HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-8-29, Page 1LORINC} 3T001 OF Goods; r FROM :CORMACm GREY. ran oar ow. cerrespuadenL Bog wages have been paid for barred hands working by the day during the past week ur tan. There is somber wedding ou the Itere pet, so they any. Sandy dota't deny 1 himself. The weather is all that could be desired for b•rre.tinv. Cutting will be finished in must plans this week while a greet any will hare it all in the barns. Fall wheat is now being threshed for seed and to make room in the burn for other grains. The average yield will be about 30 bushel* per acre, and the gra of good quality. Psourte Oars.—Jobs Bata, lot 4, no. 14, pulled s beach of oats contain ing twenty one well developed stalks,` the product of s single seed ; on o00 of thane heads 148 grams were coasted. It was found to average may trains per head, snaking a grand total of 1890 from • single grain. Then oats are cf the White Egyptian variety. Nature is the true idealist. Whoa she serves Ds beet, when, on rare days, she speaks to the imagination, we feel that the huge 'Neuse and earth are but s web drawn around se, that the light. skies, and mountain are but the painted vioiasitodes of the soul. TEN POUNDS evi TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT I butth.tt _ V• 1f ash Producer there can be SCOTT'S s EMULSION' GI Pus Cad liar (til ail 01 Lime and Js. is without a rieaLhaws 1, gritted a poem& a day by'}Ae C of it. It cures CONSUMPTION. m COLS. NOMA. n OSellCniWAT EASE& AS rfLaTsa Al s- tlaMite mod. Marotta assegists. hada Msnpp*r: et w Druggists. (les eoM g1LSri ok in - 1st sit to m- ing of Ind the 1 it hie rue. 1st- his . J. mto, He but was and 2 in end pre- irme rom etly lam, few ars, .naso ring as - ado, mum - Hen leer- • fo- u re ix of rats rued very Nest artl- r the ions 7 re m Its st of O iled mean learn e rred eke• Pet Ig the oiling aeon- every has �a1 FORTY-THIRD YRAR, es HOLT NUMeklt net DEVoT"To coo NT EWS TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. eeesl Sealers. All eteenee notices in the (ural owltemms of TOB StoII•t of meetiosys ur enter- tainments at whitA an adlnemen fee is cheeped, or from Ioiadi a pecuni- ary beuejft is derived, meat be paid for wt the rate of one rest per word sea invertins, tan charge jay rims tvesty-da cents. When ed- t.riiaumes*s uf entertainments are • ,jetted u brugf local trill be 'iota b1ED- ogres.-At her bene. W IId wood. W Meow sin. U. 1'. A..os the nth of Aug.. Margaret Nnhcieoe Maie,side.t daughter of Robert t'k.ueton, and granddaughter of John Haldane. of Turoato, Ont.. aged (5 years and 3 months. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. or Sale --Mr. Morton. n Classes -It. Crockett. pp1. Beyer- O. H. itddy. anted-Rtageweod Vann. tlhltery tin rt a /Smith. uhn Bali- Saunders k Son. imothy teed - Samuel Sloane. ew /'all coeds -Colborne Bros. ook Wanted -Mr.. D. Macdonald. TO W N TOPICS. '-I ehtds asta.g pe. taklw' motes. Ice' fsita 4-U Arent a.- 1 ti000 PuesslT.-Tbe room metal gift su can make le to give • Win Pen. ep- ee D. McGillicuddy. ageet. Goderich. well soon be in the mild September and yos meat to get any outside views before e leaves fall lease your orders et Geo. swan's. The Woman's Christian Temperance Uobn in the banmentof North -et. Methodist arab Tuesday afternoon. Prayer- Dag rayerUag at ill ; business meeting at 3 o clocg. As the serines change so rove the fastness. t you can always get the latest and best in and material at F. J. Pridham's the known peopk's clothier. North side of re. hesou want anything in the aballo- ephic from • tintype to • life pas tura. or trout a blank photo card tee h•nd- mety treaaed portrslt, go to R. R. Sansei . e has tbem alt. -John Ball" Is the •aggemfve title of the teat addition received by Saaaden R Sos to it unequalled line of the F.. k C. Dorsey l's. standard stoves .ad raps. A sheet eel d: bele range. a first class baker, sol t Die stove fur farmers and hotel men. Call me.BRIEFLETS. Miss Charles, B. A., has returned to ws. iss Nancy Nairn is visiting 1riesda in NO EXCIIBE ! 1 Will be taken to- set knowing abet tie QA.N lJJI11N PACIFIC RAILWAY 1 Is now running the ONLY VESTIBULED TRAIN In Canada. known as "Tilt ('d!( A(Jo FLYER," Italie between MONTREAL & CHICAGO without chasm of Cara. Pa•seageryo for ail i Jlata WEST AND SOUTH-WEST i.eaving GODERICH on the ; .m a.m. Vale make sore 00.5x ton at LL N, lag in DETROIT at 'Aland 0(I AGO se 10 tbo same d•i . ST. LOUiS at 7.1s s. and peeress CITY at O.Is L. tie .. 11) day. the Buebsytour ticketswbesPw bbu cost it se mare.)�ye Tbrmuksuir Ticket*. Maps, Time Pardo sad all Inferma lion cheerfully 1ereiabed by R. RADCLIFFE, Town Paas. Aimed C.P.R. CANADIAN � PACIFIC �'(Y. Deloraiae ta•s ` S28 Cleaboro , - 28 Saltcoats, - 28 Noosejaw, 28 Calgary, - 35 Pee Iran le _ .sof y. 1 Mrs Jas. Wilkinson, jr., of Chicago, is siting is town. Mr. W. B. Elliott leaves to -morrow or Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr and Mn Geo. Acheson have n- ursed from the seaside. Miss Minnie Gibson, cf Bridgeo, is the guest of Mn Cootie. Mr W. Wilkinoo, of Indianapolis, is Siting his parents bore. Mr and Mn John Platt spent a few ya in Buffalo this west. Mr D. J. Mcleod, of Toronto, is speeding his holidays in town. Mr Geo. Nairn is taking a month's holiday in Montreal and Quebec. Mr Ed. Pawnor* has returned to De- troit, atter a few days visit in town. Mr Ben. Smith leaves next week to at- tend Upper Canada College, Toronto. Nn Robertson. of Clinton, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Prid- ham. Mrs Smith and Min Georgi. Smith, of Nur walk. Ohio, are guest. of Mn Pas - Min -ie Acheson ie.en next .eek to attend Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Mies Spence is atteoding the Short- hand College is Leedom We wish her Miss Maumaeh, rot Piakkering. is visit- ing in town, and le the guest of Iles Wm Acbeeno. Mrs (Rev) H. Wigle and daughter, of Leamington, to visiting the former's parents here. Mies Soph Fisher, who had been visit- ing is Kim/sedinn for s few weeks has returned home. Mies Hattie Raid, cit Clinton. has been th. gtltset of Mies Fannie leonine for the post few days. - Mr Howard Cox is staying in town for • envie of weeks, previoer to leaving for the North Shore, Ile D. M. Young, formerly of Gode- fish, now of Belleville, is @pendia, pert of hie holidays in Goderieh. Mines violet and Pearl Melloogh, of Dungannon, are the guests of seer sous- t1ATiee Peet i Nies Groes Walsh, of Detroft, who has img the summer In tows no- bles ars to abet bons ibis week. Mrs R. A. items, d•wwhtr of ex - mayor Neal, of Oswego, X.Y. , is in tows whiting bur asses. Mn Kpmraim Dante. Nn Hillary Horton, who had bee. distartag is tows for a simple of weeks, Mersa to her hoses in Toronto the 1.t Mr pet of Iesl wool. Mr. H. Symms was visiting io Loodoe Inst week. lilt.. Boland was in Toruuto this week on • business trip. Mmes Pries and two sister. sr* visiting at Sault Ste. Marie. Mn 8. J Reid and son, cf Wingham, are eieitoe in town. Mrs P. Hetiurn, of Blyth, is spending a few weeks in town. Mr Ales McKinnon and wife, of Brant- ford, aro tag iu towo. Mw Maggie Baster, of Goderich, is holidaying in Ktaca:dine. Miss Nellie W..1, of Godericb, iaeimit Mg (neat. in Kincardine. The Solvation Army now holds its meetings in the roller rink. Miss L. Dickson and Miss Belle John- ston are vesting friends in Brussels. Mass Laura Acheson has returned from • visit to Nmag•ra and Grimsby. Mrs Bright and children, of Seefortb, is visiting her father, Mr Jus Addison. Mn E. F. Moon and three children sett os Saturday last for their home in Chicago. Miss Ellis Ralph left on Monday for Oraogevtlle to resume charge of bar school there. Mr Eh. Fisher and da.hhter, Miss Annie Fisher, of Goderich, were in Kin- cardine last week. Dr M. Nicholson, the West -at. dentist, makes the preservation of (hi natural teeth • specialty. Gas administered from 9 • is. for the painless extraction of teeeb. Misses Anna Cole, of St Thomas, and Done Vesderlip, oil Ridgetuwn, return- ed to their homes loot Mood gloater . few weeks visit to Miss Grow Polley, North street. Miss Lottie Polley hes returned from s short visit to Kincardine, 1 by Miss Lottie Gentles. of that place. Miss Mamie Gentles is also visiting friends in this town. Knox church Senday school held its picnic on Attrill's fists on Friday last. A goodly number of the teachers and scholars were present and all heartily enjoyed themselves. Three 1,000 candle power electric lamps have been placed in St George's church. They take the plans of the two 2.000 candle power lamps, but it is doubtful if they will give as good satis- faction. The Woman's Christian T • Union has resumed its Tuesday afternoon meetings in the basement of North -et. Methodist church. Every woman inter- ested in tomp.raoce work is- invited to attend. Mr Alex. Murdock bas been renewing old acquaintances in Goderich. H. has sold his hotel bo*ioest in Hensel!, and leaves in • few days for Tennessee. His sister, Mw Altie Murdock, is the guest of Mad. Nairn. The following from the Owen Sound Arfrerf,arr refers to a former townsman, who is now spending • few weeks in Goderich aconnep.nied by his wife and featly : Mr T. McGillicuddy, formerly editor of the Goderich SIGNAL, but now of the Agricultural Depertmeot,Toronto, bas been in town for the past few days, - as official reporter uf the Health Officer's Conventlon. Conine PARTY ..--01111 Of the Moet de- lightful garden parties of the seesoo will be held at the residence of Rev B. L. Hutton, Kele-.t.. next Tuesday evening, Coffee and refreshments served from 6 to 8 o'olock ; in cream extra. There is al- so prepared • fine musical program. Ad- - mission, including refreshments, lb cents. Should the weather prove un- pleasant the party will be held in the parsonage. All (rinds are specially and cordially invited. Tar Ir, Boy..—It seems that souse of our young ladies prefer • kiss from lips o'irshadowed by • moustache. At least it looks that way. when one of them sends the following recipe to tier sweetheart for growing the desired moustache: "About nine p.m. place • glass of water on a chair near the bed, rub a little mit on your upper 6p and get Into bed. Lie facing the water and pnt.ad to deep, bit keep one eye partly open and you will soon see • little hair Dome oat in search of a drink, the salt having made it thirty. Watch closely and soddenly catch hold and tis • knot in it to prevent it from going back. Resew the protean of deep and treat the seconding hairs in the same way, if then be any. It you are watchful and quick, by morning you will have a nice little moustache." PORTION Or RAFT Ra ovgagb. —O. Saturday evening last, at abort six e, eloek, an object was sighted from the light hoose bans by Mr R. Campbell, about ten miles oat in the lake, which was supposed to be • boat adrift. Copt Babb was notil d and telegraphed the Maris, Department asking permission to take the Gover.most toe Tndesa to the reuse. At eleven o'clock Saturday evening be went out with the tog. bet it was so dark the wreck Goold not be found. Os Sunday morning the tag and life boat want net .,gals, and the *op- posed wreck proved to be • erib of ender porta, tis* sod teigrspb poles, whiib was towed Into the harbor. The crib was Me of her which broke loose from the tag Brodie ea Fridayeaeesing, sad the four were valued at ib,C00. Th. owners are Memos R. F. AIiis A W. Lindsay, of Cleveland, 0 , who arrived in tows Nis week sad mads aeteage- ments to regowee the of the raft, whisk ells, ashore .beet far miles above K1041.., ,t"' -eft •;r LJ� iJ !,.;+ice fi GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. AUG. 29, 1890. PIONEER MORRIS. The 'Eightieth Anniversary of the Patriarch of Colborne. mats Neer se Ib. '• ew Ran - - • Large Tamest of rteaasives and meads - . - •weer« -- _h • Mast et.)eybas wale.. B.tard.y last was a rad -letter day .t Morriedale, Colborne township, and John Morns was the happiest man in the township. On that day nearly eighty 01 his descendants congregated at the old homestead to celebrate the eightieth birthday of the revered head of the house, and to do honor to C•.Iborne's venerable patriarch. Fifty-six years ago, John Morris, then in the pride of his strength, left old England and some into the then pathless Hews Tract and with his young wife brave- ly fad the toile and hardships in- cident to pioneer life io the backwoods. Tree by tree the forest fell to the woods- man's ase, and acre by acre was brought to the uses of agriculture until today Colborne is one of the most thriving townships of the wealthy county of Hu- ron, and her brood acres of .oiling, .ell -tiled held* give earnest of the pro, - re.. that has been made. Of the men who bon the heat and burden of the early Mr Morris said : My speech will be eery nor., but my feelings are strong and will lune eudui. I am deliehted to see around me so many of toy chil- dren, grandchildren and great-grsud- chaldren. 1 Guugrale/ate myself o0 having diem about me today. But I have no words to adequately express my feelings towards the dear fsesta who now surround we-- yes, both Ir*ends and relations. 1 hope the Lord will spare toe for another year, and teat 1 may see all who are here celebrate with me another birthday. (Loud and prolonged applause ) Mr Wm Young, ex -neve of Culborae, on being loudly called for narked : It does me good to look around and Si eo neatly belonging to the Morris family Isere. I cannot see any of my children, however. kLaugbter.) Mr Morrie and I have been aegwiuteo mace 1834. We Masi to Colborne together, and we were in the council together, sod we have never had • ',.•reel or an unpleasant word of any kind in all that time. , Ap- plause) I am a year and seven months younger than Mr Morris, but I have the advantage of him bemuse I will die Young. (Laughter and applause. I wish my old neighbor the best that can befall bun in the future. ( A pplause. Mr Girvin, ex -reeve of West Wawa- nosh, awanosh, was then called upon and nod : i feel proud, ladies and gentlemen. to be here today. I have bees acquainted with Mr Morris for nearly 49 years, sod days in Wert Huron, and of those who are ieft,John Morris holds the patriarch's place. A close second to him Dome Willis. Young—the genial old Young ex -reeve of Colborne township—and Charles Girvin, sr., the popular se - neve of West Wawanosh. On Satur- day last at the Morris anniversary all three of these old cronies and histones figures eat cheek -by -jowl and once more related the false of long ago, and told of the tnbulation that were endured by the old settlers so that those who followed them would enjoy the comforts of today. During the afternoon a series of outdoor sports, such as quoit -pitching, baseball, Mc., were indulged in, and as the day advanced, the entire gathering formed oo the sward with Mr Moaur in the oentre, with Man Young and Gitlin for right and left hand . , .. , and a large photograph was taken by our townsman, R R. Sallow', who, by the way, is one of the relatives of the old pioneer. YIMTOR4 DICE Alla. Among the descendants and other rel- atives of eh. n ewabte master of Mur- ridele present were observed the follow- ing from outside point' : Mn J. Clifford and nieces, Misses Annie and May Clifford, Mobile, Ala.; Mr sod Mn H. M. Tyler, son and daughter ; Mr and Mr. H Howell and daughters, Mimes Mary, Emma and Grace ; Ile J. N, Morris, Mi . Minnie E. Clifford sod Mn Dr Dorland, of Buf- falo, h. Y ; Miss Clare Shorts, from Springville, N. Y . Mn. Dr. Geo. Howell and daughters, from DesMoines, lows; Mr. Ben. Holland, of Coboarg; Dr. Cue and Mrs. Cass, of Dungannon. Miss Howell, of Buffalo, granddaugh- ter of the recipient, read the following address, which the company frequently 1 . 1 with applause : Annar•a. - Mr Join Morris : We, your ebildren, grandchildren, great-gra.dohildreo, and friends bare as- sembled together todayto..lebrate your eightieth birthday. ruly we mm say with the P'almi.t : "God's goodness unto us is very great, and His many [mercies monthlies can b. numbered." To- day we lift our baste is main and ga- ited. to the God who has 'pared you to woo lo.g ; who has surroesdd your life with temporal comforts, and she has gives to yoe tb. pehiMe. of ogee move .nein, sod `{ �r family and friends to the odd hsssstuad. We hove all looked totems with pressure to ibis day, when w* shield most again • suited family after malty Tsars of sepa- ration, .paratios, for all your shildrms ars gramme today. Tb.t the God who bas Mw your help and hope is times pest may be your refuge and imprint t the kat of your Iib, and tbal yes lay be able 1e sayyour last day.year bent age M tn w prayer of your fasily. the two families had a jar. It ie indeed a happy moment for me to be here now and assist in celebrating his eightieth birthday. I hope we will be hers again to celebrate another birth- day. (Applause.) We have alwayen• joyed each other's company. I am hap- py to meet so many of Mr Moroi ■ rela- tives and fnends ben today, and 1 wish one and all good luck. (Applause.) Modic. Air., Asg lith, 11393. Join Morrie, Esq , Goderich, one. Dien Firma,—Allow me the pleas- ure of wishing you, through the medium of the pen, many happy return• of your eightieth birthday on the 23rd of the present month, which is an event that few men are permitted to vee, and the honor to be a great -great-grandfather is also something that bet few men can boast of. While you have gone through many scenes of changes, then have been times of pleasure and times of mourning, and you have been spared to as, and 1 trust on this occasion it will be • source of great joy to you to meet so many of your sons and daughters and their ohil- drees children again. You have much to be period of when you look back over your past history. You can claim to be one of the first who pierced the forest when it was first inhabited by the red men cf the northern provica of Canada, introducing civilization, and by untiring Industry you have done well your part in bringing about the high state of •gri- enitnre by whichou are surrounded. You son now stand at your back door sod,'with the aid of • field glass, vee without obstruction the time on the Oodench town clock, and to the north- east you an hear the •harp, shrill whis- tle of the locomotive, which indicates the strides of progress that has all taken place in your time •ince cutting down your first tree of the forest. You have also had the honor and confidence of the people who settled after you in the com- munity to elect you several times as their representative in the county non- e/it ; you have woe the respect of the people for miles amend for your busin..n integrity and social qualities, and in the oast Seel* have been the champion quoit player. I am proud to have Umbrae r of being your son-in-law, and I sure you f regret very winch that it is not ay privilege to be present with you on this ooassiae, as bases prevents. While 1 realize the somber of miles that lie be- tween us I will be with you in sprit, sod if I were then 1 would propose • test for yoor health by� dnrking • glass of water, which the oldest to the raga swuld psi -tee in, the whole asseenb age to ties to their foal in homer of inane tad give you three good rousing sheers. I trust that it will be • henvable day and diet nothing will happen to roar the *awn or prevent sal beiys oreasmt tbreuglt •iehme.aa and that yos may be spared to Ile ell Ire Mee N°44' GENERAL INTELLICEN time to some. I would like to know it there es another such • an as Joke Morris in that sectioo of the country who can show ep as beg a lamely circle ias I fancy 1 ON them all there), and at the good old age of eighty. I doubt if any of bis son ur cos• -u -len will ever en it, especially we Yankees. We dost stay long enough In one place. Wishing you health and happiness and love to you and all the family. 1 awn your big son - i0 -law, J. G. Cterroen, Mr D. McOillicoddy, of Tea Sior&L, and Mt Thos. McGillicuddy, who wen present by special invitation, wen celled upon to address the gathering, and each replied in • short speech, embodying tri- butes to the worth and integrity of the head of the Morrie clan is Colborne. The following lines, composed by Miss Clifford, of Buffdlo, grand•ughter of the recipient, were then read by the fur writer : we THE £IOHTIETH ■IRTMDAT Or JOHN MOaatlt4, OOpaaai-w. ONT., •Co. 23an, 1890. In years gone by, ware where we stand Was a dark sad pathless forest. From "Mother Merri. engine- came Our hale old hoot -Juu!e Mounts. Then homes were far between and few. The wolf and bear were frequent tans ; But, fs• iemly. he still tolled on. This sturdy soft of England's Queen. Ibus, time west on, the country grew. A home was bulls along the shotes Of Huront of the lakes - Where c dna prattled 'ros.d Alm door. • For stead y tad ..betantlal growth. Fair Canada hal had tew peers. And who can say it is not due To her old, faithful pioneers And such an one is baro today Whose birth we've met to celebrate ; Few mea of eighty years like he. Retain such youthful. stately gait. Ws greet those fellow pioneers. Who like our host are blithe and gay. For where are three such landmarks found As Moguls-Otat is--Yovxu, today t • e s s s Devoutly thankful now are we to God. Whom blessings have attended all the way. That throneh his tender mercy he permits Four generations here to meet today. We prey his loving care may still attend This sainted parent till be ends his days, And then translate him to eternal rest. And guide all his descendants 1■ his way. Our re -unions with this year may ever end ; We who've met from distant parte may never meet Until limes cycles cease, no more to roll. Well joie oar host upon the Golden Street THs @resat), which was served on the sward outside the house, was of the finest, the "sto- ried cake" beim of particularly chaste de- sign and toothsome quality. On this :skit was emblazoned in bold letters "John Morris, Aug. 23, 1810-1890." tAT'HES MO*KII {TILL Al ATHLETE. After refreshments John Morris and er n -in-law, Tho. Harris, played a game of quoits against George and Joe Mor- ris, the two eldest sons. The match was • victory for the patriarch and his part- ner by • are of 21 to 13, Mr Morris is open for oballenges at quoit pitching from any other man in Canada or the States within ten years of his age. MCRA' ♦Nn ELOCUTION. In the evening the parlor was filled to overflowing to listen to an impromptu program of noitatiuo., songs, etc. The following ladies and gentlemen partici- pated in well rendered selection : Th. Misses Minnie, Annie and May Clifford ; Mus Sante Harris; the Misses Mary and Ada Morris ; Maas Annie Grumtnett ; Miss Edie Tyler, Miss Grace Howell, Mr Herbert Morris, Mr D. McGillicuddy, Mr T. McGillicuddy. An event of the evening was the egging with much feeling of the hymn "God be With You till we Meet Again," all joining in the refrain. - Mr W. H. Greatell, who bas been working in Goderich and Colborne in the interest of the Home Knowledge As- sociation, Toronto, has extended his operation to Ashfield thio week. He is • live avatar for • well-known firm. Miss Minnie (Miffed, of Buffalo, sten- ographer for the firm of Coale & Co., of that city, is vetting friends in this sec- tion. Her primary object in coming here was to attend the John Morrie' an- niversary, and since coming she has en- joyed herself greatly. Fos Botulism Mu.—Thirty-one thouseod five hundred good, well-ttom- med envelopes received at THE 81ONAL doripg the past week. Then are now in stock folly 80,000 and about • dozen different qualities to choose from. Call and see them. Only first am printing at the lowest reasosable prices. Mr Alex. Watson, one of our beat known residents, breathed hie last ee Friday, Aug. 22, after a prolonged and painful illness, in his 69th year. He' was • man of sterling qualities, and now sassed the ono8deoce of all with some Its came in eontaot. Hie funeral took place on Sunday to Maitland onseten and was largely attended. His bereaved family bare the eyt•poeby et the com- munity. Hs'e Air A trot THE Town. --The Owes Sound 'runs, of lest week says: "Ws had . glaamant mil from Mg T. Il.OiIbs.ddy, al ass timetals of Goderbb'e best joernaliete, bot now of the Oistario Department of Agrteal- twee sod Public Health. on Thursday. Mr Ma GiUieaddy was the oS.ial report- er of the Health OAlsars' meeting.' ttpssklaa of the banquet in the evestug the Time, says : "e Peas was totaled beartily, and in rs21F Kr T. McOilliaad- dr, nttteial reporter, ami an oil Dews- paing.pmaim, mune the epaMb el tie eves - w s ..-,•,.- JD. 1Eo611i AYILL Ms. Tuner, of T.uosto, was the guest of his brother-in-law, James Wtl- eoo, (ur • few day the week. The apple war threatens to be lively. That Yankee buyer from Cleveland is a hostler. See his advt elsewhere. Nr Thomas Detlor is leaving town, with the intention ..f going into the Nip - Using district. -Clinton New Era. Mr it. 1. Walton *old this week to Ilr J. H. Richards, Carlow, all has English red -sap chickens at a tidy tigers. Messrs Ed Caopaigne, George Primo Barclay Doyle and Harry Grenfell made • bicycle trip to Clinton ran Blyth and Loodesboro' oo Tuesday. Joe. Creasman, of Brantford, has bees in town during the week visiting the old home and trends. He appears to be thriving ss. the Indian city. The lawn social of the Young Wadies' Mission Circle .of North -•t. Methodist church at Mr Won Mclean'* has beim postponed to nest Tuesday evening, September tad. Some of the shop windows arouad tf wn are decorated with live animals - in one window • ground hog may be seen, iu another • California horned toad, and a mud turtle adorn another. School opened ro Mooday,laet. At a quarter to lone the bell rang, which was • very welcome sound to the intending * choler*, sod atjnise o'clock all wen in school settling don to another term of study. • On Thursday morning Mrs. Sowerby, of lot 12, oon 4, Goderich townahip, brought In to Ties SWNAL a couple of Crawford peaches which actually made our mouth water to look at them. They were nearly eight inches in circumference and sound as • gold dollar. Thanks. Mr. D. Ferguson, of Detroit, and for- merly an old resident of Go 1.ricb, was in town during the week visiting old friends. We are pleased to know that his residence in the Coy of the Strait.. bas not Impaired him physically or tenon- ed his lore for Huron's county town. RELlA@ED AND Ar; fig AKazerzo.— James Sands, of Centralia, who has bees in jail fur the past two or three weeks in default of sureties to keep tba peace, was released on Monday, Aug. 25, by His Honor Judge Tums. He was im- mediately arrested by constable Gilt, charged with inanity, and taken batik to Exeter fur preliminary esamination. SFND.AT $•'BOOL PI.•Nle.—Tbe picnic in connection with North -at. Methodist Sunday school, which was to have boon held on Thursday last at Swatti.ld's grove, took plan 00 Friday last in the Harbor Park. The majority cf the *cholas were present and all seemed to enjoy themselves, it we can judge :rola the manner in which the good things were demolished. Ho ii THlsr CAI:ONT.—Thompson, the hone -thief, who stole the horse,road art and Lorna from the stable of Mr G. M. Doe, Moron Road, on Thursday morning of last week, was arrested at Harrington, Oxford county, byDna- tune McCarthy, of Stratford, and bruogbt back to the Classic City for preliminary examination. Prisoner pleaded guilty before Justice tiLoene, and senteoas was deferred for aught days. Sass's A CHAttnON Selft.LER—Pecs the Winnipeg I?r.e. I'r.a au.l Xan we learn that Mtn Annie Carrie succeeded in winning the ladies' championship at the aquatic sports at Rat Portage re- cently. She carried off first honors is the ladies' siogle *cull race ; and with a gentleman partner won the double well ran for ladies and gentlemen. Miss Currie is the eldest daughter of our former townsman, J. C. Curve, at pres- ent deputy -sheriff uf Wmnuipeg, and her success in the field of sport will be highly satisfactory to her many friends in Hu- ron and Bruce. Goos,u''H TO TSR FRONT.—N, matter when they may be Gudeneh residents when in the outer world usually make their pramce felt. Even down at the Jessup's Neck camping ground they here been heard of by the Empire's talented correspondent as follows : Sunday was pad very quietly in amp. Service was held at 11 o'clock and was largely attended. Durictt the aft- ernoon some.xott.ment was caused oy fire breaking oat in on. of the tents in the Canadian quarters. The brigade were soon in attendance and extinguished the flames. Damage : 0.. smoking tacks', one towel and • omit totally destroyee. Mr R. R ilkinaoo, of Goderich, owner of the tent, bas eine* been besieged by insurance agents wishing to insure has property against the fire fiend. Ye•tew day morning Kr and Miss Wilkinson, el Goderich, J. N. MoKaodriok, Galt, mai C. A. Baird, Toronto. started off for the an. They paddled down the ba and, Mowing their canoes in the brash- wood,took to the road and tramped eight long miles to the Atlantic, where they indulged in sura bathing. enjoying the tossing about they got acre mech. They retuned to camp at dock, sod ever since have been *pausing nun *►citeyarns. American@ cannot ase ware the of n souse* in in walking leech a de- tainee for a hath. The water roved about hen is fall of phosphorus. and a1 sight every dip of the paddle rashes the water appear to be f.11 of fire. Oe Friday sight,tke 1:.th,sose peewee berglarioesty snail the earn of J. J. Hnienth A 14orui, Wsmgham. They made sus holes in the bask don with a two iseb augur and in this way sosoeeded in taking the look off the door. They carried away a quantity of detbiag.