The Huron Signal, 1890-8-1, Page 4}1 3 } is f TME CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE [pTYNgeIRO taDDT. IWAD OFFiOE, TORONTO. fIYfTAL (PAIR 11114 ME MILLION DOLLAR& • .' •0.000.000. R. L WAU(tR. Goossi .'ani t 118 00,000• GODERICH BRANCH. IP A INNISI L SAiuois Btlsii .s TwANSAOTww. Palma. Noma 0 (JOAPTS DS= PAYASLI AT ALS MDT* w CA/SADA, AND TIMI PRINCIPAL CITIRS In TIS UIMT= STATUS, ORRAT RIeTAar, Femme. 0sR04110A. Mt amuses WOKWARTIME?. OUPOSITO or 0.00 ANO uPMAa0a IMOSIVSD. ANO ousmoT .ATIMI OP MTSMBST ALLOMUO. ADMO TO TINS L AT MN MO MP 1AT AM Ne OMNI MIMI. Ip...* ANMMes ghost to me OsNestIM N 1 lel Payor, tat/ Pensees' Oalee Metes. R. & WILLiAMS, Malawas& be furon final m rvMINMe1 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITV erten sterols orvres : NORTH -STRUT. OODSRICIL It la a w(Mawske lost sewspoper, devote to meaty t w4o sad the 4Ywmis-ties of . fed RAMS Of ori . , II t 81.11 • year ; Ise. teettassthe ; r them swathe If the es 40a for sot fs adenine "aw, M at the ANmifaRN R•M eLespol and ether eeaml 0 Me. for each r Use ..10s subsequent IIrat sa.%bs' Muse,tel iest@ per a a0epardi seas. Local settees is sesperMt type 6c per pias Least sottoss le adl•ery reading type to pe wird. euedness cards of a x Bane sad ander M per peer. I of Lea. rfr ed Strayed, Uttiestiess Vacant. Stttasass sties Wasted ed hens acspar t.141 nce,p rWieont+t scat exceeding t Homes ea Sale sad Tame os Sala sot to massed t uses. P for Mt mesal, res per ..b. g equen1 siesta larger sdvte is peeprtas. Lay alletoiheal aesiee, ry fwtYt* . VY me- . er o pmpws si. mete owNN a ea ad ohs hertoetestes seal is .Il casco bs Moly ad - Special rates for larger dvertteemaat e. er for extended periods made hawri M tae elks of pradhenes. J81111g8 5EPIITIEUT. 10ea10 owaattd e bait ufty etwthppJobbing Mee adinary secarriedw loWess, where tont-claw work is turned out et resseasble rtes ltvsrythisg is the print- ing iHM este be dose es the presages from s. sleminated poster to a vWUag card. As oolemamcstiodtr" osa be addressed to 0. Uc ILYCTMY. Mem of Tae SsISAL Telphoae Cal. No. U. Oodeeick Oat HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 18001 Tae Chicago News refers to Restyle - dashes ea the "Trade Killers." Grits and Tories in the county of Homs will endorse the appellation. Tea " revolution in the Argentine Republik bas collapsed, and it will go down to posterity merely as an " Meer - rection." That is the difference between succus and failure UNveo&t activity in the printing offioe at Ottawa, where the voters' lista are in course of preparation, indicates that another Dominion elec- tion lecttion is not far distant. "Coming events wt their lilted owe before." Atas.i,v it is beginning to look as if Sir Joan were likely to make an effort •t a somersault and "bob up e ereaely" in favor of Free Trade. If be W adi do so it will be amusing to se, the little fellows who are now denoesa lag anti -Restriction as disloyal, make a sharp eerve,and hurrah in it's favor. Taws •rewme who think the appoiot- W est of ADAM Baow.r. M.P., of Hamil- ton, es a C. to ee000rage trade with Jamics, is a ram proceeding. Whet is the use of sending Commission- ers there and to encourage foreign trade, and then meeting the for- eign traders with the N P. at the Cus- toms e-toms Hone, 1 Tw.1rre-atz protest* against the re- turn of Ontario legislators are now be- fore the Court., sad it almost looks es if some portions of the Provisos will again have to undergo what will hew severe a strain u the general sloe. hon. So11d old Heron is one of the few counties where the rage of protests has not broken out. Tea seareity of Premier -timber in No C. i ! party leads the Ottawa Awe hem te lamest the name of Joan uridine RvwwT, M.P. for Lingo's tlew4y, in the eves! of Bir JowN MAO. DDIIaLe refi.gviehisg the rise of elft... 'a- Snwat bees limy. to owned that motto., and believes the reprseatative for Usooln to be e It and proper per- son to follow fair Joan. Te. Homilies .Sp.rtwdnr remedy said that young MowAT'e moot atles we, specially created ter him. Hsrsloto'e w• hind the ides that Mr Fess. MowAT •seeseded the Lae Rbe'if Java i• the skri•,eky of Toronto, bin if our bowleg soatempssay sora furnish evMesse dad the prose.. bsemkent is the get serif el foresee we will he ;Lease te hear prom it. Jaw ft w.01gd, . bat haw faire are shot is THE RIGHT RING. Thie is the gesso& of the year whoa all who can afford to take rest frost eras- es* labor and enjoy the plower" of a trip away from ba.ines °arm gladly avail themselves of the opportunity of doing eU, if they poem= the means and have the leaser.. Unfurtunat.ly there are some who fur lack of one or both of the staled have to keep right along is the treadmill and condom' what Mr Mann - urn and to term the "deemed inler- mim.ble grind" of daily drodgery. Of aha latter clam is the large balk of working newspaper noes. 1f orat w mania( a little seven -by -.doe is a small village you can suspe.d publication aer- ie( the dog days, and pret.od it is the esteem of all first -cleft country news- papers to do so ; if you are the H igh- Ooek.lorem of a big city daily, you can get the director to send yeti to Europe, or somewhere sloe ; but if you publish a wide-awake weekly in • town like Gods - rich, where the people look for nlee- thing new in every t.•ue, a vigileoos committee of your esteemed citizens would wait epos you it you tcok an ex- cursion for a week, tad allowed the lever that moves the universe, so t0 speak, to rest without being yanked for one issue of the fifty-two. Bat even if we had the time on our kande to hie us hence, to some se- cluded nook, away from the boy haunts of mom, by the purling brook, the rip- pling stream, or the entraining bayou, forgetful of the toils and tribulations of the dingy sanctum, and far, far away from the sound of the yoke, of the imp who goads with the incessant cry cf "Copy ! '-.opposing, we say, that the time wee o0 our hands that would enable • 10 brash* ourselves from scenes of worry and brats -twisting to the realm of erne and wjoymest galore, did tt ever strike you, trestle reader, that the ele- ment of filthy lucre creep is jest here, and the chances are dollars to do.ghauts that we are 1 ;r, , , 1 from availing ourselves of the ergot restorative proper- ties of a retefol trip fcr the of brain and knees, Da.ot. several hun- dred ladies and gentlemen have forgot- ten that their subscription for Tam SIG- NAL hes not been psis is edvtoce-or et all -and that others have omitted to pay their accounts far jobwork and adver- tising. Now, we've got down to' weapon, and you can see the state of the poll. Take away from ea our .a', Y , solver truing and jobbing account., or delay in paying op, and you practically rob os of our vitae!. means of support. Aad yet that is what a number have been doing for some years peat. Ws have bees good-natured and affable, and have grinned and borne the trouble with hard- ly a grunt, but patience has ceased to be • virtue, and our own obligations have begun to prem upon as. Home thew feeble remarks, u the post would my. Bat don't understand us that we look • poo this wide world, as a bleak and desolate shore for all that -es a wild waste --t depart of hateful influences. Not much. There are lights along the shore -there ars oases in the desert - there is balm in Gilead, and corn in Eqpt, During the pest week or two we have in thew columns celled upon all and sundry who owe as to pay up, and al. thwgh there are some who bold beck yet a number have room* forward smil- ingly and deposited their gold, silver .ad prosier 'paper on the counter in the business oldies, eekaowledging that tbsy were very sorry to be in the funeral of poor -pays, and promising sever to do so any mor . Own blaming" go forth to thee, *ad we only wish they were more numerous Rome have seat es by poet their amount of indebtedness, sad ie every hotter there it a regret *s- pewed that any effort had been pat forth by the writer to plat* "ye iodit°e'. • day's rsarb usurer the % by his or her delay, es the one may haus been. Fx the be..6t of those who have not awakened to the feet of the moronity of their °time, 1. sot 'baying the priebr," we hewwMh mew* a sample ata from a esbwiber is paying a pear hake ted res ahead for tTes 8ss•1, se 11 Me, beyond • a.sbt, the eight rung abseil it : B--, N.Y., July 28, 18881 Sabi of tar Rosea SltimL, O.dorkh, Dass Srs :-A espy of To Seam et July WA, was ferwrded to Ise halo THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. 1, 1890. fnm my hems ewer i. Outerae, sad ow el the feel thaw. that weight ley eye is We phos wee the item fa aka richt-head wow of bot esp. whir& .pseud ley yes to the feet dist I've hew guilty of the mese.ea• el as if I were try- ime to starve the "Editor.' and receiving wiles without promptly paying for same. I therobse seeker three dollars (13 00) w hisk I tidal' win put tt>,y label poisttag -1. the eight diwetioa Witham' Tae /wsai, w its pretty tow. of Oodno► an &1 rata, yews Indy. J. B. D. 'N. B. D.." yoe are • credit te the tarp ewe ower-isorr•.iag list of subscribers to Tlts &lost, •ad yoe have oar best wishes for seesaw i. Ufa A prang mora who hoes each views as yes hold emit be be wrong, end newly hope that rakers d our esteemed , ' will get inoeul.led with your awed views of MORN Ned twilit. Ws 1 the above ledge to the sosslilsis ios of those wbo hove sot yet 'bot their label puha- big i• the right dire.tise," with the simple but Soripteral iajametio., "Go thou and do bkowiss." ti ELECTION PROTESTS. S eney tr/rtee urns bere-Elea r+esut..sd ••Sime. Vp to the present 26 protests have bees filed against taembers returned at the reesst Provincial electiona, and there is will time fur more and tale of MOM. Last election there were only *even all told. The name, of the coast ttuencies and respoademta aro as follows :- asr0ltrlr I. Norfolk, 8.-W. A. Charlton, York, W, -J. T. Gilmour. Middlesex, W.-0. W. Roe,. § ;. Wentworth, 8. -Nick. Awrey. fi Perth, N. -Alfred E. Ahrens Grey, N. -JO.•. Cleland. Est:, 8 -Wm. Douglass Balfour. Prince Edward -Jas. Sprague. Ontario, 8. -John Dryden. Algoma, W.-.Im. Cosmos. Renfrew, N. -Thos. Murray. coorwav*nvse. Essex, N. -Solomon White. Renfrew, N. -A. Dunlop. i'rooteaac-B ugh Smith. Lincoln -Jame, Hteoott. Hamilton -T. H. Stinson. Middlesex, L -Richard Tooley. Durham, E. -Geo. Campbell. Welland- -Wm. McLeary. Kest, W. -Jame, Classy. Bruce, N. -John George. Kingston -J. H. Metcalf. Elgin, E. -H. T. Goodwin. Muskoka -(R. F. K. Marter. Algoma E. -A. F. Campbe,11. Hastings, E. -W. P. Hodson. It will be seen that fifteen of the pro- tests are against the return at Conser- vatives. Of the other ten, sue are against the return of Liberals elected, one of which, however -that of Prince Edward -le invalid by reason of the nom - deposit of the necessary $1,000; and the ooaoter-pentloo in the ons of North Renfrew by the sitting member against the defeated ex -member, a Reformer. THE EDI MR'S TABLE. • were er two Arent New Pe* trades. !ie•UNwo Come to Road. THZ o.. ,. u,.,. MAGAZINE FOR *VOUSr, 1890. This :r -n. maintains its popalar interest even during the heated term. The hoe illustrations of Venae -the ro- mantic Mecca of so many tourists -will give the opening article • special lab/w- est. "Tbroogh Yorkshire." with its n umerous pictures of the North Coun- try, will carry many Canadian readers beck to their old home. Lady Bray's Adventures at the Antipode, have • pathetic interest .. the narrative ap- proaches the end of her life. In view of the proposal of Dr Douglas to establish an Order of Deaconesses in Canada, the article on the Ds•eoneee Movement in English and American Methodism is of special t . , . Mies Dani•I'• grace- ful eked' of "A Frwgotte. Qese. ' shows whet gilded misery often dwells in a pekoe. The tragic story of "Jack the Fisherman" is one of the strongest temperate sketches ever wrtttefl. Other articles make op an excellent num- ber. Pries 12 a year $1 for six moothe ; 20 coots per number. Toron- to : Willem Brtage. COMMUNICATIONS. We do not bold oorslves rsp.esibls ter tie opinions of our C totc this departawst some cess them- selves to pebbllo 0o.tiosso and Give the Pee, a Show. To the Editor of The Resat 8i., -Please allow me thorough your valuable oolumos to cell the &tteotios of the ',societies' for the prevention of cruelty to animals, if there be such an institution •swag es, to the ase of an eofottenat• potty who hen been a wen known figure in the town for wee the fourth of a watery, but may be seon the street dragging a heavy Booen foot -wheeled rig, packed fell of ten or twelve year old girls, ow of whom i' geserelly placed os lee knees in front, and with a keg whip lashing the poor creator, wjgh all her force sed with the r.gelerit of • steam aegis*. On Friday last the writer of this appeal beard ono of a party es the sidewalk, on aesieg the poor this; peas pa its third Hound of the Neon, eell to the girls "hit him hard, he les no friends." And en, air. it would appear ; bet it is owed the treed palatal eights sow to be sen os our street'. I •m, air. Year most obedient servant. • Lovett or Done ADD Bolam. To the Miter of tate thresh Sok,-Previous to the isle Provincial *teethes he Separate Equal Rights friends at - alleging at too smesh religiose end not that . anegb ss.s1r •&10-. was taught, sad the enst•stida was set 4 that the remelts .t the wandeistione for estrum* were not what they ought to he sod did east semppegl.uf avorably with these ef the Palle leba la Well, dr, the •Nr...* .Rama be this year have lee hail tad EsOlea lls are hDem end they de est give .eek weifurt to those who watered - el that the teachisg In the Sepanie Nevoid• was el .a wiener urdu , or that o. -graded tosehen seperiotead the io- et/tetios, O. the eoatrory, ep to the presoak it looks as if hers is Ouden& the b.parate &shoal leads the meaty ter eneaseelel papas is pruportios to mem• her --awes having pseud is all, oat el ear oo.tp.rstieely email semi. Whys palliest stempen 'WW1 .in it is to be tsm- rid rsa bee that right hese. 11. O.rderish arse 114. ern that will give their a.s.rtiose the lie. Lusewrrr. Mr Geo. Pepe, Hallett, Me a horse that las seen 24 years' *eerie, sad mill moss good fur many years to some. It be, weed teeth yet, M u lively as a three year old, .ad con outwork horses yoawger than itself. Mr Wm. Farquhar, of the &h cos.. Hallett, who he, bees is Dakota for sown thee, has returned home. Ho speaks very highly of the °pastry, sed we tbiak the etiolate has agreed with bias, for he is looking hale sad hearty. Mrs Olaf., .ifs of the editor of the Breedon Mail. pawed away the other morning, after a Negating illness. Mach sympathy i..a.ifested by the numerous friesds of the bereaved husband. Kr Cliffe was formerly connected with • Kincardine *areal, and also started the Wing ham Meana. J. A. Reid & Bro. will of- fer ffer during the first two weeks of August several lines of Dry Goods at great- ly reduced prices. Among them are the following : 15c. Prints at a discount of 90 per fent. off ; Dress Goods at 9 and lOc. per yard, worth 12, and lbc. ; great value in Black Cashmere Hose. New just opened, children's goods from 10c. per pair up ; Ladies' size, 25c. Two bales grey and one face white Cot- tons just to hand, bought at 10 per cent below present mill prices. You can have them by the piece or yard at mill prices. J• A- REID & BRO. Jeedsn's Block, Oodericb. Aug. Ira. IMO. 1151 - She People's column. OR SALE AT RIDGWOOD FARM. -le cords of wood, and lemeds split store wood. reedy foe delivery en the property. It GiRL WANTED -A SMART AC - TI V s girl to tend c►lidrei. Apply to 0-11 MRS GARROW. meatiest -et. `lv A N T E D IMMEDIAT EppLrY.-A 411-11.girl ser Yeas IS CAYtIAON. L OR BALK -A BARGAIN. -TO 1. close up as estate. Hose aid epeesds curse Ekon and Wellington armee. Terme Place at present occupied 1byy H. Rad- cliffe. 17-4t SolicItoorsxfor Executors. INTENDING BICYCLER/. -THOSE intending to weirdoes • bicycle would do well to consult Oro. W. Thompson as to whet style et wheel. He has • good stock to choose frees; call mid w them He will give tree in- structions so that you can ride V two hours Ord Thoroman music item eWest aide of of care, MUNICIPAL NOTICE - TOWN- SHIP OF STANLEY. Nodes is hereY* given that the liestripal Commit. of gm Towa.blp of Stanley. in the County of Huron. verses no piss a bylaw authorising the sale of the read allowance. between lots Na 4 ad 5. lake Road Wast. 1i the sad Tow.dtip of Stanley. Parties in- terested are requested to take safes and govern themselves aeoreediewly. By order of 11.. J ominct M10. ORO. S WART.pClerrk.W. ARD OF THANNKB. Te Oodedelt /fro brigade deers to re- turn talks to the people of Sabred tor a demotion of grl d . wondered at the worst $r at P. Ydtwu wondered salt block : shoo to Jae. Saosden A Doe for a desatioa of 815 is r.e.trnttlee of egbrts at the Ore which recently ecoarred at the hotfoots stood of that drat. E. C. BEL.CHER. 17-11 Seel-Treas. 0. F. R. NOTICE. Tender w111 be reed ved by the 1 ea behalf 01 the County sst11 Tuesday. the 13th day of Augurs next for the following works. via : Hoatise the Registry 05*., with hot water and making alterations is It, is - chitlings number of tis boxes : painting the woodwork of the jail. and calls( two rooms in ti. Chart Home with pine lumber. Pee, sad epeofaestlois may be seen b sy .ed*.... Th. lomat ora seam- ier* sot nee J.4 Mi. 1M P IMA AD (mak. It TheOTlprrta anh1 heretofore exieting betwwes es lava. been digeolved. all parties *wag dams ageism the Dim will deems mall flame to Prod. W. Johnston. Oodericb P.A. AS aeoouate dee to the firm mast be paid by the 1st day 0 Aussie next. Dated 1111. July, 1st. Mit DAVISON t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER-. 8111P. -he it knows that the fir. es Whitely k Elsa. of the Hamilton -Mk ham th s niteot1. day .t Jul,. 1st. by anne- al e tbat hereafter the bae.es, wwitl +cosides ad ted b Jae. Whitely, rhe alt be pleased at ail times to furnish the a tlsa.. with the eh/vie/at eel - patron of gro r .. 0.3... and bro•A strait • epeolalcr W)1. ICiNG. JON, WHITELY. J°• Wirr*n.v fr.. Wld..a. July t«. ink gNt C UT TMita HU1 OUT AND PUT iT ON PIANO TUNINA. Spatial alteNlse gives to rubs ,g ad butte. modals" R.edesed team tar reser tumble organ lett at peps p•etery. at my rem dens. Weera.. er at G. W. T'h.mses'. Plea. Werereeeme sets et___ All wet (m.mtleet. E. ROpftiqui Mealcal. ) •HAIIXON & terhee amier% am. SHHANNO Siderleheireseem L . COLBORNE BROS. SPRIIIG & SI I1'R woos 111 e Ari AMERICAN CHALLEY, tit `" M 100. worth Ila. geed preens sad rues cobra SHAKER FLANNELS, Ile. weigh lora s . :; "."" White Check Muslin%, to k worts l.. t ._.atm ,• r A •k; Onr stock is large and complain in' all lint tte-Wo buyButter, Ug., Wool, Oat. and Peas, and pay te highest market prim. COLBORNE BROS. 111 Blames apse. Wiaaie Itersard,Pasy &odors sed Won. Dilworth, MAW. wrote at the Entrance Leedmmtiea is Bromic em the 3rd, 4th and Mk July. Situations Uacant. WANTED. -A NURSE TO TAKE .Mario of three ch.dr,s. Good wages to comp est panes. Malt have references. Arli) te MRS W. J. LIOLY. AGENTM! w ANTED -IF Y O U west to taste mesh, take held aid cell our .hese Noreen, steak. New in the alma, write us.t sees for terms. MAY ' 1THER8. 0 tL xe ery.'a. Rochester. N.Y. Dentistry. M NICHOLSON, L.D.I. DENTAL ROOMS Lamb door *kw Pe OS.. i.W . Goossu DR. i RICHARDSON, L.D.S. BURGEON DENTIST. Gem and Vitalised Air administered for o= attend= Spesial elven stiw etthe dateral Teeth. 05*. -Up stain. Grand Opera Hess Block. Eatr5Me es Wee.-&.. Godmie*. Belly For Bale or to Let. rpwo HOU8E8 TO RENT ON STAN - 1 CST-Br.-0am ,leek from the Saesre. Renu Wee sad four doles per meth. MRS. 1. SMEETH. FART[ FOR SALE. Ni- t= v dundenigned esirable farm. for" in the the msotie eatarl of seem Towe,hi or bsIbo 7 fa the Cost of Herm. Weal - ed term 1. eat. ed 44 mile. from G.deriek, and le mil. Arm Car1.w, we the Mats Gravel Road. Time a a geed Yyframe bass. le - roe oms •g. barge blears. 0 by w le shed. 42 by 14. attached. .d ole of the angst orchards in the towsahip. It ie watered by tet • sever-er spring creek ed • goo/ win About 110 acres cleared • ed free from stemma There is M waste Ise of as hiedea the wheel place. Good 'eel within any rads of the 000011.. 1 be sold oo reemembie teras. For tones •ad further particulses appy to JNO. BRECYENRIDOE oderi or JOSEPH McK WN, ch. 5- on the pvirmirsa FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND i.OT FOR BALE ON 8T. PATRICK 8T. -About two minutes walk from the Square. Two story. high. brick addition in the rear lestori..Alsk.trending covered lath Mate. Ruin WWI* has l largo rooms es fret Det, upstairs then are 5 knee moms L the mar •Udpdstitiioe there are kitchen. pantry. washroom .eller. Apppllyj to the ussad tosu.d gd'oom, Ales good igMd. who woo gyve W necessary tt IML DA 1'EL GORDON. FOR SALE, West belt et let ISI Arthur Street. with B1themes.; uerLars.ISIL IM0. 17Dta Street, 8t Adrewa Ward. 431. comer of Reeve and Britian% Road. Praise ad half ljt. etory house ea Keay' &r'eeta lea Several tote V Reed'. Survey, opposite sew Show Grounds, HR : Nee 12, 0I g0, IIIL AL the aboove A LOWRTIS. tS11 to DAVISON t JOlix8TON LUMBER FOR SALL Pine Lomber, Scentlieg, Plane, at Hemlock Lsmbs.SmaUls(,gtt its'theas.d. Plank. at M •• » P1s.1lhlytes, bed rhea 1 M per. mire. Order i .... f 0 .. Reasonable Redeolises Ow Geraarsei, .arts. tg, .... . .S; 50 pyr tho sued. Pla• WW it. ad INrva amt to este'. es JOSEPH KIDD. MUSIC Lil8ONB.-M188 AMIE Is ye. epered to etre pmarkt eetrisr NZ, JkGe,Moto., i`. 77 weer Heide >att THE HURON HOTEL t st w ma d during 1he 1.1. pe hr"s Mm .ad n Mw t seise .'.s'ee'd 110 th t ong nbua Severe. 9.44.4.Oat rtvarieser Amu,emeate. GODESimf 1tICHAJRC8' soon. seerrpm . ilii: sea. i i own rim res leallmopea hem 1161 Ra, ed bele 7 to le pas ABOUT 2000 VOLT IN LiBRARY Leadait.p Dash., Wes* deed ]tfw.lrww v p°N, Ma.a.i*ds, !a ow PG& KI5INMIM d eg Ate.:.. eat OIRId 1MW;, itbireisabshel s'realer I:ui"'wew'ed 11 T. WE•Tsi S. itinrAin *Mrvlsh ijorol-. 111 ErsusWa4 fates. Ti eerlseesl depart at OafsMrh *RAND T U11! L0.IL WAT. as ft m, es .nd Owen *JO .........»..Mesh. Man Mail sad I Deesn. ......... Liii p.m 'TM•Jo Maze ' 4.0 D Loans arta Insurance. 14N. LEWIS. Barrister, Proctor 1. . Marrone Court Messy to tae al til per seat.. private hada Straight 10e.. M- iens* yearly. Cee very moderato. roe particolsrs o.11 pensasiq er write. 21 F J. T. NAITSL, LAB. PIRI AND AOC1DSNT Ll . BURANCI AGENT, S*Irallrttle► t Wer.eatse Liverpool. Lades & Globe- Nerwteb Calm• en lute Ansi deet Aneetd; as4 Aeaeet Lear. saes of North Ameehs. Lowest Raga Lass settle Mosey to Leen Oseveyeseisowee Farm w Tows rP wiry + •st kortaSquare. Property Goderish. t4- tb600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CARER01i HOLY &COMMON Gel rick. 4111 MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Fede ler Iave.tsae u lowest rums es vettat lass Menasesa •pgdp toOARROW t PROUDIGO' GENERAL INSURANCE, c!`"74--1 REAL ESTATE ass MONEY LOANING AGENT 0017 os ad - - 10 t, 01 lowest rete of MUMS quem is say way 0 suit the eorrewer. l Os40* .der tram Maar. Legal. d Tod?? DAVISON, BARRISTER, lea over Pa.i-o:... G AerMosey icb.. 4541 FSolidterC A M P I O N, BARRISTER, -Over Jstala.'e Notary $Iwrs ttthhsereseal termerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 22111 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, 4. Otic., career et omen tad Wast .w w leada ;a'MAL °Mse.fi . !`t ARROW & PROUDFOOT, B A R l7f moTsRa Atomism Gderic► J. T. Gamow. W. Prowl/floc Prowl/floc» C AMZRON, HJLT & CAMERON, 30 Barrister.111. 8"ehan (e (y " G. Cameros. C C RRoosaws, 4 : P. Hot4 lf. ltil- Societies. ,c %IMAM OP Nore/p c) O.1 Use d Oaks • nother Case of our Poi Value in White . •.... „rs..-re. Job Lot a[ Corsets ter OliN tiRF T Iry-INSE ammo, PA BLACKBERRY COI W. O. GOODE, E LEAD ON UNTY CUR.RE of Interest from a County. eddy Digest er gee hasty s ye, Dalt Excess er **The rap sad Past. Moped sad dammed Mom Scary Mesh • expenses of the recent el South Riding of Hans IUD .2b. ✓ B. B. Keefer, well 1 is at present •eggs work is Meattobe. Palermo hes.zcbanged,b1 ..vats for property on Wiarta e, with Mr D win take powwow gimes property in the fall. ice, Annie and Mary , are home from Greed 1 They came to .e, then was very ill last week wit ate plowed to learn that P t sad strong hopes .f ►i1 speedy re•ter.to healt, Grey, has 13 acre of lox es ow could esu •., mot on the iron horse Mash by steam. L •o 1epy heavy that it doss ea to three toes 1 is to be • big "bee" to gas days, followed h M is the veta.Y Mo.day of this week Ai of Lake Sprain, 14th away to her reward The demised we, a late Jake Sperling sad w to her bereft porta rMrs Swaim had for the pest three or ft dropsy aid heart proal ase eat tbought to be me im May trivia, (who is ) dawn►tor of Mr J. tow.,_he, already d V Toronto u . shoo t, has lately added i dist of seemed tally at Toronto tow goali*d to I.1dt•te or High toads mores.-OYetes w pIsM allit0bli.D. week, T, M. Omrlimg me'11 mad reesived very tatwA ..vied weeks a(o Mrs IWlioeh has goat reside with her brother Mr Will Malloch will e of hie uncle. ee ssi was Gernert lea ](i. Edwards (1st• at Isseekip, Oxford *f em of a es.eer. We good authority, that the twee he the story. e , end we believe her a toWoad her aweek this there is ea foisai .-Uliatw New Rea r Themes Nisei. of Bin sad formerly el Wia lest week visiting Mr Nee is Boethroe, Esq., dories kis May le es Ngo kis b adosert. cwt have ea ext bi Ma.itoba a -beVs(N Expositor, Nettie M. Praliek es, sow of Toronto Thw.wdap. July 10, t M. A. miaowesses epiW iastfewb The seed lr, the Rev .. B. D., of Brampton, W ?relish. father he Hattie L Chews, Mbridesmaid sad A,t psrporitd the pea EUREKA COUNCIL, NO 108 GOD• ERICH.-Maniere meeting cos tevoniuge at t91 in Temstreet.perature Hag, Nv Legal Notices. NOTION TO CREDITORS OF THE LATE OEORON RiCK Puremal a es order of 11.e Choicer, DIM. 1.. of the High aster of J fir the Prey - law . at herd' .1 Jun Ilei ee111G4e mid gRlos damRam med. the has este Isilas 097Monty of Hums, sad Previte* of OW ado. oaemist, who diad es er ahem the fts (gda rd,,a December. MA, arm, Asa o, Were the Taro d H 1 G W MR d Nst IP semester of the tet well a gad their Christian sad 11.. fall perti M11111011`Mirere addressma °al inulase. . tdtement or tidy .oeya,r eeeatkvetanhe .esrkle. pf ..' 1 hbeld tr e,dodod w'fremeOttheg1erWwgtvrm« the askde.d.r. the ergame boore elms is a flew• tb>rday t Hs .etms esti ii. Ty+. o ►r. » ser...... 'tC' ...etpposi..d w. ee Aucnoneehnng. JOHN KNOZ GENERAL 11170- Alt gaNEER aid i oda Tsi 0.b.ply Mw,e withSilkeiteri + f• kst.es entrusted to 1.t. sU M er eef'.1es 0001.1, e.. wt by ti10Y Osmier A. MUMS IT TME $I$ML dit