keeper. leases cuffed and on Hepar way to 1'oiic. Heal the swam. Almond and Alfred Centre are bilin' Hen from tin• mould into which 0x17 s Ti* cosditioe of barley* sot very serious- moment erioo r moment before the detective believed he had ly powered, from alb to 78.6. Buck«� uteet Men the hese metal poured. So well was the bas tinny maintained its August deception performed that the disgttfed do the average befog 90.s against 90.1. The recti"' bed be not been familiar with the figure for potatoes have fallen since Aug. trick, would almost certainly have been cos• 1 from 77.4 to 65.7, the lowed viand of the truth of the man's aseertiomia .'reg• awe before reported, teat of "Well, now, bow much do you want to in- par, being 67.3. Tobacco hes improved vest in this*" asked Morrell• holding 0u1 abs materially during the month, the average genuine coin for inspection. •aril make Toabeing gel 4• muck betas than in the August 890,000 worth far 419304 But of course 1 report but lower than the July cooditeoa mud have the Carob dais " The reported percentage for fattening swim The detective pretended to ezamtw tlw }a iii par rent had their condition J:2 .. eoimi minutely. It hod been • long •mid m. returat of the Department of Agncul• worrisome chase, and now, at the moment of tore tor September show that tbe general victory, his heart beat so that he feared it average rendition of cotton has declined could be beard by the others Lying on the from 89.5 in August to 85.5. table beside the other •rticiee were tic TIED UP BY A FLO00• formidable -looking revolvers and before him stood with the rooloeM and daring tc pad tot FLOOD. We have ooe on band a sl�plib stook d FALL AND WINTaf e MILLINERY . apprising the latent novelties in HATS. BONNETS and their trime.ist8e. ♦lee 8 all stock of LADIES' •..d CHILDREN'S CNDERVESTS. Al are cordially invited to insptet our stock. 5 per cent. off for asap. T3 tee. MISS E. BOLAND, MISS CAMERON Has just returned from the City with the latest styles in FALL MILLINERY. Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades in trimmings a specialty. Remember the stand-Hamilton-st., between w.mt•el. sit a men Tragic Mopped as - Situates; use them et i moment's whoa A false step d f.era.tl.vme ttevteus and everything would be lost, and his lite Houwzataverse, N. \•., Sept. lot -Tins EMULSION perhaps pal theydrewpenalty. He rollpreof k highest flood which bas been known iu the and ccoU drew • tat roll of bila hesitate 7 niece peso•with one excepti is sk -v fir snort the.. terfi .ries ,.e.. Pi n it Wool Lest- Lean Wee Tea 1 lawn Fall Hen New Girl' Ph.' Square and Newgate-st. While working ata threshing on the Premises of Mr Richard Davie, Mr Thom Bissett. Exeter, had a fork run a to his let. H• is lame in a.ue►gtser,te. Step '1 t CHRONIC COUGH NON! Tor It you do not 1t alp bum, emo aaseral DAYttV 4 Mtssi1ie' trete to tedal5g 1tt• 7 SCOTT'B on '1 ll right," lou may gin me a night of "email,' bard rain' At .4 n 6)ek', -All right,.. said Morrell. "That settles thin of atop cit air .ectlao , vw from w inside pocket the valley of the Conde° this morning atter jr,000 worth... n We'll cooctude the bargain by and by. this nrornrseg • J In the meantime I'll just pack these throb inundated. Crosby Creek was sweeping the Erie and deposit them with the clerk for down (anideo4treet end Lovering up again Cancans. Creek was overflowing. for a epuig. 1'U have to leave yon d the yards. the river. Tb. Are department was for a minute," he added, u be dipped the pled out and did good work in securing revolvers in be pocket He then opened the bridges mid buildings The Erie Is cam f door and wee robe. Instead of tgoing to abs 1 tied up, no tbrongb trains running' odic., however, be slipped into the next piste7 room and transfer the red tog to his canted slips midnight, when train No. 5 went up the erste.. western division• but that has been st,p.pei Now was the time for action. As Morrell at Andover all day, unable to go either era Three through trains bare been came .rut of the room and passed Detective lying at this city all day. One i+ et Me(1uitey in the hall, tatoe supposed hall 7 R h' from behind and Addison and • fifth at Cameron with ss Morrell a arms w b tow mining heevaly sad the dreams are Mos s11 had just left. and finding Norris raPteDY rising agate• end linins it stops with Nee flag is his hand, covered him with within •n hour disastrous results will follow. parer sprang upon rm prepped eif en opening befogs morning. It ned b' Crowley ran to atop room kin revolver. . Is a few minute", with the Advices fr w l anfetec reprint that village grdd•soe rtf Conway, the pair were Yard completely under water and •t tbe merry d accident. Mr T Henderson is c, ntrac- can testily t > Mr Hayman s • t n fes to quarter. badly fltyrdea amid mace d•mege ata• tor, and thus far is doing his work, es many callings,but few were aware that he To Inspector Byrnes Morrell frankly ed- ami dee- AdvSees from W ellivte° pronounced by exports, in a good me- is a profeesioeel stack-beildee, milted hu Knill, had •eanuwledgm that be hmy i that the water h unusually high chansal and thorough be dma►i swindle When -b •t that h h tet•Dnet. had been engaged in t gal ng Pyr. and all Fridges in section •re gosh flaiah•d it will be second to none in this Mr Thos. Dstlor left Clinton on Tose- for the bier eve ye•ra He h believed to Al a end lg many ibournn that c surrounded day. 2nd Inst., for North Bay, in atop have ewlplled a number of mese to the south ad much damage dos. The Northers section. Th. Sanest Home ander the armies• neighborhood of whish he expects to •e- and West, and has viers or twice boon arrnst ural has trouble at Watkins. whss' the • is business. ed. bat ham beretcdore tawny. mimed im• alt the Young People's Society 5tin Mr- flag tracks are flooded and "'had 'Nat so,tncad was held on the 5th, pehonmecit A few years ago, It h ;Aid, he Thos Anderson's arrive. Weather on the occasion was delightfol. The first part of the program was dinner. ahich was abundantly supplied, the tables be- ing loaded with the best :.f eatables After each and all rreeeot had done anti- piejoatice to the good things provided the ladies, the int•Ilectnal feast was Bitled.esd by the chairman, Rey A. Potter. who in his usual cheerful and able manner .redacted the meeting, which was .. . . 1 by the effici11 choir singing .n anthers. Rev R Fair - bairn led in prayer. The following o1•n• cal gentleman tock port in the program : Revs. A Carrie, E A Fear, of the Nib circuit, R Fairbairn, Erskine churchF D♦ng•nncts•liu, bet not least, Rev W Campbell, formerly of the' circuit. bat now of 1317tH. The Muese Peart and Smith, of I .cknow, rendered gond err - AN 1• singing duets, Delos. etc. A lit- fIi• isle. Miss Serial, of Lockett., rained the piece, 'Take the latter to my mntb- K, aerosol the deep blew aa,' consider Ih in style, IO every by the N - Mies Meq Ellen Crosier, of SINE DUBIO swindled winled a United Staten Marshal out cf Ventres tae rarese•re. game in lel Peso Texan Harris resolutely Heurt.7ow, dept 1n. -A young men need Kr is..4's System Renovator is • specific denies "11 knowledge 01 the attempted tread Robert ik,eey was arrested In the market for insomnia and all the ills arising from er acgtuintancv with ktcrrr1l• early this morning. It will b. .1 Cosmetics an not n- tooth Rea" were arraigned at the Tombs that maw time ago Betsey one tike. me geared when it is taken, become as • Polkee ('cart as Saadi"' and noounitted for custody hereon • charge of d.hauding°whh Ieqesifarther ezimiwtias tt• tin. chars' rtf sot fernier' truth of the 'Sty, with whore he bad mood purifier it has no improvement as therein tin. second degree, which a bothered markable .hangs and improvement in VII Menet and egg L He was Ns the complexion of three who have taken tc t.. tin• only law ruder whk-h they can 1e sent to ('•yoga, hmngbt bdnr. • polio• oywivictcd. Idpector Byres' gars that be magistrate and admitted to bail rill r• it Mr any length of time ditestifies. has not mach • rears lasporast *mut fvr 'a prosecution wse ready. Raton' the dee elft - Mr Ale:. Roes, Kincardine, ria.. " My wife has beer sea 17 time- -sleepless end bad no writes • bmg liar tyr mold for the examination fiery jtt.epd ky MS P A 1 £ N 1 t.- A Drug e71eA•e rum., Rrrur. and wast to Buffalo Of Pare Cod Liver Olt Bad MYPopwo.PHITp at sda. •mid �r 12 is almost sr palatable as utak. Fpr batter thee of ee ao-allee ifsaNktis . A 'moderns* seek predator. BO0'1l'll'S EMVLRIO11f Y pet w14e . solemn seer wasr >w sore eat ye the eparedaa. Medd 10g all Dealers er Air. and 91.10. SCOTT 11 101(11, lslsiM.. P150 5 TuRE FOR t - THE BEST COUCH MEDICINE. 101.1 iT L1C:,u15:. z1LiTTH=ti. CONSUMPTION N b" 7311 rim OF GODERICH. TItZA*LRR8'e SAX it LANDS F011 Ogrento. ) virtue ed a war - Town or (iowtrsrcn. rant Issued by the puratev. WIT . l Mertz aider the C•r- set of the Tows of directed, besting date First day of a a her. 1810, eonuendl•Some to terry apes had list of of lands mentioned dooe thereon Iii heng reby_ give notice thio unless such arrears sad i( costa are sooner paid I shall proned to sell the lands or sack portion thereof se may be emery for the pitmen. of the taxes ase mete thereon'O N OT Use I. os ln the said lhidar. the tete day of * lovena.. * 60, .et the bear a tar. e'doek 1a the after noon. IThe JoUewlate Iota art petesbL1 •_ WANTED to sell aal eepsomliag. tr sell a� rT+r•ete•,d Nrnear. t .-x. Solar or Co.ami.rto I. paid weekly. routnf tn.. specie! ■trenrlon given to beginners. Weikel.' fail to make good weeklr weirs. write me at eau ter particulars. �t 731st L O. GRAHAM. ,Thia house le e ill•k4..1 'rflOowTO. OIrT Lot Net - esesadellor /Street, le Is 1 i 1 4 F C lit Rusalas Noe 1.4 ! it t 771 al W{ .. 1-4 5 Iftf, 7 5" x 1-M1atai57! ••d Mar- ,7 =i a 8orvey. tltreet 1-a 13 Ill, 2i II t % Row Street. 14 11991 t M eR•rvar. 14 SM-t1t Tan W. L HORTON, measurer Town Treasurers Office. Sept I.t 18111. 73.13I. JOh N 43uJaL, deletes s oddities to the .1readr large Use ft + Sts aid Rau A PO n aim sea hasp T bet bet wit 1M 81 ostv.J85214 WANTED! �ag.&a.a�$Y�R A geed pee/ling lelean.n here. First Gass y guaranteed weakly. CossaWo• w salary. Qalck selling new Pratte end i , and meld rely by , ,' r RARNRHrt roto Rt • 'mod paying Job for be winter. Write for furl tares and Par- !Tr.') ar' SAUNDERS&SO N !FR n F. y°(I1N, a rwerystan, -. T ■ H. ear buret yelAm• • sou- iiat.n►a:, Sept 10 --- lira ('nater..n old d• and there aid • warrant for tit arrest EMITS. TIM SAW All larw1UIT$ Ohtsined..ad .li hnefm•is L► ale. (Jag. Palmi tele. of tended t4 st JfOf) RA Tt Ft Our cepm V t. the G. S. Patwt M- ika and we car obtain Penns l• less tar vas ae to tentabtllti!�� .( •^ Ist'S L p21/LiY pale and sallow all the limo SA 1 lad tell that she M mow for the pest few days and yesterday • doctor over to covetable Winslow of (hyena lied chergse 1 bask M tie Mitek 11 ( k Mrs lti gr..Ire tyf dtychnlrM ttll.ortl7 astir has through Omega wits hiOmega M will M timed your Renovator for fright weeks, end respected resident of Digby. had Nen UI it wee d ezecad.The prisoner wee art am g to you well, as smart and es lively as a mum was railed, witty preecr'!rr1 for bee Thema tab"o tock to that tows tester, b . ie swig • you bast to girt Tb. Liniment (R. A. McLMnaa'S) .rri .ikon wee Mk to the drag ator. of 1151 there are qui and w t himi Um e herare H ti Grsk•en haoded eared his Btari R (ty and h mistake he clerk met maims Rar. el emits r , o n e cwt MoLood'. Rpsifc Care sent in my care , m1minf treed the pettiest became viotsutly handed over to the i>osavllle o4lmera with this Removtor. H• h now work- .tl •n.1 died to trait a(n1l7• needles praeetmw. leg. hough and longs all right." w«timesere ties ahvahp RAay. 1a -A~ Acadia mica Mn Mrleed'e Speerflh Care for lenge, :cos Toapt -TM mamma ;. Ra10 -TWateCats 1.e1 night as Reptattempt wet made to blow ep threat, eefevers,, chills, fevers, grovel, linear. *o -4a7 dd•red the regular near the reddens d C w Team with dyotslto b Ram et If not Insteak t apnoe a•• the set revenue for the quer n• hese wpm rdruggists.r e be had from druggists r 1 dividend et INC per cM►t- The new reeld th bop .tteesp•InIs ti ropey. , s . gelling t • o• or. , tar mewed meow lmj•ry_ order 4*tar . 73-41. ta $ .WU00. - �.- t, thee three remote from WA4HINOTON. Reed MODR/. OR DIU wino. We ad- T4IN P41LVT. ee oak44 OCy ARto I We 'ntL'i*hthilas.ms . C'"Rd..eMona/btewlar,ya y.eer The title b iamplat1v.W God Roast 1308f. Call and see the Sample of this and other Stoves. tro '•w. stat. «t' .'tittyiiw a MIt DoorU 1/6 Post Ha t7rw.lu PusatOieAwDA. . . lel