HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-8-29, Page 6t
W. J. Fars was killed at lllr
! The tares sugar t■dtaaiag Isla he .et•LW►-
ed at Guelph.
Heavy rains haveptrwatled at Hallos few
the past fortnight.
Th. grape yield r Visci County is being
eagerly' bought up,
Sir Ambrose nese, (,iovernor of the Bahr
was, is staying at Haltfas.
Leprosy has bees t. ur8l to several cases at
Eaglisbwwo, ('ape ticyrt• •a
Tire steamship Dama lase been hauled oft
The Fedora/see Cew.stl .•yrORnthi.e nett.
Pew.*.rty mad R.eadie Abase Mehl
but near K. V rth.r Ata --rhe Aurae)
Me.ua*g-neright laths.
Trans Werra, lel.. Aug. M. -The ,L of
L asked for bread from their broth a of
the tatted tinier of Railway Employee
Lotter kawws as the FeJerat.us, and it Ise
respaded wltb a stow Itis true that tat
Vrumoure u.ur,spo.de•I.
heap •s bolt t.1 powdered borax user Disk $talk.►, ut )Morris, paid a dfug
the kitchen mak. A sawn quantity is men to oar teen one dao this week.
the water in which dish towels are Mies !loutish, of Wwgharl, r vatting
wwsbed te helpful to the tastier ul Mesa- hero, the truest .f bis •mat, Yes Thus.
s►ug. A.desaun, of thte place.
MI Amt's N sabtuvetTl<liod.eieh'
Blue step, rendering the .mpluyeaett rod her lady tneud arotue, visltisg at tM
of bluing iu lauud►y work ssre.oseary. old homestead.
is made by ineorteir►ttag with ordinary Itobert Clark, Irons sear Dsngannon.
nap a e.lutiuu of sedum green to st:uy visited our bort iso Bauday lest
acetic acid. By the action of the alkali lora • t3abtrtbKimurm, enguulast tPa tM Itev Iter
f the mop the erreu I$ converted tele (Isonofrton..xrod pulpit for
tae Ker Alrx. McMillan very accept -
bite, .sttormly adores the mases
the bar at Joni.: *',ant, In I..latwl. moron a xiao-..aletI to a jar el hooey, but it ably'
lied lights are tow ed at the met and will be rose the inure dlgeetabl. w the
It is eeusl to pot black stocking. *bat Miss ItoMttrrs, of Carlow, has ro
►gh plated crock on little children and (ben see a corset bo•me •iteto
having • plwswnt
west ssntrwn.ti•, ..f the Murray canal, Knights as that amount. li Mr • mamma
The Th-v+and latest& Park' Hetet tiro is rrtuark terra 14 -night t�ipaAtual decao,+t stiff eta brush or .0130 to 1. the visit, the guest of the Minim Blair, of
said to he the work of as Iutbndtttn. of the ousferwam ir„tdd out have dye from the tender feet and limbs.
I/ this play
The stories of Minnea•ta timber being leen mare to Mr. Webb's taste mothers cannot afford to Gey Sl 23, all- .,.
stolen by 1'auedians is quite untrue. had the third vi.r-pr.slJrnt of the Central ezorbitant price, by Ili. way, fur (sat
Th•• customs and post -office buildings at Railway manipulated the wires that stn- .11r black I eatery, 10 the tams of hu From our ewe or
Peterbone will be ciwrtnette d next week. troller its twelve then wbo cos tis 10•011y let theist wear brown. gray or
composed Monday morntrg saw quite s stir ship
A number of English families have settled sur'r
lrwe bialy. The unfortunate I'S eight. eves Riming white -
la Hants county, Kura rind* this summer. are their e hit to uwu ro.wnw ping this growing gonr[wuou t,. &t:ho,l, Tory are lewem's toss Mer which opened on that day, in many u(
Air. Buhlw, of Ptct,ru, is the new Deputy out .yen offered the balm of pecuniary soy the houses bare. When the hell rug
k a Little women should wear stall hats
( ,•maty Court Judge In Finery Edward pule and their
brtwral ouster wire nese forthequarter the bustle was all over
(' anre
t,• refent by las• chief ut the tad.r0Yuo w •od ample hair dress. One oft.. bean 1
! laity in Smith's Fella has been patterned Prole 'Lraptitvhee her the ot(iet•1 roily a, his • Isle woman say wbeo trams 0411 a
i.y taking helle,bore in tuietake ter licorice ap4s.aL The out.ouw tray Pro" • heath tint : "1)1*, 1 a.uld not thio& of season°
powder- blow to the Knights. this bat ; why, it *deal' at least six inches
stir John aril Laity Thompson. with Mie. At t: o'clock *hie evening this m•••ag• we to my height, and 1 think 1 am tat)
Carling, arrived in Canada from England sent out by the Coastal id Railway Ent enough now.•' And she forthwith pro-
test weelt, ploys.: reeds to boy a little bit of a het s.arcw)T
The Parable Asa jod eovured the trip (rem 1'. V. t'uw•DUULY, (iieoerel Master Work dstingutshable from her Psyche knot.
clime to Vieeouverita 1'i days, .o hoar. and man 1.. of L, ntauwiz Hall, Albany: Tutt But if she wore a large hat the bead
4t minutes Suprezue Council adjourned this *Itersto. +timid appear larger slid in better pro
The. Dominion steamer Knight t'ompwntoe after c•nrrtully totwsiderimg the strike in all portion to the body. -St. L...uts 1'i.et-
whick replaces the wrecked blab. • is berthed Its drtaits Volt will note the report of out Dispatch.
at Montreal. deatrrette n In to -night's iliapwtct8.ti which. 1. --
Twenty barrels 01.enugg4.1 whiskey were is hoped. will meet 0ith our approval TI>r. FrN(. a. Feed.
erun it was ittrnini.w. ID rlid•axingl your p° it taav be positively asserted that even
captured by the customsofficers rat Ste.
Anne. (1ue.
Lighunng struck Mr. Bu•ltuer's farm at
(lowland. and burnedup nearly all the
aesee a crops.
The owners of the gots well. in Welland
bar: entered into ountt to supply natural
gar to Buffalo.
Wm. Itatidell, eiyears of ague, residing in
Toronto, was drowned by falling .4 the water-
works wharf.
The atrtking colliers at the Springhill
)1 n.'., Nova Scotia. hare rennet their point
ate return 1„ work.
A young man named Verner fell over t1e
gangway of the steamer Oregon at Mammaand was drowned.
The price paid by English capitalists forJanina,the Jaina, N. Lt. coal mite i. $::30,000.The new owners take charge on :tepL 1st.
mLake tumble at ke of the Wood* is over
the Indian,. departing quiet!a Ger their Mannaaft r prowming not to molest the fls'heewen
At Halifaz, white a party of the Royal
Engineers were experimenting with t..rpedoer
off the barber, one of tbt•ui wee atxndentally
connection has leen made between the
two mule of the tunnel under the St. ['lair
river, and men are able to wail from Sarnia
to Nim Huron.Mr. John Leys, es-MM.P.P. wee Andel to
ell the vacancy in the directorate of the Bank
i,t Toronto, i.eeo,ao.red by the decease of the
late W. R. Wadsworth of Wetton.
The Dominion surveyor eyr have finished
their work at Ambcrstburg and f.ouwl the
depth of water satisfactory. They will
hake wundinya at King.vi'te *hie week.
It was discovered that an utt rapt had teen
made to blow igen the safe at ebe Frederic-
tou railway station during the night, Severe*
hole% hod been drilled, lot the efforts of this
burglars proved nnauccatful.
J. 1'. Dunn. of the Interior lteprtrlineut
w:,• pr,ynted with a goi.l melt/ ata.! an
'beet* eg* frost the Society tor the 1'n,veution o1
heroic 1'euelty for o•wlw t in stooping:.run-
away berme ant taring tae lite of w cbillL
Charles 1'. Hwr.i, th, alleged Ft tsburg
forger, was committed try Jodie Harlett, of
Wooden -wk. to await extradition Th-de/eeee
will apply for another trim) before a hi;ber
co,ort. 'treat is confident of ultimate der
Ten years ago John (tram. a carpenter,
left Halifax t •r Montreal with a goou
d es
rd tunny and his friends have never hears of
him since. Mayor %lettere:a Ise written
to the Mayor of Montreal to see if anything
e known 4.1 him there.
Judgment wee given at (i.goo.i. Hall del
clawing that the Is -Tiede a by Jams Campbell
On the Kinitdnr Ureteral Hospital and the
IT tenant ''rHernere
pb roe. He weintend4 he
the t. reelor t.. t.e in ,.1. W lbs g•eierrnav of
the hospital and home. , destroy labor organx
iaatws ou the Central
I ening a gate tot lake Winnipeg one:night s. Weide s Policy b dreordic.
*met wick several steam'•rs narrowly .•weeaiped I 4. Webb iaa criminate Demme be entp10 E
d Onebeing wrecked. One was her, and ( Plakarr•tata
tow act large, loaded with (rfiu•n fish, ...ink L. No. Y elaborated.
No word res,. ).•t received been reived (rose smile of f'.. W'ebb's actions say: "Tors public Ise
the;Loat. that were out dimmed.-
An electric batt, deed/ .4 by P. B. Ste- 7. Webb claims his road is private pro
N ene, of Toronto crowed to the iakutil in To- petty, whereas ais a corporation cuartere
mini Hey. The trip was nude in sixteen by the nate.
minute*. This le tine first attempt Rant bas In view e1 thane conclusions the strike is
nudebrenude in Vnrontn to utilize etertrtrity as approved awl %Teub denounced. bet as the
it motive power t>D etre water. K. of 1. i. nut • member ut obs Federation
Mnre. Mathikle Henrietta timelier. widow the cown.•rl • annut do more than exeree
• 1 thelate Etienne Parent, formerlyt' oder their .amp etby. Ire inability to partici
Meeeretary rat Unite, di..l rat a ittswa l i..weed pat. others Ise i:, the strike ihi too
was highly respe••t(ot and inset. a utnernm known and appreciated by Mr. Powderly
friends iw the cities of Alnotreel, (ember sod
Ttrrutoo, where she resided with her Aar
W hang Fang, a Chinaman. who reside, an
Vi,eoria, B. ('. ••'rite.w Kir John Thamp unix
asking for the pi -enlace of riming a Chinese
Lr• eery without peeing is hernia fee. So
far no .in.•sr breweries -hove been estab-
lished in British Columbia, and he takes enn-
eid.rabN sh
isms to ow to the A11niu. r o.(
Jweae, that the biter which he intends .a.h-
ittgwtil bot !w lutozk'ntmg.
Ther* wee almost it riot at Hull• Qnebec
e preliminary hemrieg of the raw m *emote
lames Dmitri* for criminally .wnitltrgg a
smtrou and the poeitu,u of tn. (.raved d:zweu he modern housekeeper, intelligent
rive Hoard. mei nn el rartuwHY bop" that th .bo.ve her predecessors though she may
rt`bt which you are a batnuwwug in the greaa Ile, still fate to appreciate the value of
conflict use the New York ('rutr•l way that'll rutu. Nothing among all the produr-
and powerfully i.revail. 'lops of our bountiful mother can compere
W. K. rtamrt01T, Pren.tent. to richness and beauty with their buee
IV. A. Sitkanws,Hecretary- and d•vurs. Above all tbey gi•a torte to
The following s the maumfeutu of tar the dmgeetive organs, antidote binary de-
rangements, and at ird an innumerable
variety of dishes at onee iehcate and
nutritious. Who rightly values the
w.•rth of the 1•, rthern apple or the date,
that fruit which for half the year is the
staple food of an t ►mental race ? Every
breakfast table in the land ought each
day to have a central dish of fruit, eith-
er evoked or in its native state. Oranges
and melons„apples and grape*, figs and
dates, currant• sod the royal line of ber-
ries, cherries and gooseberries, plums
sod pears, apricots and peaches, bananas
and grape fruits, all are rounded in out-
line, exquisite in coloring and deliciooa
to the mate. In one respect all ftoit*
ere alike. They shield he eaten only
when perfectly rips asst as fresh as they
can possibly be procured. The uufortn-
natedenizens of large cities may be cow
pelted to consume them after being
hawked about the streets anti plentifully
spriokled with dust but that is the price
they pay for other privileges. -god
7i. elf Lubar hievahi:atwas:
Ilex AND littoritkxx: Oa the night of
Aug. a a strike Nevin on the N. Y.C. o
H.H.K. involving a tout taw to the eoipk•)
of the said road wbu were maniere ere of
great labor ory..uisatwu known ae rt• K. o.
L The restore set forth by kith T. V.
Powderly, chief ex,rutne of the order, nu:
he rummariaed a„ to.'uws: 'The peremptory
discharge of L,latwu 'A and tsf employee o
the roar' and members of the 1 . ut le, be
c*uee they were K. of 1, without gtvius
than toy remotes whatever for the des
clumpy. Prior to the strike the men involve,
sought through the regresesuttives of the
order to have their grie% sures adjusted. bur
their appeal toeing dterr,,•arded a strike we.
inaugurated_ At Ina juin turr T. V.
Powderly, master workinau of the K. of L,
entered upon the tnsk of adjusting the differ-
ence snot .1 making such arrange/nano ss
would result In an bomorable pence between
tete employes and omcials of the read, but
his efforts were unavailing. Mr. Powderly,
comprehending the purpose of IA. Waiter
Webb. third v►ce-1.reS&deut of the company,
to snake war upon the K. of L and uitt
irately aeon all tete labor organisations re-
presented on 1.0 road, sought • eorderetrc.
with the Supreme Council of the United
order .d Railway Employee. The rogues
of Mr. Powderly was granted to the ezten
that four natinibers of •the council. the chief
executive .4 the Federation *net him in tin
city of 'Buffalo.
The members of the Supreme C'onneil br
carne astt„tk'ti that the of ieial. of the nee blacking such as is mold tat eight cents
Ly every tem -adoration of fair and honorable ought to last a year for blacking; ext•
treetloeet a labor organuxatiotrsshould Ines stove. It mere blacking a used. it will
T.ir. Yow,terly and adopt some jtatt plan 1o. not be rubked into the surface of
the adjusttorut of the grievances o1 tht the store as it should be, but re-
striking emp�l,yes This evot•lusfol haven, main it a tine dust to ase afterward
been reached toe members of the titiprsnne blown about the kitchen and cause •
Council, in response w the request of Mr. henerally grimy appe•rauee, so often
Powderly, exutwito their j urney r to seen in urcared•Ior kitchens. A fresh
city .1 New York to afford such aids sea. neat of black should not be applied often -
in their ',Mar to bring about a settletaww
between Webb and Powderly. The tailure er than once a month, when the flues
of the negotiations is tau rerb...rl: set should also be cleansed out and the is.
forth and the summoning of the Septum tenor cif the stove thoroughly brushed
Council wbit•h mt at Terre haute from cat. Before patting on new blacking,
betunlay until Monday noon , the old blacking should be washed tiff.
Tb. trwneil arrived at thee. eooclwsfoas: The new coat must Dow be applied and
1. The position of the Knights of Libor the stove thoroughly polished. The
*beets with unqualified appr>vL edges of the *cove, if they are of polished
Y. Webb.' course "mess a purpgm 1n iron, should 0.31 be blacked, but cleaned
like • steel knife with 'spilio or brick
e'oat. The nickel knobs and other nickel
parts of the stove most he rubbed bright
with s chamois skin or an old shrunken
flannel. Anordinary paint and whiting
brush is one of the bot things with
'filch to apply blacking to • stove A
stiff brutal, such as is used for 11.15 par.
twee, is the best brush for pclishing.
During the month polish the stove with
the polishing -brush each morning.
just after kindling the fire. Keep au
old cloth always on hand in cooking, to
rub off any grease spot se sown as i1 ac-
eurs. If the spots are obstinate a few
drops of kerosene oil put on the stove
cloth will remove them. The ground
edges and nickel work of thestor..h^nld
1» rubbed ••F at least once • week, ba -
sides the monthly cleatnrg when the stove
is blacked.
Rtarkss s wteve..
Every good housekeeper dislikes to see
a grimy stove, yet cften dreads e•tually
the grimy hand acquired in the process
of b-.ekit.r A pair of thick glowes is,
of course. a necessary part of the outfit
of any woman who dors kitchen work,
and yet deeires,aa she.hoald,tn keep her
hands dainty. As a rule far too much
blacken& is used on stoves. A cake of
r sing woman Ili m•.t II Neill. A noisy crowd
made Hirsute egafltat the prisoner me! the
.. art reran heal to 1•. desired. Toe mother
of the girl attempted totem Duncan with ,in
itmbreiia. "You have ruined my olan;thtar"
.dee exclaiated as the policeman bustled bee
A young *mem rmrrd fir•erge t'annnit who
hams inn l'hen-y %'alley. Prises. E lwmrd
..ugty. ...rented a.re,iastios .n Iteseem.t.. by
atneeptnng amicW.. IT rotting his throat
with a reser. Ties yonth te 21 r•,rs rat age
baa bees erspinyed about he town a. •
laborer. Cp.oe rising be towel a ran,' and
with ,hie steels rot bit wlw.ipipe open IN.wf.
eals,l was anmmin.4. worn .t .a. f And
abet the wound wee eon neere■enie lar .l as
the ertertes bed not hews toweled. Alenia/
d M snagnwl as floe ream
The lanin*nksi Warmonger Pig. -.wt A~la
tins is'rnwinr.wire' of ..rgani'd-k,.. The
p.arr'as w Lord !Manley. and saw- .t the vier.
roma. awl wipe's -ter. of iba e.s a M raw w
most 0f the pro newer :nae. .f r'.... e The
object V tw.iw...trwy. and rieee w .arm•
f..r pigeun, service ti.rmiglsott' . .Ian.
Tie imp ortawre of .•r• -n w aye* .1, lassit
• le wt reed that BerOp.es . :.a NOSS
hew, deri.g ase:- r was **is ' open
errelee.held aatarnas* t* Ise •' set.
Tee hneerer t ! ' and
weesdarr rd the a■r.•iat3s it *1 aj florae,
of lite Ravel Oren di rk
INa.Mrted Men E.amtar.l by Tnwdrrty-•
Alleged ow.tsaght our Knieht..
ALFA YeAug..+l -At the afternoon coo-
f.rent'e ,.f the timers/ Exenutive Hoard am.
L.A. 9-P t went y of the men who were stir
charged were admitted and closely gees
ttuneel ty Afr. Powderly relative to the
causes *hick they thought led to their din
mis•aL *'lose questioning faded to disclose,
except In • single lnatance, that any of the
oases wet forth by the amends of the t'wr
tr.l road could base been the grounds for
the disrbarge of the green. O0 the contrary,
It ie claimed many facts were brought out
which tended to show that these wh..lasaN
discharges were lbs results of a precno-
meted plan to drop all the promisent
Maden in the rinds of the Knights.
among there dierbarged wen enema who ad-
mitted that when they were dropped mamas
i■cheled In Mr. Webbs statement ware
g iven. but entirely diater•emt tyros Heversl
of the 11840 said they www charged with is-
tsubor.tination at the time of their diem' -re;
and added that the only act of thein which
the .metals of the mail retold construe ss one
t. insehnrdinatlrwi was where they leo
served em committees which hat woad epos
the officials of the read aaad prwssmMd gr'iem-
awn .t different
they asked for the reasons of their dtemharge
were Inst with the answer that they
were working agalrsr the interest of tise
es mpeay. n )rte man wbn had bora glens this
enterer said n. had Ira thr.atessl veldt
Ostaleaid 0s tern sep_rat• rowakws for being
• Light. the est Mtne being te F-alwaney,
Ass disrbaeg ed Inas said he trent naked
w go ns. piece -wort. whieeh would ,wise.. W
.elarrnee-Wird lie refuse& @barely seer
healed he was Awirg.d.
Or. Powdertr Mil u bad Mea ear=ed
Other mos
the bode..
Jl'BT;RICRIVgD-A fu11 bee of
Gibson's English Candies!
Also • is• Ire supply of
The hest la the Market for the lone*. Only So. lite. per oaks.
Appeal', cure fur Irk/anises. Demmterr, l'holera mecum, ate., ere.
CHEMIST ARO DRUGGIST, Weft boa Aohseeise dryweds dee&
The road at the north end of this burst
by the school hove. la losing repaired end
gravelled in places by J E fierier.
Quite a number of our young people
took to some of the enjoyments of (lode -
rich civic holiday by attending the gath-
e ring at Baechiet's grove, and others the
excursion to Kincardtne by the Windsor
The voyagers seem pleased much with
the scenery *round the amid town. The
trip homewards bed many of the nass-
engets in a curb us feeling, barely a
baker's dozen escaping lbs sweet Im-
pressions, and those of our beaus who
ROI bars seen their future fate among
the belles of Kincardine won't travel by
water for a renewal visit, you ter. brit
will take either horse deab or the iron
horse in pretereuce.
assaay shies.
Ham Omelet. -tits eggs, one table-
spoonful of dour made smooth in a little
milk, two-thirds of s cupful of very fins
1y chopped fried ham, ail lean. Drat the
yolks th.roughly, add the dour and milk
and the ham, and, lastly, the whites
boater* to • stiff froth. (teal all togeth
er sod pour into a hot and well•buttrreo
spider. Shake gently while the omelet le
cooking a rich golden brown on the bot
tom. When nearly done set the spider
to • Lot oven until the omits has bitten
to brown co top. Double ever corrfelly
and serve immediately on a hot platter.
If preferred without ham use salt to
taste. A very pretty owe/rt is made by
reserving three white* and piscine them,
beaten stiff, on cne half the omrlet when
partly cooked, Aral thee doubling the
other half over them.
Beef Tea. -Cut two pounds of lean
beef very tine with a sharp knee.
Pour • pint of cold water over it, and
let it stand for several hours in a double
boiler on the back of the stove, where
it will beat to the boiling potut but not
mil. When the juice is all extracted
frets the meat so that the meet is white,
drain off the liquid and salt to tete.
Scotch Exits. -Alix with one cupful of
crooked ham chopped tint a paste made
of one half cupful each of milk and
bread crumbs. one-half teaspoonful of
mixed mustard, • little salt and one raw
egg. Remove the shells from six hard-
boiled eggs and cover with the mixture :
fry two minutes to 're!! /rot fat. These
may be srrved hot or cold, and are very
delicious for picnics, cold lupches, etc.
Chick's, ve•1, lamb or salmon may he
used instead of the ha►n, with seen ning
to Meta. Lemon, however, should be
used in masoning the salmon.
raid OW Is MI* Own *'ala.
A remarkable case sof ''diamond rust
diamond" i.ceurred in Boston recently,
not far trope' the Providence Railway
station. A druggist had fitted up a neat
corner store, end had established at once
a fine trade. One day another druggist
entered his store and said : "1 want to
bay you out. How mock will you taker'
"1 do not want to sell, was the reply.
"1 expected that answer," said the
.sdram.soittng pe -eon, "and i am prepared
for it. Now, if you dun'* sell out to me
1 will open a drug store is cppsttion ori
the opposite coreer. Atm much will
you taker The droegi•tt, nffend.d at
the species of brow -beating, said he
would sleep on it and report the nest
me -ring. At the appointed hour the
sop meant was In the store and • large
price *as mired. TM Foreain was
bound. The drngelst who had been
thee rousted from a corner which Ae had
fatted up with a view to years of penes
and profit sunght the over..@ of the
npposite sorrier which had bean bald oat
to hits ge • threat. @secured from them a
long teem, worked night sed day, mid
now has a dreg stare is which any
en slatamity Wright tate estlaf..tinn and
repos enefldestes. Whet s more, Mia
doing • bMter bssiwlat then he did to
the former I,sesUty. Boston retarder
Freeing (iseN1R
Tearbtmj t. Ilse Wait.
A western correspondent of one of .. or
duly papers gives some rules that are
posted conspicuously in a school -room in
lower Arizona. The teacher n an en
tbwieet rn the use cf good Enelish, and
instate on as use in his shoo:-r.som.
Tohri M_ 15ro adfoot
is giving the
ie town at lits .tone. where he always nee on hand a lame stuck ie
7...)="57" G-oode,
It will be to the public advantage to give him a call before going
11217 -
iPMean eek rs pour maws ars that I have a vositiee remedy for the apses t
By ks time:y mss '.aysarris abet) less cases have bees awed.
clad to .end two begs,s of r y re:ne•dy Mtn to any of ,aur re.den haws
tlawOti«oea IfotHtl , wilt seri me their Express asst Pest ! r Address
T A. M.C., Ip tR..t AOemahms w Towok.TO, ou-vaags
Try Our Oxford Shoes
T:,rr •re warranted not to *hp up and duan on the heel, which cannot be said .tt say
other mate.
Our Russet Oxford Shoes
are • decided 'wen a There Ir oeth'ng Ake them for snmn,er wear.
and guararitev;d to give sat,rfaebai,
•111 timecard free of charge. Boot. and Shots of a snfk-rir r ., uallty ma:e to order.
irhoies.ie and Retail Manufacturer sod Dealer in Dowsed Shoos.
> set sass
merely to *tog, them for a lime, and tote_
have theta rettrra again 1 IOW A N A R A D/ C A L C Y R It. I hew maw the disease of nem,
teit•s•e, see OnallWerw *(.Rota., a ode-lo•e study. 1 warrant lay remedy to Osseo the
worst cases Becalms others hate. failed Is .o mum for rot arm roe a care. Seed at
once for a'treati.e and a Pros etts* of ray 10Ia111ble Remedy. Gee. s sad
Post Office 1t costs you noting for a trial, and it will cure l7ou�m$,,
Addrea-etear ,
lti.0, arsss.h Office, 111* ttlla*T ADa1.A/pt *TR1LT, TORONTO.
Looking for Handsome Xmas or New Year's present at a Moderate
The retire Chet this teacher has made int--ADT27-
pefatice in hu,chos,l'r,ot might tind a it, the E st.rna re th in matte (at r is in i We Know we ave the East, where the .ducatrd ear is yu
frequently odended by the mispronunct- {
anion of the mot common warts. Ht. ! having the Finest Lines of Silver Plate, Flat Beare and Cutlery ever
roles are : displayed in this town.
"My scholars must not
dreadful, drrtful : or catch, ketch : or
newspaper, notepaper: or 'society, asset. ,
sty : or February, Feboary ; tor Meese
chordate. Yaaecbus tts ; or eleven, !even
or height, lathe ; or drought, druwthe.
They must not say fur for for, or int red
:.f, for get rid of. They most not say
any.heres, or nuwbures, or any ways, or
a long way's or those sort of things, or
those kind, for that sort and that kind.
They must not say he don't for he
doesn't, and they must never use the
word Gin t. They must .often the "d
in such words as duty and opportunity.
They most not drop final "ga,• or leave
out of words their "h•.. They must
not half-prenonuc., m0.t Rot say gray
deal for great deal Every word de
moods the fall, authorized, verbal men-
tion of all its letters.-
etters.-The cerreepondent says this teacher's
method of teaching is very original, and
his stews, considering the environment
of his pups, marvellous.
"How does he teach? Lsryely by
talking mid reading and by reference.
He asks no child to learn anything by
heart. He promise's no child any reward
but that which conte. from the pleasure
o.1 suecess. 11e adapts h4nself to tee
mental grade of the differeet pu-
pils, airs dor. ^..t put all of those
who are of the same height and
the age .t same work His pupils read
their history and grvgn-thy and philoso-
phy, and tall of them while reading.
They fears to spell aa they go along, and
to °empties s they reed.
A method that dem not allow of
mark., het does allow of thought. -
Christian t'sioo.
A carious feet is utilised in .,,. 'Ail
with the formation of hanmelss sea aitlie
bottooa in the majority of NINO MIER
is a meet heavier growth of gram OW
hareeelt.s on Dns side than oe the olllsgp
and in netsernse inetanese nee side will
be almost fres while the otb a is as foal
its possible
Inspection Solicited.
therlis io The Signal. SIT YOU PEDITINa DOME :� MIX