The Huron Signal, 1890-8-8, Page 2er lF :4 .41101114. - ft • • . .y � ' x THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. 8, 1890. Closet Ms' W V w dir•s1iN el bMeslt, la • ries fibs • file. "Irby. "don't won't or, ark yes sir," u- this THREDGOLD. �.; ib...•.r.dw..tl.R tby,ele the. yMi ...red the bol. taidl,, I. .0 t, kr her elderly liner, " ' with • most proration' nowt en his sad the " I ase sot earkisg atter Mat, I •m sub. s-fsiUag feel d thy bsMssu r oilier fuss, •ow • his appears.' at rl Mod te see ler openlyday ohms dap hi kis eager, with& reseal Womb his "net resin• M b seen,'' a•tterwd door, with kis baud, plaided deeply in Ca•rsttn 1114100901L °` wfassavI gest the area ba•.-, I tons et I p a.waaat, 8•' L his pockets. He had heart a7 vole.. L 1 bay vat hues r asibfl 1 else s wen bar a be m7 orfs," 1 aslewered dr- bort C , fall In/. • soughs hind book isle the ben I provided ••d b.b.red that I had some to soaps s•b�� '•AM I dos's •r how yr of area !ties 1 bei Indere Hard him m7-ealf with • kale" sad roams attempt to aspplamt him with I wo.Y ••a bale Miss ss gelsbli stray asudf rad have a batter object for or named May bath upas his with- Wand the boy, who wee rat&nrr flet. Thsrud Mot ]Lend. tamed b .7 intrados b let ate "the 1 have a few words with you Mr as hop.issel7 is loyw with Meg Nout Road. .Aa k was l lull a vicar to her j gases vim ' lue, •when pie rained yobs o attaarr • Tbe ole reap' way es a o�.vate matter el M- imi child. About i years C eraser '' grey -bins ensued \lead• hair, Tong ho - lows lo•• 1 bad hod any erase of diaoovertsi wast • thew.Rby good. Lair-.Indd ta> I alas mer, And what • prtislary peri sa'l and pew .i view of We obs too& est of those poetk oyes. Vag wee the add d tis ov.eeeer d • sail abbe, a shrewd, hard -heeled me• who had worked Ids m•7 up, W .b. 411.0d very MO n W esttatio• d kis employers. Some distsrbanas@ tr the wool district barn; bought the ..bast southo Moss prominently betore a1. pub- lte mild, I had bra seat Borth by the editor d an illustrated paper, tc take okra's of the affected matrices ole the -spot. Zech Thredgold bid Men very Rood to ow, and bed not uoy initiated a into •U the mysteries et Ib* Blau -err Pit, where leie orb wort ley, bet bad ellow•d me to visit kis home, .sad so to broom acquainted with the*tri whoa' I dared sot rakes I wasted to moor my wife. Sha knew it of erne. But meg was • model d dierwtien. mad received my timid hints sad halt avowals with . bland and , ble celsneas rash was rather d' , Me .ore so as the eosins owner of tis firm which .weed t4* Bluestone Pit was . eonesatt visitor at the oversea. unpret.odi•g little bum. " Do you lib that old Sibert Cerrito - hem, Mcg 1" I asked her or day, whoa I abed been mom than usually irritated tis owning before by Me rho, /floes wine the seam parttime bed ear tit m7 di risky. Then was, ..M!•ppppi�1y, ..lbiag indicat- ive of • tend. frip letwess as in the fact d my calling \e by re Christ - hs nom. Sr bad been jest Meg Thredgold to all be .itesiDtanoss from kit esthete years, and Tey trot att*spm o address ler more formally bed been enabbod as She had leen washing the family t•bio linen, and was hstesng it up with .pip coo • elotemli e at • hale thione• cram the grimy looting red brick boom, which was ler ridiculously assailable loa'e. Tho whole neighborhood was w..aiteble for be. I glared sronad o• t4* dreary dathe barren, Jobbat-looking te �ne•rest, a tree ; with bore sad there on • spot blacker then tis rest, • wheel big& above the trued denoting the shah of • soil pit ; t1. rows and groups d dingy misers' cottages ; and at the oaeastb-looking coastline was pod- ded to Meg im passing, as if she had been or d themselves. By what mir•- soe bed Meg obtained, mar such ser- r000dieg•, t4* , , d • mole end the carriage d a great 1. the ae ntime s4* one giving • leisurely answer to my question. "Do I like Mr Carriogbss 1 Why, of rune I do. He s very good to fair', sod thinks a lot a him. Look at the way boll come in and balm supper or • imp of ten with hiss. That. great oen- d s.oeusion in • gentleman a Mr Cor- ri•Itham's praitios. " "C , . )! Why tad is dl oath. ether cid., 1 think. War pietism's cold his society rho to any one 1 Yen know very well why be rues, Mogi" 1 was by ads air enveloped a • table sloth width, is • wild endow. to make ayodt moral I had been to bion op with • peg on tbe airborne. Mot rood watching my straggles with sedate L. I was ameoyal with bar with la bolsi vain nation. erne' to he pleased "DoWt you know," I west on irrita- bly, ''that be's a hare; bed men, and that be married a girl ,ears ago who ran away boa him 1 Perhaps she le alive now ; it wouldn't be • very safe thing to marry his ;" 1 finished spitefully. Meg took t4* t•bleoloth from me .ad asewursd with her usual daibsstion. "Mr Coeditor's would fid plenty d women le take their throes of that, I aspect He's got £6,600 a year, y " IW! bo I h•rs't acre so good," re- tard Mr C wYb sal umpire - sat ds7•.s. d loam ; "Lot that's rubor ber, mor that. I take am atere•t ►D the girl ; 1'a her lsthels smpioys, .ad I don't approve of young men of your ter phll.oderimg sleet les." •' I duo'& neo what your approval has l do with tis matter, I rid haeltbiUy "Dua't yon," sold C, , with • bard obeckl. "Call on Zech to -Dight and you'll see. ()a the oche bard, d „your wise yos'Y be erten% to take my word foe it, sod save t1. you, W, so.. awkwardoaa.. '.Perhaps the •wkws.daem will tam out to be for 7s,, mid I, gias@naed at the W's erne I, 1 1, 4 1 "Yoo nob £$,Ogtt $ year; 1 des% make MO; bot 1 haven't tbe i11-tsstment a • y wits en my , , mor tit* en j at be taming up aria at w meoavaaisnt mam.•t o brat MO - This wet, o►i•k I delivered with all the tone rd point of which 1 was ear - Me, caused my noel to tors livid with raga "Yon—Cockney whelp "' heosid, in a low, Mick voice, with his teeth sot fast His first impulse seemed to be to .t - task s permit ; sad millwork mach taller than be, 1 should hay. stood • poor clones rabbet his maseslar force. Bot he ,sstr•tsed brash and fired op- en me • look a triumphant maim which made re tar more mem Mon • bow wo.ld have dor. Then with soothe dry chuckle be walked of, \h rods in lin pookete, with an air d ask superior- ity. upeior- it My 4 were realised. TIM rwiag when I celled at Z*ch'* broo- ms I generally did -to hays • esp d les witk bin. the door was opened by Mrs Tbredgoid, who told me tory shortly that her beamed was oat. I mold bear bim in the room overload ; tat worse than that, Nies,--who was Ispiss lb. tea table rod looking portray ■ I --did sot ren glare m ray dinettes. I world bre lingered, asked ear qua - tire ; for I was esesk-spirited rough when Meg was coeoeu.d. But the door was shut Is N yarn. oa .know. And to be bard isn't the ansa* e s o be bad, Mr Bell. And as for 'WI girl ,1. married noting away. why it foal halpwpaeyess the husb•ad'• fault when •thAad-yoo don't mind • little nth for the make of £6,000 • year 1 I neo, Mies ▪ "I nen'& hal it offered me yet, Mr Dell," mid Meg dryly. "Porters don't got thrown about .site so freely:as peo- ple sass to think. Wbo .m I'bat I *lord have the spending a £G,000 • year 1" "You're more worthy of it than any girl I know,', I had to admit. "You wouldn't fill a great pusitios say the ]em well for being able to wash up ton things." what Mr Corringbam says." "01, Lett Corringham be h•riged." Caluokily, ae 1 littered this wish in no very subdn.d toes, the person whom it eoocerned happened to be os hu way to Zech Tbredgoid's hoose, and so sear as to overhear my words. Meg might of sight of him first, and to my passions'. adignetios greeted eine with • smile at Iasi u oordi•lly as that she had be- stowed epos lot. I man him a curt salute, whir he r.Ierned mon softly still. S.bet Corringham was • tbiek-tet man under the .iddlt right, with a fate which a repose looked as 11 he had been carved out of wood, bat which was capable, of ideal d strong when bis pawnor wee rooted. H* tremor me to • eta. d infinite contempt r i raised my bat to Meg and with 11t• user that I must be off to my work torsed hastily sway. Whom I reached the lane .t the bottom d tis hill, Mir - mar. 1 ford that Mr C ; had, b • .Dort oat, got then fires. H. stood wetting for me, with his 1 lents to ycs." "Bot .1.'d near learn how b sped It. New, I.oaid odasaM bar. sad with- out her k.owag it t" "Ha, ha 1" belvre 4* W 1%11 1 11II 1 11 NI _ 11 1 the skid alma a reser allow .r.• the winter c... M. mad &leer os nes or on laud the ane emote* •at es fotbue nod ton was Rot the Mims. nig we aU foal that then would bar. lyes au turas (151.'* arm, sod mo owafor- table ba for the i$wd, it it bid out boBom lar tis fidelity sod sagacity ef tto.l tart. - "Thus hast lest thy shames of • dimmer apt, but hookas younger oa serer of time o speak. THE TIME TO BATHS. or • ten am and themsats m* loose, 1•%. his estrufragility, be had silk, fair "That's just what 1 want," ho so: Tbo•'ll mot be o• m7 tide's visiting list, Isar sad large gray eyes, nod • g.•t,Ie sword, oda' lower ag and ferooioss eel - .ad se I tau lbw" which might well "tack the lioness. which see m•d to trigbtea Keg, 8o this Gcsroe brut• was Meg's okaios ! wooer folk," as old Doskee had said. for she attend a cry sod glassed from For I weld not doubt, botk"fto. bis "Tbie pleas is too cold for you witboot may tomo of sMrr•mw, and from tis re- • fire, with that ould,"1 rid ; skit• Ruff, *option I had fro. Mrs Tbredgold, that rider!, behoving that 1. bed bro.gbt be wee roma( r a nolo tos.d•tion. In an stony of .able tlon sod resent - meat, I was ablest to rash toes of tho is, wham I was ssddwly reetraia•d by the k. wlsip that C . was waiting st tbe bar sed that I sbosid baro to pass bili I pse.sd and sopped to pat the soahs wkith, having apparently takes • great Insley to me, bad followed me da- o the ball At that moment the door a the mooing' room opened. and a rad - faced oras who was sitting ismer*, with a loog clay pips in his smooth, called to t1. da" , Rot, coo. 'ere." Bet the ooltie .kr•ak behind m• es the door Mooed. I tar•.d to the ch•mburmaid, who was crosser tale bell "Do yon koow .tom this dog be- longs to r I asked. Oh, e.," .1. weere. wwd at e"To the Dachas, a Ghesp jack and kis wife, that's staying tate. Mrs Long let thea pitch in the field at hook, and tis y'v got • van out there and • tent. A air pair o' skean % they are, and oral, toss. Why, they'n mode their own dog so shy b. won't go sear •traat.rs, bet bangs about the vow .11 day long." He will go to soarers, thoudb. He's bio. lavas( epos me and following m." The girl looked at the dog, who was at that moment was licking my had. "Weil," said abe in surprise, "I never saw him carry on Ilkoi that beton ; t eves 11 I was much more miserable that angry at tisk snob, kr I love Meg se deeply se to be elle to grieve more o,•r be sant prospect of 'unarm se the wife ol the rough brute Oorrisglam taut one m, own diesppoiatment. My work at Laneashire magnetically over ; indeed, I should hat. boon back to town two or three days before this bat fog the magnet in tried brick boom on the hill Now ! therefore. I went straight book to the Dotter, lodging I had bra .ccopyia, so as to be Boar t4* pita, paid my bill and aaebed of with my porta'aateas into Coln y, w mer - set town. A leer, atroggjtag plea it it was. this ahoy, bait as • steep ridge of t4* hill, sounding is a• inter- mittent taillike quite • .Js and a half from the station. I made straight for the principal dna, when the iaadldy, a enmity, dictatorial old lady, who had taken me into be special favor, took me into her parlor, and era warm- ed or of me the neon of my black looks ed a my @odds• departure. A beautiful collie, whish bad been standing at the inn door, followed or sad stood b tan, ming his tail, while I made cosfes.io.. "Ab.." mid the landlady of t1.Sw.n,as ahs banded me • box of cigars, They wen very had Cagan, sad very de ; but for some rears it wee owid.rsd a special privilege to be offered one, and 1 dared not refuse. "You're coot in the mood to take it kindly, bot let see tell you there's sway worse men about than Robert Corringham, for all bus • bit rough in his way. And as for that amen he married, the was • rugalar horsy, and it ma her rutin war got ber into troo- b s with via'. Azad o leave bin es •bo did, was enrol to tum • .alar had, let . lose boob a son as C . „ 'Bot that's no raison wby be should sake up to soother girl when he's not sure he's • free span, and tam his porities as employer to taro another mat oat d eke field." "Eb, tot wire none of no quite fair when in love, 7o, no inure than t4* rest The Ism know• bis had a wife, and if she likes to take the risk, why oven if the first should tarn ap, would do t4* right (Inc by bar and not lot bar starve." But this mggmtien was intolerable to me. I spring up from may rest The eollw, whose head I bad been csresiag, leaped op about me, as if rympathmton with lo idlgn•tioe. "Aad don't you thlak,', I bent oat, to keep ay p•saiou within my of decorum, "that it would be better tor her to merry • as. with whom ahs world run no risk 1 And • young meal One who wosld be • Dons, pantos to her. A ad '.And • deal better laoklog sad 1.as rough, sad a geotlmen,•h1 Well, that's for the lams herself to say. Bat, alter all. sir, she's no lady, sod maybe she thioke she'd mot fall to kwe with you Lennon wap. She's no fool, isn't Meg Tkredgold." "That's just it. She would aeowtns rash to • new mode of life witboot say diieulty, being so istelligeat. And m1t would woo feel more at home is a Losdoo drawing room than Is that mls- rab1t brick -field where be llhome i." "WoU, if mho srrried C abed have pleat! of Tory -♦.ors than arid give iter, I nekton. No of - rade in his pockets, 1i• (set planted wide apart and a look of Million' rend stir on kis he. I word haws poised hi. witho.t . woad, but this i maw he was d15uu' rood .nt to let me do. "Bey Ikon, Mr Palettuesd-b.wah, • weed of ye, if yen plass 1" M eried im- psiGody as •a7 agarum i stopped share, rod mmitad for the tbwstened "weld,` whieb some without Way " Teter eas•kin' after that has, Mir Thffedgade + 1"Mds►," be .M, with • Ilk 6 a the •haps of • dry, hard laugh, same from raids the bar. Roiled and sagry, D looked op to or Sobers Oorringhaa's wooden fame we•riag an es of larking ammo- ! not tell how meets be and hard, bet Was hood was husi for- wird is an nailed* of (Montag sttemtioa. "Hamm ber, eb r be repeated to • good friend to his young master, .w4 bines ss rod wagged bin MIL "Oh, tri said the boy, "I bream, and Hoff oars end earls kiaeclf op by one and keep mo worm," "Ad do they leave you shut up bee by yourself ell day?' I asked, trying to Inde my indignation. "01 I don't mad. 1 bus • book that I .as read while the light Inst., and I don't feel I want to run about to.. Mrs Daren erre forgets to give me my bruskfet mad dinner ; bat I don't sem o want to eat mach, nod I ahc.lda't stook .id it she forgot The little fellow, while rather alarmed by the thought of what the oons.gse ese 'might be of admitting • stranger, was ewidesth delighted to got some relief from his loneliness by this oenveraation. He told me, in answer to my gosatiose, that he W move known hie lathe or knows •sytbing shoot him ; that his . other need to make dreams, but that .r had died "oh, ever eo long aero,' se Wali* added with • Bich, and that Mr W ad Mn Dookes, olio wen lodger in the same boom with his anther when the died, bed adopted bels and takes him resod the 00.0517 with them aye alae.. No, they were Dot unkind, he went on in answer to • farther question, st tenet sot until hie ocld got au bed. Theo Mr Dockets had said that Wllie • mother ease front these parts, *ad perhaps they might be able to find some of ken (riwde. If not the boy 000tinwd with • sob, try eetd something .bout finding bit mother's pariah and patuog bim into the work boom thee. "What was your mother's our Wel- la t" I asked, gently, while I privately clinched my first with • stroog dein to "go for" old Docker.. "Limo." rid b. "Bet she mast have been Mrs Some- thi• What did people call ber 1" • could not remember. H• bed • boo lib be name in it, but was coo- ly just • "Lizzie." He woad show it to me. The boy brought or e box, retain- ing such privt.trmeares as he possess- ed, a book in a biodiag which hod once boo gay with magenta and gold. It w • volume of eractioae of poetry ; • regular love's gift, I guessed with • smile, as I op•s•d it and turned to aha fly last But t4* inscription there, written with • quill pen, in a bold, firm, msacolin* writing, startled me beyond mwur. It was this : "With dearest love to Liza*, on her birthday, from Sober& Corrine'sm. Theo there was • beg Sourish, and • dam of too yam. back. My brim reeled as the possibilities which ibis dteeevery opooed oat crowd- ed in epos my Mod. Hebert Corring- ham was a tree as. then `" And this was aha child whom he had Dove seen ' After • heist p• itosate straggle with myself I tooth hard, knowing what I most do. "Walla," I said, in a voice in which rub the boy Dotnosd • change. "Will you lead me this book 1 I will take great can a it, nod I dbiok that by showing it to none one I know I can get you a good Mood." Tb Intl* !d aerated at omoe. "Yoe are a good triad, I think," be mid, simply. The door of the.'mokiog room opesed again, and again the red-faced man call- ed to deg friend. I went into the room, the collie followed ekes at my heels. "Is this your dog r' I asked of tis man with the long pipe, was looked, in .pito of the character I had net heard of him, and jovial. "He seems to have taken a great fancy tome, and so I have to him, for he's • beaety and no mistake." "Ay, sir, that • be," said tate cheap- jack, heapjack, who was evidently Yorkshireman. "And. actor . mod to look, • staodio' oat' plank ami' a boy got upas your Lit- tle Lord Fodoloy, black velvet and crochet ooll•r and • p•rticl•r otos 'sod of 'air. It drawed t'folk, 'specially the women, better nor plea pudden oomps- tiEoo or bane race, or •oy .00ch•lik. Didn't it, Martha 1" A stoat lady in porple silk, with a black "front,- who was sitting by her husband's .ide,ear.lese of tobacco- fames, sodded emphatic •....t as she smooth- ed out the folds of her dress with • large error hand. "You've given him op for 1" I ask- ed, noting his regretful tone. "As given me pop," ha @Dowered rntb- e sharOy. " W i nothing to do bet to est his kmd off, 'a's taken into kis head to solea loch • oold I can't let him show, as folk would be say it was cruelty. So then, I a.,, 11, boy • dog, d anothing to show d ow for It." And he took two or three vicious puffs at his pipe, "You might -engage another boy till this one lost his cold," I suggested. "That's what I'm &lo•ys aortas' of him," broke in Mr Dockets triumph - sat 17. But her bo•band shut her op with a glare of .ears. "Nee, I oouldn t," be .aid decisively. "To be any good t'boy most b takia'- like, and have • 'end of air. Wags won't do ; I've tried 'eon. And our boy bas • pair of eyes that fetch the women, sad there's no deoyio' he makes your ord'n•ry brat look oommoo-like and broad in the nose. Besides, it don't do for your Lord Focddoy to •mif, and most of 'ea ,ifs. Now Willie, don't miff ; and that fact aloes is worth a fcrti"'!" "Well," mid I. es I rose to Isa,• the nom, "I bops boll sous get well for his own mks se well as town, poor little He'll take his time about it, if its on. 17 to spite me 1" grumbled Mr Dockers, while has wife rose and lods me a bob - courtesy. "It suits ala book better to he .l1 day &ooddlin' himself oop than to en his bread and repay bis bwrse- tor. I didn't care mush for the ben•fado,'s tone, sad 1 quite sympathised with Rat for not liking limo It was • strange thing, throb, to Nes bow the animal, who had been lying quietly under the table, jumped oat when I opened the door and slunk out after m*. I pulsed in the ball a few minutes to pot my pips away. thinking I would go into the coffee room and have some tea, As I s did I felt something togging at .y soot. It was Ruff, the loth ; b. wee weggisg ►ia toil and milling/1 me toward the back of aha bell Wondering what was the met - tet with him. I let him lead me semis tbs 1 door •ad along a pes- nagewhich led into the tort yard behind the inn. At the bottom of this enact -yard wee • dosed door, to whish Ref led a. evident! desiring me to open it i did so, and b beaded through into • 'sky- is. lopis. field is shish • large tent was erect- ed, rose by whisk stood • living van on wheels. Tha dog as, booking, op the wooden steps, and • few meae.m lata tbo door was upend • few bathes, and • childish nolo•, boar and wort. : "Reg, good old Ito( ! Where bate los been eo loeg r Then t1. boy broke Into • violeut St of sosibag. noticed how &bin the little hard wee tibi.h be tet out to pit the dog's W, sod I was movie with pity for tr poor littf. hegpar loft or here i• the said. it was ton dark for to sew his foes M the shadow of aha door. "polio ! IitW man," I triad "ARR algal bar. 1 Hay.■'1 yes got a light 1" Leaving my lantern with the boy, ••d tells* him not to meutien my visit to the Dockers yet. 1 hurried away, while Rolf watches me with a dirppoiotd bark as I run down the wooden steps. I think the collie bad had dimly is his faithful dog's mind that I should take his litu* master sway somewhere oboe, it was warn and height. "All right, Ruf, I'll Came beck and look atter him," I said. And my tone met his busy tad wagging. csarrss m. I rade straight for Zak Thradgold's soars. i had two amino. to fulfill ; one with Meg, and the other with S*bsrt C. . Not mush to my surprlss I found that I ooeld make one journey do for both ; for when I knocked at the door it was opened by Meg, and I could be t4* voice of her elderly admire, was was sitting at ►r tea table. The how was built in snob primitive fashion that the trout door opened into toe family sitting room, but • wooden screen bad bean built op to keep the draught Out •o that no Or saw me bet Meg when tr door was opened Ties v41 looked startled sod rather eontses& Bet I hankeed tor• -snore her. "I haven't come to tease you, dos'& be afraid,". 1 said, in • soot matter-of- fact tons. "I Mart for London tomor- row morning. Bet es I have jest learn- ed something it ..y be to your odor - tar to know. I thought I'd bettor res over bee •ud tell yea" Meg twirled the door handle retro sus oealy, sad sorbed to wish to Gay something. Bot I word not give bar time. 1 amid or trust myself sot to do something idiotic if ore we our to par- ley. 8o 1 rushed on with . speech. "Your admireris tb.rr-Mr Carrtng- has"-Meg looked uneasy ad blushed -'Zea Gan marry Iia withoat any fear of his first olio turning op. 81. • dead. I tbo.Rht it cooly fair to let yes know this as .Woe se I knew it myself, sinus I threw t4* doubt in your farm this enm- isg. bin to as in terror. I was so way alarmed by his tom. But Meg kites, the brute better thea 1. H• wised his hat and pelting the door, shot it roughly, took a by tis arm with a strong gnp, and torsed up with se .Drega the moor to the left. As be led me rapidly sway, a wooer appeared at the wtadow. It mu too dark for me to be able to nae mere than this, that it was Meg, and that she was making a* Ow - tares of warning. I ,felt ter too secure in my power of takiaga m of myself to take mach heed of these, but I woe glad to find that m safety was not altogether • smatter d indi8ereaw to bus. Meanwhile Comogh•a way borrytoc forward, directing our steps • rough sod broken part of Or moor, where I bad neve been. It was some siestas before he .poke, in a sang. dogged tor. w hich mad* me wonder whether tm poor little sou I had diaoovered for him would not be bettor even where he was, thou in the care of such • rather. "Now then," said bat last, "what do you meso by slaking op here after that lass when yon bed your ordere'Handa of r " "I take no orders from yon," 1 said very quietly, known( what . .or posi- tion my errand gave .e. "Bot as it happens, the brines that brought me bee baa nothing or out to nothing, to do with Mime res deoW "Tb•t's a e:srsod ice, yon—', 1 felt myself suddenly seised by both arms, turned, and forced backwards over the rough ground. I shouted "Help !" I struggled, but I had been taken too n oels by s•rprise. 1 000ld nrtbe free n or stop myself. Quirk's end quick*: wo ort over gtrond which sloped doww, until suddenly stopping with a jerk, my assailer dung me from, tripping se op. •.oa'mat Wer I was ging many feet below, at the bottom of a pit which bed been deg for goanying papaws, bot W oos abandoned. At the same tis* I had mom eomagh to be thankful I had n ot fell.m on m, back, for .seared if I hd,Sebsrt Corringham word hay. fe- e d my rivalry no Imago. I think that, baying given this plass- sot little vett to hes passion, eunuc- hs= bed • moment cf compunction. I saw his burly figure looking down into the pit, se he said wally, yet I tbcagbt, n ot witboot anxiety : "You'd better not ban interfered, you My heed was betin•isg to swim amid my limbo to feel dost, I knew that I most make tr most of my time. "Core down bore," I mid : you havn't beard what I had tory." After a little hesitation, C ' walked around the edge of dm pit .ad CUM down by an easier way then he had given me. "Pat your hand in ay left band pock- et here. ' I mid. "My arm is bookie, or I would Dot trouble yes. lake out • book you will find tree.' Seism Nave • growl like an notes, bear ; it was his way of @bowleg • pang of remora. Hs complied without • word, and drew out • volume of poetry be bad given to t4* girl be married I heard him shake like • leaf ; I hod • rano utl•m•tios : 'Who gave you this 1 he asked in • low, @baking nolo. ''Your sou.' There was a moment of •bailer sil- ence. Then the rough, surly men fell on hi. kisses beside me and began blub- bering like • baby, incoherently thaok- */ me, bl*witag me, imploring my p•r- du., begging me to tell him tors. Was his wife alive 1 "No," said I, "yea are quite free to aarr� M �[W " "Oh, I don't know about that," said Corringham, slowly. "She likes you best, you know." I struggled, in spite of the pais in my arm, to ten and look into his face. "Do you meso that 1" I asked •brept- l7 " Certaiay I do. That'. what made mese savage. I think I'll just go Wad tell 4*r what T,. doss- It'll do a good to masks • (clam boort of it, and Meg won't spare me, if I know the km." He harried of, heartily ashamed of himself, penitent, humble, 1 kat 000- ee woo as be was or at sight; nod before I had removed altogether I bad , gleams of intelligence, deriag which I knew that I was being carred along by two moo, ooe of whom was Corringham sod the other Zech Tr.dsold, while Meg herself was welk- isg by my side. Whoa the doctor saw me he desisted that I had sustaieed • compound (mates of the right ankle, besides breaking my tight arm, Bet I didn't oar. The more there was the matter with st n, the tosser 1 would be before I soak leave the dearest spot os earth to .•--Zook Tredgold's little bore os t4* moor. However, whim 1 did lean., I took the alarm of the place with me. Meg Dove had oared for Robert, .b. said, .d a*ve intended to merry him. "Bot I track," she added .ilk her premie North weary asntioo, "that you being eo much yowler and better kok- ing, and Imolai so mesh the prettier manner, i was perhaps letting myerf to be led away so mach by tr eyes. And so I tbougbt I weeks'% jump at you, but world wait a little and us* how yr timed oat" And are you satisfied now, Meg 1" Sr easel goiog to spoil one with two moth effusiveness. She jest looked at me out of the wren of bier eye and said Metier C . gar • • a wed - "Thank yes." wwoe,t Meg, is • ding present bas M kr • dike ani trembling noire. dasher tlmm for • peer wrest sad kis "And sow 1 amok like to spook to wife. The sf the dW-fit Male Mr C . Writ! you eek hi. to Welter pond to Woad via sem--*eII- see m• 1 '1 weal dsu. him mon than ear his toegb mama nod mei. a hap a fin -nest• " py sand \ter . The bey'• defers health Meg ase eiswd 14* trooblii of arias sons sow his may Orlin 11• bleb .tWAy:'ax..__-. AWd 4"r�ta emomoommingl Median *leen and laser's Orr se Seel 15. Nees Time ear Kis lama -game sr sea Iheablen-Kenmmeng M MserkM, la ooseidsiog the sobjest of injudi- cious bailor nee of t4* a'edisal jour - psis reiterstee that it 1• hisbly d•ou.rose to *large tato the water jest atter • meal toe while tangoed. An boor before our sad Wore going to bed are the best times to Make. The average duration of the bath should b• from five to tea minute• for childrws, 61 - tees iodinates for wo.eo end but little luster for mea. Tu delay stash beyond these periods is • performs pr.otios t•- vitiog debility nod iojsry. How otter one sees is a stroll slung a eapelar sae beach, groups d dreoebd, tateurabio ob- jects with blue lips, *raring teeth and wrinkled, clammy skis, who have been &p•adtag half a sor•ing •It.re.tel7 aortae into tis waves sod walking about, drippmc, in tis owl air. From what should have boon an inv►gor tieg dip, they sitars is • oueditioe approach- ing ooWpes. Rosh obese a as bathos* is mofor- tvnetely too co.e.os, even among those was has• sought the seaside tot the iaprovemrt of impsind health. T4* i.asediate efleot of • sold bath to chill tate surface of the body, tis tem-% pasture of which, as tasted by a ther- mometer, may (ell several degr*s.-•s mach sane• se three or four. The akin becomes psis, the lips b1.•, thaw is •hi1- liaes•, shivering, goose skin, and tbe breath has • spasmodic and o•tehiag character. Cold bathing i• @rotary sods certain condition* of the system. while in others itis corks of crest hare. It 1.a*fite the strong sod robust and it moo be mads • resturtive trio, a to t4* "no dun." whoa wisely and judiciously used. Aged people shoulder it with meth ears and not Dfteoer than every other day ; ad should not remain in /r water longe than ten minutia at the most. Ponces who have heart or kidney dis- ease and those in a feeble mato of health should Bot isdulg.. If the bathe dose sot remain In few long, "reaction" male in, tha obillioes,gi.as place to • pleasant gbw sod a fading of comfort *ad acres - able exhilaration. This reaotioa follows soot quickly when the bath is of short dursuon. Tb* shorter the bath the lam is the ultimate depression of the temper- ature of the blood. The shorts' the bath the greater i. its power of •ti.elatiag the fsaetios• ; the longer it ie rationed the rester is the cooling .deet and M. oosasgwent lowering of vitality. The best of all bathe h the ". P bath, for in it the batlae can hider. i. • free remiss of kis limbs. arch as is hardly attainable ender any other .ir- onwt•ace. Smianisd Is • vary valu- able u.nias, ea it brings into action a large ameba of a.ssls. It employe the arias equally with the legs •ad leads to healthy develup'ment ales mausolea albs chest. A sea bath has also another gnat dotage eve .Il other forme a bath, that itis taken in t4* pared air possible. Remake ass rapidly occurs after • ma bath than atter • rive batb,snd thee the liability to "catch cold" is less, although the popular belief that it is impossible to take Gold from a wetting with salt water m ter from the truth The paroles into which the fair set hag fallen, of sitting about for • long time titer "coming Oat" in order to dry their 1mir,is injurious, nod should be avoided. As soon as the bather kayos the water the body should be dried thoroughly and the clothing •mated rapidly as possible. Sol -ions injury of the e, moulting ev- en in deafness, has occurred in oosasq- oenc• of the waves striking forcibly on the side of lbs head. Pot • light aottos ping into each lett.-limes York Nowa. 1 THE TORONTO BU MONEY BYLAWS TO IIA Pe TO RATEPAYERI. Pined M Kimmins a a ri -ta ladeeeat Aeoa.isrTiie •w reellem - A e..ad Trim& =•"=*ebbed es Me lines Tosorro, Aug. ll-llww.n ea b he promoted fur the anions ratepayers d Toronto to -sono, isg • Maid 5715,15. antei& of any pole 5500.000. The three palms% are the Water work In $229,74 ; Qeoerd Pera•m s1 !s1 100.5* ; and the Parke Im ,yam. '%1e other is, are it Howard memorial, 550,0 0 for 1 trial Schaal end 510,0K tut. (tart School. At the Police Chert ymlerd itimiter, aged 57, glvtag hie a. W Wi.m-stw•t, was charged wit imoulttng • yow*g girl named who resides with kir parents h hour TLe offence c assisted u putties hie arm around the while meeting her 1a the peewee morning mud kial.g her moue 1;01 Dodson told the .caned N be taught that the law forbid.. old or young, kissing little girls w)U, and need him it .sd costa William J. McLeod, laborer, yesterday afternoon charged .sault It appears that Mclec the 7 -year-old daughter of his h Porter, 884 Frost—most, to the Wm, said while then induce.* accompany him tu • secluded at e ttemptnd the outrage. The c. ttrat•ed the attention d pool sad be was handed over 111..ed'. LIMm.at relieves emeabsta. Rev. Mr Rosa, f•the-in-law of Dr. Gaon, has rented tit* boar of Mr Ho- vey, in Climbs, *nd will take op hie 5. - siders therw. The Nees et ev& Dyspepsia and soestipstioo are the rourema of various Cassese, bat root ad branch may be removed by using Bur- dock Blood Bitten •eoordiog to dins- tiooa It is endorsed by a1• press, the public and the profession, end oaasot 1s excelled for the curs of 000stipatioa, dyspepsia and all diseases arming then - from. 2 Dr Mackid and family left Sedorth last week for Calgary, Northwest Terri- tory, where ho intends in fetoue tors- . yid. Tr doctor's tray friends with him prosperity is kis now hos. As . HeaWig, Soothing application for amts, wounds, bruises nod sores. there is o rating bettor than Victoria arbelie Salvo la Colin McArt►ar Morris, left f , the old eoantry as Brio, of lad week. 01 b`. i+1. C. C. limitation & Co. Gents, -I have cud year MINARD'$ LiNIMENT is my featly for some yam and believe ft tit* best median. in the market as it doss *11 it is lad to de. DAVIS!. Knasr>att,. Canaan Forks, N. B, John Meds, Mabee* Bay, batons* w t1a he was owed .f a very severe stash rhessielierna LINIM ?. by wing 1[IN .RD'S et thew A teem �aRte t• Neil MeDenaM, rh, while mewing hey same is esatasl with a bee's sole friss Ada ith!( the s sad frac swat►. besa The Illth election petition Hall yesterday in 1 against David Pu form candidate who was deli George. Mr. George's eleotioa .d against some time ago. Conductor Walter Powell, on e mployee on the (}rand Trunk, awful death yesterday often Yore. Mr. Powell was atU .iagston milted watch Maya the east at 1t%. His train r York .trout 1 o'clock, rein aini minutes. Coadector Powell, slowed np, jumped from tis toward the west end of 1 and walked aloeg btwes to the station for mrd sot perceive the plot e was passing east ata rapid r4 Powell took • slanting walk pleUorm, and the moment he across the rail, tb.eogioa.ruc bum in pieces. Pollee Magistrate Desieon Mayor Clarke eying that he accept any portion of his sale paid to full. A Louisville illy.) lady was and her tickets on the Empr. >�t Corona Powell ywsterd•y M. .McCabe's - an inquest oa the who died suddenly in Wallis lwls the preceding nigh Fraser was foreman of the jut The only evidence taken we cleat T. Bero of Queen - brother -is -law of the decreed in whose office deceased died, roes. The result of the post -o mads public, but the coroner Dea Teekey and Wuberforr conducted it, and who thorough .. . , . I t all the organs bate and there w1 for death discovered. It was decided to adjourn t Monday, Ang. 11, and Carom meantime submit the facts I Omeeral's department, with the stomach be analysed. The burial certificate to Powell ascribed death as be *ode poisoning, the Mailman deduction. 'pie rem•las win les mkeo interment via G.T.R. this me was only 21 years of ago ONE MORE Q Ke..1er's 11 r.r W.Asi.edsy fes Ausv*w, N.Y.. Aug. 4. - the Aaroeiated Pro rapes Warders Denton If It woul . t to absent h viidnity of the prion two " Why, Cert•isly," was "sad I will say to you (rani be .otbieg of . , - w hours" This was mid at 4 noon, Mom the warden 1• i statement that the death 1 wd atuntil 4 *'clod .n 0111 probe A ddisste point of ler gamed here Ly a geni.*emi lore. This suggestion wee of any personal interest. M of careful perusal of the eta IIr.mler has been sentence of the soteace that direct he killed in the week begins 4. Her is the point raised hegimileg Aug. 4 ends s,1 nitrites bas arbitrary pow. _ retinal until Sunday, Aug ball that the general 1 nee to prevent the killing the ground that any oxen mew. upon Sunday 1e not I Directly at this print' d by that po er•l principle o .uteri o mkt whsch Kea toter killed is void la part, void. Brought to • Ma b that if It nler on the seventh d ,(paced, then it would him on any Other dal of t ed. The situation, it 1 different if Sunday inter, semen dayk because it wo 41,,,,, and be • part d -11mting the week. the eels stands the r .saee is to b sxa.utsd emeb.-•. cls w d nig r law. U.h general law which may yvhirb is reined, the end Mnaght. might be ebc.an Qinus.at 5.etr.re finnre.v.rc Avg. 4 - eewv+atine of the germ Vetted Maim sad Canal, Plow nebetr Roam la nom at a o'olook.