HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-12, Page 41 r•,., r,>, .:. - THE HURON SIGNAL4 FRIDAY, SET. 12, 1? 9,►• ti CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HURON'S IIAD OFFICE, TORONTO, .5 wC!; •APITAL (Ida EP) ROI LION DOLLARS • tet 110400.40e80 MGT, • • • .. 11. I. , ' f WALKER, cia«w jt. 'Altnnra GODERICH BRANCH. e A elwSAL'BANKING au.Mlas TRAIMAOTR0. FAnittaNr NuuM Q .. Down ISMRD PAVASLI AT ALS POINTS IN OANADA, AND Tam PwM101PAL OIT*S IN The LIMITED f1TATS& CI.IAT DeeTAM. FNAMOIL SPIXIBA. as $*VIMO OMNI 181PaRTMQT. MINWTS Or $I.00 AMO uPWANOS NecEIvEO, AMO CuttIMT NATIO 0P ientne1T Kfw+iMl & AMP T• Thu . AT Me EMO Or NAV AM, ▪ MIMS TEM illiuelM AII1eKAMrs gives he the tsNeellew et t (1t/Mrs• Ogden 5.s .. kt nron i$n�[ m rrsi i. IiVERt FRIDAY MORNING, AT M err nab TIMIre X• orrice : NORTH- STREILT. OODERICH. It M a wide-awake local sewepaper, devoted to meaty mews lid the dhaemunatien ef um.- fel kaswledgw RAT= e1 sl'Oat'RIrnee :1J0 a year ; Tic. far six soothe ; Ms. ter throe smooth& if the mberrIption L sot paid 1.M. �.bsertptioa will be oba+s•d at theret AOTRRVIMU00 RATES Lethal (tad alter casual advertisements. I , Combfor tyro insertion. sad 3 cents per line rgr a b ant vu•at insertion. Measured by nonpareil Local notices la aoapariel type k per line. Lomaims la sr'diaary readied type Ic pe Business cards of six it.ee and trader td per pear. Ad a Leat. Found. Strayed etoatiene Vseast. Munition Wanted and ellsalaes Chanes Wanted, not azcceding 3 Less mammal 111 pr month. Resew on Sale and Farms ea Sale. sot to tressed 1 line.. N for first month, lllc per .eb- eeq.mt month. Larger advts la proporuoe. Any special rotlo& the object of which is to promote the pecuniary bereft of W udl- vtdoal or comma t0 be considered as ad- ve t4sssment ash a a000rdietly. T whes tense 1. tee willell came be satiety, ad - ed to. Speeial rates for larger advertisement& or for extended period,. made kaons at the oic a of publication JIIIIIIil DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Ocoee is carried e a In commotion with the ordinary newspaper k.Ms•.a wbere first-class work is turned oat e t reasonable rates. Everything la la tprint- ing fline can be dam on the isinated pouter to a Tt pgte curd.. emises from Y L W All oesstmioatieas most be addressed to R lleCt1.L$CrMT. !dittret THI SIGNAL Telephone Cal. No. A Ooderich Ont HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1820. •' TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL." Om of the silliest, if not the silliest phos of Canadian journalism which one comes across in looking throo-h the papers nowadays is that which u exem- plified by the Empire and it. satelitea who are all the time whining that Reform newspapers are decrying this country. If it is pointed out that our population is practically static•nary owing to the blundering policy cf the Ottawa G. t,wbicb causes a great exodus every vete, the cry of the Empire is raised, "You are decrying our country !" If it be pointed out that the Calumet and Heck mines of the Lake Superior district of the United States have paid dividends to the extent of $34,850,000 during the past twenty-five years, whereas tbs 'ovally rich deposits in the Canadian Lake Superior district are practically unproductive, owing to the N. P., the Empire and the other little fellows whine, "You are decrying our country !"' It it is shown that the arti- san, and the laboring man have had io n early every iostanoo it decrease of wages in the past eleven years. during which they have been groaning under increas- ed taxation, again is heard the melan- choly wail from the Ministerial journals, ,Yee an decrying the country ; you are disloyal !" If it is conclusively shown that the farmers have been sadly injured by the working of the N. P , and that farming land has decreased In value in the hoeat counties -Huron, for instance -by from 2u 10 40 per not., a shriek of horror goes op,and the Empire hyster- ically beats the air to the old, old tone, “You are decryi.t the country r Hen it its moorcf.1 dirge oa Saturday, Sep- tember 6th :- Rntorling seals to it. diagnosis! sed ealum.iooa attacks upon the Canadian tardier. the Globe peaks .1 "the collapse im the vale. 01 b. land. " Could there be a son vemomooa std en'.stsbahle attempt to disparage a great industry and to in- jure its members by depreciating their property and running down their credit ab r farmers an tot . 1, and their properly hes not lost valve. Even fa this back-biting journal sold ferret eat some exceptional aim of a farm sell. keg M a lower preen than there is not s locality i. all Canada where it amid fairly be said that there bas beau ''a ealapes" in the value M hem tail. Yet 'hie goofed Iq chek ss sad d 1 is ob against our whets egeiwhnel from a vindictive Braving ler ticesegs. Remus, it bas failed la its a attempt is penesde the farmers e/ Oae- ada to aid it h their oeue- w try and their imamate be its hegira naso- m ds) the Loh. has See hesitate to m Memel *air a sed epos them by lying *Iowa . their t •mM p6MF Mashes by wind emdarv,J.r I Paper, R. S. W1LLiAMS, Illaawogt. Minn of their property. U may Oaoadiw farmer at bis helm at hie death wish to sell kw laud, who gas my t0 what *test pur,baeera may have their estimate of iia vale. lowered by these calumnious,calumnious,statementsements of the Globe? 11 soy Canadian farmer wishes stoney to borrow on mortgage to ism- ' - l prohis farm r to Rhea start i. acme other avocation to on. so of his on, most not the Globe's tion of him se *1 pauper offering seesrtty which has collapsed in value affect his credit, and therefore the est. of interest 1 Yet in nt its blind rate with the farmers for a aiding Mr WINae in his agitation, which the Opposition leaders have made then policy, the (int organ makes this das- tardly attempt to leis, them. It would EnkeDot dare such alanderoes misstate- ments against any individual or firm by MIMEO, became a jury would make it pay dearly for its malicious Sitter. But in sewn oownrdly anter it thea sewn a whole class,, because the very vagueness of its impendimpendterms prevents the punishment dwarves.it dwarves. (Robe Doss the think for a moment that it can gain oyer the farmers of Canada to its standard by misrepre- senting them as ruined End their prop- erty es valueless I Now the Glove is right in ill state- ments about the depreciation to farm land, and the Eon p.r.'s bombastic statement that it dare not instance cases foe fear of is all bluff and blunter. Here in Huron we have one of East Eat counties, not only in Ontario, bet on the continent, and yet daring the Dohs- ablepast ten years there has been Dohs - able falliog off in the vale. u of farm prop- erty. During the past five years es- pecially the falling off in value hbeets particularly noticeable, and if the Em- pire dare to challenge an antenna, we ne sores give not oonly, but ures upon sores in this county alone. If the Empire want* information on this point let it enquire of any of its friends who have been interested in sales of prop- erty, or who are at present acting as valuators for loan companies, and it will find that, so far as shrinkage in values in concerned, the half has not been told. And now a word on another line. We would like to know if it lies in the mouth of the Empire or its frieods to find fault with anybody for stating the fact., as they ere patent to all I It An only twelve yearn since Sit JOHN MACDONALD-the patron saint of the Empire -was peram- bulating the country with weeping and wailing that ruio and desolation had overtaken Canada. At that time then farm lands of the country weworth from 25 to 50 per not. son than they are today, and although Sir n Jon's and hie folio weeschewed facta,no one dubbed him"traitor" because of his lachrymal exhibitions and his tale. ce of woe. From plato place he wander- ed, and at every point the same old dirge was crooned. At Toronto. Ottawa, Loa - don and other pointe l ,,'I ". J poli- ticians like Harry Piper started soup kitchen* with the ohieot of making mon vivid the appeal of woe, misery and hard times to the elector. Had the Empire been in existence at that time it would doubtless have Dome oat with mourningcea roles, and Lave wept ons of briny tears over the fate of poor Canada. Ewen in this oounty,st Gorrie,where Sir Jolts, Tun. Ra, MAI'DovOALL, YAsaow and others held forth. Bir Jolts attributed not only hard times, bot the failure of the crops, the weevil and the potato hag to the machinations of the Grit Govern- ment. And nobody called him a traitor for so d••ing, and no one went Into hy- steria because of his statements, whichn wenotoriously false. But presto. change ! Sir JOHN is in power, and although it was right for hi. to falsify the record when be w in Opposition, it is all wrong for the Re- formers to tell the truth about the nu - fortunate condition to whish the country has been brought by the N. 1'. and other maladmittiatration of the past twelve years. sortutately the senors of the B.. u pr-wbleh lives anisms ss mad has its bane by the grace of the 0 is power, and the pap of the manefseter- ors bomns.d by the N. P. -in nota mat- ter of discredit to myna. Rather a Enom Enoyl esuh happened et the L.et Dso.imlbee bomry, Exeter, ems • t ross.shy iI apposes that the Meek, Mr R•ss.U, bad left a bare*, lamp seder large pleas et piste gases, whisk Tee above slid Stashed es s chew ewe, en high were a Dumber seri an shies sed ie(Jsews, mid dues* elbow glom erne - seta, wham the haat became s intens to mese the ekes on ...rug., they letting he ..Nr. J twin wed emir& ug them te mtemL • BIG FAIR. )everything Almost Beady ftw tau Greet Exhibition. Nws.d number e1 Zairese Alma lints nor- The .p.sdtme Tease PIM mem Finely -eie.ebe Jlor. -- - W With Nisi Wild Wee) .raw W W brave vvit Veda/. A fall dee's work by the board of directors lest Tenney 1.s pat the fes Fossils sad building into pretty good shape, sad the reaminiag improvements will be completed today sad tomorrow. The grwadr will be timed in first -clam eo.ditbo, gad for .took the supply of beddie( and feed will meet every re- geiremwt The heelsia la the main boildieg, arosad whiok will be placed the Dower department, will be a deiiehtfel ser�ppr�utesn to animas. It le now in fie wurkiag order. Through the kiadae el Mr. H. W. Balla good supply of live flab, .orae of them a foot toes, bee been se- oared roared and will be placed i. the (Denta* basis ia time fort opeeing of the ex- hibition, The nitrite for stook of all kinds largely exceed those renewed up to "hie time last year, and there is no doubt that every foot of spses lir the mine will be fully occupied, but the directors are raking 'novae's to meet any in the .!suer. The speeding t..t.,tbe pnzee for whieb have be.n largely increased, will this year be especially 6.e, there baiog every prospect of keen com-Iotitioo. The Wild West Show is on its way here from their Eastern headquattere, Valparaiso, Indians, .ad may be ex- pened i. Goderich today's early tomor- row. Some silly rumors are being circe- Iated to the effect that the company will sot be bete, and that so extra admission tee will be charged to see them. This is untrue. The proprietor, Mr Sullivan, MO]. -HO JOHX,1 says, "You can assure your peop.e that we will do our part of the program, rain or shine," and the testimonials he bade show that be has an ewblisbed sepo- tattoo in a tares section of the United State. This is their first appearance to Canada, and their only 1. the Dominion except at London. The company consists of genuine cowboys, sod the program comprises lasso throw- ing, riding bucking bons, ropes( wild steers, for which lively bovines have been secured ben, picking up objects while st lull speed, rapid pinto! practice, attacks on emigrant wagon*, capture of dogs, Indian rescue by Bruncho John in re- eugnition of having saved his life, ober for a bride, the girljtifted not of the ad- dle while at fall speed, the attack on the stain coach. capture of a bone thief, camping on the trail, songs. , stones, eta, etc., giving a reals tie pip ton of Wild West life that stout be sees to be appreciated. The fine baud of the 31.1 Batt., from Durham, has been engaged for the three days, to reach hen in time fot the open- ing Monday evening. They will number 16 . in, under the leadership of our former townsman, Mr Richard Park- er, and they have a reputation which en- sures plenty of brit-elaea Eosin. In addition to the reduced rates al- ready annosnesd the Grand Trunk Railway authorities have kindly grant• ed a single fan rate from all stenos between here and Stratford, in- Woefve, for the 16th inst., good to re- turn on the 17th. This will be a decided advantage to the people down the line. The program will probably be in this order : Mooday-Rseeiving and placing all exhibits, and judging its indoor depart- ment Io the evening grand opening to visitors. lorehligtt drill by the Cadets of T Wild Wert per- formance under electric light. Tuesday -Judging is all glasses of live stock to begin in the tore000e. Chil- dra.'a day, when the children of all the public schools in this section will form tn as the Square at 10 a.m., and, headed by the band and the Oode- rich Cadets, search to the nomads. In the afternoon sad teasing two perform- ances of the Wild Wed show. Wedneeday-Speeding ted., begin- ning in the forenoon and lasting until 3 p.m., when the preesmioo of pries sei- nen will be formed and web around the track. This proawion moat be taken pa every winner, l .pssislly * m melees loosed by the direetors,or the prise mossy will be forfeited. Mershants and beeiness neo will add largely to the planer* and same of the Ezhibitiee, .gid aid their owe interests sad the reputation of the tows, by mak- ing diepier of goods is the Nie budd- ies, sad bydnogg their stores with baathg as far.ppeaible. HULLETT. "vY Prem ser ewe *erweepea* t. Farmers are now busy putting is fall wheat. A larger songs of fall wheat will probably he sown tib year than for MGM time pest. Apple Myon are Keay with the fruit. The velem*, though sot se abeadaat ass, will be larges lima • grist meaty ex - pasted 11 to be. O.r us lam ne neighborhood wee e. by tee **ramie( **seta This. were W earrings of Mies Ase with to Mr Meeks Hetestoi of Moo- eheater, sad that .f Mier Rath degree to Mr cell, of Chad*. The best wishes et IhsI, may friends re elan them. Mr Henry Collies, of tad eon., Hey, has sod hie harm of 1C0 sores to Mr Rich Harvey,tur the sere of 16.000. Mt Collies will retire from farmt.g. Oss day lately A. R. Smith, Bremen. had kis left hand la Bred io the gees d se the eraused at the statins yard fir leaieg b.tdrmp stogie its the oats. Mt a+.ith was looking alter the &btpwi.g of Goma stone from his gwrry at the inane Mrs George Hayorult and dacbkt.r sad Mies Lice. 1G,ss, Brussels, arrived home teem KAMM on Wedgiesday mum iaR,3rd we. They were sway about dee menthe. Mn Heyeroft's health was some- what improved by her visit, we are plum- ed to my. Melville church, Brussels, remedy provided Rev John Wilkie, of the Pree• bytertan Mleeios, I.iure, India, with a handsome silver o.m.•siuu sseeroe, eaK- ably .ogrsved. Mr Wilkie is sow oe his war to Iedta to resume his work. EARLY FALL GOODS. We have received a large por- tion of our stock of fall goods, which, in every respect, is right in styli, quality and price. We buy no Roods but what we are sure will give perfect satisfaction to our customers. We Bell at a very close margin of profit In mark- ing goods we don't mark them the highest price they will bring, but the lowest price we can sell. We are showing a fine line of dress meltons in plain colors, checks, stripes, spots, Ac., at 10 and 11c. per yd.; silk velvet ribbons, in all widths, just opened. and marked at very low prises --no fancy prices ! Space will not permit our mentioning other special lines of goodo. Kindly call and we shall be glad to show them to you. The balance of our summer stock at cost. J. A- REID & BRO. Jordan's Block. Oedema. Aum. Wad. 1890. cm - the People's (.olu*n. M188 (1CNDRY, DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER. wisheteammattea that she is crow loomed over l:olborse Ikea" � will doodss ore, a orders here all ders entrusted promptly muscled to. Tae latest system a cutting lid Saler l■ use. /let MISS OUNDRY. CAUTION. - THE PARTIES WHO have been we.)l.g vegetables from my Ismrdes meos several oeoa ccs rsc.stly are bero- by ward that the voice of one hes been re- cogut..d, am4 future uten,pu will be taro..- • e as. the law directs. MRS. ROMP Her- onn TAXES AND WATER RATSB.- The taxes are aro esu aid payable la *be Tows Hall. sad the Collector will he is W adios to reeelve both taxes sad water totes ea lath. 111. a.d lath at Sept., sad as every Meaday. Tuesday and Wednesday of each week tbereatter, tromp o'clock a.m. .. W ersw. nsTo save pl••• brew poor tax rice* .ad w t 1a Comedies currency. JOHN NA •Ih1, Collect or. 73 A LL '.11. t - ALL THE KIND FRIENDS WISH- iNG to porches a piano. arsaa, seeing machlsa bicycle. vtons, accoroe.s, Wansr lase. ate,. please see .ay display at the Great North Western itzbtbines, lith. 16th sad Inh lest., and leave your order for mase, whale will be prom Iliad with the best arterial mosey can GEO. W. THaims. Godvracb l►rt.a Oita. stead. 73 It FOR SALE -TWO DEMOCRATS l beloagfeg to the estate:a the late Alex. Morton. Thee will have to be disposed of immediately, and will be add cheap for cash. Apply to SWM. McCRKATH. at Dom ialos Carriage Works. Ooderich. 73.11 TIMOTHY SEED. -I HAVE RE- CE1VIrD the second tossirnment this sews a choice newlniothy seed. it is a /swine article, and Is warranted fresh sad clam. Prices to wait the time& SAMUEL SLOANE. Seeda.am, Hamlltos.t. 7111 TERSEY;BULL FOR SALE.- I OF- r-/ FIR for sae my One young Jersey bell. "Prince the fled." This bun Is from excel leaf milk and batter stook. He 1a well bent shod when 'all grows should weigh over 1.301 the, as did his sire. He 9s bream to harass& a04 Is perfecta quiet. As 1 have soother wW.dl him cheap. G. A. DEADMAN. 71 -It Drollest. eta.. Brussel& AN OLD BUSINESS R.. a t Having scale started 1a the manufacture of • pkelemach• inery. thor- ough ndgg. the krises* maneme to turn oat a ret-csao article, all ardent es• wasted to me at sty saw -.Ill, at the NUe. win receive my stet careful sad prompt attsm- 11e.. H. DODD. Nile P. 0. ellik CORDWOOD FOR BALE. The k o arreeesee that be has on head immmeediate delivery a large gos.tity of erst-class cordwood. Pews& m- testion gives to all L Large or .ell ematities delivered to aUd the Orders tows. left Mt Control T rm Ix. shams or at my residence. South Inds of Buchssea'. Pasta( Milt. 'Mh1gar-et.. will reTMveynmptaatt tan. JOHN S. PLATT. NIL IJUMBER FOR BALE. Pine Lomb.,, Scantling, He.rl�ecka Laber,$,eaUi.ggls per thwam.d Plank. at )• Pine Shingles, Mat elms...... I N sir Nome. Cedar " fled " . I I1 " " 1st " . Ile Rwemabee Rwd.eets.e iee Dws.tMfsa. S.rfece Pluming. $ 1 30 pm thoosad. Pinned 'Lomb', 12 CO Wire▪ s Ash and Oboe emPII to ardor . Mvato LEB8ON8,-M188 A0012 laeswtiles t is preparevd�a1 give s555400 Do samerow ret t at sem �r. 'rh0atsset Otitis IN.01 THE HURON HOTEL, Me well-kmws and pepdar brei L0 bass rostral sad eminr..d dupla, Or pest oee00s. ash le sow m00wi a Nene Is quo==y et ae- aseam.od0tt..M tlrseevve�iplles p.bli► Howl el Sew* . YM.twh. Oat t� CLT THIS OUT AND PUT IT ON PiANO. PIANO TUNINn. e peeist'atWtte gives to retellsr and sales iegdemen R.4 ..d erase. M rearly teeing. Orden left et tyres, Taatury, at err IOW dents, ween., er at G w.Vbesseet Mee wur sawas was sea mane. All work iwm..bed. W COLBORNE BROS 11I -va • paa: a Nal w Q -'O l DRESS GOODS, MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, :. Nearly all of which are direct from the.„ \larket*. Velvet Ribbons end Black Silk Velvets Jersey 1 • Drew Sill • CHEAP Oall and See these Goods. COLBORNE BROS.411 t761n May Shaw,Brumels,had Ibemisforto.e to fall trim the acboolbo.se fen* on Monday morn** of last week sod slightly injured her back. Mr J. Riley, of Beechwood, had the undertone to lose • valuable Meer while driving it to the farm of Mr Dale, Teekersenth, to whom the mitral had been .Ode Miss Annie Glees sed Messrs Geo Ola.., W. Kerr sad W. Robertson, Me- Killop, have toes to attend the model wheel, sect having obtained nos-pro- fwional o.rttfieates et the recent ea- amte.tmn. Dentistry. M.11ICHOLSON, LD;8. DINT•i ROOMS Zillah deer bele tl•sa, W. DR. L RICHARIIBON, LD.8. SCRGEOIN DENTIST. Gas and Vitalised Air adsb1ered for psialssautractLtgdteeth. attention gives to lbs presseramea et the Nomad Teeth- Pike- Up stain. OrssdOpera Hoer Moth. l strance es We.a11t. Oed.rleb. 2101 -Iv For Sale or to Let. HOUSE TO RENT.- a ,..-�,•l i.• MILS he... ea Y R'10. iMi!!t FARM TO RENT. -TO A 000D 1 feriae& for . term a the weer half lot t.:os. 4, E. D.. Towt�p of Asheeld. Co. Huron. O.e hundred aero& ..v- eety acres cleared. balsam la timber enitabie tr pasture, sad ..closed. A old purerpe a ■nod water forstuck ash hoosehid pposes, ag fruit. the sscres fallwheatwhat. besides meadow and. good frame ds•UIeg boom, bars sad .table. Pomemetee ter cultivation Idle fall. Buildings and feces trill be Improved to mutt twat. Address T. A. J.. SIGNAL O►r1Cs. 70.11 Ooderlcb. TWO HOUSES TO RENTON STAN- LEY.Sr.-One block from the Square. Heats carom sad for dollen per M R& P.Ig FARM FOR SALE. Tbe , I will offer ter sale t8. 1.l- lowl1.add very desirable farm. et t8. crewll IX acres a Block "r," is the 7th am - canine' of w Township of Colborne, la the Coast, of Hoe... This tars is situat- ed 44 miles from Dederick. and t miles from Carlent. ca e Mats Gravel Road. Then le a Sold femme hose, III- stovele. almost mew. M by as, oo.tsialag .66e 42 by 1tautacchrm ed sad .. de it.1 the cattle . asset orchards Is the township It le watered by • sever -tallies spring creek sad a point well. About 110 scree cleaved .a4 tree frons stamps. There a ne waste land a say Wad ea the Mace. Goat school wails • reds ae the ▪ s. Will he sold on rsasesabte tensa Per terms cad farther psrtlodsrs &pp4y t0 JNO. BREC1EprrRaNNprI�UhiD.ryo` er J08CPH MrPITL 1,' (�oiesleL 1- ea t8. preslsa FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK 8T. -About two mantes walk from t8. Square. Two stories high. brick addition IN the rear li stories 841*. building covered with .late. Main baildlgt has 13lerge moons on list IIsi. ',ppststalm there are b Wore mama 1■ the rear addition three art kltcben. pantry. washroom. Upstate, girt* room and bathroom. Also good celllar. Apply to the 1, who 11 give all •aosini l i DRiitt DAytIKi, GGKOOyNw. BALL West half a let tat. Arthur.arreet. with small brick cottage thereon. Rutt.o,w Logs.- Ips. 1K 114. 148. Elgt. Street. St. Audrey. Ward. 1431. miser of Hared and Britannia Road. ash raisin 3 No,, heel. ea Keeps Street, lot halfSeveral lop la Reed's Survey. opposite new Show Orousd& vis. : :AU IL ><. w K. It A ' K ♦u above at LOW R llis. Ian DAVISON a: JOHNSTON • Legal Bales. MOBT+ JAss BALI or TOirN ,. lMIii Default hewing Mos tame INA*a a eert.in mortgage eases et ISN, We by me Off* Montgomery te the vendors. there aria eater pommel' eats ceataln.d la said ,be maid /Ph of Alblom wean.hlle b, Mr Jnr. E aloe. setlon' e. at the t8. rewalt a 71a the T'nw.s srOoll rteh, is Separsmber, IM at the sour of wawa ..ls.kk 5-... r w re w. t.erb IN sMMI te'�of �street. M. &Fifteen Vet le so Ms or SALL Tea per Best. ef the pantheon nee* �required to b. all d flmelt,awill„ hesammo� pM or tae *websr ms eyh se the pewees. Par A. .DW y er to jltR. N LAM" o L~•••• nob Omit 41I travelling 6uit,e. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. !rains arrive or doper at Gederieb for A lows : MOMS IMWla aIbgasaa law( Mixed...........M IGale Mixed....... • T Hall ......T.M&. 30.41 ala Ezpssa.................. Marl 4 m 5..o Loans ant, 3nsurancee EN. LEWIS, Banister, Precept la . Maritime Cern Mow to 10. At hi pr mat.. private made. we. Feeds. Caste very seeersta�~ ler pestioef,e gall pres.slty or write. Ili FJ.T.NArl'EL, LITS, FIRS A ND ACCIIMINT IN- SURANCE AOSNT, Liv.rpo.4. Leadd-1 Ole*, Neorw yy*OOay t North Americas Lie. ; sad Aeeldae1 breter. e+ tr o ;ttahyArenas. Moen, to Leas o. P al id LowLessee settled Cdeem Proven;om••, -(,lar. Nerr►w valued. 7t- ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMSRON IsOt.raCABIZROdfGed MONEY TO LEND. -.A LA R O N NI GARmistreat rates anieent. Pria isya Ver �.v as01RROw t PIt;OUD R. RADCLiFFE, 0EINERAL IINBCR area, ;yyr' REAL ESTATE AND �ONETWANINO AGENTrifest, 1tsed Jo lowest rate of fateful ental, la spy way tO wait Ike aer.•wer. WestOSteeer OohSII Seoind deer hem Ssocpe Legal. -EOSIN DAVISON, BARRISTER, OP Solicitor Ct0- ; Mosey to lead. Ogee over Pei. -(has, Goderkh. Mir j.." C A M P I O N, BARRISTIIR, J J• 8.ieltp Money Punic, e t e. O3eo -Over Jordan's Brag Store, the reeds* hearty occupied by Jaden Dorsa !0.g C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, As R. Ove.. ewer et Saar. Weer vete made a lend ato Q etedlce•NW Q'IARROW a Plb,wu4,.1 BAR RISTERS Attention gp 1041.,., (*derlcb .1. T. Darrow, W. Preadfoot if CMEROA N, HALT A CAMERON, 3odetichEarrst O.S011efto,. le G. Omer*. C C. 8.s&& �C•; P. ' ]l. l7M- Soctettes. .ottArtiNIS 1•• . • . • • et t. Oilrlatikpr Pg E[ QB. OOUNC1L, NO 103 GOD - street eremi1. Te.pe.mcr, eH>ly Amusements. • GVODERIOH MECHANICS' 1/1111 TUTS LiBRARY AND RIADIX l0M. ear. el tea serest and /gears NO Walsh oyes hos it* d p.m, and from T te Own ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY L.d:np Doily, Wee* and Illuslrwb/ M Papers, o;Yesmes, she., en Pit.. MKMBgRAR TICKET. ONLY .I.cs, . Irssuag tree gime of Library end t.• Room. AI>alestint frim m.oberahlp reeshad >w ILbrari'. 1N rooms. T. WtATHgyp�R,ewA�.I.D, G1 0. a1TVKNe, Ooderle8. Marry ionhj iRS. eedt illebical. U� OTt • 9111-01 fie. r - --- saes s,�d..� the .sol tiedart, 8 4. iia Aawos, J iron R fArAw- IT61 Aucnoneertng. I SPE! A JOS tr ukases who Lt, Bellab ALL OF BOW A1101 E rrsm s eerrasp Mem Lime t reg Meade 10 Quite $ DU thing ,. tit Fair at Tsxw Thasewn lag sosairnet liar is repidl from ad app. bcilding. tie Csort this semi, e w .n mrei wd wheat. Ti'. but the Ens favorable to root erop the regent Pr r felly in ati Item •ur awl Mr Cheri 4.. W oak. Last Sabi: haaksgivim Knox shun Row Alex M of all pre. 10 : "And phos, sad a land that 1 And now, the Armin O Lord, bin sat it bake worship bel Mies MIs hid rotor" pheasant v waeies, tM Farmers westing W beetling mei Rev Fn Methodist *ono. nil Cbristua e aglet him circuit. Mr. Jae. Iihas pa t 'sabot W etlu now a feetnrie&. boys has i and dies." sad we n sow eater Comm it the u Septembel ing read • * oboete t 11011, risk, grave filling up Allister, 1 Melissa $36.30;f e2; Jae1 J BBeeb.o tie,or, gram , ertt, tie , 0; Edd.! JOH1t KNOX, 0ENER 4 L AVO Tp Ont Revise land T.Irpr, Hedeslah eaperl0.ca is �°u• SrM M 1 Is a pea4 1•• one wit►_ tf .ati reettos ail esm Le b ►1.. Order's left .t oeel.rwtb� pe joy ERR h Oiv a fully apaa oplog - ""v^ o1 1520, �t bt.M do the ride t Pry. and Ons..1 lob col se