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The Huron Signal, 1890-8-1, Page 3
t4 DOG AND ENOL. /tri; ey Stt::.ivts lien tees me het, .•o �emiesaliere.R k hake y City. ¥iai►lga., • elis bung the oldsett person to the • Wag burn la Dublin, ks• heir 111111,11114 V Y tumid me., She has * eon NTeety- old, who ham in the neigh - sod bee d*. hs. -ia-law reels realm& rty politics abn high bed fe.i. d blood are often aimed, but agree that when bad bleed ordinary memo the owl, mit- re is Burdock Blood Batten, cod purifier. Reoommeoded teal peof:Ywion. 2 'erten attersey olsred to get „f the CharIota*, Stich., Tr -L- esion. iThe editor wee tea hen the war brake out, tease d Co. I have used year MTNARD'8 r is my featly for some years e et the beat medicine in the it does all it a reoo.treoded Dastat, Ktxttrre.n. Fr -eke, N. B, *der, Maltose Bay, informs se cured of • very seven sneak tiara by miry/ MINARD'8 'T. 1ta ✓ Amy, of Sar•n.e, Mich , a exponent of Methodism. He and sine ; hie family tate a g band teat plays Sunday he chore& ; be owns two fast • worth $600 tad the other ), and has secured a nee track he will conduct sums lively .1 uly 20. His eo.Rregstina hies stay with them soother • tts.M Saved. • hey war takio very bed with he was very delicate and got bad no hope of bis life, but a ]ed Dr Fowlers t Wild Strawberry, and al - amid only bear a few drops e he got well. It saved my Max Wit *twain, Campbsllvi1., Dat. t•ineeist Cases Deseret eft of Odessa tined a certain er for her tee, as she had aasiat- te at the delivery of a child. toned by the judge why be pay hi. bill, Mr Vilteher mid id not fee) as though he owed to anything because the baby mimes so Pears raga. these pads will kill more flay fora month than e•n be caught sheet of sticky paper. A of Wileoa'• Fly Poises Pads • whole Demos. Sold by all lm Granite, O.., Grep a nye :— a negro is Perry by the name swift who was .truck by recently. The bolt struck him Ibow on the right arm, ran up round hie body, down both ing both his shows to pima s of the lightning are ill plain oe tree." ateuy or at wens. teen years we have used Dr F:street of Wild Strawberry as edicine for simmer man plaints ho -s, and we never bad aoy- r•lusl it. We htthly r•oom- SrustE . Wean, Corbett, Oat. lve-year•old girl living at Cros- . fell into s better crock in wee four inches of water and before help reached her. irwebte ea manes. Y a H Brown of Melita, Mao., at two of her children and two ?longing to a neighbor, were he wont form o1 summer 00111- 0110 bottle of Dr Fowler's Be- Pi1d Strawberry, nat.h's sp mT._ II amass complaints. ints. Q s< Oregon, elites' to handle 1t... � prcd.oer than mil in the Usited States. Largo ,de come to town every day,•od pounds will be handled this .tares flee set e ws-a-s-s-dp. e is again, first on my noes, y ear, and I date sot open my r fear he should Ay down my Iello, John, just run over to tore and buy • pocket of Win_ Poison Park., I can't stand this r. Prim 10e. Bold by all 1in .wing is • gond de6nitien, °r ore amarately speaking, • mod of what a table fowl should . desid.rta in a grind .t.tk•L- fowl are noon reckoned up, i, solid -bodied bird, deep kne4 broad obest, and narrow eters uglily plamp, well -filled -.p ad and compact, flesh of a Ra sitters, and of a Meer white 'a should add with a nice r and rich yellow shanks, mid be wanting. '. Worm Powders mid rem without imjury to adult lm atomise roues .rime sena the Liver end Howey by the le of National Pills, thy are 'table, 1 ne mammal vellevesiese1wM ¶EK HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG, 1, 1890. 11 E1VS OF T11E WORLD Buffalo claims • populate.* et lidt,000. A ,evolulkot has brakes unit in 11ur+ttos Ayres. The ' I ' 'Mike ha New York bas anted FICA a The !risk rila w mei talk *kbo Dws_ Two Spaniels warship have hens .mesad to Central America. The 'mkt exports trout New York kat week amounted to t1,:164,t100. There are roan et • potato lanais la Ire- land, r -land, oa.nag W the blight. The Siberian cattle plague is ravaging the Prowler, ut Rama In Rinne The Earl a Jersey has been appointed (!castor of New Smith Wake As aswadtary Sr. at !Spokane Falb de- stroyed property valued at iiru,O00, Kamm tote Mermaid the tariff due on starch, gkaaware, was and oodiiv , ail. Appeareuow indicate that Lord Randolph Churchill will again be a the m1i1111try. bicessant rains lean doers an esonrwus amount of damage to crops in Framer. It v. Dr. Moulton has been elected Peet dant of the British We yam Conference. Fitters hundred!, o. h. , bakers ue Chi- cago have struck fur tme (tears lets work art BeturJayv. A.tmpetcb foist Spokane Falls states that the town of Walaes, Idako, Is burning down. No particulars Niemees ponts were killed and mach property destroyed by a cyclone in the town a Mesita, Soria. The idea sass, Maes., schooner Wiilanl Klee and her crew a eizteen were lust w hie Lot • voyage to treaml.. John U. Fiske, a lawyor and opera bottle manager, was allot and killed by Joseph T. Millman .t Fresno, Cal The Uruguayan parliament has pried a 11 oospelltag the payment of oars -hall of custom duties a gull Work on the St. ('air tunnel progresses very satisfactorily. torily. A meeting of the dom.- tors irtytors war Mid at Point Edward Paris is aiaresed over the discovery that • mita silk with cholera has hews in we of the hospitals there Mice July l:o. President 132* my. Mexsco bas sent no troops to the Guatemalan frontier, and w111 m•intalh tow strictest neutrality. The New York striking cloak -makers are bec•,mimg turbelsmt and resorting to acts of viebaee 10 eatOrre their demands. In a yacbt raciest Duluth, )limn, t t. o boat. were struck by • squall.' One we..t to the bottom. Two men were drowned. Thirty- two Arabs, wee arrived .t Phila- delphia, Ps.. on fir steamer "Pennsylvania' from Liverpool, will ban to return The Cblaego City Conseil passed an ordin- ance granting the use of the lake haat as part of for dor for the World'. Fair. ttmsllpoz is ravaging the villages be twain Maos arab and Magazig, Russia. The populatk,n is beim almost decuuat..l. A Riehmuo1 despab•b says the boycotting scheme as • pomade turn of retaliation tot the Force Rd is tot generally fav oral in th. South. I III FACTS AND FIGURES. Two wealthy Jews of Bagdad now owe all that renurtw of the •uolast tows of Maley leu. It is •saputsd that w Jell Iaburi*g emu wasted 6 osmosis of awde ie the wane of his daily labor. The highest meteorological .tidies V &trope se oa the top of the Suoohiliek, in Austria, 10,188 meet above the Nod of the sea. The longest marred bride* span iu the United eludes to the cantilever smut it the Posgb,ikeepaiebrldg• over the Hudson Raver, 48 feet. Columba is the wealthiest of America •iivursitla, and Harvard Domes treatt with property valasd at $8.000,000, and • yearly maniac ainouotUg to .863,- 1.21. lin account of the height and sheer deane•t of the surrounding mountains the sen does not roe on Mirror Lake, Yost Miter Valley, mini 11:30 o'clock in Me morning. Aseordiog to,eosut figures, the poo ple of this country are longue lived than those of Kurope ; to this eonutry 18 per - eons 3u1 ot every 1,000 die mob year, in Eogaod the oversee is 20, and in tier - many 26. It is trot ge.eraLy knows that the cestom al kapott( birthdays is many thousand years old ; it is recorded iu the fortieth chapter of Uenesie, twentieth verse : "And 1t crime to par the third day, eihid) was Pharaoh's birth -day, that he tusae • feast unto all his aero• ante. Au extraordinary feat in telephoning was recently accomplished between tat. Petersburg and lloulu.ne, a.dtatance of 2,4ti5 mites ; oourersatiuu was rept up, a otwitb.tanding a rather high induction ; the Russian engineers, prop re to oua- verso by telephone user a distance, of 4, 605 mule.. The greatest diving feat ever achiev- ed was is moving the sago of the ship Cape Horn, wracked off the coast o1 South America, whoa • diver seated Hooper made seven descents to a depth of 201 feet, and at we time remuued uod.r water 42 minutes ; Scribe sates the greatest depth to which a man bus ever descended to ne 204 feet, equiva- lent to pressure of d8i pounds per square inch. The human family today consults of about 1,450,000,000 individuals ; to Atria there are now about 000,000,000, or an swerve of 120 to the square mile ; is &ur,pe there are 320,000,000, .•.raging 100 to the square mil. ; in Africa there are 210,0110,000; in America, North and South, there aro 110,000,000, thinly scattered, and recent ; is the island.. large and small, probably, 10,000,000, M. Roche. the Fr ss h Minister of Com- merce, will distribute copies ot the McKin l. -y Bill among the Freed Chambers ut Cera recce. Mr. Baker, tl Wesleyan misloary, who s Premier of Taegu, had to leave tits, surviving child, as almost a every notice under threats of Wag killed by to, ' ot her it u stated that she a 'the only, daughter t.f the late Jefferson Davis.' ittisian papers are busily advocating a But it is • cause et c•onstaatiy recurring Burro -French alliance, which, in view of En, thank fulneesto me that if I were to be de leror William's coming visit, is regarded as paved of ell our sons by death, two iguiScant. danebters survive, Margaret, the eldest. Is Iowa there will be • total failure n. the is the wife of J. A. Hayes, a Mimiesip It suet' crop this year. There is tan honey ie pian by birth, Dow a banker iu Colorado Sowers and flee clover and buckwheat hart Springs. She was m.at tenderly bebv- t.tus tar yielded nothing. .d by her father. and it was tine of the The Y•rueU-()tib.s etas ha. ban aainsorrows .f bar Iateryearsthat 51r Hayem' p.o,tpr,enl, and it r mew genera': behgave!! health required her residence to be so tLw matter will never come up In court. but fu removed from ours." wlil Ian adjuled privately. Pr. P --ten is to rvooei ns an appolintnoent ill imperial service ill Ea"t .Arica. 14. will ywrol.ol.ly be entrusted with the etxnivaoi of an ezpr.ttion into the interior. A .b,iateb from Sankim says a hurricane swept over that piece recently. The .Wren den.otimbed the chimneys of the a at,er oust denser. causing • great scarcity of water. At St. Joseph Mo., the saber night, Mot JohnO'Mears,ho weighs leo 1te, roiled Dna ber ta daughter'. while asleep, and killed them both. The babes were three wealth* old. Large cargoes d Canadian cattle are ar- riving in Scotland, and a still greater influx is expected next month, charters laving been taken for the bringing of several thou - ands during August. Frederick Ikwglss, Minister to Hayti, who has pet arrive! in New York, says there were no Iidicatioos of another revolution when be left Hayti aid the ,. ap- peared to be web establisbe.t The Stevedores' Union in London has de- clared a boycott against tie cleaners of the Allan line, plying to Montreal. and the Wil- son and Hull and London anti Bator and New York. for employing toon•unfoa mean The mtnnt•cturing .. , .. of Fall Bine, Masa, have agreed to forst a cemubi- ton with the other cotton mills of New land and curtail the print cloth p-.duc. tiring the Last two weeks of August. W okcuttville, • German village ten .omtb-.mstof Lockport. N. Y., a lunatic nanw't Tago teat Paymaster Schultz wo v.•r.-'y with s shovel nal an axe that baits died iu the evening. The lunatic fled. The town of Hamm.rfest, Norway, has been almost totally destroyed by gni Th. Inbahitaute are Isnmeime tat in a atarr 1041 condition. Proviion@ and ciotbing have beam seat from Transom to the emu f.rars. The Queen ire presented a case of hanks to the library of the Toewsa Ilelvrdty. Amomi the hooks are thirty volume. of the history of Windsor (*.Missed amntber volume tells of **Great teal. of Eegi id. The gift hen ems ptiomal meta hnww. Two heavy freight trains on the M1lwen kws. Lake !More and Waster, nulroad col- 1,ded nearTigertown. WM., Firemen !hits and Buckley Brakemen ityymeur and an un- known brakeman waw* instantly killed. Both engines end nearly sal of the cars ere a total wreck. 11ne heal of ebsaction for divorce brought try Viednant Dank, sum of the Pari 04 Clan - tarty. ag•tase hie wife, whn. previous'," her tner-rtage, was known le Landon more halls se Bell Whoa, has npsrst.t la London. The crrrwgnmdeat M Isidore Wertheimer, a erealmy dealer in brk'-a-brae. The ttdsmes ,s as attsalues dental of the ch.sye• Ar.rman Sheep of ■ra.rerm wee Mato tailed M tits mart riot amt! Ibis death hes armed Ms Arm slesse 0, the bighaea pie•h of excitement The whole eonetry le M e state of anarchy Bwsbmw t. at a dilettanti. Travelling b lmprarrMa- Bi. Halt -.served Turk int a !biers anti Keras, ender the pretence of nrintafsi*g miler. petrel the roontry, plaiwle.ring whom- ever they go. The Persian Contet at Eros- mem restem offers she pee.ee'tte-d Arim ili•Ar am sw- ims in Pu r is Mrs Jefferson Davie 1n m letter to • friend in New York thus wrises :-"I am not surprised that you believe that out daughter V anna 'Winnie') is the only Ask For Ayer's IN PUBLIC NOTICE Sarsaparilla, sad W sate you get It, when you want the beat bktwl-purhllsr. 1 With its forty years -7 of neeasapied sir I - mesa is the cure a Blood Diseases. yon CAA musks no WO - take in profaning Ayer's Nary rrarata.. Sarsaparilla to uy other. The forsr•awr of mod- ern blood medlclaa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla 14 still the suet pop- ular, being la great- er defused than all others omitbined, •' Ayer's Sarsaparilla la selling faster than ever before. 1 never hesitate to recommend it." -George W. Whittuan, Druggist, Albany, Ind. to I am safe 1, saying that my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla far excel those of any other, and it gives thorough sausfac- teom."- L. H. Huse, Dos Molnee, lows. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills are the best selling tuediclues in my store. I can recommend them conscien- tiously." —'. Blckbaua, Pharmacist, Roseland. 111. We have sold Ayers Sarsaparilla here fur over thirty years and alwa s recommend ithht±n asked oto arae th beat blood -purifier." Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. " I have sold your medicines for the last Deveuteeo years, and always keep them in stock. as flee are staples. ' There is nothing so er s for the youth- ful L. Parker,, Fox Lake, Wis.par" "Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives the best satisfaction of any medicine or, have tin nock. I - he DocorsI prescribe it over the i counter.' t never fails to meet the cases for which I recommend it, even where the doctors' prescriptions have been of no avail." -C. 1. Calhoun, Monmouth, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, .atriEDD Cr De. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $l; .1* bottles. tis• Worth rs a bottle. GEMS OF THOUGHT. _FE THEBEBT GARTH&CO. BAKINGPOWDER -.ts.- FACTORY SUPPLIES LUIII RI61N1 w.et lee.. La id PIps Lame Pulley diene, conFrail Il S1seie lel, Prep. F ran OO �'1� ewe. wins ■Illy N• Alva _ Gees Sweaters, Dery aa/ L..ety Utsallis ian (M53M TitUM tA . I!1 -treated children and oopressed peoples are apt to have their reason and sensibilities dwarfed and blunted — Beiaricb Byron. Teachers sow in roan' minds, semi. whose fu'nees of bieesings ran oeter to known nor even estimated. What's moble calling.- Heinrich Myron. What agriculture is to the .oil. educa- tion is to men. How much trust, ther, may be taken from the uncultivated human mind l—Heinrieh Byrum. Lore the son of life 7 halt thy child in love and it will, like • 8owrr in tie broad sunlight, unb,Id and flourish oat urally.-Heinnch Byron. Means and need of cleansing utensils of the dairy as the important subject of an article in The t'r•airie Further. from which we excerpt • paragraph : "Th. beet and most thorough way to purify milt vessels is to plunge them several time. in a kettle or tank of water, which, through the process. a kept at • boiling temperature. We should al- ways bear in mind that the fungi and bacteria inbabiting milk vessels are of a microscopic character and seams which appear clean to the naked eye may in reality be teeming with one of the most minute and destructive forms of animal life." lolmnn'. R•urnI World considers the same matter intelligently, as follows, emphasizing a point nut refereed to in the above extract : "Never scald milk utensil. befcre washing, as scalding *111 make the ease Doe matter adhere in en insoluble form that can be remoyed only by scraping and scouring. Font rinse the article in cold water thoroughly; then wash In tep- id water that the hand can be kept in, wing a little alkali, and when well-weeh- ed and rinsed, scald with dean boiling water, and set aside so that it will drain dry-dop•t wipe it, as the trout. is like- ly to be cleaner than the cloth. It it ie a matter of necessity to wipe some arti- cles, use a perfectly clean cloth, that nothing else has been wiped with." t The longest time thus tar reported for an toe iridescent lamp to burn is 10.608 hours. The custom of lifting the het bad lfas origin during the age of ehivatary, whN it was ileo custom of knights never to appear in public except in full artn.s ; it became custom, however, for a knight, opens entering an assembly of fti•nda, to remove his helmet, signifying "I •a safe in the preset oe of my friends."' • ort■tate'. Perquisites The per.loisities of • minister's life are as agemeral thing overestimated. An old eilergyanan firmly believed this. who had received a tall to a small church in the eastern pati of this State, frim his much larger pariah in Ma s•cheeetts. A del- egation from the •here& was sent to erg, Aim to•co0pl the cell. H. mikes them what the sabry wen They replied that it wee about $800 a year, bet that the people were very gwoer0e a and were continually bringing in things to the minister. "Wall," said Ise, "1 don't wish to offend you, bat I meet pesitivdy deeline. And now let me rive you • bit of eq . : In my younger day. I reesived a cell to • eaaU pariah where, as in the are with your people, they were very Iib•enL It wae their onetime to always give the minister • ball of better whim they churned, sada quarter of veal whoa they .lanthtered ; i mem.ed the ea1L Th went along ea they were repremeted Bering the 6ret year. Atter that there began to be • failing off in their donations, Goth anon I received bardly nut]tktag. i began to make in - Nee day pariahanws told me i gave perfect satisfaction, bet the peo- ple had begun to nim their takes' And it has boos styerrs tensed the old aimatwr, ,that doa•timg parishioners soon beams 10 'ria• their eat y, ."-iewir4os, Me., Joh. THE KEY TO HEALTH. D.A.M%A KILLS ©° MratsuFACTURERS OF.FiNt ARRIAGE VARNISHES& APAtiS 4SILVER MEDALS AWARDED MONTREAL. CHADWICK'S LATRERQIR SPOOLtla Remote,TRURO " d ad ttebar lm& COTTO$ a ut tram For Nand ed TRUNKS ne Machine Lee. >. rb World. J. BTELB1GH&CO NIS h WEND& MONTRCA�. *sot rOR :T. et let Another targe consignment o Fresh Teas or superior quality. " In order to counteract the dis- , honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, nett Bank of Commerce, Squads. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. HOTEL BALMORAL. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, MONTREAL. Notre Dame let.. aae d thee mess esat'et a'1 it elegantly tar'Ub Hotelsto tars city. A000rsuudett0 for 40eguests. itwt«.tQ y WOODRI:FF, SE to;3 per day. , r anger PEADs. S r LEATHER +D BOAR 1 1.4 1211 fat Oath, .1. PALMER&SON R'holessle Imp'trs of DRUSCI.'TS' SUNDRIES 1743 KM 1111 lila, MONTR[AL. SOAP. Unlocks ali the cingted avenue* of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liar, o•rry ing.f` gradually without weakening the system. all the impurities and foal humors of the secretions; at the same rim. Correcting Acidity of the Sbomaloh, caring Biliousness, Dye. oft =burn.Headlichen. Dinghies*. Skin, Constipation; Dryness Minnow of Dealers in all kinds of 9l.ce4 Jetts>al �lslt ahead, LUAIBEH. LATH, SHINGLES arrdthe 3 N , , .. . sad •a. Aad builder's material of erery description. area Debility; all tii....nd meaty other =Diana'��" C°�''`�ld '' �` School Furniture a Specialty .nnerRL L' Ir Y Y .Y 1 1 s mane a es. sweiesae ttaMW& corgi PANY. Maanf.cture:s of ?S*LSTOS ■iLLSGARD steam Psettag. FRICTION PULLEY Mone, ri(. ire Pere.oTrianon RECKITT'S T.1 BEST FOR LAUNDRY US& PAPERS. Wreaks, Yatltgla, NEWS. -or jjoafis onsnlUIDBEEE ITHE GREAT TH GIVEN e00 jp�(gpOtiA Tinr ►ca1Cw � WARMIw6 (lstmrtasQMRAGf 1 A POWERFUL lkvIGORATOR RUNCIMAN BROS., Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WE HAVE ON HAM) 7011 8AL4: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- "' TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. Give th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. • — ' fREE " the d. fay •.• .4.4, *4.. 4niedn. * w enn eon...m ..ream nova swan M ,.a Leaner, so &bop . oah tare Mr- are ea. .nae. ma .t C.. arm. •s yob be. t. ser wan.•. a — en. ern. r ,yea any ..unser ..fan � ..a tis et WS Y+bAM =Saw mall orr n,4(5.15 mired . TIM ra lent tea dna. ea. gtira.aee We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. . It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. REPbIRH AND C &STINC3s O ' ALL KZN3Dl9_ j GE O_ E.ARRY- The Furniture Dealer. is selling all kinds et furniture at the lowest possible prioss, It Is a well-known fact that be s=zfzS cITi for ash. He is also the lading Undertaker of the town. Embalming Fluid always ke,Mesa band. He also n ekes* sloes t ot Picture teaming. Give hitt a call bawl* I Furniture elsewhere. and you will find out tat he does as ire says -sells cheap. slier de Senn eerttret wt.10la rook oiMoir sem.• raw e� /•fit �ae�e*� or cis apse ee tvil�asV at wren MtM arn.MM• 1,4 rr" `.4 �O Fr+ ( A ` {—„/ want naw. wa .eparta.rwaa r+sell w/sra stttr�sii sea !lea it wiuJtsrr a co» an • '". stoma y PLANING MILL ESTAllLlSNEO OS. Buchanan & Son, x 1 t• ri.-rt RSR* SASH, DOOR and BLIND GRAND _ .. PLEASURE EXCURSIONS 1 :r0 Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Pt. Hur- on, Goderich, Sand Beach, Tawas, Bay City, Saginaw and intermediate points. The Fast Steamer LORA, WIII,IAM ROACH Master, Name ooderlch as follows - purr 0oorr0. t rag. weer notnr4 WO. June 11, lJely 3, iI. le. r. July b. Il. !l. oft,IAno 1. If. •J . !t. Ang. 1. la. !t, >A $evc t, 13., 0. Sept. 7. ls. FARE: �h t�h and mane: listeand d only MLA. reg Trip may Idea. For further infnrenatfow applytto WM. LU, Agent, ,, t1. Goderich, Ont. HI RSTS PAIN E XTERMI NAIIIR WIJ. POSITIVELY CURE CRAMPS, PIIS HI TILE STIMICIi Bcwel Cetaptaints, Diarrhoea —1X'1 SUMMERCOMPLAINTS KEEP E HOUTSE. IN SOLD BY ALL Dr.ALERS. WATER ERVICFJS pat in with in thanking one and all for their past patronage he hopes to receive • continuance of the 3.5110. G -EO. BARRY, Hamilton-st- iron nr Black Iron Pipe, with Lead, Galvanized Adjustable Braes Connectiotdta. _— HYDRANTS Or VARIOUS PATTIMILMI , Moo, Oeetskiere Rihho Sinks. eraebsss, end all Me nraebns.nr,r at redness! prim.. Warsswe s near V Irtnrla Shr'eat Charon Firs! -(fit Nat al tM Siip, .. JAL; A DEL Ntfi NEW ARRIVAL Prescription Drug Store. NEW: GOODS ! -ol- JC/�k '1 �Q LATEST STYLES. Liquid Rennet, Cream of Witch Hazel, Recamier Freckle Lotion. White Heliotrope, Wood Vio- let and White Rose Perfltme, 25cte. per os.`_ Remnants to be Cleared Out. Perfect a - Fite and Showy Shapes. \N H. DUNLOP 11187- The West -et. Tailor The LATEST And BEST STYLE AND VARIETY 131:7 ar ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER, BILL HEADS, Eton, Ere et THE, SMALL I"T • PR11 OFFICE SPRING DS THE .TORONTO HOUSE, `/1wan 001 woe oma.,r► A.• ea .� a Wan art e.1 • dot �.. (,l •.L. O.u.a...r t-. • rel i".*4 no rant. we ren ,ANN .tr .e....,*. 5 b.*. .n a..• troNs oro d yr ot dor pet ..dye of rro tenni r.a-Ae, .y ...�11. ,w.ror a.�v., •Y.e w eel.-. eta 45- -..,. ..,as1 W. w e+r+e..AV.tel/ 'y1.~�tlea.aer P-P93:mcmitio. Blah a1 SI salt Blur Rtgeio at ne IrwiM=TATiMEE AT 11aYLf ' • • tor 3.�