The Huron Signal, 1890-9-12, Page 6$ 1101. NNW ,.e.,ea.., JOHN OMs Olustl.LY. •I iraea Trebel, W a111311131.1113Mu* is seem& 'Ile Ree Louie Albert B.aks,paodirtft 8t Joan's Methodist lipteeups1 ouster Booth Bodo., took for the sebjeet of bb last Baad•y'• dieseerse, wheat ensnared ea inmates osegregetius, • "Cardinal Illewmaa and Joha Boyle O'Reilly -A Proteemet Trib•ie to Oettolle Genius." His text wee Hebrews, xi., 4. "Through It be, being deed, yet speeketb." Mr Bank's reteseace to Boyle O'Reilly was e s follow*: John Boyle O'Reilly stands nearer to nee He is • representative of mach that is peculiarly ch•ract.ti.tio of our uwu me and time. Hes life is • romance stronger than the wildest dream of ta- ttoo. At 13 • student is school at Drogheda, Darned ; at 17 a stenographer iu England ; et 19 a private soldier is. the Irish Haman ; at YJ lying in a deo- geun in Dublin .. I 1 to death foe treason seated Great Britain ; at24 • D.melesd envie* is • orients al eolue.) i Western Australia ; .t 2t. to Pbilad•. phis without friends and witbuot money; al 30 • s.ocmeeful journalist and • promising poet in Booms, and at 3b the acknowledged leader of the Irish onus. is Aviaries. Then .re some phases ut this brilliant, laminating career that are sural] worthy of our @lady. All the world knew what he did. H. exacted interest and commanded admiration, •.o all moa were hie brethren. In the first plane, as an adopted Am- erman citizen, O'Reilly fairly earned that every true -hearted American .hosld speak him fair in desth. Standing et Plymouth Ruck, en intense, hot -Wooded Irish tathoiie, it was trod, a Brest soul that could say se he did of oar Fidgets Fathers • Give praise to others. early come orate For bre .ad labor os our ship or Mate ; Bet this meet Meed above all tame ..d meal : Tbe Princes F.tberelud the tits and keeL On theam their t strong lives we beournal ane. al The Elea. 1! hems. the town, the oamaes- U foss builders! Tea. the conscious I►•riga is Impotent it nature frown. No deathless parks growe from intellect, Immortal ibises have Ood for architect. And mea are but, the granite He ley down. O'Reilly b a splendid illustration of the unequalled opportunity America gives to s yuan* man whet has nothing but his hands, his heed and an honest he.rt with which to posh his way. If • Welsh pauper bey, given Amerioai free opportunity, an compel ti.e entire civil 1xed world to re.oho the need of Hoary M. Stanley, or grant to an Irish emi- grant, who at twenty-five is unknown, homeless and purselesa, a chance to make for himself the name and fame ac- corded to John Boyle O'Reilly, then there is inspiration for every honest. heartedyoung soil in America to take courage and do the beet that is in hint O'Reilly, like Stanley, euooeeded by hard work -by doing promptly and with ell his might the duty at hand. Another element of (YRei!ly's emcees' wee his positive ooaviotimes. He be divvied things with all his taight. It is the mea who bathe their thoukhts in their own blood and drive them home to the soul of other men with heart -bents who. are irresistible. A remarkable fact about O'Reilly was that hie sorrows in dungeon and penal settlement. enough to have broken the heart and hops of msoy a really strong man, faller! sour or embitter him. 'These words of his have the true poet- ic oenis insight i know • That e hen trod gives as the clearest light. He does not touch our eyes with love, hot sorrow. He makes even his dreary experiences in Western Australia yield him some of the sweetest hooey of poesy. Sorrow had made him tender and sympathetic with all whims hearts were sad. O'Reil- ly • psis and voids end purse were al- ways et the service of the poor and the oppressed. No humble man ever ap- proached him with an unheard request. Ile had what used to be more cosmos in America than it is today -the power to be splendidly angry at injustice kid .11 9 HE HUROk "oiGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 12, 1890. TRAIN -WRECKING FIENDS. THEIR PLOT THWARTED SV A VIGO- LANT EMPLOYE. anatesit fRpl6M mf >lhtmempere .a Oho New Vault 0111111ised Mud Mae . harem. mamma M .t•ar7 sed Dees. -A o.t- inure enthe aaa F.. u Bql l -A desperate M. temp ars made .eight to wreak the hat BL Lode sed Chimp sop= whisk laves New York oa lbs Oestral toad at 6 p.m. Tbs tree was Shipped tar • danger eiga•1 south of On Troy, wkkk Is gids yards south d New Members draw krtdea Two minutes prevail@ the legman dieovcred several rim stases( midway is the divert mar OM Trey, est when be took bold et one of them to remove M. he was Ono on horn the busks as the tuna anis of the amok Keening that the hat engirds wee needy dos hs ran southward sod set the danger • Irludi mopped the brain The ilegmed meed the Um mink up above the rail. d ad would have artNnty throws the trmh from the hick. The hd trek was en - poled of saves or eight ikaMeg earn all hall, two ordinary p•mn ger omens end • baggage ear. Thee were sight tis oo the up Olde track. Time were .ro two tie pined •bdpne of the rail toward. the . oath, so as to died the trials. The leak pend ken an boor ago. Raatrod detectives envoy Chief Byrne end gone of the city police ars in sharp par- nit ernit of the wrens& wbo it is reported have bees mat between New H•mMrg and Fra kill An swine teff the cation shortly atter midnight with odium an booed AuA.T. Sept. l -Tho mys1ery Edi•g the , . of Joke Reed, who was deaensd in f. , i Sheet's odges •1l day yesterday on sspldes d being one ce the Central tray wreckers, wee partially explained this morning by *sanest of Jobs Kiernan. a Went Alb•.y freight brakeman, living as 3M Bion street to Albany, and John Cordal, a height oosductor, living et dad Ii , I , Bath mss are mar- AK arred, sed are strides knights bsle.gkg to Local Ase mply NM Them two men were arrested at their tames this morning at 3 o'clock, atter • thorough search of the city for them by a doses dut.0tivs. A GtteMea ea the .. • 0. Wtxmldltt, W.Va., Rapt. 5. -About 1 o'clock this moral( east sad ata. -bourn freight trans met in oollidos on the 5.10 - mors & Oto ltailrual at Broad Trus tamed, 3) nuke east at here. A wracking train bus been sat oat, but the company retrive to give pante-niers of the dimst r• It is known both engin and • doses cars woe entirely destroyed and the wrack took fin. Mgt - goers rely and Tdcktrey and an unknown tramp were instantly killed The fate of the firma is not known. Dleeegarded f . Locxro.T, N.Y., Sept. el -At 4.01 this morning two North Shore limited trains. one going east and the other we collided with terribe forces on the Central trach near the dation is Rile city. B , W. A. YU dolor of New York city was in stentty Mld, M➢sgh..r Moen Bradley ere Syracuse •a.ained • ocmpoand fracture ci both lip and Fireman William Homan of Syrac.m was badly kart. The accident b attributed to failure le obey instruction Terribe7 Crumbed. Pereoes., Sept It -Expellee Messanges W idles Dyer. white Miem ptlag to Dosed hie trate at Oil City this evening, mimed ha touting. and bib W lege were crumbed to • jelly and had to be as potoad. ilk in coney is improbable. MR EVARTS' LONG HEAD. The New Verb l.seher Objects to iaaktag the PrWJ.et a Tart! Autocrat WhsatauToe, Sept. fl. -The sugar schedule wee 000dder.d in the Senate to -day. The Fianna. Committee t imposing • tax as all agar above No. 13 Dutch standard wee agreed to The committee making the Dutch he Nagar above No. 1t 6-10c. per potted intend of 4.10c., wee agreed to. The Flamm Committee , to include maple auger among thse for whip' a bounty le to be paid, was .pod to. t At the evening ...eat Mr. Everts (hap 10 Y.1 add be proposed to diruss the ream 4114 quangos and proposed to modify the t to snake it the day of the President, when atbfied e oppremoa. We need 10 cultivate that leer awry Gain wine .teens, aolase.a, tea parse proud society. faculty led it die out in oar modern, I ssil•e or hides me imported maintain• pulley that is sot reciprocal, equal mud Of course, from their different stand- ' reasonable to . , the Isco pointa,it would be may for um 0 centimes his nurse in many ways. It is hard for those who stand at widely different points of observation to appreciate sash other. Differing from him as widely by edoe- •tion and training and surroundings as, perhaps, say one elm in the city, 1 world stand .t the grove of John Boyle O'Reilly and sing his own sang over the honest trwpaer : The trapper died -oar heroand we grieved, la ev..ry beast to seine the.1. "Rim soul wee reds' the lads. crie. be- reaved : "A white mad ie r the grim old Yankee's word. So. lend sad strong. each r•oarwergen bis' bed- How ed - HowIM it Vs was. bow brave, how keen le track Aad as we laid him by the. pines to rem. A 11=1“.11..ke, with tears, "His heart was So. with unfeigned sympathy and love, a Protestant, with the charity with which I myself hope to be judged, would gay of my brother Catholic, his haat ws Christian. The Carr gird Czarina go shortly to Denmark, where it has bees specially srrsaged thatt►s, will meet King George of Grim It was thought at one time the mad solemn *amnion of the Rus- , aim royal family bad Bose omitted. trot the Ow has s spacial liking for lb* tran- quil wcigbborkond of Tndenehorg, and the Cowin i. •naives b see he. mother, Q•s.s Lowing, wlboas health of late hes beat euratinhdnry. beef in Gelato' they will he a R lhs.4•g of almost .11 the menthes of the Remise l.psrid family at Crimea to bid gaol -►ye to the doeovitak, wire embarks ow the Tree - emir d'A..w" for a worms rand the weld. 11. brill not retorts before the middle of next June His brother. Pried• George, will,hies. The .hip is mow st Crosstadt, et will premed to the Rlaek Rea duets, He 'mom of esgt week. The metal membership ot the Method to Oatpeet, a that duties may be imposed upon mush articles. I1e ar'gOed is support d bole , . . , . .end against em powering the President to act d W own accord without 10.Argot authority of aw $'s Nr. Gray (Dem., Del.) agreed with Mr. T.10... Mw'o lreteel New Yost, Rept -The Toba000 Let Board d Trade here today pawed • resoles this protesting aped tie McKinley BM, which they claim will Moe the er.et of naming their beano- The board decided !le politics Coogrew to a dosage the bill !teat In nese or its peerage the tat Imporeen 'will not have to pay duty oa the goods until they sr* taken from the boudlsg dorm 'The Lacky 0..bere a Carelsk.'s Oweep ` M0NTIaAL, Rept. 1 -The arsl.k• draw - ag for the 8t. Lager took Mose bre today The favorite numbers and their d.MfneUom are se follows: 1leauta., 33M, 7457, 69111. 1055; f in Mont- i nil, 1 is Toronto and 1 t. Port Arthur. Alloway, 2187, 331. 4151, 3545: 11 te Moue real, ' is Toronto. Ilerefoot,7151, 8113 48a WWI a Mantvesi, 11 is Toronto, 1 lm @t Hyena 1 Radon, M1t, Met, 437, 770•; haled.. 1, Montreal 1, Toronto 1. Pt Serf, 70M, lilt, x149, 411115; Mewed fl. C thaws 1, Heflin 1. Menwfr, 11444. 6116, 310, 41131; Montes& S. Tomato 1, Port Arthur 1 Bin (hese, MIN Mt, Milt, 073: Oakville 1, Termite 1, Rt Hyacinthe 1, Mo.tatal 1 Walker Hesse, Tenses, draws Reirefnol a Snood's sweep ion Orwell by Mr. McCleary, Teases IA Doable Tragedy be erteeemen. Mrt.w*trge, Wk, Rept 11. -At Wades - tem • uberb et Mlweah_, yesterday Mrs &tweed P--1--, nabs W 1011 her Mimed ow eerier d hi lend leese- aost and dentate mink wee Maki wtlb her mors on the porta at lkdr boom leidmir mine Nang std .shed Me was le rotten le his. elm nikeed, aid he Irmo a intens mod that her three Mama 'Iso mother kererfere.l and die tee was dist est (liaroh in Hares ninety •selesv twin Mrs iteedmir wM prebehly ere of Kest.r, wheal Is la Ledoe soefa*sus ' Mn Rays.". waged may M pale* lead --is 6,444 I MNalgrr awn *gamed lent 004 r Ifo► 01047,;to- ; i .. _ .►..-... ..� . -��= 8- . " ' t. "l !'< •xt•Ii Wi t . '' ~ir•i THB^ DOENIOI IYN BRIEIr. railing Is Magma • deeelet ebb hashesand.d .5Iarate. Timber Mse>•ad pugatecaded Ms Kier The Mayer of B...rtrfalitowmaf�.�t r reaped °eh. 1 bodhlinge w bursa down 66 M MN" Jody Define is the nam lar Maelleha University. Archbishop Welsh ddrs.ud the Oadbels eon fl.eaae at Modred A hoyh Indy ha boas walled ashen at Welts beaal, Cowen The Hats ahesteng ewe in Masked is bad fur trial en the 1110 end The naw elty nal std sista handless at hammides nil on $1111.111111. amphaltows, N. B.. had a Mille avdv- ing a 1ms at nearly $M,031 Maar Macdonald Ina beat .Load pried - / el el Ketol Man, K ngokee. Bir Prod. Min s'a cooked baleen phones were said at awake for $1 AtternerGeseral Longley lien *et buss hi.othnled le a Raid dab. At Postop 1n Prairie, Man., the what market has opined at 31 costa The eostram hes bean tars ills the sew high eshoel at HagarsvULM, Oat Modred rargaeldeg Ne aide neepis to H. R H. Priem Getega et Weis The taarello. Camel lavestimptionY me- needing ►wading boom w C , Wood. Mn. Jams Rase hs died at Wagkaao of parlayed., atter only are hours' Massa The Doeskin's fiusa0l.l dot stent for Me past year shows a serplasd *4,000,931 Adam Brows, M. P., le booming thalassi- c& imbibition is Prison Edward lekad Dtrimg August $7,416 head d cattle and 9,1115 sheep warty ..ported from Masked The Daphne' eie' teensy at 81 Winans, Levis, was harmed down ata Ws d M0,000. The sear cared • height tram broke loos on • grade soar Owes lbosd os the C. P. It The amine at Montreal wen brought to a adds stop through tie Weser d Mr. Junks crag A Halifax dispatch mays 1. ergs .umber d dssrtios .re reported from the garden *era Incendiaries have been busy lately 1. Btrathroy, and • atm i.lerabl. loon de re- sulted. Lieut. Stairs, B. IL, one d the Stanley Expedition beroq was publicly feted at Halifax_ A boy d 19 named Hertel esmpd from }1. ett Berle, Oat„ and Is not been re- entered. The annual ,porta of the Primed Louis Dragoon Guards took platy at -Oatowa an Saturday. A rich farmer or Rt Joseph. Que., named Martin Conant, hs been k kited to death by in barna During Angus, 1811 can of Americas cattle is bond pared through 8L Thomas for the east. W. R Young, who wa drowsed recently a Washington ws • reddest of 8t Timone sighteee years ego. The first of the tenant farmer delegates from England bee arrived at Ottawa. He comer from Glasgow. A grant of $35.000 to the Tlteaobmrg. Erle and Pacific Railway is to be mode by the township of Bay Lam and the afternoon =prom came ken on note with them, making a pretty bad mei. No one was erionely injured. The tug of --war team of No. 5 polls divi- sion et Modred hand challenging are tug- ger, of the Toronto reran McGill University has received from Eng - ked through 81r Lyon Playtalr, • scholar- ship of $730 tar two years. A fait , . eeaWihment le to be skirted ni Anspor*. by • Chicago boos, who will employ 00 bands The body or Mr. A. O. Brown, the aoi.lsg lawyer of 81 Catharines. has bas found on the kits shore oar Jordan. "It's • Ile from beginning to and." is what Bir Jobe Macdonald ay shoat the greet I.ad perches wry he Virginia. Intending ax5blera at the Jemmies Ys- hlbutloe trona ° arto are asked to damenani- ate with Mr. Adam Brows at mica A number of young ladies from Detroit. Kstemasoo and 8agteew City Mob., are a .toad Alma Ldim' College, 81 Thomas. Protamor J. Bryn, Y P. for Routh Absm docs, Is arrived in ands with W wile and will take • trip through the country. A toasty miner in Adana wow to the Mayor of Montreal main it be can seed on • supply of girls with 1 tendon - Mr. Monicker Heaton, M. P. for Canter- bury, Zealand, the advocate of pay poet - age, le in Mo $red as hie way to Waning - ton. The west -bound train tbrcugk Port Arthur wee is three sections owing to the heavy pmeapr trellis now pouring into the North- west or1awed lam Anna flowage, omen Ontario's peps - lar vocalists, was married lest week to Mr. Charles Wilmot, d the N.cw0Mle fish bank - ark& Mayor Omer, d Montreal, has Mare - ad to his doffs is greatly restored health. He le to be aked to run for • third term The sealing weboo.rs Mary Tyler end Sap- phire have arrived at VIMoria, B. C., .ad report a poor soma.. Thee bed beat no seispena Poor nes and a warrens are reported killed by the wr.ckiyt of the Adirondack, Kennel aid Niagaralb Faempw or three mem nth of Cantinas Mr. in R. Marta, R A., • gradient of Tarsale University, hes ben appointed 1e.`* levir�d mhe. •tmtatihe the Royal Military C D. H. strialrhw, at Hampton, made the eego*iatanea of "thee jolly fellow." os W trip to Maternal, and was mem 3490 when be remand hr jointer tial. A Prencb organ regrets that so few Prank Osman, take part he the Domintoa Ride matches and regard thk se • bosh prod et their apathy l■ miliary makes Rudolph Raeky, of Pert Lambed, Ont., has ham r.mmided 1.. trkl at Bends, ebarpel with nein fin to the h..kier shop std Witless Dads se Port Limbed Jtmpb Rests, amid 10, of Tar ensallb temp- i* w►ship, was night hr a doling honk white digging a. • brtekyard oar @parts the other day deed deed a mos14y after being abs est Mrs thrones @avers, amid 98, who had hen le New Hamburg Is Beady 40 years, was hI11d en the O. T. R ben mgr tial Mese at Saturday. The .i lady was deaf. The Me tr.ai Harald hes' aha eat fear d epend artless for $5,606 grab aided four cry piano for eom+iraay a eanerttrta with the mend Arae .1 Moir sew type. meter& The body 1 Me ab rr. Bearer, who .es ______ d try gig h e Montreal bald, Ism hes.w! home le Ba'w.umwii& Tao =ins debt w death wen ease( by se i@i:de•t gag MOM COUNTY CURRENCY. Itsot Int r sst from over tea County. • Weedily Misses avast trimmer mews Man - M Nee eels needee..1 ••Ttf. alanmL' rsu.eed Mae. a•Np•ed sed tee- - demised hum geese 1r.tsen. Mr Wee A'l.aby had tbm tips of three Sneers of his left hood taken off by • atnrbiae, .bile .. •lora in 5.it'. foot..ry. Wage.., os W.dtt.•.iay. Aiwa* 27th. Mr W.. Phillip., .bo had bard the Crof eeri•t•et pentameter .1 Bleb, ies twoyear..hes left for L.edoe, when he W secured • good situation. Tee ♦easel er tb.flies bad been titled by Mn Ratite. Mrs Rowe of Medisys, Har, sod Mrs Mallet►, Vena.uter, British Columbia., who were visiting at tb. revs. rnc.of their father M r John M..delet.d,e.l Took ersmit5, for the past few weeks, halm ruturoed t. their home. Yr J. B. Willem, B. A , of Bradford Contexts., leMnut., who weft •a ■ppti- wsmt fur the Ieeprotoashep of Bret Her..., hes lino •ppoiae.el &.eilah mater of Winnipeg Cull•etiate Institute. Jambi* Scitt, of Blyth, was charged by htrpeoter Paisley ekb 'iodation .•f the Crooke Ad. Th. tat was tried before Magistrates McOar.a .,.d McMurcbie, of Chasm, who found defendant guilty, sed fisted him 1120 end coats On Wednesday, Amgen 211od, Coo - stable Wheatley, of Cmetoo, arrested a young mean named Walsh, of Weed We- wendah, charged with the seduction of • young girl named Kilian). The priaoeer was takes' to Clinton, and tried before M.gi.tnt• McGarr', who found mamma .videe.ce to warrant hem in oom.iiting whoopee fur trial. Bail use s.bsequestly Routed t• the sum of $400. Mr W. Keys, Clinton, got a tumble • bow days ago that confined him to his room for several day& He was sitting on • load of egg buss oo • waggon. .hen • quick .o.emeet of the hone threw hens beck wards. He sustained no particular injury beyond the f•I',.nd was able to go about his work that afternuoo se dual, tut the next day and for sever- e! days afterward, felt en sore that be couldn't move. On W.deeed•y.v.nisp, August YO(b, the aged sad respected village clerk of Blyth, Mr Wm W il.on, met with • fated resident whilst walking up Dis.ley-et., by a hcree ruu•way froth the station. The old gentleman, ban? raler hard of haring, did not hear it eomiag in time aweigh to get out of it. way. H. woe .t once Wrote to his home end'medical .id sent for, bat he only spoke a few word., after which be never mooned , and expired may on Monday morning. The dammed we. one .d the oldest seelblaa a( Metbtdist March Blyth and • staunch Conservative in polities ; also ose of the oldest members of the Maeo.ic Order in the section. Hi• remains were interred is the Union dsmetery on Wednesday of lad week with Masonic honors. Hews • member a the Malluoh cbapter. The deceased leaves as aged wit., four gens, Vied four daughters to sworn his los. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire aomnen'ty. TIC -BITS FROM EXCHANGES. lemma et anaemia ham ■err, Tame mrd g NOT WHAT THIT ABKID FOR. St Joh. 1N. S.1 Teiegrapb. General Middleton has given Bir Hector and Sir Adolphe "some souvenirs of the campaign" such as they .ill not thank him for. >oua TAIO DON'T SUMO HIGH WAGxa, Detrelt Sts. If a proteotive tariff maces high wages, e is claimed by all Republicans, why is labor so poorly psid in Spin, Mexico, Germany, Ontario and other high tariff countriesf TRI 7LTn1Y QOVLD 11 HOAOrtf0. Irish -Canalise. Lt there, then, be a .haft erected to the men who fought and died in the same of bone role for Upper Casale, whom blessings we of to -day are enjoy• 4.g ; and let the Yoonr Mersa take the initiative ie the mond work, as becomes a body inepind by patriotic immeshes .ad treditio.e of • Riorioae gepead.t Let it no longer be a reproach to R•formesn that the Fathers of Hoopoo- sibie Oowere.eit Bleep Os led sleep in the obeenrity of forgotten graves ; but let the emplane be reload over their hallowed dust, tb0 the pilgrim may seek it acid 'overate it, and take exam- pine.f the illustrious deed. Tia HOa ON Tia O Ella FOOT. B etseltTM* i*sede. The Tory prem are hand of talking .boat the Debase as "those earthly para- dises of the Orit. " By way of a change they fetid my e..ethieg of Tema sed Keethohy, "those earthly paradises of the Torten" In the former state Sir Chea Tepper, $04nro Cochrane and Ogilvie, 1(r W. B. Ive., sad that states man by inheriaae., Mr. Pope, have large investments Is remehi ng Leda Ie Kentucky Sir Jots Meakimill, Bir Chem. Tepper, Sawator M.Ierw sod the other Toorryy t large patrioowe larMeeks et mieterel hoed. (bead. for the Ommiliens entomb to nothing with them when It nom.e te melting ea ineehmes• • 5...1 g imine. Hdei..►-Dear vi•, the mnveratioe is filseetog. WW ma we do to anima tier Ormehil Hot--- 1 demi knew, mines we here the issuing pees far . few dean/..ed give then s ei es• le talk sheet aa - New Tork Bea, Etre Mole tome the stolen' 1 f 1 deal seder- Kw tie mead 15. teed. winds 1 Yes T— Tee, het 't rad."•o,mds- se T7}1_ • Weekly. • "THE PHARMACY 11 • lel OT >RBOJQYIM--A till Mr' of Gibson'TOs English Candice! rM3ONITI I3 I*'Lr VO>Mi. Aro • lame e•s•b of lir u s&fE w i2iit1.46 CASTILE SOAP. The beet b tis s•rkel ler the teller. Gall to. Inc. per ebb& ..r —QBm ONLT— . DR. WOULFS CHOLERA MIXTURE! A pmiti.e on iter l,e.r.kms. GEORGE RJ>:a * MAW CHUMMY ANiD DRUGGIST, Ilett An. Anemia dry geoM Ne. SAY, DID YOU SEE THE B000LE? le divisor the LARGEST PRICES for FARMERS' PRODUCE la tows at Ms store, where he always hes a bead • large Moak et ' GBOCERISS AND CROCKERY, FLOUR AND FEED. It will be to the public advantage to give him a call before going elsewhere. 2217- tONS11rmOt CURE01 TO TUE plow, gg� lPle Warm year readers that 1 have s remsU hem 1 ii Ike Se a �m�s► ley its timely ase Sudan& of lisp Ie. cases few bees ` ems& M glad a seed tat betties o/ my remedy Mgt te say./ reales witurgiat iseeSties V will seed n• tisk Kneen and Pest t>ie. Aides& Ti mA. M OOY M.O. tag west Amlmwm 91%n TORONTO. O TANTO. TO THE LADIES.` Try Our Oxford Shoes !FOR SUMMER WEAR. They arte;warr.sted not to dip ur and down oe the ,heel, which cannot be err any other make. Our Russet Oxford Shoes are a decided suceer •. Then 4. amble( like them for summer wear, THEY ARE ALL OUR, OWN MAKE I a.4 gusrsateed to efts s.tlefactioe. All rips awed free of cheep. Bow and M.e. d • superior quality mW b sit JOHNSTON CAREY 'jt ,.,:,..,.,. Who/male and Retail Masuhettemr and Dealer Is Bow and Brum �7-ty I CURE FITS Y.,cialuirersfflidram-g-- ,..• tens. ad toesh•vethemrw. IMCAMARADIOALOYRItan made the disease ofrflle. OOOetars er fie. 33.W es u MN -Mag May. 1 wrvmnt ray reeds te One the esumsumBecame others have failed r se reams kw set an rendes • sae, lead at nese 1.r eternise and • Peas Rett. e/ my hedidi Ms Se.res0*� Ob.. By-11L`rem an wwenPrat Oita It costs ye. menial( for a trial. ad it will tore ,rose Adai.ur M Our 5.'.L5 0111es, NO MIT AORL4OO wow. 1 m- IMOi •-- WE KNOW YOU ARE µ Looking for a Handsome Xmas or New Year's present at a Modegl $s price, We Know we Have it, having the Finest Lines of Silver Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlery ewe displayed in this town. OUR PRICES BEAT TAB BAND Inspection Solicited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. 00 1 a jili 12 I pF 3. s GN USE ANY WRITING INK. rs a if 0 • Z t lOQ* ADD D0*Z Ar "res Bral-'' stn... i TH -I e M