HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-9-5, Page 11
o - RAU
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Loral t.ttass,
1 aJwn re notttxn cH the loeal columns
of Ta. SIo$AL of wretittps or coder-
tainasenta et which an atheism's fre
is reneged. or (rues mild a pe.-uxi-
ory beielft is derived, must be paid
(„r et the rote of owe mut per
,''rd raeA imertion, no .Acsree 1nee
than twenty -)fee rens. Where ed.
rerfiss•senta of entertainments ere
inserted u brut( (Deal will be gi.xw
inertia( -C rand Opera Ee.nc I;1
Votive" i.t+te-Wm. Mitchell.
Bees for nate-O. A. headman.
`tease to Iteet-Mrs R. B. ttmtth.
Items t0 Lot -A. t3 . Aa'IAL °Wee.
Fall A -Jobe Acheson.
Taxrawasies.-Tbe Fosse Woman's
Christian Temperance Vaiva will held
its annual meeting for the election of
officers on Monday, September 8, at 7.30
sharp, st the hies of Mrs It. Hider -
eon. All the members are reenested to
be peesert
Lowe SoctaL.-The lawn social bald
on Monday evening laic in Mr Ww Mc-
Lean's grounds under the auspices of the
Mission Circle of North-st. Methodist
church was ysry successful. The club-
ewtneiaf Chess under tbs instruction of
Mr Bundy was much appreciated.
LA TY PARTY. -The lawn party held
on the geoids of Ree B. L. Hnttnn. in
connection with Victoria -et. Methodist
church. was well attended and was •
financial success. The refreshments
were all that could be desired sod the
literary part of the program was also
much enjoyed.
"Ar Hong. "-Oe Tbur•day, Septem-
ber 11th, an "At Heine" will be held
at the residence of Mg C. A. Nairn from
8 p.m. to 10 o'clock, tender the auspices
of the Ladies' Aij Society of Kuux
church. A good program of music sed
readings will be presented. Admiasior
100. Refreshments extra.
L1oNTtt, sv 1:LtrTatt•ITv - Koox
church was lighted by electricity on
Sunday •venin;. Four lights were need
t-tead:naade Overooate--A. E. Praha/it. sod gave fait satisfaction, although that
Tresewrer"s time ot Lands for Taxo.-W. L. Wooded for the choir wss slightly ens
Haim 'tic. With some further adjustment lav
_ ,r regardi position the new light service
will be • thorough success.
s' A CL►ai. AL ERROR. - By a clerical
wirer we haat week stated that the Ben.
miller camp routine would begin last
Saturday. As • matter of fact the camp
meeting will begin tomorrow (Saturday).
sad will be continued until Tueede,
next. A specially interesting series of
services will be held on Sexday,
GODt*1CH EvArua•Tot. - Mesar•
Town & Hamliak.two entarprisiag Amer
Mane from New York State, have lased
the Palace Roller Rink, corner West
and Waterloo strum, sod darts* the
past week have put in all necessary at
cbinery for conducting successfully a
first-class fruit evaporating business.
They claim that they will retrain at
least 15.000 bushels of apples this sawn.
"d hlfe'asaawg p . mew ester.
/ti rush Ad 11 erupt It.'
A O000 I.atmtrr.-'rhe mowa.etwi grh
Yen V&0 Ina .e i. 10 give a Wirt Pea. cat
pry to D. Mcoilliouddy..sent. Goderich.
Tate Woman's Christina Temppe.rroom, Cole
esus IS the basement of liortk'et. Methodist
aeon* ever, Tuesday afsrseoa. Prayer-
mesdag u !?J : SWAMIS meeting at 3 o else.
Creme one sad all. sod see the headsets.
photograph of ttithe handsone t parloruWe of the cies, if not
The Outage la the weather dudes the poet
week be. hem .omethiop wonderful. but F.
.1. Protium. the 1'enple. Clothier. ria snit
p.e.ing hour tan at:sty with kis vari-
es and grades of has wearies teater-
O wefr ph from which the excellent
rnt oftePatriars•h Morris whirl' appended
is Tea sweet last week was printed was
Woes at R. R. Hallows' .ttd*s. For rodlike
re'.mbleacss It. h. S. osaaot be beaten.
Farmers are genie" in better heart and
will Miro mere mosey to speed. They will.
however. Invest it where they can get are
bat mores. tt.widers k non are offering
stter1at Iadooraienu to those keeping house.
er timer contemplstt•g housekeeping. Don't
tall to see' their exhibit at "the Fair." in the
wtesi.tbne can and see the bargains then are
ell rhg in all lines of household neceawries.
4iT. V ideas is visiting friends in
its. Ella Carl is visiting friends in
Matta Edith Elwood returned this week
from • visit to Toronto.
Mr Dudley Holmes has returned from
the London Military school.
The new post -office will be upend tor
public busies." on October 1st.
Mr Herbert Robertson has cbarlre rf
the Prtneipal's room in the Central
usahoo1 during the Medellin, term.
Mr John Sharman left oe Monday for
Woodstock, when he has secured a
Mr G. N. Davis is tweeting a band-
ana)* iron Noce in front cf his tetidence
on North -et.
American 'tenon have been wild with
delight over oar weather this week. It
has been glorious.
Mn Wardrop and daughter left for
Detroit on Monday, afar having spent
s few weeks in town,
Mr C. A. Humber has taken the eon -
timet of putting in the beating apparatus
DtATN or A VAtcastt Holum -Re
Jas A. Audereoc now mourns the loss of
his handsome horse. Early in tae
sprint. the animal showed signs of ail-
ing from some unknown cause ; but, de-
eptte the urn of all remedies, be gradual-
ly became worse, and died last week.
He was a fine roadster, and just in his
prime. "Ben" was admired by e11, but
by none, we think, more than by his
own master.
AT ST Gtosng'4.-The Rev Mr Tarn -
ball, of Kincardine, officiated in St
George's church last Sunday morning
and evening, and was very much appre-
ciated. The beautiful hymn "One
sweetly solemn thought," beteg °bonne
for the offertory, wee rendered by the
choir in a very pleasing manner. Rev
Mr Seeman occupied Mr Turnbull''
pulpit in Kincardine.
8rrrLYTea Noarn$TvagT Mriwonvrr
Pt: i.rrr.-Daring the absence of Rev
Geo R.tcbatdaoo at the Methodist Gene-
ral Conference, Montreal, the pulpit of
North -.t. Methodist church will be sup-
plied aa follows : September 7 -Rev
Hamilton Wigle, Leamington ;Sept. 14
-Rev Jag I3
Harris, .omtlier ; Sept. 21
-Rev A. Potter, Henget,Don ; Sept. 28
-Bev H. Irvine, Heosall,
CHrttc'H CAMP -Horne 1. - Spew'
religious uerylees will be held in North -
.t. Methodist church, Goderich, Com-
mencing Sabbath, 5th October. A
camp -meeting will be held in the
church Monday, the 6th
October. Service each day daring the
week at 10 a m., 2.50 p.m. •.nd 7 p.m.
The back rooms in the basement will be
fa the Iirytry office. provided with booking stove, tables, &o.,
lliejesstedo, who has been visiting for the use ct persona from • distance
41111111110, Mr C. P'. Stnubel, has re- who wish to bring Walrus and spend the
turned to her home in Toronto. day and evening. Mie. 1Villiame, the
Mr A. R. Cornell has kissed two stores evangelist, is. been engaged for the
in McLean's Meek and will remove from month, and will wise in all the services;
his old etaod, I3amiltos-rt, shortly.. also the Rev June. Harris, the Rey W.
llti.a gaily Carrs• and Mf." Sallie Ayres and ether ministers from the dis-
Martin an visiting friar& is Detroit A cordial invitation is extended
sod taking in the sights of the Expo i- to Christian worker of other chorohe.,
Hon. when not engaged In services of their
Miss Kant. Howell, Miss Tyler and lints Note Ctatrcn'. CotttR.-Hers
Mr Jo.. Morris, who attended the is an item tram tb. St 1 -
Morrie anniversary, returned to Buffalo enc of the e° the Advocate that will -
Monday IasR prove of Interest to the friend. of Mie.
The Goderioh Cadet Templar• of Tem- Mach in this osighborbod: A little t
penis bad their pho;ce taken ins over • Nese nee, when Miss Lenora
• group, in three different positions, on Clench was on her way home from I
Saturday hist. Germany, it was stated in th... columns
Rev Hamilton wad*. of Lsamieegtett, that • Premien Count wass.00tspanytng
arrive(' to teen en Friday last. He win her es an escort, end wosli Claim her
.pend • ooaple of wests in towa for the hand ill mateiaes ou their arrival in her
benefit of his health. native land. Our authority for the Mate -
Mr sad Mn J. W. Vawatteir left for asst was sapposed to be infallible, bet
Toronto on Monday, bslwoailed thither as the Clint did not pet in an appear- p
by the death of the former's brother -la- saes we looked epos th. Nary ass myth. a
law, Kr H. W. Poeta • Early !."t week, however, a veritahte
Mr W. B. Etiiott, who tat been is German Count turned op in our midst
ryma<own tor W. plat f.. we.ka, I.ft on rt the gee. of Mw Nora, and at once
`f►.rrr,a,., last for Cincinnati, Ohio, where revived r m of her Mtle4hal
**cord a situation. Dwtise thhei, y year anus Kim mow,
N. i). Morrish .rrtv.d ti tows return .k. has charmed the hearts of all s
'roar Sault it. Mari. es Wedisds on pude of rose of high oL.s musk in rakes
visit He NIP be Him the 11°. vary republic, and math ea we ag, sad the dmire the
roll, bat nos th. aid Iowa holier. Cootet's excellent taste sad respect his •
Miro Yates will rotors' tWs weak from geed habitations, we m only hung. !hat
!ninon), where .he bag been attendinghe does not intend to rob es of ewe
w ton milli.ery ermines, with a tell bristle's! jewel. We period with Heli- •
aneteneat of fall id winter saifUatry. gelid without sheddietg a taw. and are f
Dr N. 1ti.boinel . ►b. Wed -t1, demH.l, pleased to entire teat the taleteller.* of
Aker the of abet estrum the little island epee the Esker t heart
eh a ttpesisky. Gem .timfslete d from rws.0l�, bet tb.ee is a poise .t widish
o, the painless ettn.tiens of to ediree dVMma mem fn be
Some repairs are Ming dose on the
Governauut ducks.
Mr acrd Mn Brayley, of Toronto, are
visiting relatives in town.
Miss Annie Reynolds, of Philadelphia,
1* vatting Mies Deva, North -et.
Mr and Mrs M. Grime Cameron, of
Toronto, paid • shun visit to town last
Mr W. I ilkiweon, after a term of fire
yeses in the West, reoeotly visited the
old home.
Mr Alex Chrystal,of the firm of Chrye-
al & Black, has Kunsan s utooth's visit
to Aiauatuba.
The Catholic pieuie at Blyth Wdnes
day next promisee to be • bag event. A
number of prominent politicians and
e .riiymen will speak on the occasion.
Mr A. lit/shoo has purchased from
Mr Kedslie his house on St. David's -at ,
anti is . repairs preparatory
to marine into it.
The Mayor ie thinking of iesportiog •
good -s zed alligator to wrestle with the
bays who are so fond of throwing atones
at the fish in the tusataina ou the
Mercbu ta and others who west print
inn tor the Fell Show will do well to
.end in their orders early. Don't lease
the work ^•til the last minute or you
may get "up a tree."
Mn Morton has returned from bar
visa to Toronto.
Town council wall hold its regular
meeting this Friday) erelong.
Reeve Pr;tallie t 11 oboe more doing
Hotness at the old stand after a trip .p
the Lakes.
Mrs M. Methuen, of Kincardine, is
visiting her sister, Mrs H. Matheson, of
i his wwo.
Mn T G. Moerehouse, of Ent Sagin-
aw, is 11m guest of her mother, Mr •
s H
Cooke, North -at.
Mr and Mrs W. Murchison and son, c t
Toronto, bare returned Dome after •
- pleasant visit to their sunt, Mn Miche-
The sinlirie of Mise Smith, el Nor-
walk, 0 , in North -et. Methodist *bench
last Sunday evening was greatly admired.
Wise Smith u the powessur of a beauti-
ful alto voids of reosareable power.
Mr and Mn D. Fergueou. Mrs Allan
Martin and the Misses Martin returned
,o Detroit on Wednesday of last week
after an p retie to Goderich,their
.,ld bone. The old town fills a big place
,b *b. barn, of the entire party.
Caretaker Hood says the number of
visitors to Maitland cemetery this year
has been unprecedented, and that many
have been left on the graves
by loving friends.
Poor*ALL.-A meeting for the por-
ous oS organising. football club in con-
nection with the Godmich Modal School
was called on Wednesday evening, end
it was soanimously agreed that a foot-
ball club be organized to be known u
"The Goderich Model School Football
Team.' A splendid set of officers has
horn appointed, and from the appear-
ance of willingness with which the boys
help on the good work they will doubtless
make the club immortal. The secretary -
treasurer. Thos. M rrison,will be pleased
to receive challenges from all parte.
S(HOOL BOARD Matmso, -The month-
ly meeting of the Public Sebool Board
was held on Monday evening. Present -
Messrs S. Ms)comson, chairman : W.
Acheson, Bali, Nicholson, McKenzie and
Swanson. The minutes of previous
meeting were read and confirmed, and
the principal's monthly report received.
Tie 000tinttent committee was instructed
to get reports printed and purchase a
stove for St. Andrew's ward school.
bliss 8. Campbell was granted two days'
salary for extra teaching. The Inspec-
tor a annual report was, after emus dis-
cussion, received and filed. Board then
ad jourta.d.
CHIAP ETlTrniolra. - Three cheap
half -fare harvest to Western
States and Territories --Sept. 9, 23 and
Oct. 14 ; very low rates ; tickets good
for one month. Toronto Exhibition -
single fare tickets every day, commenc-
ing Sept. 9th ; special excursions 15th
and 17th, tickets only $2.90 ; all tickets
issued good until Sept.22od. When
ening to Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis acrd
all points East, West, North or South "
see your fishing reed sin G. T. It., end'
avoid all bee transfers and
changes ; Haigh tickets and your bag-
gage checked (aero Goderich to destina-
tion. Tickets and all information from
H. Arsatrtrtg, town ticket agent G. T.
R., or at depot. Agency Allan, Domin-
ion, Anchor and Cuoard (beau steam-
ers to Europe.
Tat Beer CTctoPEDtA.-The twenty-
third volume of Alden's Manifold
Cyclopedia includes the titles from Mc-
Cook to Memorial. Among fbe articles,
we notice the biographies of maoy
eminent men and women of early times,
as well as those of the present day, also -
exeellent deserlptione of many large
cities and topes. The volome treat*.
very.stistaetoeil� three states: Maine, ;
Marland, and MasseAus.tts ; and of 1
arsines eoantries then are Medium,
Madeira, Malta, sod Manitoba
etereatiwg subjects la other lines an:
Machine Gee; Magic; Magna Charts;
Magnetism, 19 patter ; Mammalia, 10 •
Mao, 8 ptoses ; Mangel-Wurasl ;
Manure, 4 pages Marble Murata, 6
pekes ; and Masons (Tree). "boat 5
pages These are named noir es sam-
les of what the volume enntsitte. The
rattles are bright down very nearly to
date. many et them are illustrated, the
style "ad , � , tan suallest, and
the p and Mediae an entire!
eerie . 'Is. um thief shoat it
*Web it is dills* Io . .. , d is bow
a valuable a Werk esu be 'applied for so
low a erica For farmers, meohan
Woken, "ideate, and the great mass
geoid riders, the Manifold 1. far
upswing M soy other Cyclopedia.
Rppi.eimes pagsa will be sent fres on ate
pfie•tins to the publishers. A apeeimen
Mame Ill etoth heeding will he sailed
or 50 •sots, et is half Moreau for 75
•sets, sad the noes, recanted if thm
valise is mimed within tea days.
Aeasi@ ago wuuted b ail 1 ter -
vi Oott 4 Co., Puhliab-
iwa, draw Yea,oftargq sad Atlanta.
Master Clarence McGregor, of this
town, left on Saturday last to join his
father la Seettle, 1Vasbiniton State,
He will be much missed by his many
(mends here.
W. it, Moller, the well-known general
agent of the North Americas Assurance
Co , has been visiting in iba section
during the week, and picked up some
business al.n.
Mr Thus. McGillicuddy will address
the Young People's Society of North -et.
Metbodat church on Friday evening, at
8 o'clock. There will also be good aiob-
ing on the oocasiuo.
The Holmesville , . t of the
Clinton Nets Era has the following to
say of a resident of the town: -Mr D.
Calbick and wife, of Godericb, spent
Sunday at the latter'. parenta. We see
that Dan rides • machine, but are glad
to know that be has sense enough to
have one .o low that he wouldn't hurt
himself if he did (all of "
Dr. and Mrs McLean armee ;row
Florida Tuesday eventng,and will remain
here until November_ fhe doctor, we
are pleased to learn, is wonderfully im-
proved in health, and is now more vigor-
ote than be bag been fur years. They
brought a temple of youa g alligators with
them -one for C. A. Nairn, and the oth-
er for Ed Campaigns.
BrraFIT Coyca*T.-Mr Aleck Saun-
ders, the present lessee of the Grand
Opera House, has decided to giro a bene-
fit to his predecessor, Ile C. W. An-
drew., on Yridsy evening, Sept. 12, and
has secured the service. of Miss Jessie
Alexander, the accomplished elocution-
ist, and Air E. W. 'oohed), the em-
inent bertt300. Of Miss Alexander
the Stratford Hsrndet says : "Produce
the man that doesn't enjoy Miss Aiex-
aeder's recitals and you hire without
doubt the misanthrop.•, the hater of all
that is sweet end good in nature. "lf
such then be, go, mark him welt' and
keep oat of his way on • dark night.
Miss Alexander is nothing if not natur-
al. Then is no touch of rant shut her
work. This is why .he never pall. the
public taste. The writer has now heard
her on five different occasions, and each
time he has enjoyed her better than the
last. The charm Increases u the true
naturalness of her style becomes the more
apparent. Her .elections last evening
ward all well chosen and rendered."
Of Mr Schoch the Kingston News says :
Mr Sobuch is a basso mutant* ot fine
presence, and with a voice of remarkable
resonance and power. It is excellently
cultivated ; and hu sleeting is character-
ized by great taste and feeling, the great
sympathetic quality and power of expres-
sion being remarkable in so larges voice.
A lsash.r.f 1 Items ?Irked up
as are take Frost.
Friday, Aug. 29th.-Schr Twilight,
Sandesky, 400 tons of coal for P Mc -
Ewan ; std City of Wtndeor, Windsor,
passengers and freight.
Saturday, Avg 30th. --Ste United Em.
pine, Sarnia, passengers and freight ;
tae Buffalo, Alpena, with eche J N Car-
ter in tow.
Monday, Sept. 1st.-Str City of Wind.
"or. Brune Mines, , and freight.
Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. -Rte Lon, Sagi-
new, passengers and Might.
Wednesday, Sept. 3rd -&r Campers,
Sarnia, passengers and freight : str City
of Windsor, Windsor, „ and
Friday. Avg. 29th. -Scow Pinafore,
Waitaoebarg, light ; at City of Windeoe
Bruce Mines,
fedoras, /tag. 3001.- SW United
Empire, lath ; tug Bulalo, Alpena,
Monde Sept. 1st.-Sehr Twilight,
Golden alley, light ; str City of Wised -
.or, Windsor
Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. --&r Lora, Buf-
Wednesday, Sept 'ltd -Str Cantina,
Duluth ; sir City of Windsor, Brob.
While oe her way hen from Thee al-
oe with 240,000 feet of lumber for N.
Dym.nt, the ache. J. N. Carter sprang a
leak. whish compelled her to .all e! AI-
pea, where thetug Buffalo was aerated
be tow her to God.ri.h. The Gilbert
este new bogy at week on tie venial sed
she will moos be ready for work again
A alt under the direction of Mr Jas.
Lddi.oe, setiag fir the rabbi Works
Q t, is waking exteseiva repairs
to the tooth pier.
A party of al (, t engineers
arrived this w.vk its take • servo! sad
mosadtaga of the barber. They will be
hers for avast troika
at gENER" L !NTT LLIcal
A Letter Whicb Takes the Lege
from Under the Croakers.
A "Droop fare !lade dist Amami* tee Jerk -
.Y of tee Tory Pres. Hew tee
••vr.rw- M a Newspaper tl%a
-St Feed. Well at tee
rawer frtb.
The following letter,published in Wed-
nesday's Glote,gtvee the other side of the
shield on the so-called " office hog "
question, and shows up the Toronto
World in its true light. The Star won't
copy it this week :
To tate Editor of the dobe.
Sia, -I perceive in a newspaper issued
in your city, under a pretence ..f advo-
cating a more equitable dietributioe of
the fees accruing to certain o8ices, a
series of disgraceful personal attacks up-
on our Local Government, in the persons
of the Hon. Messrs Mowat and Rosa. I
shall not at present enter upon the prim-
ary matter farther than to sate that if
the convenience ot the people were con-
sidered many of these ineloalities would
disappear. In Huron, for example, if
the registry fees were divided, with o( -
floss placed et Exeter and Brussels, the
income would be ample for their incum-
bents, the cost to the people would be
Do greater, while the convenience and
advantage to the community would be
largely increased.
But to recur to our subject. The men
of Huron take pride in the Hon. A. M.
Roes. He served us long as treasurer
without a flaw in the record. His finao-
oial ability was utilized on many occa-
sions. Let me instance one. Whim the
surplus was distributed, in connection
with the settlement of the municipal loan
fund, he took exception to the amount
awarded to Huron, and, proceeding to
Toronto, proved to the satisfaction of
the Government that, according to their
own baste of division, we were entitled
to more, and this county reo.ivd $60,-
000 additional, for which it had to thank
the business ability of its treasurer. The
services of Mr Roes have well recom-
pensed the county tar any salary be ever
received, id if he has made an honest
competence it is the more credit to him-
And, sir, has not Mr Ross' career in
the Legislature been a creditable onel
As platform speaker, as debater, as Pro-
vincial Treasurer, has he riot tilled his
position to the entire satisisctioa of the
Liberal party I Take another instance.
Atter his secession to office, investiga-
tion convinced Lim that in the settle-
ment made at Confederation between
the Dominion and the Provinces our
claims had been overlooked. H. brought
the matter up in the House in 1884,
stowing that $2,800,000 more should
have been credited to Ontario. What
was the sneering retort of Mr Meredith
"Don't you wish you may get it r But
it was endorsed by the Government, and
pressed upon the Dominion with such
force that they yielded the claim, the
amount was placed eo our credit end this
Province draws $140,000 of interest an-
nually, largely as a resit of Mr Ross'
business capacity and financial ability.
And, after such services as these, be -
cease the Government have recognized
his business ability, integrity and atten-
tion to matters of detail by appointing
him to s position when these qualities
wootd be utilised fur the general good,
they are set epos by this miserable
scribbler is the World, who bis the au-
dacity to claim that certain sections of
the Reform party are in sword with his
Mews on the matter. I thiok, air, there
le not $ man worthy of the tame of
Liberal who will not justif the action
of his leaden in this egard.
And this same sheet bolds Mr Mowat
up to ridicule and obloquy because his
son was appointed sheriff of Toronto,
which action sop taken at the request of
the party leaders, of a tame number of
the leading citizens of the city irrespect-
ive of party, sad of a reeoletkei passed
by the County Council reinserting such
action to be taken. That resolution
was moved by Mr Clendenan, a life-long
Conservative, and his words did him
infinite erwdit. He said, although
opposed to Mr Mowat politically, he
recognised the fact that he had given
Die time and talents to the services of the
country at a nominal and
that some prevision of this k:nd should
be made when opportunity offered.
Aed soh•: have Mr MowMe servioss
been worth to this Province! Does any
sane man believe that, if Mr Meredith
had been Premier "rhes oar territorial
rights and eotetitatiunal liberties were
seethed, he would hateable aught etre
than clay before the potter in the hand.
of Sir John Madooald.
What mossy value ooeld be pet on
those territorial rights and privileges
pre.srvd to us by the fiction of lir
Mowat and hie eolletagn.s 1 1. it worth
1,000,000 or 10,000,0001 Would the
Province sell those rights foe 90,000,000
d dollen 1 No. Mr Meredith is mak-
ing many thousands of dollars • year at
Si. profusion sad Dalton MoCertby is
sattm•Nd to "sake $40,000 a year. Mr
Unit, eseteinly mot inferior to either of
these tsar, Is serving this eta Provine.
for $6,000 or $8.000 s year ; and after
Vl them eaaideratlona, b.muse his sea
is appointed to nese. he is abeeed trod
4mpnos.d by the Warted, .141.14, wit► to
sa'srsue. approsiehiag sebnsity,a.som es
to speak on lethal, .f a seetloa ed th
Aid � ie the reeved of the World,
i D. MOOIL` Ii L: YT. Prussia
anyway t Has it deoosticed the *spo-
tter going os st t hewn of late petrel
Whim the Dumiasot Government have
bought individuals, bribed °Qut,ttes, aye
and Provinces, with the people's money,
has this watchman raised his votes in
stern rebuke f There are
hogs as well as office hogs, and the iI-.,rLJ
has got its nose in the public trough.
Fur the last five years the Wu,/ [ ., ac-
count against the Dominion u nearly
$3,000, paid without scruple, f.r adver-
As a Liberal of the anti -Confederation
era, I would say t0 the Liberal party,
have faith in your leaders. Put or
present, they are men of whom any
party ought to be proud. Not many of
them have crown rich. Lend no ear t0
the abates they receive from men who,
upon inquiry, you will 6nd destitute of
political principle with the exception of
cheek and 'impudence. Many of them
have gives up personal advanc.ment and
professional emoluments to serve the
country, and we should rejoice when cir-
cumstances are such that some partial
s iso occasionally be made.
We have a stern light before us, the
cause of the people against the combines
sad restrictionist* who, like Sinbad'e old
tan of the sea, have got hoisted upon
our shoulder", and now is .tot the throe
to allow our confidence in the leaden a
the Liberal party to be shaken. I sa-
chem my card. Heac..
Note. er tee greatest Fair Leer Meld In the
Mars. ettatrlee.
The indicati bas for the coming exhibi-
tion to Goderich Continue favorable for
the largest and beet display and the
greatest attendance of spectators ever
seen in this district. Entries are Doming
in freely, and the demand for prize lista
and program bills is very brisk.
At least at: herds of Holstein cattle
are promised, an exhibit in stack never
before seen hen. In the finer Vedas of
sheep some especially good stock of
recent importations may be expected.
The C.P. R. and Manitoba exhibit will
be one of tee cwt sent oat this season
tram the Northwest.
The Directors will have a full forte of
men at work on Tuesday next to put all"
the buildings in order.
The Wild West Show is going to be a
popular card, and fully lap to expectations
as a vivid illustration of scenes in the
Far West. The cump.ny will come
here direct from Wisconsin, where obey
are filling engagements now.
A first-class o.nd is being engaged for
the three days of the Fair, which will
also be an improvement un former sea -
acne. In short, with even moderately
good weather, the Northwestern Ethibi-
tioo of 1890 will be worth coming to
A Word or two About New eubfe.Hem
rias Mere ream t. Mart.
LtTTELL a L1t'Tlra Aaa.
The numbers of The Living Ape for Au-
gust 23rd and 30th intain The Origin of
iia Alphabet', lidisilmeg i; Wester% Chita :
Product. and Tiede, Quarterly ; The
Shetland Wes is the Birds' -nesting
Season, C, ,; i ; A Voice from s
Harem, Nineteen& Cewtary ; The Cession
of Heligoland, elcotti. ; Comedy in Fic-
tion, "In Sickness and in Health,").tt
The Bamboo, Blackwood ; Christmas -tide
at Tangier, and Watteau : his Life gad
Work, Temple !tear ; Chapters from some
i'nwritten Memoir., Macmillan ; Rural
Remini.oenoe.,and Th. Sea and Seuido,
Gl roAill ; A Manual for Interior Soule,
and Th. "Smart" Way of Shaking
Head., Spec -lame ; Tarantulas, Saturday
Renew ; The Oxford Summer Kiting.
lir ; Hyacinth Culture to Holland,
/ mL. -r,'; with Instalments of "Marcia"
end "An Attractive Young Person," and
poetry. For fifty-two numbers of sixty-
four large pages each (or more than
3,300 pages a year) the subscription price
($8) is low ; while for $10.50 the pub-
lishers offer to send any one of the
American $4.00 monthlies or weeklies
with The Living Age for a year, both
postpaid. Litton & Co., bouton, arwtbe
aeeforek Pact gte•elee.
Saeroarn, Aug. 28. -The snail fail -''t°k:
meeting of the Sesdorth Fair View Park
Driving Association was held hen today.
2.50 olaas--Dr Livingston woe, Jot
Mowatt 2, Cheerer 3. Best time 2.34•.
2.34 vises --Baldwin woo, P14...1,.4.
eriek 2. Beet time 2.304.
Frwfor-un-.lobs Danesn won, Flor-
io. O. 2, Flanigan 3. Best time 2.28.
The annual Caledonian uses take
place at Lucknow Wednesday next
Rig attractions.
To rim Weer -Was.n A. ft aye
and Thos. Wrath*rald. of this tows
Robert. Ellis and Wm. Putt., of Salt -
turd, and R. D. Morrie, of Colborne.
took train at this station for Manitoba
sad the North West Tuesday aoratttyg.
We believe they all go oo
4 pe�.pe�;s,
nips. They went on this O. P j ii-
wsys's last harvest .upraise foe the M-
A little daeght.r el Mr Tmd Hoes,
Winthrop, we. badly melded tbs oilier
day. ft a that sere Ban had
pooled rose►a boilitg water bet. a useel,
awn left it .ta.Akeg or a table` Ni th.
Iletle one p.lted the ves.aiot.r, MymJg
•.siding its arts and
Li. t
O ot