The Huron Signal, 1890-8-29, Page 7etre THE HUI ON SIGNAL. FIWJAY, AUG. 29. 1891 limme ...1,11.011114•0011.1.111. THg POET'S CORNER. ...11111M1, 1 80.1123. 11 ETRE ! FAS' ry goods Mar& _ - DDLE? A Tetiefes neesies. V* tirel pia/miser aad totem la dm crowded bi . of saes: Heart weary of building and epoillee •nd spoilne and bulletin seals. And I Wag for tii• deer islit river Where I dimmed toy route a007; Ter • dreamer dims forever. Asd • teller dies la • day. I am sick of the showy wounlayt Of • life that Is half • lie Of the hoes lined with schoutlel la Die *hog'hat burrito by. Frees tee sleepless thouebes widener? I would eu where ilto diddles play; For • dement lives f never. Aad • Meer dies la shay. As.,: oat tee streete rude bustle. Troia trophies of mart and si aree I would fly to the weed's low rustle. mod 111.10. elow's kladly pane. L.et dream as ot old by the river. And be loved for the dream alway ; Far} dreamer lives forever, And • miler dies =ride,. -Jelin Boyle O'Reilly. Abseil gillemesenallas. Tee Leon! 1 Arbitration ie trying to Ja05rU The statement that .hen o handker- square the New York Castled atrike. direct, Weed • nuall yacht at Dean's boat - chief is thrown over s mau'e head he en- Emperor W illiain will not vtot the Aus- house et Stampede about 1 o'clock yester- mediate', 510•• into • trence 55 =torenteem capital next month, as renortod. day. Half an hour later • Dumber of par- uding OU the shore of Humber Bay sick of HD FEED. 11 before going 2217- NEWS OF THEIWORLD 1 TORONTO TOPICS. Tortoise°, Am. lie -Natiumaisi Worn - A kerriceee dal 1/Widialhalallga al *tine" our th, • eseroimast trout illunatain Grove le Ittewerh he4 decided hot 10emit ORR" Aildington, wee given a hoe 4 Terrine jes- Chariot tlibbost, tam agglieb auvelith Ad tam yootoolay 1101 10 woal forgot in • bur- st Yanessuth. ry. Thu ta 110 gentleman wise had aa lano- esiveral cases el thishura aire MOHO cent moo, Patrick O'Leary, , arrested on • seined Borba . -- ---• *harm, of suleasaig law 4 ligale ell 110 whits A despatch from Mentierideo With, Snow the suoisey bang newel anay In the comm- ent situatiou tbere le worse. Mous hewn of Ms hat. Wormwortb's aabjoet Th Argeotim Mioi.iWir ..es er one ire nu doubt was to make the people at Mountain mute have resigns' airteady. Grove believe that he bad teen reeibed in Heavy waseouta on the Western llgeryland Turners. mail thin esp cape I'7"I(1 boa (14,U&railroad inter:ere with travel. After O'Leary's inikocrion was fully estab- 'The potato bugtit is extending to *neural bead Wursuertirth was lookol sp fur tieviag districts iu Leitrim suet Mayo. • revolver in his winsome'. Ile 'negotiate Mr. Gladstone mys land val Lt1 ENV, offY11114 tweed ban 140 alba ww" lur this laud are 1..' aimed to improve. Dui:tura in Philadelphia claim to hare rue- Coroner Pickering bead an inquest last modully sunned a breken neck. nigbt in the Morgue on the body ot the man Cholera is reported to be spreading rapidly tumid &Mang in the Lake oa Saturday be - Lurid Salisbury informs the Porte teat the ecia"de.twirn wearidetI'ttfle441 Littis d"hetreeteYurk141PeiThrk a.; e in the province ut Toledo, Aimee ill.66 *i time is out ripe to evacuate Egypt. itusean Pula After 50 minutes' &Liberty TN, hay cove, in Ironed is maid to be ruined. aDa Lim leey returned a verdict of 4 4.ath and the moditimi id cereals ie had. trout suicide 'Odle in a @tato of ussaomod An imperial eke., just issued Wrenn mind. the Ru nen Wiper duty uo sugar. 'leo titstsrtel, giving their names as Charles ' ' $ I or letters to that _ • Wormwood ear Weirworta *Meld* of a A cloud burst bee demend Cortland, N. T. Despealost role - THE GOSSIP OF A WEEK ing and raises a curious point. Theis Eno lo the Heber parts of Ireland Once sta are many lawyers who are wont It. de- is len than half an average potato crop. °teemed the IN." Ca4"31e. EUgialer j' 11' be undent eid thus net t for it ditenirr of rime that the evidence given from Dine Tbe town of Stacy. Hungary, Ms teen Vemeni'm " the we" T""te Julsrtiew the eanipeign to weso &nick.. ot mem kind to time ai criminal trials leaves no rasol to tbe grouse. NItle live• were keit. ereterwortur went to the rem" and sneered" times from tee rebel*. The general in lie. doubt that there eeists some drug which, Tbe Beloit (Wis.* perasenoero company to dragging eut SleFhl. *he was chuffing neatly &mow the s'ateuwot that be was when spread npon a cloth aud placed Mill rebuild its paw mill recently burued to the upturned buat, bet his cumpanion, uommtlitil OS the odic :rat who were whit., war the nose end mouth, immediately down. Jammu, had sunk to the bottoui of the him in the mates. or the dwitritotion wt Four mesked burglar, bound as seed Ne- 11oi7i after awunming 40 or re) Yards- bon." and publishes proofs of this, ane the het of officer5i, from wee* the mane- WIZ MY SPONGE? PURITY P.M' It HLOOD eget ENJOT ilitiOD le LTH MY usstIll THE VERY SENSATIONAL BENWELL MURDER MYSTERY C.A.131L'S Sarsaprilla Milers! 5. Already Sisk teseendee the Vred-Tista elkidoitee tomedid-A in Degswed Creations -A Illa Taff Ditilltheelleirlefertved-thw timed welente 1101.16, Tomurro. Arig. 'el-Majoe•Giriend Sir Frei Middleton, tato ttommauder 110 boom its Cloasie, railed f .sr F....g.aoti 1t, ...Mee lay. Before leaving be wrote • letter ail termed So the people of Canada usteutiel to vindicate 1110 Pesition maneetiou with we teutieca tion Breteiner's fun. Tbe tgetiocal that in ordering the ounhicatiou of the furs tnat tangy been had a' weeny ieeceptiou 4 his powers ou such matters. He conteels that when in active worrier, In India in le.17, the property 4 rebel* was isvariably on= &rated, and often taken possession of try the mete:a, aiel he woe ureter the 'supreme= that h. at :11 eel the p nv.r ot trate, stiou as c minim r-tu chief. lie says distioctle, that although he ordered the detribution of some of these fur* aim.t; Lis ofetere that Le uever reseilved any of them himself. tie soesteette nes hie view of the reed 10 by publialeng • telezratu wItich be received frorn ter Adolphe Caron, minister of militia, aiding has to betug hack with hint some ettuvenar.,d hitt Campaign. Thegeneral *y- .1 IXIREU CURED , artily awed. =I for die dome aders who ham eon - ker. Raapactleig. mum esti. Ou the ether an• d, chemists assert that the ileum is n and that no such eons- ottOd has aver been Oisocivered. Chlo- roform and the ether recognized so:es- thetics require at least three distinct ia- lotions to produce the Ices of sense- uo. To reconcile this °Defile of testi. ny seems impossible, unless, indeed, e adopt the ammational thee ry that me esteem among the criminal classes • in possession of a trade secret as yet unseen to science. Probably, liege ver, Gus Doti= M too fantastic, and we hould rather 'seem to the supposition hat the immediate lees of ceneciouenew, a due to emething coasoiirahle to mes- tere' &Mien. -Spectator. hoes kr, onot be said a mor loos vet- Weir. 'Der near Woreerster, tthio, and I died Inru 4 TRADE AND TRAFFIC. $4,et to. _____ . a the French C•nadoin ronainamierr at- Tbe Illinois central brakemen and train- {artless Friturri et skis Grata and Pro- coceptruous by their absenc& 1050 050 egireene 1,,r a general Menem ,.5 duce Markets at goose imil Abroad. Tbe orange Dreod L alga wbich hes been wage% Testier°, Aug. :S. -The produce markets in erasion in 14t. Joint, N. a, all week, has Tbe French are preptriog fur 10011155 51 are unchanged. Spring wheat is held at on el"red itA labile% Graiii lisemlerY ItlYe* re- peditieu against Dabousey, which will Gown on the Midland, white $1 on the Northern. signed bis position. His report showed that ID Octo wr. with uoc bid, saies ou ci..tt. et 11 to It." great program bad been made during the pan year. Tbe fornmelos of Lady Oratutc A eoloured wenian in Pbilatielphis Oat. We quiet at 40e. lodger was sanethwied. The foilowing uffi drowned her eigkt tomtits old baby and tbee Llvtlo.roOL MARKET& cer4*ere ger ted: .1" rPcs-.1 reliert*: 'Wheat thin' de: N Clarke Wallace M. P. re-elected Grand MN, maw Shone vete WO LFT'll AC E SLACKING ONCE A WEEK! comer Mere warm them • dean with RIME AND WATER. Linage. . The rod of fit Simi:linens' church at Ito- mend poor; leakier, offer steringly. Corn cheater fel in, keling two etepenters named firm: demand poor. Spring wheat, Ta fitel Harter end Bauer and seriouely wounding to 7s el; red winter, 7s(1 10 7. dd. Nu. 1 three others. CaL. 7s dead to 7s 7d Corn. 4e 7e,6. Pess. Cherie, Huffman, a farm labourer, living se so to se kid_ Fork, yels ta Lard, :Lk near Decatur. 111 , has comnsitted euwide by Bilera, heavy, :Ws; tube 3*11 01 'Tallow. :Zs hangiag hitueelf bd. Clore- C.U. The ilamburg-Anierican steerner Dania is 1111t1InOtiliti =PORT. A gianalleces tatteruee. ashore on the Loug Lewd Cued svith a party Beerbohm „port, eiweweic cargoes - 1 bad a very severe attack of bloody of emigrant* ou Ward- Wheat finely laeki; 'oris nil. Cargora on iarrhiea and Wss persuaded by my Harry Ilecarty, • notorious thief, hes pasaage-% boat and cora staff. Mark Lime - sootier t., try Dr pone,' s Et trert of torn arradod at lolonon, Ind., for a heel- Wbeet firm: corn turn dearer; dour very Viet Strawberry, which I did with great wier r"hterY twier reseht"et. strong and stili 'eliding up; spot geed mixed acmes, se lees than two bottles cured Another oindicting menage frorn Central Aineneau men 21014, was ..106 %id; straight e. It is worth its weight in gold. keeerteww.... Lee.....„" the ,,,Pacific ra".,....r4' ami Minnesota lour 2111 ea, a..# tXis Ga. French Mos MARGARET Wi .1%, 5071 '''''' .""'"''`ee te"' agate g0 ea """ war country 'markets firm. Weedier ni England 8 Pembroke. Ost. Pathunsettled. Liverpool-Sput wheat stroug; Merger.' 805Oe00' better khe""ethee trona firmer: No. 1 Cal. 7s ed. Walia. Is hesd; goloasou. the last of the dice powerful triter A. it. tv. 66 od to se 4d; 1661too 76 7c1; oil A Omer "lobby. of Wyandulae Indians, Abel uesr 17pper Sen- obeot peony dearer, ;our leti hi. "hog M kKE ij made to order. AREY n Boots and SUM. 221i-ty IDS OF BOTTUS f YEARLY. Curs I do not ream e. 5,4 • time. and then ice the disease or rite. y remedy to Cir. the ;i:dative Keens' awl a tore. Seed at dress t -ells c& MOWN Tth 1E Master. E F Clerk., 11. P. P., Torutioe De- pu•y Uraurt Rsv. J. Hallins.11. Soothe Falk Orarsi COaplisio. Robert r- mingham, Tonna, ), Gran 1 Secretary. W5- Anderant. Matittiu View, Dram' Teen - surer. Jaunts' Kelly, St. Juba, Grand Lec- turer. Deputy Grand Chaplains -Rev. 1. E. Perry, Termite: Arne' Ar i511, Ott; W. F. Wilma, Tortanto: D. Carsosiden. Fore.?; W • E. Heroes, Belleville:J. C. Madill, T. - route: Dr. Smythe. Mordent; J. C. 'reward- ing, Ceutrevele N. B. WdlIain Wats.), Brampton, Ont. ; Wilson, Kingston, One; M. W. Martin, B. D., Chatham, Ont.: B. H. Thomas, Mangerville, N. ; John Me- gan, Billtdale, Ont.; .1. W. liodgirok Luke- bam. Ont.: R. H. Leitch, Alms, Oat:: Junes Blenadell, clanabro, 14.13. : fiend Dem Cooper, Invermay, Ont.: E. W. Sibbald, Lloydtown, Ont.; el A. Dupree, 3401511'55L Dope. y rand I*0itrotarT J C Glen. Shubenacedie, V RY V R`19 DO AS DID Housewife Counting Room Carriage ()wrier Thrifty Mechanic Body ab e to hold a bleat sitimetei 000 I K - ON vv. IT; •1& 01•WS Ate 0 Ate etosso•emil mad woe even stem aim cessameas Teetweeh ilio• STAIN einem' et Me wet *yam 4*. ote sentrie seem Wm/. ST•en •••• • ONO. NNW& • aeld IMIrrVIIIMPIL - - A. OLMOSRD &OD .0eneral Lawmosoraimmils. us Kim 1111. W.. Tweets. OM. himself "champion .. • puma' .1.11 the Pironseivania railroads ham been deereitaogegr' euee 48 7344' 'sd Peee - tt °Mut). Grsnd Traamr.r, It A' 3te- Rao Kittredge, of Belfast, who styled dlediY. old". card writer of the world," is still at his Memos .ratel into eue 0000ern to be known as Faul, Prince Edward, Out. 'incipient and St CHILE= MARKET& Nathan Wormwortb. general "sr h"tihy- He has Just finished %We rittbiwu. Ch"g". Buffalo reports: Uucertainty as to the of Ilountaiu Grove, Addiugton County, °ugh' sage, containing 10,000 words, tat It pus Tbe Governor of Ning-Poo, China, hat outcome ut •the labor troubles on the rail- to be ashamed to face bis neightens again. 1. ntiog President Harrison's last mea reelwaY" card, having been shoot twenty days "PP" the niters c • nu to nods bay seriously affected the chime fie bad a Emu named Patrick O'Leary, arre t- he job. Although Sir Kittredge uses dttst 4,44:traction., onlitythe. ground that they are marmite Shippers were afraid to purchase ed for elorig Ilte Pocket 4 largely owing to tbe probabihty of a tie-up luspector Stark doubted tee truth of Worm- DR . FOW LERS .EXT: OF • •WILD• TRAWBERRY CURES HOLERA. holera Morbus 0 La 1 C RAMPS tong but commen spectacles to aidworth's story anti had him' nirche l. The A tercehght precessien at Kissing's is denying shipment& On this market tbe se lithwiwg his sight, other people need • .. . , honor of Prince Pasinarek was an iniposing only ales were 0510 boles of Sliandusky at . ning btwew_eY. II?, tutted "dee hewwth the is bat. 10 decipher his work, but then every let- affair. The Prince made a feeling vent. tele and If110 boxes of Cloverfield at Wee. It is believe 1 51- tie pollee th tt Wi 10 - ter end word stands ont very distinctly. th„king the people. Tbe Marshfield. Springville and Fulton fac- worth de1:bora101y caueed tbe arrest of au In - This remarkable Penmen how al.° 1.- The London Daily News ply! the situation Meier boarded DO climes here. 130edllt tuAti 10 ,inler to make his aside." scribed the L ird. Prayer eight Own en in Armenia is daily beromiug more deplor- Utica reports: There was quite a boom in betieme that 11. 11* I boeu ndioed mid tiii, yip • "pea the size of a tire cent silver able. 'Then has been • elite/ens massacre tb• cheese market bere. Advice, from New os.e paying ht. 4,h..e. pan. The most wonderful part of it or cerietians at Mecierle York were favorable but more than any- thw a the too many ,,,„„zei murder, al is that Mr Kidnap is nearly 79 The Paris Figaro says the Count a Paris thing else probably the demand for *ems of ontsri , may be .15)0054 1" the lied of years of see. EH Prob•blY aboados hte Perimmt rent to for the bones trade occasioned the activity. day i . the revival of interest to tbe sad case against the Meletaley Bill season 7 . ..... : 4 lote„ eel boxes. at Deeilibie, 1,944. and her body, foul with de - of Maria Colville. Tbe girl disappeared in W-111. linited Mates owing to the feeling there The market was snood tee mon settee of tbe Two bundrol freizht handlen at this sheds Teo; OA lida, OM boxes, at 75tic; 46 Iota, OM cay. was found to a buah in Towmend Town - 01110 Port Huron & Duluth boa of steamers wise at 714,c; 10 lots, 1180 boxes. at 8c; 12 ship, reateue County in June following. at Port Huruss anion a strike. They demand tom teet bones, et gc; 6 kos, ono buses, st There were good resnune to believe that the AD ill(Teses of ftTe 50051 0.0 bour. Stec; 3 Iota, 365 bone, commission. Total, girl bad been murdered, but direct evidence Svideome has boon firrnistied the British yip tot, Imo bonen, Haling prime 7tac. ol violence or foul play hal been obliterated Board a Trade to show that Mr. Plimsoll's T .., . , . mow dots kt y „r. 1,41g mpg. by tim*. it flawed this Osirrutaut,-I sae recosewsod Dr wler's Eltract of Wild Strawberry, for seved my life when I was about six /soothe old. We hove ased iD our family when required ever since, end it P1155 fails to cure all summer outs - *iota. I am now fourteen years of nt at a Moderate Lye it, and Cutlery ever BAND I & Oa Eustis Whim, Dalkeith, Oat. • The accounts of a pillonakfie whe bas - tut died in England show that he had been aPelldirlit 11200,000 a year fur advertising. His heirs, however, ars IARRIICEA YSENTERY rum') Vrigri,lide ohlipOUlet tlost Could •Yrrli=i of I Miealthy Sumo, see that is °sweet lo the lurptuity of Me lilood. where the LUNGS, LIVILEt & XtlYNEYS, And other Vital Dreams are em vomited be. #0 nit the hope of repair. This valuable Com- pound run -s I:Huey and Liver Is Ropier, It rut:awns uf the Shia. Mods. ornate n ratio. litlloustwee lit *petals. Sick memo: h. ut rtleep. It curative. Pions in the Hones e arl Hawk. Lam Aoppete, Leaguer. Female 1A Names. Itin,oese, Decors' Debility. It is • vault.. reigulating pureatite, as well as • poestriius the pet *liar stared of &titbit as o useserful seat las reltei Cougestina ancic al hronlattioiduatiou of the Li,, sad &V the t' moral organ.. tir Tilts ‘ainahle Perforation excites the *Lola 0 strati to • • co, and vigorous avian. et ins liar •titl wresuctb to the system deed: - tailed by divrasr. and afford^ • great protec- tion true &owm l. at orteistate Is chimera of thr mason. of iltmate ot Ille lull deectems with mach bodle. Price :AI cents mid .100 per Bottle. -111Utl'AbtkO 0%1.Y KY-- AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SME NNO RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN .414 D.:LTS strictures on the Atlantic cattle traffic are not 54.767 bone, ruling pries 1Ne. 14.rover six long yews the affair has re - small fornided, ao fir as Calledille enter are Little (0110 mined mystery, and forgot„ms by ahnost reports: The cheese market bas Mown • better feeling and priom are ad- everybody. Lan week. however, Corydon A Cairo cable mays: There have been 45. vareeng about %c. An effort was made by W' "weeeelY celled " Cerdieer concerned. Smith of Bloomberg was arrested charged deaths from cholera at the quarantine station hit 666 to hold tbe . down to but with the murder of the to year old girL At Meets yesterday tea deaths from rimier& Haat' was id onetime. the keeper • um " Filer "C. "la Ptirtete were interred' 8 Ls were found at the close that received of ho were reported, and at Medan' nine. the halt T ' - " • • 5. inte lit ' itte• at 4 ill -fame. Maria tiolvilie was an inmate Tbe brick manufacturers, at a !meting at lots at 8Nete 8 lots at glee; 11 lots commis- and was last mem than Thine facts have to lion. Total 10,214 boxes. only just been ..... .,, . , I to the author'. New York decided Det. te IMP "Y bricks - The saisaa farm dairy are repwted Ed and hence the armee. The prisoner iSe- 970 boxes at l”ec, to feec with bulk *1 13. nies the charge in tote He was committed Butter-Tweety-six packages of creamery tor trial at tbe text amiss*. butter sold at Zia to SSW, mostly at IS That startling and sensational murder case, the Benwell-Burcheles tragedy is already Tereabe radian Feted. ,.., causing no little excitement This case it WIAITON, Aug. X -Twa redieelk j-'11 will be remembered was tee talk of two Cou- rtesy of Cookeville and Eil. McDonald a unmet. 11 ie ,wohehlw 111. 05011 intireetio. Tomato, melting goods for John Ryan & Co, rem et it, hiedrthir-Da;eretwe et came" ha; 50 Co* . , , Toronto, errived here the eew. hed *511110 1155 border,. other night .0.1Maned to sell their $45 lots The greet trial win take owe oe sept. in finding no particular fault with the . r-• -""te weer* the h°Yeet't er the Board 01 Delegates exists No more bricks extravagance, ss he leaves an estate Walking will be sent to New York, Brooklyn or Jar. valued at $25,000,000-611 due to pills 107 oty. and advancing. Several steense4 of the new Ruseregenten - - lise under die direction of Prime Gaguvin, W J Vanderwilkelatein, who iatro- here areters1 et reettlierids. ou the lower doted into Australia the rabbits which Thuinbe. WNW,: 77'.550 'tertian rifles and 2,400,0de cartridges 1 ...r the Serene Military have been for years the pest and the de- , mit spate ef that vast country, is still livieg A cycle°, swept dimmer the Casten of in Melbourne, broken-hearted and weary Vaud, Switzerland, teem immense damage. of this 1de because of the anguish which Tbe villein ot Lavelle& ani ems were that greet mistake has brought himmetated, and whole forests were destroyed. Many persons were injured. The storm nee ed three minutes A ilespatch from Hemmen' nays the Go. Guist, Ordisg, Comet verso:we is suPPITing the Kurd* with War- Dinerrovt, *ug. 20. -James F. Coolican, the tini nine 'The Christians have cut the tele- commute oortioneor charged with the ab- le -20i wires. Pour Armenians wise had eheettee et Mame Maven, pleaded not guilty made tbemselves objectiouabie to the an*. et tee nmehopei ronrt, soured wrimonete„ let Min Melee le steetair, mete, Man writes that she has Burdock Blood Bitters for loss of petite and headache with the greatest benefit and heartily recommends it. Her . is altered by thousands. B. li, 13. is • specific for beedaehe. 2 Dr Brown. Sequard. in the current SS" of a thalleeitm, diocese's the goes - tips "Have We Two Brains or One 1' It wee feared that owing to the few per - boatels° took stock in the doctor's elixir - of -life theory he might have come to the conclusion that the majority of folks haven't atty. of clothing to the fanner& On their re - tern for dinner Coestable Pettigrew had them arraigned beton Reeve libeire for hawking without • licence. McDonald was deed $44.40 and Foley got off 410 cheaper. mimes were strangled towhee. and was bold In ifel0 bail for A plague, the exact nature Mitch is not before the gram Jury in klb"th• 18 thvligiNg 41b8 418b jag 4°"118 the girl was beta in adoo• Mr. Coolies° furnished French shore of Newfoundland. Tbs. disease bail and both are free. is terribly fatal, and none 110 far attacked have survived. The nbabitents think it is L'ittoodarare Crusade virulent diphtheria. It ere= starvation and Mortimer. Aug. 26.-L'Ilitendard. the filth are Wpm, the deny swab of the die- French I'f. , paper and organ et ems. the Jamas in Canada, will also be poblisbed County Judge Max Resie, a Hidalgo daily in Lemon, Mese It is intended to re - county, the leading merchant and rise of the present tbe same doetrines there and will wealthiest tiod moat pepelar citizens ei Eden- circulate among the French Canadians of bark Texas, was abet sad 11111.4 10 Florio= New Engles& Mexico, by Mra De/a IdeCabe of Carom alga hi Wr141111 Arebbkihrop Clearrs Loam Laser" writers--espetially Agent he- es st.comoy Atop. The stew gra. Krweseow, fil -The Archbishop of ttue 'surawsd mon 45 00 III 1151 ha" from County, Tex. The ssurtisress, is lin sslio ot 50c. New Suleicribers are Jan. lst, at Woodstock. It will be prodded over by Judge MacMahon, me of tbe ablest men on tbe beech. The probability 5. 11151 thin will be eonsiderable diffieulty in getting a Jury because the cam hes been so widely canvass- ed that nearly everybody bee not only learn- ed something oldie faces, hist is kittens to have expreeed himself as to the almoner's, rumor tottorenett, thus making him an un- desirable juror from the point of view of oar edeor the other. To avoid tbe contingency of a failure to 'repent • jury et ell, County Crown Attorney Ball has arranged for mum- trioning of e* jurymen for the Anima is 14 more than is usually summosed. Mrs. Burt -boll, tbe young ant ehartaleg with of J. Rex Rumba' hes tetnained in Wood- ier.* ever sine her beamed was arrested. Her sister Mrs. West -Junes cams out from itngian.: aid Maying with her. They Hug the jail frequently. The prelim r noomfort-. ably quartered. He le seemingly powered 4 niarvellous IIIKVA, and is teems temp very coolly. Mr. G. T. Bleckstook, Q. C., le his counsel Colossal Benweil, lathed a gleams with the pen -would do well to um ehirtes time% in meek, (*.sty. Kingston hes borrowed meow frosa the England. l'Iss chief wen's, Douglas R. Polly, is at presort km Oalfornia, but will arrive H. SPENCER CASE, Chemist and I trucutet. No. est OlUsett• thermion. tease... 3.alti by F. Joritati. Refuse all eubstitutes. NEW OFFICE! In.eurance, Conveyancing, Land, Loan and DIVISION COURT OFFICE wanted by 1891 C. SEAGER I. removed 0) 515, new office-- !tele McLean' uew block. t.pposite the market. MONEY TO LEND on llortgaire mei Notes. The Great Remedy CATARRAllo BRUGMANSIA And as an inducement we will mail to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain reed, murk and iewardly digest the ap- Lightning firm a senator a dynamite 14awatard Lg. eutereem Cere.ReY " bore Meetly. ea. way...am% a soma. setrimers are Per rwet' The le" h fee " Teem The Matinee whon mann bas hemi prominsetly subissi "atyleo"-"the force" of whieb, etesnett oat tee elissusi oar the tali, or um. liva a I° Tee"( °les b"ssie" fee 'mistimed in onenertion with the affair, esamot, recording to presset benOtede. PIN64.41 allYtutts a Mr Fronde on thee %b.. aetiording to ova own Zooms, “coe- Ohio River. at Louisville, Ky. tbe wrirk- "MD-- mete be Innate& He will probably tern up Isi sins la striking out :" men employed ansped except • foremen Agreed to eeppeet Mew "I "" tehld moral' to sirens 'kat panted Kitlisa, wee paralysed by the Beewrwonn. Ant 26 _ Henry parrot,. thee for the trial Public opinion seeing to I hal to my with as math simplicity sod idiock sod had lin leg brollies by *Tin reeks. we,„ woe wowed here from Toronto on it be merles relied in Surebeles favor, vied The New York Work' talks el spieling • Atte, hind nern,,no not „wt.,. what be Dippllod was a lbw tom hed Maw motst tiontoot tb, A etelliss et Gent.ine Aug. 11. - Guelph towswhip. was Pkatoeryhoers.°6611 waltiall a ea little affectation as I wield enesmand. Wr. Ogre Villeelet. =arm or Deglecting to support his wife, his Mendi. su4 three engaged by the 'Meese* awl a rinniber of keen +rented tennoWl tO be It flat OSA, IOW the 4111110se 4041100.011 On Chmada to stft tho matter to A. a ma. 0b00 ;olio "0/ what 1 hove dring • salute frem a eassera sad ming serepo tam heo wit. with him mit the me ennieleat of hie honorable acquittal • *ors epithets, reducing , firesi before he could mat set 4 dogypir. h - 10Pnrntivell'the right .545 01 his wise alai face with Moods 1010 iedieative. and in moot is heavy Nesting powder. Dr. Dawson dressed titaness paining voy pen through every kb wweede, eint wertwo 111.1 11. he home Web Wed "mil" white wsw hems. He Is • member of the geratime luirmera wiSting *es 4. be Partlidssii gleet .c.,4heig #1.4 .001ine hot John Reehe stilt esidnelberelly he INTERESTROI ITEMS Iftf WI *papier,. Haney s' Hlmaapoie4bowels waggle., MienTm will be ..**1yy osgty *455 0- 4501 " airi the trial may take • week. reelier ea. - 45*11145 mod veyeterines amoise ems it freebie • est of letereek Wood - RE. oak (5010455 50 be thronged with ~ken •isitties trim all peen ef the ewitiomet, spe- nal ani erten Th. line of 451resee b webtmet 01 4115.501 ereenlation It ia twitamally sot asenewee1 ine intim le pretty door, however -there edi he no attempt to prove an athe and the ,•••• will g Nina Ws revile 01 410 suliedeth My t. • PM skies. yoe meeerely 44. `elms Yoh may Of ikiwk. 5" miseted es editor et Pilot as wervere w "T that se slaalt! aid se Wolf as 7" the laneJelha Born O'Re Illy Ranh* is ayle will eases as • same of aeminet sow ems Of ***dimes 4 tbe piper, mid be be avo eeement fee ernameent'a sake ie sod Mr. (rhonly *051steneribeet 4 ner ided. Them • rigythes ie friends ei watery Archbishop Wil- tmer es ist vim, but re moo eteng tt Is inslersetiod. eel ,....ma. yaw ear for lithLe 1141######1 OW gaper. thee giving aheolistabim metre& 44 ,t1" Tee hams a ows# dama tar higher WAWA. premseed a used at tat tam to tiestuourro nary tiErwater of The Earl lees .„0., tar Tba Lanka le at Re will sinha • Nur et tie ts bowl tha ; Por the remidatime el - Warranted 1 A SURE CURE I SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. J. K. GORE. Sole Patentee and Manufacturer. 6014041CW GM. QUALITY ALWAYS WINSI As the Old Darkey said: "I'se rayther pay more an' hab de best once in a while, than ta pay lots sad loth a poor article n." OM' Tea NAN 110q You ean get the 0_ BEST VALUE I -1890- S",f CHAS. 1 NAIRN'S; GROCER. CHANGE OF BUSINESS! THE OLD AND RELIABLE KAST-OT. FLOUR AND YID STORK hAll ilANOILD HANDR. 551. public are hereby notified Mat tieeliev awl trod Moline*. formerly emend es byte.= Callas h.s. been ourrhaserl by THOS. J. MEAN, Will• will carry 15 00 le in 110 hranrhealat Oh* eld man& i.ent et. neer thr *too,. voile, for mii55erf$0111 of former promos Iseetlils, burner Asa item the mor meress. 1*5 ie os line .5 any in town and as Sus now proprietor haat Pomo deatPiert with it itse arm Med ewe, there will he so falling off 51 ow, enmity exhibited la luessiait lt t. trnnt raak. tVitellvered to all parte et the sews. atme and ban I10.. 01 ftwar seit foal &aware ea band sad sifter* eras la mama. Fint-C3 Nal g Tie &Dal, THOR. J VIDEAN. I nak• thle eispertualts of thanking asp 41110. Ittenrrs far their liberal pstrwirie Auras ay ,Ip 11111. Meer al neer awl Tee el Sturm .,wt alm t&k. ptutoetre ht Meant Nit Beata it "Tic Sinai tax.c.-37.16.1r; Wet A. IL CUL.1411 esiereru