HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-12, Page 1r..
The Porter's Hill school has now °sly
one teacher, and Mr W. McCluskey has
the enure uharge of the school.
Mr Will Tedford, Clinton, has seems&
a responsible position io the levy
establishment of Marshall, Field & Cw.,
Otranto, 1 By virtue et • war.
Towrurn► wiTHttttcx. Mayor ununt ued by the
der Use Cm -
perste Seal of the Town of
dderichay of ' aP n,e
dire. -ted. bearing date Fleet
her. 11 1. cumatradieg fur to lees upon and
.ell the lands mentioned to the totlowulS
11et of arrears of tares due thereon. 1 hereby
give duethat paless out id 1 shallharrears proceed tto.aiuihe
lad aresuch sooner portion thereof as fury be oea
tela. or tor t h pun
res.ry the payment of the to:e, and coat.
thereon at the TON. HALL intoe said
TOWN Or• G outt:Rlow on Thursday. the
Vth day of November. [Net. at the hourot two
o'clock in the afternoon. rusted l
r TAr fooWwia9 Iona are pY[
Lot 1Ke or Street.
1 170 ltunrtiar \ns 14 ti 11 2 7171 le
Wept.621 ,- 1s,t0is 21513M
- 13, I.1 • 3 la II t6 7 M
Bills110;3a ION37t
••Park and liar- ave
weed's Surrey. 14 '13 t a' 10 !t
STorooto Strep. 1.1 IIS 1 >r K is
il 1 Cedar Street.. 16'sN sVIZI M
Red's ya.. ' Fall l
s Mj - •• 1.0 S s MI fee
-_ ---WI 1tHt"
Toon Tresim er'ssOMso.
N'H01.1t NCMBYR tt7
OTE°* co
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
f D. McUlilDT. Pm
- -- - f sample of artesian well water lot
Miss MelLibboa left yesterday must- Mr rad Ker Omen, of Arkeems City, of • school term, and that the secretary
tit Mr be instructed to ..sward aoupy
of this
1, Kan are swami at the residue..J b
iy fur fie•ttst resdattuo to the Stratford • anthe
Mr W J. Hayden, wife and dseghtor, 'Who'll "milt-
Minister of $dueatiw. The Burd then
of Shepp•rdto•, left bore Tuesday morn- MIs.Yeates and niece. of Ltadon.wh., Minister
o. Ths ouetteil bald talselapi7tilro7belarr
meetingMusedb]Holt,eeorod..lLyMarney,iog forTorwtu, had been vititiog Mu (Rev)ARtch.rd- 1 lotFrday.•coin¢, ;,the iM that thus wm ofiii' M remindtotbeopo, eenru.d bgms on Tossdr Mos R. B. 4mith w« is Turooto obis tullowiogmetabersuserspresent:-M.y-Iai*ndItevtowDcpartmcnt-l.arrisd.e w«k. _Mr R W. McKenais left oo Satariay urBntler,reeve Proudfoutsod ceelucil- AcummuoisationfromP.Ato attend tM Methodist General Confer- loco \Y. A. Young, of St. Georgeo lora Morey, psOD•goes at Montreal, to which be is a dole church, has reternd trot a tri to Kr Gpeorge Nairn hie returned from IMattel, Hombec,sod Duolup Holt, boated. not feobq Ib. ooueoil thae High School t thus
gats the Northwest and British Columbia his tri Etat. o4r •.d tiro of $1.7110notify will be required tram thetoted l'. 8, c menlet. agent at tending the Dominion Medical Ansonia- the ashamed meeting wen reed, ape town fur Hath School purposes fur the
Dr M. Nichola.o, CM Wwat-.t dentist, Mr A. C, Stnthd e, tit Wingham, I*.. Dr Teylir ase io TuriotoIthie week at- Theminutesofthesatrag current year, will of which will be h.makua tM of oleo •.torsi hien app•'N. W. C Meyer who tiuo meeting. He was accompanid by proved •*d sire • no-
t Meed by October$750 1st to pay Piet of the
TOWN OOUACII o•1.»17.1., and also ralue0ed themerrsaaNeetttsstaNserM-slasaM mission of the I« of $. char¢1yttseaoalysia.
teeth a specialty. Om adsusistered from that point, ace rated but tailed Taylor, o►►icttms' maromra 1
t • m. for the painless extraction of had been previoesly appal
trans -
Lewd inekeImams- tom, to sot. Tbe entertainment tonight at the The taweorer's atatemeotfor the mooch anomie then des, was referred to e
All •Tali ism. is .e local cdemw•on.was wleg a bto the fiohs cum. aA ce commit t e. from Captain Dyson.
Mr E. J. Hopper, of Buffalo, was is Last Saturday night Mrs John Wash- Grad Opera noose will be a treat to of Atat°•t, •bowing • baboon ou basad of finance committee.
of Tali Sweat. of meetings ur ruler- of the ioUnIio0 Army, sated that two
i, roerata at tjrosi ave adsairec1 ui. town this week atteodieq the pp funeral of taild o, states
, had the horse
f leve e- all E. W. of good mese sodamong mos- mines.
is y besrI or j+owi Koko o ft,ai- het brother, od kale Wm Hopper. t. telldowo rtail and brow Mrse'f seven- Mr E. Schoch , •past g rt of the caretaker of Malt- electric lamps be placed in the roller rink
is a former Oodorich boy, bet he now le ly, but o., bones aero bores°. We hope lists, and oust to Sddone Miss Aleza°• The repo wt interments of 6. g a per night. The ngller ink
fry leer i• ate of a` rad proprietor of a job printing Aloe in Bet- she will recover speedily from the effects est' ranks first. Miss Cooke and Mw 40d cemetery, showing jar at tke rete of u Beat PfOP of the accident. Graham have just returnd from Toronto adelts in Jely and of 8 *dolts and 3 granted.
The Methodists of B•amiller werwoe
e talo. sad • r our the first time Miss children in Aug, was read and filed.
u o►d each insertion. nu > TsMraratv°os Halt_ —TM We have received from Mr R R. Sal• Prise Bpd Miss Truemw •n well koowo. greeted the use of six or eight of the
tA.t F fi coltltcatcartoys.
t oo the T Hall to ( th R,servd teat• aro selling g The following letter tag.
b barb of
old street tamps during their camp meet -
inset -rod
homily -gm cents. ed- Gr.sIilo or ens the photo artist, •ver] fine group fe
et and
a cud to the mayor in
tvrti•r°uab of 1 are • ' photograph of come snoes be dose toward•
Mr Rom_ Lawson 'formerly _sit Omer meal, the a,,
eventy u e per-
frurted a brit/ !oval trill M firs will be deeded
shortly o • fu, and it less s euuse wi l Feet the artinta. 7 A petition signed by all t • un
been deeidd W hold • foram' opening sow who Weeded the mown tigbttstb B MrJ. T. to the , to C.,m s read from
]^a• 4&b, by • tea- •oot•erseryot Mr Joro Morris. Th• like- A 0 r..Ovr OtR.—\Y. learn that Mr Mr J. T. to the , V. was read : the u,wn, asking that • by_law be paved
en Thursday, Sept ..f Ibe icdtvidu•ta oompriaing the D. A. Brow, g former resideSept. sit Joie Lawrence. atallod NO et from 12,000 tc 90,000 distioot pieces of We are pleased to leans that Kr M. C. High School, has presented the School
, fros the severe Reference Library with a number of nil- Praha:PI/42Y °1941nens in nminnntina Irith
our nt of God.- Dsaa Si. :-Re Wingb•m Rsilwy- oaeeisr all o•rber shops in town tneedays, Seturdays and evenings pressed-
lawsiter-lis Ginfele. Mew York Nato. as Every *Amen is a newspaper copulae 9 P
rou is very apparent. After the o close
ex -pupil _. .-. _. WO Inc at • ..•.,i...•k arae. 5.10[0¢ except Wed- •
t•this matter 1 and the others acting with•
woot6 sow of a.a,.• e....... -w-•- — years. eaiusws • Uloaaer tr yt of any of which Catnerow is . ing holidays, and at 9 o'cicck on Wed-
wsnyY•••-• - .._. insole with which he has teen •ffitoted uable and useful classical books. Head . ka. 1'ueaaay tact a -•••e• •,••-•.n.- n---- • sow w .w --- --- -
f and we
atf • Dominion aobeidy, The •coottnt of H. Seoord, t48•
on dseidcd orated tit esodinq • for luwto.r, ase regi. Mood by Holt,
t yaara cover an error is a , r .0 upas deloga017 of **.oral p°°ple to Ottawa to sec ndd by Dunlop, that his draft for
7Ac2r her rob. Pert Aliwt ea Sssday. t cul hitt bathe in that city, ani • tet school, sad h that otbe NOd col one, air.: to d Dr o f serer octirs
y from hu regular labors will shortly effect Mr Brow's generous example. friend of oleo sshewe, and a puliticao of the amount be gowpt•d iso the account
bstaer nb, late, Ross Mclltlhe. asd A GooD IDma. -Oe Thersday evening • complete yyssor•tiaa of his healt being certified by the street inspector ,
dears aids *cotta of 4st week h e erl•me Arm bold AT THE HARBOR. accord with
arca-1a Ooderins. oa Buad•y. e.P1.nb, what they wild • pound meetiot-• L►pit -Camel
W illtam 11. Hopper. 7ouseem sea of gd- A
ward •ad tis •b.•tk Hopt•r, as d ill ttteeti°q at which every one who wiabed T ne: "An excellent study after Gut- ` e pf°.• ht of •ndi.occ, ' which
yc5n. 7 waatba and ' da7•. 10 gain admission eoald du w by Sou- d I5f I n .io Is Mately alt r was a somber 5f t°teresttas rte u P1e1tN cep thereture, a rib td to di1YR•ti.w to Ottawa o0 b•baU of lbw
cep CMb.rt is A.baetd. on oath of Ars • tribatinft a pound oI anything. B«idee 0. mtxnitgt lel C. S. Hatch u ore tette Yrea. might cot be w readily gran G.odericb and Wingham R. R., amoant-
Catberl°a. beloved vette of ria. Deal• ctrl m large th bask of porn,• oe the drum a cold yN. Kingrday of the United Em- ammil ZD• c•eryooe. Ht theret dil prucedd to let to ,f Sb, was orderd to be paid.
Baas awed la 7tanwd 10 taontbe wow ole pis, for 4300. 1t pe Tbe following a000unb wen n(wrnd
• wmmoth basket of for Slop, It » now oo exhibition Friday, Sept bon — f$ot►w Pinato[e, Ottawa ands at nom° time en eati.-
t•tod io pound into. Pito Idn.t, and is well worthy ret a WaHaosborg, hoops and ata•°•, iog tall and eco far a. they _ to the finance committee:—Jas Yates,
st the Spa hardware, 111.44; Jas Ross. Son L Ca,
Leu Bas Tao , $aaday st, nog e_ visit, Mr Hatch is living at 222 East Saturday, Sept. 6th. --Ste City end Styr terryohn ewM•e th our l Vol'° were Montreal, iwalatd wird, tj4.09; Thos
lit Jamss Tighe. of Hallett, w« re Second attest " Mr Hatch will be in Windsor, Brow Kitten.
trent°¢ home from attwodtag church freight, also able to obtain the arntatence •f r Vides•, relief, t8; J« Sau°den & Son,
Ooderieh shortly to work with Mr O.c. of \Ytngh.m, who was, w° waterworks supplies, $18.84; Gutta
hen. b. End the mi hert.t►. t» heat hi• Stewart, tihotogr•pher, fora period• Sunday. Sept 7th,—Sche Arctic, Sen• oyer, ,. d at Montreal st the time,
—The fol- dusky, 200 tons of coal for the water- Perch• A Rubber Mt¢. Co., Toronto,
A. Wallace, clewing town clock, $12;
have been by • much mon exile Steven. Borns, Lordoa, waterworks
go to
Mersa- 1■ Snmptaa• ° aeon We- Lod yet some people ley if they
phea die for the pest four wee
Num Doerls . ya• theref
Mcfadde• c rot GodSetcbJ- nen oomemslly beiltieat mind 11 Ihay can die h• Ods, 4 i recovered
that the remembrance hie old boysbb s. for otbe ¢cool
others will follow
the C.LmaaATtD AITIM.-Duluth y
importance in the county to
h of Goverment, and having. Ao t►oeua4t for the expertise of the
Cantle° -Mrs. Romp
Flusttere-D. Gerdes.
A Bit Drive -A_ L Preeb•ta-
MYHaery-The Mmes Yates.
Maas. eta -0. W. '[Losec°•
Timothy sesd-a.muet Masao.
Fall MIWsery-Mies Caesarea.
Pile. cors-/leo. P. Rowell a Cs.
yatssmea Wanted -IL O. Graham.
Minto* thiaaine-Miss L Soloed.
Pyritous Fe evawr l. M. Mcleod.
ter Sale -Wm. licensed).
Wanted -Fred. L Young.
sad Water Bates -J. A. NafteL
Sale -A. Grantees, London.
aad Mantle Making -aka Oandry
set t
Deloraine a $28
Glenboro., - 28
Saltcoats, - 28
Moosejaw, 28
Calgary, - 35
, salol ar-
Mon• +AU leave
` •it paints in On-
tario. etwbo[ Labe
Kingston and Weal
thereat. ea
£U.. 1sah
setts semi tele ave, sus
AUL. lath
moon woo soot b tow
MR. ora
to .s sem u..s.r ora. tel
gg, # The E. & C. OUR., CO'Y
for fall particulars apply to a5atitat
Station or Ticket Agent.
the ie:.est addition to the already tame lime of
Stores alit! ftllgs
and sold only by " .c.,
The title is rugesstive of
:sE Goode Roast Beef.
Call and see the Sample of thin
and other Stoves.
Nat Door to the Poll Dice,
Obart.M. •M .1f i,..t. r, t* tb v PM•
Mee attended to at MODRtte ra ,s.
Our meets is opposite oleo C. S est ON
les. and ere care obtain Patsies la ism tiM
eta those restse fres tr4 SHIM?
!ENT Heed MonRI OR n$wWINO We ad-
vlss be to yyaat4Mabbtttitrr f .1 ts , 4s
w• make Fy CHdials IJNL M WE r ,v'..
Ws refer, hers. to the Pwbe*e e w re ' !'
21 order DL.. and to o eiala e[ sea ,
■■ilio 11. s t ^asset
ones. Per *ewer. shies.
r and nferenees to serest atoms Ie Posh
awn •M er Goody writs to
1 35e. t.Ntgls%mem smile
W-.bleg - 31 -
leg luso,.— --- --- ---- arouses' ., .
jest out of town on the Huron Road the Reran= a.r Citythe West Bey tinily works engine hoose.
laghorseMr took fright sad Fro sway, throw- Pest reflowing er 1 10155er young townsman, Monday, Sept 8th --Sir Lon, tinfa-
iag Mr leg. into the ditch and bleak who bas lately taken up his residence lo, passengers and freight ; scow Louise,
ng bis leg. over the bonder, end, like all good Cana- Sernia, for shelter ; Mr City of Windsor,
•• Taos WO><Alr00 the
-Rev B. a discs, is for7gio( his way ahead :-"The Windsor, passengers end freight.
Hatton preached ao the shoved mod entevprising 7°n•B physician, A. Milton Wednesday, Sept. 10th. -Sir United
subject on Sundayt„mina11. ilest tow . , . and freight ;
e ter lea fo the
aside a euro- H° 'phy Kstilasa awkawlin,
asbtxeoo to tM Bohr Empire,
Johnston'• Harbor, 202,-
ent plea for owe very i education of po`o of Kawkawlin township; and mdi- 000 feet of lumber for H Sewed ; riche
women. bat drew •ser] d.ottoct lion be poor
twsen woman's sphere sad man's work. section number four of Monitor Mary S. Gordon, Detroit, light ; r
' Then were some stirring passages in township' Dr flambee is a tr.°,.worthy Greyhound, Kincardine,
- City of
the discourse.On Sood•y evening nest bunion t and the many appointmen
is a graft- Thursday. Sept.
bunion to his tias7 friends. ' Windsor, Brace Mines, I , • and
and altogether, in my opinion, as mach base etc., for fire department, tll;b;
was accomplished is this way M °wild i
Mr• Hutton will discuss the b
"4 chief• among gr. tak/w'rtee.
a' faith Ado pr'r■d
A Boo° ParnS%T.-The moat men
see nae make is to giro a Wirt Pea.
04.7 to D. McGillicuddy. sorest Oodericb.
You cu rest moored that everything
ha of arstrWs photos
t eine (meld.
"How lied when will the .std of the Toot'?'° Font day. Special Sing). DsrasraD. •
world take ' fan tickets every AIITZD. hr J. ! . Cer- subsidies eras to be considered. He
place r slow Sept. lb and 1; ; tickets on these Sitordey, Sept intimated, however, that there would be
lhtt.—On Sunday father's
Williamoc H. dates only $2 90. All tickets good until ter,Thessalun, light ; scow Ptoat•,re,P. rt , oto considerable grata during She sas-
Hopper died •t his fe ffects rr.id.oe in Sept. nod. Reduced rates during West- Fronk, light ; str City of Windsor, 1 Mon, nuns is Esti but of an urgenthe ni-
this town, from the effects of cancer of inn, and we therefore inferred that «
he stomaeh, atter an itleers of eight en Fair, London. Llok out for grand W Mdeor.fo called urgent we
O da epee .zcaratoo to Detroit, Chi- Monday, Sept.$[h. -Saha C• rrticf i O° can scarcely 1
delegation, 1 cannot say that „spy •upPliss, t27.03; James Ross. Sun &
much ea. accomplished,
but the floats- Co., i°sulatd win, taro, tb7.39,
try initial steps ha•e beta taken, end
the ground which 3110 Rune over will WATsawomaa AND starruC ua3T 1X)1i-
SITT12 moron.
scarcely, I think,ned to be stain tn•ers-
d. M. Fier s000p•nid Dr Hulmse Ourrtslrxw:-Yonr committee beg to
end Mr Pr. Meyer, 104
moar title report that we have considered the
were fully heard by the Premier, who n• matter of laying a water -pipe fmm Cam-
oommeodd that certain farther inform- Bron -rt. along Raglan-st. to South -at,
rtion nhoeld besent in writing and promis- and along South-st. to Britannia Road,
d that ourrequest should willingly make
h circuit
id nor when the general quesston of could we seethe way clear to purchase
the pipe. We may s•1 the same with
reference to completing the circuit from
Cambria Road along St Davids-st. to
Albert-st , and along Albert-st. to East -
St , not having sufficient pipe on hand.
We regret to my we cannot complete
these two circuits.
(Signed) JOHN Burt•La, Chairman.
The report was filed.
The report of the finance committee,
recommending the payment of the se-
oouots of C. Crabb, $1; J.Thomas.$4.50,
and N. Dyment, 4110, was read ani
Bylaw No. 10 of 1890, regulating the
closing of barber shops in accordance
with the barbers' petition mentioned
above, to take effect September bth,
was read three times and passed.
Moved by Proudfoot, seconded ti
tan months He had bees working for the c_Ro te- shortly: ver] low rates- Al- Pm* Tree Harbor, light . •tr i y
Bruce 'lines : ate Lora, Sagi-
would accomplish nothing positive ti 1 1
perhaps nest session. This ee rmd
turned out to be correct. prepared
sod forwarded the additional i°formstton
required, which was duly acknowledged,
end then the matter rests. I under-
stand that our chance of securing aE sub-
sidy will be greatly increased,
made a certainty, by the road being
pushed on to at least a substantial begin-
iog before the next session In one
hie is moat desirable in my
tens Geo tewsR. Hua lltoa-et, and previous to h» illness at
tour year pre ways travel by Grand Trunk Ry.: best it indoor, Wingbam, when hs hod ode many litre to all point*: fret trains; ne trans- ave.
Ma la the s pe
winnows Christos* Tente mcr•ea ooee Cetce friends. The funeral took platy o0
1• the y_ Tubaseesday
of Pt ern e0tl[et * er }ors, Through tickets and baggage Wednesday, Sept. lD th. and f Unite]
every_ Tt».day atternooe. rower- Trendy epulati o to blai. 13 come- checked to your destination- For tickets Empire. Duluth. passe g
mestias ret t7r : sedoess°.est►nq •t t o tinct A deputation from the Bell f urni- and all information, H. At matron¢, G.T. scow Louise, Pine Tree Harbor, light ;
W ham. PinJohnstonTe Harbor, light ;
Ftt. that an au: suede tare factory, ittg
eti sod makes that ars a ort d woo, pr poJoi formerly worked, attended the funeral R. town ticket amt, G.N.W. Telegraph eche Greyhound, J, e Harbor,
Wands, light
"" `M Peoples t and decocted the cotton with some beau- Office. Coderich•
tp k r the solid al publlon this he less We are informed that at a meeting of mens aupplit• t• 11th. -Sir City of
es w b toe *oust+¢ polios. tiful designs in out flowers. Deceased Thursday, Sep
Is addition to tensing out photos tint can- the directors of the Huron & t ►ntari , R. Windsor, \ indoor.
• etiH do •latae picture -tram. ass only 21 years of tiRa stian R, Co. , held this week, an arrangement
seal was made and a contract drawn tip by *cess• event t
which the charter of the road was to be The tug Trudseo and the Government opinion, unless we intend to again per-
barter to 4p« which it will do
eat be ex...,-.. rn«tt ter elegant
ton trade. sad have as •eaort
montdta . tteev°alled . Ooderleb- tome TH1 Y. W. C. T. Woman's Cbr
and see far yaereelt. R- R. odious. mset tsg of the Young
Everybody is going to oke Northwestern T r , Union was held on
Fair .ad everybody will see sad admire the•
8th The following o
display law/launders t Son n use All uta were elected for the ensuing year
M et0•m aid 1'aaR'ee•
transferred to Mr. M. G. Cameron, on dredge have again lett for h tnosedtne. mot the c P Holt that the propriety of lactn a ,
Our' behalf of a oompa°y represented by him, A number of men are employed re in two yearn from its renewal The to- p p 7 P it
Mrs on .,,,,.ditina that arrangements for coo- paring the root of the harbor mill. i visional board should be thorizd to go hydraulic nm and small fountain in the
Moo -
newesty[mFr'o•emeata• schen in tows call at
R Henderson, who had been position
^ --
tbetratore. own door to the posiodtee, sat atrnetiOn of said road present
ire to t a
retook 1r tinware sad sines Rs organization, retiring on ac satisfaction of the presort director with -
Jae Mitchell, Gny. bad a lamb killed
the Iniessese
BRIEFL r 2nd vice-president, Mom Wtggtm . tees for the approval of Mr. Cameron,
ods leu returned rum Kiss re P h
stoves °
count of ill -health :—provident,
11.— in six months from Moping
tract. by fosse recently. He is arranging with
ETS. B1nett ; 1st •l0-pre•ideot, M' Wilson
•»• document has been forwarded W Toronto
the Brussels Gan Club for their exter-
of miwtton.
a trap Kenzie , ter the Cowpony • h will in the Union Toronto this weak. on Friday, Sept. 14th, at 7.30 sharp, •t be proceeded with. Ths C. P R. wt w
Mr R. P. Wilkinson made • short trip the reeideoee of Mr Wm Bissett, Wolfe- have to bustle now with is Guelph eon- of his fingers badly cut
to Clinton o0 Tuesday. st. All the members are regessted t w 11 rection or it will les too 4te. Duncan McDonald and John McNeil
Grey, have been appointed tax oolleetors
Mr R.J. Acheson Ott for Toronto or present, st the final week
of me u s.el•r1 of . The division to
Toesday"UO a bonuses trip, be completed for • week of meetings to u. g'+1 011AT Fats -As the time
be giver ander their stemless by Joe draws Dear for the holding; of the seven- be the 9th and 10th eons.
*day McGillicuddy returned to Hees, , , Sept 281*. Fuller teeeth Western Fair, Industrial and Lorenzo Frs e, lot 10, nor 3, Grey,
on Tuesday morning. Arte Exhibition t L don this pros F°
1 as
stock buoka and ole- i cemetery be referred to the cemetery
etc. 1t
GO, organtae, Opin
tale subscriptions, get the necessary committee to report es to cost,
10 per cent. subscribed and the ext meeting of council -Carried.
deposit paid into bank, and tally The mayor reported tha;atwo oe•L. R. Q
and fly organize. Then lights had been placed
icipel bonuses might be church -price, $50, and four lights ill
Mr Jobe Pro out ° sorer Mins Merny ; Fee oso., o- on ice aoo.ptance by him the p acti.q Wi ham. while working
to Detroit. tie a working bpis and the Dan McKay, °g •git.11 for Sitad «cured, the permanent the Presbyterian church.
ion tttetory, somehow got his survey made and the road commenced. , The council then adjouttd.
Mr and Mrs J. H. Colborne an to new officers will holds *Postel meeting thorough y . • i, . of the k eft• wi
'II hand too close to •machine and had one f t
r, sec Kim Stewart. The
This would extend the time or emp i- -
tion for two years longer. Th. proTi- I AUCTION SALES -
. tonal directors feel that they are suing i All partfee aettinfi their ole btl►e pprinted ae
aeoomineee of the council at preeent,that, tar oAlce will • tree notice ivaerted fa
in fact,it is a public or town affair,and not
this li.t up tot time of sale.
• priests enterprise, and we therefore Unreserved sale of term stock of Dents
woDM like to be instructed as to what is genie°, on h» premises, lot 7, L. R.,
axpeotd 01 us. We of coater deetioe to I Ashfield, north of Port Albe:t, on There -
incur al obligations in the Sept. 18th- J.o Griffin, auctioneer.
particulate will be given later.
° • b° an oats that turn -
to edema Whitby Ladies' College- Imeorren Homiest -Last week we so- is no longer any doubt entertained by ed out 44 poen s to
soa.eed that Mr Bea Allen hod arrived the management that the coming Fair is • good weight and will not be easily I appoint
a committee of the OnaeCtl to De Pendry, at her premlose, East-st.,
Mn Wm. Proudtont left on Tnttsday from tM 014 Coaneq with three floe win exceed in majrtitode and attractive- testest.
on Saturoe
act with the provisional directors in shoo. the organ [•clary, 7,
t., vitt her sister, Mn Crssswell.r, M Cldend•le colts, and this week we lave nese any previous exhibition held in The first monthly horse fele will be mitten up to permanent organization.
20th, at 1 o'clock p.m. John
» the 11'orih Braila Ayric+dturisl, Western ()Mario. The nut s Association has held in Brussels on Thursday, Oct, god, The other most difficult pert n( the Sept.
arrived in tows before peaks r follows on the wbleet : pat the whole matter in •ono •hell when the Bost day of the East Hotoa tall show beefiness will be to secure the 10•
pK' -
ll Min attend- t les pgid
Mr [.. .. —__-_-
Ml, This
ur any person y,
ter. Perhaps it would be desirable Balt of the household furniture of Mn
this user
seen this season, both the War- at any previous Fait: nine "teat dap of DIr W, g Gandy, law strdent. in the I fent. than, but at all events it meet
Cornell, who hal been ill for woe time, work, of tM f the All line, and the wo• nder, instruction and amusement.' office of Kr R. H. Cahtns, Ezeter, baa re paid in. Perhaps the council will ars
i. fast k Norwegian, of the Allan line, sailing Single fare for the round trip will prevail poised his wooed intermediate ezamioa- range Inc thin. It need not be a risk,
Ells Fraser, of Detroit, who had been with good mimosa, and the former carry- during the whole eine days, and still tion at 4w, ranking third is s class of much the town n•
ower rtes rill be si•ea oe two opal butte", twos Thew
visiting her orale, Mr Peter McFarlane, tea cola of the left valuable e.' The
der from earb distract, for o * alar Juo. D. Campbell,Grey, is home no • p sod
hat returned hoar, that has ever left the Clyde.' Tbs
A goes oe to state that • num- of which apply to slat. •genu. Drop visit from Jniath. H. is nursing his
Messrs Alfred
]ver, U.andCleft Ger- her the mob
shipped had been Ones
,00h n 1 -known Canadian Pmts.' mrd to Tina A Browre, S.aretses, right F and, or at least what remains of it,
row •pd od tic Scow have {rot to a! abased by Lonon, tot as he 6sd the most of this useful member
tend Woodstock Oollwp. buyers M : Joseph White, of fat. Mares :
Mr 0J0 the Bedford, who rd bele sail- Charles Mason, Brooefeld; Ben. Allen, Mow S,-uoot Boast, Mattrtwo.-The taken off in • plaiting mill.
Bard daring IoM Dunlop ; and the remainder of the roe- nigh School Trades Board wet on Fri- Robert Bnwen's baro in Grey towe-
on the steamer
wormer, is home ere a visit. signment was to fill orders received by day last, the !kb lost. Dr Present -Chair -
i L..n, Ch n ship. con 14, was recently burned. He
well-known breeders. Referring to the man Ka Dr ] to
bio crop. $ 1 weirth scent od Pins, end ell
7 be went Hrrw a a•ehen' Assnciatins ;,
will meet i° Odetieb on Therday and animals parttlnsaed by Mt Allen the Joseph illi•ms and F. Jordan. The Ms implements but his binder, which
Friday, October 9th gad 10th. Ayrioulter►.t mays : " Mr Bea. Allen, minutes of the Wet meeting were read wsr in le field. There is n insurance
had three Dolts. Ors of and approved. A letter from Miss w I1,moih
lin Barre vD.e Arnold, *Ito has Mee int.mDoll
a t, Mr Wel»t.v, foreman i° the blrek-
.rptisr[ this es if truer and Ittttrrd XIII wM O•utpbeltown Chin -year Charles wan coating that she
Oft this week Mr Toronto. XIII), s venal, well colored two-year- been offered t• t•etposition in °tntyear Col- smith shop ret MOWS VOSKF R S°n•'
Iagilb [nstitrtw st $1.000 •year, and (cwndfe Rioter, while oa a vacation
from "Saturday ° ors wt Deaf. in cash, which man
gm' that has t 7 s•7 is • o amuse than anise. into the bank. I don't knew that it need
We are pleased to learn that Mr Gus, shipping
k f Toronto on a nut to his Oct w« the bosses' day with M their programme More to A number of y
faintly bete hippog of Clydesdale horse tee .non to learn more t an
Miss Annie McGregor, McKillop, 1.
suffering trout an attack of bronchitis at
Mr Thos Brown, Clinton, who had
been working at Chatham, is home very
less a loss, no long as tel with typhoid leer.
the control of the company
bud et sunnier questions soon, end
d ai, at , inMbloom on which Carre over 160 famine bods
on determined very
one diatoms both of pashitta the enter- i this takes ThoK o, Clinton, was cot
so far.
prise and of protecting the interests of bir Johno
the town as well, think they had better l shooting on Monday, let inst., and nearly
be determined rem and for all now. We broke one of hie legs by dipping over •
ought to decide finally whether the road lott.
)lir A. W. O•nlrke, Clinton, has lately %
ts be s of 1. through or not, and it "toured an artificial leg, mansfsctured u
the decision is, yes, then let it be done I
speedily and with our utmost vigor. Lecknow,th•t he claims Rivet him tetter I'
'oars trimly, satisfaction than any similar article hs
(fligsd ' J. T. Oamttow, ' has hith.rto pad.
Mowed by 11 umber, sscondd by Dun- t One day nw•t1y ea oneneillot Stanches
that the communication be referred i and Cleo. E. Cooper, Br•ss.ls,were dris-
Mene.d rat from
boos ngreatiriq permission t^ tMt r► oh during the summer, did a little harvest- tothespecial a,mmtttee-Carried• loss to titrrozeNr a deg
Rued 1 i M Jordan. iM G.tdoa tM fence eesrJ•msstown,eed ?Highballed
and Wednesday of nisi week. Tuesday rother tires 1 Bolt, lamed 1M1 nese 1[w Charles. rfeae.d tavern broken rets. H A h final teat of the I ditch and most the buggy Miss Eisele Bailee leh thio week to •t- le (7647) Vol. Rif, tor. - .rptrd, (n take el- etu►ek. C.
m erehaad from the former, Mt Rttae • the sh lrl-
Cit? the horse H .wood,
Miss S Boland the Wren-st. milliner, ofd, flat b7 Ki tel~ He 31tg ht
ill Mild bet fall' openlaq on Monday, and
° ° y'•
from Mr J•m.s Armstrong, Tho»h 11, bF Mr W illi•ase000d.d by r •O• lay with the result that M new mourns Commenicatlne• trona resignation to not •°• a fell off • hay teem Pam Co. and Willie Chipman. `Their horse. TManimal in twinkling
o •] Ayr. A •
M7 bat that her salary be in C E. in r .ren« to the ° b u had one of hie lop injured
took to the
tared 'shoot in Toronto. SM will b' dead from Me David Willi., Dollar, to t1,000 a 7••r, the tneree.e Word 31aa received tress Mrs J. B. steam pomp was hoot about
morb missed by her mere moods here. and war got , /he noted prow bone test en and after the 1st of Out. sett a clerk was ieetraeted to aid Mr Cooper
The following resolution was Ferguson, Wietghsm, me Monday. With were reed.
tbe letter from the ger sad hoe.
t wee a
Th. H+gh f°mati liters Aoart° willOda Rhoda, owed by Mr R. tial ; while -Carried. had a other
ty term Oda ver • r*•sid• lust Dolt, redusioow•17 passed : 'I'Mt this Board alt., of the serious illness of Mr Verge- send to Mr Chipman
Co. and sell him were not killed, lir the bttRgemiracle
hold iog first tr»ettnq for ole the third bought from Me Peter desires to pet on record its stets/ dap• as• He had an attack of bleeding of (lentos to cute thus teat. hes b w ehioh illed, asd tM watu ad a trier
cowls¢. god prrogestw her Crawford,
awford, 1. XIII, of the mune permed by the the dnmeeh, and • physician had to be appoint • day of the a ltd. eYt towenMTtl woe• pa rs hes
flfbw tocols tow Cempsq 7 Pt>m ase laid a lot
vtiiti A eommom plain i item W m H t ed. sit . th• he lves D
" (1►rida7) A aid that by KgiRot of Lothian. peobstioa eve 'militate of secured from pinw,saevtlle. *corse 7 ore, the hoose leaving It behind on
' hear prepared. C"w ' fits their headier anthnfitiss of the deputiCollegtng
Mr C. L Cooke Tett on Teesday for These theca sells, w i\tratMed in depotittq their ohairmai mUra from when t wise weeth, sweeten of the liaised Revenue rep`
i`ia0 was ea He will be mph mimed, 's cid ttlaYty, are likelyClydesdale
to pasta to WOW here to bases a before the dew el ami •0sM Depor, sw e n of th llwd the avenue isp airs,Ojourney orsook to Bving r
lAniaga b the ydwrd•le rtosk d end prineipel •t the beginning stepped.
e war a resole ta.mbar d lite faret}p'. OOaisds. towhee to leave almost begs''''"ie:'..":.: h gy p,''
etch abets hew. ..c . •t _ } va .r °v '!j`, o art! .i ffi , r .v 1