The Huron Signal, 1890-8-8, Page 30, A 4,, • . , , _ i ss-4 • ., ,7. ;,,,, ,,„.4.1,,,,ttic.41:4-4t, 4 i • 1„,,,,,, .,,...0....., 7 ,... - ... "eel •-' ' t ,.. "... ...... .. -ss• e•. , ......., . .d.iee,4.:, T. HE HURON SIGNAL. Pail)AY, AUG' 8, 1890. THE TORONTO BUDGET. MONEY BYLAWS TO BR PRESENTED TO RATEPAYER& Flame fee Kiwis. a .k1.RarEall with ledieseast AessoML-Mhe .at. Eteetlea Pottlarea - A eased Trask Goadaeller lattled--/Ilieldssil es Is ainsweee. Tommie°, Aug. L-Thereare seven bylaw to he prwerated ter she noilorestion of the ratepayers of Tomato to -morrow, eggreget- leg • 1.101 01 61111,9611, ciesside of the Usiver- en slty grant, 11000,000. Mae three more im- portant are the Waterworks I [.. Re19,TTO ; General Psi 1 160,9133 ; and the huts 1 ,e40. pre maree imam are $01000 for the Howard nessetwisl, MO 0 tor Boys' hides - trial School and $10,000 for Girls' ladmarlal School, At the Polk. Court yesterday Thomas Ithmiter, aged ST, giving his address as 96 WillianiAreet, was charged with indecently eseaulting a young girl named Me Pearl, who resides with her paresis ia the more house. The offeece coselleted of defendant pestUng his arum around the child's Ma while meeting Isar in the peerage os Sunday earning aed hieing her &garnet her will CuL Desiken toM the .comet that be mum be bought OW the kw forbids any person. old or young, kilning little gide against their w211, and deed hint 61 and costa or 10 days. William J. McLeod, laborer, was arrested yesterday afternoon charged with intisome assault It appears that, McLeod took Lilk. the 7 -year-old daughter of Me hindiadr, Mn. Porter, 3S4 Frust -em, to the Woad with bun, and while there helmet the child to ... , .. • , Win to • secluded spot, where be ettempted the outrage. The child's screams Ttracted the attention of people is the vi- ntty and be was handed over 10 1'. C. Wal - Th. 91th election petition was 61.4 .1 Owed* Hall yesterday ia the shape of • ., . d ...'. against David Porter. the Me Sinn armlidate wbo was debated by John George. Mr. George's sierstion was petitios- ed against some time ago. Conductor Walter Powell, masa the driest employes os tne Grand Trunk, mei with an awful oath yesterday &Nemo= at Little York. Mr. Powell was attacbed to the Kiagslon mthed which leaves Toronto for the east at 13%. His trete reached Link York about 1 o'olock, remaining tire Ave minutes. Coodector Powell, se 16. train slowed up, jumped from the rear coach toward the west sad of the platform and walked Moog between the rails to the elation for orders. He did not perceive the Art engioe, which was passing sad et • rapid rate, behind him. Powell took • denting walk towards the piatforni, and the moment he placed his foot across the rail, thesegine struck hiss, cutting him in piece& Police Magistrate Dentition bee written to Mayor Clarke saying that be will reties to accept any portion ce his salary until he is psid ha full. A Louisville My.) lady was relieved of OW sad her ticket* on the Empalme of India last night. Caesar Powell yesterday afternoon. at M. McCabies undertaking establishment, cie-7totaair inquest on the body of Thome wbo died soddenly in the orrice of Dr. w the preceding sight. Mr. Robert Freese was foreman of the jury. The may evidence taken was that of vie - cent T. Hero of Qiieso-II brother-ia-law 01 16. deceased; Dr. Walvis. As whose office demand 41.4. 1.4 Dr. Prim- rose. The melt 0116. post-mortem was sot amide public, bet the coroner announced that Drs. Teskey and Wilberforce Aikins, who oondectied it, and who had made a thorough .. , .„ .' . , had informed FACTS ANO FIGURE& Miss Grace McDonough, who will W- hom • formes of $3,1100,000 from bra mother, is sae of the premien Caldisrota heigarres. Prekrmag C B. Richards, et N. Shef- field Beieatille liehool, Yale, has hese made by the Emote Government • che- valier of the Legion of Honor. O'Briea's merrier, calls to Wad the feat that of the eighty odd frisk members of the Bosse of Cowo.s mmaiderably leas than ase -half are Bow diets. Profuse, MAW Willard Fiske, who won tie $2.500,000 lawsuit brought by Cornell Uoiversity, a abroad at present. H. is Doted for his Icelandic scholarship and kie big lawsuit. The C.ar has hewed an edict forbid- ding applause i. Ruseraa theatre*. The explossun of bombe iu the vicinity of the Cr bee lewd. bun very mosative to noises uf all finale. Henry M. Stanley has a first eosins Suer aia Hurl street, Wilkesbarre, Pa His name is John IL Jose*. He is the phjeteal enlace of the great explorer, having the same cost of (*stares. Constance Fenimore Cooper has the reiatation of being • charming conver- sationalist. She does not talk an infiel- d. deal 01 nothing. She knows • thing or two and can tell ycu of them. The Priories* Louise, Msrcbieusss ot Lorne, is making • statue of the Queen u she looked in girlhood, to be given to Keosiagtoo s.& memorial of bar Majes- ty's early life there. Th. Austrian archduke Francis Ferdi- nand, is an extreedingly wealthy, but liar from handsome man. He bee • short body, wok long limbs, a small head perched on a long neck, and a prodigious noel. Prineses Marie Leonide Bonaparte, daughter of Prince Charles, has pet married a simple lieutenant of infantry, and broorht him a dowry of three mil- lions. The father at first opposed the marriage, but Bonaparte women are in the habii ot doing as they like, sod the Priocces had her way. WILL CURE IILIOUSNESS. DYSPEPSIA,SP I NOIRE ST 'OK J A SIN VIOL ERYSIPELAS. SALT IRE UM, HE ART SINK Iff ADACHE • Arta every species of Memos erbead= disordered Lief R, eiteelleacke DOvili..* OR OR REUEVE DM TONER, DROPSY, FLUTTEAINI T NE miff. ACIDITY Of FRE ST 011011t Dar NESS TME SOX, T. WORK & Et, SIMMER SHOES • noserhstinattne Deg. A red nosed nun was making hie way up Alabama street, with • thin yellow dog affectionately following after atm. "Look at that dog. said Bailiff Nig Simpsoo. "That's a smart dog." '•Why was the natural question, there being nothing in the dog's appear- ance to indicate as mach. "Just watch, DOW. The dog follows that tallow into stores and houses, up stairs and down, through all sorts of weather, just like he's following him now. It that fellow ever falls off the bridge the dog will fall off, too. U the fellow ever gets run user by • train the dog will, too. But he wont go into that barroom. He knows a barroeui as well as I do, and you can't force him in- to one. He'll stay outside and were, and ou can you can nearly always locate hat fellow by .isocline at the corner of %khan)* and Prior and looking both ways till you see that dog. Now watch 1.i...' Ti.. !Ad weed men Mart oo HMO the ear -room. Tl. dog looked op sorrow- fully at the window, just as if he were reading the sign, and then settled hi.. - .if disconsolately upon his haunches at the edge of the sidewalk. He gazed et the door in gloomy, mournful expec- tancy, never once taking his eye away. He waited for full ten minutes, and then N -bet all the organs were in • when the man came out tho dog resum- te and there was 00 apparent ed his place and followed at his heels.- - *riot- 1"eaur discovered_ Atlanta Constitution. It was decided to adjourn the inquest until meet itt• 11111••• tort of so. Ittnik It at • ins& &mirk •••••.a.• Moriday, Aug. 11, and Coroner Powell will Mats ii• . ..............a. op gam. Wo _AI Ws olvoor yos more as sia. row es: • lit .. ear r WO. Am As rrarlib. lasleasims etitehit the tact. "he Ati4"67- If there h • suspicion of moths in the Re •rinty Amu, omoapofl000• *Moat ova Illiterrozonmettaiinjw•i•- . '.0-0 '''........ Pr*MPtlY Mamas IltALL•Tr • CO.. •••t• III. 1111 o Oa, ENDLESS VARIETY of Style and Price. at the Old-Egrablisbed S3a.oe Store orr E. DOWNING. lo,,,o••••••-•...000 THIEBIEST GARTH& 0. BAKIRPOIDER ratan WETS 0111111 COoll ree Meer. Nethieglidatima. masstrillE11 I am aot confined to one Make or :Oyle.flett can sive you your choice of the Best Productions In footwear trees all the Leading Manufacturers Vine. hes 6 Lewd PIM leas May 011esis Slam /eh Pim" Fara Pew, WU/ Bus, Cass lisperssme, Diej and Lama, Mle.% CSAIII ST MET, ONTREAL. D.A.WCA KILL& D° otaroui-onL ilJeleCi.h7 Or 'IN' 7ARRIAGE VARNISHES1010 4SILVERMEDALSAWARUEO in the Dominion. Prices lower than at any other stongln the Dominion for.the same class of (hoods. l'i.41.77N7cirAt CHADWICrs man SPOOL' STEEL -LINES TRINES IsSameis,Ladiee'and all mbar kissm. corr-ott mut sat EICULISI PUm mm.d....d TRUNKS Yeektoss Us& 15 16. Weed. J. EIBLEGH &CO HIS 20 SOMOIL MONTREAL, Agit fon :T, .301E1E1.1:T03 Dral HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Mere Dame cella of Me mese mowed and Megently tanstabud Motels in tao City. Accommodatioa ter 400 A100040. Rates s WOOP1UFF, et to g3 per &ay. EL V. &masa , DOMINION PEARS LUTHER B0kRD III J. PAUI ER SOR Wholesale Imetri of sayscorr SUNDRIES 170 NIONTREAL. SOAP. COMPANY. .. or ORESTES MILUIDARD Steam PiwkIng. FRICTION PULUY BOARD, Melee PerfedFrelkw RECKITT'S BlUi THE BEAT FOR LAUNDRY 32, PAPERS. Wrayplag, Kann* NEWS. A LL WWI Ordered WorkfrL MO 0 ro ORDER WEIGH :Ana equal to the best in Canada. NO SLOP WORE EVERY PAIR OUARANTEED. ToH$sTNS U9' TWIDbEEF ..•••••• 4IHE GREAT TREH6TH 61VE 1PEFIFECT FOOD tifarumtinsaice.0 thrinticustkvirmor A P3WERfUL INNAGOAATOP • .„, sysii7(! 4 , • .ov,„ 4,„ let* 4 4j VMt t45 , '3161' Al: PUBLIC NOTICE . • • . 4,1000, 403 '-ssiZti?"); sts." 1. • /1 • 14' Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. - In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Goderich Poundr3r and Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WE HAV* ON HAND FOR BALI: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOiVS, &c. .111EE ZVAltitt 16. enos44. ••••quabrA ird ta rarer. m▪ a seporetworrigrrril ~limo wove rano. r err Wray. arbor). Ony Orr grim was se r at sew ar who sow r sir re*. AV or• Ir. reels prom 5Sl Orr or garb as sod ...7.b.:Lir.ler- =,t.•1 ris orriorreur man or 110.• W - 'Ma 11011 IPSO Ube 40900,000. of a mimosa to We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. Give th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. the stomach be analysed. 'teepees, press along the edge wit a o Oeseral's depart:meat, with Um request that and "ght. In thank The burial certificate issued by Coroner iron or sprinkle under with belt. Powell meribed death as being due to 'tar- Lime free from grit mixed with alcohol E. ESTABLISNED MR. - - Ccr. East-st. and Square. Ooderich Buchanan & Son MAX ts° IACT1LiflikAS We Will Guarantee Satisfaction, It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plovns. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. .A.STEr C A.121TIZT . . . The Furniture Dealer Is @ening all kindle of furniture at the lowest possible prices. It is • welLAnown fan, that be tarnish. He Walser the leading Undertaker of the town. 1.:mbalining Fluid always kept on head. Re also wakes a speciWty of Picture Pramins. Give rain • call before purchasiag Feralture elsewhere, and you will And out that hs does as he says -sells cheap PLANING MILL 1- ootic poisoning, Um testimony leading to this spolied with leather will give a beautiful E DOWNINC deductios. Dollish to steel . Tb• r••••121/ b• "inn CobourE for Remove stains from cups and saucer. interment via 0.1.11. this morning. Deceased ey scouting with Pim coal 'she*. was ally 21 years of ago. Vinegar improves by keeping. there - ONE SE DY. Afore it ta best to lay in a large supply. NEW ARRIVAL Prescription Drug Store. NOR las one and all foe their past patronage he hopes ss 1 receive a continuance of tho Gi-E 0. BARRY, Hamilton -et. To break up a bad cold, bathe the feet, - - - Koussalsell Probably Med or the whole body, in very hot water, leer Weal;essetey Morales. Atarmr, Aug. 4. -This afternoon Warden Dungeon If it would in safe foe if left to Meat and vegetables are much better if pugisugg EXCURSIONS! Niagara Falls, Buffalo, "tied I will -vto you frankly that there will the Move, ars pat in an old tin and sold and drink • cup of hot ginger tea arid xo 165e Anaciesed Preen representative irked lainmaistalY t° , . to absent himself from the served whoa they are done than vieleity the prison two or three hours. get oold beicre they an eaten. " WNY. tho "Wow*. If the coal cinders, when taken from hour "I Cleveland, Detroit, Pt Hur- hours." This was mid at 4 o'clock this after will have nice clean cinders that will on, Goderich, Sand Beach, 'Tawas, Bay City, Saginaw ithtiglhist thht the death belt will ape b. Sew trouble of sifting them. GRAND 6. nt iniPortntin• within tin, next 24 water poured over them, in an Isom. home the warden is authority for the burn clear and g.,od without the disagree - until 4 o'clock to -morrow. How many have tried sunflowers for and intermediate points. ic PethalgY unnur Ww17 bean poles? Plant them very esrly, and when Dos loot high plant two beans to a The Fast Steamer A 161611660 Mint 06 ilIVW was today foor Adak, giseted here 11 a gentleman deep in legal lore. This suggestion was sot Use outgrowth of any personal interest, but is the outcome of careful perusal of the statute under which Kennel't has been senteseed, and of the form or ale ••••11,1011 that directs Krimmler shall 6. 1011.4 in the week beginning Hooday,Aug. 4. Here 1. 16. point raised: That the week heightening Aug. 4.54. with Sunday. The warden bee arbitrary power to defer the rase- : nation antra Elunday, Aug. 10. On Sunday Me bell that the general law would inter - vase to prevent the killing on that day upon the greeted 16.1 557 execution of legal pro- wess, upon %noisy la mot legal. ' Directly at this pointthe case is touched by that Setwral principle of law the., II the esseenoe under winch Kemmler is expected robe tilled le void In part, it must he wholly void. Broegbt to • ekes appileatine t. amenniption Is that if it la Illegal to kill itsettnisr on the sloven' day of the week he siguated. then it would be illegal to kill lire on any other day of the week designat- ed. Th. situation, It Is bold, would be differing if Sunday intervesed as part of elven days bra It +add Men ran with the week. the samd thaw, and also with the word Chamois can be wash in wa withotit soap ; rinse well and pull and stretch to soften while drying. Binding • piece of lemon around the toe, rubbing the corn with green Peach- tree leaves, are both very good remed- ies. massy. People who Imagine that they are talking slang when they call such a day as thin a "muggy' day, and put words, se they cribber do, in • sort of vocal quo- tation marks, se if they felt philologi- cally • little .1.6.4 1. mina it, may be 'assured when they are told what the history of the word really is. "Mug- gy," as Webster @freighting. ir.forms us, is not • slang word at all, but a very old Eaglish word indeed -older Indeed than the English Isaguage itself. It oomes front the Raglish mut. meaning fog, which is the same as the Welsh mwg, smoke (thiak now math won. a 'sway day meet be than even • muggy one) and the loeiaadie samige a mist. It is allied and be • part a the sone ears with word moky, which means a t r ewe steeds the week in which the etorkt.. Looking np this etemoloa, moos Is to he exames4 sol be liopall t Boston fransrripf one is coa- 41ay eold In Deism Aare k some wretched slang word "molts, ' feted to • eemnista. beeems the week wig with • fronted 'with the eiroat* nes that the be good Eng after gesend law which may bridge tide pelint a bleak in, may es* width le Yoked, the ashler essitenes, It k all, aad mean@ simply a foggy, smoky • throMbt, Might dwelared nail and void. panne. LORA, WILLIAM ROACH Master, 45 asomene worts... et ragmen Five inenthere of the Haversayer Rocinurrna, An& 41. -The MIA anneal Hy have bleared their lives for 1100,000 eneventien of the gememat ..,.its.. of the rased Reales end Calm& was openoil io the ""il Th. Viet" v." wlietwl bi two Was at 3 deist& amount to $00, leaves Ceoderich as tone.. LAST DOCAD. le.111. I WAIT 1110V,CD. Was. Jam 11, July 1. 11. 19.127. J517 1, 11, 21. Mk Ark. t. 12. 30..23. 22, 3o, Sept. S. 13. 21. "Pr• 7. 15. FARR Ooderich to litiOrelo and return only #13.00. Including berth and meals: Round Trip only Stele. Far further information apply:to Wiff . LEE, Agent, Goderich, Ont. Se tt. 9 SASH, DOOR and BLIND afitintA Dealers in an kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every description. School Furniture a Specialtj H I RSTS PAIN EXTERMINATOR WILL POSITIVELY CURE CIAMPS, PHIS TEE STIRACE Bowel Cemplainia, Diarrhoea -A'' AI - SUNNIERCONPLAINTS sump A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. SOLD SY ALL DEALERS. ICES I r, .,. W 1 I 40°1,,t U • ,-•ite pet In with t...3. I:" It BOOM Lead, Galvanized Iron .i7:., ,1* 11 I I, CO wr A ran CVM GOODS MI:DM LATEST sn-LEs. Remnants to be Cleared Out. Perfect Fits and Showy Sh.aPes. H. DUNLOP nth% The West.*. Teller I,00004 The LATEST Ala BEST • STYLE AND VARIETY r r 7Y,T 6106. 1.?), NEW GOODS ! Liquid Rennet. Cream of Witch Hazel, Recamier Freckle Lotion. White Heliotrope, Wood Vio- let and White Rose Perfume, Wets. per oz. vv ..L.L.ApV..01NT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER, BILL HEADS, 1111 810111L OFTICF 5. 1 BY 1111 .11 TOWN PROIIRT1111 FOR AL 1. q. Black Iron Pipe, $100 AND UPWARDS with Adjustable Brass Connection& I 1 have a large nnmher of Nooses aad Lots and Vacant Lend, in the seem desirsbio parts -- °eNtsoTirtri7c tr.imeatilo4semareaS11111preportikr. y Were HYDRANTs 011' _VARIOUS PATTKR248. *6. 56 Rine. Th C. P. R.winiohavo salllits= I MOP. Recinklers. Hibbs, Maks. Praetors. avid sad in a "hoe time ,miess ell the attachments at redwood prices Mooed the reach a was,. . Oen aed see lAst and Prism before parobate twarereems illear Vietoria Street ' i.eefi hm eleserihere. AriV O. A,. a u.01.11ER. Weer in. 'hire door tresiVaTielle. . . ii end Telorraelt ith MM. 11•1 R. RAT/CUM, Kii:etets sod oeftwei 1 t'c • 0°0'0'4 ••••••••••••• sir, THEITORONTO HOUSE to re ;en: r wieremo weer. I MN III:* doot0...a. MOM • 01111114 Cb 1•401.0 IWO. ant noses Is Notary op ocm sand roe to Obroe lobo 0411 - ?OW eir Orr ro- Hoe .I.*to 0•000110 55=1:6•10=0;:,d0".014, r4" OM .11,•••• 1,010 too. all Of loom IOC Os VA orof...iparat 11101 1 sur..•4 Is en fa. sash °I:1=-6" Blallli Nobs at Si la. ,fr14'7 0144. SAL , Manager 1 • 0. ). 14P d 14* - Ay It FNIEFINIIIIISPIPOIS IT SIGNAL WEDDING STATIONERY AT SIG ease agent* and t eirloiet • , will • Emmy aoo, 's""4.s ,ss "so• ' ' • IF ' ss' • , s 14' ' • • r '4 ss° "5:1,4r 4".".:rjrcfs, • "4"ak. 00,A I, 4 .,