The Huron Signal, 1890-8-8, Page 5LLEY,
slins, I
111 llne`-
-z-a-Peo., sad
▪ feast •tWWI* -A
▪ R.........) w�
Ile......., .....Leop.m
anb 3nsnrance.
118, BarrMer, Praetor i.
Deem r,�, tem at
lie Cow �dMmost.seta ;1
I p.,,sissU r write. III
s AND AMMAN!' 1N -
North British k Mr...tile
den& Globe- Werwle\ vales
is L s.& miles Ln.r=
as. Lowe settled =
1�a aP�ares ad Tows
llewabtroperty raised. see.
St Rosa a cAlltnop Gad
C Privet sends ter hivestat e
as PRIM; less Mortgagee A
▪ Load em straight loath at the
interest going, is soy way la
Second doer her $.mare
:•derich. 1KY-d
C Ake ; Monty to
.ver Peet•OSSc:, aod.w. a-tt
Iter Notary Pahl*• t a.
lei -dash Iuwg $tors. the roses
thbd by Judge Doyle. air
aver ta1�y\ .i . West
.and at a per seat. MID
T arruw.ys4W Solicitors,
o afo•o•ot. It
T. G•rrow, wI�-
s $suatltrs It Chanson, de.
CC. Rees. Cisneros. 4G. P. M, M.
IMAM P remit.
fes MwdR Was 1 -Tb. Stem
darter ...robes i o..l ora Dew the
Meet he O s "-M wet'.e
Seed LeA-The Sere etw DmmgMl
*thong, Aug. a-Cew.11r wet peaus
daft to deep law sight ad .kepi sow*
OM was .twists until 0 en** this mars
whoa ke was awkwidh
YMrd s ' to - ?mstsr Ht.gMse,
wee' has Wended Zawmbr, as ale
Trfn. Chaplets T. was WWI blet
They sed hem the Bib ail he prayed
Ma theta is deemed Nmet without aid
• M1 d pay calmed pea About hie
Mirk he hsebened • ams-dewa collar, with •
sloshed lie et kw stuff. His hair he
smashed sail brushed with pent tate, H11
ahem were wall pdYd. and Mei s he sada
Il ed* tidy the ~dee sad • tall str-ger,
411 IOW rant frees Bata* viewed d IM
latleareahl by his ids • pair et
urdsa opened b Lmmht
Ila4114 met have the top et bin head ravel
'!be 1__.oa. H. had lathe peat
1 e,hi his hair and betides. •s he
to the wades, he did .at wee to
Se With the people le w.
OP be wits sat • was el repul-
se les base O
epubselasbaseO L
-Nr le dash bows anti wavy.,
sari that tail ups, his term
• .d. c lilt M wee proud. la the i•d.w
.d anti bit vastly •mhos telt. His hair,
bdwaeer, wee eat. bat the curl was saved
r4 lithe owns meet, vette mooed reetiR
!M sipped spot was fide by IX Who; is
w see the .et sieved. but was cropped
May dm&
wide this wee preshedieg and the wit -
Mom atomised is chair of este the bs11
nese retm ftp en the dynamo in the meth wing
Thane wee se w.+, bit wlr why. Mesa,
*sib he paid of ore lwve and thea swing
off the prsant te Ike chair trona whisk
he had rises The warden wood bK
bid his, drew tomb the bottom of W
dirt and am It at brl.1 so as
to permit easy •dju-went of one of tai
sttleadhs Me•awkile ILithembr readjumed
W necktie, which was .lredy neatly tii.d
r. bow k....
"Are year wmes4ws aU right 1 " slid the
wrden, as be kid down the rears he used.
Yes. all right,' was the mower.
"Well Y-, MU, you'd Weer d down
\sae' odd the warden, whose heart b kind
and viem tom we that of a parsec to •
ehhiI that r04I be corrected.
T1s washes was mowed with e•sepaaicn
tar the beim who, obedient to a sad, wised
hle.wt 1s the peat ehatr rvr to rim alive.
The doomed man took kb place, and saws
the witnessed lose admired wbat they styled
\ 1s "norm." .d others pitied him sed
Waded the and
"Take ft cool, Bill. I'm ping to slay dans
bride you all the wee to the end," said 1\e,
wrath Theo be buckled a "trap at ons
1 wi I 1-11 take it cool.' remelted
Ecmm1.r, and them with kis elbows upon the
peat arms at the chair, be drew himself
&My hack an the seat a that the electrode
messed W Mrd at the been et the spine.
Two adstants were wvrel.g at the strap.,
lest the arms. then the Wet, waist, wp•.etd
and lastly the leather mask There was
roe faeblhig he server Mon and the
doomed ors observed M and mole:
" !tike your Yeas," he said, " take your
Uwe," and while he malls \e held high his
mm.n to mike easy the tiding of his chest
iso ids& seep in the aider* . ethim ewer • bee We with • Wows tis
dde the windows. tllesaums Dr. 1411 ons WIlaiDS the
The bar of • heavy a\.de at ode wladow •peels tJ the electrode at Eammadwit
wee hated by tae etrayte4 broom •ad tell back end putting oat esm. INt1. N
back against the bar. The sow was smiths. thea es4 .'0e uuaw•ted *the e nos'$ 010*
but to the twos sad MaiiMse watchers is Nota the ernes !rum buraiag doth ad f.58
saw death dumber it wed weal to the _Y_ppesee . 3.1 the oder tau taw lama
sound ut clothing arms the pace, thea[ ad toadasa
Dr gplt•ka seal lar- Brady dr.wa by Alcatel Imm•diesey anladaee beeps ea
deep interest almost u &mm Ihefr mobbed the corpse sod ..sly the seal oats
please, myoid on VOW t• Plows by the removed The eyes wee found t.. L. bait
der But ell ossa G1i0 MS N arae six" Weed and Whom • glow tiara the Ws
livery faculty was. t b that of wore bites sad Mdod iM wile with bled
Asim- thick • some there .noun was tri 1ght wow. www. 11e odds a.rve• isms
earth before. No sus ever before bad dead. Time ons
dbd tam by the d&Oberst* pa.rpass d his pupU,, wart the midi bid paws tM
f ellow-ora. Hen before arew of eesewee /bnbee4 tee was • livid mark. 11e sees
and laymen was then to Went operettas, • sad as mon d i8 haw was d a.•y
mystsrioue agent w hose results only could be livid ►us. Pmrph wow me hap• wdN-
seen or known tag the bead.sad meek sad the
It then could , rim
have been. omiversml soother dentes, mid he was .uoy davit Oa d the
et all bviug smuts on eorik doors was D.Ing Buffalo doctors ea. wl.stw that the
generated We within the We lotus of an straps were removed est the skla at the
Wakes* objert a venom virus that ought temple for a epdmem d the
make her childless well nigh every hour. dud naso s bboo4 n was W..mimd and
Atter that convulsive dart tient marked found slightly o.agelet•l. dos
thon . stroke of lightning upK1. alar then ward* Dada p - 'sd
ids was so movement of muscle Mir twitch or °wittiest, wblcb was td *sag 4 bp
serve. The tectum from bridge of nuwt to sect wane. d t\. wdsbas
aid mimed to bars bora pursed up as show warner Donlon was toad to dad 1M
d woo taring • iosty storm or at cue Oc.••t presers at the time the thuyas was lest
lull • powerful stat -bead.( wind. Bus til applied- ••A\041700 voles," was the e►
mus MR Hen was so drivies storm, se mos
rv58b.g pis- 'tors was mw Mu" of SB• Ereder's body was eotlnly unbound
.or 4'- - - a cl lhe nostril- Mr" about 73 o'clock and the doctors delertotm.d
was .o Switch ear struggle. A hurrying mita limas at ma wick tie ,
wvt ere... at ta. ;.rant ort ke c:aralt•Ins 1,. wita.sow ,.farmed tot~ ba4•1 ter - W e Invite
could mot Mie bins more .till mor \elf w broakf seri
twpro.dve as tais dart form witbim the "I'd hems labwa th* chasm 1 tht.k," re.
Wise doth. marked Dr. d.wsy, "ot resuscitating that
Who should say No man of otiose dared ie. wife \, � � su ean boar afar
ear his eto the heart within the rigid rales carnet ons lar at at as ass time
figure tbere. The vMtous 'tram atom tie mad mks t8 ."
wacbine's trot loins was yet Sowing Hors 11 mid by tai the physicians to b N
through the man mo lately speaking, moving, dou
that was 0458 la-
thery. The law demanded that the current neatly trove '�,� tante The bet
of electricity should s maintained ce.masa that he was net fustanty Med I. the raw t
ler .tub until shy death should nth d haprepur neatest or d in.tOclsat volt•$•
But will should teU wben death had Dome, or rescan. The consomme at ',Ithaca swag
The me. of .aode believed that thee um, the whom. hen today r that mot the
nerve ammo wen erIng beat. u with Aided debt exists but test • *mesa
bear bant*sri m different dbedtMm. at the kited My
rate of .ante 0 time. each
eyed. eir beteg may be contact ad
book.` though they told act ao case like this, vtinu.i>Q o. throe
gh perfect led the wet mea to believe tint the Sleet ol
force working is this par's body were die- Kes-mier's body will doubtless be df.po.d
integrating the nerve oil!•. the tions.., and of tomorrow deo abs Prima buying (mu"
the blood too, by divorce ad oxygen from ite with quicklime
corpuscles They thought the Wood was 1,e-
osrg by unechIcal change fluidised fwd DEATH WAS INBTANTANEOUB
theism to sustain Iii•. Tae Seals Pewatyasd-temmler'e Paeans
had so they watched and Wooed Wee sates..•.
hi tis Slot room --S, 10, 15, 1: moo.d.s T\. Beton e}� mow d Warm
doctor. hWarmtime waseth
v./ft short, bat to each one ee° it d to the prism to prepare for the r *SPe7.
seemed like the open d an hour. The body of the dead man still .at is the
"Thee., that's enough. Take off the cur- aisetrte chair. the limb• sighs, a tt wpir desk s
test," said the wordiati chosen pbytiri•..-- 1 tk• teas (bat ton the i .: p of the
isthmoid end Spank* -.rd the warden okl.) u eysap4. The Ada et the body sua
peened the word within the rwjoinimg roam, a matter d almost sad ._ Il . moon
• And again the winsome 'kneed sect hto
kb adghbor'i face te approval or sopa.
den. Then, as the biwl.ed sock saddle was
Ming Plead. he wgg steel that it premed
forward as it was being adjusted it maid be
;;4,'.,"r; 'tar
Oelebrate& French Wove Corsets
Is the t•t*wing mains.
"003OION SENSE" Long Waist Langtry,
BZAIITY (French Wove).
Inspection of these Goods:
mare easy tar his whirs •omense had let on the current and tis lib r. }w W Nt fall. •rd
" AU eight. 801. 1n iigikt," "barbed tel' where the same one cat it at. ,ee pleasant expreadoo, with which Z. esu
widen. •d his .else was a arida ...8.471- nes Dr- tzta amid: "Observe tis
t1Pi ler had greeted the wit.em.e as M ..ter.4
"t * .1 added. �' ie won't hurt 70.. Lividity about the Immo t sad she esecutbs anon, am lf.prsd .boss W
ail," tillik" entire bow itself. Note. Amara
d ` and the f tb ' f•►tnYy Ille.•• .. yk. be rwira ►tory," wthe prnosor rose cu tie noss, tM whit "'wars". It was delarmi..d that Dr. deskhia d 14pw
w.p. theta" The other doctors came about ens York, hostess d Dr. Damask ...a 4o as
TM (Mmes was am. The •am•gt , -dad, and lb" \. added es the damg• ted the tier with their tiagrs •.d watch- work with tie-rstoe% knits, became d his
,einem was eoafig the salt bag *ask was befog rapid tar .d)rt- ed the play of watt god rod upon with- beg a=Pr'rawra0e era pertorming mammal is
"• The waws was thsre• but hew feebly Mt: drawal They mw . abrasion upon the pewees used b7 el.olridty. Beth Dr.
they baredmdair
!" Tim ed Dr. Masks". "web. wish everybody good luck." ba ' right thumb- hi that supreme shad Dimas, and 1)r- Jenk1ne stripped off their
who ons the esy ca.
ee wget tNo radarpasr goum s ey
gbaoes essm.d wilt' all' the wurdertr'e lot had become m clenched emu sad vii sea tis .aspens' SIM was
roam, sea that whtl. *sweat
d ti. sones ep tbo gig to gee a i is the convulsion that the ,sal at the fort- opined aid the gltMertli array of knives
1s dewiwe la loam its'web
hivldate. ttmcas prt*1t did sot r000pir hi tale s:Wee lifted
Aid 1. •_.pose to Dr. M.oae..le' omd • Pet.ios d gess win min esfden.s d seek w t .. alb,, a �prt.ia din thethumb.
ir-dnm saws a trr..nt! out
n.a1 as 1yt.i�i. i. Ys.
meats, ileetrt.hin Davis remarked that rho_ ;bias bran 3111 _ to ad Pub meow led sigsolled ten dapphg Wei tis wfee d td•. road It 041 @ tap= e
tens something wrong eboet the machiar7
dew there, rel t sig to the dynamo and of
the them*
'1111 remark leek pias limo the salts
t n:biog, It 11 teen le mea ember, sad we est
d.hleb es then a taw Mathes Mess thee
the holt o- applied te Zor'mer.
is. cesdwaed am•, after bowleg his bide
cut w the tap et h11 head, Waned to tie
_ d the death meet by the warden.
ot Visalia* winsome were pessmt, telly,
m, the preachers end tis wtaraea
was was reel, ..twilled, .loo. ape•
Odle. 11. lest .awed e -.splen, however,
woe ILer.dMd by the blotched km d the
arose s tee.
Odes. air 1 tis wards.,
who all bad bees dose hi the oil, ad the
abate peaty d tour -ward.., pews, okwp-
w--y.cwd through the esesrsam, Puss the
slae111m1 appliances mad the warden lad the
w•7 gay DM the dew iamter. sow
held.+ Ids stead the was be would moos
kill H11 bands wog at his Ws
is., whoa as though in sow
he *r.4 h11 brows
ton beard aid Mst.ahe ea be .Mm -
treated the while, .xpwlast tams a the
tweedy -fire ones who, halides the warden,
Wald w him die.
Mr. Dust- pissed • plain, woks -bet -
tenth chair &reedy In treat of Mr ether
std different chair, and bode Zawier sit
. epos IL Be obeyed readily. There wee N
.__.oleos •haat kb , . Be seated
Writ Ishw ly There ` pea no nervous
le.45..ppm..t; Woad. net .limy so Mach
es the mea shot hien. Be was
the most composed puree in the
rood The ,ward- took • plass beide
alts the later bed bosom waled
arab pieced ter him, mooting
over the Finesse's eM.IMr es the
.iretr back
Metes. bis hat is h11 Med and standing
there hi the sine Weaker the shr1. Misr
Pulowl110109 _md,w.d win to those p►
eat,11h.mespr el Wet indeed, and this 11 what
[10fPW11217 ,.r i 10IL*
000NOILr 110 103; OOD••
,egal Notices.
Crawl▪ as ender st Chwery
alk if'lathes tor their=
silo, dated two flub. i15, mad
emus d the eras. of eat= ed. the seethe et the 04 Isis
• art.. and e. Previtet Ithe at the Tow et Wasiak,hi
t wee died in sr abet the yt
o ber. Iwo =ares t
by pG
sheet 11.N ei P* the
rich a Midges ha the
rho bet MB of the said fa
. and sersamos, ddr ssee 4
the tall p.rtbulerswisest el their ammaate,
• ehetrlttee Of sal held bus wenn
Wrest they MO
he pauses me-
tres the hese&teeet the said eider.
beSidles ie to mem
*s. v q Members te.
we, I. the Two et Othertek the
.f $epte,ber, MM sp aleg
e. 18.1 ,siyphiM.d fit
If enthe
llaerr a. Geder+ta&
he esti: t,o4e had bete premed to the sees d life;
"Row. vwows.justrthfe b wlnfa n Zoete.• lb. wamdwti &, -- mre'v d becb, Um"
It. I have jest a h 1M warrant to 8. was a Musk TM wand. enquired d Dm .
itis mu 1r that M has gat te tile, •ad * ha Maedhesti and illplika how long the current
Ma anything 10 ..y M .P1 say *' Wald be mnhitoind . iammMr'a body.
•IMLs w.1 aurpries among thaw Donal 11a fest 111.......* .3158 was
new was at pat newest and pew •tisk Onset beoustiy ..Mages to 10 anon&.
=wok • ts*ality. M "Ory wig. Panama.•" rapist the war
s, los • bed se, pat>Wd to bins, and he mowed towards tie door d hie
epos M w �. t o a row. mod at tie mosaic Dr. Pell d
mink, Mien the -. r4* arta trot eM wast Buffs* who daipd the death delr, was
padam. dd...ed •3104 the edr d►oM d drerr1 stator from • bmlb a rhiga through
madam. et v 1. Mahe wtth a lose rubber lass ilio the J..454. spews
Mia cwt sin apgaer t ups.1M. eta.. sOodor, with
a mei es emir low seal draw Wombs, The him we a Oda --s4 frame
frand 44 selunba
fro simple blow mid: TM ward- n.ppeare1 om tha.t.00aM.
"W.U, 1 with everybody geed leak is the "oda• •""111641 11 ndy," M add•
„Aka a dip, steady tomos; "anti ro .file M faced the doth wir it hat away.
in lea pad owe, and aha }.Pers bre no based war hi the chair W beard wary
world W . Ughtniag &eh should
eons rigidity. A will wood's box was placed
Ties the alma was drww sows s tae waw: dynamo.tutor itis tread to support k aid
fangs 15 covered \b gm' grasps his dills' 001
d all m the moon was Dr. 8001b -the uwbs win .Ir krbbusd sat as tr
wink d H.ffalo, the hosier d . , is
and feeay prowl k11 frehe.d. It was mat_ ad .Mdyas1•dfv n•u., 04 oleo M.3...L.g possible.p 11 a convict w
was wwened
Med. ted. Kalmard mar said so aspoke tc tram the prison to take at tis dot\ime.
direct Me proper adjustmea "rid" apo. sloe subject duos "ht
t But when the, The removal revealed os.8.c war wartyW1( M
growing moot hes been tag out d ...,' be exclaimed. as be strode away airbag in „easter where the wood awards
-orit „bob tat iambi . thaw the chair to • hoot of witness. at the badmmmm,the bees d the
atm ad pap grow are baubd from hb, ether .d of the roar., " fhb . the culmina- mbowm that bks current bad harmed thre.g!
Yaw d tow /mars' work sad *nd We Lye vide. these seined to teee to hint• Wong -y' into ;Zama. Tha body looked \ealtay anti
realisation cif the fad that sunlight would . be . bilker ci,Uiatice from this day." well nourished. Dr. 6hrady at this point
novas again tenth him tivk% eyes god that - But eve while be spoke a quick, 'harp c*7 .egg wad we ewity a making abs erne,
-ape. 3111 Tidos bed died 1M feel glmpw d ' west •p user dao.. yet watching clowly Mabee es formal me though It wit to be
the bright grows' without 1M windows about the silent figure deo the chair. taken for asfwirali .
sued m
d vol -
11.oe wowed aim to rash Wr This mom of over et an ovecame mohonor tram strong tared to act -..bossy aid talcs tis epees
'whelming bTh
ing aet sit -pity, tar there was e. wet who ere had been. assay it sh°rthaad. 11b was spud epos, aid
Ineebiad piglet i. W sour whs. he make.. dewy scanned, • movement in the brawl d the first wap lakes the to bfad • clinical
ted the ladecttoas d oz-1Me stbmisien woes , the saes whom all believed had died one t1 , , . to the nape d the neck and
hb.ided es 1 -My became focussed 'Woe the- .ieele rid before. The doctors
said GIL Be moth: ..d ' .,,;`.' , could scarcely at int be -
"Do eveytbteg right, Ile. Durston, and iteve tbdr eyes, but doubt was baniwhea
push down that more en top of my bead" quickly, tar teen was soother movemest
B• referred to the eiect ode which a000wpaaled by • sodden gasp, and then the
woo being fitted to tM top of his: trees began to brave with long deep stem -
head. It was done, ersirg to push his bud torous respiration. Tien went forth the cry
down between h11 shoulders, while the mai of sickening horror .t the spectacle Ora maa
was bodied back so tightly that the edge MK 831114 ander the operation of the law.
was burled ie the skin et the row and farm "Start the eurrs.t, start the current
herd. Osis more he spoke: again " shouted Dr. Bpgtrka Others
•'wail, I wart to do the bet I am said 1 cried out !Wirth to bare the some
can't do better than that" brought to • dos AU crowded abet the
It was the plea of a Mau fa desolation 1. chair and watched the laboring wrsteb
human sympathy. Be bed tried to he whose treed, despite the broad, tight bands
4ely. He had desired to save the weeder .bout him, was riming and Lalling with
tress a harrowing swan, and Iib . 1, strew tors. Slightly foamy call.& was
es well as bis reamer bad dose that rad exuded front the mouth, the entire body
mown; it Med disproved *11 slaL*iW ties rocked in the efforts of the organs to resume
the with was thane or 1r • f•bb7 stats d their functions and deep tear lid aper sow•
bj.rtlam Ideed, be did not rppdr tis lest doracbtesew should return.
bead that be the been depths& The doctors declared, however, that aha
•• No, I can't dr say Weer Visa that," be maa was beyond .. ... sed some
,spooned alts a moment'* pens thought the action which startled all and sent
" 0e4 Mew lam, .coesMr, 7'•u haN dons the warden away with white face to order
wap," q•k• Dr. isaka hi Nle grist, aero- t\renwas s current ewed woily a relies
oto way, ori „......4Wert 7N7irg tests hi musauler action. Not so hes pkyeicfa., wbo
Genet' 1y anti bosky vofosa wsstewsd:
declared be would stake his runs that be
•• You have, Zamm11r, you have." could bring Kenmier back to cosadeus lite
Livery stray had bees • err edge- with wady
beet prig his of stet sheen me died shift He hew be ons "Irs the edam of the
roe sues .a. MO tato the pier w.. . es/wb'u sisal d s.mesw oat with
tete Mise es ewle• rtes haus aloes then b . H11 \ee4a win eaeebd .d T1011tq.Need ththrwtl,. d www ort that 1. w.M0 tis 58.58.
bed ..d1.ip..ud le M And wee it was now d eVoe& Mind Ng minutia
dos i-.i•ld 8. Two sed one hit Maths bad keen so w.. • __._Mktg this widesh a e.wad hi ao.rU,g Wet wUh strip. alts h.
plbm el; le two• lhns ate levieda late wt du" hi tlr.lefr, .td (ma that Yon to
• fast wield wet hew .mwawd M t baddu"
mewed all tees seedy tit m[mmtm had
"I'm fat std mew Mw 1 hew Po M. M /not Thee the waren' lend ewe Neu
esYad Me bawd le see.seea cube steed 1.
\flied. bid des% Met M 4aiw 01 oft
osed Maar
That we,e
Thepos its 8eerea
e primmer pawed seer hie •\-.iter se
he tease geaheng sod M. 'SIM le
wide �w
"!tib. ad 75sr mak.
ldeaaU.. Mr ei. O. Baia d wasbhidoes;
D.C., bad filleted and ley epos • boob
where be was being fanned.
•phi, spaded. was coatfra.d from Ilii
.aril 6.47 o'clock.
Theis ears came again to the figure within
the chair menhir shock under whisk the
MOT RD -A tan ions se
21‘ Gibson's English Candies g
Abs a hop supply •f
u siE W t i xi VAS A ZLE 80.d,P.
The bot I. the aaerhet tar tis teller Duly S. Ma per cake.
--1:78112 O LY-•
A positive cure for ut.rr....etc., etc
CH=ltiBT AND DRUGGIST. Nest Gee. Aoheees'edry goods .'ors.
I will bite the sed elms out of
High Prices
.. FOR CASH. ;
111 ds better than that. I'U have sighing to de with high pr:e re. Int will ow every raids
SIN eaewer WSW .t
take the
The record ' l that the alae was
deed beyond all Tendon The table, as
seggedton, was moved over to the Darner
d the cell directly under the whisky", where
• bettor light could b. bad Wh.. It woo la
position a general survey of the body was
laths, and its external sedition carefully
BMW. 11bcu Dr. Jenkins toot kb surgeon's
knits sad bag•. operations. The body wee
hast open. The heart, lungs and other engem
were tahm out and their sedition noted
earKslly. They were an put in Dueller's
tiddler and future ewwla-
When the swam law trunk of the bdy
had lees examined cer.tul-y, the top ot the
skull was removed and the brain tafth. out
This was the mew interesting haters d iso
saawimatlou, es the theory on which the
claims d greater humanity for Ws
method d atnaeatto. are band 11
the theory that the .Meer* ar-
rest paralyses the brain fmst.0Yy end
thus destroys all wemtfon. The physicists
found evidence et the shoot of the
ou the format's' d the skull. hi the blood
sad hes the brats time. directly beneath the
point d contort, which estiedd them that
the paralysis d the brake was limeadi•te.
Th. Qevy et temml.V. Lia -The arias
tar Which h. Died.
Eom.Nr was bore is Phi1•delphia thirty
years ago. brought op hi imsr..o., never
1.5e4 • trade ad tar year* W byes a waif
and • werdwtr. H. ddb not bath whether
wap wr.hi.a •g•fn Thr lung., hoer- be W a ,motive living, aith..gk try
5.r. .4"._____,- d again. -hie stew be ewes to Anbuta be revived • eider
the -us nf th''o•gh the tram • mea heiag m oblo who was pro\s\y
body. The Wank. W W thesis
M e went .mens brysad uses►. as M grew up like a lost child ed att-
ars, wadse r
1!j wine/stew Os er'est Wmemo hany.5. taowr was a imam%
beim 'WOW tis .wAIeh was a/•ned ad warbd more at that them at anything edea
rat rapidly twin.. (lash Una the WO be n woo els tasty basiaaw d whir M W thw
th. sMU wag lifted by the 'Web* The east bowledgs. 1M.a tare years ago la
shoulders lilted to the bevel of the tap d mda•pt. 3.. .... mauled lds Pastor. 11•
the ears ad the features contrasted. ' da -7 -'attar h11 wwldtug M lemmas stet sb
waapplisudm d the ettr sit was cc.N.ud W esseb r Mabee/ living. imw.diataly
Dem toff is" o'clock, Int. ',ettted tole. M Yet ha ed ens away to "Nab with lira
at Ur oohs. Tao nefg1.. Hose M bosom at ones •
At am swear gross of dismay was heard b•eketsr sod • &askr4. The wows, W.
bar the chair .d esrmke was observed curl- was with with • twste tar otter. they
10 •+ from E...ehr I took ,tyrr.414 aaetL.•Yy the tfqu.Uy dole
•• set 5. boralegr *meth esu- his wary, wad, lames allwgetler, liar low
" Ont et Ilse ...asst r 58S.Ied weet\ur. was a depoid am atoll t.
" Hos 11 dead. Threti N tea. Lau ta$ up . Ons EWA. army -ft\ 4rhulr. they W a
the carve* lows!" said same me elm row shout a tow aim* awl \. stem+ Mr w
Agin the warden gin* the Gael la apes the Mai wilt . az treat day she was
the wide and the hay In the ehdr. Gar bed. net might, hi tea m.Yefkemw dd,
I Carry
No Old Stock,
het mem biag is train and new, uvea to the prices, r '.1" o
It yea pay soar -up prices for summer Roods row.
Ow went% now at the feed milt lure ebesgad with 4 aethis* 58.58h devtlmd N be was p1114 wlli liquor eetu be pew ter
ons •..ik ss 04v. Wert et the haws farther ereeme.< *1151, .d laid .neigh le awls* hisser
Isere late. ink.* slide sewed el "Her � b M.4" old Dr. rias that b r. whale very d W cls, neons•
&thy eerie
Ordadmi bssrthlem weenbers with drhd -and be weal/ war haw wwead memo hi as b.ghirtag, end mon
hest the teens MOW site110 sd Ma got 'hash lidw esdl.t ..y Osten
Q •.��11 -and not that of- •� ,�
i.Orw X31581r o
Black Velvet Ribbonsl
Now in transit from Britain.
M eta
curl.+ 104 3. see imistje Met ow diau.t de . i
M •min*b has. ONO eri •Ind \p the d....
Draper and Haberdaelier.
tsps ." : 4.1'BT6i yIZJ..] q.,.t.:tttt»; .r3"
the meth Coolie, and Healthful
S-tammex =e13:1 -1r.
Job Printing of every description
neatly executed at "The Signal"
Steam Printing House.