The Huron Signal, 1890-8-1, Page 1,q41111011** ORIN6 ioods 4.0 )1044.6..C. OEVOTETI, couN NEWS AO GEN itataiGEN awORTT- tiOLS MUM& HE BOODLE? rlaca.foot AERS' PRODUCE on MM. large stock et FLOUR AND FEED. give him a call before going 2217- 411E11, SHOES GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, AUG. 1, 1890. . t t D. MoOlLiarDPT. Postmen'. A TRAIL g'41 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week teem names& All ademies notion in the keel columns of Tits Stow. of useetisige or ender. taints at which an aihniseitnt fa Aorta, or from Wed a pecuni- ary bent* i• deriaa, mite be paid far at the rote of oas cern per wont each iodation, no diary, las Owls tweettplies cents. Where ad - verbenas* of entertainsimas are treated a brig( local will k Own fres. .NDLESS VARIETY ka.oe Store !fP'. D Inn:2M tr; MARRIED. Itosann-Witoow-- Al the residence of the brides father Detroit Mic., es the tith ism.. by Rev Mr Dark weiL Maude. third trrLeit.rcit Mr David Masa. feraserly to Mr Jame Rosier. deieramr. Detroit. DIED. Miteneso.-la Dederick ea Tbursday. July !IDA. LOW Jam Mitchell. aged V years eimathe. The feral will take Maw from hie fatheri resident" illreek4e.. es 9sturday. Auis* 2d at HS *dock ph. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Teritale-E. N. Lewis. Nese-Poser Adenines. Olai Nested -Mrs GOITOW. B10,0610-0•0. W. Tbeenses, Deem Goode -J. A. Radek Bre ef Thanks -MC. lbaieber. Mere Pair-Tbso A. Brows ealeiseJ ifetlee-Q... Stewart. t.—sr Geol.-A. IL Pridhani. Gaiter Sale-Ridnerwhed ram. (rents -W. dolmens a ese. Phsishing-lismadere a Sea. egoassg Se Mee Make er !kyle, bet as Mee Tensest elheiceof the e Production ID footwear from all the • •.; ading Manufacturen kunioion. Prices lower time at say moon the Damian:a for.the same clese '71I4 rdered Work equal to the hea 1 Caall. SLOP WORE trt% ratty PAIR OCARANTRID. TOWN TOPICS. ehist•osesseg pe. Wentlobs. 41.' MIA hell prime it." A Rosa Pessiorr.-Tbe mom useful rot ego wake fo to e•• • Wirt Pea. Ap- ia Ll. MoOltliouddy. moat. Oederich. outdoor cornea. excellent photos and good. pictures Gee always be tot at Geo. wart's. Reasiltaset. and. the Square, Rode. b. Illimehante ana get their Rill Heade. Letter to-. to.. printed at this adios for very tile mare Lima they generally pat liar • . sod it helps to advertise their amd see saineles aad est prices latest ameity la the photographic aro 'She beet work that the camera can priv- ate always specialties with IR R. Sellown. itioa to hie regalei work. he done a dee line ie picture homing. .rs.oajuosrosUes to the rest The ng Inusinesa boo to move width the reel the procession, and it wiU be foetid always hat the omele' tailor. F. J. Petalum. his he cell as right-hand man la the if rust reek comfortable beam may be obtalsed by Ung -Mandan oLse=ylibruzatos are Udine. They will plane eetimeten for tee latest appeared sant- ary methods .1 plumbing. 01' Mating aod entilatioa. They employ none bat expert admen. and Enemata' their work equal to he heat. Davit hare these more important arse put in by Moompeiant Ines. it will cnit Tonna more to hare it done right. Aub Peuedere ft Son ter eres. ron may my* Feeney by eo doing. BRIEFLETS. Mrs E. Hodgkin and daughter are visiting in Hamilton. Mn Harry D. Arnold, of Owen Sound, Is visiting in towel. John Tighe of Oodsrich, is spending a few days in Hallett. Mies Mowat returned to her home in Stratford oa Thursday. Mrs Morrow left on Sunday last, per steamer Lora, on a visit to Saginaw. Miss Yates is visiting her sister. Mrs Richardsos, at the paronage, North pairing done Promptly tight. - eld.kt•,t1:.Vdd,1•W!!„,4 "'!".'' DOWNINCI Ca. Easost. and Square nederick 4, GRAND JURE EICURSI018 non, of Lecknow, spent • few town previous to leaving Chisel/10 Mrs Merry, of Rtratford, addressed the children 111 North-st. Methodist Sun- day abed last Sabbath. Mr Wm Knight represented Huron . , t 1%o. 28 at the session of the Grand Ennampment Mot week. Miss Ratson, of Loneon, England, is ailing at ths nisideoce of her relatives Mr sad Mrs T. Ronan. West street. Mrs M. L Turner, Litt/. Rock, Ark, =ag her third resemer seasos is , I by her (amily. Mr W. D. Oos, of Chiang°, arrived In tows es Mosday lest, and will remain with parents here for • maple of weeks. aaFalls, Buffalo, nrda, Detroit, Pt. Nur. oderich, Band Beach, la, Bay City, Saginaw ntermediate points, Dr A. Milton Humber loft os Sunday • ' bet, per steamer Lins toy Weet Ray City, KW, where he win base alit his shin- 11.. Comity high constable D. C. MacKay bit Wedowee*, aftermon on • trip to Moldiest, where he will mind a tow Mrs Beinesil Lyons sod Neater Avis 1 st RJO, are Odds, the • ether, Mrs Robert Hyslop, brie Reed. Kr and Mrs M. ' _'ret- est°, bars bees MAW, former'. presto, Oapt. sad Mrs Mostossery, duties the past week. Dr Hamden sad wife, of Detroit, re. teased to their home last week, after speeding the puM month as pests of Mr ssd ma, Napier street. • Kr W. Worse, at one thee modest - Of of the at this point. now of -44Detroit, arrived la town Teenier', sod treissated by may old friends. lass ?win at Mrs J. C. Katie sod soa are visitiag is Weeinarr. bliss Martha Cordite,. of Port Al- bert, was visoing freed. in tows duriag the past week. Mrs Glen and children. of Relfido. ere Hanoi in town the guest of bee ameba, Mrs Paammre. Mrs N. Weston left yesterday molls. Iii g to visit her daughter, Mn W. T. Tates, Winghssa. Miss Seam Steep, of Cinton, wet natio( is tows the past week the guest of Mrs Geo Stiwatt. Mr and Mrs P. Holt sod chili:MA lett on Thursday for • trip to Collingwood, Toronto and other places. Mrs Capt McKay Wt Thursday morn- ing for Ingersoll called thither by the death of her brother-inlaw. Mn David Wilson, Detroit, is visiting friends is Goderioh, sad is the guest of Mr Joseph Wilma, hayfield Road. Mr aod Mrs Geo. Acheson left on Wednesday for Peas Is1aud, Maine, w here they will remain for sane time. Mies Ethel Valuator left for tn. house of bet pinata, Stratford, yesterday n iorniag, after ',needing school here for the past eine rountho Mrs Merry, s., of Stratford, (Dieter of Kiss Morhenoo, of the Boy's Home) visited her daughter-in-law, Mrs W. H. Merry, miming here os Saturday and romeinine till Monday soon. SCISDAT SCHOOL Picoc.-The annual picnic in oonsootion with St. Giporge's Sunday school was held on Friday after- noon last in Binghan's grove. A large number of the ecisolan u weU as the teachers wen preeent. A series of nom were connoted and penes given. Sever- al games were played during the after - Doo.. AU retuned home well satisfied with the afternom's sport. W. cannot bet admire the taste and skill of our young townsman, Mr Geo Cookman, is dressing Mr A. window. It is in the shape of a large rockery, covered with moss sad fern with. miniature fountain playing in the metre. We have noticed his win- dow neatly dressed from nine to time, hot the present one, in oat opinios, ex- ceeds all previous attempts. Mr Andrew Denhohn, of ths Blen- heim Nen, was in town last week, the guest 01county clerk Adamson, to whom he i. related. Ile formerly owned the Kincardine Staiwiord, and atterwards the Woodstock StaNdard. He thinks Gode rich is an elegant "lay oat" in the sum- mer months, and doesn't wonder that tbe local newspaper men are willing to put up with small rotund so as enjoy the proud privilege of living here. Doxertose TO FIS. BitIODI. -The pele of &Word reciognized the value of the work done by the Goderich fire brigade, st the McEaan fah block fire by recently donating $27 to the funds of the organization. Messrs Saunders & Son also donated $15 to the brigade foods for the good work dons in pat- ting out the fire which lately broke out in their presumes. Secretary Belcher of the fire brigade returns thanks to the donors in another columu. AceiblINT TO CATTLE. —OD Friday last. what might have been a serious accident. occurred at the Fella RINIOCTS. In seems that ,our townsman, Mr Wm Bawden, pas out there purchasing tattle, and as the men were driviog a herd of over einhty across the bridge a little boy tried to cross frost the opposite side, which stopped them, when about thirty rot upon otte man and it gave way, let- ting them into the river. Five had legs broken, and had to be killed, but no other damage was done. The boy bare- ly escaped going down with the cattle, as he was left standing on the edge of the pier. ATTEMPTXD THUR.- A daring theft was attempted early on Friday morning last. At swot four o'clock Mr A. B. Davison was awakened, and upon lok- ing round saw • man on his knees near his bed, trying to get momethifor out of his clothes. The man succeeded is get- ting what he wanted, when Mr Davison realised what had taken place, and fal- lowing hint to the hall, caught him and demanded his mosey, whit+ was a onm given up. The would-be thief has bees in towu for about two wees, and has been leading people to believe be was a poor man. It was found that he had a horse and serrisce engaged from a livery, and wasted to me it about five o'clock on Friday mornin. Etroor 1himannto-0e Thursday, July 31, we were shown a maniple of vneg Wain, harvested at the fans of Mr Fishee, Colborne township. Harm Comty, as tbat day, which is the earliest 'prise wheat arop mer fully masted asd harvested ia aMa. The earliest recorded harvest a spring wheat is that of two years goo on the Exper- ismatal farm. Onsets, by Prof. limaders when the date was the 9th of August. Tbe ample just hervested by Mr Timber is the celebrated "Ooloesda," which he percheeed from our townsman Mr %Num Burrows, the well 'mown Hamil- ton -at. ssedessee, and of whisk there are moray excellent Gelds is thie swim, het sane quite so far advaseed as that of Mr Maher, alshough mostly all will be eat aortae lb' =Shift week. The head ie Wye and fell, eon,, rood, and there is sot the slightest evidence of rest, meet, or saythIng detrimental. The intrados - tem el insA • shwa of wheat tato the sestlois will prove of great bonsai to the fuming eriemsetty, and Mr Bermes deserves great eretlit toe his esterprise In istrodoeing it to this locality FROST \/IEW MAIN BLDG WESTEO FAIR LONDON.O. rwrgailykij.01 •4114 4 _ • I.;!11,11 .1 1110. „IJ „ • 11 IJI , t 111,11 'IIItlIl,I ‚1 '55 H• sSiis igi 111.1, 41511'" 4 .rott- In drawing Ib. attention of our readers te the ad ..1 in this issue of the Western Farwhich takes plots at London, SopL 18th to 27th, w• might remark thet those wbo attended the last Fair, in 1888. were no doubt surpris- ed and delighted with the architectural and picturesque . , presented by the boildiags and grounds, as well as tn. lane number and quality of the exhibits and attractions. This year the directors ars doubling their efforts to make the Fair more attractive and instructive than ever. The prize liet has been improved is the Agricultural. Horticultural, Live Stock and Poultry Departments, and special attention is being directed to the Mil. Building, which will be supplied with shafting, enabling exhibitors to manu- facture goods lo view of the public, thus proving a source of itistructiSn and en- tertainment. They have also arranged for several special exhibits from the Agricultural Farms of the Dominion, Ontario, Man- itoba and North-West Governments, and the Iodises of Ontario, but me that will be more interesting perhaps, owing to its rarity Coot having been shown in Canada beton). ie that of the Southern Inter - States Immigration Bureau, representing 14 of the United States. This exhibit consists of growing cotton ; figs all they grow on the bosh ; rice as it grows in the fields of the Carolinas ; peanuts as they are taken trom the gronod in Vir- Mr aeon. Wells, at old and well- known residoot of this section, died at his residence, Satford, on Timidity last. He had been ailing for some time. Mts. Minnie Acheson returned last week from attending the closing of the Ontario Lsdie a Colleoe and visiting friends in Toronto, Picketing and Wing ham. Mies A. Hepburn, who has been spend- ing • couple of weeks in town, the guest of Mrs Jou W. Vomiter, returned to her bane ia Stratford yesterday morn- ing. Oilskin News Record: Lawyer Proud - foot, of Goderich, was in town las. l'hursday. He had been driving through Monis and other rural sections north of here. Dr Stem, of Manitoba, who formerly taught school in this section is now visit- ing relations in Huron. He has jost returned from Europe where he has teen visiting the hospitals. bfr John Breckenridge, B. A , of the firm of Breckenridge Bros., architects and builders, Norwich, Conn., paid a visit to his uncle, Mr John fireckeoridge of this town during the week. The ceiling of Miss Watson's room, St Andrews Word School, is to be a pine one, the Board at a special meeting oe Monday having awarded the contract to Mr M. C. Swamun. Mr Mahafry's mill team, Port Albert, made • break from Goderich station one day last week, and rao up East street at a lively rate, finally reached the hotel stable without damage. The amount of claims entered in the Division Courts of Huron during 1889 wee 973,676, or about one dollar per head of population, which shows that our people ars not very litigious. Misses B. and L. Livingston, of Listo- wel, have hem the guests uf D K. Strchan, VietoriasL, during tbe past ample Of itheitil, and ere enjoying the lake air sad other attractioes. C.O. F, -The Rev Mr Holton will preach a sermon to the members of Court Ooderieh No. 32., C. 0 F.. on Sunday morning, the 10th of August, members Isa. C•staid. Court. cordially invited. Last week Constable Yule received instruetiona to arrest, on a charge of larceny, • coldrimined spectacled cloth- es wringer repairer, who hail hers here in the oompany et a bug haired pawn seediene• fakir meetly. Arne BA a -A Tercet° bylaw, preemembly is sideraiity with statute, provides in 81 Lunettes Market regula- tions, that wIteo apple barrels shall be se neer cylindrimi as may be, tin mane of melt barrels shall be in length 27 imbue Isa. eroe to erne, with heed from 164 to 17 Wishes 5.gaiNtSWit." ILOAAT Excouow.---A Imp party of yowls ladies and gmailemen from Chutes, I by their Oederieh friends sunned • strioWight mhos Lake Huron remodel meolog lest. After load- ing ib. party _partook of se mealest Iamb at Kr Sd Closepoicas reebtereat, sad 5041 10, home Seise people may that Dr D.'s ionises vers lade. ',tamable ea board. -„,iirsz,•••7 gime; products of the. ca Georeia ; °expels made from the leans of the pine and vanom woods of the South ; precious minerals, medicinal herbs, plauts, and many other products of the Southern fields end gardens. The live alligator of Florida is also in the collection, and numerous instructive specimens. London is the only place they exhibit in Canada. The speed programme for the horse ring has been greatly increased, reeking it the beet they have ever yet offered, which will insure a large attendance of the beet horses in Canada. The special attraction committee have been alive to the p3blic dowsed for this branch of their enjoyment, and have already secured some of the beet drawn./ attractions of the ag, to be had tor ony, such me the famous Wild West Show, Balloon Races and Parschute Descets, splendid Fire-worka, the great Ioternational Bench Show of Dgs. Mr, and..rediligsotly oorreeponding for others, so that the public may expect a treat the equal of which hu not yet been their itood fortune to witness. It is desirable that these fain should be maintained for the good a all classes, but especially the farming community. as they afford an opportunity of seeing many improve- ments in field and geode° products. Don't Iona the date of the London Far, and go to it. The Secretary, Mr Tooa. A. Brown, will be pleased to an- swer any . I I P.M Mrs Lleo. Jessup, of Chicao, is visit- ing friends in town. TZXPElt•PICZ. -roe Young Woctimee Christian Temperance Cake will h Ild its regular monthly waning ou 111,tnie, August 4t1*, at 7 30, at the house uf Mrs R. Henderson. )(emers aud others interested tothe won are invited to be present. G•kla...'t PARTY. -Tito garden party held in connection with ot bleorges church, on the rectory grounds ou 1 um - day evening last last was largely attend- ed. The evening was very Eno and the refreshments were all that could be desired. Everybody thoroughly enjoy- ed themselves at the gathering. Alderman Win. Hepburn and wif3, of Stritford, accomoanied by their sons, Masten John and Willie, left town Sst- u rday last, having spent a couple of week s holidays in Goderich. Mr H. was highly pleated with his stay here, and thinks Goderich is an excellent sum- mer resort. Blotio.a Tem -The Fornet City 'Cy cling Club, of London, start on tbeir an- nual tour on Saturday next, and will reach here Sunday eailbg. We un- derstand a number of our local bicycler' will run down to Bayfield to meet them and scocompany them to Goderich. The London boys will leave on the home trip on Monday at 9 am. Oart-On Thursday afternoon Saah, widow a the late Malcol n McPhail, departed this life, after an illness of nearly four yean'daration. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from deosased's late readapt*, Rev Dr ('re offciating, and Messrs F. F. Lawrence, Ja• Addison, Wia Craig, sr., N. Weston, Jag Craigni and H. W. Ball being the pall bearers. Mrs McPhail, who our- lived- her husband a little over eight years, Icons four children, two a them les• than ten years old, who it is to be hoped will be cared for until they get old eriough to do for themselves. A PLIAAANT Tonic:. —The following will be read with plower. by the Court- house "buttermilk brigade" : -'Letnon- ads and buttermilk are as good as any- thing drinkable that you oan find this weather," said • Cincinnati physician re - reedy. "They both are graat things to qesoch thirst. 'They both aet as a pleas ant tonic to the Moteash sod they h••• a stimulating quality. But the, should not be drank iss mid -that is, bits of lee should not be is the goblet. Let them be as eold u ths is. chest or refrigerator ems make them, bit Dot more this that." we is A Bo; Exeonatom.-Mr Kska, sta ton agent at Wessels, who mese yean brm2rrowthi in nthteW0. Rhand L 5* .hin.4eseerdm5 ° H. * B. R., was ie town last weak vet - testis. i for a mammoth eseurasini au Taimelay next. • base ball t between elan frame Brawls Wiegliami3Oorrie end Mato. will be one of the features of thetil car. and • Morose, nab* win a/so he pat betweee • team from Bremen and Jeans, Heroes of this town. With tee wombar there to be a large erowd, bed we tblsk 111 who IMMO will agree that Goderish10 the prettiest toss ha (heads. ndies Berajautim. lead* soprao, of St Thomas' church, Belleville will sing in St George's Aura Sunday evening. Mosday Jostles MeGans, Cliton, seat up a tailor named Gay. hailing from Oshawa. to Goderioli for ten days' recto - &time at Dioksoa castle, for vagramy. Dr M. Nicholson, the Weet-et. &Mist, makes the . of the natural teeth a specialty Gas administered from 9 a.m. fur the painless extruction of teeth. Pnor. Tanvoa's Concsao.-There wee a lair attendance at Prof. Trevor's con- sort in the Palace Rink last Friday seep - in. The atones. bp the singing class, which emaisted of twelve gentlemen and wooly -two ladies, were on the whole very well rendered -tie, accent sad expreasion bang goed-but the parts were sot sweaty blanced, the alto and tenor parts being too weak for the other parts. However, the reoderiog showed that the Wage had bees carefully trained. MissThoism ed mpresidat the organ Arieng the reederiog of the choruses with undoubted ability. Miss Hearn, of Clinton, possesses a strong voice, well ender coetrol, and was de- servedly encored at each of her numbers bliss Nello McHardy showed herself to be a brilliant pianist. Her touch Irma charming and her eaeiration fine, and by her attention to dynamics brought out the line points of her selections te the admiration of the audiece. Am an accompanist to the soloista she was perfectly at home. and appeared to reeognimi and supply their every want so far as au moompas- panel could do. Bell's grand upright piano was well tested by this young lady during the evening. Our local talent, Mews Belcher, Le Tomei and Porter, also rendered good service during the *vetting. Prot Trevor suomeded in workine op a large class during his stay here, and • wish was expromed by his pupils that hit return again at any time that would snit hint to further prosecute the work of tuition whioh he inaugurated here. ENTRANCE EXAMS. Additional treadmases wee ran monad Mr Seittwel sus weer. The following candidates who failed in om subject at the High Sahool Entrance Exam. were recommented by tee local board and have been passed by the Edu- cational Department: (mouth to Mamie Dickson, Goderiah Ora Wilkinso, Archie Dickson, Herbert Hutton, Arthur Young, 44 Dollen& Henderson, 8.8.No, 150141881d WIlden Fisher, 8.8. *.s. 2, Colborne Nelson Malloy, 8.8. No. 4, Colborne John McEvoy, Ooderich Separate f3enool axinran. Lsurs Willhaa., Zurich Public School William Johnston, John Kibler, Vinlie Clarke, Exeter Public School Dow.iessow. Annie Blake, 8.8, No, 9, Ashfield Jennie Jardine, 8 8. No, 6, Ashfield Elisabeth J. MoNsy81 8, No. 7, Ashtield Geo. Brophy Separate Sethi, W. Wish Wm. J. Webster 8.8. No. 5, Ashtield Public School 44 a/ 41 41 44 60 61 ASHFIELD. nova our own The hay crop is an exceedingly good one, and the greater pert has been homed in fine style The fall wheat in this community Is of first quality, and the best we have had for years. Farmers are now busy tout- tiag it. The recent rains have greatly improv- ed the spring wheat and root crops sed there is every appearance of plenty for man and beast. Last Friday storming a heavy thunder storm passed over the western part of this township, Huron .and Kielce., and the liglitniag set lire to several build- ings. The quarterly savage and love feast of the Ashfieid Methodist circuit will be held at Blake's appointment next Sab- bath at 10 a.m. The Ashfield Methodist circuit has twelve local preachers doing active ser - ice on the circuit. If there is another emelt that has more than that we would like to hear from it. Eiward Bosnian, Morris, has over 160 tons of hay this year. Last Sunday Willianothe Infant son of Wm. Barrio, Morris, died, age 10 months and 15 days. Intelligens* tea jest bees remind is Dungannon, of the death id Mr J. Duru- m, of Dakota, bat formerly of that plum Mr Thos. Black, Zest Wawanosh had the misfortune to have his shoulder dialo- oated on Friday last, by falling through a hay rack. The 100..,,. farm, belongisg to the estate of Goo. Tate, 1711* m_ Grey has Demi purchased by 'rhos Melredesse. a near neighbor. The prkie pabl was 13.- 640. A linnet farewell party et young tate was held at W A Calbieles Brussels, lase Teesday firming le view of the removal of Miss Annie Whack te British Colmar his. A rasher% leaf was pulled ia Conseil - ler Stranhaies gerelse, QINISII serest, Besesels, es Wednesday, that amesured 2 fest 2 leeks. in width and I tea • b. am is kook. AT THE HARBOR. Friday, Jaly 26M-Schr. Mary 8. Gordos, Walleoeburg, hoops and Diane for Cb.. Bates. Satrdsiy July 264-11te. United Empire, Santis, sod 'relight. Sunday July 271h-Str. City of Wisdom, Deck Wands. freiht. Str. Logs. Detroit, freight. Scow Corbin, Sant. light - Monday, July Stitch -Scow Pansfore, Port Frank, 7,000 feet of lumber foe Jos Williams. Sehr, Kane, Providence B•y, 100, 000 feet of lumber for H. Sewed. Tuesday, July 291h-Str. City oC Windso, Detrit, freight. Str, Lora, flarinew, and freiht. Wednesday, July 30th -84e. Canto panto Sanaa, sad freight, and DitrARTILD. Saturday, July 26th-Str. United &o- pire, Duluth, • and freight. Soho Mary S. Gordan, Golden lighL Sunday, July 27th-Str. City of Windsor, Detroit, and freight. Ste. Lora, Saginaw, . „ aad freight. Soho Fannie Campbell, Spanish Riv- er, light. Tuesday. Juzisi2litih-Str. City of Window, Duck .1 and freight. Sir. Lora, Dame, freight. Soho Knen, Kismaelie, to loed salt for Collingwood. Wedoesday, July 30th -&r. Campsite, Duluth and height. :torso. The Goderich gun club is getting a yacht rigged out to go sailing instead cf shooting. LEM_ RN. From our own correspondeat Roy Father West, P P., of Goderiaa, visited amoog his parishioners here hiss week. A raising of an addition to the barn of J 0 Chilton was had the other eveing, the work of the tending being nada' the direction of the Dunlop architect and his junior foreman Reseal \Ideate. DUNGANNON rrom our own correspondent. Mr Wm Begley, oordainer, restored from here to Blyth on Monday, 28th, to fill Ins new position as foreman. Mr Joseph Maliough, farmer k Ash -- field, near Dungannon sold 3 two-ye steers, &oohs; 1200 lbs, GD Wednes- day, the , to one of our cattle kin Mr E 8 McLean, of West %Vew, Mr Mellough is • young farmer and hie deserves great praise, as he fully intends to keep pace with the tmes, in raising good stock, as they pay beet. He ob- tained a handsome sum for them. ['The reinainder of this budget has been unaccountedly AUBURN. From our own correspondent Mr Jas Yam/ a this plate has beta appointed marriage licence oommissia- er. He states that the fint young man that buys a marriage licence from him ne will bey his wife • good large wash- tub. We hope to see some one of our old bachelors get • hustle on. The quarterly Genies in with the Methodist church will take place next Sabbath morning, when the sacrament of the Lords Supper will be dimmed.. The recent rains have done a power of good in oonnection with the late oat orop, and the root crops hare also bests revived, aad everything in the line el vegetation is now in a . octal - non. Mrs Atkins and her eon Will vlMisd friends here om day last week. I. N. Cassaday and wife, of Greed Raoids, Michigan, viited the old home- stead last week. COLBORNE. rroni our owe Haying is almost through in this via. sky sod fanners are starting to cut their grain The wheat crop is very fair in this motion. Measles hays again visited as and hi a iaore severe form that they did before. Berry picking is all the r, around here now; there are very few,however. The two Misses Stevens lien retun- ed to Clinton after a visit to friends at Beniniller. Mr Robt MoConnell and his sister were the gmeta of Kr Asdrew fiddle on Bandar last. Mr Geo Gledhill, of Parole, son of Kr Jamas tiledhill, who was 'otiosely a resident a her*, la the guest 045*. m., Kr Thai Gledhill. stooswork of Mr Pframmer's new grist mill ie now onspleted mod the from• is being erected. It promises to be agocd mill and will grestlizaiiszesese the of that small • as Mr Ilrareuier le so seesgetso atm he wall posh the benne« along mei Visite good work wheal it is eemplitea. ` • !!6^ )•," % • t n A- • 11: • Ire