HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-8-22, Page 81.1
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School Books and School Supplies of every description
, .
i"ra.eser ="orterr'es..1 .
! r
Blotting Paper, Pens,
Rulers and Slate Pencils!
given away first day of school opening only.
FuJi supplies of all the latest and
authorized and recommended jor.:11igh:ISoh0014,1 Model leichoOla,
Public and Separate School& male =1= 11..;111asio.
7 Mr- Prices Atalwaye guaranteed the beat that can possibly be
rnasEn & PORTZ44,
Central Telephone Faxclionge, North Side of &pare.
TAA: GLASGOW 1101:711
Minutes id the last Regular Meeting and
special Meet Ina.
The town council met Fnday evening
lase, 18th inst. Councillors Cantelon,
Campion, Holt, Nicholson. Dunlop and
McKenzie were absent. The minutes of
last regular meeting were read, approved
and signed.
A communication from oollector Naftel
was raseloitaung that a number of water -
takers had refused to pay for a part of
their eervioe.
Mowed by Proudfoot, seconded by
Pridharn, that this matter be referred to
the waterworks and electric light Sofa -
vitae* to endeavor to make as satisfactory
a settlement with the parties as possible
and to rep.we to the council. Carried.
Another letter from collector Naito!
asked that some definite means be pro-
vided by which he would receive ell in-
formation as to changes in the water and
electric light services, from- the eon -
neer or other person. Mr. Neftel also
acquired u to what part he 1. 10 take in
seeing the bylaw csrried onL Referred
to the waterworks and electric light eom-
A communication from 1Vr. P. Adam-
son is reference to the water Gervais' was
read and referred to the same oommittee.
A oommunication frown W. Dyson was
read, asking for the nue of the town hall
for the Salvation Army. Moved by
Humber, emended by Raid, that the re -
(toed be granted. Lon-yeas.3; Daye,4.
A petition was read from reeidests of
Bruovet., asking that the water circuit
be completed between Vietoris and
North-sta.., along Brootoet. Referred to
the waters, Joke *Daunt tee.
The following amounts were referred
to the finance committee : W. Kirk-
bride, S1&40; 0. Crabb, waterworks
supplies, $1 ; Alex. Gartehore, Hamilton,
pipe, 860.1 66; J. Kidd, lumbar, $61.13;
J. Thomas, relief, *250. The scooting of
B. MacCormais, seat for town constable,
$25, was ordered to be paid.
wareawoitam AND ILIMTitIC MDR CO.
Your committee would 1
that the water services be oompleited front
Raglan .t. to South -et., along South se
to Britannia Read, providing at lout six
midgets oe the areal sone to take the
argeoe. We barn gnu Inetrootions for
the purchase of 26 each drive nipples.
stop mak boxes sad sarvies socks. We
1 the payment of the secomet
of the Oodisish Star referred to ns, We
1 tie layinn on Eldon -st. of a
1.111nai now pipe part of the way sad
fs the bather*. providing there wiU
Ihthe ethers on Eldon et
olligssemi) Jose lit nos., Liminess.
no cared wee adopted on tontine.
Moved by Pridham, sounded by
Manley, that the setter of weleaveinag
fie to son. use to adopt the ebild left
all Mrs, blem's be left in the hands of the
reeve said depot, neva Carried.
Mowed by Preedfeok sesonded by
indent, that the matter of Mute, John
Pone,' hare dm weber egovie. be MA
with the eratterwerks amid ethane light
committee. Carried.
On motion of Proodfoot, *wooded hy
Pridham, the waned adjourned until
Tuesday evening.
Ni..$.. et Ailleursed thesellith
• Pursuant to adjournateot, the 001111•
cit met on Tuesday eyening. Preemie -
Mayor Butler, Proudfoot, Centelon,
Murney, Read, Holt, Dunlop, NiChol-
An application by the secretary of the
North Western Exhibition for the sup-
plying by the town of 16 electric lights
during the coating fall fhow was referred
to the waterworks and Monne light com-
mittee with power to act.
The amount of N. Dreamt, 1110, for
10,000 ft. plank, was referred to the B-
oothe committee.
Your committee beg to submit to you
the estimated receipts and expenditures
for the current year, and would mew-
l/mod a rate of 2 cute oo the dollar on
the rateable property in the town, real
and personal property and taxable
income, as per last revised theseameot
roll. A bylaw for this purpose will be
laid before yoe. It will be seen by the
statement to be laid before you that an
seseeement of 2 seats on the dollar will
raise the amount of $22,894.98, which
nth receipts from other sourer amount-
ing to $9,004.54 will give the total re-
mota for the current year $31,819.52.
The expenditure will amount to a like
amount. Yoer ootemittee would strong-
ly advise the keeping down for the bal-
ance of the year of the expenditure ma
low se coneiateet with the welfare of the
town. We have athesined the following
imamate and . 1 their payment :
J. Williams. *6.16; Grahams, $18.45;
W. J. D ording, 81.76; Staves &
Burns, $3 60. (Signed)
W. PROUD/00T, Cbsitiass.
The No
was alepted.
Bylaw No. 9 of 1810, to levy the rates
for the correct year, was, ea Riotioa of
Proudfoot and Manny, read three times
and pureed.
The bylaw Glee ths rate at 2 mete on
the dollar (1 2-10 mills for enmity rata,
3 8-10 milks for public and separate
gehools rate, and 16 milk for town rate)
on $1,144.749, whith will raise the eau of
122,894 96. of which $17,222.03 will be
required for orneielpal ib4,100
for public sehoola. 8060 for separate
echoola and 11,312 96 for anent, mks.
The mused than sajoerlied.
Prom Our ewe unreepseaent.
Kr and Mrs J /fortes visited is Kia -
candies* het week_
The rah al Handay SNOW
quite a nall Meson M Share.
Ltv4 31`,
. 44 ..
4, , 'ON;
7 •11
*11 littherta si Nemitiailen Provo Prettier
Poodeirly to twee am Appeal to the
IL of L.. all Use TaasterbUt Lhasa -
Tao Cop.,•
New YORK, Aug. 110. -Mr. Powderly mad
Mr. Devlin of the Executive Board of the
K. 01 L naiad as V ice-Preiblest Webb at
o'nook this attencon. lir. Toothy was
wt u Mr. Webb and its tom geatisimen bed
an interview weich lasted 1110 minutes. At
the coadratim Mr. Purdue: told the report.
ere what bed tains pima. Kr. Devlin mead
Mr. Webb U be woahl emmat to an
investigation a the amens annoread
keg the itleatearge of the Ift Ewa. Mr. Webb
answered that tame wee nothing to haveath
gate, that Um railway ocinepuy were thaw
mhos Ohs road and he dig sot see why tileir
actions incield be questioasd. Mr. Duna
Wm meted blur 11 be did sot owe the public
and the employes a the road any duty re -
!yarding the managmosed., la which all were
more or tem Morseled.
Mr. Webb did isot, reply.
Mr. Devlin then said there wee no me In -
bother diainning the mailer, as the railway
company had declared thessehres in favor
• asi f, warm
Mr. Toomey then mad that Master Work -
nese Les was primerUy responeibie tar the
strike. Mr. Devlin &eked Mr. Tommy U he
would waive tho question a Mr. Lee's action
and coder the discharge a the other men.
Mews. Toomey and Webb retuend and thee
e nded the cionternios.
The situation looks serious to -eight and
the indiostioos are that • general strike is
Osearal Manor Workmen roweled -1y wW
to -morrow hesue an appeal to all tree K.
L in the employ of the Central-Husteca
Railway and upon the Vanderbilt
0oscthr linis la the document
he will state the mums for the strike and
the efforts mule to obtain a peaceable settle
meat a the difficulties and notify every
member a the intuition of the executive
board 01 110 K. a L. to proescuts the light
simian the Cenral -Hods= to the bather
n d.
Mr. Powderly .1.1.. thet the etrike has
omen to be one of a local asessobly and has
become one ot tba whole organisation, and
if will use every means in its power to ma-
tinee the tight. He intimates that the
Federation of Railway Employee will sup-
port the movement The situation Is serious.
Grand Monter Sargent, president ot the
council and chin a the firemen's oroanies-
tion, has ordered a meeting of the
supreme council of the federation of
railway employes at 9 am. Saturday
morning at Tern Haute, lad., for the cob
shisration of the New York Central strike.
Mr. Powdarly tonght gave out • nate-
mint a the interview this afternoon with
Vice -President Webb and ft
Tommy. The statement says: This morning
Mr. Powderly sad Mr. Devlin muted upon
Mr. Toucey at hts altos for the purpose of
endeavoring to bring about a settlement a
the trouble. Mr. Toucey absolutely refused
to entertain any proposition looking
toward arbitration or so
ot the causes a the discharge
of the mem. During the !afternoon the
name gent/masa wafted upon Yr. Webb in
over as stated by the executive board a the
K. of L, to gin the company every oppor-
tunity to bring the strike to an sod. In Use
interview they had with the third vice
president, Mews. Powderiy and Devlin re
posted tbe offer which the K. 01 L have
made front the beginning, that they would
declare the strike off if the company would
submit the came 0110o discharged men 10 110
investigation of disinterested outside parties
oath. understanding 1101 11 it should be shown
that there was no canes for the discharge of
any men other than their connection with
the K. of L, such men shooid be reinstated
in their positions, the repressatatives of the
• K. of L agreeing to bind themselves to abide
by the decision or thiduig of the inveigh -
Mr. Webb positively refused to agree to
this request in the Interest a peace. Mr.
Powderly even went so far as to eek Mr.
Webb, in view a 11, conflicting statements
a the men and the company's officials
if be would consent to meet the
discharged men and allow hint itir.
Powderly) to question them in Mr. Webb. •
presence upon the charges of the company
against them. Mr Webb retired to enter-
tain even this proposition. Mr. Toucey. who
came oito the room during the interview
reiterated the at made statement that they
would insist upon the right to discharge
any of their employee without widening a
reason for doing so, and that they would
not admit of any labor oreanizatioa or com-
mittee of inch orgaaization to intervene in
tbelleinsingtterathed it they took the position that
a railway was property of tee company
and that neither the employee of the nom -
Pony nor the public had any right to question
tes management, they beetated and at last
took retuge in a slime* which the repre-
sentatives of the K. of 1,. detenained to
brink. The latter said that if It was the
policy a the company to maintain that they
would admit that neither the pobLic nor em-
ployes of Use road had any right la the
promisee it was oriels to waste thnii or words
on tbe matter, and shortly Misr withdrew
A reporbr at 11 p. roused Mesas. Webb
and Voorhees from their bids at the Grain
Central depot. They granted him se inter-
view clad only le their sight clothes. When
toid that a gemeral strike over tbe whole
system would be deelarld to -eight (w in the
moraing and that the strike meant all em-
ployes bet engineers, Mr. Webb appeared
somewhat startled. Neither be nor Mr.
Voorbeen made any minimills Shorans.
Mr Powrierly to -night mid that kb
awe& to the roschanke and other employee
of the Central Radom tremens aad enemies-
ing lines he will call epos them to stop work
at once.
In Oho Grua Central depot are anoseeped
Armies and the same number of misna-
mes, supposed to he than to provide for my
Charles newahl, a you' New York Om -
len brakeman woe ease altve siding cm hie
Wake at mpuyteo Duyvil this afternoon.
Whew the trate rolled into the yawl at 7110 -
serest at 3 p m. he lay dead an hie ear wish a
dant, as If made by a brit*, behind hie oar.
illanniel Canned*, a wee -nuke switehmen„
wee amenited seer kb home this evening sad
let ea tee bead *Rh • same
The Tribune lays a formai strike 1.411
derabliseUy not be ertlerod by the ReseetIve
Heard before Ratordav
wagon aeon. liebeadeed.
Tmensa. Avg. IS The Sanaa et Morose*
hoe essoptiehad the rebel. as ilemmeer,
heeiliag ef them
alsolueues Vlestews-Illasostare Tribute to
tutritinal liewasise.
Celan, Aug. Ile -There have base ea
deaths from cholera es the georgette!, eta -
tion at Mar num the pilgrune were in-
Al Mama yeellerday 10 deaths trete
Moira ware reported, and at Jeddah nine
Cyelesie te tortieutami.
Ilienne, Aug. at -A cyckine swept through
the canton of Vaisd today doing usimenee
damage The villages of Lovelies end loss
won devastated and whoie forests were do
tango& Mao, perame were injured. The
storm bated three Muster
Itateitamse nessema.
LORDO1i, Aug. 29 - • requMni mass for the
late t..)srdinal Newman was onebrated today
in the Brompton Oratory. Cardinal Man
ning delivered an Andreae lie said &thou& b
it wee too soon to meiseure Dilly the vows
of Newman it was certain no living man
bad so changed the religious thought of
Eagbusd. It was the Inspiring seams of the
tractarian movement that was thapiug the
Church of England foto its t life But
for bun ratketallean now reign su-
preme in ths national religion.
1/111 Abaadee 114 That.
Pears, Aug. **-.Th. Figaro mys the
Count of Paris will probably abandon Ids
proposed visit to the United Stabs. owthg 10
thh• feeling here against the MoKudery HIlL
Caaaillaa tatt/e.
Looe, Aug. 21-1. coanection with the
11 inquiry by the British Board a
Trundle and Agriculture in regard to the Atlan-
tic cattle trade, inforuiation has been submit-
ted on behalf of Canada *bowie( that the
slatielot tbe tirade rorulaitune Owl:andante
Department al Agriculture and the inspec-
tions enforced resider it. intpueeible that any-
thing of the kiad alleged in Mn. Plimsoll's
pamphlet could hen takes place in respect
of Lamadian mule.
air Charles Tupper has received 130 ap-
plaud:Mem in response to letters inviting
British men delegates to visit l'assasia.
Mae or adven '.111 10 selected, who will stars
two or three weeks honor.
The New Plea that Is lanai letrederest
ea tlt• Graft* Tweak.
ftraarroao, Aug. 20.-A new plan of pro-
motion a being introdu 3ed amongst engi-
neers, locomotive &amen and cleaners on
the entire system of the Greed Trunk Real -
way throughout Canada, kaown and termed
univenal promotion. Tbs first oMcial re-
quhition has already come Inn Mr. Wallis'
°Mos Montreal. making an appeal for
twenty-eigbt firemen. Those who are seniors
hi the employ of tbe road and wish to volun-
teer for the position a imaginer can do no
by Ming their application with their
locomotive foreman on or Wore Aug.
16, intimating the fact that saki applicant w
willing to be transferred to any cm of the
follong l000motive stations. Lmdon, Ham -
Stott, Toronto, Allendale, Lindsay, Montreal
or Iticionood. The enthusiasm created at
Stratford locomotive station by this Wen of
universal promotion is very great, owing 1,0
the ten that beretotoe• co ikospect at Strat-
ford statics °Wend for IBM oo the lett site
of the eagles. It was almost an established
tact that the locomotive firemen employed
at Stnattord are Nearly all motor men and
long since eligibie for promotion. Now ten
e a equalisation is owned about sixteen of
the moat inset enema at this station
have fl application's, with Mr. Neil& and
in all probability applicant& will be required
to remand by moving to • call whicb
be insued front the superinteadeat's odic* in
the course ot a few days.
A cherry Tetley Tooth Cuts Ins Threat
11111th a Bazar.
Draznesno, Aug. W. -This morning a
young Min DilaNd ODOM, Canw..u. who
hails from Cherry Valley, Prince Eiward
County, created a scuatioe in town by at-
tempting suicide' by cutting his throat with
• nuor. The youth 1. 21 years of age and
had been employed about town as a laborer.
with B. Jandreau and mooed
t of late. Upon arising this morn-
ing he took • razor and with nee slash cut
h is wind -pipe open. Medical aid was sum -
mooed, when it was found that the wound
'.05 001 neoessarily fatal as the arteries had
not been totiCheaL Mental derangement is
assigned as the cause.
A Terrible reisme• Itameriee tee Tuns ims
the Trench Shore
Sr. Jose's, Nfid.. Aug. 20.-A plague. tbe
exact nature a which is not knowa. rev- t
aging the sighing towns on the French shore.
Th. disease is terribly fatal and none so far
attacked have survived. The inhabitants 1
think 11 1. virulent diphtheria. It is mud 1
stared:Ms and illth are helping the deadly
march a the disease.
- t
• ,
, •
rt'• " 3," •
,:a‘keelholce ‘GoodsA"
3E$m aVracCORMAC.
Tlie reins rum.
The Del ..1 ;mete published below shows
bow well this popular resort has bum
patronised season :-
Londoi.- Mr and Mrs W IlleDonough,
Moe Mali ugh, Moe E McDonough,
Miss ld. McDonough, Mies Louie Mo-
Donough, Miss Amy MoDusongh, Mies
lavineatone, Mies Lorna Gabbana, Mee
Helen Giliboos, Miss Marjone Gtbbone.
Master Allan Gibbons, the none ; Mr
R 0 S Wuod, Miss Jou/Thum Maar,
Master Fred Macfie, Mr Harper, Mr an
Mn Orr, two childrea ; Moe Bowery,
Yarietanie. Mr H A Nicholson, Mnr
eholsoo, t wo children and nurse; M
A Screaton, Mrs &reason, Master Fred
Screatou, Mr Frank Jewell, Mn Kobe
Rich, Mrs Rich, Mn Brummite, Mr
Wm Trier, Sirs Tytler and three chil-
dren, Mies Hutton, Mr and Mn A J
Si Fantasias.
Thomes--31n Smith sad two
children, Mr George S Wright, Mrs
Wright and two childreo.
Chatham -Noe D McDonald.
Brantford -111r and Mr* J 0 tWieinier,
Mra Wm Buck, Miss Buck, blue A C
Buck, Mrs Judge Jones.
Tormto-Mr Robe Gilmour, Mr Wm
Cutts, Mr and Mrs Maitland Montgom-
ery, Mr W la Carrick, Mrs Carrick,
Muter Rolph. Mr H J Hill, Miss Edith
Hill, Mies Alio* Hill.
Detroit- -Mr and Mrs Croat, three
children and nurse ; Mrs McLennan
Mau Grace Syntingtoe, Mies Knew
Symington, Mn Geo Macbeth, two dill
dreo and none; Moe Vera Wanton, Mire
Hall, blies Hill, Wm Slue.
Geelph-Mre Judge Chadwick, two
children and nurse.
liantilton-Mies Era Lucas. Muter
Stanly Lieu, Master Inverse Lucas,
Maggie the guise: Master Harry Lamb,
blies Limb. Mary the nurse; blaster
Harry Young, Muter Chaney Young
Bridget the nurse; Mies Harvey, Mr sod
Mn Thom Weston.
Tow., -Mr Parry Crabb., Mrs
Crabbs, Mr Fred Crebbe.
Gresinia-Mr and Mrs Craig.
Dallas, Texae-Judge Aldridp, Mrs
Aldridge, two children; Mess Thompson,
Mr G N Quainter+, Mn. Q.iillman, Miss
Mand Quillnian, Mies babel guillemot.
Memphis, Tenn. -Major McGinses,
Mn McGinnis, Mn Gaston, Mr J C
Hutchins, Mies Brooks.
Jackson, La. -Mies Slaw.
Tunica, Miss. -M ies Donald,: Mies
Palt:"Tiailsor-Mies Nelson, Miss Wilkin-
son, Miss June Wilkinson, Mr and Mrs
D Coogan, Mrs Kelsey, Miss Kelsey,
Mre Richards, C M Richard,, Master
Mex Crawford, Mies Agnea Crawford,
Mr 0 Reynolds.
Ottawa --Mr T C Wright
Poetiac, Mich. -Mos Weston,
This list does not inciodee a very large
number of parties who came up daily by
land and water as transient guests.
A very pleasing entertainment took
place at the Point Farm on Friday even-
ing last, on which occasion Mr Wright
and hi. son Toni • who was on a visit
from Ottawa , tendered a reeeption to
he numerous guests of the House, dan-
cing, singing and refreshments forming
neareating features of the progn.m. Be-
ers separating, Major McGinnes, of
Memphis. Toon., volunteered some kind
and flattering remarks concerning the
place and its easeagerneet, and said it
was one of those localities which hie
Southern friends had been lookiug for.
H. had no hesitation in saying that suf-
ficient people weld be found in his
neighborhood to fill the house every
summer from top to bons's. Mr H. J.
Hill, so favorably known in Toroeto,
ably supplemented those remarks. Ile
had often heard of the Point Farm, but
had no idea that the establishment was
io extensive or so well suited for sum-
mer visitors who dewed perfect rest and
abundance of pure air. For children in
particular it was all that parents and
friends could possibly with for. Ile pre -
dieted a large and increasing patronage
for the plus ia the future, which, front
what he saw, the proprietor mei lastly
entitled to maim bir 0. N. Quillman,
of Dallas, Texas, desired to add a few
words to that of the precious speakers,
ohms sentiments were entirely his own.
H. had learned of the place by receiving
a copy of 1711,4 nsti1/41 , woad an -
der chosen:Hoes of the Board of Trade,
and considered it a fortunate earthen
stance for hictseif sod family, who were
delighted with th• locality and It. numer-
ous pleasing surroundiegs. In tile fu-
ture the proprietor weight depend nn re-
ceiving ever, summer • large index of
vaulters from Texas. Hearty and grata
fol thanks were mon cordially rnereed
by Mr Wright and his son for the very
kind expressions uttered by all preemie
and to the above ireetlemea in mini-
colar, and again thanking time for the
patronage ex waded to the home
this season, which had been ist every re-
open os of the most sesumfel nue ha
°penis,. The singing by all present al
"Ood Save Um Queer thebeeirtiful
hyma "Animist.' Weight the
party to • thee.
1. enalainiakin with disobey. wa learn
at Mr Wright bas hems stroegly urged
a Dumber of wealthy goons to make
print stook emasene of is bureau. put
ett the unpaid et $25,000, retaining the
kisteelf wtth a enetrollIng
tenet. la sieve. this, extra seems -
moieties and other will
proeseded with ia the aping, as sweet
t of available epees ia the house haa
bees bonged for nest mama
The Mialleter et the laterker Talks.
* Orr A W 41., Aug. I� -Bo.. E. Dewthey
returned to the city today from a trip,
partly for business and partly for plosenr..
to Manitoba, the ?Cathleen and British
Columbia, haviag goes es far as the Peel&
coast. Speaking of the crop prospects, Mr
loordney mys that be weet in
Manitoba and the Northwest the crops were
excellent The harvest was gelleral whs. es
lett, sod there wee .n entire &thence of true
It was estimated by good Mem that then
were 000,000 acres la ernes* ibis year io
Manitoba and the Northwest The general
imprenion was that it would yield IC) butane
to the acre, or about 22,300,000 bushels in all
Of oats, bertey and peas there was also a
large Yield-
Oor sehool reopened after the let
days ne Monday, Mien 5 Potter bathe
the New teenier 1. plass .4 31, P Steen,
who resimeed ia July lath. We meted that
Mr A Sheppard waste In 10. eusesenr,
bet ire this we were ," ' 1.
Tann*. -Oa hat pike •
seseetiesi wee eageed by a steeple of
tramps "death" the town. Coble
Telt sue aniseed them and lbw Isere
emesbt before Illsree listbee end sestete-
eel to ten dare is primes.
To Move the Crepe.
Mcorrns•L, Aug. 20. -The Canadian
Pacific Railway has given out @attracts for
a tboustued box can so be ready the tree
week in October for ths purpose of adequate
ly moving the season's crone Th. contract
10 DPVIID diridr,1 among all the car works in
Canada to ensure prompt delivery. The
amount involved r roonderably over
Itaaeked Out By Whisky.
Devnorr, Ang IR -George Weight, an
list, come colitis elty ab3ut two weeks
1741PrIrODI Maidstone croft Mr. Wrt was
• man who oaco in a white took • e.
whisky, not for the idea of getting into:ice- •
tad, but for his health. After taking a few 1
drLdno Wright wandered about the street
and was ren over ly aa omnibus in front of
O. aad R MeMillaa's grocery. He was
picked up and taken to Harper's hospital,
where hie wounds wens treated, and • few
days afterward was discharged.
Sunday be fell down In an lit sod
wee again taken to the hompthal, bat attar
working (IA 01. rue the doehin premouced
N hopeless, and 0. 41.4 yesterday. TO.
remains were taken to Maken morigns said
were takes le enure by a friend of Wilethca.
who conveyed them 0. 1.1. hams le Canada
Wright was a sing% eau and was to have
by relathee le itemieret
at om Ilion, lase illonday. H• th
The Amgen* peal Maas.
!femme, Aug. St ---It le repetted tbdi the ti
Joggles teal Mime have belle end te es
syndioate litho will pet le sew am- is
fithiary and (virago tees es s issab Sew
*rale TM prompt compel LIM toes • he
monk. They Wen pregame to alinach
railway up tee River Hebert he armee with
10.100., milli on teat neer.
rroni our own oorrespeadest.
Bag wages have been paid for harvest
hands working by the day deriag the
pan week yr so.
There is another wedding ea the ear -
pet, so they my. Sandy doa't dery it
The weather is all that could he desired
for harvesting. Cutting will be finished
in moat places this week, while • great
any will hare it all in the berets.
Fall wisest is now being threshed for
seed and to make room in the barna for
other grain.. The anomie yield will be
shout 30 bushels per sore, tied the graio
of good quality.
Paouni Oars. --Jobe Bate, 101 4,
eon. 14, pulled • bunch of oats contain
Dog twenty one well developed mast.,,
the product of a single seed ; oo os. of'
these heads 148 grains were coasted. It
was found to average Mosel &Thins per
head, =skis( a grand total a 1880 from
• single grain. Timm cam are cif the
White Egyptian variety.
Nature is the true idealist. When
the serves us beet, when, on rare days,
she speaks to the magmatic)°, we feel
that the hogs heavies and earth are hat
a web drawn around se, that the Bob&
skies, and mountains are bet the parted
vicissitudes of the soul.
- - —
As a nub Producer there as be
se question but Clot
CI Pare Col tiler Oil ul Njppiu
Of Lime and SoJ
is wiliest a rivet 111fts, bale
rune a peen! a day sey ?be me
of it. t cures
COLDS. Atill ALL FORtill 09
EASEL AS r4L.tr.ew 4.11
Gomm maise link:en& is..
Wrapper: al ell
Will be taken for not keowing that the '
PACIFIC 11A11111 !
is now running the
ia Canada. ksowe as
"TEIII (11I( Agt, FLYER," .c?:4:;
1 Patty between
without chasm of Cars.
Passengers for all points
Leaving GODERICH on Ow 7 AS a.m. train
make sure coma wt ton at LONDON. urn -
fag in DETROIT at 1.1i sad CHICAO0 at it)
P.• the sate day,U
- sT. LAMM at 7.13 a.
and KANSAN ciY at 11.13 "ma m Ise
day. T
he best wbes cod is ao mere. Th
Buy pia tickets C. 1'. R.
Tickma, Maps. Time Cards sad all le
tioe cheerfully tarnished ny
Tewa Pam Astent '•:•!!
Glembori, • 28
Saltcoats, - 21 c_7
Noosajaw, 21 Q.
Calgary, - 35
Au 12
MN Isere
Mt POMO le Oa-
. kfest
Milk lath
diem mill inee. Me
Salm elm %et Ule. lea
y ukr 1.
nor no $
* 44 4Y: T „.;
1. 4
1 '