HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-12, Page 5AAA • JOHN ACHESON. Fall damammmt of Now Im ported Goods. ax rl'Ss Jersey Jackets, . , , Ulsters, Dress Goods, 'VIN HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 1890. GENERAL CONFERENCE. THE TARIFF BILL PASSED OPENING OF THE METHODIS r COON- A NOT R X HOURS' DEBATE Ns TIN[ CIL AT MONTREAL WASHINGTON SENAT&. A areal tr.teeriwg of Lending Lights •1 . Women witted, Amalgam the D. chaeta -tame. w, w.Mta clots �• reboil ear MWwe we That teeeesary e. tam neo.•• aettel-Th• rade .e tie New rtes.aaet to. 111111- -Ur u- Urgala wr�t•.rfeal,e Ardtw reaeter :kerwtaa Witte* a Latae.. •lia.w.w •pu ns .a�.. ei•• W.,ACHESON & SON. w,y ,f 4ypir _FRENCH CORSETS, i...,,,. 10. -T1s quedremn0 W*.tt..'• ..S. Rept. lo.-At3,4p.s. env - - .. "••"a -- -_ _-- n, ss L, We have b steel 1 he ere..erwaee (A the Methodist Church keying Bessie reseed the Tariff !till, 40 to W. J...itdM.. tbr••Wnb.w: tb. M ei (tea The ds hours' debate pnroediag the liar er.... ase. tide rmuntiag et tlt, role amok vote wee opened by Yr Hoer IRep.. Ilam). lee w pmiutetwu numbers SM40. draw► bow who raid that be bed voted yeeterda) for the lite *mood .. . thrueltkuat W` Il6 A1�drieta 'wterrdmsot with ease bNtetios, -., - Id not have done so u be bad Ili u sad 10 adds thong .ant Om arbsa» cont iaed m the t . ldele a* t nd ministerial eutesdiutrnt was all that was likely to tion w the dd+gas e d VIA proceed roto. wet of .ntrraag oa that policy. . a toga were ime spectators •' - .' ta,i. L>.voti.sd asercim•• were cuaduct•ri He eb.:uvbt that iu las forefront of say minion the United by Keg. J. Ryckuwu, Juluffh. Housso. and policy on the , q as sod, es tar '••• tad. The ,atrut.g sselaos wee "'buil! abates should detonate; to pat eeroield with the coition d the roll, lied 11 as Iegisatk.a could du n, to the precu's* of wee. ••w s. a rue of toe ouutereaaa to amend forgive station imposing export duties „e, in eimuirdeu0e attb the repast d the Yr. Hiseoek (yap., N.Y.) ttmuueuced bis Demo - lir oedema d aoaf.rauesa speeai with • titter arraignment of Demo- ii.•v. Hr. H.ustw was 'boom secretary or °retic vee eiee . who ba said had sarieawd the .•r•,.ed ballot. tsetr and tbssrwivs in charts - the sitars.. a nominating committee' healon , dtmsgogbm, mirrepreS atatbo sad was appwated from each eouIefesee accord' in sumer* pr anions of devotion w Die ieeda[. to as U. Rev- Dr. Carmen thou Cent trial taterthe of the eveetry. Every effort to Mg.avoeaMa retornas b provide free hoaxes and secure free speech op-aiev .ddr em, the uuri d appeal. e.sarlag b the etaudis• for the laboring clews had bets resisted b7 committee appointed et 1M Wig onufereous the Unnucretic party up to 1061 by every b wile. tion wihb . sad msitng method which statesmanship could devise s,s 11,ro a 00101011601. wit° the supero n- and rutilanhs execute, and the lost gnat imams fundi. effort bad culmi.ated in civil war. and that • la the evening br. Carman rreacb•d. urge party bad Once the. opposed all measures beg the tmportwn0e d the tsetitatioss of the that looked to the et mtioS and o ot the the Murcia and that they be .apoort- assurance of equal rights ing ed by tithe -giving. eases of the old slave stats. The effects of Ts.+ Coofederetnos question will probably this bill wouki be eo beneIdsl that it would not be reached Inc several days. remain a bag time sedjstarbed, end eves MEMOIR'S ST LEGER. the Democrats would change trout and pre' • calm their devotion to the prig iple of The {sake .f r.rst..d Agsta Ca tare. Umtecttoe. • • • What lobe preeeot Cts- sls,sewe win is dithered to [root bit heed r a barrel sad keep " • 1 u e, reel N h h 1. ru . sets° .take gram met lest December the price d that for • thoeoagb,y fa Linens, Silk Velvets, tri. ek�a' Shawls, Rubber Circulars. INSPECTION INVITED., JOHN ACHESON ATO Celebrated French Wove OcT rt r, h, the [Newt., makes. 0. P. A LA SIEF PAIS, "COMMON SENSE" Long Waist I angtry, BEAUTY (French Wove). RETIIkBLE PRESCIIIPTIO}I DISPENSARY. Loewe, Sept. IQ-T1ts wee the second day of the Dosoaater September meed.[, the .teat of the card being sea e St the long list d entries sixt'ew • The result w a gena the surprise, ea it was generally considered that Barefoot or Ratsfoin. cerrytn; bulk of the Jamey, woule':eapture the prise. However, the Dalin d with. Memoir moored in the Pot. The omit was re- ported =fit a few weshaback, which afforded her motor the . at very long Sias Oras was heavily hocked and was the only oee d the favorites to pot altogether dieappo(nt her backer& The colt finished two behindMemoost ir sad about the same , �n for w Gaas•lvo, wbo rat a plucky whole diraw- Tbe St Lager eras sleo won by the Duke of Portland's stable sot year, when Dosovan captured the puree. In '89 Lard C�altborpe with 8.stwe.se was the wiener. Is VI Lord Radomm's I►ilwsria took the prise and in 'tam► the great Ormond* owned by the Duke mf Watmtnster was first at the wire. The tit Letter Stakes d M ears each. Inc them Lyse olds: cote «t ease. sea n a: the ossa d the unman barge te repave lee moss sad the third 100 ears out of the stakes: (ltd 8t Leger course (about 1 mile 4 :.irtangs and lel y.rds) - set sena (amend Sept IA 11ra Dote or Peetlsad's kr t Memoir. by St. SimoS- eehd tall •• Quiver (J. watts) ,t 9 Dube de. kr a IllawOreen. by t large Orin ee'--Lsgens (G. Barrett) t bot the fine talc weather has been very " A• U• Mr. J.9nitea.b•0eessi.s.b •••des- favonble to the ripwine of it. The 2 7-8 •' •' W U cbirte ( ) 3 root crop promises to be a large one, as and 1 9.10 mills .•n the $ special on 8. 8. auoway. awns. 8.0rede. Hreei owes, the nowt raise have helped weeder- No. 8. The e.•unctl adlouroed to meet manages, Star filly wee, geese** Birthday, in maturing it. oa Oat lilt►, .t 2 o'clock sharp. Right away, Friaatein. sad Smola. Moo J. H. R1CHsftta, Clerk. started. AUBURN. �' D.ted OsNow, Sept. 10, 1890. Fres ear own osroq.sMat , wwnL Rll. wheat in Chicago had been 79 mate per bushel. On Aug. 30 it bad been $L01 a bushel, making an advance of STY Bents a Stakes Inc bushel sinew the opening of the Republican bones t end magma The total incomes in the value of the manic of the prompt day demand tae t°. wheat crop d 10N9 was i134.001►,000, of and, Constant Personal Attention. surprise, '"o'er the oorn crop $• 27,000,0W ane d the °eta 1st, ability. the crop $108,000,0011 :nearly all other farm 3rd, Finest Work and Purest Material. H..n4)1 products had advanced to like [Wanner and it 4th, Beat Possible Equipment �, f ALL OF THESE WE CLAIM TO POSSESS. to them were added tbe increased value of the other products of industry the grand Kral would largely exceed $1.000,000,000. d vetting a pile Mr. Gibson (1)am. L.) called atteotiuo to LOw A1101titl. �.EPHOKE, NIGHT ATTENDANCE. IOO>•SULT.aTION PARLOR cold: some points in the sugar schedule under d mosey up W. C. GOODE. BENKILLIIIL From a e rrewesaeat. Mies basis Neal, d Goderich, u gait- isg friends in our berg. (,toile a .snaber of o0r rs Ideets Ste taking ie the sighte of the Industrial Fair at Toronto this week. The new roller goer mill which ie be- ing eoestrested by Mr Michael Pfrem• mer to rapidly searing oompletuos, and from ail will be a first class betiding. tag Chown.-Nareeatin& is now over this s.otioe, and the crops have e11 secured in Rood shape. The farm- ers are now getting ready to heat. The a stop s no $124.09. for ColaKne share. Moved by A Malloy, seconded by N John., that • by-law be posed levying 2 mills om tb $ Inc county purposes, and 11 mills r••• the $ for local purposes, on all the rat able property in the municipality, and farther that the following rats be levied to raw the respective amounts reaaired by each school section: 1 3-4 male on the $ for 8. S. No. 1 39.10 all 2. 258 •' " " 3 3 1-2 .. .• •• 4 3 •. ., •• 6 41-10 •' " 6 41-8 " .• •• 7 368 •• AO 6 '• `. 28.8 " Mr Charlie Houston, our popular Y. -•--•-_ hes taken to himself a good wife. From our own M�esstLi is Sept. 10. -The eteaeter°�it� a duty, test be knew it teal Lest Sabbath worming !lis Halm, of Hanover. O been decided that the btu was . barged home � Co.,• Taarw has arrived here with mariners and air••d1 41 hankagi•i*R swum use ►readied in visaing bar comb., the Mimes Caney. aoldlna from Dahomey. The see are in sl Peet The blit t I1 *0. 011 with Knox church by Ort oateemed peter. Mr Th:.. Harrison , of the 4th con., ' • pitiable ocuditiou, their health loving •u ee pt h• bit of public ft ottO Rev Abs McMillan, 10 lb* s&tisfsetios Goderich township. visited D. Stirliag. bees cosipietely shattered by the hardship' The s.0) had but ee. redeeming [stare vagi d all preset. Test -Deet. siva, 9-, this week. shay bar. htdared 10. Taurn• wino the that was ice intro's and nand sat r end 10 : "Aad Be hath brought as into this ,.. dmhb d the dee" d Babas by destroyed Debi:,which would be rtes mss of •ropeng the e, alae ami hath riven os this Iliad. avao DU V LOP. ,t cascieoos of lbs 1)°°P1° sad d Ile"( to AI and philosophical address in commendation d a land that bwMj with silk and hooey. From mor owe correspondent villages ebtch be said the whole sugar crop of Louisi- ana would be forced upon the market at e marina of $1,000,000 or 111.400,000, which would be added to the profit d the sugar trust Mr. Terpie (Dna., tad) spoke is optooiw• to the bill He odd the senator trona New York iHisoockl bad decried the bill would become a law -that was vary .deer. lint as it was the worst of tariff laws no It would be tbe bet that would come alder the guise of protection to the Areerican laborer, tax him for the benefit d .xclteive privilege and strip labor d its airship and finally of its right& He be - Breed the law would not be permaneat either in Its adminiwatioa or he primeiple& Mr. Vert, Dem., M.o., wee the wart speaker. Re nail heo would am York and follow him not mulate the *newish, cd the sesame tram New ci'n. into the domain of epithet and vitoper• Regardtbg reciprocity 11r. Vest declared the people of the wart could not give up the market of Great Britain. Tb It English were bound to have the wheat, Dorn and meat products of the west. The South American did sot wept those podu ct*. peoplebe- Ile opposed the it _meal___ le the President towers ALPO :CROMPTON'S CORSET S YATISI, °ORALINE, "21", and CHILDS' WAISTS. We Invite Inspection of these Goods. W. ACHESON & SON. I KNEW I'D 11) IT. OVERCOAT ANNOUNCEMENT MOWd ale. HORRORS OF AFRICAN WARFARE. which were abbe pugs b she principles t. The Frightful Stories of Returned FreheR �. Vance (Data. N.C.) said in clew warwr. sad n.ltora debate om the Democratic side be was -Least Weak -- GAIT G -J=1:1•1 O N_ t The result of the announcemeLt about my new line of Overcoats was satisfactory to the Public and Myself last week. The people have found out that when advertising I mean what I say, and say what I mean. Yc,u all know me, and with the reputation I have earned since beginning trade in Goderich, I cannot afford to advertise what I can't carry out. Look at this for A RIG =R=Vs= - Men's Overcoats from - - - $5 up, " 5 1 Youths' " IA4 u �y1'will neither be undersold nor downed on quality of materials Come early and have beat choice. Sd gouty d And now, behold, I have brought Krn�1eii. -pore John Demme, owe o .bowed no s.rcy and palmpalm Dente et moot oot iehumsn eats of cruelty. Yr. Jones am., Nev.) delivered a learned tirsefreia of the land. watch [Doo, the early ptnneers d Aabfield• retare 1 the matte. that wen explored b the the O Lord, haat gives lie. And thou shalt to lcinionden art &surds, Teat. &for the protective system and its effect to ds est it before the Lebed thy God. and a pbe.ant visit to her daw(htor, Mis D. villages were killed, many of them being veloping sloe mec°a 1 oat aria and immortal .ship before tate Lord thy oa." Cumming, of . fortnight burned gins rhes and Abb followers fled forces d 0. nation• to the Catholic Minion at AbbeokuL- sing After the vote bad b.w bakes Mr. Aldrbb Mims ani. ben, o rhe' oho MoAI Ron• t afterwards advanced into a I. moved that the Searle on • interior and captured %000 more preonem i„ . 1 to tae Hops till Inc A. E. Pridham, Gent's Furnishing Mat, McLean's New Blooii. P. S. -Look out for new announcement next week. FURNITURE 1 D. GORDON has now on hand a complete assortment of Furniture, such as Parlor Suites, Bedroom le Suites, Tables, Chairs, &c., Window Shades, Curtain, Picture framing a specialty. UNDERTAKING! I Qive apeoial�d for funet43ratktisls HAcRa1 MOD R h3. d 71E414193-310 red First door East of Bank of Montreal, Weat-at., Goderich.. t Colon ist.1' ha. to CD c.to Beheads w Inds bits "turn" hat om Jter • v." for . tine. Hs will be sash missed herr �., R 1 ted eek t visit her'., tbh "est of a committee of conference, paring Mr and )lice R H 1laodooald .flet & A thousand wantw who were lead. moon' to 000sist d Downs, the Minim y rem Sturdy. on each side. Th. vodka was .grad Farman in thise, ..allot dabbed bar- their Nome in Detroit this week. The Tbr.etesed Irk* F.web•. to ad Mows. Aldrich, Sherman, Aluaoo, vesting Let whet, and at seeding. aro sow DowL,w. Sept 10. -John Dillon, Y.P., Hiscock, RePhwvos. Vsace ad Corbefe hnetlipit with lbs tell wheatoWallet aso.day . the stain cf his real- n • National League meeting were •t'poloted oaafae'u on the part d the Rev Francis Swan, pastor of the dens oo Meech, evenimg. lot wet. ilr p 0 4 sold hell ,a,cen great Ssoa a Methodist chards. has torsed in eco- Ed Dy sr,Eseter,spratned his leg so badly Pais 0 inform himself of the aoo.fittoa of SHERMAN'8 RESOLUTION. neotioe with the Young People's Society that be wee forced to "lay or' week fix a Wake b form , hod be regretted my Christian Esdea•or several bands to taw days. that kb hrgniries daring the past three The Obie newt r'e axpla..ttee-3110 amiet him in evangelistic work on the While pasturing in a neighboring field, wean had mho la gamy cans that the Chase. for Delete. eireaif Dr Browning'e cream dri•er,Exeter, had mule d us potato crop was more mom- 10 -Senior stay here of some woks returned to ere were pat to destb. Mr. Jas. Yonne, builder and contract- one of its lege brokew from being kinked piste thaw m Itt79. Referring to the poi, has purchased Um phoning, sash and by another horse, the other day. It had sibility of siabilabiag a feels. thud. Mr. Mar factory, and fbe deem sew still of to be abut. Dillon said tam simplest method was Inc the k. Wetlofter • Oo. , 01 1011 place, Sod The Condemn Cheese sad Better char -items to send checks b the various env now respete with any of the town Manufacturing OoaplaT shipped their b sdirrda la the diarssed districts to bay instarise.. Jas will mos run all the July make last week, aid sold it at 8}a them off and let the tenants keep what they ataehtasry et oar town -es one of the per lb.; t also shipped a large number bad. That would b. wow than di t ibstfng boys bee eeld. be has got the whole ' •box of bogs, 56.10 per .wt. the mosey Soong the poor. With the Gov - and dice." Jim s a Jolly good fellow , •relent meted the wpatsittltty to provide sad w• wish him every enema in kis - - .- -' Inc the. people. It they do not chows to now extensive baeheee THE MARKETS. accept the ,�sasibility, let thee give the - aril leaders power to .id the people. OOLBORNilD. SREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. Areseatane sad presesi$fe W1 L Cereal. Mennen. -The eounctl met Cosgre.irrtitorss.Suj*. 10-T i. Porte bee 0. the towmahip hall oe Wednesday, eieae*feb lases•. dial ed troops b lemadt in . September & Mir ata of last meet- . uoagaioa. asps 111. es MI M d reports d several oosfbts there between log resd and approved- The following saI124g�s.�1�5aard ar1.•.. .• f fe t s Arnaonane and cfrssam. The Govern -- amounts wore panned, vis: -J. neap- a • Oft 10 3 IS larval hs leveed °.sera. appointing s eess- $40; J Hirkpelt• " 1°e. !" 2 fy Medea to inquire Into the ososta of the de- mos, ravellingipoottn L 8.. J Osldthorps Qom. ff bash .... ".• "• ••' .. •• i s i 5 contest .d to consider the die - Soh, inepeettag 13 Ree, t& AMINO* 111c., $40 70, 4 kap it 1s. 30' A Ms. Potatoes SM41 .........he Armadas Ned H tea smilax 115 rods at• h"b • M • Y question el the privileges .d immunities d Olin lip bill, 1h 76, g Barley., trash . • •• •• •. •: • Al M 10 Gnat (,hnrrb.& a n, Allister, inepsdinv. $2 00, d . All 00i 1 • f•••••• - N ; M whet win n r Werth wit.. sad r boob ;ieii�ii<�i� Ina- :: O n W fie. Sept. 1•.-A b01 INrsMe.d re by Mr. Inane is the Senate sad Mr. ThantP y • M ata of Obao in the Ream b emend the set • awl........ •. 1 ie. '. i »f ger Mirka Y b M•11&aes, seder for B. o �b 30; Queen's pitting. per Statutes, $*,• Jas Mleubell, pelota's voted lido, 10; J Taewoe, grovelling, 33. p0 00 11.50; J. Bark- er, P•vel�E, $40.00• Georg e. MAW. Idd repairing West e nt ,►~fitraaltlat litrm�f�lf, • :.:::.. •. �•0• IRd.Btrsetban sv+s+_ �t.�lt;J law, ..... whhssdias for Mrs le7!ep�hbAi Appian a kilter " 1510 ah•rit $32.00; 3'100 iWf! a �ae�ed deeided some time moos b Rade the hide of the road opposite the some - bey. end pat a Mthiber of tie posts is. Onsantenieadesm from the different mmiool sacelema requiring the followings aaoru fee then Moi R0. 3, _.t....,.• y. i �- ..ra per A Gies, 60o. The - - ..« veli mil.. w."• GOOF • »............... e19i1•...... • ..... �lor............ 1*1. 31, its Oalbinos Awe: N... 4., ' dwe•l.•• $400; No 8. 1300: Ila 1. ; Ila 7e �mmfr ...«...........- a$�9a0�th; Ila s. �$a350; Us. 9, I1' O., " «...-- d $$$10, lea Optima, ahrtNl ..•w"••-••-ws••••».•••• w ereateg dos t 00 remedy a defect la the law whkb les pre- $ : vend the British mown of ewliag womb eowdsntr»d by the Untied elate Dlotrlot i i Overt at Sib from orpoiling to the UMW e • to Metre 6apresa Court Aa effort will be made to secure settee la both hales buten a ens may be tetra w aid argued beam the M' Saphse Court at the Deeemher treat, sail • to lydl-.-i .view bad epee the wise of ear e• I ( „ t to jerisdY+aan i Mhriag M► ttoi Th. was ?.seer• Taers. Pismo* to was --lash. $, Mar 0 was/ te pee. solei. it. Mies. t; Verses t ltew Twb to k eetba a fill.• leble e; tererawa a clew s l 1 end t bi ltaersa.a tis w-isw Taa a Test awls at ,s Ines f it a R M B11 9t Owe. 4 » New t met Sept. Sherman has written from Washington to WashingtonErebus Now In transit from Britain. W imam that the resolution is favor of reciprocity with wa mala would have passed ack Velvet Ribbons ALL �7VIDTHS. EIFFEL POINT LACE, COL'D VELVET RIBBONS AND VELVETEENS, *,, , WILL BE HERE SOON. the Swale la cosnrctb11 a with the 0- Klalhy 0.11 bad there been any chasm for debate, but the i mpetieoo. over the tort[ MR and the large interests at [Rake because et dray ludnced bis M not to pees the resolution sow, but tater in the .egos or t• Decsesber, epos the n-.sssb'*5 of Cosgr'eee, the prolned O certain to pees both Hoar► It r annoasoed from Wadiagtot that the pressure in Inbar d the rsdtttfaa is Slra idy very great trona all quartos of aha wrwtay. Hundreds of lettere have bee. i'todved trent prominent persons urging the pseongo of the resolution. CHARGED WITH BAVONETS- aewq•anaphw /fresh Agate Cleared by the water.. SOOTaA=*Toa, Sept 10. -At 9 o'clock is eight the troops were obliged so make a ono - anion at bayonet'barges r order to dear tie 'Tesla At etidalgbt the esia_naont bad onbided Two gmbeats have arrived 00 this pert TO. winos have hawed es weer witildrawhig lade pieh.0. Tib mains esntnt surprise sm1 ghee ester to • row that the Lolls batten will set help the etrfaa tlasrgsd wilt Tach Wrestles. Terry. N.T., Sept it -iota Reed. weelblr it the .Seven teals wra il% wee breads b trey tame ..keno . tress Alheay sat or - retried Were Jule, OrlSd The Miser Seeded not plasty Is the bra•l dhow sad mid he alfa net 'ere flee es prser.t, He was eantsdad Is the Trey - The vend jury will gene... Weider W k b probable fief tis .ware of the trate enviers will be eeadtseed as antes by *A >M4- - -► ON1 PRICE ONLY. ALEX, MUNRO, Draper and Haberdasher. DRITN MONTSERRAT LIME JUICJI1 the meet Osdtmg sad HWtbfal .era. w� •'^.ei �•_r'1 - _ ASK FOR MOTSERRAT I F.JORDAtI,- MEDICAL HALL Job Printing of every description neatly executed at "The Signal" 1701 Steam Printing House.