The Huron Signal, 1890-9-5, Page 6A VOICE FROM IOWA -
Mises Cele • Ilse westera Teets I eteor
1tushi.s sad Peeiliebeellea Females.
Special td Tan bons m_
1 bays now been bene fuer 'tomtits amid
eve *sea sumo of the country, and casae
so some guracltouras as to how it looks to
an Oaten* than. thou City, where 1
live, is ow of the moot bustling and
wide -•wake rude antes to be found any-
where, 11 is fully equtppel with numer-
ous street -oar lines, rapid transit rail
ways, Jot. Built on • area of bluffs,
there is •great deal of energy displayed
In grading the heights and hollows to
street grades. There are numerous beef
and pork packing and canot.g estahltah•
meits, and the viutnr will remark that
the odors from these places are none of
the sweetest : to fact, they smell worse
than an oil refinery. The wholesale
bowies are large ,ltd important. and du •
very large bummer West, .ouch and
North from herr. Eight line of railway
centre here. and there is new being built
• splendid Union Station -also large ter
sinal storage buildings. .)P getting in-
which we entered at Dubuque, y'u til.
be struck by the numarous and eztenaire
stern crib. built at the different statues,
mostly toll id corn nu the ear ; also you
will observe the very large droves of cat-
tle and hoots, showing that you have en-
tered die mon growing country that
beats the world. udly enough, the
priceof farming lands is iuw : I air in-
formed that you can bay excellent land
within twenty miles "f stout ('ity for
S1'. turd 20 an sere, winch would strike me
as being very cheap considering its creat
fertility, of which there can be no d, a .t
The price of city lots here. h _ never,
spire oleo makee up for the Iowoese 6.1
farming lands. Itrsieence and business
property erty is being sold and bought in this
city at the most extravagant price..
Many and large buildings are in process of
erection, and the city presents a scene of
the greatest activity in that line.
THE .'oBS rit.A•-t roe 1894
is being built at preseot, aud takes the
time and attention of an army of wink -
ere. It will present • hrie appearance
and is a first class attraction to draw a
crowd. The Missouri Weer separates
Iowa from Nebraska. It is navigable
here and for one thousand miles atone,
more or less, hut it presents s very px,nr
appearance. The water is eery muddy
The river is wide at high water. but at
ether times, and that is most of the time.
there is tar more dry sand bar than wa-
ter to be seen. During high water it cute
Into one batik and deposits at the other
so as to change its course. At sume
points it is said to have shifted f sur
miles in a season, at any rate it cuts new
channels in the above mentioned sand
ban so that it is dithcult to tell where
there is water deep enough for a bolt to
float. Trees are conttnnally undermined
and washed tn. and dont down stream
until they get aground on • shallow spot,
and these form snags which are danger -
running netween Sioux City and Bismarck
this season. at . that is the first leoat on
the ricer for some Tear. It is cue of
the most antiooated kind of stern
wheelers and a Goder:ch loan would
laugh to see tt. Iowa is a Prohibition
State. t )wing to a decision of the courts,
liquors were held top be legally salable in
engine' pwckeze., arid were w gold for
abets, two mouths summer. A re-
cent aiaeadment to the law, by t:owgrea,
has spoiled the plea, end theoraginal
package temple have all closed tbeir
place. of business, to the manifest im-
provement of the peace and quietness of
the city. Evidently the Iowan, are
sharp e.oagh to is that money and time
wasted on liquors do not condu a to the
;-rosperity of the population of the $tate.
Learning le Ride a itryeM.
A deal 1,1 stuff has been written about
the art of riding. be' • hail hour's ex
perience in a rtditie .cho•,I or Wath a
cyclist who has a little common sense is
. 1 more actua: use thou any ..uu,urn
of tome wasted over written instruc-
In all cities agents have either riding -
schools or the teacher takes the pupil out
t • a piece of nnfre.,uented r.rad. uueral
about dusk, as the pupil cut., more o►
lea of an awkward figure, and a natur-
aturally averse to furnishing the p Iblic with
a free spectacle.
It may be accepted as a fact that an.
one can ride a safety : that it is a. e•ei
se walking : but few ride off hand, O.-
.cause of the fear of a fall. A mote
is Met taught to ride as follow.: T.k
him on the mad, on a kart.
where there is • •light incline. TO.. r•
mast he free from stones, onod, vehlr••
and spectators, the last hemp most L.
to success. The tutor is to hold
w heel while the pupil mounts, and
the pupil pedal, along, the teacher a
balance the wheel and run I eeole is.
For new riders these thio;.i ono
nheerved : The seat Is to he at jus
proper height, neither too low w..
high the rider is not to tug at the
die.: he is to be taught that else t.
is to be steadied by remold the tr...
steering wheel rl•gANv toward the sot
which you are (siting ; the moo
must be regular, the pine Nun ..,
power t• be applied to the right woe
to the left. Most eiders turn iM hat •
bar taw, mach in the effort to s,er the ,,
selves. and thus precipitate the fa'i tI:
taight hare avoided hs' • sricht taro. .
After the pupil has heel. wheeled she
a ! it,•he should he started no the .'ac
incline, and the increased p' can ,r
eery to propel the wheel up hit
him increased balancing power T.
writer has taught a number ..f p
this way inside the hail -hoer - 1 e
Trial, In Harper a Weekly.
An employe nl the Neu. Km
week worked off: of • N. 2
press treadle power, 12.000 • n • •
in. hour and forty three rot`
besides stopping several owe. t.-.
enneidered pretty fast work, INA I
been Neaten an any priatut,g u$.
would like to hater of it --Nog Bre,
Mr Son titres, f,.r some same risst
pinyes at the Di -her Y a roan fee
tYlintnn. has taken the r r•,M•laor'.,'
the Winetom rose..: th'otgb bo opo
boon setisd, m.traeed ;,rine .V. I •
aimit time. he is seserb/I.s. 1'
rattling' printer.
44 lc
FIN§ OF ;THE 1Y+11�1.5►.
Tire nerd -ere went bowed la Olds last
w eek.
Tim Cougar lard Wu hoe crowd Cenpam by
111 to 31.
Tnuawa.d•, N. Y., has bad dame ens
within twenty-four hour&
Two (' have hold an eats
terra .lobate pe•at Hudson, N. Y.
Fire hoe swept the Binsiij a forget la
Algeria. Two .phages were tter'lattl.
Piece churches and many hawses have been
wres•ked by a tornado is teemeta, Italy.
The striking misers In Belgium now
n umber Ie,g10U.
The Majestic made bur last voyage from
Queenstown to New York la d day., 52 hours
and Jt misuh
General B•wgham, an old Confederate
e ddies-. has dead at Columbia, 8. C'., at tee
age of 7:.
Mr. Stevenson, of Chickasaw Co., lows.
bas fallen bear to an Irish estate worth 09, -
lrenpatebes term Buenos Ayres say the
dtuatte* 1s improving. and cord/Ideate 1s the
Government is reetored-
It is reported that an English .ytdl ate 4
trying to obtals control of big tobacco wars
houses, la the. States.
Eleven Austrian soldiers were killed during
the recent nan,euvres by the Wowing up of
• penitent bridge on the Lague River.
The United States Senate has &gr•e.ed to
eioa• the ,debate on the tariff bill on Septem-
ber 3rd and to begin voting on etept.tnber
A tleptled minister named Overton, aged
fes, gut tato. scandal about • 3 outyg lady,
nod Iter committed suicide is Greene Co..
:liter committing eve murders in six
year. henry Smith • young man of "4, bail
just died nhcomssureptioa in Birmingham jail
Baron i.sgerfsldt. Swedish Vice -Consul to
Yltteleirg, is raid to have forged paper for a
very considerable amount on the Jefferson
1Y:lllam Fismelle quarvwlled with his bre
thee -w -law. us Jersey City. and instantly
killed him by twice. plunging his soden° into
the groin of his leg.
An expedition coenprising infantry, caval
ry wed artilery leas started from ('aconite.
l'e.gueln, to punish the King of Bibland foi
outrages o. Portuguese subject&
The agricultural w hedele of the McKin•
ley Tariff Bill was renehe'd by the 1-n.t,d
Santee Senate Committee. and theduty .m
barley nal barley nail: was fixed al .4 and
45 roots rearestiTe4y-
Thu M,mbem se Nyanza Railway was in
augnrsted hast week in the presence of the
British and e:tlu•r foreign consubs. Admire
Fremantle, of the British navy, and a large
number of other Eureope...s.
test of • new air brake wee mace
in the New Jerry Northern Railroad
twenty miles from Jersey City. it was
w;ts...acet by :A experts, representing trunk
line and equipment railroad rnmnani,•e. Tice
train .of eight ruches, run:Ring 4') miles an
h. ter, was brought to a stop within nice car
Noble rnunty Ohio was visited last week
lie !Ise heaviest rains ever known there
At East 1'ntnn. revered houses were washed
away. One bridge struck • dwelling house
toad Rey. S. W. Amir, D. Kirk, his wife
unit child. Mrs) Belk Dach, and Davi./'. cbikl were 3rewned.
Engle :or T. T. Dory. Middaugh, M. C. R..
had *stroke of paralysis on his -engine at Far-
go, whits running No.15 express train. His left
leg is effected, but he is powerless. Ile was
abet. (imperial with the engine, and when he
arrived at Rt. Thomas was (ruiveye.t to bis
home on Railway street and a phyrician sum-
The iienmen'e Union has called out the
('rows . f the l'ninn Steamship ('.aniseny,
whoa vessels ply between Sydney and New
Zealand. The gat stokers go on strike on the
Steuart (hat the gascorapany employes non-
aniun item. At an immure meeting of erre
pl,yersit was unanimously resolved to sup-
port the ship -owners.
The New York Central official.' say the
freight movement out of the Weet Albany
wail Kerner yarde is improving gently.
The Boston & Albany Road informed the
Central people that they were delivering toe
many car. to it, and the road will be .unw-
wbat delayed in clearing up the yard. at
this un.zp'oted movement.
The rer•nt daily reins in Oklahoma have
frvdlened the pastures newt .«dt.•nr.i tb
ground ..e that fanners are ell at work Bowleg
turnips and potatoes for their winter's use os)
preparing the grimed for planting wheat and
rye. The agnculturwl outlook is we much
better that ,,me of the men who have been
trying to sell their clams here taken then,
off the market,
Three-quarters of the town of Kineabina,
Rus'., bas been destroyed by fire. The
deflate is estimated at 33x:,000,(0s roubles.
In sIJt;lon to the hew of their homes, the
people are suffering from lack of tool, and
the greatest dtstrews prevails. Serious flres
are also reported at Onet and Kuri k. A
n•ptew vane brut been burned sit her wharf
et Menem. The captain and two sailors eat
their lve&
Jobe Nicely. a prominent steel man of
near Arrow thick, Mn., reported a new and
strange riiw.ase among Li. Several
day. age he notlo e d that ..x head of his rat
tle were .uttering with badly swollen tongues,
and a few days after eye mare head were
taken. The cows' tonglws, protruded from
their monthm en that they could hardly drink.
Mile', room would dry up and not give a drop
of milk. (rne animal so far, hat died fr..'-
The eimpenn Island copper mine. situated
• linessma.puody Bee, near Eastport. Me..
mol vetoed by T. K. Jlnken. and J..Oo F'
/'mwe, Halifax. has leen e.14 to an Amore
can company fur t'-:.' i,144) in stock. A ram
/any hes teen (crawl and menet neatest in
&etnn with • capital of ,l,0efle In in l0,4as1
Marro ref tin. Work is being 1lgnronsly pro -
metaled, and it is rxpeetad to le • btoanse
to t he A merira• stnrkbnkk•rw it Is .aid
Mese* Jenkins Rod ('row* paid 12.044 he
the min..
There is a story afloat in Relents to the
.f?ee't the Chinese eolony es .nem to be
PeliVeated by 100 presence of oboist sixty
reins women, impn teen direct from the
i:sngeom of Flower& The fair ones. it is
save. will land in San Praneirtet, In a few
Avers. Celestial. depletes wivee have been
warned In frrwerf their names. baek•d by
Pe, on else grand mogul of the Meisel Nations
at Nan Ftenri.r, "First arm.. first tercet.
trade the Mongnllsa c;malar
char..'.e forme:My re-6rriage.
Tb. Buttal' pollee are
heading a public (nmetlgatk.a of the t e e n-
Masces atter.ling the never-reeledanret of
1ad.M 4..•tione Tepper, waive ws. brassie
shoat la Tommie by • b4 .gram from SS's•r.
Iwtewent Monk, of Buffalo Mira Tnpp.r
car mull aken hes • sweat tee( tessf nawwd
Mary P perm Korvin? t Maria pets
the blame ns I •ettetive Mask. T1s matter 4.
aidtbng .' caidereles interest, owing is mss
st<wlI.nt vadat and beelwan emenseh sus of
rr.(bad >ia Tapper.
,110 M
.r.• r. •AT�•: y •$ p rJ�. Y
THE HURON SIGNAL, Ftt I1►A 1 SFPT. 5 ' 1s +t
■onsttat le•swree .r ties (+ewart ae4 Pe.-
" /wee learkese Y Komi sad Ab. • w.l.
To -mousy, Sept 1- A s4edy tra.ip is bang
dune In unwary produce, but there is hale
change m prices. The receipts of eggs are
fate mad proms arm at Vie. Butter la in
meals. a re0•sps at iso to bile bur pound
rugs and Die W lee for tab. lhiokew• are
quoted at Ne to :id ,, daces 43o 50 tide per
peer. tellfaiegs .re heir nee ,tiro
per Oast.
Floor is quiet aril ut5e .doing. healers
are holding off and the expectation ss teat
pries will own drop. Mantt.•ba patents are
quoted at 1i 3u, Manitoba bakers' 1A, straight
rollers 44.1) to 44 75, sales $4.alto IKs.
Wheat is Measly and maintaining its ad-
vanced position :lads of white are reported
on ape Morth r•u at $L(4 .ad *pries eau the
M ldtamd at in,
I .
Oats are quiet and arm at 43c beer.
Ll y r envoi. 'lARK ET*
Liverpool reports. Wheat easy. demand
poor. holders :der freely; cora Meade. de
mead fair; eiprutg wheat, 7s tui; rod winter,
7s Wed; No. 1 C'al, Ts 7ikd to is ad; Dorn, 4s,
decd; pea; Ss Sad: pork Seg t14; lard 3ls Cid;
bacon, long clear, !wavy, 51. cid, short char,
heavy, Ka; ehwew, tits
ser ii Jim *IPA&T.
Beerbohm repots : Floating cargoes -
Wheat quieter. euro nil Cargoes on pee-
rage --Wheat and corn, few bids in market.
Mark Lane--Errghsh wheat, very few sam-
ples; mew Englis3, Improved market. foreign
.lui•t and steady. corn and lour turn dearer.
French country markets steadier. Weather
In England tine. Liverpool -Spot wheat
,low, turn steady, No 1 Cal. is tad, Wa11a
:s Sid, both yd rbseper.
d'HERAW 0ARkttTs.
Buffalo reports : Chts.e quiet, bet !abetter
deaatd and prices better. The r...ur•ings
were only ',MOP boxes, 1:11x) of Springville ant
1Ma0 of Clearfield ; all •old a1 voc.
Utica reports: The boom that struck the
cheese market last Monday gathered strength
during the week, and yesterday aasuuleJ
large proportions. The biggest advance of
the sawn was recorded The improvement
in the market is ha to the increase' .demand
for cheese W supply the borne trade, which is
now becoming active. T.. 1, : 1510
luta, 13,819 boxes, ruling price She. Tran-
sactions same time last year aggregated
14,72e boxes, ruling price 7'yc.
Little Falls reports: Chew active at an
advance: in price of about ase. The ship.
meat cumpnns tine August gusts and the
general condition ..f the uarket is considered
satisfactory. 1' . : 42 lots at eye;
:rl Iota. at 4.k.e.'.4 lots at tie; 19 lots ...immix -
mon. Total e'la boxtss
Farm dairies -The sales of farm day
cheats are 1010 boxes at Stec W 1114•. Three
btu only at time tep price, the balk at `tare,
Rutter -Quiet, • few packager of creamery
isold at'23'itc.
Opening Day or the Dootedoa Aerie -intim
O Ietwe. Sept. 1 --The Dominion Rifle
Association ltatchee opened to -,lav at
- the Rideau ranges. In the Mac-
dougall Challenge l'ap match the sup
and $>i) was won 17 Pte. Abbott, ash, with
45 paints, Lieut. Crean, Q(,.R., taking
second place with 44 pointe and winning. t:
Among the other prise winners were st ff-
itorgt. Mct'ittie. R.(4., Co. 4'2: Pte. test-
- man. Q.(s.R., 410. 42; Stag -Sergi Donnel-
ly, Q.l1.R., 11.1, 40; ('ore. Meadows, Q.(i.R..
:40: Pte. Pringle, Q.t.; R., 41:, ::'i: Major
Delamere, Q. O. K - Ko, ; ( sol.-Sergt. ('rooks,
113, 5:. Twettty-two 36's were count-
ed nut.
The ltd British Challenge Shield
matches were also shot off today, but owing
to a bitch in the work of compilation results
will not be known until to-m..rrow.
Tie Annual Meeting- Election of Otaeers
- To Clerk Ilse !Seeress
OTTAWA. Sept 1. -The annual 'meeting of
the Canadian Military Ride i.eague eras held
this evening. Major Mason in the chair. The
trrretary's report showed that ex) naeman
bad participated in the contests. The trea-
surer's report ,bowed there remained a
balance of 24 cents in the treasury,
Sir Adolphe Caron pres,•ntel the tropby,
cups and i.sdgee. He delivered au address,
In which he referred to the ham lured by
the militia officers in the Howse of (*liminess.,
in indue:ng the t:nvernnneut to i+tee free
ammunition for the matches- lie promised
• prize for ensnpetitioo and agreed to give
free ammunition again next year.
Ther racers were certed:
President -Lieut. -Col Hon. J. M. Gilowee
Ci• ,-i.iett ('mi, Anderson, Ot-
tawa;..coed vire, Major Ielamen, Q.O.R.
Treasurer -Capt. J. Bruce, Toronto.
Secretary -W. R. Pringle.
Upon tbe rvggedion or Capt. OYirady the
Executive Committee ma irstrwi.,3 t, dun
Hee some means of decking the ',cons in
Lows Maned by Elames.
TH lusat'RT, ibpt, 1. -About 6 o'clock
last evening See was discovered in the roof
of Mee. Riley's millinery shop. It spread
rapidly to Stevenson'. haresm shop, a store
formerly occupied by W. /: Beggs & Co-,
and (tete(' by T. McKenny and iir. Kent's
surgery, owned by T. Mot'arron. Melford,
and eeriouady damaged them. The baikl-
are supposed to he fully insured. Tae
cause ,d the fin is unknown.
I, ow ('ITT, la„ Nese. i. -Fire last night
almost totally destroyed the t'wn of t ixfurd,
west of this city. Nearly all the buaines
part and many private reeldenres were
turned- The pn.tolflr.. the tank and many
other buildings were destroyed., The fire
was undoubtedly of incendiary origin. Th.
Are bell rope was cut. Les 1116,000 to 1.50,000.
lli o, Mina-, Rept. 1.-R D. Hub-
udlard It l'n.'s wheat elevator was horned yes
tenrlay. L.., 430.4510.
HAt-trax, Sept. I. -Fire broke not in the
stables of J. I n. McLeod it Co, at Cb•rk'tte-
town. P. 8.1 . Saturday night The building
and Intents, emending two valuable molts,
were turned. J. Fargahers ii, • arwtnan,
wie so hinny burned In trying to save the
hoves that he has sine. died.
('„rn, Co1., delta 1 -The Wolford holm
was hunted this morning. Th. fire caught to
• mons (rrupted by an Invalid, who, it is
thnugbt. know ked over a lamp. Three pee
s.s were burned to death tint bony has
teen ideotifed s• that of William I'rwu, •
telegraph lutetium.
The Armenian Patriarch. afar a renter -
mice with Me $nitaa's sw'vv4ry, obtained an
(rade ameeti.g to all the demands made by
the Patriarch In his , in:ending
tbo maturation of the privileges of the Arne -
nee 4 hurreb sad the ,d the
csmdliina of the Armenians in Ad* /Mint.
The Patriarch tiers ,•oew.ted . withdraw
his r.esgwatloa aid wont/nor In hie post for
alis month. pearling the fulfilment r
1110aree. premium
14' ' a. , p
[hemi of Interest from over the
L Wee tl; Mama of she (..•is trews bort.
ed ay toasts 'leaden el ••fbe Wa.L'
rue ase road, clapped sag 4ea-
.mn•0d tram It*mQ rw1.a
Mimi Cele, Eitel. bee remitted too •p-
pwl.teseut e,f ors/moat le the 1
church, Bru..ela
Mr Robert McMillan, Kos barn, bet
returned hums) iron, the old c•uu'ty,.• d
reports baring *truck a g od mark... 1
hos cattle.
Davol W'tio a left Bruise!. 1., Il 1,...
us. Wedue.dsl e f last week Dee • h...
been there t.efur. s:. l sees tb. wW•t.
sap gab.
Mrs Wm Pieper. of Mordant, IM•...
formetie of Itru..:ls, is ri•itu,g ria aha
.oso. She to well pleased nick bar es).•
ern home.
Mrs Rob( Sparking and M:. J as
Lamont, of Tbis.sso,-, AA/olio'. -re .
pregeet visiting friends .uJ rets is ea ea
the let coo., Morn.
Jamra Mrpotield,lae y,be«. a va •t•,11•
mate lest Werk •he ( dead r.-1 se
the farrier cowl toe got.
Mw Ella 31,L.ucbtt., (lrcy, is•
gusto( to totes. ,.) 91• •hr'
she will attend Ole Norma: sch••o1 ouiu,g
the Pelt sea•...0
Anvus McPt•ail, of the Nolo. were, as
timed home lest week, oelnt .• tl..
heath of his father, cue of the pone et
of liodench 'tranship.
Dr Motive, can of S B M1or:ts fog
mealy of Brussel., who has beim to a,.
(meg Isis profession in i'atkhtla fur •on.
ime, has left for thu (-sated So•tes
where he will open u? • demos! oat: e
Mrs cod Mus .Sate, of Walton, 'b.f.!,
famed muaicakglas pialrrs are 1w•, lett
to play at Boston, Musschusett.•, frog.
the 15th to the l2nd et September
Mr F. V. E. Dickson and M r W'''.
Dickson, Wr,l.ter, have returned fr.•w•
Preece Albert, Northwest Terro'.rl
the latter, who was seized with ps sly.1
some weeks •go, much su.promrd
health. Ho prospects of entire recover.
pre very good
The east half of lot 34, con 3 1?44,1
Waw•oo.b, was sold by swan... leo
week. It contains au scree, and ea•
purchased by It Howard, Blyth, the
pence pard being 10:00.
While a threshing was in progress s'
the farm of Mr W Obler, a eon ,4 :.11
Michael Swanse, Ccltorne, met wish s
painful accident Some one above h,-.
had laid down • pitchfork, when t' s' p`
pad down, the prong catches g Swanze is
the breast, penetrating one lung. Cadet
medical treatment he is doing as ws..e
could be ezpeeted.
Mr John Easton, of Silver City,
Montana, is in McKillop on a visit t
his mother. Ile is eag.ged in mining
in that city, and says he is pnepern it
exceedingly well in that country. it is
seventeen Tsam since he went to that
country, and hie old friends are glad t.
see him.
('n July 31st John D., eldest inn (.1
David Campbell, lith con. of Grey
township, had the misfortune to hive
three of the fingers taking off his right
hand in a planing mill at 3lattaws, shout
30 miles from Duluth.
The other day, while Mr D. McTavish,
Stanley, was driving a teem bitched to W.
I'.rdue'a thresher. the horses became
unmanageable, and upset the thresher
rn its side. Mr McTavish had his arm
hroken, and the machine was slightly
Miss M. L Taylor daughter of Mr
Wm Taylor) who had been engaged for •
school at Medoc, was also eogsved for a
Methodist mission school at Morley, N.
W.T., at • salary of #41k) a year, sod
will go west, if Madoc releases her.
JUST:RIt'UITEo-A fun libel of
Gib: on's English Candies!
(Iw a tares supply of
Pars E w ttru i & CASTILE 80,0
Tie best la the market for the toilet. Osl, Sc. l -. per oaks.
-tram OWLY-
A positive suer for Derrhse•, Dysentery, Cholera Morbo., etc., etc.
CIII M1 er AND DRUGGIST, Neat Oso. Aebssoa'. dry goods eters.
1\2. ao.xa_ooc -.
is giving the
town et his store. where hr ale ay • has on hand a large stock of
2�ry C oodLS,
it will be to the public advantage to give bins a call before going
elsewhere 2217-
OE���p710t CU EDS
TO 7111: Pi) 1'1'4)'1
Pse to ile,,ez yew readers that I taus • ocsitiee remedy lir the ahem) tys/
4111041110610-.•a. 87 its bawl, v.e t ...•t sae d.:.1bop ins cases lase bees permanently cure& 1 sba8
he glad tot of two boat •: ni my remedy FRCS to say of, year reader. *M
Tfaption if •••41 •••1.1tae 1'•.•:r Ezyre.s and Post Owc Address
A. K.ocuM, ILO, MIS West **.demi rte . ONTARIO.
Try Our Oxford Shoes
FOR SUMMER WEAR.:.:...,,.r.,,.:a,:;R
They -re:r arnar.t_d not to slip up and dna a one the Aral. w loch cannot be sold d eq
tithe- crake.
Our Russot Oxford Shoes
are a decided *acmes. There i. nothing (Ike then for summer wear.
and guaninerad'tolet r satis(astboa,
:el: rips stud free of charge. Puo!s and 'hose of a r, nor •. ur;,ty made to order.
Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer lad Dealer in Boots Ana dhoe& o
_so When 1 say Cure I do wet mem
merely to mop them fee a time, and tin
hale them rehire again . MtANARAD1oALCURt:. !have made the diseasedPleas
RwNeaey se ISUing etas....e a late -lout study. 1 eramaito my remedy to pure the
Worst rases. Because others have faated is no reason for not naw receiving a cure. Sad at
oPost Oiler It nce for attestant* sad a Pres
ows Too �ag�seems of my laftatti 1. Ren•ead . Cuss sad
aa.0.. 1lraem.ArOntoto MIS MIT tor aAOKLLik will
Address:-t1 Ere
Looking for a liun•1'owe Xmas or New Tear's present A a adasate
testy • t'etb rales.
"What's to he done ( whispered the pryer'
janitor .•1 a buildiog, livid with terror.
about to fall, and yet if you tell thoseWeKnowwe Have -dNit,
"The walls are cracking, the flour is people the M building is goioq to collapa
there well hundreds of them killed is ving the Finest Lines of Silver Plate. Fiat Ware and Cutlery ever
in this town.
trying to get out
"111 attend to that,- whispered tb
irlienan bebai•e inect Hing repltFea' OUR PRICES BEAT THE BAND
mice, '•I am requested to my that at the Inspection Solicited.
conclaioo of the next feature of the
ei`snirg's entertainment • collection will
be taken up for the benefit of the Grant
monument fund
Before the .orchestra had finished the
selection which followed this speech the
hall was empty. The chairman s pres-
ence of mind had saved a thou-
sand lives, -Exchange.
• &rent reel I• ■ettesrephsas.
A Prescott, Ariz., despatch ,aye .-
The greatest achievement made yet in
!lithographing was aocompliehed during
practice in the department of Arizona
Yesterday by Limit. Witteomeyer, who
signalled a message, by a single flash,
12ii miles from Mount Reno. near Fort
McDowell, t:; Mount Graham, neer Fort
Grant, where it was received by Capt.
Murray. l he latter by turning his in-
strument dashed the menage to Fort
Bambinos, a distance of AO miles, mak-
ing a total distance of 215 miles with a
single intervening static.. The longest
distance heretofore with a stogie flash is
said to be about ;0 miles.
Boderieb Steam Boiler Works
F.IsWeebed 1140.
Chi-,, _ ' l & B1ac]�,
M•nnfacturers and deaden In
Mew Setters Pall Paan Tanks, Heaters,
3 lad an kinds or sheet
Iron Week.
laspreved Antoinette ce• oft ('ov1ia Re.
Ines l'preeet and Horlenutal gtugtnoo, Ms
chinery anti Contain of every d*anrtptta sig
Brass Fitting+ Pipe and p'Ipe Fittings oma-
stastly en Ifand.
Mall orders will rsestve prompt atteetb5,
Waters s Opp. C. T. R. (Mat1N.
TA. Repairs promptly naiad.'' te.
P.O. BOX 881.
Tb. restoteme •ahte
-y yery glad thee s•mmsi. 1
Oho 1s se lead et rowing ;
_A.4 semis Y • Measles gum
Aad jet tee epees tar gamete
gags agile ease and RT•o•Ialae
- ihie eau 1P.a1 es) weektae•
jag pseud, steles; 'The mud
Dee. shite instead of cabins
moll give yes plats *bout be.
•V•stob" ler relit swtllea Wt.
41.0 drive year ser, fastest M
lad know ab kooks ler kiwi
o0've heated for her au your
And fed this cLarmlasg omit
't(trorig. grainiest. bvl•g. seam
Has every smuts feature
•rhggam to make that prefect
A woman pie meld die for,
Or live with all kb bappe lite
Web teething left to sigh fun
.t ask her one smell moss it
Such work's so eery heath
.A for my sdo•d. l really one
sets nil haunt to beating.'
.m3ae Alidera*:la Memel
I. Slake a Seem Sew M1a 1
.os) of the best lessons t
.ht to children in s bus
,ug forward wad toyer 1
Look out lad moot in,
Look up and not down
Look forward and not 1
end land • band.
.•e• immortal words of
be bet deeply trsprem
nilur a tb.y ars tea ova
1 bear �l.o1I g atttw amid
y should really be insert'
,; ,Id, s asewhere in eve'
,torhaps, the most beneli
fur children to be 1
warn ; w be hateful an
Lara not to carry abut
Lehi of regrets ; to be n
plate even serious di•a
.host desp.,odtung or regi
bre and errors of jodon
enable results of halal
d if one oats learn by a a
.eat It, let tummies! it
wo real loss to the world
d telrp•er, good fe.ltsg,
.d character. Alt utbe
rne, mad fur their etre
.torten*, there tee c
far as possible, let chile
to dwell JP past erten
thing in the drvtwe pros
tioable aid to a ueefu
than the assurance the
East is from the Beet
removed oat traasgr.s
t ugly forgive., but 'Te
in these words N their
attitude toward our pr
r attitude tuwaret other
Os Talbles etc
'sermuoette u
girls. 'Mads
r•e words - D o: t .1
rr might come neo mea
life -tune --when a se*
genuine article "dant;
0y. Bet to hear roll
• gentle girl is alt
.kteg. I remember pi
the street and hearin
-"I'11 bet you • qua
• shiver. ARA wh
1-girle 611 their ea
hey often du -i
ter soother, the
palatally disagree
e baba of talking a
It is like rep,r
al. Have yon move
v say an unkind word
r kow quickly a than
other I Aad with just
Il:ng ease a habit of
.area words increases.
There is plenty of go
fah to stye eeprewsion 1
digwaties or aympath
urea to the phrases w
res-yusksy., gamblers
abnsde. The street
ng as he does the end
m the gutter. Sur
1 is not on the sea
and m . V
vulgar words say
stain her heads I
There ought to be sot
were in a fresh y000g
be prudish nor pro
ahem her to say ''prim
moat her lips into th
t refined and dainty 11
she surely out
think about it
y --u do not a1
NcCubb, in
t e
kth'li8c ill The SlgllJ. T YOCI
A Ranh lel
Mr Reuben Knight,
that he was trot
over his body which
than one bottle of
ittega. He highly rem
purifier of the gre
Prem1. not sot e1ear
takieg hold c
.e. -Phillips Brooks.
"1 have no grades ag
the steamship age.'
ve them a wide berth
la • had owe rare and
'le gavot took op wtde
,settled them sesta.-
.1 thou mak test in tl
attain to the
not thyea! f
rest patentee.
��^.•'earth. but in
.�• see in eay Other
++t al.sw-T1besM a
4 Mien you find a pen
1 than his prom
w ',nota vet la hie i
little larger in de
w° claims a tied of
~ -t i uttermost, sot
Asa --O. W. 1
es Cotarrow 9•rab
aH mope.
she needa."-