HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-8-22, Page 3DOMINION NEWS NoT,ES. A rIPAK IN THE NEW ANTICOSTI GABLE. One .f the Workman Oneght, Messrs Un-, der sad anal, IJ.r.L--A T��arw�/,�e�e - Meissen Ab4.aM Mer CIM "� Mar.tUMs Orphism Aa,Isw. Quasar. Aug. 1a -The t tbwieg wee calved today from F. II. Gbborne. Imedeed oe Me I morel trio,: lieern. Aug. 1e.-,Juteph Kaodunald, otse molt , , moble mean was comet by the cable while papal out from the tank and wee drawn under. His chest was crushed sad one tug badly broke.. Although the brake wee iri.lastly applied the cable parted mile. from AntiaNti. Itacdoeski was Madel lore. lir. HsnUlls, wC0 is attending lido, ie hopeful of his recovery. The New - &id returned W Antwan& to mambas um - section. • ABDUCTION AT HAMILTON. • A Tomato Wemaa'e lean to Oats Poe - woolen et Mme Choke. HAMILTO$, Aug. le. -This enemata a woman went W the orphea when in Park - d irest and •eked to ass • child. It was taken Isco • roma W her, sad while the u.u's book wee turned Go women put the child out of tis window, jumped uut alter it and ran away with it. Her scow is supposed to be lira Jeffrey, and she is newton! to be the s ndbswot the child, wbk b . J years uhf. lira Jeffrey kris la Torero. Itemca 8w$ysie was cheesed at the YuHce Cuart etia furMwun with kicking hr woe's bead to • pulp awl striking her with a ham- mer. This w uuru, whet turned nut to be a Mrs. Cans and nut the primer's wits, de- clared that she received her Injuries by Wi- lzig from • ladder, but Senses was meat to the Central Prism fur three months. Thee is a fair prospect that Percy Kerr, wbo was so badly injured by the breaking of a sesambost fender et Wil.i.or, will recover. A caveat was filed with the county clerk today by Osier, Tested, Harrison S Ms &aye, asking that no probate be untied In respect et a will of the late Judge Mile O'Reilly, made in Marsh lest, and alleging that the said will was not executed by bun or was executed by him under the pressure of undue infl•rrsoe or Mule W was of meowed mind. THE ANGLICAN CONFERENCE. r.rp.aed Basta of (:esaeltdatl.n of its t't.ret 1a Amis► Rena Attaeefoa. Wteatrt°, Aug. IS.-Tlee ec rf.rc. et Atlglkaa delegates from the provincial synods and dioceses of the Doasiaioa adopted a tepees , the co.mohdattoa of the Chord d Risked in British North America This 1. the propomed bask et oos- federatioa: Thus shall be a geared eysoi: consisting cd the bishops of the Church of Ragland in the Dominica of Canada and the diocese of Newfoundland, and of the delegates chosen from the clergy sad the laity. Delegates shall be ehoe.a by the several diocesan woods according to each rules as they may adopt. or 1n • diocese which bas no eysude& organisation they may be .pprt4.ted by the op. The eyemooed call mast for the ynTomatois Tomato es thmooed Wednesday in ber, Itis., and shall be oosvw.d by the metropolitan saior bishop by coa .cre- tion. The synod 'shall comfit of two homes. bishop constituting the appsr and the clergy and laity tugetber the lower boom Tb. hours shall mit separately, excepting at any time by unanimous coati it a both house. The preddeot of the general synod. who .hall be styled the primate, shall be elected by the burse of bishops from arming t►s metropoli- tans. The primate shall bold oAdoe for fits. so long as be is bhibop d any diocese, but y resign at any tem The gas rel synod nil have power to deal with all matters efectitig any of the rot r.K. and the well- being of the church within its jurisdl•tfon. provided that no canons or resolutions of a ewsreive character, or including penalties or disabilities, •ball be operative in any eccle- siastical provisos or dimities until accepted by the synod id much provisos or Wooer TM following or such like objects may be smgKsetedas properly Doming within the juris- diction of the general symed: Ili Matters of doctrine, worship and discipline ; r2 all Its the ,lar Tying on of church work : 4S1 misiosary and educational work of the church: i4t adjursaset of relation* les- Hewn sHewen diocese In respect to widow, and or- phans at clergy and . don tunes: flit regulations et the , . of cicely from ow diocese to another; di education and training et caret/deem for holy orders. (7) conititntka and Lowers of an appellate tribunal; tB stuefion, division or rearrange - trent of pas p nodosa But the erection, divides or i. „ . of dioceses and the appointment and .. . .1 bishops within a province shall bs dealt Is itb by the g ood of that diocese. COULDN'T ENJOY HIMSELF. • Dor Mnsuberes.a of Wi.dame Tee& the La.dasam Route. Wetmore. Auz. 19 -Elijah J. Zimmer- man. • barber employed at the Davenport •Hotel, committed euiclde this morning. by taking a 4oenee dos of laudanum. Dr. Crulokehsnks w.. called but could not save the man's life. He was • mingle man and ass rel.tive. in 9pringfidd, O. On the Andy was found an insurance policy for Elmo and 171.50 In sorry. Written on a sheet of paper was the following: "i am tired of life audio enjoy myself imams impossible- Atilab.. ]teat.'- Te.tsd Near Highgate. • Slairtowlr, Aug. lg.-Another great and km been unearthed in the Ma.odas oountry. Tie discovery wee male by Charlie Holman while digging • ditch on the far of Jobe Wade. Lot tl, e000feadoa 7, township of Orford. About 4N feel below the surface is quickiesd be found a tea larger thea that of the m•nlodna ou Mr. Reycraft's plane. The task le deri.ying. and has been buried by Mr. Wale to keep it from hate notion of the ale, but a pimre which Codd be got at, and by no insane the largest , wee found to stretch ties tape Ham a font aril s half amend It. The largest boo es yet unearthed 1. • shoulder Mask it meyuree 2fig9S MOBIle � Maw so yet found asrYts of rib• tom bei, eOym m, vertebras, klg bona idd tisk Meted wields • radium of three fee. No further ed - Menthols have yet ben mads, bat there r e erily a doubt that all nr nearly all d est wmeoreme hole. on ear he got A gtras4.d Mart Wawa, A.E. 11. -The bdy of • dark test Wavle Mimi eille aha ea the Market ROW am Over UN Lw y.rl.el11' - GEMS OF THOUGHT. The life of a treewaa oauuiot be • lite ul were pleasure, it west be shove all ikinne • Ida of dety. The one who wit! be fosud in trial capable of great seta of lure Is sneer the nae who is always dues' eosaiderate e mail ease. The foolish and wicked presets, of prelane minim and swaerisi is a rim if Haan and low • that every poems el N es and oke ester detente sad derma l.. M. Industry ie emeatially social No man tore iwptuvt either himself or his oeigh- bur without neighborly help ; sod to better the world is to set the world to w ork Whet her. No man as say whether he is rich or pour by tureiog to his ledger. It to the heart that 'mikes the wan rich. He is rich or poor according to what be is, net according to chat her bee Libor is life ; sueoseeful labor is lifts and gladness ; and summed el labor with h igh aims mud jilt objects brings the fullest. truest, and happiest life that can be lived upon the earth. WESTERN FAIR_ The Heat et Caa.dleu Fairs, LONDON, ONTARIO. SEPT. 18th to 27th, 1890. LARGE INCREASE iN. PRIERS. Machinery in Motion in Main Building, Menefee:urian goods la view of pwb bc. Best speed programme ever offered. Grand and attract ire SPk('IAL KXHIBIT of the South- ern Mats cuttoe. 4. rise. peanuts and wild nuts each es they grow In the death: car- pets made from the Waves of the pine sad other woods or the !loath. Products of the turpentine mills of Georgia. Minerals. herbs. planta, barks. kc. *c.. and • lire allis•tor of I. lerida Famoea Wild West $bow. Halloos Rants & I'aacbute Descents Fireworks. Hand., etc. Far prime ILK and information address roe card to CAPT. A.W. PORTis TI108. A. HROWE, 1'rasileat, Secretary. The People's Annual Holiday CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR £'`°AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 2?. 18P0. Beke4 Ries with Chosen -Oise pint of buried rime. half a »pial d tooted cheese, placed w alternate layers u • buttered e•rtbea disk. Spread powdered cracker over the top with bite of butter, sod over the whole pear rte mg well beaten, one espf.l of intik. one salt• •ptoefal oI dry meetard, half a teaspoon- ful of salt and a shake of osysen• pepper, thoroughly be•wa tngetker. Bake ttreat7 a te• in quick oven and arena TM, hob d Brlat._N J VIE. at the ad-I.eabllebsd Toe swims perms of • is the one host likely to be in the wrong. r® PURITY. STRENGTH. SUMMER SHOES PUBLIC NOTICE ENDLESS VARIETY TILE CELEBRATED Ram Lal's UaetutdMd Her gaiety and Richness or IlIfllSi011. ler sale at ROBERTSON'S GROCERY ! Corner Momtreal-K, mad Square. FLAVOR. FRAGRANCE. .COMFORTABLE HOMES ! mean clteerfu! homes. SANITARY PLUMBING ANDHEATING, b what SAUNDERS&SON profess to bs experts la. ileal be deceived by outsider. You say TORONTO by con.ulttng Saunders & Son. Sept. 8th to 20th -1890 SAVE MONEY The best and lamest Exhibition in the Domin- ion of Canada and ateaded snnuady by oyer 250,000 VMS ITORB- THE GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT OF THE 1 -EAR. $50.000 FOB PEES end educational, instructive and enjoyable s ?Re IAL FEATURES. The mowed and Bata Altemellees etlmts- able. tirnai tateraaIloaal Beg thew, ere. ' MUTER IMO GREATEN TIME EIEM. Me beat tease 1. *wet she IreUwpella et enlarge, Cheap Excurs ons and low rates on all Railways. etc. t ables psIUtety rinse Amps, 1Nt. For ale information. .'.ropa post card to .1. J. WITHHow , H. J. HILL. Pre.:cent Massager. Toronto WHY EVERY FARMER should get one of Armstrong's Improved - P•T'u.- GRAIN k SEED CLEANERS? BECAUSE 1st -71 allows no fool seed• to be blown Into the AMC which is of great importance to every farmer who wisps to keep iris term clan. 1..d. -It saves and clean§ all Timothy seed from any kind of grain abide cleaning the grin. *rd.- For Market cleaning it remorse Cockle. Chet. .•d .hriinken grain. and give* the farmer the nimbi uogsible weight for bis grain with no anneceseary tet.- it will sample grain for .how and seed purposes a itul to band pickiest. Mb.-C'knning seed Wheat It removes all Cookie, Mustard seed, Wild Pews. Wild Fiat and other foal and shrunken and broken grain• aa^ gives the farmer pure, clean. sed grain. ma. -It a01 clean Oats, Barley. Sc.. thor- oughly without .nate of grain. Tab --Chemise Pease : It will separate the sand. quartered, Dairen. Oats and whole Peas trona each other. carrying each to a dtffere.t osmepartme.t. sly. -It Is a perfect Clover seed )laehine. re- moving all dn.t. broken and dead •gds and other fa oda, larger Of smaller this• the ('loner seeet OWL it Isis Ana class Gras seed Machine. blows no seeds away, tett. -It is • good Flax weed Machine. rets. 1t t. • Met ole , MRer. tvfb. Item be !Med late the oldest fashioned Fanning 111111 that M laid aside as useless and make 11 do the work of a new Mill. t:Mb. it o•a be attaebad to a new Mill with- out Miming 1t. anti can he removed at as) elms as sadly as a three combined. it dose not Interfere with 'he use of the re- e dier sieves of the MOL MM.- Its sieves an *early ail perforated Oar. ugh. it has a eapaetty of sixty bushels of grain per hoer. • 1Mb. U M s ebeap as the ordinary Fanning Mill .1.s ea 17th. -Every Machine b GuAR•Irrmrp. Mad your order at ono* if yen want 11 thin semen. If you have set seen • Machine ash te have on* *rat for Iaspectk a. and that yo. take it o• condition It wits. in efrderin4 by mail ...td Malde w1Atb .f . hoe of Fanning alt. ARK[STBONG BROS., *� Q'oderioh, Ont. The latest !Sanitary methods of Trapping and Ventilation, Heating by WARM AIR, STEAM, HOT WATER. PRICES LOW for sod work. or T,; 7. E. DOWNING. I act not rongwed one Make or viyIsjbwt can $.re you Jour choice of the Another Targe consignment [of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. Best Productions REES PRICE (Sri SON. In footwear from all the Leading Manufacturers in the Dominion Prices lower than at any other utore!in the Dermalon fort lie same clans of Clouds. Ordered Work equal to ibis best la Ca oda. NO SLOP WORE EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. and ReRight. ng done Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Go.erich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR HILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. W1 HATE ON HAND FOIL SALE : IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. Promptly We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers p y which are equal to the best. .five th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. DOWNING, Car. Ea.t.K. and Square, Godexich. INUIT II Me etSat I . rS . EY AYS WPM -15~epee1 a she m r k& es e.w.a.A..so ant .._. Amer. s•+ w .el._nes. mor■ rser m .ate t - _ es a • apil ow nae mea _r ..sots .aa moo oile t .Maisano An ren hese r Mr Mast Ss show sur oasis r w tubo. raw te.eeN.a. ata s� s+ M- _iir5. .t a..a......... asw'ret ....e ao mel.. nags► if. sea•wi•f see saws ry •press'• ar is mama w We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. R]d:PbIR.B ZND Odi3TINOFEI OF .&L.L gIND8. GE O_ BARRY" T e r rafture Dealer, is selling all Ueda el furniture at the lowest possible prima. It b a wsllsknowa fact that he S=7. -42 -IS C �. .sew i.. sore. t•e• •.r ,r esu n t.. sena 4..4I.....1.„ for caab. He limbo the leading Undertaker of the town. F.whslmisg Fluid always kept on mama sag* rwMrr.w.wwarw.►..r«►.. band. Heals wakensepeiaty of Picture ',rammer. Give him a can before pureha.iag ma a ane Ba..�ate.aw rt..et,elea+.er... Furniture elsewhere. and you will find out that he. does as he says -sells cheap s .atwil_e. lwiw .sur Nee_ oma}�W Ar aWea.-( nave.. m. IALUITr • W.. gas aha remt+ae ash PLANING MILL ESTAMl1SMEO los. WILL CUfiE OR REUEVE SIL/OUSNE:S. D."ZINESS. DYSFEFS'.4. D^OPS Y, fLUTTERINO OF THE HEART, ACIDiTT OF YNE 6 TOXIC*, DR' NESS NDICESTWM. JAtiR'DICE. fRYSIPELA SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OF THE SK/14 And ew.y.peeles of dhows, erten *vas dlserWre.d LIVET, Kit.fere. aTOatwoI� BOWELS oe 81.000. Y. ■ILBURN d ce. Pewpeale.r » GRAND PLEASURE EICURSIONS ! Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Pt. Hur- on, Goderich, Sand Beach, Tawas, Bay City, Saginaw and intermediate points. The Fast Steamer LORA, WILLIAM ROACH Master, leans Ooderlch as follows: EAR? .or'wn. $ P. M. weer .iwilb, tittle. litre V. July Alleles, Aug. t. IL 15, 1a. sept. 7. L►. FARE: (tederlob to Ynffalo erten tatty Mtl.tle, blettbditilt berth sad toeulr Seised Trll, esti SISAL FM further Iseennatloa seri ion JelyI,II, N.• Aug. 1. 11. flli;l•. Sept. 1. 11. 0. WK. LEF, Agent, Godericb, Ont. SASH, DOOR apd BLIND Dealer In .11 kiwis of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's materiel of every description. School Furniture a Specially FOR CA�ri_ in thanking one and all for their past patronage he hopes to receive a continu mss& the same. 43-E0. BARRY, Hamilton -®t. NEW ARRIVAL „ Prescription Drug Store. AND NEW GOODS 1 ZEN GOODS LATEST STYLES. _ Remnants to be Cleared Oat. Perfect Pita sed Showy Shapes. HIRSTS PAIN EXTERMI NATOR WILL POSITIVELY CURE CRAMPS, NIS II TRE ST1111CN Bowel Complaints, Diarrhoea -Alt A[.: SUMMER COMPLAINTS KEEP A BOTTLE IPI THE HOUSE. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. \VATER SERYICES! put In with • Lead, Galvanised Iron 1 nr web J DS ti rrr•.` Black Iron Pipe, Adjustable Brass Connections. H. DUNLOP Br- The West -.L Tailor The LATEST And SST -armor • filed",:: ,dt STYLE AND VARIETY SPRING • a�. ISMt A HYDRANTS OF VARIOUS PATTIRN*. Home eprteklera. Mho, Rinks. Rr.ckMs. and ail the attacheneeta st redwood pricer. R'arenoorru near Victoria Mt root I '11 vim h ueft . V BER. WEDDING STATIONERY AT SIGNAL ifie THE TOAON W HOUSE, Liquid Rennet. Cream of Witch Hazel, Recamier Freckle Lotion. White Heliotrope, Wood Vio- let and White Rose Perf11me, 25cts. per oz. w MIT.Z ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, ' VAL. ire.. at THE SIGNAL PINT1flO OFFICE. w.wawate r di* *AM hr.MgMe wa..u,a Mow. onus sou Swam Mena new w. ever a sus. sunw nes mens, mem .r -.we r sura w we.�aM „ITom w:Aaemelt eft esa M Ree. All A... yea =41.;"=.' - - ...4es - .1...1.. -,. r ..a e w r•.-ert.?.e . ..a.irt.w5r .sr.r.se arrwswor..mos ata iso..._ w. mer so •M- sere ,Ii �_ Q.T„zi a lllaok !is &