The Huron Signal, 1890-8-1, Page 8, 001 e'er .. •.t r y� �a " �C-. X14„ 1 i : %•ptY THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 1,1690. .40 ,110 an ROW TO PRESERVE 256 POUNDS OF FRUI TOMATOESAIETO.•: TRICH, VOUNO ANO CULTIVATED, BUT SAGINAW VISITED BY A DEBTRUCTIVIi ISOLATED FROM HIS FELLOW MEN. CONFLAGRATION. , .OM Marl 1 .1GARDTfA IS A LEPER. HEAVY FIRE LOSSFS.. FINE ITAILORI] Or two (2) 7i3arriels of Ctd.= 1 FOR ONE DOLLAR. ONE ($1) PACKAGE OF INC Airiaii Fit Pson Podr aa W .LJ- DO IT_ ►r•0 (25o.)1Psoksgs will Preserve 34 lbs of Fruit or 15 gallons Cider. Full directione inside each package. Mrra'Pry the Preserving Powder and Liquid. You will like it. You will find it less than half the trouble and eltpense of any other method. more reliable and accommodating. and the Preserved Fruit, etc.. even Superior to the Beet "Canned or Preserved" Fruit. etc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the best known method of keeping it sweet. FRASER & PORTER, Sole Agents for Canada, Book Sellers and Stationers, Central Telephone Exchange. North Side of Court Howse Square, OoDltlticH, O11(T. IF YOU WANT TO SEs THZ LATZST PHAZZ OF DRY GIIDS ENT31211ISE CALL AT Tara GLASGOW HOUSE AND SZE THZ BARGAIN COUNTER BERLIN WOOLS at 8c. an OUNCE, AND OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION _ CARPETS VERY CHEAP. FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTH AT WAY -DOWN PRICES. EVERYTHING AT BUYERS' PRICES. !SMALL EARLY FOR BEST BAIZUAINS. IT WAS 1O -CENT WH'SKY. Several Persons tnier.d by Flying Hoops and sitar.+. ST.Aecsa, N. Y., July :In.—The e:pdoskm of • barrel of whisky at the enroer of Grape and Adams-etrete startled the neighborhood. at 3 p.m. today, frightens.! many people and resulted in the injury of three prr.ntt %Vim , does in the vicinity were broken by the con - cuestas and by flying splinters. Jame* Fayle keeps • she heel. liquor store on the corner and lett a cask tartly tilled with whisky co the sidewalk in the sen for - several hours, The tiny was very warn. and it is supper(' that the heat caused gas tc generate in the barrel. Mr. Fay'. was stand- ing neer the cask and was •truo-k over the left eye by a piece of a stave. Another piece 'truck hi. ankle Ant sprain.•.1 it and a third fractured his writ. A mine and an 'infant in a lathy csrriagv were pa'.d 111in a heap and suffered some alight injuries. Faylel family live over the noes and one child was eat by broken window glare. The explosion caused great excitement. and fur a time it was believed the saloon had been wrecked by d ynatnite. Tiros ..f the carrel were picked up half • block away and hardly a sign of rho hsgnr could be sten abet when the cask stood. A SEALER SEIZED• But This 1s a Family Matter. the w•hoon.r Manias from Sheard.. V ter)W A, B.U., July :n.—Newt has been received of the wizure of the Seat tie ....Wooer Gage.. R. White by the 1-uitsd States cow tote agent at I suaalmka. which, like the Nettle I iyer, neglected to keep a ropy of the bond filed that she would not take firearms into Alaska. The Victoria .ebo neer Ariel is reported to bare been boarded by the ratter Rush and warned to keep out of Behring Reg A copy of the formal proclamation was given to the captain. Torquato Toper.. Toan'eTo, July 3L—Protect was filed yta- t day rem: et the return of Jams Sharpe, Reformer, for Parry Round. A morning paper publtau.s an account d an odd man named John M. Tinsley, living in Agneestr..t in this city, wbo attained his 1117th birthday on July 4. He was born in Riehmond, Va.. and is still In good health, altbongh sightly deaf. A 2 -year-old child d Jenne. Martin, living on the Island, waod.red into the water yesterday and was drowned. esteem rtn• T ■ M..naaaeal MOIMUMI-, July AO— A highly interesting co m.vooy took place tr-day at I /sprain.. a ernell suburb of Moan(rvay. it (*n.i terd .4 a .o&mn wrvlee to inwngurate a mom omit tc l'atherine Tegnkonita, the first Indian minim baptised Into the ('hrtdian faith—in 3176 ---to em eerste the now cemetery sad to say mass for the repose d the .rale nt tboae buried in the nidosue, as well as for the egendag ni the C eristisn Brothers rebook Meet duty ptwleeme were present. Paleas.d Hoaedf. AsockvTLt.l. July 9gt.—Rusday morning Mrs. William elates was found by her tdetar tying In m carbo me at bur hn.ne In Wolfe Limed w staled that she ban takes Parl. Rasa A dueler was brought from Cape %'barrel, but he rnuhi do nothing to saws her life., and she died in burrito& agony. Mrs. Rats• hw.beed eras drowned ahu.t two years ago, des wide\ time her naiad lees effect d. IoM Miele as abildrea. 2M4-tf GREAT WAS THE FALL THEREOF. Collapse of a reuadry Root -Ambitious City llsl.s. HAMILTON, July 90.—An accident oc- curred at an early hour this morning at F_ & C. Gurneys stove foundry, John and King William -streets, which caused the idle- ness of two moors moulder% AU was ap- parently mate when the men quitted work lad uigbt When they arrived at 7 o'clock this morning it wen seem that an eotorcwi holiday lay before a number of thea 1. one of the oldest d the , .. , of the firm, where twelve moulders are regularly employed. there was a large amount of debris, the result of the displacement of an Mummies begat, one d the four supporting the roof. Or.st had beet the fall thereof, and lesser supports and au:iliarirw, brick and timber, shared in the downfalL The machinery was damaged and there were additional admissions of day- light from etseh side of the building. /For about a dozen yards the main rod had sagged, truing the . . , re i• • pre- carious,sltion. The ladies who were injured In the runaway accident at Burlington on Monday evening aro all recovering. sampling Mrs. Miller. That lady is dangerously ill, and as yet the doetor•s cannon say bow badly she is hurt At pre.eet she is suffering with internal hemorr- hage- John and Edward Couneell and Peter ('rerar were upset in the Bay this morning. but clung to their capiamd craft and were tainted The W (' T T'. propose to establide a news- boys' clubrooms and working boy.' bilging* TWO COWBOYS ROB A TRAIN. tluwoaM to $.w Teak tees Teaslsa se eeenpaele b adasatt.a, Me nada TW M Is a TUB= orf a Dreadful aaere. Attends a Pair .f Dare Alert's in Nebraska. O aIiA, July 90.—A Bee •pae'ial from Val- entine, N.eb., says: "As Conductor Nelson of the Fremont, Elkhorn A Muton Valley Railroad entered the day oar to collect fare between Long Pim and Arabia Let nygkt shortly alter dark two young mea. wearing cowboys' bate and with handkernbists tied over their faces, upped from the closet, each bolding two sev.dvere levelled at hien They then marched bun ahead of thew towards the front of the car. One of the men had a small hag swung by • drab from hie shosilder. and into this the pameengers were compelled to throw their valuables and moray. A brakeman wbn enteral the car was ordered to "ho.kl up, - but imbed of doings dodged bark and • bulk,t was sat atter him The bullet went through the door of the .beer and broke • mirror in the smoking nem. All the pm sewers in the day reach wee relieved or neva or les moo.y. although as nose or them seer. .•archei and there was no grumbling as to the see of the eomtributione, alit aggregate wee pros useably not great. Tie robber* entered the seeker, the eua- duetor still lending. At first the pageeagen ewe deyawed to eondir the affair • joie and played with the robbers. who thole est some time The teskaauan who lead been driven from robe ear pulled the tell -rope ani the robbers, feeling the Lake dow up, jumped off, taking a firing int at the brake- man. runtman. It wee a Might sscwniight night mad C'oadunbur Nelsen. who bad le the meantime scared • W Inehader rifle, attempted w shoot then ae they el•mb.ewd up • high hank beide the track But es M del not knoow how to load the wwams faun the sn•ga.iss it refused le go off and the rob" bare ..r ps& T be read BM aired a reward far *Mir agree Tbe Lumber c mpaa&. $. r—Tbm Lorene Aggar.gat. emla,see A now Teen 111 lye Moped Out Ohmage Marmot, M.eap.s • pepetn/.a of IM 1.11 Spa - Naw Yoaa, Jody SU—Manuel Gareth. .ee. ria►, edNred and young, Y Hadar sentence 11Auiwaw, Mich., July :►t — Tb most de - at death by • dlmeam• Ars which m victim etructive aro is the kiatury ul Saginaw uo has ever recovered. 11e eentenas aid the tmattur from • easier of ire execution are se dishonest m last evening, [ spark in • roadway d mwduet and refuse my invented daring the dashed days of the 1tspread Mer an aria It mule load Iayssls/lloa Ile prune*, b Mat et eurtane. by r1 e- wkla and destroyed property It ism tdidk>r, hiagerteg d.Sib, edemnatas valued he the aggrepb et gliS,OUlt The by aloud emp.rcevlible ••g••, bat awe.'" Owes -Hutchinson Lauber Company sees advsacing; •grssival desututhm d tae body .M, John O. Owen $18,000. H. B. Nees. which the nnclnoded rind observes with don t Company 11110,110) J. J. Wismar dsgpetr, trent wbid w .nal tweeAl. Z t sd&uui. Brown s~ i;yu,l;.;'»). US freisht fi Here i m reprieve drhlB wlNob ihe ens under geltlenae nsRl bast hie frilly and (reads, to bear their A whey City Coehagrstlo.u. .minas Sad taes tbage by the band, for their CaWCAOo, July 10. —A diwdroun .. mdsgra- lov. has been extf*tdshed by fear and the Wm broke out to -night on the lake trait at .intim is doomed to *ails, where he and kis the foot of Michigan-etteet, near the mouth aetretat.s Mager on, • oossuulty lost to of the Chicago River. At a p.m. the w- hops. dilations were that the fire might tie ins or Thee is a wont that has not hese breathed the moat enemies that has owrurnJ 1e M the aur of young Manuel OSrutia The Chicagtt.Mee the daann-tes 01 the rust seeifrll physicians have spend lieu Mat. valuable part of the city • in (k'tubr, That word is " leprosy." 1S71. But by 10 p.m. the fire was Has Gareth" whimpered that word to Item- uoder metro/. though dill burning Miff No ago knows, but yesterday when fiercely. Between 10 and 15 acnes of lumber Dr. Dillingham agham visited bum and proffered bis were consumed with aot far from 40 freight Med (sordidly to greeting the . • . ears. The total los will unit eased Fluu.sl al youth did not respond at once, but luokd Pi.. hundred eriegr.pk paha • great enquiringly is the physician's face. The quantity of radlrocd ties and oak plank, be- sympathetic o-sympathetic Mod was mot withdrawn, acid sides whistling material, several huge es the young W sisal It • smile hgbtd store buildings and • ingenue pile W calm fees and tears dimmed his eye. driver were destroyed. Tbs tele- graph pole., were iu heaps, each containing 21.111.10 separate pieces of timber, and the spectacle afforded by the tall maws of solid fire against the waters of fake Michigan as a background was awe inspiring. The fire began as the docks of Fitesuumens lit Connell... . .. and quickly spread to the lumber yards d E. E. Ayer & Com- pany and Whitcomb & Company. All about that locality are vast stretcher of valuable lumber piles and menu lecturing establishments. The n.;,•.0 is known as the North Pier. A wildernrs Of skips and wharves rendered fire place amen immersible for fin engine., bast the fire boats remedied the diifculty to a measure. The .cone of tbe fire is meet ret -I by the tracks of the Chicago d Nortbwese-rz. railway. tan $40,O. The &mese, an u.oifeeted la Gandhi, ems - sista in bio@ of the aka and flesh om differ - est parte albs body and limbs. Thane spots ars scarcely db4oguish•bie to the eye. but they are dead to pato. A sharp instru- ment may be thruet into certain places L Garutia'a breed and he will not be ssoible d the tact untie he saes the act. A joint of me finger is miming and the end of sootier, including the nail, is guts. though in both rases firm 1sh has grown over the wounds. Both of Garetea s hoods are slightly shrunken and the Leedom of the Hagen have already Wine to contract, giving the hands {10p1 claw-like appearance so common to Ih. DQUngbam and Dr. F son declare that these is no ground whatever for the report that another boarder at the same hoses.) was similarly afflicted. Manuel Oaratia's Dame is Kimberly pathetic because of him youth, bis mteilige.oe and the oomabtnatios d circumstances which wasted to promise him • long and happy Ufa To the medical mind l s case is only of ordinary Interest, for tbs remota that for a great many yeah New York has not been without one or mono cams d leprosy. The hospitals have ooetainsd as many sees or eight at • time. There are now two or three, one a Chinemaa, in tee Charity Hospital, and it is not denisd that one or two private insti- tutions are dealing with the dbeeae. Dr. Bryant of the Health Board remembers the ease of • leper in Bellevue Hospital. This 'man left the hospital atter • while and has been mean upon the strode_ Coutegeon from leprosy is not nearly so much dreaded by physicians as by the public at large. Dr. Dillingham dos not hornets to shake bands with Manuel Uaru'ia, th ,utgh leprosy has robbed him of • finger joint To contract leprosy of the anaesthetic variety frequent and clam contact with the person or clothing of the leper he emeentiai. The disease is dangerous really Duly to the parson who has it, and to him it means certain dead_ Manuel Ganda is • lepanwb-Amerieen, 90 years old. His family is owe of the wealthiest of many old and wealthy families, whose homes for . ., .. have bean in that torrid Mexican peninsula called Yuca- tan. Manuel lived in • .ountry where out- casts from all the countries of the earth are in the habit c f traveling in the hope of meeting a change of fortune, but the gulf which 'operates the rich from the poor in Yucatan as even greater than in moat other pianos, and the mu of the rich tiarutia was sate from .11 possible contact with the low grade of humanity which produces the majority of strange and terrible diseases - When Manuel Garutla was about eight years old he slightly wounded the end of one of his fingers. The dash was torn and the nail broken. The boy had always en- joyed good health, lint this trilling injury gave him a great deal of trouble. The wound was a long time healing. 11 never bled, but tbe raw flesh remained without a covering or clean skin for several weeks. and when at lad the finger was apparently sound, there was no nail, and the end of the base primed against the skin. Neither Manuel nor his parents were alarmed, and the young man desiring to learn the English language. it was arranged that he should enter a military school at Chester, Pa., of which a favorable report had been brought back by • neighbor's eon who hail been a pupil there. Iiefure he bad been many weeks at Chester Manuel discovered a spot on his breast which seemed dead to feel- ing when he rubbed Unreel( with • towel after bathing. Then he di.cnv.rd similar spots .n other part* of his body. There was only a dight diecorloratinm of the skin, so the matter wee hell forgotten until an incident ocrurrwd which caused hien to remeniher the slow healing .f his sore fiLger in Yucatan While playing ball Dos day Manuel re- ceived the unyielding sphere on the Up of an outstretched finger. The joint was mis- piared. but neither the aeellent ner the surgeon's setting it the boos canoed Manuel much pain. The (Inger became numb, and the skin end flesh at its end shrunk until one 4*y the injured joint dropped off, painlaaly and without the Mia of • drop or bloud. It ween. i As though in getting rid of this joint the finger gained new lite, for In a few weeks new skin had revered the wound in telling the physicians of his symptom Ma•sel dues not confess to basing been wearied over tie incident just deerrihed. Il. was young, rich and full of the joy ce living. He parents seine to New York and wrote to him W join them here. Rbortly after his arrival ben he enstwtlt.d Dr Theodore Wiggle of No. M West Fortysi:th-etr.st He asked to be Mated for the numbneu in his hands and 1s other parts of his body. itr Wiggin t.Id Mien to call again, and lmmwttately notified the Health Rn•rd of his suspicions. It was a July 'Jn that Manuel was examined In il>r. Wiggle's office by Dr. Dillingham and Dr. Eden of the Board of Health. They de - tided tiler the ogee was one of genuine Isp rest'. ■. Want Pay it. OTTAWA, July 7s..—Premier Mowat of Ou- twit, lo-tarin ham rejoined the claim of ,1 nal sub aapp.s.d Iaeeadtary FIr. !tear TIl.essberg Tlteoiniao, July 3i. --(merge Francis, • farmer. close to the Air Line, near Ttbomburg, had his bares burned • few n ights aTo. Los $10,10: insured far Ploa). John Moore, an old man 40 years of ag •. who had served two yeah 10 kan.istun from liodericb about 12 years ago. wap ar- med yederday on suspicion of having rat Are to the harm He admitted having slept len them, but pretended to be crazy, and De- tective Heenan mull not get numb out ..1 hint Chief Pow of Tilsooburg did quirk work in arresting him. He was brwght ler fore P.M. Hare and Mayor Scott of Tilv,n- burg and remande•L uRGII nom 07 Choice Goodi TO SELECT FRO 33. avZacCOISIvr.A.0 SAY, DID YOU SEE THE B000L A New fork Village Devastated. 8nntes FaLut, N.Y.. July :it—Fire this morning wiped out three acres of the test busine•a buildings In the village. Careful estimates by insurance nen and others pia,. the lees at between Llit1,o2U and ,:s$stm•. Insurance ,100,(Jut No accident of acr loud occurred during the fin A rami Mae. at Hamtlten. HAMILTOS, July 30 —The oil luaus. of the Ontario Rolling Mills was burnt at 's o : le.'k last evening, LOIS $.500. TRANSATLANTIC ADVICES. A sig Mail Robbery -tell. Milton Defeats lb* 1-Ier.u.t. Pana, July 90.—The post/Mks anth•ritt.•+ Tr.1-h2vZ. Proud.foot 1s giving the LARGEST PRICES for FARMERS' PROD. In town at W store. where be always has on hand a 1aep siege of wry Goods, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, FLOUR AND F>3 It will be to the public advantage to give him a call before chew here. 2217 - GREY From eturow■ Thos. McPbaddan left last week oe a visit to the land o' aoonea. Mrs Win. Lemma, front Grind Ra- pids, Mich., deu.htee of Jou. Cash. is here fou • Clint. The tea: palls gangs are at work sad are keeping thio„ a lively. Berries and berry pickers are very plentiful joat now. Moet of the gentlemen school teachers have taken situations in the harvest Enid, during the holidays. Thos. Learmont had two sheep lolled by lighti.tog during the thunder storm last week. Fall wheat and barley harvest has 1. Both are good, fall wheat especially being a number one sample. Jeo. Roddick's hired man, Paved Ritchie, received a rather acre kick frown a horse ou the thigh • few days ago. He is able to be about •ltho ugh s"mewhat lame. DU N LO P From our cern . . t_ liar T. West, rector of Kt. Peter's 'It C church, l.odarich, Tinted among his parishioners in this section last week. Miss Matuda Quaid, •,f Port Albert, is tilting her brother, Robert Quad. Mies Macljuarrie, of Brussels, 1s visit- ing relatives hare. Mrs Andrew Thomp.er, of Bay City, Mich., spent last week here, tits guest of her sister, Mn D. Lswenn, sod re- turned home this week accompanied by her niece, Miura Annie Lawson, who goes to see her other rebel's' there. Ness Mary Mc'. arrie. of Bsv City, is visaing her slater Mrs 11 Lawson, of this burg. There were tar,. wag' netters t.1 travel- dicg gypsies camping to tilts neighbor- hood last week. The party war thor•ugh e.luipped hos.. adumwtsrand cs,t:amerc:al standpoint. Teo savage enech hes std die -veered today that over 125,000 franc-. a host of youngsters helped to keep the had been stolen from a regietereal mail ba' large uueii)r r .•1 e' miner en ni straying which had been cut in triad,. oft too far from camp, and also kept al Bells Bil1.n's Victory, 1I� watchful eye on intruders. LoNeon. July :k).—The trial of the art:oo I — COMFORTABLE HOU areaa cheerful lames. SANITARY PLUMB' AND HEATING, kh whoa SAUNDERS&S( profess to be experts tt Deat be deoeir ouuaders. Yee my SAVE MONE by coosalting Saunders t Sea. TM latest Sanitary methods of Trapping and Ventilati Heating by WARM AIR, STEAM, HOT WATE for divorce brought by Viscount lean,,. Rev. Mr It..as, fa'her-in-law of Dr, 1 against his wife, who pfeviau to her mare Gunn, has rented the h aa. of Mr Ho. ray;.• was a singer in the music halls, in vey, in Clinton, and will take up hes es- 1 which baton, Wertheimer was named ase. ! sidencethere reepowlent, ended to -day with a verdict for the defendant The court granted the ..Oats of the actio• against Viscount Dunlu .i van, crowd gathered about the court house awaiting the verdict, and when Indy Duulo appeared .be was greeted with loud cheer.. 7o Tit NM stew ldae.t Beaus, July 90.—F.mpenr William go to Heligoland of returning from his to England. will viat The COMM i...n Ranted• Ral-aaeatw, July :1i).—The Semite too -day ratified the hill for a loan or 25,0011,000 frena to the Congo eluate. Crashed t. Death. 1'rneaaowo, July 30.—A shocking accident occurred yesterday near the Roman C'atbodl,• Cemetery by which the Nair daughter of George H. May was literally crushed t.e death Mr. May was drawing send from a pit in the neighborhood of his own latae, and little Clara, aged 9 yeah and 2 mouths, had followed bun to his working place. In drawing • had of mend from tbe pit he had to pose through a gate, and just as the wagon was passing through the opening Mr. May was startled by • cry of pain atece ding from bameath the wheals. He wee walking by the tide of the wagon and had not observed the girl's presence and danger. Prompt ly reining in tee team, be walked around to the other side and wm horrified to fined his little one lying crushed and bleeding on the grimed- H. was ten- derly raising the tiny tors when the begun started ahead and the cruel wheel peened completely over the body of the child, crumb- ing it terribly. The maegbd body presented • nrkeniug .p.rtacie when taken home. 'fla.re, ass life enemgb remaining for the little .nR.•rer to cry et first, but gradually the. remelt arab death ensued to about iS boon after the accident. A •'Pleate.r' /messi ConewALI., July :E. --On Road•y after - n one the body of • man mored Joesph 111- henult, • raided of ('overall itdaad was found fes atitlg to • hay two midge weal of that town Coroner Hamlltea was notified, • jury empanelled and the remains .gaolbird TWheault was one of Os bet known raft p/ lots be this stalks. amend small •rtieis were found on his venom, among them • tereek paeasgs from Carswell to Prescott psi strum a Algorism. He hod been mild lam law Tuesday. No marls mitred by the I bnmiabn Nnvernmwtt for d "Jolson, were 4'—.-. nod me his and N is maintenasrw of lunatics lodged In Manitoba generally s.ltppeoned thathdedOr torp•raly Penitentiary and whn ears from the die strkbnea puled trtilery gdjohiag Manitoba. now decided to be wields tae territorial 14.41. of Await Ormir sus mord Reagens Uu5rb, we droned al Mom M a1111arday 'Stop that E. DOWNING. CHRONIC COUGH NOV PRICES LOV for geed work. SUMMER SHOE ENDLESS VARIETY of Style and Price. at the OI4-6tab1Mbel Shoe St©e Far if roil do net It may Deanne , Deanne eon- Gese .t DskY p and mWi ging DI thin b nothing lite •,,,se,. sco'r's EMULSION Of Pare Cod Liver Oil sad HYPOPHO$PMITSS or Islam mime Meader It b eked as palatable as auk. Far better thea other smelled gliadeleme. A woadert.l Saab pratesr. le pm eche e admen serer . De orr'M EMULSIONarmt! iW ehe /.awiaa. Deis cep .1 Dsaiere of Me. and SIAM 1111*T1 A Bswxt, i k _ .. ver ASTERN FAIR. The ilea of Caa•dian Fairs. LONDON, ONTARIO. SEPT. 18th to 27th, 1890. LARGE INCRRASk IN PRIZES. Machinery in Motion in Main Building, M gads la ries, of ruble. Rest ever offered. Weed mei seotlre NPR( 'IAL. RXHiIIT et the Matin. sew Wheats eaten, tiger riee, Tweete aM wIM •uts each se they grew la the /teeth ear. plea made from the leaves of the pine sad ether woods of the Routh. Fred.... OCU of the turpentine elle of Georgia. Mltser.I. herbs, pleat, harks. Ike. tc.,a04. • live sewer of T1ar41a Fam.,,e Wile Wes ?thew. Hapten Mauer t Parachute IL.. Itsessase Fireworks, Hand.. eta Ter prise 1W and Iafermatlee alarms poet nerd te cart am. Poi tilt 1foe, A- =gr. t �geeege� I am not confined to one Mike or @tyle. ilei can give you lour chola . of eke Bste Productions in footwear from all the Leading Manufacturers in the ibmielos. Prices lower than at cep of ��• stomps the Dominos teethe same class Ordereij. Work iA.. peat to w bsel to Canadm. ... NO SLOP WORK Repairing done Promptly and Bight. E. DOWNING i_M, tteid tlgeg,0 Opde,lah f.74 r seAtit•'le''let:a