HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-5, Page 71AC'T" est Candies 1 'ILE 2042 • k . Ilk. per oaks. MIXTURE! , etc., etc. Et: NAS' a. A.hsean's dry insaa MM. ■ E B000LE? adi.foot :RS' PRODUCE and • Large some d .OIIR AND FEED. e him a call before going ' iil7- ' SURE4V CURED4 nth,* remedy ter lbs above Lamed Ire bene potm•aentiy cured. 1 sham my wmo- t e* readers who have a- st t sp . Address. Re.ctMb, Iw0NTO■ ONTARIO. DIES. ▪ d Shoes 'EAR. •1. *Loth cannot be mid 'of ere dte THE POET'S CORNER. Tba remtim$M At<MM. ewe wen glad that a.at..r's here. pe lees fend el rowing: :Aad Segni, le a Arida( Lama, w rod iter die sport Mf *bowing es agile ease eel mmea:ulossa. dere ego greatan .'The metiers gravely slates; Lacs Wags instead of talkl.g•' gaol Live you points .taut baseball -cook- for your Meanie pitching ; shell drive your Nary lastest men Aad know all knots lcr bitching. 1 ou've hunted for ter all your life, And foal this ctarmiuw creature - • street, grawfel. levies. .eaulde'-- Hasevery sianle (eaturc 1 noose's to make that perfect thia% A woman one could die for, to qv with all his happylite, With nothing batt to sigh fur. !tut oak her one email room to sweep, ditch work's w very be•1L.g - tad for my blood. I really can't ; It sets no heart to heating." Arisen Auden/in lu Mange)'. Weekly. THE HOME CIRCLE. To Babe • N. Oen or a i•msebe4d. One of the beat leasans that an be ht to children int hums is that of king forward aid rover bast/ward. Look uut and ic,t in, Look up and not down. Look forward and not backward, .Ana lend a baud. time immortal words of Dr Hale an r be L. deeply impressed ON us all. diad as tbry are on t very band they 1 bear ,looting ague aid always, and sbould really be inscribed to letters gold, es oewh•re in every home. It primps, the snosl bsneb. out legman of • fur ehiPlren t" be taught to look went ; to be hateful and believing ; learn not to carry about any dead ht of regrets ; to be able to cone plats even serious disaster .rid loss shout desp.,udtu,( or regretting. Nu les and errors of jud,iment .re the r stable results of fallible humanity, 1 .f one can learn by a mistake not t.. est it, let him count It all joy. There real has in the world save loss of i wirier, good feeltng. ¢oral will tat ,l character. A11 otter losses can be rue, mid fur their strrow, or their .1 -rtane, there are compensation*. far as possible, let children be taught t to dwell :n pais error% or accidents. thing in the divine promise is • moxa tomb'. aid to . useful gid happy t han the asaar.ncs that •'so far as East is from the Rest, so for htb removed oar tramegrrss.uus frosts tsar" t ..nly forgiven, but "'removed them; ' to them words is there a Imam' fur a'tnude toward our pat very ..d r attitude toward other". THE flilRON SIGNAL FRIDAY, SEFT. 5, 1890. I►U111NION IN BRIEF- A IO -YEAR OLD MURDERER Mr J..;,a L•t.1wn d wtU returu to Ottawa twee on 14-pteuate-r SNL R tf .fru itoen.o. two c urstry tat Froateaee di ay SMITH Of COBOURO STABS PETER PIM -00W little soda safer w,r.I.ete tit HOUSEHOLD HINTS bmsi The ...e Somber. The Toll Bros.. Zest Wss.uwb, have purehearpd the retest• ht. 'v e.. rd by W,nt? J. Itlsck.• broueh. It tu.su s 1)U acre*, and wee hoeght fur $4,700 keel the cousel t•y n$dtgeatmu 1 .t the ere*. tM .rW Berme, Tb. v._ 1)r FOWL a qu.trd as saytue : '•I Mr. Juba Tu.IJ of .ar. u bas bean ale {}" , ^•, Nta A..aY•a($ bate octet kt own a d)"peptic to t. (toilet 1►'t •'..d lurlsetssl' of fl aur. vsgurow health who nutted, os 40 hie 1[ad• the Deadly ♦ large 1.,a.tgur•1 +o.ip swat amid* tl1• Mt' •« after • to • cagy teyui.torl dent, ens 1 have iarupe et t?•4 ben _r.l*r'af Arrtl _.._Warms.. never 1•e--ai, ma l4•tenee .4 a 1.-•_u'lt Oat -R• of church ro.b r• Unesve04 b. to. 1. -Two boys nand David ors _,u L N L,s soo sdulg t u • ur.ct ty diet - the Thee. Koren avid ti sober d,atrLeta. tttuith and Peter Hannan had • 4u•rt011fMm tile a aloes whu did i•ot brooms • dye Further drosses -um •4 ran veins of J,•)artereoote and cams 40 trlowa prptie. pta...ylaw bare has" matte at Kyd. n taut, Berth rt•',tnd Rama%* III toe lueiat wink • Cautyhor in rarioue (•,rwa la it. yueut C..t, pocket knife. lbw wound, which extended into tie right ly uru•,u.utruJd 1• r 1 J w to. i.wd, Peril t'. Mur.i t*e, • yuuug Englishman although Ur Georg. J••nuaw awl ot..ts b wan moa. ctel t W 1 tragi ou a bof arg,. lung, proved fatal and Hammon died to -night, • and the ."ng once indicated the dangers attend- furgtwY tnl `it4 is only about 10 years of ago i,.i tie taw r f a,ocentrated ale...hone ('.adjurer Belton Charier Uvlkwlakd, dto.eswt was but Iwo year? hle •calor A. It-year-eld remp•derotical iuuruel, sod eerlalu.y hs• the a.luttowe. The 5. Bowing Method of ty- Primeerrated IWwatni hawed, bar hese cower "mlt10 dr Dees -arrested plication is s•gge•tr•+ to a Soles ph•rune- cr*te11 The Momtral bakers b•v.4'cided to tusks Mo11tsOAL, Hoyt. 1 --An 11 year-old klgb- merit of samplivtt\ : Au¢ a ti ha 1 Dlle • (ea•ral ries to e fu Brit' of basset um step way rubber was erns to the reformatory for with b.rtlroi water tutu which • trs.p..,u- trmber 1st nt.. Bean by Judge 1).onoyt.n this morning. fol u( aelhpu•d.-rcd camphor is U,rowu. Thettitans millersealcula'e that the Matt- it "'Pe is thank Hug10sw, and he cum" A funnel -shaped piper apo t. thou tuba harve.d will include 8,0110,41.10buaheis ,,.ru Puwt Kt. *bade., .b.•0 on Haturdaj pl..1d vu the top of the ju¢, mn.1 s hula of Nu 1 hart ..e held up two boys bigger than himself audit tom in it lou Et.u,K the Poe., The A yuan woltau in Montreal is sdlffertug robl,wt teem 01 two $l Leina hautirenhiet camphorated steam is ii.1sle.1 thtuui;b from stryebnitte p..hwaiug, ••utts ed to be ,,,,j, (tite, for noel for ten c• Wisestelit.utr., the the work of her husband. G. J. Re molds, • prominent St Thooee WAS IT A FAKE? inhaled. n 1.011 g ft l.c-t1 d, it r..luirr T • vary four ..r fife hours. It the net citiseu, was arrested on a charge ed ind,atutil Ih..bt Thrown t`pe. the Story of Attempt- _ ttempt- r. •. lut0i petiolate nigh the Inhalanuu assault. tie clams it es a care of uiscionatl. ed W r•eknag ea the Central / :n .4ttr ..1 "6 ut11olwewutr.r S. 51 A meeting .f retinaetows bafro LadedLadedii ALBANY, tarps. 1. -It looks now as it the a wtflirt threes n prunrros • '1' 1 al - Montreal to arrange fur formation of a Cane- story of an attempt to wreck the eastbound was. t rivet •cute, however art. r. the dten Humane K.w•wl y l'hicago esprem rtes Kerner's o. tiaitudaT poor its m• t c. A despatch frau N■nalino, B. 4'. rays: 4o aordsg was not founded on facts. J•.hn ) j 1 abaft of the Wellu144.0 mime is on tlre, and H./cit. • reputable citizen of :C%t t'eutra4- 10 severe eases of 1.0 sr el rod .S-131411 w111 bare to be flooded. 0.0110, the city, agate • statement 4, -night trouble 1t is often dilticult 10 bud toad Then is great wdlgnatiou among Winne emelt tends to show no obstruction was that can be reunited 111 the eiowrc:h lung ow riflemen at the failure of the Manitoba mated on tie track. Mr. Basch, with James enough to nourish the patient, or th it RAI Aeeseattoi to mud a team to Ottawa. other, Thome" Patton, Edward Walsh, doer fro act as au irritant. Now, there The tett run oat tuade at the )it. Frank Fisher sed Eugene Gorham,, was in is a.methiegcelled ieuttuei cu.tate wh eh Moulin' hpe foundry alswut 1.0 tins : he forward mach art tam train. They wen is both bestow. and nouruhin,f. It baa twine teat. The operaiionwaa witneraed ',turbine float a fishing excursion to the lit. been used iu critical dace with the must by a Hartle bungler tat pewits I ewreftto When the trainaluwd up and grr.tfsiug resultar. The material• of Robert Marquis. at one time a prnalawat I•u•lly stopped • short dmtanta went of stitch IS made •re one quart of chosen of Bothwell during oto times. diad ai 1 arner'r Mr. Bunch ani bur oompanioas milk, two ounces of mutton suet, • stick lUdgetuwn after a lingering theme, aged •••t off and went ahead to lbs of crsnemon about tiro s cbes lu••g, mud Thelocomotive dour. Department a Justice baa roreived se the natter. There war no otstrut•ticm CC must be frim the kidney -;sweet rod ire. application for the extradition c4 Jobe C lhr track. nor were there signs that tie* had trout all tough n,eu,braue. Shred it linedslow in jail at Widsur that., and Iron removed. There was nothing near the rosy fine sud put it to the duub'e Herder. CARE`ft and Dealer in Boma and Shag. 2:117-ly THOUSANDS OF BOWLES YEN AWAY YEARLY. when I say Curs l do met oaten sly to stop them ler a fetes, sad then T. 1 have made the disease et Meas wareaat my remedy to Owe the r net now rect idle a care. seine at rare i~AdreesGtva;_gLEZ ew i• ST. TOo RONTO. JARE hr's present at a Moderate Have it, It Ware and Cutlery ever wn. THE BAND e•m Tait*.* Mama. 'eermuoette is especially lir girl.. The advice could be put to -• wurds-/km f .1., if. Puusiblj re might come an oCcassos-sed ono' life -tune -ahem • Rood round bit of genuine article "stair would prove my. riot to hest vulgar words used a Reotle girl is almost invariably 'eking. I'wombs, passing two girls the street lied bearing one of them -"I'll bet you a quarter. ' 1t gave a sanies. Aad when a group of ool-girl* fill their . • . -as, hey often do -with nae alum after soother, the effect on an out- paufulty dtestrec.ble. 'I he habit of talhinm slang grows rap - y. It is like reporting a bat of .dal. Hare you never noticed that if say an unkind word /ig.trut • Deisb- r how quickly a chane comes to *ay ,.rhes 1 Arad with just that same ep- 11;ng ecce a habit of using tireless, word* increases. Weeds grow There is plenty of good, Meow/ Bo- nk $o give ., . to wit, drollery, iitsatiom or sympathy without re* u rea to the phrases which belong to ase -jockeys, gamblers, tippler' and Wade. The street Arab nicks up se he does the sods of old mars m the gutter. Sorely . well-bred is not on the same level in her and manner. Why should she valvar words say more than she stain her hands There ought to be something akin to wanted at Pittsburg, Pa, for forgery.track that "roll have obetr•uctwl it. No with the cu,naueun and mils, reserrieg Archbishop Fabre lett Montreal for Roar one was excited. Souse one raid there bad however, a kill of the cold milk. C.r,k with the tutentwo, It is understood, of pr- been trouble with the air brakes and nu {t,r one* hour, cud then rerun, Retunl testing against the thr.atamrd ottviattlo w lurthrr explanation was given. Notwrly to the double 10.41.4 abd place on the ha, diocese. mid anthiag about an obstruction onthe fire. Naw rem the call milk with. th. At Kingston the case of E. B. Remit: ea track. tloar, and .fir into the hot mixture. W. Welborn was decided to favor of the ''I am not a Knight et Labor," said Mr. Cour fur ten leer in minutes. the the posture. plaintiff Harrill .u.4 fors note of tame bar Boarlt, " brit when 1 read in the papers of the a much .,t this as to will Give tater, red bullus given for tea tatshelr of 41111 -lam attempt to wreck • train I thought it no Si: half s pthi every four or five hours, oats, more than right to state the facts in the cam eep the patient warm and yours Mrs. Campbell, hen returned to Mr. t'olin iu order that unjust suspicion may be rev One other puiut n the are quiet fthe ''amptell, of the Militia Department, Otte- moved from those upon whom it may have Onthen one is suffering from neural - w•. and twee pardoned. and it is emise,toxwl tans.... Mr. &sea says his .. .;, ,,, • , are iia ince.in the head, put him in •warm bed. the appliomtuin for divurtw wUl bs With ready to corroborate his atatemwt drawl. Make • brick very hot and cover it with annual The volume of anal statistics Lsitwd A caw Rent ter Wm !t. several thicknesses of flannel. o! a %bows that the greater proportion of the PIT'twet'wu,Rept, 1. -During the psmalte ware, thick cloth and place it ou the traitdc that passed throughthe Welland canal of the Bakers' Union in the labor parade up pillow. Lay the brick in and this wet Ism year vow tvalnd from one United States N. . in Alleghany Cey too-dav a thoroughly with u um. Rest the Cleat port ,o another party of American mechanioa broke into the ful part cf the head or face on the brick t Adjutant- ranks and tor• down a Berman flag which and throw a 101.11ke4 over the patient, Lieut. -Col 741144 Mi Deputy jn liweesl for rte Fifth Military i)utr0c•t, liar the Dakin were carrying The batten de- covering the head. Karp covered in atidres*.edse open letter to Gen. Middleton Iendw1 the flag but were . .. • . 1 and tan way until the pain ceases. When f, wkecbbe more than isw0utoto that be we- the flag trailed in the dust. No perenn was the blanket is reh,ovee, wipe the moue Jot .•..ltor a C. BE O. otriug Willie ND; iously injured, bat the incident created tare from the head. fate and neck, and (;emerald p,ols,r{om•1 jealousy.great exeitet uent thea bathe in *Icnnol or rem, to prevent A grass and curious at -trident occond at A tete awn, neaten the taking of a cold. Another remedy is Sorel, Q ue., Oaring the spontaneous • x;Jo.rito mare salt very hot by straining it of a task that had mataaaat methylated Tates s HILL. N.Y., kept 1.-A Pinkerton detective. under the influence (4 liquor, was over the fire in a bpi, g -pan ; then pour it sputa. A boy named Page wee struck to the eying clas, veand, it u affirmed, ed, tstallj seesulted and badly beaten hen last night into a bag, which should M securely He will lone the sight a one eye. During tied. Have the patient lie down and Injurer the attertsnom the o®mer had entered a Mart enter him well. Yesca the beg of hot Df r. W, H. Taurean. anemployeeof Her- •od while there fired a revolver in the Har- salt on that$part of the head or face sec' Bros.. window Dt th, tel. out Hotel, ter where the pain is located. The salt will second story wixrlow w the Quern's room. He was abusive. He wore • uniform KI*getmL and broke theca ribs an l an arm. and carried a club His name Iter not been retain T!teethed much easier than the lint but it will ll He was ckoaia( the wtsduw when the t100f learned not reties a one so quickly nor en thor- dent occurred LAaoR D! F. uu¢hly. Rev. Father Rtrubbe, o4 the R , 0,."' ,..••Not ragas• al the Capital and else - Rev. who recently conducted a pllgyhuse ,bore -The Trades Pongee.*. w. the curve Nt. Anne de Be•upte, girlates 1. -The annual meeting of come waoderral curenotably that t of • girl OTTAwA, kept of it who has been lame for year's with bip the Dominion 1'.. .i Labor Congress disease and can now walk without crutches. Till be opened in the City Hall to -morrow. A stabbing affray took place in an eating- Mayor FrTatt will deliver an address Delo- house on Adelaide stem,. Toronto. Robert gates are in attomdance representing aowem- to .eull.Porter, a mush. pert and stabled him years of age. a blies a Atlantic tbbtf iPacific.gnds this malted tl.muel Rappers picnic the tare with • knife. Porter was ;promi4ly atear000m eras a flttieg tenu,rlatien a its treated on the (-barge of felonious wounding- big day's celebration. There were over 'SOW The body of Mr. E. A. Broadbent, 1'tid person/ present The gage were hoisted on R. Y , who war drownd last Tbarday, hew the Parliament Buildings in honor of Libor hese found at Kingston The remaisaof Mr. Day_ W. F. Jeffs were also tared later. in the hey MoleT*x11., Kept 1. -Tae Labor i►ay .s- mear navvies. Joffe' renueus were forward. . . . hen was a great au gores. The ed to Trento., Ont procession, which was • big one, was viewed The booty of Cife. Jos Green, d toe ill- by tht •ImOdA fated schooner Richard T10oails.o., was totted ol 71►. Livosrpm•1 Ceagrres. 'war slack Point, P. E L Papers on Sept The Trades Union ids parson led to his identification, A roll (•mow ovrooed here to -day. Five hundred d moray was found o• bre ieie(aw aro prrment. TDe congress is the Yr. Dewar. of the Lith concern= of Tar- largest ever held. Among the delegates month went to hitch his borne W the p the kin off sed cutting moan socialist leader. made a motion expreoning with the. NoDirt ! No Fig: s ! No Back Ache, LASTS LONGER, LOOKS BRIGHTER. see askw las .hem WEAR BETTER wen in m fresh young girl. Bt.e need be prudish nor priggish. No me her to say "prunes and prisms *oar her lips into the proper curves_ t refined and d.tnly in speech as well .he surely ought to M. Won't think about it for five misates j • u do not agree with me 1- more off the. waggon. The man cwelsd tam- McCubb, in Harper's Young hurt. Ore of the horses had 11* kg broken and had to be shot George Mandy. ti. T. R. brakemen, at Kt s': &' Thomas, on the tics with • brick A Rash knight. thrown through the window of the logia Mr Reuben Knight, of Morris, Man., Street Rink while the O. T. It. employees' *tan that be uas troubled with • rash dance woo morns ell* Fie was knnrked over his bodywhich was cored with sensible. hat rwcoven'shortly after. MOW. b"T" opo were put oat are thought to be tb. • than out bottle of Burdock Blood guilty parties plough *bei on, , f item kicked hot area number of women. John Burns, the in the tarn, tearing • the a m ill of the cou wi men pkv of belt. Ile dross to Eft Thorned and y M 7 gen had the wound dressed by • surgeon.who an now on strike in Au.tralta and urged that material help be sent than. The elegem° expects from the We i Perth struck a waggon belonging to leFASTED FORTY DAYS Mc Innis. of Lanark township. The horses - were frightened, becamele, end A Ilisdin.rton Farmer'. Terrible Win te track nae of the wheels cries In tea wMor.e.$. 8•/R L-A gentlemen return- Teem • .kited, i .d tour gives the partdoshr• of a wumarkabie case of tenacity of Mie. William Preston, a stalwart fernier. aged tri years. of Guilford, Halibar- ton County. on June 21, went into the "spot wood around his residence to look for hi. cows. Not returning. a diligent buttnmval tag march wit made, and be was given up for loan On Aug. 10 Mr. rrestam's re* went into tis titers. He highly r•onmmeedu d .s • stir John Rae pre a grand hall at !cod Ger of the test efficacy 2 w.x,da afro to search for cattle. He came I> greatest lia1Ua.. 4n k..nor of Prinne 1leMvae Howww, upon lib rather lying •Iomgs d. • log upon (leowge flllfl LasatA wen present. Tee sterner- the leave.. He was alive, hat reduced to a GEMS OF THOUGHT. " ' eel oto bN*e ndd (4ouwrle war* illuminated sk.leeos. Thiele os where he mita found was - - - dosannIre and d.-oln d f1lumin•twd only .boat deo yards from the house. *6400 river is not God's retsot- with electricity std colored lanterns. The le suabou led tMxrands of an.** nt whose but taking hold of dud's willing- tall eras one d the moat brilliant erre (Ives forest. The =fortunate man seem■ to have est. -Phillips Brinks. in that festive dry- last recollection of his .. . of ids 40 A rail actikkSt b.9Dsew't at tit. Yloter de* days In the wipd►rnorw. He only remembers blahs steamship wire eaplwtbsfta IpeDii'i Trtng• Ne*'-. Yr. C. Uo.brnhw, • tam,. ys that he had to wt4skR on the leaves and trek r •e them • wide berth ft I ryas "-Tho •0 Beare nit a"tF They were leaving of tram. Though • powwrtal men when he 1S.boom named wk entered the woods b le now • urge wrect, ''rket. lbw amnia. together ,lien •Model etas, le had one ran and belying quality. Cowlomhe carried, areidentally w51 df, the and there it little hope that he will survive ,ever took op setded questionsand hall mitering young Fortin's body. Re fell his e0 days suffering and privation ' mi•d them.gkie,-Mrs, G. R. Al- into his tether's arms, and died in shoatA CLEAN SWEEP twenty minalwa The Lisette et ties. re* in clic weweA Caned films "Oh tett in this lift, bow wilt Tb deadly witch •-laimwd soother victim tarried Away 07 • Maar Barge. skids to lbs test 1 yestardey. Beck, empli,.k 'yd as •t 1 -AMwtt 4,'elodt teh by ta"'tram' Trunk Rnllway art Pour DALIN/ IL Pee eaven ; not ta bb duty y _ _II, nor n stn but bet stOr'e, brat t• seems the creek with extendedt, and mads e A bound from Oswego to '►smote, ked rum into y train ase' the wed (atom at tbw lock sad married thea + „ alone. --Thomas • Koss*- , h "4"11. tr 'tie* ester n[ hle UIw. •er•7, ss w.11 as tie bow ewq mwkh0g • h ' n Rod a pens= a little more Jess f"issstey• rho N-yearoid sous of lin el.as coq+ o,f then+ all- Tlr pratvxa with )tbait hie promise, a little move t%a.tr-w tom oaf Pout Edward, erne men the issesi s•ry etre is bong pot in rendition Wee the Baby Weiler to brink. It is a mistake to .uppsee that because milk is a li lnid food it a at the same time • drink which is capable •f satisfy• ire the thirst of infants. The Pacific Health Journal asserts that althongh milk appeases hunger it makes thirst more iatenee atter it has remained some time to the stomach and digestion of it has begun. It is thirst whtch doses healthy breast nourished infants to ery for long periods of time in many instanc- es. 1 here are many cases of indigestion doe tr weakness or insufficiency of the child's east rim juice which would be wrest ly benefitted, or even cured, if the chiid were allowed an occasional dunk of water. BLO7C 7t ID Electric Hair Restorer ! aleTUltge o11at nein 10 11L •GRIGINAII COLOR, BEAUTY IND SOFTIIES:, hedge the tread r'Iraa, Cool and Free free ()urea Irritation and Itching f of the Scalp ! Gives a beautiful glom and perfume to the hal r.t+roeu. es a nen growl h, tied Mill stop the falling out ,n • taw ds) s. Will not soli the skin or Om moot delicate bead firer. F1'LL D11tKCTI.ONN,LWITH EAl'H BOT- TLE. Trycitens peroi be Bottle. Ilefine all eud. bstli,ul15. ,1,1.11 *145(1T tont LS.li.A- H. SPENCER CASE Dac't :a t:.a n: aai lura a:::.t hem ::nap, Lr• use t'btu.tat I. 1 l •ru,ttt int. No. .0 H ret hinged.. Ilau•ittwt. Ontario. Sold by ie. Joss». ttefu.e ell odnbstitutes. 1VoltfsA MEBlacking not tient f for ..eb rot. tori `use 2edt d in the di■eliscre d tide afternoon ward ins received ben from eat patience. geek 1,.e pose Mastrewl bw'etyervi'a7 normo[. 5100 he* (01 Host Ott that tis steam bore T. D. Mth.rrs, ONCE A V. e.r K t Olt MEN. ONCE A MONTH YOK WOMEN hod .t a u;, 1-.). Hat new Dreu,ne 0.14 ,5•gwhrr• OLMUTZD a Ce.. (t..a.rat Ao•utaro. Casa,:.. Insurance, uranCe, Le Brei t!1 W.. foranna Oat IL NEW OFFICE1 DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD• TRW BERRY CURES HOLERA holcra Morbus O Lr I• - RAMPS 'sees rakes. Rork • quarter of • pound of butter to • cream, dredge to it half a pound of flour, add • quarter of a pound of sifted sugar and • .luarto of a pound of cur- rant. ; whisk two eggs and mix with half a teacupful of thin cream and a few drops of lemon essence ; stir this to the flour and then adds teaspoonful of bak- ing powder. Beat the paste well for ten minute*, then bake in small, bettered iioa, for from • quarter to half an hour. The mixture eh'ould be stiff and.doughy. This emoted is enough to make a dts•n cakes. vest i* hie statements by his playlet at a oeei.ek the elbow .wens cm an en penned up the easel to repair the gates y larger in deed then in epwweh, dank strut the steno& Pot long arty Ai* it is Impnsrble to MAI haw Coag Ili..lelay ".4-p • *1Od of Moquettes is that body was found grating down Nn etre* MM' *414 be, It may he two gays and pm't*p. an. mow net Iatd Iowa Aerobe Him, the .robe and woe GAM Mout k7 the .www mon in nothln( ir+snd tap Ie tb..1 this 4'1-0. W. Hohtm& et tb. nor ("TT Nuns.. (\teller leaner Slee et the tweak at prawn, but at the *tbs. [';.*► Marsh Rrnh.*rdt bed a wel erdlam nA. bet did set deit seeemary aide* at ti. Mvat few the bore 01more **g •,w nnwi Elllsrp► - ••want to 10014 to tepm..c Tke seats etttir**'h Ws berms Moeda Dolly. with w.p.m. et **lie Reeds."-Be.tee Those ager rwrsatr • m ys .VY - •conal men by ....I r. t ,a, 1 YerYe°y .w'-;searG?fJ.mims-.eee!iaY, `• 'fd" :;.s il` - 111. F 'b R. . . "C ." ` dttk.fi.►,. ,4.«roc . w-a'ir"'-1 `_ ,t ;•'^ l a:, . '; tteft..t*g Need Water. For softening hard water, where wood ashes can be obtained. the lye made by boiling some in water. and straining off the li:loor when the ashes have settled and left it clear, is perhaps the heat way. Otherwise use the concentrated ammonia for the porp'o•e, preferior the 'uurost attainable, and diluting it yourself Borax dissolved in boiling water. and added to the washing water, will so:ten it, and is particularly good whoa hese articles are to be cleansed. IARRHOA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN 'R ADULTS. 50c. -5,947- New A LMMe rms. aa•.ei. "1 bey. used Dr Fowler'. Estreat of Wild Ktrewberry and i think it the Met remedy for summer complaint. It has done • remit deal of good to myself end children " Yours truly, 2 Mitt. Wu. WErr-,Lt, Emerana,Man. Subscribers an wanted Jan. let, Conveyanci,4, Land., -.Loan and DIVISION COURT OFFICE be C. SEAGER ha rend%.~' toll is new nfltce unlit Mclean' new Werk, opposite the gimlet. MONEY TO LEND 0e llortucagc at.d Notre. The Great Remedy. CATARRAH., Al a'e all inducement we will mail t at address in Canada, United States or Great Britain a sew Tett On - Ile was a tennis New Yorker, sate vicious appearance and all. H• =es- pied three seats in the wooded ear end Men then seemed sorry be wa.*'I as big as he thought he was. "Well," said • traveller to the nnideetttr,- 'Olin aro assay have taken the Worle'• Fair frost New York, but that city is rusting her Fi i j cla Q k( doge rye boo. 1[ U gl clan t i tenni -1890 BRUGMANSIA -1 .--4 Warranted;Q A SURE CURE! SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. .1. K. GORE. Sole Patentee and AtanefactoIer, GOl)BR1CH• ONT. QIIALITY ALWAYS WINS! 1 As the Old Darkey said : "I'.w• ray Cher pad' more an' hob de best once in a while, than to pay less .fad bab a poor article tat n." Ilur Tea Trach Douhled! v,. y,• tr' ft, ,,, You can get the si BEST VALUE ! • CIIA& d NAIRR'S, GROCER. CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND RELIABLE E ART ST. FLOOR AND FEED STORK It 1 -1 t11ANt/Kit 1LAJiD*. i he path, ar. hereby notiflrd that the Ancr to, fort h+ -eines. formerly ••arried on by A.R. t• e11te hat 1....•n pure based 1.y THOB. J. VIDEAN, wM will ran" It on In all its tranehe•wtat the 1 ,,ljj usual, Itawt-ot. swan the ilyumrr., prM•nw• Uwd. r f ere m•nae,eepat .d former wthlwl•n+fne.- .•en the* most rnr.nea- flit Wei, n..e. of a fawn, and asJihr new rgpetrtor hae le.•. dentifid with It ler ntetN$DI r) nn. there will he nn fr lingodrIn t!.eor*ere' h,rewerly exhibited 1• keetaul it le 'he Into. tank. tted• detivered re all parts of the town he laces Ned haat Ile* of newt and toed ' alwses os hand sad choice seeds la ectasia THOS. J. TIDBArt, I i10le ent y of tbaaklag my encs rtlmerr re thele Ibafsi morning* Aurin` m1 p,weoe1pW+r .ineehtp of lbw Rae at Flour sed rat +e••. um .1.e l..ke plioa*re is n•ceen ne*/. ,*t m7 ■eonase*r. Mr Thos. .1. *teem. wte 0411 be mend te he a thoroughly reliable ma O et A. iL CULerke a 1M lel LI Wb•e se dhle4s bee a good mord, k aids me s pity for hies be goaded break it.- BMEIE I Nu i1 Non OrMalla •