HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-5, Page 5JOHN ACHESON.
RIVERS our a THEIR s•��s
Proem ,Seeded - a Illeilea be the Motet.
Valles Partially f...brersw(.
EX' I Vomit a, Kept 3.- Ile 11.4daa (liver hoes
aoudad a punnet el Prague said use does
much damage to tilt .x.:aatry between
Ilecluner aid Wold and tae Co°th etc. of
the Mulke and the Elbe
Many .Wave w the Damubs valley are
partimly submerged. The author urs best
are takit. soccial precautioaa.
• Tile Csprss Teter a assts.
Patau, Bert, 3.--Tbe Eiaprlr Elisabeth of
Austria oua5nues on her o.cco•utrle travel*
Uu Saturday she writ for tbs clerk of the
l:raud Hotel at Arime.iou, whore she is stop-
ping, and toll tout she em not au impet.a1
lerscsage at all, but tempi, plata Mine.
Edina of Corfu and the wile of • ploiu Omsk
merchant, end she toped and spiel to be let
aluue. Oue warning last week Ibis arose res
foo daybreak, unkiluwn to her vette, and
weut Into the sea at S o'clock and swam
about fur nearly til minute. Tbeu sbe gut
in • boat, rowed for • few mimeo and rte
turned to bar hotel She goes mit w•hkiog
in the rain, lenders in seeking her or,u
my commercial barrier totem' tea
The ai gtutnent. for free tads brtwern breakfast over a spirit lamp and doing other
Kartltog hwga
Camelot mid the United rltates are almost u. I
strong as they are belw .0 the several states Tke Yews Iaspe rt/ea Rill.
of tale (,Yh` . Beate+, :rept. S. -United States Minister
'• 'Ilse coal of Nova Seot:a finds Its beat Mills was Interviewed to -day regarding
narbet 1u New England, oatwe the coal of lienator Edmunds' Meat Inspection Bill. He '
(goo aid Penurytvaola roots it. largest ex- said: "Public opinion in Germany is doing
port mariet in towed.. amd toe coal of the work ter us as rapidly as we could ex-
('ulumbla is the Chief reliance for all Ii°ct Different Gentian tatsry motets are I,os.i-
the Pacific settee. In tubs coedttiuu of affairsLarding Chancellor run Caprivi r o h,tl�
it it absurd for sober country to levy • duty I that we .Yrs afford to wait • little berme
ou sol carried frotu one to the other. throwing our great shall We might two
•'t4v the artuie of fish is the I this civil war Leto a (*.reign war to our own
cause of constant di.turh00ee of friend- i mulcting. Germany is a good country to
wax, relations between the two e,untrkr, •x, tut a bad one to threaten, as Minister
as tan fish migrate constantly lack I Ssrgeot discovered."
and forth iu the waters of both. The ex=
Mashie of our tMiug vessels frut:n the mil- -
oary rights of hospitality in Canadian ports The Itewlutloa. of the Informational Con-
i' the reason why Leo levy high rater on forester bent to ('ewgre•s.
Canadian C.h. So a simply fair arran;t- LVamu ecToe, Sept. :.-The Pretadeut to-
n ing to admit ffwe free. or We very low rate day transmitted ti. Cor.gres the recd minen-
'of duty, afore reciprocal relehom as to thedations of the International American ('ot-
rlum of flatting reels tato the Ports of I terru,•e touching iuternatwnal arbitration.
Ube two countries would cure nee sore. ' 1 with • letter of transmittal from Setrearry
"1 could n 1 Ilan" articles by the solve Blaine, which says the conference adopted
where both countries would be benefitedthews report.:
by 0 fres ezchat-ge of products and i 1. 1C.rommrndiee a,:, -finer plan of artltratior
cv,mmalities. Lut it is difficult to, fur the settlement of ulrtorrnceo between the
make any adjtedinent without having pr.- 1 Atneriout nadaka
riot a o• 'erence liec iprritr treaties are et F'' ""' ' . the wke,Aion of a irimttar
but reciprocal I 1 .� d!
kglslatiou with the power in each to meal' I tot be rengniaed by the American nation..
.eras the beat way to iticreaee that exchange I The President, in his letter, say: " The
of eotnmoditiee between the two countrie. ; r�uticataon of the treaties tontempiet.d by
Tie anl.•odmemt I introduced k,uka to "'eh • ! these reports will constitute one of the toner
conference, ..std I believe wul be productive i 1 stud most hopeful incidents to the his_
Pall ganonaormat of Now Im-
portod Goods.
Jersey Jackets,
Dress Goods
Silk Velvets,
Rubber Circulars.
Ia � Jul a a tea.
nQ ibuibe.
tan at Uoderic tea b
.......... IoM veli.
OAS alb
ILM sass
.......... lir lft
- ...... ....... . 4.116 DAIM
t•rrister, Fredet?
Revery to loss et wit
ds. envied Mas. ler
very moderate. it
sally or write. !I
British t Mermaid*
Gabe: Aorwieb Claw
. sad Accident Ismer
;wee storied promptly
nu and Town Property
Property valued. etc.
Land Square. Ooderkb.
. r t CAMERON . Oed
to rands for 1•vetMee
L' DF )Io Apply
CE earn
nnpawlea Reprr rofd
on straight l0•m, at tiro
t goiwg, is any way to
ad doer fres Square
b. =OSS-tf
rawer, to : Money to
It-Oelce. soderick. Obtf
Notary Public. e t c.
Drag Store. the moms
Judge Doyle.
et C;quare and West
tx telegraph office. Pro
t ES Per ceet. a0fa
bi a ry%, Solicitors.
'row. W. Proud foot. 17
bion in Chancery te.
�rnrroo. Q.C.: 1'. Holt. M.
.eve. 1751-
RS or re..,.
NCiL, NO 103, GOD•
oers' meeting on Tuead.�
Temperance Hall. North
Mar • !otics.
e late David Marble-
n.hlp of Ashanti. le obs
comae. who died at the
M. 1n the !'ate of Mkh1-
of March. A.D. l are
and by post psep•id. of sr
of neptember next. to the
Irrlch P.0.. aollcitoro for
Ain sdmial•tratrix of
said David McWhinney
surnames, address alai
full particulars of their
of their accounts and 1be
hies id any* held be theta ;
,ly .fax the mid IMS say
t the meets of the said
will he dlstriMetel an mu
thereto. harinrt nferesgs
of which nodes %ha11 hare
ad the administrate' wall
for the mets or any part
ea of whoop eeOm notice
s reeeirr 1 by bee at the
lW t PHOL'' i>/'OOT,
beers Ree AdtaslsfetrNr{o,
t� •wOIR*RA LA O.
rroaiderable monism* 1.1
'site, he 1. 1n a position
ones stMaetinn all covet
to has. Oiler's left a1
e t by small to y addles,
telly anemia/ Ia JO $
seHsssar.- -- 1
oar whe la lfgesed to put W bol In • barrel sad beep it Uwe. ere *beery
that for a tborough.y
the public 04 the present day demand
1st, Reliability. 2nd, Constant Personal Attention.
3rd, Finest Work and Purest Materisl.
4th, Best Possible Equipment.
I r 17laet.ees mal Tyre 111.r•fed
Mee Save Atm t sad That
the Y.., Have left Tows Together -
One .f the Women Repeats.
T000sro, Sept. 4. -There is great excite-
ment in St. John's and 8t. Andrew'. Wards
er' whet roma of the gossips term a doable
The upper portion of
street, in fart, is ready to boil over
. er affair.
Wiles John F. Hughes, foreman for J. P.
Wagner t Co of West Toronto Junction,
arrived at his boors, Na 214 Teraulaystreet,
at 7}( o'clock ma Tuesday evening of last
Beta he found this nob pinned to the door:
Jokes, tee bey is la the .hater
He secured the key aed on entering the
Ix•nle discovered that obs inter*w r'e.embted
a last year•s bird's nest. Not only was his
elle end 7 -year-old daughter Alioe ed..tng,
t the Qurniture had disappeared as effeetu-
b it bad taken wings and flown
ext day be learned that a. speedily
Po atter be left for his work his wife
ad called in • moored -hand dialer wed die
of almost everything portable, leaving
behind excepting • bedstead reed a
w chain. Hughes also discovered that bat
if. bad left in the direction of Hamilton.
Tbs sats evening Jams Atley of obese.
ut-eirsst, foreman for the W nom
t.ttmg Compsay, discovered that hie
ire was miasma and did not take
cry long ., fled out that the two woman,
bo were " chummy,- bad goo. together.
Tbe siva day a married aria reeding in
videtty, whoa identity inquiry has
A as yet been able to establish, deserted his
fe and family and jograeysd in the tame
n•et ion.
1,n Monday lad Martin Kerr, for several
ars past a brenrhman in the Portland -
fire hall, kissed his wife before going
vert. There was notbing unequal in then,
that the osculation aposared to be
affectionate than was his wont. He
to the City Hail, drew his tnnotb'e
y gt bb, and he., tot., journeyed in
direction taken by Mrs. Hughes.
who waited with hle wife and repea-
t- a at Y9 T . . had
larly good terms with Mrs.
y two ago Mr. Atley received a
thele wife from • town near Ham -
g E " Jim to forgive her
Rod's • sake red take her back.''
1 that she had done wrong,
claimed to have been induced to take he
she had by Kra Hughes. Her h°ah•nd
to restore bee to ata affections and
ls'r money with wbtcb to corse back.
dater states that she will return today.
Kerr, open di.rovering that her
band was miming, at owe suspected
be bad gone to join Mfr Hughes
Tuesday vetted T t, only to
that sure enough the woman had .bio
ppeared. And bar euspiei*ns were there -
t Her husband eat beers in
ere brigade eigbt or tee years and ea well
ours la the city. Of late be ►m been
We family and tadnlging in liquor
rem. Mrs llogbe.,who took 7 -year-old
with her, lea buxom memo of 32.
woe • widow et to innate' when Hughes
leer eight years iso. ammo. It is
dos not intend to tai. w^: Lark, bit
esd..vow to ,icon VOW/1M d has
tow the OMIe s.saser Would Dottie the
�y Us.+ei".-Be Fevers ieeip-
renal tegl.urttoo With the tower seri
been le aeuetl.
W muttNoTon, kept. J.-i.sator libermea.
Interviewed in regard to the renuiutlod
emelt be introduced providing fur recipru-
caty with Canada, recd:
" Tbere cau be no question thee. better
trade relations ought w be haat between Can
Ma and the Hutted Spates Wale Wel pro-
tium largely the tame articles and are cx,n1-
peuturs for the market, their trade with
ouch outer is larger than with any other
merits Canada communise Inure a our 1,iud
the we coneutte of thein. 11 produce*
metals that we do unit, and has immense
atone of nearly all the metals within cm -
..went dtstauo. to our curl, our furnaces
and rolling malls It seeps uuuaturd W have
fMIII• k,.< •••••••••••••
it'... We have la Dostk$M ';z"o' w.
Celebrated French Wove Corsets
la the following maker.
C. P. A LA 3 t EN PAIS,
"COMMON SENSE" Long Waist I angt
BEAUTY (French Wove).
weadtng months .go. but m Nathan -
lel was net twilling,
at the tujury which she alleged bad teem
done to ber mused bar to take the law into
bar own hands. and in his workshop air shot
bar faithless swain. When the caw Dame up
at the Police Court Hutchinson admitted his
offence,, and promised to marry Martha. s
the only reparation in his power. Chat is
mutual uoderrt•nding further . .. .. ,
were dropped, and after a kaput of four
months Rev. Dr. Wild tad the knot which
made Nathaniel and Martha inan and wife
last night. Be.tdes bridesmaid and beat mai,
there were new to wink them good luck and
prosperity. However, the old saying still
stands, •• All's well that ends wolL"
As a coincidence to the wedding in the
church, Hutchinson', brother, William 111.,
was best man at • marriage ceremony which
took plan at his restde°oe, 304 ('
after the first marriage. Dr. Wald dao al.
*sited at this welding.
Teessd I'd by the Waves ea the Lake Shoee
7e ear Judea.
1i'r. CATBAW1txr1, Sept. 3. -Advices coma
trout Jordan (bis evening that the body of
Lawyer A. G. Brown of this city. who was
drowned off tbe steamer lakeside Saturday,
Aug. '1*. w.s found on the lake shore near
Jordan by Cosstebie Rogers of Beamsville.
Whose Roy Was This!
Coesir'oz, M0pt :l -Thr evening about 7
o'clock while the Rev. S. F. Depew were driv-
ing along Weller's beach near here be dis-
covered the body of . boy with light hair.
about 12 to 14 years of age, washed aabore.
Evidently the boy bad not been very long
deed. He was dreamed to a grey coat and
knickerbocker„ end was without shoes or
stockings. Coroner Thornton bas taken
charge of the body and will have his order
for interment at Coto/neon without an in-
h tae proverb baa it that "Mare
oasts In heaven," snow would
ve their origin In • far-.sm0ved
Some wedthe , others
of their 'swims-
swi ms -
An Illustration d the steer Maas Lew
lead night In tae parlor'sretm at Read-
(�entregatkond ('harsh Here, to the
MP d is few friends, Nathaniel Jobe
Wan married Martha Motown. the
4.44 s wham arrarlstdp les did sot
rigs , prmdses .re a Mahwah
"° ,,,t wad whose redder, b a Maoa.t-
" ' `Me bride wadi Abs have bad ole
Morbid Rolle-Bnet.r..
Wo0og�c':. r,•rt. :t. -Tate small stump on
which young ite:tixell's toot was resting
when bis remain. were found has been re-
moved to Woodstoce and is now a exhi-
bition in the window of Wilh.' cigar store.
The large stump which also supported • por-
tion of the . young man's body
has been nearly all carded away by mho -
seekers. lofted, from one cause and an-
other, the seem bas become so completely
changed as to be almost beyond recognition
A le3a,000 Bonus M the T., L.IfL e T. Ry.
roar BORwaLL, Sept 3. --The bylaw to
grant R4;,ou0 to the Tilsoelurg, Lake Erie
& Paciae Railway wee voted co is Baybam
township to -day sad tarried by t1N ntlojority.
doubtful expediency at best, recd 'en b the canine a unq,e.
1P I eclarmz that the right of conquest could
of adva°tage, 0°1 only in cultivating 1rendly tory of the Weetern Hemisphere."
feeling but in iocreaa:ug trade and cone
The forowing is the text of Senator Sher-' r
n azi`uoa u.r. !t b 1• Imported Aan.aa)
man's resolution:
Into the felted States.
whenever k stall be certified to the
�Cesmucomi, `Sept. 3. -In the Senate a
President elf the United Sates that ; cemrmuni:atiom from the Oswego Board ce
the (' . of the tIreninlon of 1 Trade rstradicting a statement of the
aCana eba11 by law 01 rrgulauon adtro
- • Secretary. of Agriculture on the subject of
mit free of duty into all its porta coal mined I the production of barley was presented by
in the United Sates be shall make procietnr I Yr. Evart*, who asked that it be printed
tion of that fact and thereafter while such '
in The Congressional Record, Objection to
law or regulation tr m force coal mined in i that Lem made. but S00 copies were ordered
the Dominion of Canada shall be admitted I printed for immediate distribution. Mr.
free of duty into all the porta of the United 1 Rusk's sa tement was that burley is the only
Mates. I Cereal of which there is not raised a wfll-
And whenever it shall be '1010 eertifie,t 10 ; ciencv for bate consumption- The denial
the President of the United States that the
G . of the Dominion of Canada has
declared a desire to enter into such commer-
cial arrangements with the United Stwes as
will result in the complete or partial removal
oe duties upon trade between Canada and the from Canada. the quality being an.
United Stats he shall appoint three commie! , perior for nlaltirg purposes to that of United
Rimier. to meet those who may be designated states barley.
fo tepreeeot the . .., of Canada to.:
000aider the bet method of extending the THE TRADES CONGRESS.
trode relations between Canada and the A Protest Against Chutese tsstgratton-
Caiterd Keats and to a.ttrtaln on what Cigar -making Licenses.
terms greater freedom of intercourse be- OTTAw.a, Sept. 3. -'The Dominion Trades
nd ,the two countries Shiest be ei to and Labor Congress gut down to work at 9
Fort o'c.ock Lila morning. Resolutions bearing
President, who .tial! lay the rep"ort before � on the policy of the congress were received
Langres. And the necessary ezpenses i. i from delegates and various unions, and were
the commissioners their
cored by theraved- I referred to tie Committee on Standing
dent, including thru compensation at the Orders with instructions to embody all
rete 0f co •dap each for the time ueoeawr nnotions having the seine object in view tutu
ily employed in said duty, stall roc paid out I 4/1"traigit motion and to report these
of the appropriation for the collection ofthe ; and otters as soon as possible.
customs revenue. I Secretary Rowes read a letter from the
DIVORCE BY AGREEMENT• ; Victoria (11.C.) Trades Assembly protesting
The Qreer noe•aseat Urawn up by a New against Chinese immigration as tending to
B1mswlek J.P. ' immorality ami the coltjestio u of the labor
LEEBt'RN, y• .hi
Froth oar own correspondent.
This week Mrs Coossdy Roes to Bow
Ilton to see her daughter, Mrs Raid,
who, we regret to have to sate, is sert-
ouely ail, with no hope of recovery.
BAvtlea Goren avz.-Last week Miss
R. Gordon, of Sheppardtou, visited rela-
tives sod friends hen, wishing them
good-bye before leaving to reside at Clin-
On Friday eight of last week the sew
c cera for the ,barter of the LO.G.T.,
No. 213, were installed by D. Oammiag,
L. D.: -Ileo. A. H. Clutton, W. C. T. ;
.Oster M. J. Lialleld, W. V. T. ; sitter
Edith Horton, W. B. ; Bre. Geo. Te1-
futJ, W. 111. ; sister E. Linfield, W. F.
R. ; Bro. John Uaklater, W, T. ; sister
M. Z cllford, ;I. 0. ; Rm. W. Telford,
0. O. Some time in October the lodge
may give an entertainment.
Though tut week wee wet a number of
Mr tanners were on the hop threshing,
the work being done by the Burrows and
BMWs etegsers. Rcth fir's*e an doing
well and give favorable reports of thm
grain retorts'. The hand.ose teem of
greys drawing the farmer mein. our
mach admired, while the fate eel are is
great wr darasnt over the traction m-
gise hevinfi is tow a eireular tank that
won't Wei, , as the /(lamer one
weed t• lit Llano..
is to the effect that the annual product of
the United Sates is about 110,000,000 bushels
and that tie quantity used WO year for
msltiag parpoe5 was L. than 44,000,(1w
buebela. Ten million bushels bad been 1m -
We Invite Inspection of these Goods.
Moircyoit, N.B., Sept. 3. -City Marshal Fos market.
ter was called upon to tntarfrre with the im A motion that the congress petition the
proper relation of Robert Leaman and Mrs. Deniable le 14) hare the fee tor cigar-lnaking
Susan C. Prosser. Ere Prosser protested license• reduced from r1i to iK and also to
that she was doing nothing wrong. She have no stipulated amount of tobaccoper
thousand cigars nannfactured was amended
admitted ilei she had been married, but so e, t0 provide for the appointment of a
self air had been divorced and intealto committee to draft a resolution to meet the
proof marry Leaman. In of her statement
views of the an and carried.
she produced this novel document, which she temperer;
said had heed drawn up for ber by Squire
Oerlal d, an Albert C3unty Justice of the
" MOIlle70111.X.B., Aug. 20, 1SHI. ,
' " We., the . 1, do hereby stow
that we are sad bate been lawfully united
together in [marriage as man and wife and
that we are now lawfully joined together as
such plan and wife, and we do hereby
mutually agree together as such man and
wife that we are unable to live together. as
Um sid hushed *unable to pro•hle. • living
for us and lave together. We do both hereby
agree to each other to 0041 separate as such
man and wife and do hereby agree that the
said former marriage is null and void and
Hutt each of us is ■t liberty to marry any
Giber pereoo at any time hereafter.
•'77tat neither of is shall have any right to
any action either at law or equity against
the other nor against any person that either
party hereto may marry, anal we do hereby
mutually agree and abandon all claims of
any action whatever against each oh.'r in
all natters that may hereafter vise, or
agwivat any person that either of us may
"In witnece whereof we, the nndenigMd,
do hereby set our herds and seals the day
and year above. •-Tat. note Pacoima.
"1it•SAt 1.. Patee ta.
"Iia promos of Jenne McKee."
ressidewt Barrlwn'e Message to the Widow
' -- Careful 1'.metder.tlee Prenraed.
W enniterow, Kept S -Acting Secretary
Wharton today .eat the following telegram
to the widow of Oat Rwrruek(la in reply to &lpbs': first •ke preidant, J. W. William+,
memohmemoto the President Monday
, J. Hawkins,
-President desires me to my he ban r.• Toronto: •.
reeved year tetegr•rn death d !tow York.
boor t orah•ml, Oen. it•rrntdia V. nti.4.sply resires r Were Than Death
tympatSitisg with yeti in your affliction be RALnmae, sop. 1.-wi111am Ruta d
5wwla ollteta' Aviane of the ner•urreee a plath, R Robtnsu'. publishers of The P aae-
tseeserry to eletermine his amine M regard ', the Alessi .vegan of fa. united weft_
thereto The resatar, you may he aam.rd, mss foo Marytond. Virgfsa, Dwlaw•r* and
will reoalye west careful assewiica." New Jaseey, died to -say from the efforts .4
ilasrpb +b
Sae, ine 5.oo
tk teat night to kin
twalafies ■ewes ■oer Bess.
1�►tar.x, Sept 3 - The harbor and reel-
`7•.aa oe the Nertbwest Aron were brtlltantle
Mens' -.tint Is haler el the vldt of limb
S=== m77I3=-AeT
The Canadian Velvet Chaff, the most promising new
variety since the advent of the Clawson. highly recom-
mended by the Dominion Farmers' Council, held July
19th, 1890.
Our stock has been procured from the originator.
BURROWS, The Seed swan.
Killed by a Tallboy Tree.
Plrannoao, Sept 3 --Chief Rowel re-
ceived this telegram Monday:
eCoor's Malas, Sept 1. -John Keller
kllkd by falling tree Saturday at Douglass'
carnp-mother• remarried. lives in Peter -
born in S! .. , 1, opposite Mr.
Robert Hamilum, sr. Enquire if she wanta
body, which is in barb shape, forwardiid.
I"Co ox Rms."
Constable Adams was despatched to make
eugnlriea He found Koller's mother was
Mrs. Dwqutte. The old lady when she beard
the sad news fell in • awooa and noon recover-
ing appeared to be begirt -broken. The body
will be brought here for burial. Deceased
only left his home two or three weeks ago to
work for Cook Bros. in the Serpent River
trio -M
Boys' Overcoats
Youths' Overcoats
Men's Overcoats I
I intend to fill a long felt want. Having had a lengthy c•x leri-
ence in the tailoring business, I know all about the trade, and have
decided to give my customers the benefit of my knowledge in that lino.
:how, on the fine of Overcoats there is a general misconception.
The ordinary man thinks that if he leaves bis measure with a tailor
he will get an article made to lit like the proverbial " paper on the
wall." You are not undeceived, either, until after you pay your mon-
ey and take your coat. Then von discover that it fits nu better, nob
even o well as those that could be furnished by a dealer in Ready..
made Clothing who had experience and knew bis business
I have just completed arrangements whereby Overcoats in this
town will have to drop from 30 to 50 per cent., or the old -liners will
loose their trade, and I'll get it all. That's what I'm after.
Gent's furnishing stock all complete, and the FALL OPENING
is at band.
Pressmen'. Iaten.atloeal Colors.
Roat'otc, Sept 11.-11*. second annual ron-
ventico of the i . 1 Printing Pre.. -
men's Union of America was begun bete
last evening, President Thomas Mahony of
Boldon presiding. Proxles were granted to
the I'resrFeecler$' Union of Toronto. The
reports showed that the union had bees vary
earoesliful during the peat year.
The convention of the Internatinnai Pettit-
ing Pr emen'a Unica was 0 ntinued today.
Ti. secretary -treasurer reported the union
In gond aatacial order, with • total member-
ship of 11152* The Ez.•itive Committee re-
ported thet efforts to form an alliance weft
lb. 1 1 T 1 Inion had
been . I. Thew officers were
elected. President, ('. W. Miller, Mids.
lawnslf Mr Rota told the physician h.
fork 15* drag °wirer to fear tied be might
browse • .,aerated draskard, s be fro-
pwtlty dram! to .team
A. E. Prldham
, The Furnishing Mart, Market Square,
Black Velvet Ribbons
Now in transit from Britain.
Draper and Haberdasher,. b.
the most Cooling and Healthful
s-u,mmer 3De ,-,
Job ;Printing of every description
neatly executed at "The Signal"
Steam Printing House.