HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-8-29, Page 4. • i ,.i THE It CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE trreouncesea talar. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. MVITAI (AID IIP) SIE MILLION DOLLARS o lart B. E WALKER. GENIUSAL M*i.ao R. GODERICH BRANCH. , a A Clostnia. BANKINo Buewttlae TRANSACTED. FARIaERfr NOTES t DRAFTS IYUED PAYABLE AT ALS PONST$ IN CANADA. ANO Toe MLNc1PAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. OERN UDA. *AMINOS SANK DEPARTMENT. ONSIOM'y. Op .1.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT ISATIS Or INTEREST ALLO UD. ADOKm TO TMS PNSNftMPAL AT T.eI Kee or NAY AND IN SAOM YtAa. *peels. *Moslems given to Rio Oetloetien of O 1 Paper, ens Itmnsere• Dslew Notes. 10 Vuron ignat to n tttmZD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITS MIAMI Plnrnx o,VPCZ : VORTH - STREET. GODERICH. It Is a wlde+wake local newepayer. devoted 1111 meaty news aad ten diascnttnatiew of use- ful refel knowledge. RATES fall 5LN s year : :5c. ter six months ; Hb. for tiros smooths. If the subscription is not paid ia advance nbscriptioa be charted at the rate of 52.00 a year. AlnERTMINC RATES L4(a► and other camel advertisements, 10c. per hide for Ina insertion. and 3 cents per line for each subsegnset iaaertioa. Measured by aoaparetl scale. Loos! notices in nonp.riel type Sc per line. Local notices to ordinary reading type lc pe word. Business cards of six lines and under 53 per rear. Ad of Lost. Found. Strayed. B itoatteas V'sweat. Situation Wanted and Bvsimas Chaac.. Wanted. not exceeding 8 Saes empanel $1 per mouth. Hooses os. Sale and Farms on Sale, ad to e xceed 1Beek 51 for first month. SOc per sub- sequent month. ussquentmonth- Larger advte In proportion. Any special notice. the object of which is to promote the pecuniary besets of any t.idi- vldoal or company. to be considered as ad eertiestaeat and char.ed accordingly. Thede teras will le all ones be strietly ad- h ered to. Special rates for larger advertisement., or advertisemente for extended period. made known at the aloe of publication. JARRING DEPARTMENT. A tally equipped Jobbing Moe is carried on in coneectlon with tee ordinary newspaper badness. where Ares -clad work is turned out at reasonable rates. Everything in the print - lag lin be done ea the premises trona an poster to a vIeIUag card. All communications must be addressed to O. >trLILEafTneT. Editorof Tnx SittemL Telephone CaL 4o. N. Ooderich Oat. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1890. THEIR HEADS ARE LEVEL On Thursday last week the Ontario Prison Commission began its work in London, and a large number of sheriffs and jailors of Western ()uteric were ex- amined. In looking through the report of the evidence published we see no bet- ter posted men on the subject in hand than Sheriff Gibbons and Jailor Dickson, of Hor'os county. Both of these emitls- men have evidently given thought to the problem under consideration, and we gine the published report for the benefit of tome of our county councillors who u sually vote down the Industrial House proposition every session when it cornea rap, without hating given thought to the question : William Dickson, gaoler at Goderich, said in the Godericb gaol there were four corridors and four wards, titre* for male and one for female prisoners. It was • structural impossibility to classify the prisoners. He had seven Driainers lard year and five this year who should have been in a poorhouse. Drink was the principal muse of crime that came ander b notice. The promiscuous as.ociatioo of prisoner he considered one of the wont possible evils. Witness favored the establishment of an industrial school under direction of the Goverment. Two prominent evils of county garb were want of rooms and too maoy maters. t , ,! should be established in every meaty, for there were always old people in the gaols chugged with no offence but belplesenese. It would be better if the Government eontinlled the gaols To properly claseify prisoners in Goderich gaol would require ten corridors and •. many ward.. The establishment of • western Ontario prison like the Toronto Central was most desirable for the efficiency of county gaols Tempe should be given hard work end short allowance. Drunks, who were often skilled workmen, should be sent to the Camra! for six months sod have dif- f*root treatment from other criminals. They should have • separate ward in the Oestrai, he given skilled labor to do and part of their earnings Gest M their families Sheriff Gibbons. of Goderich, thought the gook 'meld be better if under f , t °outrnl. He had sem the e vil semis of non classification ofpvrsn n- ew in Ooderieh gaol. Ciel affwrtdee, Mad to seanciate with crissioab Witness tbeegbt the ersetlon of se indatnal wheel or prises similar to the Centre' in Logsdon er gree .1t'gtills part of western °steno was desirable, as pWkenen would there be hetes, employed and controlled. Idleness in the ,tool was the cause of mush trash'*; with a hoses of refuge and n o Indestrlal salient is the wept the proses* geal would be seSeiest. Taves was a• roses why Canadian boys should net poi plasm in the industrial homes [r , . to lade frim the ileum d ell Leedom, Gaoler Dickspn was asked M be bee. d ase ease In whisk a girl was corrupted in gaol by cumpolstory association with prostitutes I he that he knew R. S WILLIAMS, MANAGER EAb Y TO _4 YSWER "Our contemporary should have In - eluded in the list of appotntmeote with which the Star bis not found fault that of Mr. Tuose. MtGILut't'DDY-or was his appoint nen, solely beeas.e of his peculiar fitness for the pusitioo 1"-Gode- rich Star. ver contemporary thought it was giv- ing a poser here and that it would also work in a personal dig at Tog S1t.:IAL at the same time, but it is easily answered in the athrmative. Mr. THOMAS M/GILL- 3.171•DY recopies hie present petition solely and only because of his peculiar fitness. If hie position were vacant to- morrow, neither the talented writer of the above paragraph nor any other Tory in the county has the ability or other necessary qualifications to 611 it. As for tie Star not taking exception to hlr. U4GILLIt'CDDY's appointment at the time, it deserves no credit. The Dews - papers on either side of politics that drew attention to is all paid • tribute to the ability of the appointee to fill the position and upheld the choice of the Government. The Star simply said Dxhity, bat grumpily looked on. It could not ay the appointment was not s good one, and when it couldn't do an ill turn it said nothing. If any outside paper had seen 6t to attack Mr. Mr0ILuerntor'e qualifications for the office, the Star would godly have scis- sored the objectionable article out .od reprinted it, jest as it did in the use of Mr. A. M. Roes, but nobody expects original thought from the S:ar. t UC'('1 IN OCR (CRRENCY. Medical mea have been giving an ad ditional interest to matters monetary. At the meeting of the Association of Ex motive Health OScore of Ontario held in Owen Sound last week some very able and practical papers were read re- lating to sanitation. Drainage, the dis- posal of sewage, the danger from frit wells, the isolation cf persons having in- fections dame*, and • dozen other sub jecta germane to the gathering were di. - cussed in a wise and profitable manner. The prevention of disease, the assembled medicos most unselfishly strove to make plain, was of even greater importance thao its cane. It may be, however. that this disinterestedness manifested by the doctors convened in Owen Sound may amount for the paucity of the atten- dance. Moral heroism is required in the physician who will pay his way to a con- vection which discusses modes of head- ing off disease. After listening to several scholarly dis- sertations ipsertations on bacteria., microbes, action• mycosis, organic matter, sewage farms, the danger lurking in the pit well and in the town creek, a venerable physician of Owen Sound, Dr. John Barnhart, lifted up • warning voles regarding the spread of ooutagi re by a very common carrier " The chief muse of the dissemination of disme. in Ontario," exclaimed the doctor, "is the circeletion of those dirty, ragged dollar bilk. Bank notes aro valuable, but they contain a good dal of dirt and much of these 0000i." The speaker naively added : "Of coarse we may admit that the cocci are there, but we pocket them all the same ' " After the laughter caused by the ages doctor's very frank admission had subsided, he continued : " We know that these ode and two dollar bills are in the pockets of all kind. of low and filthy people, and that coppers, quar- ters and other coins also set as ,media of disease. ' Having excited the fan of his hearers. Dr. Barnhart advised the disinfecting of all suspected bills, after which they should M handed over to the bank authorities, who must not miasma them. While the venerable physician was doebtlese correct in ascribing the spread of disease is some measure to the otree latioo of the dirty dollar bill, his e•.dor regarding the pooketinp of the euspeot.d eurreney by the members of the medical profession meet be , to the polo lie. While we would prefer a clean, un- crossed beak note. redolent with the lat- est perfume dear to the dainty nostrils of the dressy beak Mari, these who owe es MA reit assured that the dirty, dog eared dollar bilk --we Wil! not refugee the other dessimiaatirme- will be dad', mewed . 1 this (Iris, we eheeefnlly assuming all risk regarding enosi. We ars *reed to hast ,bet Mrs Stacey sad family, who waev.d lam staring M Denver, bel. , ars eerie( well and greatly pleased with their western bs '-Mr 5e Pent. 3 . ).•• ." THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. 29, 1890. Utilise to the mime which is deservedly given to the Jou Mucus anniversary eekMntion-who better dwarves it Was C.11boree's vemorabie pelEioOh 1---li tt uty of editurtal and tatNl resew blew avoidably crowded out this week. Ws are pleased to learn that our for- mer townsman, Mr M. 0. CAMsaoe, bas still the interests of hie native tows es heart, and has toe some time been es - cased In working up •satins for"deeel- upiog the limos A ()utario R R , the e'tart.r of which is held by endear' of this section. We mode/stand a meeting of the provisional directors of the com- pany will be held nest week:io consider Mr CAssaoa s offer. Let us have the ✓ oad, by ell steaoe. THE EDI MR'S TABLE. • Weed w ewe Abend New P.Nteytena Thal Nose roses N Read. THE METHODIST MAUAZIXR FOR aRr'rH1a- 11a,1890. The Canadian Tourist Netee 000dect the reader through the comparatively ,ittle known region of the Austrian Ty- rol, leaving bum at the romantic tows of Bonen, or Balsams. The sogravtop of the etr•oge dolomite scenery ars very tine. So also are those illustrating Lady Bramey's ad rev tures in Australia. An interesting article a that deeeribiag,with n umerous engravings, • "Through Bunyi, s Country," in Bed- fordshire. Two articles of timely in- terest, in view of the approaching Gm- er•l Conference, are an account of the remarkable prugrese of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, and • sketch among the "Laps ed Classes in Toronto. Roth of *base articles are written by earnest-souled workers in them important departments, but their modesty prevents the appear- ance of their names. An able article oo "Prison Reform," by the Hon Z. R Brockway, is of special interest at this junctura Mrs therr's fine story of York- shire Methodism is brought to a fitting Mom ; and a bright paper on the famous Metbodat worthy, "Billy Bray," by Merl( Guy Pare*, is given. Also a noble sermon by Hugh Price Hughes, os "Christ's Sympathy with the S.tfer- i.e." The Rev John McLean, Pb. D., gives in his usual terse way a brief sketch of "indium Hymns ;" and Mn Annie Crawford presents, with pathetic feeling, "Tbe Lest Extremity." "Meth- odism and the New Er.," and "Meth- odism and Temperance,- are timely pa- pers, especially at this season of the year when there ors to many topic* be- fore the puoiw for discussion. A brief memorial tribute to the late Rev D, Rose, and the extensive notes by Dr Berms, of the Eastern Conferences. gimes our real.rs the largest amount of reading matter ever promoted in this mag•aiae. Price $2 a year ; $1 for six ...oaths ; 20c per number. Toronto : W Beige.. THE ('OitKolOUTA:f TOR 161 .. "A Successful Men" is the title of what is probably the brightest American story -typically American -which It.. appeared for many years. It is a story of life prominent in taboo and in polkas, written by • member of New York's highest society wno displays a genies as • writer destined to make her name faaan..-although she substitutes a turn de 'tante for her own well known one. "A Sucossaful Man" will appear in two parts in the (omaoplitan Maperiae -the brat is the September is.s.- and is illustrated by Harry MoViekar, the drawings being made from life Stout actin[ models who were guests and servants at a Long Island country house. A bitch type of American politiciae-a o leo harlot something r E the character- istics of • Blaine, with • little of the Daniel Dougherty perhaps -is brought by chance into the close moiety of a Newport married belle -one of those women mated to wealth and manly beauty, with keen sympathies unestithed by the intellectual calibre of her bus band. Then comes • careful study of the self-made s.oceurful Auserian-of the *twisty girl of Newport drown by one who knows her perfectly at her best and at her worst -of society nota it is im.gined but as it exists -of the human heart by nue who has evidently taken it in her hand and watched its every pulatiou. At every page the .tory is bright and clever, and we are much mistaken if it dues not attract the widest attention. The other contents of this number rd TAr (:..tnopotifan is of the usual high quality. M'II.Nt1 e MA(.AZIIE vol eIPrEM•EL. "With Uncle Sam's Blue Jackets Afloat" is the title of the first of three articles by Rufus F. Zoe/haulm desetibing bid cruise with the United Sates "White Sleadron," The Citizen'. Rights series is continued by James 8 Norton, who discusses the mtizeo's rights to hie own property. Other papers are :-"TM Country House," by Dosald G. Mitchell; "African River and Lake Systems,". by Thomas Stemma ; "Nature and Man in America" (first paper.) by N. 8. Shake ; "A Crowe Jewel -Heligoland," by C. Emma Cheney ; "Millet and Resent Criticism,' by Walter Cranston Lintel. There ie a .hon story, "The Clerk of the Weather:. by T. R. Soilless, dad poetry by prank Dempster Weinman, Oberlin B. Going, Cltntne tiadlard .d Orme Slimy Charming. The arid,' "Jerry," Enema as to the authorship of wbieh are being .cede by messy editors, eon - arises to be very interesting ; and "Th. Point of View" 'Debase seemliest reed- ing. BENMILLKIL Th. Methodists of Bonmiller apron intend holdi.t a vamp meeting in Mr. McMell is's grove, opposite Mr. Mug- ford ., NIM [toad, to on 1st - lanky, August Mt1(tomorrow,) .t 1 p. us-, when • mermen om entire eewe.er•- tine will be presds.d by Rm. B. Irvine. Services will be held no fl..dey at 10 DO a. m , 2 p a. and 11.30 p is Rm. Mows.. Fnine, Pay and Potter will as- sist .t the inestieg, whish will .n.tintte astll T.seiay. September 2nd. C. F. Data, Hashers. has di.perad el his ..tire [teed of fat wattle, to Watson, NWT* II II PORT ALBERT. f ues ger ew■ es remenieol. Masa Jamie Stsyenose, of Delo*. le se • mit w ler Mewls beau --Miens* Kate and Vic. Hawkins, of Loathe', are spending the hobby* with their paresis to this village. Mr. Nat Ceeningbam has a.eaeMI a good pusetioo is Sealurtb. The schooner Eoterprw is engaged la drawing wheat from Kincardine to Ma- e mill. ■e M,fxrut-This is the rather pretty aaae of a yacht meetlyper- shooed in Kineardtne by Mr. AU mile. The Myrtle is a mover, having at a re- seed regatta is Kisardias totes the sil- ver cup Alf. esrries fifty dollars in his pistol pocket which says that the Myrtle can beat any one of those Istir,os wawa -dignibed by the name of 'yenta" by the Guderich boys -2 stiles in ten. Chene for a "brush," boys. PUIILT CIRI VMNTAXYIAL.-A tramps - kr scratch extending front the base of the organ of veneration to the kit eye- brow, a flabby, tumor -like 'obsolesce in stm and shape, h.rtwg a strong remora - blame to a yoga laay's.btgnoe in 1869. urinous gracefully from the under cide of his right jaw, .n expression of great pain dittieg across his countenance upon sodd.ely 'taking • seat, sod sudimeut cuticle stripped off various porttoo of his body which if manufactured into bac strings would last • fourth . . farmer for fifty years, is the evidence before us that Mr. Whit. Echlin-Ma- haEy's popular young milks -hes pur- chased a bicycle, upon which he is so - damming to rid.. White • stayer though, and his going to got there, loo ; made the trip from hon to his father's plea at the Nile, G miles, on Saturday evening last, in 45 minutes. Not bad for en amat.sr with only • few evenings' practice. EARLY FALL GOODS. We have received a large por- tion of our stock of fall goals, which, in every respect, is right in style, quality and price. We buy no goods but what we are sure will give perfect satisfaction to our customers. We sell at a very close margin of profit. In mark- ing goods we don't mark them the highest price they will bring, but the lowest price we can sell. We are showing a fine line of dress meltoni in plain colors, checks, stripes, spots, &e., at 10 and 11c. per yd. ; silk velvet ribbons, in all widths, just opened. and marked at very low prices -no fancy prices : Space will not permit our mentioning other special lines of goods. Kindly call and we shall be glad to show them to you. The balance of our summer stock at cost. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Bloat. Ooderictt. Aug. ted. lams She People's Column. TIMOTHY SEED. -SAMUEL tlloane. seedaasa. baa received a large consignment of choice new timothy Ked, which he will sell at . reaeosable prim. Call on him before purcaaelmy[ eeewbere. SAMUEL SLOANE, :1 -It Corner Hamilton and victoria -a. FOR SALE -TWO DEMOCRATS 1' be ng to the estate of the late Alex. Morton. These will have to be disposed of Im,ta.dlately and will be told chap for cash. Apply re HRS. MORTON. corner of Col- borne and Waterloo -eta 71.11 ART CLASSES. -MR. R CROCK. ETT will reopen his classes io al and water Dolor painting. painting on china. eta. on Thursday. the Oh of September. Classes will meet on Thursday. sad Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 and from - to S o'clock 0.m. ler terms appAy at the audio. Nortb-st., or at Fraser t Porter's book store. 71 -It AN OLD BUSINESS REVIVED. Having agala started In the masufactureof pumps, with .mchisery. material and a thor- ough knowledge of the business to enable me to turn out a first-class article. all orders en- trusted t pp me at my saw -mill, at Ibe Nile. will receive iny most carefnl and prompt atten- tion, H. DODD, Nile P. 0. M20* LItt(R8. SEAGER WILL RESUME her clamed in palntlss and drawing Meader. le of i+eptember. Morning career. Monday and Thursday : afternoon rinse.. Wed.edday eni sat urday. For terata apply at Mrs Seager's studio. in ,Mcl.ean's aew beck. bit CORDWOOD FOR SALE. Thie undersigned bran to announce that be has on band for immediate delivery a I.rge gratlty of first -clam cordwood. Personal at- tention given to all . e. Large or small quantities delivered to alls of the Orn town. delett tat Central Tek►oee Ex- change or at m residence. South side of Ruchanan's Modal MITI, Trafalgar -d.. will receive prompt atteatio.. JOHN 8 PLAIT. Telephone No. le. LUMBER FOR SALE. Nne Lumber, Bcantltag. Plane. at 510 per thetwad. Hemloea Lausber,Bca.Nlag. Plank. at 10 Pine Shingle., 21141 el.se,.... 21 0al 0 perlet ptusrs. Cedar .. 1st " .. IAO " " R(weaable Sed.eseo.. he NwaNN..a, Surface Planing. e 1 .10 per thousand. Planed Lumber. 12 CO whim Ash. Harwood .ad Siren cot to order. 32- JONKPH K1DD. Xi RiC LESSON& -MISS A001E LTA THOMSON in prepared to give mania crone on the piano or orpti For parti- culars inquire at Gee. W. 'rlaemsee's hose More. THE HURON HOTEL. This well-known and popular hnt.1 ha hewn rented dad .wyrwed dariog the pout dation, and is now seosed to sem is enallty of ac- tor the trer.11leg p.IDlle. Good low far tramatsat gwsRAiG, Severe. (,odor eb. Ont . Proprietor CT THIS OCT AND PCT IT ON PiANO, PIANO TONING. Speneai attention given to Mutat, and action r.gel.ung. Redeemed rates her yearly timing. (Adeps alt et Orme Tstasey. at m, rad - lona Wed -et er at 0. W. 1 -. .'p PW, Warsmoeuss will resales ptrouspt spanned. An work g.nsat d• atty. L 0000Kma. -I mph Ir COLBORNE BROS. -' Alt New X""lal2. -IIS i. ; '" 't d DRESS GOODS, MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, - Nearly all of which are direct from the European Markets. Velvet Ribbons and Black Silk Velvets CHEAP I CaII and See these Goods. tkk III COLBORNE BROS.• A barn owned by John Reddy, East Wawanush, was burned us. Thursday e veoing,l4tb; it is supposed to be canoed by an incendiary. There ems • small in- surance of 11200 oo it which only .overs a small portion of theta's. Situations Uacant. WAISTED. -A ;lOOD PLAIN cook ; ao weekl•g. Apply to 7111 MRS. D. MA('DONALD. GiRL WANTED -A SMART AC- TIVE girl to read children. Apply is Ott )IRS HAKNOW , Muatre.lat. Dentistry. M1 NICHOLSON, LD.S. • DENTAL ROOMS Eighth doer Ow 1115 ms Oaks, t , DR, L RICHARDSON, LD.S. SURGEON DENTIST. Gas dad Vitalised Air administered for pahleseeltractiag of teeth. Special attesting' g iven to the pteaerr.ttw oI the Natural Teeth. OI* Cp stairs. Grand Opera House Beek. [dread as Wert-tiL. Godertck. 2301-1, For Sale or to Let. WANTED.-RESPECTABLI TM- ANTB for the Maw at the eft dlettllw'y In Go ketch Ked ter sae In S.ltt r 1. at • aomtn& rent. ea caretakers. None need ap- ply except people who can brig refere.cws as to character. Wanted, three laborers ter farm work. Apply at 71-1t RiDGEWOOD FARM. FARM TO RENT. -TO A GOOD experleaced farmer. for • term of yTears, the wens half tot 1, .on. 4, E. D.. Towmbip of Ashfield. Co. Huron. Owe baodred acres. sev enty acres cleared. balance to timber suitable for paetore. and enclosed. Abundance of Goat water for duck and householdurposes. On the premises are a large orchard hearing fruit, tee acres tail wheat. teoides meadow Iaad. good frame dwelling house, barn and stable. Possession for Cultivation this fall. Building's/6d fences will be improved to suit taaaat. 7184t T. A. J.. SIGNAL O TICE.6 Two HOUSES TO RENTON STA LEY -Sr. -One beck from the &more. Rents tares sod tour dollars per month, MRS. . F. SMEETH. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will pier for sale the fol- lowina very desirable farm, coastwise of the easterly 120 acres of Block "F,' 1. the 7th oon- oeealeo of the Townakipy of Colborne. In the County of Moron. This arm 1s situat- ed N metes from Goderlch, and 1 mafrom Carlow. ca the Main Gravel ss Road. There is • good freeze house 1i- . torey. almost stew, Si bySi c taming rooms a large barn, p 13. with cattle shed. I2 by 14, attached. dad ass of the finest orchards In the towsehlp. It 1s watered by a never -failing spring creek and • peal wel About 110 arms cleared and tree frau swops. Mere is no wase land of aakind on tie place. Good school within 53 rods of tile We. ill be sold on reasonable terns. For terms dad further particulars apply to JNO. BREC'KENRIiGE, or, (toderkca. er JOSEPH McK W N, ♦ on the premises, FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK ST. -About two minutes walk from the Square. Two stories high brick oddities is the rev ti doriss high. building covered with elate. ]lain bnikling ha. 3 large rooms on first fist. ordain there are S large rooms. In the rear addition there are kitchen, pantry. wsehroom. Vpstalrs, girls room and hstbroom. Also good et. Apply to th. undersigned• who will giv. `1 aeeessary Information. DANIEL GORDON. FOR SALL West halt of lot fel. Arthur Street. MU small brick eottage thereon. Butt.tneto Love. 1f0. 3N, 218. MEM Street, St. Andrews Ward. ISL censer of Huron and Britannia Road. derfl Mw on Keay. Wrest. Id enaind oeversl lou In Reed's Surrey, opposite aeon Sew Orouwda vls, : Nes !E ie. >A 311. Ilk id. bd. Ot, K All the abeam at LOW RATES. 81141 (e DA WSON t JOHNSTON Amusements. GODERICH IIiICHAAI(M' Rist 117TE LIBRARY AND REAnix ROOM, ear. of Keit street and Sonar's In Opse tram 1 to a p.m., sad hem 7 to H sun ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY L.ding Dartyjr, Predrie deal I iedroded Papers, M., si Wes, to , os Pile. MZMRERSHiP f9CKST, ONLi stem Srsatag free nes of Uammrr and la • Ap$ledleo ter essaibideMp resolved b, Libraries. i. ruse., 1'. WEALD, ONO. BTiVENs, o. _meld meh s4t 1111a"r.t.,, i lebtcal. aTa MAKNew. lr"CaA w 111 Erauellinq ibuit)e, GRAND TRUN▪ K RAILWAY, Trains arrive .rad depart at Oederiet as to lows Atiaaftle MMail`ed It=geurs................... ..1.55 ern Mixed ...... .... .......... •••••••••••••• ......... p,u. issava Mxed......... MMail ail _ - Mx, !ed _ ........... • .. ... pmon .m Loans ant) 3nsuiaant;. EN. LE W IB, Barrister . Maritime Court • Mosey .Prosier to loath o os per matoprivatefeedew s. Straight lass. in- terest tarticay oy. Costs very aod.ettte,Grtr Oerseealb or wNta F J. T. NA 1TTEL, LIPS, TIRE AND ACCIDENT 15 - SURA NON AGENT, Rep•ese.ti.g North Hewett & Mere..ttls L iverprob Leedom & Globe' Norwich Cana; North America. Life ; .ad Accident Leder - awe et North America. Lowest Rates. Lessee settled Mosey o 10 Law Oa and Town (> --( r. Nertt..L.ind Property rick. 711- 000 TO LOAN. APPLY CAMERON Meas & CAM_>RO,p rich. t;3p UONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G I itaimaet low eel of 're Mortimer root pp. to OARROW t PRO,; DF00'rr Apply R LI . GENERAL INSURANOS. REAL ESTATE asp MONEY LOANING AGENT ?I:Ley C I•.Gw ReYrraeated oeey to Lend on straight lase, at tee lowest rate of Interest going, V w way 10 suit 14. oorrower. OFFIC E - Second door WeStreet 0oderieb. ♦ Wart Legal. JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, e Solicitor. C , t.. • M*aq t. Mad. Olen over Pau-omoe, Beadle!. •'tf C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, F' Policltor Notary Pablie, e t t o Jordan's view 81.r., the roe.,. Judge Doyle 21311 :141 irpo C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, de dr1. )Mar. Iar ce k S9aare .wd %% ert rate readsto lend at 6 per oAoe. x0.S4- i GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR RIOTERS Attorno Solicitors. Ooderich J. T.O.rrotr, gr. Proud foot. 17 CAMERON, HJLT & CAMER9N, narraters. Solicitors to 0 Camaro. C C. Cameron..Q.0 : P. alt M I781 - Societies. 110111048 OP M tea,' 4 474t --itis .• .t..: - - :<„ Fi-REKA COUNCIL, NO 1 MOD• tngeat 7: Members' sleet's( street. tnpat 7:90 be 7empetiaee Administrator's Nottce, NOTipi TO OR,ZDITORS QUI/TH LATE DAVID Mc • The weaken of the late David M][cWhis- oey, tete of the Township el Aabl.ed, t• the Comity of Rama eons•, who Aim tit the Tows of Fort Grin le the Nate of Michi- gan. se the Sth day sr March. A.D. ilea are bereby edified to teed by post PtwORid, on or before the 1831 Jay of September next. to the sad anlgaed at Ood.rieb P.O.. softeners for Marsh Jane MeiThinney, admialetr•t-11 of tie estate of the mid "David McW►Iaaq their chrtettea dad surnames addresses and deserietions, the toll oartiowlars of tial* eeinr. • statement of their accounts and vita oaten of the securities fIf saw) held be theta and that Imm.detely ahoy tis said 13th 01 5sptrmWbeera n.eyxt tth. .sethe at. of tsaid David life willae Mart betted o.t1st parses ea titled amt.. having ra.ranronly to the claims ofwhit*. Berle* died dare hemfmnehsd. And the wdafistr.eri,net h. resemnithie he meets wfl any par t ad Pe oo tt.1 wham •ler tm aseatdt ,. shall aAare been reeelv.l b h.r nit Wtj time et mirth dletribottom. Dated tae 1101 day ef Ai , A.D. Nth °ARROW & PROPpppraT. Solicitors for Adml.Mtrstrir luctloneering. ORIS L11OZ GEIS) L AU( Ha KR wad Lea4 vas -rater. Sseer M a..tioaserInaggg tr e,dlie 1. in ershie sei ppeeei 1 w lwl eimiliarge :.a ort to Alemegb so. Omer•lotortkot • U ea! spud's nolo 1. or .not by aewdl 1. ay wddrv. ek.rtob P. 0.. sanhuy ateodotl Is. JO>T KNOX Vetwavy Awetlw.dr. 6000 EllVElr' AT THE SIGH f