HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-12, Page 2��.�JI!1tc.+��'�.,,,:'. �f�0'it•`��oe`+�"..,!%A�,+ .P..,i".;jt
H ..• ••.%• .
theme's nobody here be e
st ler r raidFelt Ooertea
Other j,, pol-
iZ 11y •t b. keg, silky
The ems W test is a mellow etlet d
.oat, sad • Utile brook, whish tumbled
over the looks at the back of the solitary
abed whisk bore the appellation of "rail
station,' made an almost beams
is the silesee. The tithe -
spat, trio sot wood in the forests when
he was .et a d.ty, ears test sad
.etstebad bas head se ke looked arouse
.►�,gbwine laadssspo
"These ain't embody seat from Bin -
eon Yale Fares to the depot, for this
'sem tees, that's aortae," said tow "CM -
elate they noel upends' of yea,
agars, eh T'
"I seat a telegram," mid Courtney,
"•lis, that explains it," mid Petr Pod-
fisld, the stenos spot. "The take
gene. they goes &resod by Peddle Ba-
s ! They went be tanked ep afore
this *vets', at eight o'clock."
"Heaven sed earth, teas r cried
Courtney, terming abraptly arena,
'yon eel that msso.amdatimg the towel -
hag poblas r'
Wal," remarked Peter Podfisld,
"there ain't mash travel this 'ere direc-
tion sayway. Folks, for ain't used to
strangers, and-"
"Is it far to walk r
f 1 Courtenay. "To Blosuom,
tt, VA,r
"Eight miles," tly answered
the station agent, "sad • dreadful atony
rood. Hold on. themgh-"
What's the matter r mid Courtney,
impatiently. "If it's gat to be walked,
the sooner I got started the bettor."
"There's Lutty, with her donkey -
eat," mid Mr Padfield, "ef she's a mind
to aka yon-"
"Lofty who? What on earth are 7oa
telkimg about r said Omens', turning
abarpty around, to follow the dir etioo
of toss mterlooatr's oyes.
"Why, Lotti Blossom, to be son,"
044 Podded, "from the Form. Now I
eons to think of it, she Care down yes-
terday to sell the eggs and batter for her
'Bother, mod stayed all eight with Sarah
Ana Hula Goss likely there'll be room
for lou lm the donkey earl, if you sit
aloes. Lolly don't take op much room.
Bade ! Lot ! Lot ! Lot -tee -eras !"
And, staking an impromptu trumpet
of hie doubled -up fat, Mr PoJb.ld hailed
the otosipage now dimly visible coming
lop theroo.dd
A aeons little taro-ost,Mr Coortsry
thought. An odd, two -wheeled affair,
espaioted, eel guiltless of the area -
sante ly appertaining to "vil-
lage Carts," and drawn by a stoat, lanes
•olored donkey. Io it then sot a wo-
man, wrapped t0 a gray cloak, with a
assrlst-nbbooed hat tied securely under
Me shin. She looked around M Mr
Podfisld's Gall.
'What 4 it T' said she, • little is-
"A new boarder for you folks," mid
Pod6eld. "Cao you aka ham op to the
Farm r
"Oh, yea," Lotty answered lightly, "if
}- don't one for a hole jolting, sad,
perhaps, walking over • bridge or two.
Take eon; she added, as Mr Ooartma
stepped into the wagon ; "don't
tbe now bloc -edged plates. And be
very panful, plume, not to disturb the
basket wick the little gray kittens in it
that Saab Ann Hale gave me. Are
Nu comfortable, now I Then, go on,
oddy l"
By the waning twilight Mr Courtenay
guild see that his fair charioteer was •
rosy country girl, with large, loeg•laabed
.yea, masses of black wavy hair, and •
dimple in her chin.
"Come,' mid be to himself, "this
keel halt a bad &deesture. I weeder
who . y fair Bo•dioea is !"
Aad by way of begioaiog s caster -
nation be spoke oat, o•relessly :
"Are they expecting me .t the
Fares r
"Ok, yes,' said Lotty Blns.om, care-
fully raiding her donkey peat the /Ast-
hma edge of a precipice. Whoa, Ned- s
dy, whoa ! But not quite so soon.
Your room is quite reedy, though. We
whitewashed it yesterday morning, .tad
Noll will have the carpet down today."
"Nell r Be
"Nell is my next sister," explained
Lotty, with a degree of eclt•po.aession loo
that amazed the 0.1y visitor."Barbara
is the eldest Then an only three of
se tbltm-tat dimes' glow el the u»
1.esiry wisest the eb7 the arms ei a
tar dismal whip -peer -.W r the glee,
the same of the begs pkmteemegea amp
width stood bks Bethink along the
"1 wppees." she amid, pt5aesdy, "the
e hildrat are eoaisg p is the seat
•what ehiMrem r aid Mr Oeerisgy,
with m Mart.
My. yours. The four little ones,"
mid 1„tty.
"I tbimk," said Mr Uoertesay, miter •
few amuse posted medttatios, "lid
you are u.dw a f.tes . Yes
are, perhaps, taking stn tor- '.
"Areal yoe Mr Rod..y Ralston,
mems's meson, from Dakota r the
asked, tenni •hroptl towards keno
"Not at all," said oar blow "My
same is Ooertems7-Fella Ooerteasy."
Lotty gave a 111th shriek sod oesrly
dropped tat rein..
"Thee," .he cried, "you aro Bar-
bara's Over r'
"Unfcrteast,ly, yes," be answered,
with sorethieg of bu.rna. in hie tons.
"Or, porbert, it would be more curse*
tosj that I was."
"Ok," ivied Lotty, cbecki.g her stood
widths eight a the cheery lights of the
farm bow, "what have I dose 1 It's
test as msmats sad Barbara are &lwsye
telling me -sty horrid, hateful toesthe
Las roe sway with am ! I tbo.gbt you
w ere oar eons. sad that you would
like to keel', all the sews of the faintly,
.ad sow -..d mow
"Stop, .y skald," said Mr Courtery,
sloeenl7 toothed by bar gestin and
evident grief. "There es no occasion for
all the trouble. We .ill keep oar own
@ east, you and I. 1 &o sot =7d to hooded ..ata..
Barbers, sad probably never •hall be. " •I suppose you've IoM everything 1
Bet you and I shall 'deem -shod, al- "W• •iwsye made some remark kite
ways -be friseds." that to s Mrsi.gr then ; it seemed &boat
1 like yoe," ..id Laity, shyly, "hes- the wily nstunl thing to say.
mase yue were so good to the little kit- " 'No,' said be, 'didn't Mss anjthisg.'
tens. Aad your beard is not so very " 'You belong bees r said L
gray, after all. and I'n sen yoe don't " 'Rep,' said he.
took old. Bet you're osrtai. yw71 .. 'Go
v- " t friends Sere r T (''
se tell Barbara or amus r ,.
"Yes, quite, quite sera," hammered, " 'Look bre,' oath I, 'who are yes,
Iasehins, &.d the two went to the house anyhow 1'
together. " 'Well,' he sort of .uttered, 'I'm
The big sitting -room was s.pty,bet the .yo they call • tramp-'
fair Barbara so.s.ed frog an adjoin1.0R "The ha...sed to blights. op sad
coaparta.nt :
"Lotty ! Loa ! Tru Ned's head s&td ,I'll tell ye : I ain't don a stroke o'
wooed 9E44 ! l v, to the depot es work hs mores, fuer year, bet I let
fast as ever 701 can. That tiresome) old ham seed to Dome along hen, an' I tell
Ceort.oay ham tel trepb.d that he .ill you ►t jai knocked me out. I ssso all
hes op os the 6.e o'elect tests, and sot • them people with nothing left an' so -
noel titer* tie-" body to help 'e., an' I jest pitched in
"Hush, Barb.+.," mid Lott7, with s 'fon I koew it. I ain't mach good, but
that satoaisb.d hrsslf. A. I don all I could, an' I'm goior to stay
has Dome already. H. N ken." bre 0uw M lung as I kip he of say
Barbara hurried in, forgetful of her help,
earl paper and genre deshabille. •-I sort of took ss interest is the fel-
"You bidhe e gloom !' sbegan• b. .t that, and told hiss who I .as, and
"Yo.- _ ' that it he'd oo.e round to headquarters
And then she stopped, with m small nut day I'd give him some wrk to do
shriek. He was on "mod early out monis,
"Ute, Mr Comitiesy, what m very. and he mid he didn't mind what he did,
A weeding katae no../ et the Jutst.wa
Afar the tonta d the dither of the
Jot:moon sere ep.hi.sa et the Fdle.-
gratt Cleb .s fletsdy sight, sod when
liege he order, some
.baste sootark beton* eat from Geo
e el D. H. Ha.ti.gs, who, Irwin berm
this bossfa.or of the sew.paps. Mee .t
Je.b'-4o.., W base.e their get is
New Yak, a atom ef the good, .10k,
though ft has wetted a fell year for the
telling, 1ag the freshoass and deliesey
of • a.wiy.pl..k.d Sower, .ad the .t-
wys hew .dor of beroiam mep•eable
from& tale of noble •otiose, see oboes%
the hero be bet . tramp. Thin is the
way the 0...,.1 told to :
"It was the night after the good, sed
I had arrived on the put arty • short
time before, after drivhsg airy .its
.ear the muesai .. You know what •
boeribie thing darkness .as is Johnston
anyhow, mad that .as the lint sight, and
the wont. A few of se were endive
on the bank overlooking the Pais sad
the .moldering dooris, at the bridge, mse►77
lag sothisg and trying sot to thi.k.
Pressed, sumo un, polled a few moose
of wreak together and belle $ fire. We
could ems ewe other thee, sad ow of the
toughest looking men I ever saw in .y
life, aid it took • pretty ragged sad die
ty and miserable assn to sorest steadies
is Johastwwe ib.., hunted .roved un-
til he found a battered std can, sad is it
he made sees coffee over the fire and
handed at &mead to se. I said, when be
very delightful saran this is r @o we tied a white piece of cotton about
But the sio0lat.d sweetness had some bis bot, worked 'Morrie on it to big
too lete. Mr 1.Itx Oosrteesy's *yea letters, and told him to go and help
bad bsee offmotowil7 opossd by this handl. 10. deed. You koow .hat s.-
tksea The inaoosst .smeary Hobs. with 1 ul work that was, bet he looked like •
.516/1. he bed tsssbd Massif hs love, gy.l anyhow, and he didn't kick .t the
was only m mosses, atter all • t. After • day or two ere
He who had Neared 1.is little bark ea oornosd seas he .as one of the best me
caeUoudy a.oe5 lb* shook of fort...- we had. He was pat..nt,indostrious and
h.oNmg d•us1.aro sod kisdlr and as faithful as a woman. He
mos.. W "woo perilosa17 sage .rest- ..ver shirked • task, no mattes bow
tag b i mwlf out these hidden reefs. hideous, and he ..ver slopped as long as
"Yes," he Mid, earelemly; "I was these wee work to do, day or night.
goissg on ep to Sky Top Momain, and When we organised • regular force, I
tbosgbt 1 would Mop hero oa the• way- waisted to put him on the pay roll, sod 1
I hope you as m
are pretty ..0 r ..ked bim
Aad wgoon the next orning, " • W bu'. your name r
&Lost before daylight, thaaking Provi- '• 'Ob, jest pot .. doss "Jim," ' he
dese for his kicky escape. said ; 'that'll do.'
Mw Itarl ler. Blossom "ver ins. "So as Jim he went down on the roll,
.by he sdoiretion hod 'Mengo sod- and that was the only name we ever
deely oath. And little Lotty kept her knew bis by. W. kept his► at work
own atonal, about 1.oadgasrtw..tot of the tiam,
-BatI stew*" R" .ill shatts is sod of tort -6.e of the fe . d&7s
odrbt tO & Wiwi" I has u Jo�astown I bad no
t.ore steady,
wardly •owed. hard-workio5, faithful and honest man
among all the Moorland that were then.
• Lamer ttwa bmraem. He did every thing be was. 1 to do so
have .sed Dr Fowler's Extract p.teot17, itelliseotly ane
of Wild Strawberry sad 1 think it the tngly that we all got to think • good
bast remedy for stunner oomplaint. It deal 01 bio He remained, i. •ppaar-
ha done a greet deal of good to myself roes, a very tough -looking citisen, but
and children." Yeses tr.3 as be worked among the r iek sed suffering
2 Mae W. W�,T, a------ Mil.. sad mieersble, a good deal of his toogb-
lean'. theleseas eine ONO sees.
An alessehe Answer.
Some one ,est a person hs llama-
a.ett. • package of infidel peblieatioe.
responded: "At the same time, it
have an Bing better them the Ser-
a ole th. )(oust, and 11r' parable of
Prodigal Bun, sad that of the Good
80.aritas ; or if you have any better
of mossy than the Tem Ooesmand-
te, or anything mors
utile then the twenty-third�s�
the whos,an7tbing that .ill make
world mon bright tan the
• dose ; anything that .ill throw any
re halal as the futon, sad reveal to
a Father man merciful sad kind
o the New Tesr.nt-then seed it
on, and .salts it breathiest."Wa e's WNd Merry.
or meanly twenty years thisvaluable
Wino has en nod bel.rgly od toe the
of Coughs, Coke, Broseiitia,Creep,
oce n Cough, Loss .t Voles. and
gm. Them .ho know its vales el -
s 1 it to their tri..de,
slag that Wilsoe'n Wild Cherry n•tr-
imappointa ponies onies is sold y
nuns in white wrappers *sly. 1.
Toe sapv.sota one,thrtgm..-
os den's need to sxpbio that you're
this or that with a trialed --7o.
Met do awith ea enemy • the wily
"Ok !" laid Mr Coorteoay.
"Arid Barbara is the prettiest, too," b
sote.017 •dried Mie. Lotty. "She 1.
almost engaged to an elegant New York- the
"L she 1" BIN
Courtenay weld feel himself blush eo
is the twilight, like • sobool-girl. me
Lotty nodded, at the same time se- t
dw.oriap to quiet the deowett-
il- too
logs of the small folios captive to the
'Ob, it will he • mod match foe „ad
her r said she. "Bat Barbara nil like oars
Nell sod ms. She doe't like to work. Wh
Ike hates the eoantry She try. she Los
sever ism be happy unless she is rich."
Indeed !" sCu
Mr Crten. ; and • ny
sodden irpint.on entered into his ay d
brio.. "1 moppet t0a pretty sate of d
yours Is very moth 1n love r
'•That's the atrsegeet part of i1,"
said Lotty, is a meditative onset. Y
"She deal tea foe the oras • bit." 4064
"N. r
"Not - a - bit r repeated Lotty. ►'a5
"Now Nell 4 esteem, end I am torr- b,
teen. Barbers .ys we are only wile l- thet
drove .ad °snot madesoad end thins Med
Bot Nell 4 they sere that she wouldn't
marry a Imes if she distal loth Llai♦ --sot ' iota
If he were es Irish se -se Cremes 1 Ana am
Go a. 1. Bet Barbara says berth, baa
yogi do with an seamy 4 to Agit
se there's s seed d apbai sing
Toe woes welder( with a lady
• 7ee were welkingwith •1.47r
w with •�' The sss'esrth a
NU whether roar hind wase tea
woven. The good old word "try"
bees vslpriesd, .til now it mesas
the speak et ate old massiege.
is aid and wrinkktd, .ad hes spay Lairs b..
is his ...taeh•,
"Dreadful I" seaserked Ml O.e,1.s• Tou
a7 the
elder lie is thIllmanet e soothe he wilt loath bet . 7
risk widow. , eal"test
tth Habit.. she • d ��
•.d, saddled", '1/et 11.e kitties weld okb
tr n+'' -lee Ilse were to tab the 1,etket „y
es e1.a,rissd red &beet "two ladies" being sr-
"Iea't k }" .14.54 in Let
d as .he ea Let;
e1, of "w•Ist�te44." who keg. se
an alts, then they reed is the
''fisedees0s ' heal yen
re -
bat k's badly treated, .tad
„yap a aT.,t fb els side h
lamafrelkaillemms .lbs tiara t p
-1.-to bogie shot thong nib -
of abet women who are is
sass won off. He clot mon n6med,.oese-
ho., although we didn't think ma
.boat it until afterward.
"One day the last of the men were
paid off, and be drew the first mosey b.
had had tans he began to work.
'Wha► ars you going to do no., Jistr
I asked him.
"'Well, 1'11 tall you,' 1.e said. 'You
kmo. I ain't always been a tramp ; I
seed to have • ham base is M•mashr
..it. sou a wife and children, bet 6.s
fears ago I d some trouble.idt m7
wife sod I wast any, rod-wel. I
ain't been good for nothing mash
Now, Ji., look hen,' Gail I, 'what
oe want to do is to go right back to
ometa and see if your wife's
alive, and kook up your children pea Iiia
like a man amain.'
•• ieaerel,' be said, 'that's lust .hat
I was sone' to. You eau, I ain't flees
mesa .ech .hat nears* of am times I
gut to trample' .rose& but seeing these
so miserable, an' workin', you
00., sa' helpin' '.. �ikef I timid, i'ts
kind o' eb•eged m., .oxbow, an' I went
to ase If I e•s't be somebody myaell. Ile
I've got some tansy sow, an' 1'11 loo
back an' bent lop h folks, an' I know I
eon get work, emay be I'll get .long
tall that suis.'
700'n jest . 7�M,' I said.
ja..�.s5 t
" 'tli:ty-.lht , 0 .l.L'
"'Ifo., 111 tap yah whet yew do;
we're a i tong any Is a day er tee. re
know, sed you go down le the ono
misery t sad tell Yee to eve
you a suit of mottoes, and 6z
. .b
ene, sad Win I go home I`1 take yea
with .e, and 755 me stay • day or lure
with am, ad the go en to pastae_
"He esemed Me, peseta
•• 'What win yes do whoa
there r
" '06, Ill gilt walk apes.'
erel a stew seek, red 111 take yen homes
with me whoa 1 mitt sad Jits ber-
ried el toward the , desert -
"We is the day he non bask. Yee
I asked
Tom tat
I bees !sews ham. Of mimeo
ir, sty, •
*N*Ti'clark641143 4* hi
the .. i:,$wl moot, bat Y was east
and okras, sad he'd get bis heir seri sad
his beard envoi oK, sad be had ea a
boiled shirt sad • meads. He wait a
big, stalwart fellow, wah • haadwme,
wavhsg mustache, and he looked realty
►gdaoma. But thaw wee .0.etbl.5 the
tastier with him, and an a meet. I hese
what had "polled Joe. lit..
" 'Jim,' I said, you've baba teak -
'Wen. Gehltr l,' said ha, 'foe balm
I'm thinagb work stow, an' badu't moo
d • drop over saw 1 bees nee, so 1
thoseht I'd just get . quart of whisk
while I was down thee., sad -and
geese I'.e druuk a peat or s of it, be
ain't drank.'
" 'Now, .es bets, Jim,' said I, 't
isn't richt ; uu'll sur get bask
wile an caddies a!
Nickel City le the same of a new tows
site jest lard oat, ease .tatees stiles
west ul Sedbaty.
• meth e 54.
lir Rouble Knight, of Morris. Mea.,
noes that he lose wadded with a nosh
all over his body .kWh wee eared with
less thee toe bottle of Berea& Bloodee
BtoteR H. highly ruomab it es a
blood pacifier of the greatest gamey. 11'
I Mr Job. Hesbell, pr.pristoe of the
t I Breaswisk hotel, Ota... lee owner of
his ruk.Wy the ohms Mathew •pros is
H. lea bad It fur nihMsee
to years and 50► it frost se old thither who
to panoplied .1.0
ed it for fifteen years, 1.5 re-
s . .
. saved it frobio ester, as ukase in
s w
os the British ounce, by who. it Dcar-
ried through the Cruses and
oat Iodise moony.
ke . hoar.
• 1 swim ..
w. To ram Kone:. -nese inform yv1r
reader. that I have • po.dV remedy
for the above saved disease. By its
times us
um thousands ul kopeks' oases
have 11, eared., I shall he
glad to seed two bottles of my remedy
lass of
to say par realhave
es. who
ooseuapties it dee .all mod me their
Eames mrd P.O.
ly, Da T. A. SLocv,
ly 1W W. Adelaide et., Tomato, ON.
yaw lode start
the way. Quit U right .here yon
and don't spoil everything just as 7
an reedy to begin over
"H• sort of half promised rod w
os down the road, but I noticed that
not soon friend* and that there ..e
deal of tilting of elbows. I .etched
moil he met another party "t frieed&
sad mw the elbows go up sow, and
thee Jim west oa out of sight.
"biome iiae afterward the of my sides
seam to the tent, looking very queer,
and said :
" 'General, there's an socideet hap-
appaned to Jim, sod 1 gases you'd better
"I harried orf &flat him, and sway op
the railroad track 1 came to • littlogroe
of mem, and to the midst of them poor
Jess y*n a the grated. He had get
the way of the freight train soseebo
and both he legs were out off above t
ken. W. picked him op and tarried
hiss to fee bospitaL We did what w
could tor him, bet it natal moth. Ter
oe three of as sat by hie bedside
night, and whip day broke h. died. W
peeked out the 6oeo coffin we had
; we dug his grove in e prettiest
. pot there was lett in the cemetery, sad
he had lee biggest funeral that the
bad been in Johnstown at all. And th
day we kph we took • board and est
o p et the head of his gnus, and all w
put on it was on word : 'Jho.' "-N
Y. Sea.
illi "Doe's les ell beer "No, I don't
wl thisk Ido." "I don't either. bet most
he Melk do it you est thea "-Ped.
Boothia; • • Mamma C. C. Re•na; A Co.
• Oewts-I have need your KINARD'S
t.or LINIMENT •.u..atully in • ..nous
case a creep is my family. la fest 1
consider it . remedy no home shoed be
re without J.Y. Ct',tnttma*ot
• Cape I•lasd.
• So 8.T Au. -That MINARD'S LIN-
- IMINT is the standard hansom tf the
day, s• it does jest what tt is repr..set-
ed to do. 1 m
• As aa.eYyeat hes.
A large dog at one of the Screams
hotels became very much attached too..
of the boarders. He tact is the habit of
following this mesa in his leisure walk
Customer -Give am 10 tests' worth a
m paregoric, pleases Drenthe- Yes, tar.
up tows, and the boarder lazed to bre.
hies along. But on • rainy day the dog
ditth't .se the man start °st,sod the hater
bad got around the comer before the dos
o.othtsigbt of hies. The big dog w. •o
tickled when he saw thatbeold companion
w as not tar away that he dashed op and
rubbed his great wet aide &gl iom tbe gsn-
dense'm good sloths's That was a form of
boisterous familiarity not to be pat op
with, sad the .an spoke harshly to the
dog and drove him bock. The dog's
sensitive nature resented this unkind
tre.tremt, for from that day to this the
men has never bees able to Set the
due to walk oat with him, although he
dose ev.rytbiog be could think a
to win book the dog's friesdebip. He
followed the sass one, bot he did it
nisch •,ainst hie .ill and only after bis
owner had ordered him to. It was
thought the spell had boos broke., bot
it hadn't, sad he las reseed to ammo -
patsy the mean mint when his master
has oommaoded him to
Another tUestr•tios of the dog's kite -
lithe(' is told by the mese gentlemen
The dot's ower .ad be ere in the
reading -room ooe day when the dog
strode in and Is, down oe the, carpet
"I won't mention his Nam or make any
motions," said the landlord to hie board_
.r, referring to the dog, "het I'll my
.oa.etbist to 705 in an ordiaery tome,
and see if he will ethics it.' Then the
hunted added : "I think his place is
babied the desk is Met of th. safe, in-
stead of i5 the room." The dog seemed
to pry so attention to what had bees
mid, bat he got op right sway, walked
slowly through the long hall, pushed the
gate open back of the desk end lay down
is troit of the mfg
1teaN'. Liws.sae kw so
a..oat obese Dae•..
An interesting eeaten•ry .ill be cele-
brated next Dumber M Pawtucket,
Rhode lased, where Samuel Slater, oe
the 21st of December, 1790, virtually be-
gan ankle 'manufacture in Americo, a1-
tboa h previous efforts had bees made.
Mater weea popil of Arkwrigbt, and as
the Enlist' kw forbade the ceamonica-
tion of modes of the cotton -spinning
stse0i.ry to other coastwise, Slater,
trnetime to his memory, 1 it
seder a ooutratt with Willi•r Almy
and Smit1. Brows. Bat for sows time to
weld sot resell a small but essential pert
of the proems, and the tradition is that
is a dream he rosewood to Reeked, ex•
•wised the mobilise', found what be
.acted, and epos swabs' eo.pleted
hie work steam.t.11y.
A resist artiste is the Eerniiy Post
anise to this story. Bat .say years
alp Mr Slater bine, rested the einem.
*Oases to a gs.tsmen in this eoeat,7,
who often repeated it in he family, trom
whom we have it After long tabor,
working oeor.tly, with the aid of on
seas osly, Slater tbo.gbt that he had
pat the in nothing order, sad
invited a few 'oedemas ietere•ted In the
& teepen to ass the meek alt of 1.e
toil. Posed and inks_ be moue/ to
sten the machine, bet it did pot move.
Ia vain he tried, and, t.ovti6ed sad
grieved, be dismissed his hied,, a.or-
icg the., hone*, int he should wr-
imiole dimo est the di/leaky.
Bet he was deeply di•seearagd. All
theds not night bi prodered and .z-
sa4.sd tested sed tiled to mows the
Bat 0111 k remained
At l t1.. ►.art -sad and
wesrr, he I...d 1.e head .,.i.M the
meth.. .n fell asleep. As he dept he
heard d.ti.etly a eheerf.l, friewdly
•oleo, Gavin,. "Why don't you .Aa1k the
beads, Sam r Be started lop, broad
&wake, sod knew et Mea that • slight
Maims is the warthog of the in.okine
was whet was nuke sed, spin ease.
.cab, hie Meade, hem. in the smooth
melee of the piny the triumphant re-
sell of hie rtriumphantmeIt 4 a plane story,
N ed the Neter legend tenet an limeades,
atlas Mr lilts t>bwlred 1.1er.lf.-
Bsrps v. Ireshir.
Customer (.beset-emededy)-How mud
e at1 Drap.t-A quarter. -Sea.
suet m as naiad.
Right actions spring from right p -i
cane. la ogees of diarrbtos, dysentery
cramps, oolic,sem,asr complaint, chute
soorbes,.le ,the right remedy is Fowler
Extrace of Wild Strawberry, --an onkel
ing mor. --mad• on the priesiple that m-
tari s remedies &r• best. Never t,e.
without it. 4
to gave Marl. hap a Anew at Ways l .
Pao .•
Iles Fesokba bed • ware sal head with OIIAT
he advised his metiers to tate airs of rho
pastes sod the would tete war s'•-,-:."""�t
v1 the.as.es. The bey in whore push-
es the ppseiea lace holes will ender -
stand the &Meshy of talked ears of pee.
ails, and We se net ander. that it ma.
'not be done.
"1 del hooey," nye Rob Reeldem,
what boomes of my money. Only
yesterday I oiasgrd the donor tint s-
ale Tom gay* lee, and I ashy boggle' a
glass of .oda, and now 1 here wily a
dime b t. Where out it have gems 1"
loth � osey does fly r ea
ed Benson, "Wbtt will
try whoa he demean that my %C. b'.
allo.sror has wily Mated a week
did it got I really .sa't MU.. ___
bee trusting the girls to lees I rms�
sad baring • rkbbus the M.msa
two pare of gloves IoM + and
oh, dear, don't teak flee•
ihBat that is jai tie q
ad 5141 sbu.W:him
tthey dead thttir my d!te .good tl
of your small sap«.
low, ex -Minister to F
el wealth, uw GEM to
me ha entered an it•. a
His bazaar ensiled at
beteg a seembie Nike,
heart. In reseetl7 tellies
hie expesinas, he esi4 that
time he bed now thospit
menu it • ersall7 non 1.1m for
and other semidries. B• boom to i
the eon daily. He was amend st
end d the year whoa be footed p the
mos a .750. A adage see wreeeht in
him, sad he decimalised that be would
kap seek exp.... down to oa.•thkrd
of tbe sem is geestios.
"And sow,'. he amid, "within 10 ?ears
I have pekoe by Mr Bigelow', advise to
the assent .f 16,000, which I ha.e
handed oar to my wife to keep kr bard
times. And 1 bat. sot deems seam,
Now, it in sot likely that nay boy ow
girl who toads thew lisle.
$750 • par um lode expenses, bet limy
w ay Wunder h4, r perhaps Day
fi7 60, sad the lesson i. obvious.
A gnat stray little expense, are b-
e.rred for sash wesless obiome that the
weeny eaglet ss well be throws into the
street, sod it is the u that an
e: book would nsd.
It m not "mean" to keep aa aseswt s!
little expense. The Canted Seams gy-
e •es.est regains all : le mi-
ke and null waste paper sad stetlrg, sad
r• render an 55.ouat of the mep'timed
from the .lob ; army olden ere required
u1• to assess' for every b....., bit et
brae,,, yard of cloth oe gilt batten ani
the weather baron requires its observers
to report the di.positioe of eve!7 post.
age stamp
8o it is ie .very treat .eruastile or
wefset.ring estahla►met ; the little
sspsanm are rigidly looked aft.., bss..4;
has shows that in the ygra
gate they .neat to lar*. seas.
Take Gars of the penalia by acting
where they go, 004 you .i11 be surpris-
ed to lied how the premien will aha as
a cheek es useless expediters. Loop
• guard ea the little exposes* and you
will have so tvosble with the big ono -
Golden Days
tt has
Non boy
v.. whoa
sap se ss%
" Joh. 8ign-
asd • mag
nom book.
remark, bet.
toot it to
Nem (to young be.bsod)-A bea.ti
fel ton -posed baby, sir. Young bus
band (rotting thief, mixed is hie ex
cite.est)-Glrioms ! A.I. father or
• mother 1
mutass.$l. away.
For thew days I suffered asv.rol7 from
monis complaint, noddy( Save me rs-
ligf and I kept greeting .orse until the
pain was al.set oabe.r.M., bet stir I
had takes the Ent doesof Dr Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry, I foetid
pest relief and it did sot fail le sere me.
2 Wm. T. Chou, Wilfrid, Oat
Aiohiteet-Haas yore any
for the study, lir Qciekriek 1 Quick
rich -Ory that it.1M b brows. Great
thinkers, I . 1. ere g ..rally
foxed is a brows Mudy,-Sen.
case et no 0.ah..
Then are people .how what is salad
"hard wi w sloth..." N. matter
- bo. •bwndan iy 1014, wsrdnrha sty its
supplied, everything seems to he M on
general sate of shabbiness. Dresses are
Baled &sir egged about the bel$oa,gloves
are rippedat the ends a the fiegen,boat.
.n mines halt their bottoms. another
woman, with osodtard the ams, will
always sees' toy well -droved, whit& is
another trm kw tidiness tad good taste.
The 4.8..,... lies entirely en the gore of
one's b.k..gines, for they been' soiled
sad spoiled .ore from neglect tint train
see In baseness a "fiat best" and
"seso.d best" w indisposed*. No
gown that is worn oat of doors is all
kisd. of weather, hs the rain and throngs
the mad of dirty streets, will keep its
freshens long. On each outing dem
.ore damage 11.10 .oaths of &stool
sevvn in ordinary weather.
On day as sash week should be set
apart for m.edi.g, sod underdoteig,
boos, .0d whatever say be oat of repair
should be attended to .khomt delay.
"A mite* is Hese saves min" is poor
poetrysully bet posed repair1d,.451. atlidded � or tear
may he put remedy. Leak timed h...,
particularly, .kth one stitch dropped
ravel into nothiognees te half a day, ed
are It only fur the ng beg. A dram
frayed oust wooed the 1... 4 weeder.
fel y freehand .k1. ..w braid sad
1seiy. Book&, se, sed tentless 1104
.nam oK sbosId 111 reple..d M esus.
Pinning redeem the bands ef osemeete
0 to tatssomiere stwtsbje
a very sad u limo, sod R e
1.s@ide& msh17 psa.Ilso
Skirts Mist are damp .ad .d-stais.d
shoeld be pissed where they .ill dry im-
mediately, and tat be thoroeghly
b,.shod said saved before bode app
ed os the books of the wardrobe.
With the provident basset thin
s sot oely a piles for .fury , pd
everything in its pees, bet a ti.. tor
dory etverythiag, and Min dome Skis
witkoet Thi. delude.
sk req. IlmseM.deid g�,and fresh -
Deities of ..kn on dollar serve the
.cods of two, .ad et always bd0g .11e to
peek a Creak for a tee -fir' jemmy ie
half as ray minute&
The roams bo...ks..er k.... Whet
se seen _ hold b.l wane weather arrives wino.i&
7 pealed any
the oof resell of moths and dent ; mid le
imid10. fi.N,d awskw1..eobrs5ld he meshed
ed0 to the~ . , �' sod depot-
.« .Ir.
The middy .twee. Id another of .5 we-
"datil,""Iretharegaira Cher
0oseesfnrtable 1..s.s hi ever hs order
e ca wasted, and is rarely pnseet-
7 session.
Mr WM Heat, who for the post fe
weed had been trinities floods .t Kip
p hes retareed le Bt Lawn, Mo.,
1laar.• 1/me.ees eye
Be--Wooderful shot, that of Hee-
ry's ! Why, be bit the bell's eye 01..
times in sseeseskou yesterday. She -
Yes ; bat just think of the satiating of
that poor bell ! Men ars each brutes. -
New Yore 85s.
A tee sido Nero.
I have seed your Burdock Blood Bit-
ten and Pills and find thea e.erytb,ng
to m•. I had dyspepsia with bid breath
and bad appetite, bet after a few day's
use of B.B.B. 1 felt stronger, eo.ld
wt a good seal and telt myself • differ -
eat .an -
2 W. H. Sato, Moside, Oat.
Clertp.•n (jokingly) -Now, 1.11 me
truly, Kies Brows, M what age does •
single lady give op all tboegbta of ..tri•
atony 1
Mita Brows (01s160; with a de-
precating air) -Really, Mr 01ri..t you
most apply to some one older than 1
To avoid welling sold, assay pleas
bees bees •sggested- Probably it on
sever net anywhere or did anything
out of the sped rowdies of 1ifa, they
would he free from assay of the ailments
that flash is keit
mtafactary Dolton. of ;he q het m
Foyle oast hairs reersst. u.atioe.
seat, and f moa and sejq.
frequently patch wild in the
permit of them. Wise.', Wild Cherry
will ears a Cough or Cold in the dou-
se tumble time. sad by its tonic offsets,
.marines mad is.igersa the groom M
the m.• time. Bold by all dreprista,
im stein wr.ppm. 1.
A Chemo inn who bad been
u.t ed receiver welt to • lawyer s d
'.1►at of $20,000 passing thr.esb hie
hands. ho. .eq n.ght a resolver to
'Well, thou $19,000, • was the
re -
"Cody $19,000r' he overleaped. „
s to set the other $1,000, P4 11hew b
knows' -Texas Mintage
T.• a•..w LtMM•.m
is al !Masts,, NN.WiesM, R E.
Rant writ•s as follows e ows r-"Witheet s
doeM Rerdnek ilInn4 Blaen bas
'a' • k4 o/ grrwt, I lis alek •1y scot
and ass foal W but 1t U R. well.
tare. Were itsmese tar
we'll be eareed. k«••, many li e.
wee ti
et e:w
e• b
n --tet.
are d
, .s