HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-8-22, Page 4THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE L3TADL'SMSO MST. HEAD DIME, TORONTO. Sall SI* (MO U Sts MILLION DOLLARS R• fe t 1WALKER, GengLAL MANAINIsL GODERICH BRANCH. A (IMJ.al1At BANNING Burgess TIAMACTED. FAMAMI' NOTTS DMAITs MeetO PAYABLE AT AL.. POINTS IM CANADA. AND THE ,Bap14AL omen el TME Unites STATES, GMAT Bisner 4 FRANCE. &afIMuRA as SAVINSS SAUK SCPA TIMLUT. 011.011111411 o 191-00 AND GPWARO. NECEIYED. AND CURRSNT RATES OF MITEREUT ALLIatio. AOORD TO TEM . AT Teta MO OH MAY AND IN GAON TSAR. Molle AfbEAN. ghee IS the NM.fles of C 1 Papas - /11glRBrw' Sales Nems. 01.000.o00 - r •SN.000. t• s T111 " WORLD" AND MR. ROK& For some time pest the T.Rooto Word has find is knife in Mr. A. M. Roes, into • state of mind last week. Apps - but until remedy the weapon was taot gamily is subscription list is not bleed plunged up to the hilt. When his lip- with s robust constitution, and any little pointreent of County Court Clerk of drain upon it is felt most direfully. Be York was made, attention was drawn to that as it may, it is wof•l to know bow it by the World in its usual .enatioo•l terribly the loss of s solitary subscriber style, but there was no trace of the is felt by our contemporary, and it is to venom in the first article which sob- be hoped that aryrotben who may eon- ssqueatly developed. About the 1st template ming the privilege, which they of Judy as abusive article appeared is undoubtedly possess, of stopping their the Wold against Mr. Roan, which bets subscription to that hysterical organ may evidence of having bees written with a be warned by the terrible fate that jaundiced pen, and the public generally overtook one man who desired to psy up could discern no cause for the attack. and quit The unfortunate an aeeail- Siuoe that time a series of abusive edl had become tired of paying good articles against Mr. Ross hays filtered money 'annually for the privilege of through the columns of the little Toronto reading the abusive fulminations of our *hest, and then u every evidence that a esteemed eoutemporsry, and as that fair - deed set has been made upon him. Not minded journal had undertaken -doubt - only has his poblie record bees attacked, lees at the beck and nod of some of is bot his private chancier has been assail- monitors and mentors - to assail, at •d ins most virulent manner. What hei second-hand and in a cowardly fashion eats, where be sleeps, the root of hie not only the public reputation bat the bed and board -emery little tittle-tattle private character of the individual in that could possibly be raked op or in- question, be came to the cooclusion that vented -bas been apexed se widely as the it was not absolutely incumbe.t upon World and ite echoes could spread it. him t3 pay for the privilege of being Kby 1 Well, the reason is not tar to abused. To that sod he informed the seek. Roes was reputed to be a man in publisher of the Star that he had no good -worth some =76,- further on for the weekly (or weakly) 000. He had been appointed to • peel- tints of that luminary, and enclosed • tint estimated by the World to be worth cheque which more than paid up the $6,000 s year, and should therefore be a arrears to date. good bird for plucking. The World has One wield think that the most exact - had an exceedingly troubled financial ex- hog would want no better ist•noe. Time and again has it come treatment from retiring subscribers. We within a shave of giving up the ghost. are sore Tat SIGNAL would be very much It u not even yet & fiosocial succuss, and plet•od if some of is „domed sob.crib- although it has been aided and bolstered arm who happen to be in arrears would pay by the protectionists' and manufacturers up and quit,if they did not feel iodised to ring, whose organ it has been for moue continue. But then, great minds differ, years, it rue experienced neer• and our contemporary didn't take tindly since it was first launched upon the les to the treatment of the retiring sub.crib- of journalum. The proprietor have er. It got up on its hind lege and just made • plucky fight for oxieteoce, and to howled. It howled so loud over is loss pull throogb have had a rag on •Tny of one subscriber that the people in To - aper -politically and otherwise. Under unto heard the terrible shriek. Oh, these conditions why should not the fact dear ! Oh, dear ! it was awful that any - that a paxsibly wealthy man from .n one dare refuse to take the Star. The onside manly had secured • locrative London Times, or the Toronto dailies position in Toronto be made to bring might be refused by indignant snbecrib. grid to the World's mill ? The appoint- en, tat to reface to take the Star was the meet was alleged to be unpopular in the uop•rdooable sin. The unfortunate retir- city. and of course abuse of the n.w in- ing subscriber was forthwith assailed with cumbeat would be • popular move. But the latest assortment of billinpgate and the World did not abuse Mr. Rona per- blasphemy that the cultured taste of our t otally at the start, and " The Office contemporary could suggest, and s tor- Hog " phare of tb• attack *al a later de- Mat of abuse was poured oat against him which, if used on the street by the •di - R S WILLiAMS, MANAGER. TI1 X "STAR" IN A STRAIT. Our neighbor,:the Star, worked itself eelopm•nt. Dt-NN and BRADRTRELT were consulted by the World as to the financial standing of the newly appoint- ed office -]:older, and preparations were made for working the oracle on him. The fint referents to the appointment made by the World did sot succeed in bringing Mr. Roos around to the count- ing room of that journal, either person- ally cr by marked cheque, and after waiting a time sufficiently long to bring • wealthy man to his settees in the matter of a knowldgeof the requirements of struggling city journalism, an extra premiere was pat upon the dynaao. This also failed of effect, although it was learned in the meantime by the World that Mr. Roes' financial standing.inetasd of being only x'6,000, was in the neigh- borbood of $100,000 or 0129,000, which was an additional reason why he should "put up." Of Course there was no alter- native,•nd the pressure had to be increas- ed Petal Idle full power of 2,000 volts generated the article yoi•pt " The (NBoo Hog." That is ell then is in the matter of the attack epos Mr. Rose.. He tailed to some to time when he was called upon M " throw up his hand.," and he bas had to take the oo0eegsecmos of his re- fusal to do so. We give more space thm we otherwise would to this matter beans it slay prove useful to other peblie hereafter. If the World mils yew up through its editorial mimeos. sod Toe son stand it 6aanatial- ly, don't lad to wal at the counting room of that 'i , journal and make •11 s:eessary WNinw it will save trouble in the future The World •vid..tly hes • thriving Bide " (1M.. Hog ' of it. own that the general public k.owe.ot of. Tia Galeriah Rear and the Tomato World are now a mutual admirstios fNddv. Tho World publishes an artists thesis[ Mr. A. M. Rolm aad the Awe espies it ; thea the Mar pebfiaber a meed against Rose, sad the Wold wipe it oat with its nimble sis..... fire asa.dag a wank the tee Ngsvewger mswM_V " Ares/6s ...ie, as, •.1t • 'iKe :. ,r".'v wn, w:.r...r.sowpKrr. . *'. ��o n :4 tor against the individual in'location, would have earned a fine and costa at the police court. So that our reader, may be in a positiln fc judge of the tone and moral. of the article in the Star we give it in foto, of coarse asking to be excused for soiling our colamne with inch • pres- entation; f literary arrion : THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. tz, la'u. gas OPTWE ma. tug., The Star has aroused the ire and in- sulted the dignity of Col. the Hon. A. M. Row, Provincial Treasurer and Clerk of the County Court of York, eta, ate., sad he hes peremptorily ordered the publisher to ' stop my paper." The aces of this overwhelming calamity to the wretched publisher is the omegaoo. tios of the article in last week's issue from the Tomato World, oa " The Ogee Hug." Is judice to the honorable get- tleean it most be said that in this ase, at least he was not the eenta abort, for he actually made out his cheque for seven sod ow -half omits over the amount of his sebecrt;tion dee. Of course The Star should at one* suspend pablicatioo, it will be impossible to continue without the ba. geatletnsa's mem o0 oar lid, but inasmuch as the printers will t.goire tat least a week's notice before gutting, sad se the Col. has gone to the Paei6e GOND on • trip which may lad two or three weeks (on a desdhea1 pais, 'tie .id;, and will not knew it until he gets beck, we are going to venture to peblimb another Mee or two, with the help of that intra i } moots. Some people will say this is rather small of you, Col., bet they des't know you. You're Not one to allow your sate to be goeetioed or your dignityimposed upon by any sat less than the e disposer of a goad ht o61ee, mos that would help the boy, se Mr. Rykert would my. There's nothing small abort yoe-sn far as obese are eo.ssrwed, say - way. The "eras maid tr. Use Lewis, And M. F lasso tAerreof 1.4,44.41.4,44.4 to Ales. Me - Lassen r n Roes. That's the primate"' you have always Need o.. Yoe resigned the ofSee of Provincial Treasures owls[ to :he growls, infirmities of your age, but you re quite camble of lilting seek a pissyuse position se that of CI'rk of the Oooaty Court of York, sad drawin; beth salaries for a few softie (if the volae of peddle opiates des't peeve Doe Mass a ). Yea 'ee. OML, NN.' ps.pIN with meatier eatier moiin.s mf Itm.NsM/ Nhrk dal Mary shoat year Malta w an a --asp, poi Nbiely i. seuld will testa. no MO, list nam p.snd se' We Pe wham raw Mire' 1 EARLY FALL GOOD& most hate phew lite was mnmaased t pier a the lata health. ete..-tr"8111 lila ta"8111we have received a large por- iss yos had this 000 rear appaistmwt lima of our stock of fall [moths, a y Toar ppuuak.Ihoe • sompihw leek which, in every respect, is right in raffia --qfilly sew, and those who did Del style, quality and price. We buy alb yew, 510 hale ala.” tho.Iht tW no foods but what we are sure you were no /mown� mi. n �e� • wiz give perfect satisfaction to pertreelerl3r as gee re good ea our customer& We sell at • very m.t arg.eor oar fritad Hr Meredith', dose margin of profit. In lnark- pralwsarloeregardlnR tam.b Somme of se ing goods we don't mark them the vow friends apt Tolront g s. andUthat highest •price they will bring, but MU dory abort the bed ander the the lowest price we can sell. We etairwy didn't serpeise as. We ..,wet are showing a fine line of dress ties that Tomato p.°p' ought to great- utelton, in plain colors, checks, Me shoat that ye. aeee •lw'Iw patriot- grin.. &c., at l0 and Ile. mid their city for abort •verytbiag got r; milk spots, ribbons, in all wanted, •••• tl you mould have got it in Per yd. (Werke,mid tow they grumble ahem widths, just opened. and marked a poor little bad. The Stet dose not time roe for that, Colo.sl, bet goo ought ky this time to know thM s• a pleb& man Jour publics asks are opus to eeiticing and ekes you deceived W peopie-aot for the first time perhaps -- many of whoa have sworn by you' is times past, sad, ekes yogi played "the leg" gse.rtlly, seeki t to grab the essolessens of two offices at come, tbo.gb by your own couf.esion-as per the Tor'ato Civic -you were inca- pacitated from performing the duties 4 either, you violated the primiples o(oom- mor► homely and public deaacy to such as extent as to nebly deserts e•erythiog that has been said about yon. The lesson slay be rather bard foe you, het public rights and:the public good are ,till above. the 000nol ut A. M. Rosa Loss of breath and lack of idea., W- eather with • failure of suitable lan- guage to further emboss this tirade of abw,prob&bly caused our cootemporery to allow the poor man whom it attacked W escape with his life. At last •ceoont he was resting mon sexily, but it is feared that another such attack would prove fatal to somebody -perhaps oar contemporary. Meantime everybody in town is laugh- ing at the mock heroin of our local twinkler, and wondering what would bappea to it if one more aub.eriber would ask to retire from is already lana list. Like every other oa earth the Star has no overweening anxiety to lose any of its paying .nbeenb- ere, and all this pretence of hilarity at the loss of • subscriber, and all this ap- parent jollity and grinning is only from the teeth out. Col. Raw+ had s perfect right to order his name to be erased from the :tar's lid. If the editor of the tar were to meet Kr Ross on the street and recite the abuse from the World, the latter gentleman would be justified in knock- ing him down, and treating him as a common blackguard. Then why should CoL Rose be compelled to allow to en- ter his home • sheet which not only oon- tained but endorsed not only false sod 'Delicious attacks upon bis public charac- ter, harao-ter, but wanton abuse of hie private rep- CORDWOOD FOR SALE. station ? ese The 1 bean to announce that he hhead Ger Immediate delivery • targe From a careful analysis of the nee of guaattty of Srst-clan cordwood. Personal at - r Col. limn and the Star wet are mellow] mention givet.sn to all Lame e emW gematltlae delivered to all pa of the to believe the (atter ba been most in- teen' Otdars 1011 tat Ceatrsl Telr .bone E:- cbanRs er at m reside.... South ads et jered by the oollieu°, because the indi- Bacbanan s Pa•sat� MIU. Tests .t. t.. will •ideal most hurt usually shrieks the Telephone . 1f ties JOHN 8 PLATT. loudest, and the Star's piercing shriek is certainly not pitched in 'indoor ksy. Mr Rosh availed himself of an inalienable right to discontinue his subscription when it seemed to him best, and over- paid the charges therefor, and the Star, looking for sympathy, endeavors to make • grievance out of the fact of his bawler acted se a self-respecting man should have done, sod frantically pours opus Ais head a lot of unmerited abuse. It might perhaps have been es well for Cd. Rosh not to have paid the slighted •t- teation to whet the Star published, knowing that •onan from that quarter would tater attain even the dignity of eleader,md it isn't worth while w a rale to load a cam on to Moot s Ry ; bat Ries . f ars t et y annoying .t this time of the year, and ;articular!, so to a bald-headed man. at very iow prices -no fancy prices ! Space will not permit our mentioning other special lines of goods. Kindly call and we shall be glad to show them to you. The balance of our summer stock at cost. J. A. REID & BRO. Jewdsn's Bleck, O.d•rtob. A og. ata. IND =51- Situations Uacant. BOY WANTED. -TO LEARN THE Dry Goods badness, Yeed chasm for • snen boy. Apply 1. hachasmwriting to It BOX 115. GODERICH. ANTED. -A GOOD GENERAL .errant. Apwty at this Dace. 57-tf (`IIRL WANTED -A SMART AC- VVtf TIV E girl to tend Widnes. Apply to S7-tf MRs OARROW. Nlootreal-et. • Lentistrv. M�NICHOLSON, LD.& DENTAL ROOMS Lghtl dose Dolce the Poet Omer, Westar. aooratca. agilely DLR. RICHARDSON, LD.S. SURGEON DENTIST. Gas sod Vitalised Air administered far psalessentractlag of teeth. Special attention given to the preservation of the Natural Teeth. Once -Up Nair. Grand Open Home Block. Ketrsnce on West -8r., Oodericb. 2141 -Iv She People's Lolulnn. PMIN- TILT URSE POUND. -IN THE enMggbin Aug nth. a Nim costaialai a same/ essesy- gee owner w have It by sienna, to the, 1 and Mist coot _ Cemetery Caretaker. OLD BUSINESS It . . i ►: Having ,Reis started is the msnnhettweef pump., with c achiaery. material sad a thor- ough knowledge of the bushese to motile me to tan out • Irstdaru ankle, all orders en- treated to meat my saw -mill, et the Nile. will receive my most careful and prompt sites - tion. H. DODD. Nile P. 0. ®M MRS. SEAGER WILL RESUME ber cusses to pasties sad drawing Monday• tat or September. ironing clam Mo.day and Th arerioes craes, Well esday sal Saturday. For teres apply at Mr Semgmr"s st.dt0. a .McLese'e sew Nock. •5-4t Tar Sweat. sckoewledges the receipt et the Year Book ,f f ,nada Irma Hoo. John Carling. There is a large fund of valuable information in the work, even though the trend of the deductions fross the statistics obtained is toward the side t Protection. pear Teen 11 Sawyers use, "For four years I had pimples and sena breaking out of my hands and face mused by bad blood. Medicine from the doctor was tried without avail, but atter using two b,tties of Burdock Blood Bitten I am well," Maio Maatt Ir,taaT, 2 Sawyerville, Que. COLBORNE. Mr Jas. Jenkins, of Colborne, threshed of Tsetday lest, 19th inn , and from 2 WM., 40 lbs. of seed of the imported two -rowed bane* he has •sventy beak - •M of burleyq of a Sae sur ; and he ham also 31 Du.1.1 per acre of the Colorado spring wheat, good .smpls. This is a guoi return. Mal Des- pair. Locaow, Miaow 1516, 1890. J. M. McLeod, tlode ieh, Dasa Rte,- Before taking yr.tr medi- eines I was jest Iiyi.lt and that was about all. Had bees ea invalid for teeny yearn -attend .11 oily life. I had only System yo.r Sysm evator for shoat three weeks, wheal I h.gan to foal heifer - i gradually improved and to stx ,oaths so remarkable was the Mange in ine that my •e.enely knew tem, anther del i fid to look my former sett and 1 doubt it I b.d been sway and r.. Mimed, 1f my friee& would have knows old strongly . swam to give Toor temdiaie.s . tri.L It mothd like1Bs& M my e.... 1l Toms. SA. Mugu M.uaceei. • UNICIPAL NOTICE - TOWN- SHIP OF STANLEY. Notice is hereby given t- bet the Municipal Couaclt of the Township of Sealey. in the County of Huron. tailed to pea a bylaw authorizing the ale of the reed allowance between lots No 4 and 5. Lake Road West. in the mod Township of Stanley. Parties in- terested are requested to t notice sad govern themselves sccordl J Byorder of m;� UEO. 9 AWAT.Nth, MIL � . LUMBER FOR SALE. Pae Lumber. Scantling. Plana. et 910 per thousand. Hemlock Lumber.Sceetling. Plank. at 10 ' Pine Shingles, tad deoft1 00 per peas." lm " .... 2 m Cedar " End " . 125 " " " •' 1st " sees 190 • • " SraseYMe t.dneYI..s fee 0aa.INtesa. Surface Plaaleg. s 1 50 per thousand. Placed Lumber.... . 12. Whits Ash. Halewood end Birch eut to order. OL JOSEPH KIDD. ,(L'SIC LESSONS. -MISS AGGIE . 1 THOMSON is prepared to giro music lemons on the piano or organ. For partt- enlar. inqu're at Geo. W. Thomson'. Made Store. 11.tf. THE HURON HOTEL, Th1s sad enlarged during popular he hem s. also and i. now second a none In quality Reason. ac- commodation of for the travelling pnblie. Good accommodation for mossiest guess. WM. CRAiG. Maar. Goderlch, Ost. Proprietor CUT THIS OUT AND PUT IT ON PIANO. PIANO TUNING. Erdal &trestles new to reborn ng sad settee regulating. Redwood rates far yus,Iy teeing. Orders left at Organ Factory, at my reel- desee, West -m.. or at 0. W. Thomas'. Piano Wareroo.ae wtp reoelye prompt attention. All wank guaranteed. =My. L , I. . Amusements. GODERICH MECHANICS' I usl i LIBRARY AND READIH emr. of Lot Meet ad Sersere tet Open hem 1 to • p,a. sad ham r t• $ p,. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 11r LIBRARY Le diap Deal", Weekly mild Rliotreded Papers, Molosoles, dam. , tot Pilo 11100111/WHIP TICKET. ONLY foss pastae[ hose nes N Latrrary sad Be ono • 1.reter membership raesl•od >r T. vWEATII LD, ORO. WTiVE7IP, IlseretNy YeMMIr. lloreh Ify ML GOOD WORN IS DONE AT SIGNAL FINE PRINTING PAPERS AT SIGNAL 1ENNING $TATIONERT AT SIGNAL 4 IF COLBORNE BROS. AMERICAN Cat( TITMY, I9a. wertl t>L geed patterer and fast mama l IY11W LOT O]•' FLANN ELETTE S---Cheap- 10 :a 16 Y.. Colored Dress Mueline, SOIL 5 LIGHT PRINTS, 1..,I0812 TSJ.N Wholesale Prices. A Job Lot of Dress Goods, Regardless of Cost. Our stock is large and complete in all lines. air -We buy Butter, Rue, and Wool, and pay the highest market price. �r= I 1 I mer COL Tor Sale or to Let. FARM TO RELIT. -TO A GOOD Harmer. for • Will et Jean, the west bolt tat 1. 3os. 4, L D.. T.wsWp of Aebbeld. Co. Hums. Ose hasdred eater, ser- est, acres cleared. liaison a timber suitable fx era- acrd seciessd. *10.4.... of water foe stook sed household yerpws. the premien are • large aeebard hearts, fruit. tea saes NU wheat. tee4Mo meadow Mod. geed frame dwelling hoose, tars sad stsbt.. Pes•sa.les for cultivation this hill. Bauman stud hawse win be Improved to suit memo Address T. A. J. TI SIGNAL OFCL 1►a OMsrich. POR SALE. -A BARGAIN. -TO 1' chose ep ea elate. Honer and grennee corner Klein and Wellington street& Terme Pas •t present occupied ► k Red- ing. IL N. LEWIS. Qat Solicitors for Executors. TWO HOUSES TO RENTON STAN- LEY -ST. -One block from the Ileser•. Rasa tares and four dollar per math. MRS. F. SMEETH, FARM FOR SALL The,1 will other for sale the fol - leeriest very dsirable hits, consisting of the easterly 130 scree of Block '11," in the 7th oa• on cessiof the Township of Colborne. in the County of Hawes. This farm is situat- ed 44 miles from Ooderich, and le miles from Carlow. cn the Main Gravel Road. There J. a good frame bouse, 14 - movers. almost sew. M b 31 ooetatata rooms • large barn. m by g U. with rattle shed. 42 ter 1t. attached. lied one of the finest orchards is the toweabip• It 1. watered by • never -liaise Npelag creek end • rood well About 118 acne cleared sad freshets stem's. There is its wens land of se kind a the piece Good salol ther wi19 rods of the seom WUI be sold a reeso.sble tenet. Toe terms sed further ppar�ttiieeslars appy te JNO. BRECKENRIDGE. pp��•prrt�star. ttodericb. er ` JOSEPH McKKOoa the premises. FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK IT. -About two mantes walk from the Square. Two stories bigh, brick addition is the tear Mm 1 arts high. butldlsg covered will stat.. .in building has 3 large rooms es firm Alt. a there are 5 large room& la the rear itlon there are kitchen. pantry. washroom. Uppttsire, [tarts room and bathroom. Ales good cellar. Apply to the usdenigoad. who will give all aeesseary laform•tlos. Rif. DANIEL GORDON. FOR SALE. West half of IN TRl. Arthur Street. with small brick cottage thereon. Buttntso Lots. -11111, 191. 2N. 246. Elgin Street, St. Andrews Waw]. 1f1 em nor of Herat sad Britannia Road. Fame li story homeoe Keays Street. let and half laud. Several lets in Reed's Survey. opposite new Show Grounds. v1*.: No. 22, f1. M. M. 31, 54. 101, et. eL AU the above at LOW RATES. Andy te Mit DAVISON a JOHNSTON SALE Legal Sales. VALUABLE TARP ♦ND CHATTELS. The adminietratrts of the estate of DOM ileW'hinner, tat• of the Township of Ash- Setd, la the Comity et Hero., yeoman, as massed. will on THI'RSDA Y, AUGUST ?RiA, 1R91), At 2 a'eloek to the afternoon. ea th.e lands and Fhes hereinafter described, otter for sale pabtic suction. by John Knox, Aucttoaeer, following ralnable farm land, rig . The Nast half of the Kaat half of l.ot number la Ma, 10 the first thonmession, F,sstern DIvlMos of the mid Township of Aoaeld, comWaing fifty acres, more or less The whole of said land is cleared and fit fee cult! vet toe. The bundler% coatis, of a frame horse one atony high, with kitchen and good cellar, • frame ban. driving shed. stables. open shed and hen hove. Then is also as orchard of good bearing trees. The fences are etsa4Rht rail and wire a od condition, The .MN 1s welt, watered by • n ever failing cresk- The sail le part slay tam and partly sandy lam. Sold Nod is situated ca the be.adary Ilse between **MUM and (blberss, I of • mile from the Nile. 3 miles from Dopram., and t slim from Oodert.h. TERMS OF BALL Tes per emit. comb and the balance within 10 days- The cash payment of ten per meat- to be mid u the time of .ale to the V esdor or her Rolle iter, and the bslanee to be _paid by the pnreha.sr Into the comedian eet of ('ommerre to the joint credit of the Adelina& tratri: and John Hoekl., the o4bl.1 guard- The mid land twat be offered Mr mien to a swerved bed fixed the e4Soial `cardia., There w111 aloe be o for ea Ile.+ at the amrtlme and place, the followieg chattels sae grey bereft one fanning mill, nearly sew, one pair Iry barrows. one churn. Barrie pat- ent, one pair of bob -sleighs, In good order, lot wlthoet bat, Terms of .3.. cash. The other tarsus and mosdltione of ale wi11 he dssltar to the shuttle, eometioss et mil er tie High omen to Justice. Further parttrvlue may he had oa •pp�pII1- Cation to Sarah Jane McW5ianev. admialr tram:. John Hoskla, Esq-, Tomato the A oetioaar, and the Dated at Omierleh W5a~7 jd of At;mL A. D. 1811. S►lE OAawb°.: MI`t"'J JOHN [NO; ORNERAL AU TIMMER sad ones Traveler, Gette Out. Haying had eo5etderable ei5.riet.e• BORNE BROS.A1L 111 travelling IAuibet.. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Traiasanive and depart et Ooderlcl ea lows : Aarhus Mall ]fall sad Ka*~ .................... LOD Res, mixed.................................11 IS a o ]land....... -. .......................1.0055" Mail nod d4i ............":..... Lai p.m m Loans anb insurance. EN. LEWIS. Barrister, Praetor is . Maritime Court • Monleas er nt. M M pce. private fur..11Kew a s. St krso, Mr'eat yearly. Clete very particulars call pereosalb or writ•. fl F J. T. NAFTEL, LIF,, TIRE AND ACCIDENT I1p. SCRA NCS AGENT, orth Brew It Mereantlis Liverpool. Londe i Globe • Norwich Cain. North Americas Life; end Aodd.nt 1...,. &a..01 North Atttaics. Mosey to Lowest Rate'. Leaconveyancing ses settled Harm sad Tows Property vented. etc Otero Car. Nerth et gait Mom , Ooderkh. 4500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON Elms.r a: CALL/ION lad rich. the ' f0NEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 amount of Private Foods ter lavamaas at lowest ranee es •tat-cles.11atpR.a ♦ t•GARROW k PROUDFOOT R. RADCLIFFE, UYNERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE nip MONEY LOANING AGENT OnyI Jtr►efd a t 5S, .,safes d!< Katy a Lead a omen los sit the lowest rate of 'merest going. la • e war t• sett the serrower. West Street 0.deriefs. doer Ewa liottar• Legal. JOUS DAVISON, BARRISTE) • lead. On over Phi. -lira. Goduriob. Kitt C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, MoeF• solIebtgr Notary Pottle, e t a Moe -Over Jordan*, ln'.g Store, the rely formerly oocapted by Jia a IMylo. !!! R. C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, to Zit h, over telegrph aaoo. Pri� vat. tnods to lend at ® per cent. 21s► m oorser d Square •ad Wss GARROW & PROLTDFOOT, BAR RItTTKRE Anteroom 00lett•rs, Ood rich J. T. Oarrew, W. Protdfoot. 11 ('IAMERON, HALT t CAMER9N, V3oderich. Barrist]Mol Benetton Its Chamerr7�alt. de_ O. Cameros. C C. Roos ceaseres.Q C.: P175 34. Societies. I ti&f l MS OP 741�f•,. !4••••4-o :ses .116... .16a ego 1 4S,► e . *' •t:V-.(th:i i.. ,-s r' . - .• _} u ,,• • sees • L rREKA COUNCIL, NO 103, G(r L ERICH.-Miners' nesting am Tuesday w hen. wcaliase W 7:7. a Tampama.o mgt. U b administrator's Notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF TEE LAT1 DAVID Mc HINNIY. The creditors of the lata Met" 114W51. nay. late of the Towson, et Anallited. in t4 County of Heronyeoman. who mod at 1M Tows of Fat Ort he tee Stns at Mk►1 gra, on the 5th day of March. A.D. 181u ar hereby notified to and by pox.se o before the 1145 day of septannber 5Ato tb Sarah i&ne uMcWhinn.y,ch Padsb.5rtorl b the estate of the art ilevid McWbinaep their chri.tlaa and sornamea, addressee u deserlpthns, the full nnrticnisws of the1 claims. • m&temeet of their encomia, and it suture of the neuritic* tit too) halt by twin .ad that Imaedlavly after the mid loth a of Reletembrr next the ase ss of the let David McWhlnsey will be distributed sore the parties.otitled Uher.to. hails, ref" only te the claims of w51ch ,,once shell hs, hese furnished. And the sdmlohtrstrti w w be reseneelble few the oasts er any pe theme( to any woos et . shall net hare been melee! w •.tl time of soot eistrihnies. Dated the I ltk day of aAsg�A, 3E °ARROW II Shc0es,fatiotafatr u ri .actloneering. • 3 kat. Ilea RHAIfI'1WOW • SHANNON, r Ammonite. t g aol O.d� fah qr. woe sok hessetioneering trade. be Is lea pawl.. beharere with thorough .thfaotlee .tl n Melons estrurted to him. Order*. )en aro leo nierteh r. OI• or ant enrermllyet�tesaM pi M. Jt" [xo]t Omen, Asetleaow. tw SOON ENVELOPES AT DIE SIGH r7,