The Huron Signal, 1890-8-8, Page 1�P.AILORI] 4 LARGE STOCK OF • rice Coo TO SELECT nom 'OU SEE THE BOODLE M-, Pxou0.£ea CES for FARMERS' PRODUCE orewhere he always has os band • 'rJ' lase...o.k a �, .u.._y R�Yi:r Sia• I CROCKERY, FLOIJR AND Labile advantage to give hint a call before 2217. week oa • COMFORTABLE HOBS , mesa ckeertul homes. Grand Ra -p au. Ceek, it SANITARY PLUMBING at murk Nd AND HEATING, is what re ore very ,ol teachers he harvest beep Lined tier storm iseve.t has fell wheat sample. n, L'avtd SAIJNDERS&SON outsiders. k 1 on may perts b. Deal be deceived b SAVE MONEY by cossetting 9enadar't8d.. kick from s •g,,. fie The latest !lent tart' methods rt . ..mewhat Trapping and Ventilation. Heating by 1 re'ter's WARM A among IR last week. r 1 Albers, STEAM Quaid. s,isn.ie. HOT WATER. Bey City, a Ij1 p CES LOW he guest and re- •nied by who goes for geed wart. r City, i. SETI n rsoo, of ran 11/ii�Ee'M f travel- righbor. hor..ugh o tnerc:al vers attd rep the arraying kept a ' •,f De. 4r Ho - his tt - A il am not conductto one >K can [rive you 'tour choicef the let S$OES ENDLESS VARIETY of style and price, at the Aid fa@fabilehsd shoe Store HOIJL MUMBAIA ! I f OE TO ADVERTISERS. otice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. teem pesters. A11 edemas %Mites in the loos! eolsmws .f Tea Sioffii of meetings ur enter- tainments at w&icA an adinceineit4 fee is Jerred. or from w#icA u pecuni- ary benefit is derived. mint be pard fee et the rate of owe cent per word each ir.Mrhoa, no rimer leas than tangy -11w ants. Where ad- asserted a btu n local will be Own fres. DIED. Meteors -1a Godwin. ea Monday. August cth. tele, Arthur Intioteed, mamma eta of Kr. A. B. Levison. seed 4 swathe. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wasted -a10. 1 cake. Pure Tea -Juba RoMrmsa. Bummernate-k a. Atha[ a Drawing Muses- Mrs Beeper. O. T. R. f$Yovet.ee-W. Wear. • The Pbarea ey"-0sw Rhyme. Orb G7erwa-Artaatro.p area. Cordwood lir use- Jab. $. Platt Harvest izounio.s -k. Radcliffe. Devito• izp use -A. H. Mo.alag, Imperiel Rabies Powder -R. W. al1M►t. TOWN TOPICS. "I Were emery pt tektite sees, Age 1.414 4e'll prest t< - A Duo Pa.NST.-Tow most real gift yes eau make is to ere a Wirt Pea. ,yly to D. Me01f1e.dd.r. west, Ooderiok. rhe besanr.l appearance of Oedertc4 V the agonistic's el all signors. •ad the beauti- ful views of the sewer, furnished by Oat. Stewart ore Al la mpg. it Is reverted b the prem that the tent sd lama b !memo u le Pre.Wwt Carse .t1, that ay be e0. bat the best dressed b OMertcb or. those who gut their snits the people's clothier. 11'..1, Pt-Wh•m f4.s.tl17 year tomes without •ad within. Bee that your lawn sad pale° 1s the bust that egbrt can wake 1t. and on the inside walls of the haves dost tail to hang sosss .f tie handsome. wen -framed pictures that R. 8. sallows teases sale at ouch how sates. Merchants a get their tial Hosea letter geode, to.. te.. primed at the oftie. tar very Buie more than thee gseu.slly pat for tis payer sed it helps to advertise their Oen and d use sasseies and get oriole Oeod Heather •.d plumbing Sr. ooadaNv, to lespvtttyy. y°adern sad rtes oat In spapnpr spasms •.d de Italy class aly work. if you have a Job of whatever ante ooeselt them as to Amassed sed now Their prices are low for 1eed work. and satisfaction ga•raoteed. Sole ta for the Gurneys saves. ransoms and water tellers. BRIEFLETS. Miro Hart, of Clinton, ie visiting in tow.. Dr Roes made a short trip to London this weak. C.A. Ed McGregor, of Sarnia was in town Inst weak. Miss Eva Acheson has returned from vieitior in Winghain. Miss I. E. Sharman has retuned from a visit around Pick.ri.gg. Miss Chew has returned from a three weeks' visit at Listened. Mies D. Fergu.00,of Detroit, is visiting relatives and friends in town. Miss Nayamitb, teacher in the Boy's Home, Stratford, is visiting in town. Mr B.rd•y Day's, of Detroit, is the guest of Mr James Doyle, Church St. Capt Dyson, of the Salvation Army, retuned from n trip to England on Tase- day. Mr T. J. Backstop, of Blyth, is visiting in town for the benefit of W 0 w, Este Productions Lal in foot wyr room an rim 0 Doherty, a former resident of , sow of Detroit, 11 visiting In Leading Manufacturers in the hum in l Priem or us other trun the pommies hem sae c 4 I 5 Order A `v?? aged to the bat lin e st ad 1* ad se - he o< o M .1 /NO SLOP Wo, Work la C f "hart(' sands. SOT Pii8 ev rf. Repairing done ...,:.� and Right. 'OmPtiT E. OOWNINCJ Cor- Uol k sad Nears 171ede site tows. Km B. B. Bryce, who has been in town for the past month, left on Tess - day fur Montreal. We are pleased to learn that Mrs Wm. Watson is able to be out .gels after • few weeks' illness. Mr Allan Martin, of Detroit is spend - be some of the summer days in Godericb, visiting old friends. Miss Lily McGregor was visiting In Damnoom during the past week, the guest of M. Km Mallongb. Kim Kate Wataon,the popular teacher of 8t Andrew's ward school, left oe a few week's visit to Hamilton this week. Kis 8. A. Harding, who has been vieit- ies Mn Humber for the per few weeks returned to her home in Ypsilanti,. Mich. Kra Omni* Balmer sad ehild, of To- ronto, end Mie Lily Davidson, of Peter - bow', ere ole gasses of Mr Joh.slon Csrev, Nelson -street. Mrs A. E. Clesdessiagof , visited friends in toter t►M week, _ left for Detroit by the City of 1Vi.d- Tvesday armies. R. W. McKenzie was appointed to represent Nord -et MehodIt roma .4 the Ilistriet a ,seting i. &Worth oe Teeedsy next Mise Roes Orrin, denebtar of Mr J. C Currie. depsty-eberiff of Winnipeg wee is Ootarin during ole pest month, ma lost week nes at the Point Furs, 1 Hedrick. Devine her shay is tide polion sae rolled epee may Meade pod made • *mud visit k E0o C NT Mn Cslbick, of Bromide, Toot a few days is town last week prior to ler Wavier' for British Columbia, where she intends joining her husband. Mies Benjamin, of Belleville, sang in fine ar1Ntto style is St George's church last Sunday evening. She Names a remarkably tine soprano voice. The popular teameter,Hopper, is now doing • rushing trade. A short tome alto he invested in • more speedy hone so that he could overtake the business that was crowding him. Push will tell. Dr M. Nicholson, the West -at. dentist, makes the prea.rvtloa of the natural teeth • specialty Gas administered Irma 9 a. se. fur the painless extraction of teeth. Mesa Swanson h Graham have taken the u outset for re -shingling Nurt oat. Methodist church. and .. 1 opera - lions on Tuesday last. During the pest week masons have been busily engaged in repairing a large °rack In the top stony of H. Horton's block, directly over Jaa Yates' hardware store. Mr J. A. Macdougall, of the Omaha, Neb., water -works department, is re- nowingeuesintance with the home of his youth. and is tb• guest of his brother -in law, Mr Joseph Kidd. The anniversary sermon to the C. O. F. will be delivered next Sunday morn- ing in Vctori•-eL Methodist church by the Rev. B. L Hatton. Many mem- bers of the order are expected from a distance. A number of men were arguing reli- gion on the Square on So.dsy, which proved to be • picnic for the boys. The "jaw" was terrible, and such dtstorben- on should to stopped by the police especially on Sunday. Copt Wiggins, with • patty of our local sporty, left for Jobnstoe's Harbor, on the peninsula. for two weeks' fishing and shooting. The party was oompowed of Mesar J. Griot, H. B.11, F. Humber, H. Rubor, N. Bobier, and P. Shep- iscd- Nr A. J. Macdougall, for some years back • resident of Chicago, bot formerly of Ooderioh, spent a week or so in tows remit!, gettiw • sniff of Guderich pun air. He likes the old town yet. and believes closer trade rdatiooe between Canada and the U. 8. would build Gudench up. The contract for r'eoodelliog the tem- oerance hall has been let to Jamei.00 Reid, mason, and Jas. Buchanan & Son. The wing on the north side is to be ex- tended to the road and the wall be- tween torn down and replaced by folding doors; the door is to made level and the platform to be moved to the cen- tre on the south side. Kerr to Cow -A little boy from one of the American cites, while visiting in town was watching his vont milking when he asked her what she was doing; on hearing her reply that she was get- ting milk he started laughing, saying, "That's a fanny way to get milk, we get non from the milkman and he don't have any of them thing%'' At the Quarterly Board meeting Mon- day evening in Victoria -street Methodist church, George Greet; was appointed re- presentative to the District meeting to he held next Toesday at Seaforth. The usual business was transacted. The at- teodacee of officials was the beat in the history of the church, and the meeting w as one of great harmony. S GODERICH. ONT.. Mn John Reid has returned home after two or three weeks' vont to her sow, Mr 8. J. Reid, at Witigham. Mr J. T. Carrow, Q C , M.PP.. and anus leen this moraine °D the C P IL Maoktnac tap, and will be slued • week or more. Lest week Mre R. S Williams and family took passage fur Mackinac by the O.P.R. Met.. the was aoc,mganoed by Miss Maud Stam. Rev. Father Dizon, of Port Lar.bton, has butt installed as panne priest at K1.gsbrdge in room of Rev. B. Boubst, the former popular pastor sbo bas been translated to Ralkervdie, • duun.bing parish 1n L..x annoy. At • dsoo.. iu McKillop township re- cently the staid, old-fashioned Brunel* Port is authority h -r the statement that there were 101 gentlemen and 8 ladies present. Ie pioneer days this would have been called • stag dans. Tea Loewe Bu-r.•Laa+ -By error last week we announced that the le go don Hanle Club would visit Oodericb last Sunday. The date of their arrival i. the 16th inst. The other particulars of their proposed emit are ourreet, Mr R. P. Wilkinson sod sister hese goes to the American Canoe Aso ciatioe's swat at Jessup's Neck Pciot, Long Island, U 8. They will join the Ubigo. s Canoe Club, of Galt, at Toren to, and thence prodded to their destin- ation via New York by the Erie R. R Plena( Awittnu,.-The atonal pri- zed, which have been given by Mr A. J Moon, et the High Soh,ol staff, to the popik most proficient in history were this year awarded in Division C to A. E Weather•ld, and in Division D. to Marion Sheppard. Giant AND SKID CLtAtnxL(r-r arm - en who want to get • deed and grab cleaner that will fill the bili in every par- ticular should read the ant000cemeet of Messrs Arinstroog Broa, Goderiob, in our advertising columns and woven themselves accordingly. Mr James Stewart, of Kansas City, formerly of Goderich, is visiting his brother and other relatives in this sec- tion. From the number of Canadians that he bas met oo the other aide of the 49th parallel he has donne to the coulee - ion that then has been quite an exodus from Canada. C. P. R. Noerewser Ezcvtuuoxs - Speeial °olenist trains will leave all points io Ontario, Sherbet Lake, King- ston and west thereof on Au. 12th re- turn until Sept 21st ; Aug. 19th return until Sept 2814; and Sept. 2nd return Quill Oct. 12th next,tor Deloraine, Glen- boro', Saltcoats, 11oodejaw and Calgary. For particulars see advt., or apply to R. ed Rcliffe, •Rent, Oodenoh. Mr A O. Pattison, the well known station agent at Clinton was in town Tuesday. He tee recently been appointed consular agent at Clinton, which has been made an outport of Ooderioh. Up to date none of the truly boil" around Clinton bare manifested any disposition to "bang him on a sour apple tree" for being in league with the Stats Sraxott ?OR YOUNG PSOPLI. -During the past year Rev Mr Hutton in bis church gave quarterly sermons specially for young 1•dies sod geatlemen which to judge by the attendance were much ap- prw,vNd. Next 8onday evening he preaches a special sermon fes young "sm. 'The Wandering Boy -When is He 1" is the theme, acd Mr Hutton medially invites the young men of the town. VICNIr AT THt FALLS R4ikarp. -Oa Thursday, Avg. 14th., the civic holiday, Mr I3whisr las made for bolding • mammoth picnic. A good dancing platform and excellent music will be furnished, ands series of games of all kinds will be conducted during the clay. Refreshment booths will be one the emends, and ox,eveyanees will ran to and from the Square to the Reserve during the day. Admittance to grounds, 10c. Childree free. Take is the nic and get a peek of fen. F.xo-t'ttarnx TO KtpoaaDrwk. - The Royal Templar, of T , have n eared the well-known passenger boat City of Windsor to run to Kincardine .ad return on Thursday next, the day of the Erose 6reitmn's tournament and hoed .ompetitlow d that pkcee. Ticket., 75e. ehildrsn, Mk. This 'gip will be the lake gni* of the sea son, and the best , for the tion et f s have been made. Tlts somber of heirs kneed is limited to tie carrying npa- .Ity of the boot, wbieh is drnN, power - !el and feat -eke Moir/ dna from Ki. - sardine to Godmrit+ en s resent c-seelea in 1 been sail 40 Muslim. like will leave Ice's wharf at 7:30 are., and ro- tor' to &idiot& se sees as the day end seeming mermen t.. Nei. A A:corau Forxrsie ow reg SvCakk. - Aootber attraction has been added to the large number in the windows of the business houses on the Square. A. E. Pridham, the well-known gentlemen's outfitter, got the idea into his head that be would put • fountain in one of his show windows that woold "knack the .pots," as the boys say, off the Corpora- tion Babies on the Courthoues Square. and he has done it without halt trying. Saturday evening all the towo and lei• wife gazed upon Ab's fountain and it was mildly suggested that if anybody oouldn't get their heads cooled by wearing the dandy cheap strew hate, the bill oovld easily be 6114 by putting the head near ! the football!. "A. E. P. is bound to keep in front of the procesh. LASOi Ezcvsstotr.-The largest giver - cion of the seaw,a came to Ooderich Tuesday last from the W. G. & B. and L H. & B. R. Felly 1,0011 persons came to town, and brought with them the celebrated Brussels band, which sp- Cred to advantage io its bright nal - theand marched from the station to the Albion Hotel, headed by Editor Kerr, of the Brussels Pout, who, by the way, makes an exoelleat dram major. The larger portion of the exsursi000ists at once headed `for Harbor Park, but a goodly number took easels at the hotels previous to taking in the sights and scene, of the comity town. la the after- noon the lacrosse and baseball grounds were well patronised, and a Targe num- ber of the visitors availed themselves of the boating facilities of the place Tee, excursions oo the lake on the City of Windsor in charge of that ersellwt sailor, Capt. Thorbon, were well pat- ronised. The last run was nearly op to Port Albert, and was notch enjoyed by all on board. The excursionists returned home at 7.30 p.m., well pleased with their outing, and satisfied that Ooderic\ is the handsomest town on the Lakes. °ungues, Jo!, 30th, 1890. DeAa Si g,- Your Brunette* has done ms mon gond than any other reme- dy i have ever tried. Four donee has unmet stopped myeoegh. I► is the best remedy 1 know oand therefore recom- mend it to all. Mae 8. J. B*'cmawox. To Robe Gere, Ood.ri°\. Drwoawwow, Are. Alt,1M0. Me. Gotta, Gosuswn,-I how used haveur s l•\ remedy, and rr tt•leed eight poeade devise ow week's w of it It is • care 1 cat n- rto..dod to any nee troubled with e. - FRIDAY, AUG. P, 1890. COMMUNICATIONS. We do not bold otirualves i. peaelbie for the opinions of o.r C. to Contribu- tors tc thus department art canine *8..- 004105 w public enation. sad be brief. "Where Ipaeesaee r SWe, die." To the tdltor et the 8lpaa) Sts, -A oorrsapoodst of a Clinton paper in hie Goderish items says that during the offertory at 8t O.orge's church lest Sunday Mw Benjasia, of ft.ile.tll....n. • sacred solo most melo- diously, but it being is Latin, • language he did net understand, he Goold not tell the name of the hymn. What 1- • !•leafed newspaper ., lent, and a co. -time editor net baring heard of Byron's beautiful \ymu to the Mother of oar Saviour, . ..Ave. Marta ! Tle the hoar of prayer." Enough said. Agawam. Juba Arnow was • Tery. Te the titter of the Waal. Sia, -I knew John Adams intimately from the day he came to town until the day be left here, and after, and @tete dm - needy that he rover wee s Grit, a Re- former, or in any way leaned toward Liberalism. Tome and again he discus - ed the political etudes' with me, and invariably peened hie faith to the Tory party ou the ground that it was the "high-toned" party. He never polled a Reform vote while a resident of this see tine, sod I know it ; and I might farther say that in the election of 1867 he nine all the way from Stretford to vote apiece Cameron and Gibbons. It is all ...II .Dough for some individual whose word might not be taken in a commercial transaction to try to gain credence fur s statement regarding Adam. politics by signing a bogus name, but if he has faith in his opinion, and believes his townsmen would credit his statement why does he not sign his mime like a man, instead of slandering the dead •.d abusing the living from behind the .kulk•r's hedge. 1'11 venture the state- ment that if "Verity" aldertakee to declare himself over his own signature the people will laugh so loudly at the idea of him coming toward as a public mentor that the little bird will not chirp so blithely in In. focus. Yours truly, W. G. SMITH. Goderiob, Aug. 6, 1890 Rept, to The Mar•. "fealty.* To the Editor of The Signal. Dzaa Sia,-Piease kindly oblige with space to your first Moue to respond to the lenzthy but somewhat vacua er.i iuoo- herent production of "V.:rity" to last week's .' .ii-. And please also to •Eno Me to introduce it by an anecdote -:n point -of • sturdy farmer of long, long ago, who when on his morning rounds and the bull went at him, canght his butlship by the tail and ddreceed him energetically from that point of vantage with bus daily companion, a stout sprig of shill•leh,and whoa the boll bellowed at every blow, simply retort•d,witb, "Well, whs' began it Now, sir, should any little unpleasaotooss oras from this matter I hold the author and the pub- lishers of the "dusting par.gr.ph' re- sponsible for the trouble, for had they used the word "tailor' instead of "Grit,' it would have answered every purpose of general information. Bot, that was n ot the object. No, sir, John A.'s else tion u looming to the near future, and the thin point of the wedge most be en- tered at all hazards, if possible to split • or injure the Reform party in Huron. The Stur'r correspondent asserts that Johr Clark the then Crown Lands agent "ended his career in Scotland by dieing from a charge of writing treasonable and traitorous •rti+•les in •n Edloburgo pa- per.' As well, sir, might this writer declare that every one who opens his mouth against the cowardly and Iniqui- tous acts of gerrymander, franchise and such like, which Sir John Macdonald in- variably enacts before he dare face a general election, is liable to rewire the highest p.ni.hmeat whi,h the civil 1•w of Coated* can indict The seven! trades of Edinburgh, sir, ere or were in some sort of way incorporated with rules and laws of their own, and with an an- nuallyelecled Demons their head official. Now, at this particular time the Tory city 000netl had enacted some civic Isis -1 front its title -which bore hard on the poorer classes generally, and espe- cially on the batten as a body ; and, Clark as their leader pro One was pot forward to defend their eaose through the columns of the New North Briton Reform newspaper ; but, unfortunately. having used some strong words towage the Lewd Provost, he was served with • writ for libel, and chose to take kg bail suns the Atlantic rather than be utter- ly nixed for life by a we•Ith oorpnrs- ties. Such, sir, was the h sad front of poor Clarke offending while in the iand o Cakes; and who amongst es • would have does otherwise 1 Are then ao boundary jumpers even in Huron who would not have dans en for even les justifiable reasons 1 Rut it world appear that the sea voyage bad • deleterious effect on his political principles. He had barely been settled on bis farm os the Bayfield road when the Cando Company's .te•aiboal was desisted to be ready for se., .ad the Compare ad- vertised barely tbroegboet the Company that the Ood.rleh steamboat would be at seep s place in Buffalo weekly. for the remotion of emigrants for Home, and Clark mss sppninted as agent. 1 dock', however, whether either ()Mulch or Harotl. use beseAted def lcieetly to pay lsrb`ia any form. Coalmen finatwaow, The Greif pupil., who wrote at t8e *uteruses euami.•tion, took high marks. Catharine ieman r.e.ived, 488: Iwaw Calder, 4118 ; Joseph Killovwh, 4.19 A. Zimmer, Oita ; Wen McQuaryt., 431 J. Malan, tlKp Wiaad ed Rayeard, 400. %'hF� 1"yG 1/ A CENE"L IN1ELOGEN the ageoey and once rent, but, Mr, I ant only imam awn, bet can prove, that from that day tomb, John Clark was • staunch Tory. As to John Adams I shall only st present Mate that whatever he may have "raised to b." when with his friend "Verity" .ad their joist ma - bore., I um at this .omen[ prepared to name at least a baker's dunes of our most respectable triune, and old -puns Reformer who knew Adams well, and who will tell you that they never looked u pon him as a Refotser,aod that he wsa n ever aces at a Reform meeting. "Verity" seems to pile on the *guy with treat glee about the 'querns and rob- bing the poor settlers oat of "enormous NM ;" he reiterates it is four different please and in varied phrsaeologdies, and thio adds that the head of the "pueblo" was Thous McQueen. Now, sir, I should like to know bow Mr "Verity" peptides himself i..a.ing the dead man, sad emphasising the other "fine gentle- men,all Ornt." without passing them,•nd giving them a chases to defend them- selves if stile to do s0. G that "Vern ty's" idea of British fair play or Eng- lish honor 1 Did not time .ad space prevent, it was my intaglios to tell you something of a Tory clique who had • band in the Crown Lands deal, but of whom verscioos "Verity" says nothing ! but that must wait another opportunity ; and in the meantime I earnestly beg of him to let as have the promised oopy of the Commissioner's report. Yours truly, Ciao. Gan. AT THE HARBOR. A semens orI.cerestt.g 11e.e'Irked a. the Lake tress.. Attklvan. Friday, Asg. let - Pleasure yacht, Cards, Detroit. Saturday, Aug. 2d-Str City of Wind- sor, Detroit, , , . sad freight. Sonday. A.g. 3d -Scow Piasters, Port Frank, salt, Monday, Aug. 418-80 Lags, Detroit, sad freight. Toeeday. Aug. 5th -Sir City of Wind- sor, Dock Island., , end freight; barge Ireland and tow St Clair, Golden Valley, pat in for het Wednesday, Ang, 6th-Str Lora, Sagi- naw, . and freight Thursday, Aug. 7th - Ste City of Windsor, Detroit, ,, and freight. D5PAkT1D. Saturday, Aug. 2d --Sts City of Wind- sor, Duct Wands, and freight; yacht Uarda, .p the lakes for pleasure. •ll Monday, Aeg. 4th-Str Lora, Sagi- naw, passengers and freight Tuesday. Aug. 5th-Str City of Wind- sor, Detroit ; bergs Ireland and low, fitting himself for the ministry. i3e Dresden. graduated with high honors at the Tone - Wednesday, Aug. tkh-Sts Lars, De- to College, stodtd for two years in troit, passengers and freight ; .now Ping- France, and atter visiting all places In fore, Port Frank, light. Marone important for their Thursday Aug. 7th - Str City of with religious history, took orders in the Wtod.or, Doak Elands, , ID. Moot L QCU {Lae A TT, Put Maim THE G. N. W. FAIR. M What the .54..le ars Metas M .N MWea- rainNteo an I.sir.cttea et the reuse. The prlaa lists of the cussing tall show to held in Goderieh oa September 1.3, 16 and 17 are being distributed to all .p- puoaat•, and members of the Society.sad anyone desirous of procuring • copy should apply to the Secretary, at the `,star of ce. The punts will be out next week glen, emu of the leading parti- culars. Corr..poadeooe ie in progress which i1 is hoped will emelt in securing • genuine Wild maid Show, which aid be a lout novelty hereabouts. The clever and popular acrobats sod trusses p� . , Sissoe Brothers, hove hew engaged for two performance•. The Cadets of T , under change of Mr George Stewart, are to give tee exhibition torah light drill, foe which they are making preparations several riming' • weak. A 'mums surprise and deliebt awaits visitors in connection with the dower de- partment.A large fuw.taim, with a basin 12 feet to diameter, is being crested in the octagon firmed by the centre of the main building, and around this will be ranged all the plum and dowers, the space allowing even more roam than oe the .,rdisary tables. The fountain will have • circular as well as a central spray, and • very pretty effect will be given . the evenings by e•os of an illuminati°. through colored glenA collection of fish bac been promised for the basis, sod cages of birds will be hong at int.evla through t8. rotunda. This week the grounds w *lured up and pat in order, and s m 'additional poeomods- tion as ay be required for stock will beev provided in ample time fur the fair. S- en! new and valuable importation of cattle and sheep are promised to be en- tered, and in every department there may be expected the finest exhibition ever seen in this county. LONDON'S NEW BISHOP. Rev. Denis l.W..rr AppointedM eeessee Archbishop Areaahop Walsh. A cable dispatch to the New York (�athulir Nitre from its Rome oorrespoed- eat says that Rev. Deni. O'Connor, of Ssodwieh, Oat., Canadian superior of B.ailioan Fathers and superior of As- sumption College, of SAodwlch, has been appointed bishop of the dices,' of Loo - don, Ont., to succeed the moot Rereeend John Walsh, who was appointed bishop of Toronto last year. Father O'Connor is a Canadian by birth. 50 years of age. He earl deter- mined to devote his life to the Catholic faith, and entered St. Michael's College at Toronto, Ont., with the ingestion of and church. freight Retuning to America, Father O'Coo- wors.. nor was made a protestor of St. Michael', The steamer City of Windsor remain- Collette, his alma mater, but noon ed here on 1 ueeday and made several resigned to accept tbep,ositioo of sopertnr short ezcanioDs ou the lake. All on of the Assumption College .t Sandwick. board enjoyed themselves immensely. When be entered spur. the dudes of his Mr F. Pratt launched els nail boat new Mhos the college was barely in ezi.- y teens. It was located in some deserted 0o Monday. army barracks below Sandwich, but an- Ot Wedmeeday 000etable Yale brought der the guiding band and untiring two boys before the mayor for swim- energy of Father O'Connor it ateadly wings in the harbor without a bathing advanced in efficiency and prosperity soot until it has reached the position that The life boat crew was out for Frac- it now bolds among Catholic educatioo- tice on Tuesday. d institutions The Beaty boat, United Empire, did Ti.day success of every project that Fr not make her regular all on no O'Connor has nodertaken has been owing to a break in the Saaultult Cansal. doe to his great .bility as an organiser 175 Moate of every description were said and the liberal view thstilhe hes taken of to be in sight of the Sault, sod they everyday affairs. Father O'Connor r hap presented •grand aught. continued at the head of Assumption Collage during a period of 22 years, op to the time of his present appointmnt, Mn J. H. Broadtaot left last week for and his masterly efforts will soon be felt Manitoba, where she lutwde spending a in the new position that his profosod lew weeks in Virden and other parts learning and liberal ideas have woo for yi•1Gng friends.him. Mn Kellam, who was Friday week Mr J. Stark, H.s..11, recently ,hipped the @tibjeet of a dangerous and difficult operation for the removal of camow Is, a carload of fine hones Ulf speculation to we are pleased to say, recovering nicely. Brand)n, Manitoba. The Morris and Grey cheese factory Mr H. H. Borges, who was a teacher made • sale of the balance o,( June make in the .winity of Holmes•tlle some tr The cheese will likely be shipped this the Muffled Model Soh week. the last University examinations at Tt;r- Mes.r. Thce and W. Pringle, of Mil- onto in obtaioing his Bret -ole previa- _ and Chicago, resp.°ttv.Iy, and Goal certificate, Grade A. All the more - former S..Iortb boys, are is Seaforth credit is dna Mr Burgess s ho did the flu wok•yi.iting tttr sister, Mo. Cbn• ofwhisrk by self -study dui wails in . ,1 Wilson of arduous duties as Pritoigpal of the Model School. Mr D. D. Wilson and the Mises Wil - the following ;le from the Gnrris son, 8eefortb, who have been speeding g pup the semester is the old country, are ex- public sehonl wrote at R Ingham for peoted to evil for home •bolt Mho 20th the entrance •:amination sod wen 01 this .Doth. .oeoessful, vis : Jemte MoLaegnlan, Mn Comore, 16th nee., had Owl �; Maggie King, 490: Oen Kug, 47''l: FredEvans, 45,i Th• high• t .arks mi.fomoee to fall from the !ad obtained by any candidate in the snooty Saturday, while after the saws and broke ens b7 4 sed the second 5.10 11 will ber left ats. Plat above the whet. She is then be seen that the Gorrie pupils, as about 7 ti years of usual, ken• held their ono and take. a R••,• Milne and J. C. Hearn.., aredltabl• position. Ethel, have their new me mill in Carrick O• Fridoy afternoon James Gillespie township running, and have made • hid a marrow escc•peof losing his life while shipment of Ie...er. They have arranged workine in A. Rloan'e gravel pit, Blyth. with the G. T. R. for a 1witd to Mho A large gossipy of greys! and dirt did .IIL They are pediers. from the top, anemia( him to Mho waist A led beside.t oeesrred north e/ lhle before he had time to get rat of its my. place on Monday week. Relit Arm- Usfo.tanat.ly for him no one was in the etroug, yyoouw eon of Mr Jams Arm at the time to Gist 1i sunny. O..,4 wee gored to dark by • hi. from hie perilous position. Ho bell He lived rely one hoer atter be- wee there In that pn•Ition • erwnidersble lag lowed, sad sorer spoke II word. H. time tosfr.re the teamster" r.t.r»ed end leaves • sorrow -strikes wile et emu reamed him. We are pleased to bear enosths to mown, W Mi. [bet ho ttwtleived w .5110r iejery. 46A bozos. They received 81. menta. y , an wh3 . now prinusal of School, sons ed �rr41a ,r• .t • r i