HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-8-22, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. 22, 1890. ♦. he suss--hm teaditiow this me .keg was ♦ These Veer OM meth batMr the. I 0.a expestmd. "A • hole child shall lead them" steam tree sloth, Kew* shsr daylight some *se toss more than • bald taterpretatiU. world TOM. • plucky we of Jobs Godfrey's. the Diss ball, and when I e/wed the •dolt- A little child, fur example, led _ the rode with me on the aegis* to Q-- dost 1 knew bi4isetiwdy that the mm s usrtd d people the offer dal tato goo Sher the wrest that sight, and I tall jos Mow' see wee Jew mitt.. Wigg out of thet •ppr.beasive, beware - she's tree grk. He dap �Mw the oise. WWM -. his of -pickpockets look and stilted' which !las. is one frilly en my root. OW 1 didn't wont to take bit with tee M nam*, and asked if his daughter was in we asealete with street-oer p•0sssges, gives . more trouble than all the others first, '(muse I was ahead she'd make the base. I told him that she was,and he A bey of three years 'stared the Mar pet together. NM that they ever sees- trouble W delay 'se. bat the didn't. requested use to send her to high What- with the 'harlot 'squit7, "ma you Oen of see or me to walk to the She wears opined her d hoafter she ever his (.shop to me am were he did Doi ROOM whim I've been 1 I've been to tea r t*d op of a ben i •tor4... has 1 met Iia into the ash, hot 'asst Mean to the show tem. leen the most stolid paas*vs.ar I west to Mies Godfrey sad informed •p and smiled The prattler kept on loo her that her father was waiting to see with his remarks about bis experience in hes. She trembled for as instant, and high We, sad this est everybody to thee dosed her lite over her him little talking. As he lett the car he Novo the mouth sad west to him without a word. 000epaets a (Brothel nod sad mid, I bad placed her arm in a sling, and the '"Good afernoon, friends '" This city pis sad emotion she bad lately under -of three had toss in a taw goes hlett their marks n her fens. minute* converted a silent and mutealIy I was .its that the eight at her world suspicious company tato s grotty that move her tether to pity. looked as d his were a jolly pia ate, sed What took pleos daring the interview every ma a brother -for this oo(a.- 1 did not learn. It laMed for over an ids-Cbrietti.. Union. hour, and them I was called. I was not ensu remisetarsen we+sr 1 for the ammo that met m7 gen. Nees was holding her fatber's flet out your meswriog and weights* band, and Mr tiodlrey's eyes showed apparatuses and see if your height and that he had been shedding team. Neon • weight agree. The tullowi.* are the Corned to me with a happy smile. correct 6geres : Men -five feat me hob "Father has forgiven as," she said,- should be 190 pounds ; five feet two inches should be 126; Eve fest three F loch.•, 134; five feet fear inches, 136; Eve feet Eve inches, 142; five feex s llridera aloch«, 14b; five feet seven niches, 148; There i• nothing more attractive to •11 five feet shin inches, lbs; Gia feet nine eel-bal.eo*d, healthy-sioded pereow inches, 1622; live feet tee inches than • beautiful child. There mast be 169; live feet eleven inches, 174; six feet, something radially wrong in Ilse demo- ,178. Womgo-6ve foot sboald be 100 sition of the grown person who dislikes poosds ; five feet one inch, 106; 6.e feet the presence of all children. Why ie it two roohes, 113; five fe.t thres lodes, that heads of families . ' the 119: 6„ fest lour wawa, 130; 6ve foot greatest difficulty in satinet boarding 6„ iiobe., 138; 6.e Net els taches, 144; pl.oes or apartments, or eves in renting five feet seven theses, 150; five feet eight hooses, if there are children io the tame- inches, 1115; five feet nine inches, 163: 17 i This is sti ineuoveoienw 00" 1 ' five fest ten loch.., 169; live feet eleven . d especially in Amertea ; inches, 176; six feet, 180. whence it is to be supposed that a great - many American children are for some mteard'. Unlearnt tsrsale ',errehere, 'lemon allowed by their parents to be- come nuisances or they would not be on wtames my rate*. PaM. iversally treated se such. It is curious One of these pees will kill ssom elks to note how much attionion well-behaved every day tors month than can be caught children receive even from those who epon • large sheet of sticky paper. A declare frankly that they do not like lac packet of Wilson'* Fly Poison Pads children, under, no doubt, the ispres- will kat a .bol. season. Sold by all Won that it is sumse for children to druggists. is scream io public. best drums and gene- rally oonduct themselves ofleosively. A lady who had recently recovered from nervous prostration and who was enter- tained daring her travels borne by a two- year-old child who had been given a tea - bell to amine himself with, could cer- tainly- be excused if she bad said at the end to that journey "I detest children." During every waking moment of that two -days' journey that boy jangled that bell, till she sod every oar else in the drawing -room ear were nearly insane with the noise. It is not strange that landlords who have had their cabinet - finished homes hacked up with jack- knifes, mule driven in windowsills end other iojnriee done to their property w hich it will take several hundred dol- lars to repair, shoold object to the em- eoce of children se tenants. Any pr - w.", whether grown or •.6414, who ut- terly ignores the rights of others is liable to suffer. In the case of a child it is the parent's fault and the parent is the sel- 1 fere as well as the child, a•4 justly so. The ooy misfortune is that the innocent must suffer with the guilty. Well -be - laved children aro treated as nuisances on the presomptiee that they belong to the majority. Nothing but so improve- ment in the manners of the majority can help the matter. When American moth- ers recognize their duty to respect the rights of every one with whom they some in contact, to keep their children quiet and orderly, exempt in times and phase when and when they have • ngght to n oisy play, children .i11 be no kieRar prohibited ire hotels sod places like fiats and boarding -hooses. The remedy ter the whole evil hes with Amertoan moth- er', for strangely amours in Germany, Frame, England aid other countries them mesa to be no such troeble as we make 'est out. dm's assay bother my head about the people to whom I deliver sail ; there is !something •o .imgslar at»ut this one family, however, that 1 can't help taking particelet •otice of these. They hire in s° elegant stomp hones os Kenya aveoue, and cuosi•tot a middle- ogfad geai:emen, John Godfrey by rime, Ins maid.° sister sad his daughter, a girl of seventeen. Mr Godfrey, who u a wealthy railroad me, has a bard, stens look, and hie Naar doe.° t appear to be any too amiable, but the daughter has fairly won w ay old heart. She is as handsome as a picture and she always had a mails for mayhem she came to the dooe(tba maids, aunt answers m7 ring °owl, mod bow beg face would light op wheel I headed ler . letter addre.id in • round, manly hand to Miss New Gudf Rey, sod post- marked At first, when she and the servants • topQ� arming to the door, I couldn't u.d.estend it, bet I have Arrived .t the ooaclusiuri that the melee aunt always takes the mail in order to prevent Mies Nem from getting her letters. During the time Miss Naw came herself 1 bro.gbt her a letter postmarked C— o(erly every day. Since then 1 have delivered only two fur her, and the maiden soots face has worn such • satisfied look as she took them tb.t I am sore the letters are from some Dies lean Mies Nona le ie lova with, aria her father and aunt are trying to break off the match. I set her oo the street one lay • abort distance front the borne, and abs stopped as though to speak to me She changed her mind, however, and poised oo with • pleasant "Good morning," but 1 nctic.d that ler lips quivered as she spoke. I thick she wanted to mak me something about her letters. Pool girl! I wooer how it 0111 sad 1 IL ran w . 10T's .roti. Las' night 'boat 7 o'clock I had ter takes m suets ap on Kenyon avenue. It was fer Mule Mala Godfrey, an' w'm I rung tb'bell • young lady Domed to et' door. I seed her J cher was • answer an' she tole me to oome in an' she would ase. She then went inter the parlor an' tom open the Enclosers, an'.'en she read it the turned as white as a sheet, an' I tboeght the was goi.' to faint. Jes' them the boss came inter 10' room an' b L aid to her, awful stern : "W'et's the matter! Who's the tele- gram from?" She didn't answer an' be said, "Int me sen it," bot she turned quickr'o • flash an' throw it into the grate we're a fire was benne', ac' it blazed op in • roamed. TO' old gent started for her, lookin' awful mad. Jeh then be reed mean' he axed .hat was I within' fer. I told him th answer. He mid they wasn't non an' fer me to clear out. 1 didn't wait fer him to tell me twice. I'll bet, tboogh, he talked mighty sharp to hit daughter after I'd gone. I sees s good many funny things o•rryin' round messages, but I never sed asythin' like that before. seat. Well, she had to rig os, for the way ala Forty-seven cocked wee • (.O - tion. I tell you, we bower made them tee miles i• the game time before. After we got started I looked shoo M the gal. She wasstarin' straight ahead and it messed sstif we went'. goes' half fast sonogh for her. She was terrible pale and her teeth was set like a brake, but it were t bemuse she was frightessd. She had somelbin' else oe her mind. She jumped trout the cab the easiest we polled into the yard at hurried of across the ttr•cks. 1 heard her tell the enoductur at the wreak soots ow was dyin' and she wasted to get to C— as soon as over she could. IIL T11 TIL1aa&rU Ora unOa's e1Y)is. Sotrething rather out of the common bappeod at our office 'esteeming. The following message was sent from C—: Miss Nana Godfrey, 193 Kenyon Avenue : Come at ones if possible. Will is very low. Da Oro SCHMIDr. The message was delivered to Mise Godfrey, acid about 9 o'clock the lady's father came into the allioe. the clerk having stepped out for • moeaeet, I got u p to wait en hem. Mr Godfrey wanted to know if we bad a eopy of the telegram that mune for his daugbter that evening. I told him that I was sogusinted with the contact•. He then wanted to know if I would tell him what was in it He said stat be was not at home when the menage came; that his daughter hadone out and had left the mge eege for him, but that the grievants had mislaid it. As Mr Godfrey is a well-known citizen replied with his request. The oontepts of the telegrant had ao entirely different effect upon him from what I expected Instead of being surprised or shooiod, it e mend to make him very angry. He recovered himself quickly, however, nod with a mgt "Moab obliged" be walked oat. I wonder who Will is 1 • IV. Tent s aToit. There was one incident connected with the aseWe.t on my train last night that 1 did not give to the reporters. A yoeag lady bearded the train at R whom I r.eognia.d as the dew/Moroi John Godfrey, amp of the stockholders of the road. She had s ticket for 0—, .eld i Botched whoa i . toped M her seat she was pale and agtt.t.i. After the ambient she was one of the het to get (tear of the wreck, and did not appear to he thieved. Lisekily the engine was not Mental, the accident Mew been sassed by the mils spreading islet as the Memo ear pinned eve, timely and I detersiasd to flood ke 0—, fog .ad0hsu► I wee eseselting with the engles•t when ML Oedlesp Washed age es *05- sod eags55S y M he allowed teethe es lbs solo* W It me s wee el life ani death. shovel& f1MnOpeeleill se disbars' M the Omsk* el dab? that I Mill the wi1seer to the bug with laiw eke wasp la tb,sm0 1a en Weasel ..d they "pulled est M elle, se that est et tap penes.. Rms *a 0.01 e.IpOi M O- . heady e. YL rue ... t. t#SSr. A dispatch was resolved from R--, requesting the department to mad w down to the station and arrest • yoga' woman who was on the 10:40 express from the Bret. I was detailed for the work. I waited around the Ostia until near- ly train time, and then beard a rumor that there had been • wreck down the road. I investigated and found that salt was the case ; to fact, the accident had occurred to the very train I was waiting for. I obtained to go on the relief train, sod whim we ar- rived at the scene of the wreck I tem meooed to look around for the young women. As I coed find no one who showered to the description sent, I made inquiries of the conductor and learned that the person 1 was after had gone up to C— oo the engine that brought the news of the accident to the oily. It was after 3 a.m. before I got bask and made my re- port, and they decided not to do any- thing more about the matter until they beard again from R—. The accident was • ooutiy one fur the railroad company, bet a lucky one for the young woman. Had it not occurred she would have spent the night in the station house. vti. THe Decre a nose. For the last three weeks I have been tendiab an old schoolmate of mine. His name is Will Holbrook and he has been very low with brain fever. He was at Dee time quite well off, but lost every- thing by an unlucky speculation, and was forced 10 accept • clerkship with one of the firms with which he had formerly done beanies& A too steady applio•tibn to his duties, 000pled with greet depres- sion of mind, brought on hie illness, which has threateod to terminate fatally more than coos. I noticed just before he gave up how badly he was looking, and one evening when be called at my office he oo.6ded everything to me. The loge of every- thing he passaged was naturally a bevy blow to than but it was nothing in oom- parison to what it had brought with it - the breaking off of his engagement with the wcman be lowed. Ar name was Nene Godfrey, and they had been engaged for about a year. As soon as her father heard of the cbaoge in Will's affairs, he wrote to him giving him to understand that he could no longer regard hint as a future so. -in-law. On learning, however, the Mies God- frel's heart was unchanged toward. him, Will determined not to give her up, sed to make every effort in his power to regain his lost fortune as quickly ae possible. When be was takes sick I had him brought to my boom ; and, during hie delirium, he, would keep asking for Nem ; then he would inesgiw that she was with him, and would implore her not to leave btu. Late yesterday afternoon he become en mach worse, and begged •o piteously for her to Dome to biro that 1 seat Mw Godfrey a telegram, sod about 11 o'clock ie the morning I was in- formed that she was waiting fog me in the r !floe. I wall to her at owls. 80. attempted to ries as I entered the room, bet sank beak ma bee chair as though completely exhausted. I attri- buted this to peet.rbetion, and basteo.d to quiet her fears about WWIL She invited epos geeing him without delay. Will seemed to be eo..ssoew of Mr preemie* the moment she emelt by his bedside and took his head. He beam* more eompoeed and at Igen sank Into a doge, still holding her band. This !seta until midnight, and sten he ed his eyes a.J I mw that be would live. He spoke boo cisme in a whisper, mid treed to raise her head to his lips. 80* made mot ww.d, but gave him a Zook of love and t that be understood M ones, and he closed hie eyes agile as though her mere weseme was all be asked. After he had lost himself, Mies Godfrey looked up et me, and the of my fen told her the glad trink. The suet instant .he bad feinted. i earned her into the djoiniag room and eelled my wife. 8h. same to my .••ie- tanee et osis, end, after .e had worked over Mies Godfrey for a few momenta, she oohed beg eyes and said, with a fait* smile: "I am Mesry to giis yen so mesh Leos- bfe,bet I shish my arm is heel, said thetie what made me him. The Mie em .flash I lett R--- mot with en snidest, .ad i mess that I have ✓ ot weep d Osis f aped „ Om .sloe* . 1' 1 Weed that her left wrist was spvaiais& and the Imam esgidc.sNy braised. Although m8.rhig it*ers pain, the plmnhy Male women hod s...q.d to keep we in y - a mmo of hie WIGAN mold she knew whitlow hew lever .veld kw Olt die. I did ter her that my skill saw ggesl*d, and thea reseed her to take webs twit. A mesh sues *raged See her is the remmdjstsesg walk sdld,allheneb she .hteiaed www .imp -.M was up wow hens ke lens et him end ask how Edward Weitzel. ■$1I eye Feeds Area. Many theories lave been &dva.oed by e ditorial fanners toe the bard time among •*riewlturalista, bet I incline to believe it is a falling off it the we (f W an. I have • pigoe.t little taffy-eolor- ed Jersey Dow on m7 country seat who was a year ago a mental sod physical wreck. 804 suffered from ineumnia, and life seemed to her altogether eolovey. Her only remaining offspring bed beim kidnapped, and was said to have been is the comp -the stook turtle soup. She pined and fretted a good deal, and this peeved upon her vitelity,i.p•tnag aigee- ttm and threatening her with hollow - horn and early death. I got her • large quantity of brae and made a pigment and soothies mash upon her by menus of it. At Ent she would insert bar noes in it up to the top of the lower eyelid, and them, looking far &..y over the purple hills, she would blow this brio mash across the State, and what did not go op the sleeve of my overcoat would .link op the born and fteekle our faintly carriage. Bet after awhile she ane it alseetgreediy ens soon the birds Ong •*aim in her sor- rowing begirt. She forgot her grief, had to mom acidity of etomeeb, 1..bes of beat oe Making, ringing ie the .ars, die Mess or tired feeling, gird bow she it peerteetip well Last (all she ate not only her three els a day, het oleo a marlin tomatoes to my wife, a Mackinac stn. Mt o1 mise, two yards of brocaded nbbon from the .o.t..e of a young lady from Chicago wbo was patting her on the head. foot dollars' north of gladiolus belb., • child's shirt e nd a dish of blase mange, which was •5.bag os the min- water barrel for the philter. Aemsenar r...mOted. Gi,mataw,-I weeseddenly prostrat- ed while et work by a were attack of theism merb... iVe amt w owes for • donee, bet he *Mused •sable to help. Aa ..seaM4ea abo.teumry forty shotes was fast wearing me eel, whoa we gest for a tonal* of Wild iteawbny. which wed my life. Mas J. N. V.a NM'S. 9 Meese Rrydps, Oat, Kies Jamie Gres, Mecham, a deugh- m e of Mr Mark Oray, stepped ea some O ne mad made •e egy web is her few. sai...teb lu i'�IAuP:irNlle On Wedn.d•y night Mr Tipling. Clio- toe,.odertook to break in a cream bro.- cbo, and had what is commonly termed "a picpic." After it was h•r.*esed to a cart, it was led over to the Show Grimed, and so attempt made to delve it, bet it bolted, res op against the fame and went through it, half way ; as the break - 1 was not • emcees, tt was brought how ; in order !to get the ,ter - sem off, the animal had ti be throws : it is said to be so lively with its feet that one cannot approach it in its stall, for it strikes out in every direction, and will bite like • dcg. fit Mee Reim R. emdsir. of Ntnette, Man., writes that she has used Burdock Blood Bitten for loin of appetite and headache with the greatest Mosel sad heartily in. Her ie absurd by thousands. B. K B. is s specific fur headache. 2 THE GOSSIP OF A WEEK. Mr Wilbert Foster, formerly ticket agent st this station, but who for some time ham been employed at Alpine,Texas, on the Southern Paatio R. It, was • visitor to bis old friends this week. Since leaving Clinton M has travelled over pretty much the entire western and northwestern States, and although he likes the climate of some of the sections visited, be much prefers Ontario as • place of residence. If • man bas no other object bot to make motley, he thinks they cam do better in the west than here, bot he claims that the en- tire absence of law in border towns, the son -value of human life, the desregard, to a very large extent, of moral laws, and the *theme of principle usually found in . 1 transactions, has Id him to .owluds that Ontario is by far the best place for any one who values Otos*, and he will take a position in the corniest. - Wal office of the C. P. R. Telegraph at Toronto.- New Era 1e saved the ugh. Orrrtamgu,-I can rea,s.eod Dr Fowler's Estr*at of Wild Strawberry, for it saved my life when I was about six months old. We Bove geed it in our family when required ever sloe., and it never fails to caro all summer cum - plaint.. I as now fourteen years of arc Fannie Wets., D.Iksitb, Oat. S OME INTERESTING CHAT i ER ON CURRENT EVENTS - *rap ReMt• Thre.wheet t menta - ume.» WWW Want Now tllltleae el Beebe!• et w feast -mar !'tele-s.so*. top et inhibition.. Vereetsre and 7.--t.r.. 1la11see wire *peak L.glsaa, A . 0, t writes :-"It is com- puted that M the beginning of the pres- ent °eatery, there was sheat 21,000,000 people who spoke the EagWh tongue. The French speaking people at that time numbered about 31,000,000, sad the Ger- mane exesedd 30,000,000. The Russian imam was spoken by nearly 31,000.000, and the Spanish by more then 96,000,- 000. Errs the Italian 0d three-foorthe as large *cone itaemel as the Rasher • id the Porttages's three -eighth& Of the 162,000,000 people, or tl who are estimated to ha.e been using them stoves hngaesges in the year 1701 the English speakers were Ism then 13 per amt. while the Spanish were 16, the Germans were 18.4. the Reagin. 18 9, .red the Fraseh 19.6. This aggregate population has bow grown to 400,000,- 000, of .hien the gegli.h .peaking peo- ple needier atone Spon 196,000,000. from 13 per esOt, we have advanced to 31 per emelt The Freeth wenchis now e nd by .early 66,000,000 people, the Germain by abaft 70,000,(05, the Spate. kb by 40,000,000, the R.sah.e by 70,- 000,000, the It.Nms by .bmf 13,000,000. The E.g1isb Isemeg* is now weed by n asty !wise as many people as any of the others, and this relative growth is almost sure 6. esenhi... Rsgli.h hes team es its esus, the .hale of the North Ameriese marly the whole d A R Lirtk America, atoms .ill sem hove 100,000,000 of Reg - fish mealtime people, while there act 48,000,000 i. Great Britoil, sod Ireland. Ie Smith Aimee and nodis them also the Inageage is rattly extendi.g.-Lden- A.•R eats, wn.""ti .row amd erre. them le erste belts, them Vister1. Osrb*Ib la MR Toaoarne. Aug 1$.-Thromghost the 000atry the crepe have hem gatiesred is. and basal are pretty well Allot Toe harvest in nosey w ester has beesgewbstd.lsyed, but front report. received it as he safely stated that the yield thaeeghout this year has ben better than the average. Wheat, both tall and spring I. an anneal crop la nearly seer, provisos. Barley is alai 'snorted as being more than the average yields Oats are fairly good. Potatoes, however .0.. t( have seared severely a. In essay parte of ter roe fry they are reported es very math under the average. All root crus areropsrbd as being ody fair. More nese ass tobs seeded in a a.y eectioos for them lentils Wester. o2A Aerie sad other parts an reported as WW1 a toot goy, al- though samples arePei, as,1 am a are entrees while ha) la very heavy. la Manitoba ..orwwo4 crow are reported The yield of wheat :5 . ted to be twenty Millonaof bushel. The yeti la .oats portio.s is sot lm th.. 40 or 30 bushels per arse. The barley and oat crop is also very largo, ..d the amount d h ods b be tareshed the year will be immense. This a very m.ht ctary sews ter us Cana- dian., is view of the bet that the Old World wbest crap is btl.sr the average. Lstest despaaobee from E.jhad Mate that the sat yield is Ore.t Britain M ally 7.1,L4S,001 bushels, •.d the total yield is Europe 9,342.• 000,000 bushel, having en estimated deli ciaaoy a 1,136,000.000 hostels to be draws from Canada the Cadged States ..d else- where. ls- where. With this Nes verified wheat shoed have as upward te.de•cy is price. It is state' that potaeoes aha grin be is gnat he eased, and of gaud price this oondag wieder as aeon alarming reports hen been receive' hem Europe regarding the crop keine? it 1s feared will 0..Mted by . terrible hallos. and the .ane' of 1845-411 and eves of • Mtn date may b. repeated. TM potato cru is regarded as an almost total failure, par tirthrty all through the eartmen .ad wester. district. Math demae was done to.. other day by • big ire wkich destroyed Suitt t Cron Lasater yard in this city. The Moes w•. about MAMA Seo.a *mews wen o partially destroyed. The color ihee neems to be going a lipte too far is Canada. Ter other day Iter. A. W. Jordon. the colored pester of • church le Hanes, • most respectable sod di.ci°- gahhd arian was ordered to take a separate tabu 1a the restaurant attached to the Inter oolmial Railway Station at Amherst. H. was sot allowed to sit et the public table or eat with white folks. dome people mem to think that this is stretching things too far. Mr. Jordan has ratio" a rumpus, aot has mi- tered as anima against its proprietor. Co4Mgwood. Ont, had hr Civic boliday festivities bterrwpted, the begi.ni.g of last west A An bruteout is the old market building. The ..w Toe. H.11 jest oomph ed was totally wrecked It Dort some $21,000 other buiItin;e won also buret Toe Or.fia and M.•atord Are Wipes. who were in the tows on a visit, reordered nimble .s isaace. Friday lest pretested the curious aspect of • day when fasting was rot obligatory upon Catholics. The feast d the Au•.mptbn hon on that day. and the Pope thu don granted a special drpe.satio e. No one fasted A splendid peoceeioa at fist stock. bow oa its way from Manitoba to Weed. Fitt m cors, hooding 300 bird of cattle were shipped lad week and preparations are now gulag as to ship two more Weber of eine and twenty- eight cars. The flrstposd was vdwd at1110,- 00O. Conventions and meetings ban bees is *11 their glory tart wart Tee D.omision Al - !1•.m .ad the R eyal Templar., of Tem - preens met in Maltreat The latter .feet in this city .ext year. Tee oo*.t Akers elected were Dumi..u. Councillor, A. M. Featherston. Montreal; Vice -Councillor, L C. Peaks. Toronto: C�. Ito. J. W. 841, Hamilton; theretery, J. H. Lend, Ha•ailwa� The High Court of Foramen met as Guelph. The •bid oMours elected were: H. C. R., N. E. P.ttrso., (,f. C , Port Perry ; H. V. C. ft, David !!filler, To - rata ;H. deerdary. J. B. Halhet4, Ottawa ; H. Treasurer. T. G. Davy ; High Papeete, (i.o. 11. (!scree, M.D.. Carp : High Coe., It J. Haarm. Tottenham : Monfort, Daniel Rose. Toronto, W. H M'.., Toronto. Th. Greed Lodge of (lddfaltows were in e..- ioa for several drys te this city. Over 300 delegates were present from all parts of the country. The oilcan .!Med were Grand Mader, John'Orini.ta.. (la...o- qus; deputy peed master, P. F. Fitzpatrick HamUton: grease secretary, J. H. King, To- ronto, grand tee•e.rsr, William H.de.aoh, Toronto. s,'H. Robertson, Col. liagwoud :.editor, C. Packers, Stratford. Th. 614aws&.esdo..f the lifted Orange Lodge of British Aware(* meets tfis week le 8t John, N. IL The (!reed Sovereign is N. Clarks Wallace, M. P., sad thednpmty, Myer Clarke, M. P. P., of Tomato. Several other minor ord.H hare been boil- ing Conventions and freed Lodge ..i b., mostly i. Toronto. The mv b i. city ms the chosen city of Cmventioda The moral meeting of Geordies AscnIszi.t. mid Fre.- thinken will be hold hake beet, 13. The Royal toroth.. Yacht b room hay ben last weak were ap'sse .Dose• The great circuit el the Lake Y.chtieg Amorlattee e now going o., and yachts w perUetp.fing trim many ciaes Tee Canadian Rifle I.eage. military match i I ave eases to an god. The result is as follows: 5440 Batt., W !.door 0111, Q 19th Batt, Hamilton !Gird Batt, Mherbroolh • 434 Rett, Bowrmeaville lean. Hablaz (larrieon Artillery Sett Batt, Part Arthur lith Batt., Lindsay team 21th Batt, Fi.s Castle, Ong last Batt, Torawto tr rd Batt, Helen 4.frd Hatt,Ottawa queen's Own R1Ar Toreeto.... .. lush Revd Grenadiers, Teresa (00 Wad Haat, U nhet G. (i. F. (1 . OIM.... !lost Th. Montreal Nam .514 .4 Are the Dane ' eluding match se 8.terday, .. their range was dowel, but they Were all tow fer darts ,e have . ether. of Whig a Maas r Me arts , Mesh The first animal beim sauell.g win be half at °Maws daring the G. R A. week. Mush aamment has ben amen by mess od the est..erdisary soiree asst b b hs.L Warook inpiatally tM test match Met tslh 11nist gl.rgte rewinds et so of a p� L. 7!s ern he tiveoba„ MO •sol , MIW, P- Q. ismm. how; Ig wesfirtul mama Meth awed b WA rbewa lelealHltaj gage lelfe e Mooch TIO (g1► 'e ODDS ANO ENO$. We have pleasure la slMiae that E W Brum bas lues promoted by the Poblis fle►.ol Board of Tomato from the Pria- oipalebip .d the Clinton wren school to • vow sad eon edtm.s btllldtog in taw geese street park, sear ,b. new Pasha. meat belidier'. He writ hare 13 eesist- seta Mr Brim is steadily rising. sod will have the phonate of .offs* B. A. after hie same eu the Dourm of a year. Heideservee to emceed. -Pact. • nawelessies mam.mae. 1 had it very seven •tt•vk of bloody diarrhoea and um pomaded by my daughter to try Dr Fowler's Swam ut Wild Straw berry, .blab I d id with great sitcoms, se lens than two bottles cured me. It is worth its weight in sold. Mr Mato•arT Wuig, 2 Pembroke, Out. • .,r Mr David Hill, now of St.riii.gville, Mich , has been on s cis weeks' visit to bis old friends in Huron, be having for- merly resided in Bullet'. and lett fur hem* oo Tuesday last. He was surprise ad to 6.4 the crops looking so well hate, they Ming further advanced than is the northern prtiuo of Michigan. Mr Him with Ins siz wire, owe owns 680 sone al Rood land sp there,a.d although be likes old Heron well he is sstisl.d with hes ohmage. 10In•rd • Yare.es a tire. Marne. Me. Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and remove worms 'about injury to aegis oe utast. is - 19V1-- J edging b ;he apples Doming i., the rap fruit cis likely to be better jest hero than at first anticipated. Csnteloo throe. are shipping apples to Toronto, and the samples so hr are very good. Mr Jas Steep is authority for t0m statement than he aid Mr Canter's *sped to sesurm about 15,000 basals in the ooamty, be- sides& q•antsty elsewhere. -New Era There is more fon in • sheet of sticky y fiy paper thea in the average negro missend. Watch the kitten playing with it on the hew carpet ; the latter is ruin- ed for ever; 0.. kit:ea goes into s 6t and all the women and children rush out of the house in terror. If you want to rid your house of dies, boy Wiisoi's Fly Poison Pada, and use as directed. Noth- ing else will tiler them out thoroughly. Sold at 10c by all druigets. lm Week before last • couple of Mr John Bean's children, Clinton, were out visiting Mr Came, relatives in Grey. While in • born with their co.•Ie, look- ing at some sheep just purchased, light - Dns( •truck the baro, killing two of the hap, warning Joe Corrie, (their eoS- No), sad doing other damage. Derek, cured. To res Moro& . - Please inform yogi readers that I here a Native remedy for the above named disease. By al timely ten tboo•aoda of hopeless mese have been , ty cured. I shall be glad tc good two bottles of my remedy rico to any of your modem who have coaeomptios if tLey will geed ate their Express sed P.O. addreas. Respectfully, Da T. A. Sween, ly 164 W. Adelaide st-, Toronto, Out. On s"doeed•y .fternon., 6th inst., as Master E. Conte ts, Clinton, was eon- ing home (ruin the 000etry be met with am unpleasant modest. Quigley's bridge. in Hallett, is re pairs, which necessitates driving through the creek. While Master (•stolon was passing through the (reek, the .a**os (truck • etooe, mod upset. He had a load of eggs, sad groceries, de. The sgge were brokee..d the stock i.jured by the water. sus-e-a-e-d�. There be is again, first oil toy noes, tee in my ear, and I dare sot open my mouth for fear he should fly down my throat. Hello, John, jo.t run over to the drug store sod buy a packet of Wil- soo's Fly Poison Pada, I coat stand this thy longer. Prim 10e. Bold by el druggists. 1 m O. the 29th July, Williams Snell, r., did- He hada paralytic strokeou the Friday previous and never remised He was a native of C..rawall. England, and in his yogi**, days followed the dangerous avocation of miming, when, coming to this coun- try, he settled near Pot Hope, after- ward* arming to East Wawaioeb, Her- on, when ke resided seta called away by death. H. leaves a family of Ire e ast and two d..gbtru, all grows MIN to mourn hie lose. k C. C_ Rrcwau,s £ Co. Gents, -I have .and yew MINAkD'$ LINIMENT h my family for some yeses and belie.. It the beet mediae* in then market as it does all it is tw.utme.ded to do. Dema Ki vias. 0.r.. F,ab, N. B, John Mader, Maltose fey, Worms 6s that he was Owed .fel vet? seven stook of rhenmatismi ti miss MIN ARDS LINIMENT. 1m Waste nesse. Alfalfa wheel ones stetted will MK well anywhere that rad eI.ve,will *deft It demands • rio11 soil. g� Making buttermilk favored better II eas417 stopped by esebt g the WOW while in small grease 0 tittle is* hot the water .ill do sen harm. Tore are souse weeds that pet h M early in the s'as's, and tabs passeados of the hind bakes the esti sleeted sasses hp. To egoist Is Riobsobsessth s a •oSe grew 01)60the lend early, sod ea sees ie the seeds et the node hate gvouted to ever the held w ith the esl*voder, end alae barns" the grimed belie.+ plsstifg the .rep. This IOW leers the weds and pmt ihr, teed is bettor gesdieien.