The Huron Signal, 1890-8-8, Page 7.4
Men* Itsmorter *rates _Op • Medea
The other eight the dramatis man
sad himself with • tragedy, an opera,
• booth sonmet om big hods. Ho
41 snood w these all biamelf. god
finally coadeded to pt este of
be boys to kelp Mtn out. It se Mimeo
that the hoes reporter was the oaly
ratable man shoot the olio. He
age't smelly the one that tho dogmata
dor Told autos for the work, bet
the eutortaingesat wee sot worth
ea elaborate sotto, and oder the air-
. It was thoOt leir would do.
Bo the ate editor was isk.. into the plat,
who the got ia from
pool -rooms be was sot with the ha-
"Got anything in pendular to do to
"New 1'
"Well, I want Toe to go mood sod
the comert.'
"Do what!"
"Write a notice of the concert toeight.
OS medal give 'eta more thee two
-kis, sad fix it op the best you
'Wot's the matter:with that Map ie
bore that somas around after tips every
, and is Mop mode' me mass he
oe't vtio I"'
"Toe mesas the dramatis Mho !"
"Oh, he's not two theatres co his
sad ain't pt time to attired to
socuisort, too"
"Well, by the memory of Hickory
im, it Imo ain't a pretty O. Bay, have
yoe not any sneaking idea that ru strike
the wheals( mobiestioss r
"Oh, yes, you'll do it all right."
"Aad you'll permutes that the boss
wee% slake $ Mel and rule gas off the
emus r
"Tea, ru thaL"
"All right, thee • give a. s ticket to
the greed stand. ai;i1 yoe op, if I
don't get diamond in the first heat."
Se the sky editor predated the pass,
era the boos reporter, atter poaching a
bole through it end tying it to his bet -
timbale with a white string, stalked out
In about three hors be . I
with a sort of • doubtful air shoot lila,
sed, with' a glance at • lithograph of
Parole over his desk by way of refresh-
ment, sharpened kis pencil and waded
in. Whoa he had finished 1. headed
lie copy to the editor, sad nailelied like
smoke. The artiste wasn't sod in the
dramatis ohms next moraine : the city
editor dida't seem 10 111.1 it exactly ap-
propriate, bet he read 11 10 the boys, and
they all thought it was ashomete 141 it.
It won m follows:
There was aa molded 'word pressen
M the ormart last night, the grated eand
bin well filled in every part. As
enema number of the fair sex greeted
the °cameos, sad the versed orators of
their drones lest an maniacal charm
go the beauty of tbe seem. The weath-
er was delightful, *4the sport good,
NBA filet 'Vent 011 the program was 1
of all ego, with some twenty
all of whoa same to the post.
They got tether a had start, Rooms)
reaming away with the lead, Contralto
Tenor third. Basso fourth, sad
ai the others in • does bonds at least
twenty lengths babied. At the quarto
there was no pirtietaler ob•oge, bet ne-
in dews ties bask streligh all dosed ep
sea 'bete was • tondo roe around the
tese sad doss to the wire, dopmeo
tideyieg the longest sed anoint by a
. eerie& ." applause,. It
a dead heat fee mooed plass bellow
the *thew
The meat emit was .solo, with Soles-
tioa, °layette imel &mom as owns.
It proved. however, a walk over for the
Who. as Selestioa and Motto 1.4.4 10
show op. Saimaa, mood a great sow
tion, boverwer, by an usealled-for sport
dont the houre-edetre, sod there woe
bleat emthosiasse es she dashed ender
the wire with s Maths shriek.
Next gam the great event of the
day, should* between Sours*, Coo-
lish*, Tease and Bodo. *1 11. start
Soprano was in the lead for • few strides,
bed Contralto passed her, sad, taking
the trash. est the pees et s lively 'Me,
dwell feUowed by Tamer, Beim M the
rear. Geis( down the disk-stretalt,
flograno was 1st ad, aed steadily mimed
on the leaden. Rood the tern
fedi, flew, mei while at the head el the
strata UMW *bowed oho for a mos
mist. Soprano passed him as they
straighteeed for home, sad thowsk
he stgeggled with depurate se -
orgy, she came on, straight and
game, sad woe • capital roe et the lop
of her voles the other three completely
drowned oat. The exeitegmat was io
toma=d1 the wiener, who is a head-
y filly, was recalled again sod
A duet btt woo Tutor sad Basso, and
another chorus for all ago, wooed up
the day of sport. Naos will mot penult
se sottooded description of these insets,
but it is emcee to gay that they were
1051 101.. in good shape by Team, who
is a splendid built bet rather leggy
gelding from the East.
0. the whole it was • very r lies
doming's mod, sod the sadism* left
highly &ilfighted..-Obleago Tribes*.
litagerd's Illedsesee Ceres
A Med mod.
My Utile boy was taken very bed with
diarrhoea; be was very delicate and got
oo low we had be hope of his life, but.
lady friend led Dr Fowler's
Extra* Wild Strawberry, and al-
though be sold °sly bear • few drops
at a time be got well. It saved my
Mas Wu Rowse;
2 GraphallyUle, OnL
The Mesterei Fire Bripille sad Hook
Ladder Conon,, heeded by the
bamd, parodied se Mahe street in
odors cm Saterday eventeg and
s remi=leafimeise lookleg let et mem.
TM Maths is the Maga* Pealasabs- lusi
u nease Palmas trete *f Ceassilmed
-'5 w. a Weil Is Litie-tistare el
• ass.
Post 0s a. Aug. 4 -The Previscial
Patera! Cies, Lishs and Fon Company
Olathe*• theamith drilling rights over
MAI awes se Td mouse, miles ot had in the
southern sad eastern parts at the apathy el
Wonted. Although operations WWI COM-
w isofirt marosly more than • year ago there
are sow 10 web completed, with • asabined
essmoity of Ieuel feet per day. There ars
o ho two wrath . , ooraphition and
emmibee about *0 10 commence&
04 die les wells wbicb bath been drilled
algal are goof producers. 110 .0110 are
shout a mibe apart The camthe 01*1. group
le 11 mint front Buffalo, 15 oaths Crew
Sloane Falie, 1* mike tree 55 Catharines,
rgnaw foal assidltoe, *4sues op ego
• straight Iht, boa Toronto. The cost od
piping is about 117050 a mile. An important
factor ht coaduoting gas great distaste' u
the premiere it Ms at the well So tar the
Sault has shown a rock proms et over 515
teat be the bah.
TIS company conmseeeddi4Jliug hi July,
1150,10the dweller die Sortie. on the farm
of PM') Banta. The well was thattneed
• depth ad OM feet, who a Seth equal to
1,7110.000 ethic feet par day was obtained.
witb • root premium of MI6 pagoda The to the wheat crops 10 10 greater than at first
reported. At Deberaine, 200 miles soutb of
Winnipeg. *1. 101! bolt is mid to have been
four tograthips wide. narrowing down to
mile and • ball se it proceeded «a, leaving
destruction 1. 1*. webs Mr. Ogilvies manic
ger here bays that 100,000 acres of
wheat bath been fondly rained. So
far reports have only been received
from the principal towns along the
Othadiaa Pacific Southwestern Railway,
and it is impossible to say yet just bow ex-
tensive the damage is, but certainly it is
very serious.
A Boissevain despatch says: Yesterday
about 13 o'clock the sky darkened bet a total
eclipse. Half -en -hour later • severe light-
nthe storm berm. There was • deluge of
water which cootinteed r2 o'clock_ la
town glass was oath more badly wrecked
sad the Ryan House was unroofed. Crops
ere badly damaged south ot the track. Very
im destroyed earth.
widen% ity range
Ome Alibis. pads
every 44 for • month
epos • large shot of mirky paper.
1fle yokel al Wileam's Fly Poises Pada of hd employer tilmtbare the sem gesaM
will last a whoht mom. Rohl W Swim Te thiewookag asethrel see • tort
lia treen there. Cart A reethered the
body. frees ese relatian is Osibarlage
• Ss was sirrisA, his iside IMIng en a whir le
will kW
than eau
• • 41 • or" trt r •
VII *r. 4"4
.11 , -?1tift,*
f 114'#;# "
VI V 4
Ti *vi3sIDtD THC tiDUNT.
Ms. Pries and Mee Malso Meet dallami
(...littano. Am; t -Coast Adel*
who two week. sea welt arterlY Povegkod 10
death by Sol Pries sad the letter% burly
brother, mouthed a vigorous cowhides last
peaskei, The was received at
the baseis Mei Endo sad bar moist The
Cerate who is • noontime (althea, received •
daintily odds sot& stetted Bee* makilld
an appeasement at 111 o clock. He was ea
lead to meat the fair unknown *Mc b• was
owthrosted by this two omega, who togas
to lay on the rawhides. With • garish ot
pea Vidal beat a hasty sad ungraded re-
treat, closely followed by the woman
• few weeks ego the Coyest was compelled
by Sal Piths *0 105. a midair jump from •
isoced story whitlow sad kW bad bie
beauty Midgard is • figbt. Until pater
day the Count bad tioappesred from public
gam. So had Mrs Pries whom &Wars
had catned an Ms trouble. Mr. Price sued
for • divines trona isis wits the day after he
formed the gay Comet to jump through the
window, bit it would smug that be Ms since
=deedshe has boa restored to her old
spies ditiSculty with the gay Mrs.
Owe ge affogtioua This rewiddlag may
Lao bon Mrs #rioe's afildivit that she Is
no longer ado with the Count.
n le listimated HMOS, Acres of SM.
1010 Witeat Aro aribrot.
Wivintruo. Aug. 4.-1Puller &comets d
the damage does by the stone on Friday
eight have been received, and show the km
uneed well, which is shoat half • mile nortb
oa =moo Lents* farm, was eat so wooer
Driling was dapped at 1181 fed below
the mama This prodaess 400,000 beet
a day, mod bas a rock pressers at MO paned&
Ann* a eile to the west, la the towashiip of
H , the Odra well was soak ea
J esse Zavithe hires. The capacity ot thie
well is 700,000 feet per day. It Ms a rock
premure of 510 pounds, and IOW feet deep.
The farm of J. A. Rammisa weirdoes ea thr
site for the fourth well. Beam results wen
obtained here. The Capacity of tee well ig
LOOLOOo firsL 15... esselnesd to • depth
et 870 fest azd bas 500 pomade premora
The fifth wall is a "gusher." be in eles
township of Bette, cm the fame et Danis:
T. Lavin. The osca., ot this well reaches
the enormous tit 7,000,000 feet per day
imam tbs. three Mims Um total daily con
n amed in Toronto. It is a remarkable fact
that the rock theme* el this well le lighter1110*.
thaa some of the less prodestive. Wog 511
pomade to
*5. 1041. TM Medi is all fast.
To to OM seem; the mot welt
was • total faller% med bee hem itheademed
by 50.'-.,-y. sethaels thdeli 10s
the fame et Adaai ,pro
deem 1,000.0004.01. aed has a depth .1 101
feet. • month failure ootersed se the harm
of J. A. Barnhardt. ante, *4 4. well wee
abeadoesd. 75. Wadi well, gitualed 00
Daniel Near's farm, 14yielded
1,400.000 feet at a depth of 8111 feet Well
No. 10, thelest that bee bees maspieled,
lar. Itstimate.
MowrIla•L, Aug. 4. -Mr. T. O. Shaugh-
I assay, sesielest president of the Canaan°
1Pacifle Railway, estimates on the basis 01rthent telegrams that the Northwest grain
crop will amount to 17,000.000 bushels, at
which 12,000.000 will be for export
A mystorious Vire at Leedom the Lase -
The Leas 1d sI 11110,101.
. Loewy Out., Aug. 4.-Asother iisysteri-
another " eatiser.” It blows 400,000.000 teen ono an occurred We tocrume. which Was
a day brow a 4*15 s*i poi. le ale* dhartrosa he rus.10 The watchman
sow in apothegm tie the fame of C. Maar,
Bade. and Trout Brothers, ff
Both these wells ere nearing completion.
The thirteenth .011 1.. hese located ea the
farm .1 410*. Nicked, and drilling .111 10
cosessamord shortly
The avenge gm wen in this region Is a bod
la the ground 51 Maim he disaster sad
about MO fest in depth. There is a cimellte
thee ins roam to a deptb et 1110 test, sad •
heavy rabbis peeing .5 50. orate& sari ot
the lower aid. The teethe and rubber pack -
beg ere bowled teethe purpose prethating
weber 104. ewer strata from Sadism he
way halo the well. Theo is inside a the
wiry ea ion tabs through .5141*1. gam b
(• .rd 10 50. surtees. This tube varlet
10 41. thoordiag to the cepenty cot the well
The .5.1. 10 earaored doers by means of
heavy crom beams fitted into the rock met
the serfaos. The time ocoupied in drilling •
.41 10 about • moot& The work me dam
by Ames power (operated la Maws whit*
um natural gas tor feel • derrick 75
fast MO Werth support for se heathen
wade( beam Attached to Ibis is a rope
which peens over. pulley and lifts the
drill, a bar 0141S1 forty (.51 10 buil* The
wet is carried as sight and day. The
average progress * 25 to 3-5 feet per diem
asoordtag to the nature of the strata peth
Not only be Canada, but the world over,
may the development al astute/ gm be said
to be is its namely. Is the WWI Magee tit
the Meier, there 10. 1*. mush lois el
labor and waste of gas, which =wise* le
showing to be , Thbada Maw-
laisk is the smart ditty se to the life et
Althewsh 15 5.. been pointed *4 4.
• weli Poet Colborne has hese Sowing gm
for tosety-the ran, it mead be bora' le
rated that the Sow beg dearemed very me-
siderebty ethos gas wee Ern tapped. It le
believed by seisetaes that there is ma shun -
dead Deeply for sway years to come la the
gas Gelds now tows, should proper no
*4.4. 5. adopted.
Bailees et lieued nireork (M J.) Nagage 10
a easel Querns
Boron Rama, N.J., Aug. 4.-A %mile
fight occurred la the !bailee sattiemseit
illaorm en the "Vora ett." in the oulairei
ot Booed Brook, yesterday. Several years
ago an Intim del ease 10 154. rowan,
aed began to work la the Bound Brook
mills She wee moped to a lever in Italy,
bet la • short lime was mented to ane
a the Bound Break Illthises. Yeelerday •
brother 01 50. jilted lower viand Gravel
Pit sad mot the faithlem woman who
carried a ebild in her area Me threeth
Mr ow the bead with a bolds. The
bestisad towhead, sad M a mement
the two mem where Who. • bee
not followsd. The sessonte et Me
Iseseties all tunied out end tousle
vigiondy. All sorts of mamasInehadtag
heavy Mose or split railroad Ms, spades,
olisets, poems, sad knives, muse mid. la •
'few sinew Hee ground wag emend with
bleeding and erthaing vallens. Daring Oa
n ight two of ths wthedati nem 1505 10 veal
,agosy. Others are in $ dying easiliMos
armee wee meas.
orewaid se OM llease
rMAMILeow, Aug.Avg. 4. -While bated* at tee
Ala* Iketiay atteemon Km (-Minke)
Drab get beyond Ida ernik oil wee
moo Nei ' Se was se ampino of Ossiresem
be so* , co the Breed Trunk spur Ilea and
A at the tans at the tirowthise wee with • =PA
"cir • le•P
*woe. r • -
Presedeet Canoe is add to be the
roost isetsf-illy dressed public man in
dual a ilioner.
"My slow ..d1 soh tried • both of
Bardock Woad Battelle With inlet om-
egas for bilious headache. We ricotta -
need 11 to all s specific for headache,"
2 Moo Ceases thasage, Badoe,Ont.
Jamas 0. Bailie and Colossi IL 0.
Pareous, who have owned the Virygiala
n atural bridge property her 'swarth
sold it led week to • sy embeds fur$300,-
There is more Ism in • shoot of sticky
by 8y paper than in the average negro
minstrel. Watch the lottes play iug with
it os t he sew mere : the latter se rais-
ed fur weld; the kitten gore into • fit wad
all the women and Miklos rush 0115 01
the house in terror. If yoe want to rid
your house of filo, bey Wilsoa's Fly
Poison Pads, sod use as directed. Nell-
ie. an wUl oiesr theta out therreghle.
Sdrld at 10c by all druggists. 1.
Comet Toistoi's health is improved ma-
siderably, but be is yet feeble, and en
sorts of piqued exertim helm bees foe -
bidden. Bat be is deligsutly at week
writing. He has finished • built IS -
titled "An Epilogue to the Kreetier
st Minhineick's old oil Misery noticed •
than proceeding trout the root of Lawreere's
lard di about 5 o'clock this'
inoraing and telephoted to both lire stations
&ad the brigades were promptly as Mad, bet
they were unable 10 40 anything bat save
adjoining buildings n. proprietors place
their Ion at about 510.000. They are .1 .0
there Ms to account for the Ore unless it
Doses Wessusor sir Piendeiteli Appetnted to
she Vacant Om.
NM Yalta, Aug. 1-75e Ceiba* Moths
Ms the followiag table from Rome:
Rev. Dawns O'Coanor at Sandwich,
Oat., Superior of the Basilian Fathers,
hes been eppoteted Bishop ot Landon
(501, 5. sacred Most Rev. Jobe Wash, who
was mode Archbishops/ Tomato leth year.
By dorm at the Holy Oats the faithful
.111 5. allowed 4. .01 fresh meat oa
Friday, Aug. 16. TM dispsomatkm is
granted be how, ot thafaest of the Asomemp-
doe a/ the Blemed Virgin
A Terrible lassmi.
M .*o*, bat. Aug. 4.-Yeeterday's
downpour et rata was the heaviest ta
the history a/ this section. The
damage * the tetra is great,
Huge weed were torn up by the
roots sad carried away, fences were swept
out exidente, weber& obliterated sad
everything la the path et the timpust
destroyed. The rotary velocity a the
wiad was terrific, sad It programmed
forward at the rate of sixw Mho
.0 504.. The west viug of the Wadies
imaged by the Chimes Az Company was
Meese ewer sad eempiebely destroyed. The
roof of theLutheran church was badly
assessed by a Wing cbimney. The 50home at Waif Lake, two Miss from lore,
was lifted fon tes foodatiom sad destroy-
ed, and *1 10 reported emend moths who
sought shelter there were killed and injured.
• man 'sassed neer was struck by flying
timbers apd heal Ids log broken aod 10
inairealli injured.
We, Masan elfile Items MEI
For altos yeses we have used Dr
Fowler's Sanest of Wild Strawberry es
seddioias for summer aimplaints
sad &enema, sad we never bad say -
10 equal We Immo
mud Strum Wass,
Corbett, Oet.
NM, Cure&
To TUB ISDITOIL -P1.... MOM your
readers that - I have a positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
tamely use thousands of hopeless eases
have boo permanently eared. I shall be
riled to good two lintles of ray remedy
raiz to any of your reader who bees
coesumption if will seed me their
Express ard P.O. address.
Respectfully, De T. A. 8LOcnit,
ly 164 W. Adeleide st., Toronto, Ont.
David Daddy BUM, the essinot law-
yer, now sielity-siz years of age, is about
to doo his black silk stockings and small
clothes, and be promoted at the levee of
the Prime of Wales, after Devin .tar-
dily declined that honor for many Lou-
don osseous.
W1 are *oaf 10 resod this weak Oe-
dema of Mrs Podiard, wide et Mr J H
Pembina, of Beeforth, whisk took pleas
oa Beaday monther lest after a loell.11-
ages of etheemplasa. She was a
.4 .54 worthy lady, and kyr death is a
severe glandes to bat lasikaad sad
'sWorm Powders degiroy sad
remove worms without injury to adult
or Mast.
There be is again, first on my nose,
thou in my gar, aod I dare not open my
mouth for fear be should Ey down soy
throat. Hello, Jobe, jolt run over to
the drug More and bey & pocket of Wil-
son's Fly Poison Pads. I can't stand this
say loaner. Prim 106. Sold by all
druggists. 1 as
Goy de Meepassent's new novel, "Oar
Heart," is the literary sensation of the
moment ta Foam M. de Maspadissat
wrote for *thee years before he allowed
bison to publish a dna 101 1.. now
pablishing at the rate of two novels •
15. Mader Used* letrestigittiee.
Wittr.osoa, Aug. 4-Jedge Home's chant -
heel were crowded this morning with °Hisses
who tame 5. 1*: evidence ia the Douse&
theme boodle sewer ,75.
charges are to the effect that John Hannan
sad Pants* Egan, cotheillers el the tows ot
Windsor, together with Joseph Depths,
Iowa engineer, and 11.0. Dar* Iowa em-
ploye, thasthred and agreed together th °h-
eron sad defeat the awarding01 a otetrusit
to Contractor Month by inthaidatioa 01
boadomes sed that they were actuated by
corrupt aad improper moldves. Sethral
Widnamo gave their teethoony to -day. TM
f , , occupy error* days.
A atribe alsipsd m tee Bud.
Mowidem, Aug. 4.-T5s Mame on ths
Liabsilau Ono* Nerigatimi Company'.
seeneer Corelima street wart ttls morning
*ma their domed at es thereon from ne
*0 550 a mouth bees retard. Hader throat
at arrest they restreed to wart betere the
Orem= at the Aber slaps Maid *OIL
Altimagibed5. Deitort.
Newport, LL, Aug, 4.-Tm5ty-teur
IMMO salon ateinigesit to soaps from
dor ship hero today, seselliug the *Mb
beat • erew sons *a perste drot ma. eat
eiceheyie giver wilb a outdo, and motored
all bat Mess d tbe ast et horaletg.
Treable at Matta.
Mn W H Brows of lielita, MAO.,
@tato that two of her children and two
others belonging to a oeighbor, were
oared of the wont form of summer com-
plaint by one bottle of Dr Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry, nature's spe-
cific for sommer complaints. 2
Moloy Homo, Sultan of Morocco, oci
whose life se attempt was made net -
week , succeeded Bekaa Morley Idaho's -
nom Sept. 26, 1873.rhHe is absolute
Regulate the Liver and Bowels by the
judicious use of National Pills, they are
purely vegetable, 1.
Tws alas Oreursted.
Are ?PM Asg 4.-tt 10 maw Mated eat
ewer at the wow et th• Dodge
Artesiera, MOO was amok la the harbor yap
01 Issalite Memo *55. 4...-...t
Otero are seponal to I 1 ber Mold
41"..14 14111.111.11111 .
There is • fioorishing Japanese dub in
New York, of which marly .very asti••
of Japan is the city is a member. The
president is the present no -consul,
Teijiro Kito, .10 10 thirty-six years old
sad married.
f... Alookisig
1 al *4';''
:4. •
Pi sic thisr bra • side Imam le • Mind
Amer 15.555 *4 Bete it Ore ke • din we •
meek Tete le we and dee end modes it ere -
tear Ade • awailer tea Desedes
the Posse Illadans
Mint mu lid Inakee
Waterproof. Soft end Durable.
berellet. rico goldrear roue= le imp
orrirt Are label, rad rror•mrsr.
41.1141 team elks* ler Women wad
p Week far Wes. rod re Itairrirre Leather
IPP•111 Near elloesihe weaved reeowearec.
5•141 cosurrririrr
OLUMITUDir Oreirral Anew for Oraada.
1111 Lbw It Of Tennee Ose
\i•WI L D 6'
olera Morbus
QUI C'tiw
.• 10601 PS '
early Pelisses
When party politica run high bad feel-
ing and bad blood are often sensed, bet
all parties acres that who bad blood New
g rass from ordinary sasses the sat-
iated:tarp Bp • is burdock Blood Bitters,
nature's blood purifier. R .
by the medical profession. 2
Cardinal Meaningadvocates the im-
mediate adoption of an sight -hoer law,
declaring that so long as employers are
.Me. retponei We for the duration of a
working -day workmen will not be able
to exist properly.
Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine is
distinctly touie and fortalier. 1..
letaard* Umlaute. Carta Haearalt.
Hubert Mortemart has recently bees
made a member 01 11. Royal Art* Amide -
my in Berlin. He received ono of the
goad medals at the Berlin Art Eshibit-
km of 1•11.
As Ward McAllister is tohave charge
of the Newport ball in honour of Primo
Goons Of Wales it will stead Prince
Genres in head to brush op om his social
sticseste. Mr McAlliater is particular
about those Woe.
Theodore Tilton is deseribed by • lady
who rseentZ saw 14. 4. the now sales
is Paris. • hes grows *toot, and his
Meg, white hair was pashod Willed lie
oats sad his lase bed s restful look, pa -
seller to owe of limo.
Mr sad KM Pete? Ellabbagemer aiid
family left Reaforth on Teesdale (UM
▪ ,) for Wisoipeg, Manitoba, where
they intend is future to rad& Kr
KUnkhemoser bevies sseered a good po-
stilion tb.ra
A little daughter of Mr Goma Do-
ane, Soeforth, met with a my pastel
e ssideet es Theireday men of last week.
who she rat bee logos ought taint
She was plasma sloths, ie •
rams gragehdee ems of them very 5.417.
OA ode Sodas globoid greersiou .111
be rot to Goderish on Thersday. Ames
lith, doting at Palmeestee. A spatial
nide will convey the . 11
is *spaded will be made
for a sail cm Lets Hero no the stesato
"LOTS." A hoes 1.11 1 1 oil be
beed to ths Ona tows oe that dey
when liberal primo w• 1. eves. Gm
posten(for tagparassiuss.
Subscribers are wanted
Jan. let,
Sarsaparilla. Bitters!
• "mid Yemen** Osespot=imitaril
Mad a Usbesaby „ .
linitrzeriUmit is cute= tits
where the
A ether v Ital Onithe aro pot wasted be.
yawl the hope of repair. this estimable OMR-
ours* Kid,* aad Liver Custplalate,
14*1 iumithet the Okla. Bole [omt.
=rlitetol 8-5.
Muirilts ia the Bases
call= Dissi4 AP"Oialwitle. Debilar• 11 le
a guatle reeulative purgatim, as well as •
Ma* poems** the peculiar marital' &oath
Elf=ful egent is Tolle vied i oegnetioa
So lenathessfies of the Liver iiad
alba Visceral Orem..
wrz:"the valuable orepareilon excites Mis
system to • sew sad visorom won,
• Wee end streagiA to the system debut -
y disease. sad sand. • gran prothe-
free attacks that origami+ in otos.*st of
sassea. of °lineage and of Iite. Full
dthiceleas with each Menlo. Pries 00 cease
oil WI per Bettie.
-rfiltrAJII&D WILT 111-
Chimed end Druggist, No. 50 West Yisent..
Hamilton Other*.
Beth be F. Jordaa. Haase di Submit.' es.
Land, Loan and
And as an inducement we will
mail to any stldrems in Canada,
United States or areat Britain
IISS removed to hie sew .*.e-Robt McLeaa's
sew black opposite the =ethos
.1011111Mme *4 44.5*.
The Great Remedy
R. J. K. GORE,
Wee Patentee 5.41
• 1 ';;;.'""'"-ijaa
As the Old Darkey said:
"I'se rayther pay more an'llhab ,
de best once in a while, than to '
" pay leas and hab a poor mask
lifell Signa..
For the remainder of
C 4
$1.004.,44.AN' 41.01. b kt
• ^
Oar Tea Trace Doubled!
You can get the , •;,-r'.„ ,„
, ' 4
9 ".. , :,
#-.',--•• -',,tz -
THE OLD AND Rzwomiiii
RABT-ST. 4110111 •
FLOUR 1111) FRB grail
The esi1454 e=hereby settled that thelizt
Mlle has Mee alin= " 67
erns will carry it ea la all its thaftelesel at tis
aid stand. Ireat-st. sear the Square • 4
Ceder the ot terser prone-
iove this weenies bee beta the most ritelleillr "frC#P#A4
fel la it• the 01 557 la =isiaasad as Um sew
bag bees dee wasitejeA fielbl mare, there as
the there, lemserly athlete/ la Meath it le
the treat teak.
10*5.1 reif 12: %need
atones bead aril Wade* Weds is etaieta.
Thl-CImPrliij t Th Sinal I take Me oppirt It, et heather
toseewe Ow their Ole;paitheme aortae
=imerthip 'if the 1411111.411 flour sad
Nal Rat* 11 "Tis Niel"
13.... .01.50
1641 A. S. CIMAJ11.