The Huron Signal, 1890-8-29, Page 3ASSEDTTNDT;R TUE ROD, REE CENTRAL PRISON CONVICTS AT TME WHIPPING POST. Kae OsavIM d .1 A..Mltlee a uaetpb m deck ea Lassie Kseely. Voir *...ad DMr o1 the Caa-Atfoosipsed to Voe.oa Me tt3saadeblad,s.. ToDasnro, Aug, !1. -At the Central Prison sassed y three omelets received ten beam the cat The culprits were Willem urakali, Wilitam Leder and Frederick sad they were convicted of • crier aebe it ea Elisabeth RicttanMoo, an Moor of the 8alvatlou Army at Guelph. 'bey were tried Wont Judge Drew and wu- .-uced to two yeah' t with herd . ,or and thew bootlegs of leu babes each. i Iwo of the criminals were married Wen. MOO the oxeevwtiun teem hse teem e visor that the character of the woman was nOt so high *a it was first belie. ed to be, there has been some sympathy shown fur the towvteta, who it is believed might hernial a name lenient eea$enue hast all the facie la the cans beau *lintel. The first to receive Ike lashes was William Turnbull, aged Y:. He had been escueeby strapped to tee wltipl•iug pet. Wheu last whipped he only laughed ad the blows of tbe cat 1.1I. A medium-0iasd guard stood by to adm4tister pusubmeat Tb. prisoner's body quivered, but beyu.d emitting au oocariomal -OW" he kept his teeth chased and preserved silence. and when released tram the post smiled plesrantly and whiatd,xl • comic snag. Wh- ites tooter neat received his eelteuet,. fie is a ratan of '.rt, of dissipated awar- e. He displayed no emotion. He ro- oted the lashed with the greatest calmness, .ugh blood *as drawn at the second stroke. hen be was uarfrapped be walked sullenly :o bis cell without sayings word Frederick eheadv, aged '..D, was the hat to receive i ;nwhtnwtt He looked weaker than his , ompattions w crime and uuetturtune, and the few spectaWn showed sympathy with hits- This may have caused the Wows of the scant to fall more lightly upon him than the others. In spite of this he shrieked and wept lib a child at the dra lash. After tour hours' deliberation the coroner's jury which investigated the Bruck -avenue fatality returned tiros verdict at :y .;clock this mercies: -That tbe said Patrick Dowling came W his death on Aug. 1, 1}iA0. at Brock -avenue crewing, by being struck by tee mike" of trade No, 10 of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the train being run ata higher rate of sped than alluwe.l by law, awl teem all the facts of the case we believe that Thomas Talc, gsetwel enprrlo- tendert of the Ontario Atlaatic division, who authorised time table No. 5, was the cameo/ the death of the said Patrick Dowling. mid therefore the said Thomas Tait is guilty of mamlau`hter." Cbarler,Mutart, one ut the jurymen, retuned to sign the verdict. There were twelve who 'toad. The jury retired at ION and were out 4 hours. Coroner Ly.d Mimed a warrant at as early bout this morning for the arrest of Supt. Tait. A daring attempt wits made by an old , Mrs. Steadman by name, to peso° two grandchildren, aged 3 and' ,earl. The tie York. e children and father live the grandmother, as their mother is esrving a term in the Mercer Reformatory. Their name ie Carruthtere Yesterday Met Steadman is alleged to have spread Paris green over tbe children's bread under tbe butler, but the eldest buy was afraid to eat it, having been warned against meddling with tbe poems, and tbe woman gave it W the younger one. but the elder would not Det him tease it. When their father came home the hale ones tt,ld him what had occurred, and *he woman admitted it and threatened ire him some tin. She was arrested and tr,,, ret before J. W. Rosewood, J.P.. on s -14. of attempted- poiawiag, and was mimatut.d til T,raselny. Mr. H. N. Baird, . I '\' , of the Board :,t Trade. telegraphed yesterday been Winnipeg to Secretary Wille to the effect that the Staoitoba crop' bad been uninjured by frost an.1 that h,rvesting was now gen- eral. though the tarsier' were short handed. The only damage dons was by the r.osat hailetorm- SHOT BY A DAGO, A Detroit Editor Fatally Wounded by a Pea.at Vendor. Demote. Aug. 21 -Frei Crimmins. nv- eiatant City Editor of The Evening Nun, was fatally shot by Tony Mauli, a rep ant out sus had fruit vendor, this afternoon - just left The Stun °lee lex the day and stopped at the Italian stand to purchase some fruit. As be was ezamininf some plums Manli drew • eeealibre pistol from npder the stand and emptied one of the chambers into Crimmins' abdomen• He fdl where be stood. "I aro killed," he mutto -what will my poor dater drvd, or' Maull was arrested. w TWENTY DEAD. Pow Use* VI*Nms 5,t l;. Aeet4. t M the Ole: Colony tread. , Masa. Ang. 30. -Two additional are added to tics lid of dead this Miss EU* Bard aged 93, wbq died at Quincy hospital and Mies Abbte Abbott of Louisville Mee Mattie Francis of Chel- sea and a Misr Tilton, victims of tbe Wilsey accident, diel at the Beaten city hospital this morning. This swells the number of dead te30- TM t Eyeless.. R*AM*G, Ps., Aug. 90. -Reports from diferest sections of Reeks county today Mow IS night's .town wrecked or unroofed amount•bre berm sad �ee1 a to $10,000. In Spring township the body et William A. Bpeinart a farmer. turned underneath bte w eeked barn, was recovery' at noon. His Keck woe broken. At Katatown James M. Shaeffe r s hen*. itad barn were dseoliehe.d. The family fo610 to net t.lg3.t ad Fuel Mtn ('*.*da. Sena 1.4), A seg. IR -The Provincial Natural Cies Company of Tamisto, with large pro- ps =seed natural gee in Welland county iss en see d into a contract with the Rufa o Natural tine Foul Company and the papers have been signed and approved by tic* various parties therein. The Canadian company will pips the gm to We city nnader the River sad it will be received here b ' At. local mespe ay end served to con- sumers. rreeb Tremble ae ataeae• Ayre. AMMO Aram, Arg. Oh -The cops In =zits. kept under arms tkroogLoKt melt, aha Oe.entrtesmt tsarinas a hash revohliO t would be attempted owes* stiembeal of caftan eineterned in ties rise the ,.bbelliem. Governor efof flell+Sobe !itis maimed sad tis ProvlmMl masa ha eland. Malt P wren. - abet pare Wide f, t; 5; oil'Owei'wprl��.. a Tnrt ♦ Iy s (sat la t area 0; Mow to nese Mees. it u rot generally knoeu that the seal- s•t way to oiesu tibias or rubber overshoes which have beating muddy is with vase - hoe, A little "seal" tit Banns, uu the end ul • stick is good for aha purpose. IUM it the vs.eli.e touches the hands, it forme a ousting over them au that the task is not so implement as it otherwise would b.. Such a drawing as this is suthaent fur some Eos kid shoes, but others may need a oust of po.lalt. It the polish is put on alter a oust Ort eas• aline, it is not liable to stack the leather and it lasts muob boogie. Rub- ber overshoes, eapeotally, look much bet- ter and last much longer if cleaned in thie way Oulu ti they are washed with water. Since the order went forth that all dogs in Eugland should be-uzzded in oonaequenee of many outbreaks of nese, the number of cases of the di order reported hes fallen Iron eighty-one its the last quarter .•f 1689 to thirty -eine in the liret garter o•1 the present year, and the decrease is still won on WESTERN F.A.1R_ The Best of Canadian Fain. LONDON, ONTARIO. SEPT. 18th to 27th, 1890. LARGE 11CREArtE IN PRIZES. Machinery in Motion in Main Building, Msnufacturleggoods in view of public. Best speed prorren.n.e eter offend. Grand and attractive bPht'IAL 1 XHIBIT of the South- ern seem- cotton. arts, tine, peanuts OW wild nuts eech as they grow in the South; car- pets made from the leaves of the pias and other woods of the south. Produces of the turpentine stills of Georgia. Minerals, herbs. plants. barks. tc.'&c . sad • lire alligator of !Florida. Fatuous Wild (Vest Show. 111,111004 Hares k t'aachate Descents. Firework*, Beads, etc. For prize flit and information address pos card to CAPT. A.W. PORTS THOS. A. nRowg, President. Secretary. The People's Annual Holiday CANADA'S GREAT I NousTFiai FAIR 'AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION TORONTO Sept. 8th to 20th `1890 --- The best a•d largest ex hi tut ion in the Dania - ion of Canada and attended annually by oyer 250,000 V'IBITOR$. THE ARIATEST ENTERTAINMENT OF 1HE YEAR. =50,000 FOR PEIIXES and educational, instructive and enjoyable SPEC/ L FEATURES. The '0111.0 ■ad Sem Attrneateas attar. - able. grand ewers/Woad Deg Mow , eat.. BRIGHTER Alb IREATEB TH11 EYER. tae bees time to I1'11 13.e ■etrwpe:N et .stares, Cheap Excursions and low rates on all P.aaways. etc. r..trMa positively dosengus( 35x3.. For.li information. drops poet card to J. J. WiTHIWW. H. J. HILL. free:.tent Manager, Toronto WHY EVERY FARMER .e.ad get *neat Armstrong's Improved -- PL "en. URAIN & SEED CLEANERS? BEOATJS IN -It allows ao foul seals to be blown tato the chaff, which is of great Importance to every termer who wishes es to keep his farm clean. fad -11 saves and cleans all Timothy .seed from any kind of grain while cleaning the grain. Md. For Market cleaning It removes Cockle, ('hens and shrunken grain. and giros the farmer the most possible weight for hie Mein with no unnecessary loss Mk-- G will sample grain toe show and seed purposes equal to hand picking. Mb.- Cleaning seed Wheat it remotes all Cockle' Mustard seed. R -11d Fess. Wild Fiax and other foul and ahrnnken and broken grain. ane gives the farmer pure. clean, red grain. 443.. tt a ill clean Oats. Barley. te.. thor- oughly without waste 01 VOID. TOL -Cleaning Pease 1t will separate the sand• q.urtared. halves. Oats and whole Peas from each other. carrying each to a different rampart ment. 81111„,- 11 Ise perfect Clover seed Marline. re- movine all dose, broken and dead •reds sad other meet& larger or smaller Oban the ('lover seed. Mb.- It lea nest claw Gram seed Machine. bows so seeds away, Mk. -it Is a good flax seed Machiae, 1110.- 1t is a first clew chaffer. MIL 1t ran le fled Into the oldest fashioned Fanning Miil that U laid asde as melees sad make• It do the work of a new 1101. nib.- it ran be sttambd to a seer MiU with- out Is)ariag sat. sed ma be removed u atm' time ea easily as a thaee comblaed. it does .et Wetter. with the esti of the re- gaW sieves et tis 1130. 1e111, - aesmea are nearly an part rst.d nee. lis. --it has • eapaMty of ditty Mamie of grain per hone. tdlR.-11 le tie cheap as the nrdltsry radsg 111111 sieves. Hp. -livery Marbine h fIr-ARA wrern, Plead year order at ones. If tree wast It thea careen- If yen have not .ems a brachia* sib to legee bee 0,411 lex Inspeetka. and that yon sake it es condition it snits, 1. ordering by moll sweat halide width .f nitro of trt.r.elns butt, ARXBTRONG BROS., GFoderioh, Ont. 17-0 THB HURON SIGNAL. AL. Flt( I►AY, AUG. 29. 1890. 'lit' How .oxo an... ouanea shaeg. Thar minds rsspestiug their he/Maude Mrs Spin was forever telling her husband thai he *eget worth the salt in his bread, but *ben he got killed its • rail way c,.11e►os ate surd the anatomy for $5,0110. Stars the **mutton of bet bushand for conspiracy by the Bulgarian (lover° meat, Mem Pails' h.. made public the fact that fur thirty -.i= hours before h. was.seouted the unhappy taatt was kept chained io a staadi.g posture. She also shags. that he was tottered several times in oeder to extort political.e.ret. trout kiss. P . STRENGTH. THE ('ELESRATZZD Ram Lal's PUCE W SUMMER SHOES PUBLIC NOTICE ENDLESS VARIETY a! OWN sad Pries, at the SII Shoe More OP t bid, E. DOWNING. l ant not confined to one Make or Style.Ibut can torr you your choiw of the IfEA Best Productions Vnsgwal1led for quality and Richlless of Ills!oll. Fur sale et ROBERTSON'S GROCERY ! Corner Mattress' and Square. FLAVOR. FRAGRANCE. COMFORTABLE HOMES! mean cheerful homes. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING, is what SAUNDERS&SON in toot wear frost all tbe Leading Manufacturers ,n the Dominion. Priors lower than at any otlwr.iore.ia the Dout414on fort heMae cam 01 l;oode. Ordered Work equal to the bast is Canada. NO SLOP WORE EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. Another large consignment:; of Freshi -lweas oUsuperior q uatty. - In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WE HAVE ON HAND FOIL SALE. IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. Repairing done Promptly We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mower and Right. which are equal to the best. Give th m a trial and encour. age home manufacture. profess to be expert, la. DMt be deceived by E, DOWNING outsiders. You nay SAVE MONEY by consulting Saunders & Son. The latest Sanitary methodr rt Trapping and Ventilation. Heating by WARM AIR, STEAM, mor. Let-st. and Square. Goies'ich. werscaa a MUS :Mir:- eE. E world. r tatr...M.s sns*.rti5•b we *AU aw.v.aa - r01,1 roues ,. e 0 t..e..,,. ea sews. Oatr rams* who .a.e k r r waa.fts mai* saw at the Awes anew saw w s..a e.we. • ae elbow eco OWED i. a l \ w M 4841 -raw a.iJaMu sews •..mm «mead ren ee e =..r d ails ede4 *0. W.- i.w: eis. ...all .as .a tf...i.- rM *5.0.55 t« rete 0* •rv-se.ec. •• i, ..40,4 it r.., EY We Will Guarantee Satisfaction, LIt Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. REPAIR$ AND cdBTING}B Og ALL KINDal. c OBA pE, The Furniture Dealer, le ssUiag all kinds of furniture at the lowest possible prices. It le f wel.ktwwn tact that be s=I I_es ciz=w� Lan is 5r.,.. for cath. Hr Isabel the Medio Cndertak ,lb.,a,+s ee;.0 ,rt.r u. it er of the town. F.mbalmieg Flu+d always kept on HOT WATER «s. �rrr.r«..wr.w•..u...,.n.. -►..r+ hand. 13.al'.onsikee.specialt" of PicturePramiet. Give haat •pal befo R. esti ttatwa.. ti» roi/osea r i...s s.rt..'a"•� t y Furniture elsewhere, and you will and out that he dots a. he sayI epi• cheap PRICES LOW for nod work. WILL CURE 0+1 iiEUEVE BfLIOUSIg.E '3, DiZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, t 'OPSY, FLUTTERING Of THE HEARD', ACIO(TY OF '-HE STOMACH, DR► Vf88 iNDIGESTION, JAIKNO/CE. ERY81PE LA'. SALT RHEL'tt, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of allerse erten t tesla disordered LIVER, K'O..EVe, ATOiUOI, BonNat a OR 81000, T. KILBURN & CC.. "'''0''Te,yyo GRAND -- PLEASURE EXCURSIONS ! Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Pt. Hur- on, Goderich, Band Beach, Tawas, Bay City, Saginaw and intermediate points. The Fast Steamer LORA, WILLIAM ROACH Master, leaves Dederick ea fellow.: surf m1t'R). n P.M. ( wase aoV*m, June 1d. Jab 14 11, It -117. Jule A13.fl. 1. Am. t,l IRtIl Ans. a. 11. 31, Ink Hep. S, 11, 21. erpt. ). IS rARib: tlederlek M ototatk, and return ashy $1.� tate. ire berth res areal% Rowed Trip e For teethe, Information apply ,to WM. LSE, ant, soder c ons, AT THE SIGNAL. sea tl al.1.1 rT a .0. Not etN. testae rttware15 PLANING MILL (SUBLIME) 1155. Buchanan & Son, Si.a\t. Fas TuRFtui SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers in all kinds at In same. LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES 4' And builder's material of every description. I -'OR CA ori._ thanking one and all for their past patronage he hopes to receive a eoeiIa once 01 the CI -EO. BARRY, Hamilton -at. NEW ARRIVAL -et- -'11,0008 TI School Furniture a Specialt' LATEST STYLES. Remnants to be Cleared Oat. Perini Fite and Showy Shapes. HIRSTS F EXTERM IN a+ WELL PO$1TiVELY CURE CHAPS, PMS N TSE STRAP'. Bowel C..plailtts, Diarrhoea .-14n SUMMERCOMPLAINTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE.. SOLD MY ALL DEALERS. WATER sEIVicEs Lead, Galvanised Iron eor ., 'may Black Iron Pipe, £testable Brass Connections. HTDIIIA,TA OF VAR10Ute PATTZRXS. Harte �rr'sk5S•. MIAs. Slake. Wanking. std *11'the aa..► -..a. a1 nodoseepil w`, warerreme sear Vie•o to Street Chink 0. tea. &Lk/ ALDER. 1141 y t A H. DUNLOP, 311- The West.t. Tailor The LATEST had BEST STYLE AND VARIETY DRY VOIDS r; THE TORONTO HOUSE, Prescription Drug Store. NEW GOODS Liquid Rennet. Cream of Witch Hazel, Recamier Freckle Lotion. White Heliotrope, Wood Vio- let and White Rose Perflame, 28cte. per oz. . w BUT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, - ste.. Eta, at TBE SIDRAL t P IUTIN !SIf10E. '+ w«.. sem. h wow ■ar' SM sees r.ae .00 War iiir;i1;4172 I *slim ewro Psasseaa .w�.astswsre see .rsewaaats Thew � Y «.►. w Ikea. 1a ...a = . r . • .e.,..aw . •••••=1=4.•=1 atsar e.+ . ►M.. W �.... :bi,• b Mr .W Mob *r33.ne♦a...0 Or .« t w. wiz . a roto, IGr .girl � �. '1".9 B1 NOICS at Si aL