The Huron Signal, 1890-8-1, Page 7IE POET'S CORNER.
Thos SO" asamM..her.
iw Isalwesa dropping to the
keeling ;
the mmedlee that I've lU.rea4m4. no. yea
sandal wast today
eve bested toe the Messes MI I thought
my bead we spUttb4.
baa there emit her terebe.4 as calm as
oleate the/ ke•
reed to bet Wil 1 was hot.a., the Peale
sad the $lhutle•.
'as the other bore nese geeing tar ber-
rete dews a4. Idea? ;
d I've stayed and harmed my verses whoa
1 hard their willow whistles.
oil I've stayed and said my chapter with
fie la bW my feet.
1, there hears is a er • WILT
la hoe pttk.t
ben sever was • melte that was Wf aye
big and leap :
d ase lets the asses to my -sem bars to
rho very seek.'.
Vide the stew end patten rimed about
all I am sound asleep.
d when I've been a swimming after fath-
e r's add I ehoulda't,
.d nether Maher Nipper off secerding to
the rule ;
wands as owed as silver, that voice that
see `I we.Mn't ;
he be/ that weal nay awtmmiag such • day
weld be•feel r
there's ..awtbing is her voice as
if the gave o bteasing,
ad 1 leek at ear a saomest and 1 keep dill
as a moues ;
d who she is by this time there is so need
d messing ;
r or there's asahtt(er like • grandmother to
lave shat the house t
-N. T. Independent.
I wee troubled with Catarrh for
se two yeah. I tried various remediea,
d was treated by • member of physio -
os, but roomed so benefit until I
as to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
bottles of this medicine cured me. "-
Y. Boggs, Holman'. Milt, N. C.
elates tee weed -Werk
More detailed information has bees
ked for in regard to stains, .
r whit* were peblw►ed in last week's
rtirUne, "Tell me," says s ourrespon-
nt, "shoot bushes, where to buy
es, and what to boy ; how to mix
• rakers, sad bow to apply them when
tied, is short the A Id 0 of houle-
atmog. " Let as fancy, 0, reader, that
un. hare just built • new cottage io one
1 the many pretty suburbs of New -York.
is a wee nest, but fresh in its pretty Stall as it is, however, then
• great deal of work to do with brush
nd Doodle before it be hoeselike and
.mfetttabie. A punter, at $3 Ibe day
ill take a great deal of Edney, and •
ocean who seeds that mosey fur other
t Ings can easily do her own painting,
'penally if she bas. moderately isteltg-
r mat of all work to assist her.
io the first piece, as to brush.., you any punt *bop what is
Do Dot get them tc o heavy,
will tore you , • medium round
eh, • fiat brush about six inches wide,
small "litter to mark the edges and go
to comer', and you have enough.
(ter yon bare bought them soak theta
WSW for half • day to swell the wood
prevent the falling out of the bristles,
they are then reedy for use. Lard
aro most model for mixing your
t•iss, bet if you buy that article in •
more 1 fashion tin vegetable
na will do if the top is tut entirely out.
is with the hall, I should ro-
d, if you are esdeoided about
hike, raw steam., rather than a
er stain, as it doss net show dust or
foot marks, and it t with any
rig. The half of a mend eas of pre -
tweed Riot mixed with a gill of turpen-
tine will give you .11 the color you re-
quire for quite • large room.
Now take your seta brush and point
a Bete around the edge of your floor to
provost yoer large brash from smirching
the wall*. Theo with the round paint
the lengths of board with the grain of
the wood. When stopping your work sl-
imy' complete the board oo whicb you
ars working ; thus the stain will look
equal and even. Take a how chair by
all means, as you eau than gust your
lengths of boards with very little fatigue,
merely merit* the chair Thee desired.
This is certainly not professional, bet dt
has bean tested and found most natio-
T�he Mat brush I. for 'the bard oil fa-
ith, which you can apply as soon se the
stain is dry to the leech. Theo leave it
for twsty-four hours, .t least, before
placing any furniture upon it. In the
feat paper wax was . l as the
cleanest end moat attractive way
door after it has been varoiah-
mow for the floors of the drawing and
dining roams. For the first if you do
not mind • little trouble try a border ; it
has a eery pretty effect and is not much
work. With a posse of e6alk draw a
straight line about a foot tail • hall from
the wall ; thee with the small brush
paint oyer it a broad flat line and anoth-
er line of equal width against the w.IL
Now dam . . 1 B, fig-
ure will do -on brown paper Dearly as
lat=h as the width of red border. Cat
k Mt and with your chalk drew lines
d it at equal distances from each
and connect year Agars. with lines
or straight ea you like -the gear
1 figures to be filled in solidly
stain This border may be pet on
the satire Meer has bees stained.
oras the border may be mode ea el-
te as os. wishes. O.. Moor which
done is this way was vary aueeme-
The parries( itself was .pined with
Mesas, and the 6gare on the border
is Premiss blow if you like
was, try raw timber for your dining -
It will be sore to please you, but
get be sell dilated --on* gill of ter-
• to a third of • posed ..f the am•
If you wise it darker add more of
Who Blots .t Rem.
y*peps& sed aoastipstinn are the
of ~teas 41......, bet root sad
h may be removed by tieing Ber-
erk Blood Bitten seem -ding to liras -
It is endorsed by the pegs, the
be awl the p olsmh,e, sad eamaot be
leeall.d for the oar* of
epepeim sed till dieesafiglL thee*
from. 2
• •
Mutt, mother tied h Preece. d Boa R V. Scott,
Pride's storm did considerable dames w
erupt le thstario.
lies h the Nofmeraln district Manitoba,
were deataged by a haIM res.
Robert Hay, es -M. P. fur Owlet Termite,
died Ile we in els did year.
Phid.y's storm was vary in the
seigbbwbood of HU/grove, Oat.
Baran Ibatisobild a younger member of the
great banking firm, la 1.M tootrea.
A boy of 9years eased Dennis Tobin was
drowsed at C tugsbe ford by tallutg frau •a
A o.tU. Ireactses' .meplatton for Marne
be end the Northwest Territories has ben
The sten usbip Idaho, of the Dominica Se,
is egreued os Antiocodi, and is likely to go
As hide laborer named Dos Nicola full
foto the Cornwall o.a.l at look eighMw, and
was drowsed.
The Union Vols ch.w factory, two mils
D ort\ of I'toton, Out., burned down, loss,
about MOO.
klITtgul tntpottaot appotatmer,ts to the pre-
feooris's of the Bxptl,t University, Toronto,
have bees made.
The firm or W. A O. Tate, Montreal, Lave
.a.igned, with liabilities °f 1116,547 end assets
w untat..d at $I00,6t7.
The tiprlog\UI, N. K., miners eve horn
on strike dzr,sks, and there is much des
ututkss .moat them.
A penton baa been flied aped the return
of Mr. ()wen Murphy fur Quebec West in
the local Iegidature.
Statements made t y members of the Egypt's
crew would seem to elbow t4at obs vowel was
badly provided with boats
A man used Henry Jame., supposed to
have coins from Toronto, out he thrust wttb
• phots d goes. is L1desy gaol.
Mr. Noe Langevie, brother of Mir Rector
and the Bishop of Rimouski, died et Rumen.
ki, retire, in his Bhy-first yam.
Maedis W bite, aged 11, wan accidentally
shot and killed Dear lit C.therioes by • play
nate named Eddie Taylor, aged G.
Pass furnished by ■saes. Knox & Elliott,
architects, Toronto, for the new collegiate
indite% 1D that eltybave (leen adopted.
Rev. W. W. Andrews, M. A , of Allendale,
be been app,inted professor d natural
scene in the Mount Allison College. N. B.
It 1s proposed to provide t4. Village of
North Toronto with a system et water works
supplied with epriog water at a net a t58,-
Two thousand ave Misdeed and fifty -ane
ounomd gold, v.tsed at$4Fl.Spt, were crusti-
est from 2,210 tomo d may. Scotia quarts last
Dr. 14mdth, the bead of Traedie, N. B..
lazaretto, will go to Anticosti to Maes the
troth of the report that there is leprosy os tis
Daniel M, -ower, aged 17, d Arron tows
.hap, tel Lis arm broken and was otherwise
injured by ixdug thrown from a reaps- by a
runaway Mato.
Twenty five election pretests have bee
filed in the Curt of Appeal at Torootc
against the return of members elected in the
but g•ceral election.
The Government . _ cakes in
Manitoba have received elaborate crop report.
fret the Boben ian, Hungarian and Scan-
dinavian colonies near W\dlewond.
A. B. Ingram. ex -M. P. P., has been menthe
. aaly chosen by 14. Cc..ervative °r a ventuer
at Aylmer, Ont.. to tooted the East Ridtns
of Elgin at t4. Dezt Dominion election.
Thecoroner's jury at Quebec returned e
verdict d wilful murder against the 1104.
mares, \usbandaod wife, and Jean Gauthier,
for the bnruing of the M.rasda?.oily.
T4. D misios Eapnem Conway W ship-
over a too od native I, from
Renumber's, tined Falls tad At. Leonard.
N. Id, to Boston during the last four days.
A Toeuoto nom.& who le obliged to ears
bar owe living away from bons put oat
of her boys m an industrial home and
ed the other by tbe neck In the woodabed.
Joerpb Keith, a discharged deet car con-
ductor d Toronto, bas been arrested for rob
Bing bobtailed oars. He was detected will-
ing keys for the MA bo1.. to other °undue
Aa Oi1•m paper publishes reports trout
emote which show that the prospects d
pod crepe are excellent in the Ottawa val-
T4. Dominion Ride Association ofBMal'r
have provided TS targets for this year,
matches. indeed d 25, MN formerly, and tb1
matches can therefore be concluded in four
The petition ageism lie rears of Mr.
Sprague, of Prince Edward County, to tbe
Outario Legr"'..r hos fallen through be-
.nom the d*pedt 41. not been paid gnu.
It le reported that Mr. Bird, whose hetet
factory on the Newfoundland Prance store,
was eked by Capt, hair Baldwin Walker, of
Z.M.S. Emerald. has brewgbs soft against
the captain.
The bodies of the victims of the soaker
punt Catherine, on the Bt Lawrence at
Abzaadri. Bay, ave to number, have an
been recovered by DRar Wed•, except t4.1
d E.gleser tisamn.L
The of the first sod of the Calgary
Q Erlmoutos Hallway by Mr. Dowdeey ow
made an osmssios d groat rejoicing at (al
gory. Numerous address were pewentst;
e d a rued o1 was carved for the mult-
An .krtl,n petition against the return of
Alex- F. Campbell to represent Algoma in
the (Mario legislature 4. boon tied in Tor
nob. A rostra petition from North Ren-
frew, (-barging the unasecaaaful candidate.
la the recent .leetnoes with bribery, act.. ere
A young married man named Samuel
Walter, hailing from near Nltesbw,, in
the township of f)orrb r, wee arrested
on a warrant .t the instance of Me msother-
4raw, Mrs. Mary Massing, • widow of the
satire plate, cpargfag him with eduction of
W d.ughtr, • girl about In years old.
(larders haws been received nt Halifax, N. S.,
for t4. Wed Riding to prepare to
embark for Jamsair. and Barbados' on the
troop ship "Tamar," August 10, to be reliev-
ed by the ssere.a.en$4 L Reel -
meet, sow et Bermuda, the batter garrison
being aeespied by Me Oresadir Chords
from Lms.too. This movement will, 1. the
steal coarse of *wrath bring ti. tins.dbr
Guards to Halifax in • yet or two.
Ca.idrrab1 gsedp W bees owed la
Terme° ever the adios of Mr. A A. Nei -
mart. a young barrw of the arts of Bol-
t "wee, in endeavoredri5by Dreeees
of aw *0 nt,t.ia an g from
Miss Jaren Mr. Holman and Mom Jarvis
were, it see. engaged in be married sad
this t was Ante up. He weed
the rag lark, and Mete that be could set
pe 4. en be employed Mere lfwllosatd,
leela4seh R Ndktmmne to abash es order
M the eft am a Mr. lodge Sorsa Judge
seam Mimed M oto the ceder.
What need Marro O anada- e 4.Mee ?ashes
11lw Toast, July IL -The Herald%spee•1
from 1t. Peal says Mat lumber wealtslg by
laleadhns aloes She northern border of
Minnesota hoe Mese so extensive tilt
the Cleverness* bee ooaciuded to psi a
d u,, to it. A lege expedition, beaded by
tour agent' win leave Duluth about At ,
.ad will start in a , d4wale.
Its dasliaatlon being the western ponies et
Rainy laha The tour oioere of haw and
the interior d.partesut will be isseruce d
w c oboes oar west se. Il.r se r their own
judgment steam bet. and so Navels Meed for
their return. TM expditoe was decided as
by tie bee at the interior and had departs-
epart.meats after as esamis•Yos d the report by
a special agent who made a trip atosg the
.ortaern boundary of the data De repin-
ed that an Big and little Raley rivers gnat
q•,anYtm d lop were being rim he the
lake and across to the Camden border.
Tries had beset out from govers-
n wt lead. Wet was being carried
es under W direetio. et Canadian lumber
fines, sad was performed by CL.•dtan hall -
brood Fritholussa sad ivy some of the dweller'
0o this side of the lien who were prubfbl7
fioi ewer. ih.t they wry sue..ked 16
tnad*leot wterpri.s. Tho np.d.l .At
estimated that la the two rivers then were
75,000,000 last of lop, and penmen as much
more was being gotten away with at other
points aims the boundary the An effort
will he made to across tale in the Dune of the
, and as soon as kegs have bees
found by agent sad branded with tbe gov-
ershent damp, which the agents take with
them they will be held .t all bu,arda
A Morse rears Large P1ee.. from Ire
P , R.I., July 2L - A bone
owed by P. H. Mathewson, • farmer, has
diad elf 1 L In its madness 14.
shed tore in forelegs fearfully with Ite
tear sad had to be bound with cholas to
premed its doing injury to people. The
horse was bitten . month ago by • strange
dog, which w.. evidently mad and was sub
sequently killed The bores did not appear
to suffer from the bite until Thursday night.
Tbe animal was one of . valuable pair d
bays. They bad worked together in a mow-
ing mochas all the afternoon. When about
to put them up for the night the farmer
drove the pair lath the barnyard, gave the
some water ..d lett them In charge of bis
wife vette" be went to the house. He was
called bock to the Yonas by hie wife. One
of them had fallen and was acting strangely.
He separated the animals and tied up the
affected one in the yard. The animal's eyes
had blooms blood -red. A stringy saliva
n eared from the mouth and it began to hie
at everything within reach.
Cowardly sad Fteadteh Attach on a Negro
In Tessa,
Pants, Texas, July 21. -Early Saturday
monies, 90 miles southeast of here in lied
River county, six or seven men went to the
h ome d Andy Young, a bard -working
aggro, and called bin sp. Who be
came to the door • volley from
Winchesters, ahotguo and pistols was
fired into him The Wimohsfer bells
west through ki bead in frost of his
WS sad cut his tangs. in two. His body,
legs and arms were filled with bullets. Ho
wee alive at het scooants, and conscious, but
it is lordly poodle he can live. It is thought
4. know wbo shot Mtn, but his tongue being
cut out be cannot 411. A number of shells
picked up in the yard may give • clue.
Death ed a Customs In- spector -Drowsed
-A W rwg+d Girt net Free.
Moayetsal., July U. -Thomas Webster,
inspector d customs at Brantford, Ont.,
who was staying with els brother at 4fltt SL
J ., died amddenly of heart deem'
ltd evening. A verdict to that effect was
returned by the coroner's jury.
Alpbome Vanes, employed as bookkeeper
by Vallee Brothers, SL Catharine -street, was
drowned .t fat. Anne Bout de Lids yester-
The girl L nd& Beauchamp has been re -
heed unconditionally from the Longue
Pointe Asylum by the court, when she was
confined for eight yearn it having base
pored that the never was Insane.
Casadbaw i•tlw.y >dtraar.Inte Cti,•eng..
Merriam., Joty 2l. -fair Joseph Hickson,
General Yaeger of the Greed Trunk Rail-
way, was wen to night h 0000sctioa with an
Amended Prem despatch which announced
that the Canadian Pacific Railway had
°Mtaimed a legal denim continuer( their
right to obtain an entrants into Chicago.
He explained that the legal proceedings
referred to were between the WEash a
Chicago and Western Indiana Companies,
tbe heir being the company that sup-
pplies terminal . . . don to the
Wabash, Grand Trunk and four or five other
companies entering Chicago. The point
at lease was whether the Wabsr
bad the right to brig in the
?rare exchanged with the Canadian
Pacific without paying addiUona1 rental.
M a matter of fact the Chadian Padbe
doe not run its trains into Chicago. It
men:y exeiang.e traffic with the Wabash
Company at Detto.t, nearly ;100 miles east of
Chicago, and the Grand Trunk wee not •
party to the legal .. , referred to
sad did Dot eterfere with any (ae.dian
Pacific rights, nal or fancied, which ie
might poem
The Castro raw.wa**d.
Quasar, July 91. -Judge Clsseve.e hes
dls•imd the charges brnugbt by the ease*
d the ship Polynesian against Captate
Ghetto., owing to the contradictory Eaten
of their evidence. The ship's keg proved
that the deceased sailor Daffy received
proper treat/amt, but Ms Ulmem wee es tar
advanced that it wee impoesible to save bra
Iib. Captain Charms wee ersawabd hose
all Mame In the matter.
A Pared denten of *be Dlmedty., July 21 -Ata mseteg of the
hospital (nnmm(t*ss ef the Qty Caward.o.
D ight, ft was decided that the oommitle re-
commend Dr. (lasted of Min dee for the
poetic.. of t wReal at tea
City Hospital, with • salary of $15110 • year.
1)r. Olmsted las hod charge of the hospital
Neto the rseigestlss of II*. CnslhwWt ea
July 1, a.d lag gives general satd.etoa
Te tee Yolk as tJgbanig Imes.
Berm" LT., Jttlly�VI -A compas
.y b
iden elestrisal road
from bele to Messrs Pee, threw. Tena'
wamem Ospitai MlfS VS. J. C. Oasway,
N. H. Bllldr and Niehaus lalmey ewe ire►
tam it f. sold spa dims ani- be NNW
owned at owes wad tbe rod lathed le
Tem/weeds by Osrhemea 111. ..e r y its
iamb fead►
FRIDAY, AUG, 1. 1890.
Irbrt.wj TIelalsg .a 1 bltdres
Nu use wbo has er steed puny, pale
.hUdr.n width are seen too ohm in the
country, wok every aerautete for out-
door excrete and plenty of fresh sir, tan
fail to believe that tbere is .omethuag
physically wrong t. their weasel trait.
flog. With their immw advantages
I over die sty for the wperiorjh ysisal
1develo iu.est of their children the cues -
ley pew.* as • r have paid far lees
iattsti,.0 than y .huald to this mat -
Iter, Whole per, e In the city have e
IItr.Iy outgrown t • old -rinse fear of oeght
air and drothte, sod have learned to
take tell adtantase of the parka and
every chance they have for pare air and
elands, fur their Intoe °ties, it is nut
uucu:.umou to find children in the coun-
try sleeping in un,entllated or half-ten-
tilsted moe because of their mothers'
wl.eratitwa• dread of air. Not only at
home, but even at s,:houl, is the child
often subject to suffering for pure air.
The danger df draughts it should be told
sgaits and again rises not because there
is 'scything unwholesome in breathing
the pure °rt -door ur Dight Of day, but
because the system is eofeebled by im-
pure, F•»is000es air of the house, sod
etMldem change more teas the hud
able to hair. Where the family liras
limb open windows and doors, as Dear
outdoor, so they can, summer, they do
not luder from such change. The school
hours nay the country an •u hour lousier
than so the city and two hours louder
than they used be. Nu private school
in the city keeps its pupils at work longer
than from 9 to 2, with frequent inter-
missions fur exercise and the usual noos-
ing hoer. There are few couutry
schools where any system of cabs -
titmice is so Tutu•. The practice
a few such exercises between tLe hours
ot study and recitation to a great help to
children who have become camases from
ouotiuemeuL Wittig/ there bat been an
improvement in school desks in the last
d.leu yeses, there is stili need of more
oar• in this direction. There are too
many cases of spinal curvature, which
may be tra°ed to the practice of allowing
children to sit at too high desks, or in
cramped and uncomfortable, and there-
fore daogeroo•, positions. Especial
core shooed be rzercieed in selecting the
school seats of children. The size of
each should . , . 1 to the size of the
child rather tban to its mental advance -
moot. It is cruel to al•ow • little child
to sit in a hd,h chair with its feet dang-
ling, sod to force an overgrown child on
• primary footstool. No little child
should be allowed to occupy a seat whicb
is not low enough for its feet to rest
easily oo the floor. The cost of • small
wooden chair with a back is not over 35
cents, and if the school committee cannot
provide it the parents probab'y would be
allowed to do so.
Too much commendation car not lee
Riven to the sinews of rubbiog children
and kneading their muscles, which is in
vogue in Scotland, parte of England and
some other oountnes. This primitive
maerage treatment for growing children
is of inestimable value in developing
their musoela and brinriog them int'
proper action. the sy.tetr of weights
and pulleys in use in this country among
men training for batt races has been
adapted to children's use, and is quite
similar to the "weights and pulley'
in many old fiouttish and Eoglish houses
for children's play. The gipsy women
boffin a system of massage treat moot of
their little infants as soon as they are
fairly in the world, and continue It del•
ly till their children are able to walk.
A similar system is aid to prevail
among descendants of tbe!Bww in Pena-
sylv nay.
As • Healing, Soothing application for
cuts, wounds, bruises and *ores, there is
ni thing better than Victoria Carbolic
calve. 1m
A . .. t of the Rural Near
Yorker says: "I have in mind • case
where a stooge inflammation of the .,yes
appeared simultaneously in several
families ; after puzzling the doctor for
some time, it was traced to the one til
bre-woad , . with poison ivy.
The foveae from the burning woad were
excessively acrid and penetrating, in-
flaming the eyes and irritating the
respiration. Fcr the benefit of those
who never feel quite able to distinguish
the potsicn try from the harmless Vir-
rina creeper -and the two often grow
close together -it may be added that the
harmless vine hes five leaflets grouped
together, the poironuus one only three.
Of course, the two kinds ars distinct In
every wsy,to those who know, but this is
the moat striking difference to a casual
TM Is tab abs seed ter r eine weeks tbst
I bow tad to pores 4 boa W ret t W bolt
wet pot., sn bere•d M slue M Me as lamp
as berm► sad sM sommoee et home iia pee
Mestar ma d m hill reset ar step
• treed .at nom Block Padre•. Mit* dada
ea 's besets wash. sod am ?Ween'.• sante►
Sold ~mobs's.
Ot 75D • C l 0....,) Agoutis for Oan.dla.
ret 1<ie. et W , 7.4.51.. Ont
Adoise in The Signal,
Is desired W admired by all.
the things which may beat be dose le
e•h•scu pe mesa'
tteaety is the day
w el Ayer's Hair
Viger. No warmer
what the eMor d
the hair. rile props.
rates gives It a Ina
ire sad pliancy than
adds greatly to ib
c\arm. Should the
lour be thin, ►arch,
dry, or larsisg gray,
Apses Hair Vigor
wi11 restore the
soler, ►nag eat •
sew grew?►. tad
reader the old soft sed okay. lee
keeping the scalp clean% ettd, and
healthy, then L w better
la the market.
" I the fres to confess that a ?tial d
Ayers Hair Vigor has convinced sae
that It is a genuT.e .rttele. Its use kis
not only caused the hal: d my wife and
danghter w be
Abundant and Glossy,
bat it has gives m rather .tutted mus-
tache a respectabU taegth •rd appear-
a.ce."-R. Brine, Oakland, Ohio.
My bait was coming out ( without
any assleta•ee from my wife, MMtbart.
I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, ening Daly
the bottle and I now have as ate a
head of hair es any oe could wish tor-"
-ft. T. Ilchmltteu, Dichooa, Team
" I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor 1s my
family for a number of years, and re-
gard it ea the beat hair pre7sratio. I
know of. 1t keeps the scalp clean, the
hair soft and lively, sad preserves the
original color. My wits hoe used it for
a long time with most seiatwbr� re-
sults.' - Benjamin M. Johnsua, 14. D..
Thomas Hill, Mo.
Myhair was becoming harsh and dr;.
but after using half a bottle at Ayer e
Hair Vigor it grew black and (Imlay. I
cannot express the joyand gratitude I
heel."- Mabel C. Hary, Ijefv.., Ill.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lows.. Matth
held by I>raggises tad Penmen.
•EXT: OF •
holera Morbus
CORNS, f'a
Corn Cure
Removes all toads of Hard aad Sen
Wane, eta, without pets er many Itis
• nab, nue and e1Aotnel resoedy. tad theta is
e. Dorn e:1s'teu It will tot car%
e very root and broach. Once used eve
be regretted. otiose enheitt tes.
directions .118 each bottle. Pnoe Mo.
ratra&ID DOLT UV
H. Spencer Case,
Chemist and Druggist. 50 Kliug..t, Wale
liamutos. (at.
Bold by P. Jordan.
Land, Loan and
bas removed to his new office -Rob' McLean's
new block, opposite the market.
on Mortgage sad Notes.
The Great Remedy
IARRHOA Warranted
C. P. Ii._ 330 ODA
I have a large number of Houses and Lots
ad Vacant land. In the most desirable pars
et the Tows -FOS *ALA ('ma4r.
Now is the time to Demure property before
the Big Rush, The C. P. R. 1. coming awe,
and in • short time priors will have ad need
beyond the reach of many.
('all and see Lid .ad Prins before purcha*-
Ing elsewhere,
Real Rotate mad General l.suranc a Agent
O111re Wast -tit., third door front Square, C. P.
R Ticket and Telegraph O1oe, M-11.
Grain and Seed Cleaner
Is generally acknowledged to be the best me-
chii�e lh
made for oruuiiIily deludegrain and
needs of oil lista
Separates all Noxious Seeds
and chew from gree at me cleaning. saving
and cleaning all timothy seed of the same
time out of an kind await. It can be dttM
Into any fanning mill without removing tax
shoe, no muter how old tbe mill 1*, and
makes 55 do se good work or better than the
most improved new mills knows.
It allow an seed to be blow. the chaff
It Cleans Speedily.
d/'ICvery cleaner warrented to work as repro.
Dented or no eala'if
in ordering by mail ggve inside width of
*hoe and oa me of maker of mill if convenient.
and If shoe has side shahs or the old fashion-
ed band stake.
A larire aasntity of
es hand manufactured from Algoma whits
quartered Mee.
Ing..Oed re by mail promptly attended
So. Shipped to any point.
ZDDlia38t3 j.
G -oderioh, Ont.
W�d_aR between h the U.S. Pram
ayte= a at MOD1R4 rs rs�a.
Our elite le impasse the U. S. Portal (N-
i eawesmimeoh
t sslPoem*rof. peas In lam Yea
than these
mimeo from rr41111.111Urcirf.
end NODAL OI DLI f/rNO.We ad-
vise se
Q 1�d
aON UML*!/P1 OB-
* Ws reAr the the hep.
U.1R, etre a enj res et emar. ;levies. .
term r�M sere twene� 5..eetml Mese Is year
ettra MMe 1(10..ty wrM. e
R, J. K. GORE,
Sole Puttees NMI i .
I ti;1 4,14° , OMT.
As the Old Darkey said :
"I'se rayther pay more an'jhab
de bust once in a while, than to
pay le -'us and hab a poor amide
Our Tea Trade Do,iIiIcd!
tAtTl'-AT. '1
HAM (' .\.. it Htere
rite public are ber.•A Ndltled eli it. IWO
aid feral bowl... furors. .1t o..rrls, M
Codll, hu hent pan w .- -1 by
THOS. J. VIDItial,
IOW will cern, It na of. .'1 151 h'an
add Mand, rant Of a••. • MOrton'. .
(latter the es ressiom. e• of torn
tours this hetinate ha.,.ee Isa s.-
NI la ire 110.• ..r awe In .we, sal
preprIot.w he been dentieted M
ever right ream Iberr .111 be so t:ng
the eneery /lres.rh • s M'ed I. k•-rsdeR
oke frons oak
()ctrl. 401Iverort 1n. On parts of
Tke latest and tow• " 4111 d M
always MI bawd and et 4' sand.
• THsrt. J. V,
i take t\.. Opp ,eta .f thank
uneven for their IIS'
Ip err t M• t .. 514,.
ear. . east as Amor.
ken s11. k. I" " l ■
.11 ter s*uM
abler y
wN f011 L C(
'4 ail
' AR.
nor GO.